Item C2BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: lyly 16,2914 Division: ELn2loyeg Services Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: Human.Res urces g Staff, Contact Pcrson: Teresa Agajar X4458 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution to amend the, Personnel Policies and Procedures, Manu,al. ITEM BACKGROUND.- In accordance with County Code, the Personnel Policies and Procedures Review Board is to review any and all proposed changes to the policy prior to presentation to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. The Board is made up of three members elected by the Employee Relations Committee, one supervisor, one middle manager, one Division Director and the Director offluman Resources. T'he Board met on various occasions and has voted on these changes for your approval. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: 'rhe last revision to the policy was approved by the BOCC on April 17, 2013. CON,rRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: NIA INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COSTTO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No�— AMOUNT PER MONTH..,,.,,-- Year R)lx APPROVED BY': County Art OMB[Purchs� , RiskManageffil i'" ' DOCUMENTATION: Included X - Not Required AGENDA ITEM RESOLUTION NO. -,2014 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUN'ry COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. WHEREAS, (";`cat nty Code requires that any proposed changes be reviewed by, tile Personnel Policies and Procedures Board prior to presentation to the BO("(. ft)r approval; WHEREAS, the Personnel Policies and Procedures Bow-d met on 9/25/12, 2/6/14, 4/14/14, 4/2 8/14,, 5/l/14 and 5/22/14 and reviewed the proposed changes; wid WHEREAS, the Boar d of (.,'bunty Commissioners approved a change to Section 7.01 C (1) on 5/1/14 to no longer allow excess annual leave to be rolled over into the employee's sick leave balmice and that such leave will now be lost if'not used before April I" of each year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ot'County Commissioners of'Monroe County, Horida, that effective immediately: 1) The Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures shall be amended as follows: INTRODUCTION: INSURANCE I Yl I I I Y I' I 'F I N In accordance with the Monroe Comm,, SafetN, Poh6es and Procedures, and CoUnIN, I I I Administrator Instructions, the Monroe ('ounry S4fei--A-etit".t 1,-"fd 1`i w 24 b �� S, COM1,111ttec finictions to prevent accidents through review of accident/incidents reported to the Human Resource Office, and recommends safety -related pohcics and proccdures to tile 44. ft, ("'ounty Safcty Office. 'i4ilt"4,,,,-I���q"",tt"ct,�,�-Hktt",itf!'%"(w^i,�,�.tt,e4 -*'f 4ef—dovvit-- Ili 44it 2.02 POSI I I JON CX)MROL ........... A. All positions