Item C1 BOARD OFCOUNTY COMMISSIONE16 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARN Meeting Date, Wlyj,��,-20,111.4 Divisiow--J)el�gty Bulk, fteirn, "Ves ,X. No Deparunent: I-Abrary SWfr("ontact Person/1"hone, 4°Norrna KUhl f x734-9 AGENDA UFENI WORDING. Approval of Monroe County PUblic LH,')n,.lry pallid I pation in a grant- fundctd j''wo'lect to digifize, high schoo� yearbooks into as DV D lbralat d:l, no cost to participating libraries. ITEM BACK("IMUND: ScT attached. The Monr()e Count,v Florida History Dcpartment has, approxialately 100-120 yearbooks, daled prirmarily from lhe 1920*s to �hc 1980's., ftom KWIIS,l leae I larris School, Mary Inuruiculale, and Frederick Douglass. This; is an opportunity to preserve this part M'Key West history on DVDs, with a10 COSt tug LIS, —AC"ri(—)N: N/"A— (..'ON"I"RA(,,r/,A(.REE',Mi�N'I' C.IIAN(;ES: N/A S'l"AF'I,' I�E(.','OMMENI')A"rIONS, Approval TOTAL C'OS'l'---l- BUDGE"FED. CIOST TO COUIN'TY: N/A SOURCE Of" FUNDS: 11EVENIT PlZOD(JClN(;- ,,N./'.A. AMOLATPER MON"I'll-- Year APPM)NIED BY: Cot ai ty A t�v N4 BA'Urcl'iasing Risk Management DOCUMEN'TATION: Induded NotPC(jLlilVd., AGENDA HTNI Rcvked a 1/06 I MONROFJIM JN`Fl( BOARD Ol, C(')IJN'F'Y' CON4'�VIISSI(')Nl",RS C.'ONTRACI SLJMMARX Cl'onrac,t with OCI ('on NN/A FA,f%,tive Dwe" I!pon mXWion Ll'xpiration Date �a tt'i as Yreement Conlract Purpose/Descriptiom of'school',yearbooks in the Florida...I hslo De m .—partment mti., DVD lor at at no cost to Ll,-je Libnury .......... Contnict )Aanager �aaaaaaaa aal.a .......... 7149 Library 4,23 (Narrle) At) (Department/Stop 4) -for BOCC nwefitq! (�)n Ju�y 16,, 2014 Agwn&i Deadline: ,Julv �,, 2014 7-- 1 CONTRACT O)STS Tou,d Dollar Va.dlle (11'Contract: 'S N/A urrent Year florflom $ 00 .. ........................BUdgeted? YesC No Ac u m (co "0CIC"', Grata:, ("ount), Matcha ADDITIONAL COSTS FISTinuited Ongoing Costs -()()-/yr Im U�N(i��nd=ded un (JoHar vahic above) (ee IMImWellffl)Ce, L16h MUL Salaiies, etc.) .',o iaRACT REV I FW' Changes Date Oul )toal I'll Needed ,y, Division Dijreox,.,m, Yes[ N(,)[­Z� lZisk Management Yes[..] NOE"]' rC Q.......... CK ising aC i 7� n I y A t I o n It e y Yes Cc,imi'mats- OMB Form Revked 21/'27A) MCP t`12 hol CORREC71f-, Please read this agreenrerrt� befor�,i, using our servlces, [,,�y "'J�r"ginlig ti'Js (J',OCL,H1'WT10,o f (XJ :,rerrjrfi�,��Jan ro rn,0,,,e of ihtr.. yc.srb(..'�aks ouch th�rs undeMnIng that I sviH receive a nopy of the Haps on Mos) at no cost Mer the proyct is cart pked WM love the books renHned in the same DxWqQn as wait then't, I Conn'xtiond Wsales 4 a pwl of OkAhorw's Depmawnt of Carmcbons and O'if. usecl is parvAed by do offender popw=on.Me yeaanoWs "NH be scanned W cohr at 300 DPI and savo:i V jpeg format Mch 4 cunsklered pubHsher quaHty, 00 resswei; the rjht to use any brages A acquKes for ?w ornpose ('sf archive. 't Is our h, use those imagenas a cuLwsp of husiness NAN, may, u; may mnalssow to distdbute rhern ks othu6 OCJ comphen Mi any and aH fedem! copViow laws and Feguhhons, Q you do not acceo We reuns and candqW, p9me do rat me our SFTVQ Your use of die onv0s that 000r6' 1Jides conhrmns yaw acceptance of the teuns and condhican set fomh in Ink agreement, Thank you fOr YGUJ� PcWnJ�`),,iiun in -nir.,°°r,earLmof, on P�i,rty r if A,g "n e lei a.,r,,! fla rf srr qOq 52X4825 V, KAI Now n docs lafp.ok.us Daie", �i�ii ' f r j l t the top is an as taaa°hed reference and newspaper clippings, We eaaa,a tiraa e fibraries to share this experience, Please fill free to call all and if you need more references please give me as call as we have maU.ndred m Wealso encourage everyone who is on board with the project to reach out ffi other libraries and share their experience. I hope to hear "mesa You oon! We are contacting you in regards to as ` projec we're doing to digitize the Ifigh School yearbooks at all of the libraries, historical societies, and high schools in your state. even pay fees. the shipping and handling. The followirig s an, a:aa.,lthrie of our pa°^,ograa.ln that we have been doing nationwide forthe pas p,ast 2 years. To daatEa we have had over 1000 high schools,a libraries,au s, and historical societies participate in our, praadrairn airaa: we hope that this will be as interest o you and your staff as s well, Me Yearbook f1roject came e aa. ►a Lat after it was brought toa aatw attention that high, schools aaaaa,I local libraries thlMlghout 01dahoma as losing their yearbooks, Sorne were baling destroyed by natural dis,i aters,„ and others were being destroyed by people cutting images out of thern. Deems they are cheese or aµ aaaaaaa ed it is nearly aaa a:a sibl e to replace thern and, these yearbooks are irreplaceableda.,aaaaause of their historical aalue ;,Hone, The Raaaa:ord 2 Conversion and Digital Imaging departryie "its also use this progralli as an advertising toot to highlight the quality of work we do here at OCL There"s no obligation for our other services, we would jLlSt hope you keep US 111 MIMI if YOLi ever do need them, OCI is a state agency lo(:,ated in Lexington, ffidahoma. Our Records Conversion department has been in bLISIness for' thirty (30) years and consists ofthree a!ireas; Data Entt)(, Digital Iniaging, and Image Review & Verificatioll. V These include; the Department of Education, Department OfflUinall Seivices, Departnient of L,abor, ,rhe Oklahoma SupreMe ("ourt, and the Attorney General's Offic(.a, just to narne as few'. If you WOLdd like to visit our web site it is We understand that yearbooks, especially the older ones, can be very fragile, We take every precaution to ensure that uaua damage comes to your YE�arbooks while in our dada. Our overhead non-a: estr°'uaa.t ve scanning method ensures that yom-yearbooks are not damaged and that they are reftimed in their original condition. You can view sarnp e yearbooks and read about our Non I.)estructive Scanning by clicking on itfie following finks: (I" f-w , t or Nk nj e tnjctive 1' e yearl ooks S at-e scanned at 300 dpi and saved in as [jpeg] forniat, Meaning, they are done with Publisher Quali�y so that-, libraries can digitally reprint any books, just as few pages, or- a single irnage from the DV'D for auiyone who would like a copy. When the process i I s complete, you,r yearbooks will be preserved in as digital forrnat that is organized and searchable for future generations to enjoy! LA AMR NO err yur Benefits. * Arciiival purposes * Preservation practices * Reduces storage space and cost ProteCltrjon ofvaluabhh and irreplaceable rnaterials 3 * Ability to provide flill or partial reprints from the DVD final product, * DVD PMVWE easy access and viewing of scanned material DVD allows viewing without physically handling the original material N s -book 1")r oject to libraries participating in the Yeat The only thing needed to be done from your side is for you and./or your staff to box thein LIJ-) (no niore than 20-30 in a copy-paper size box, please). 'rape the seWrely and make two inventory sheets, one for yourself and one to N! Bout irl the box. You'll then all me and let nie know how many boxes you have and what day you would like scheduled for pick- up. We will take care of the rest with FED EX I will 5,&! WLULCII Wm wifl. At that same thne I will eniail you our This allows OC11 t�o provide this service for you., After the earbooks are Y scanned, they your library within S-6 weeks along with a set of' DVD's c,ontaining each ye�irbook. Whether YOU have only a ft?W Or' IlUndreds, we would [)e happy to be of'service to You. In addition, if"YOU MIOUld fike to contact ,the area high schools and add tug )701,11- CUrrent collection, \Ai,e will provide a second set of DVIlYs to he re with the schools (also free) and their books would be rEuWrned to you. Just be sure to let us know which school(s) to include an extra set for. Getting your yearbooks digitized with OCI is a hassle free, safe and easy way to digitally preserve your valwlble yearbooks. If you are interested in having your yearbooks converted into a digital format at do c(:ust, pleaW contact nie at (405) 527-4848, between the hours of 8:00-4:00 CS"For e-mail me, at e Also, feel freeto ................. ...............................................-, ['01"Ward t his ma it t o any area Bronches or Direct ors in. o yur b r bar,y, stern so that they inay benefit frorr) this offer as well, Tlmnk you for your time, Daniel Tucker Yearb(,)ok Project ('4,05')-527-4848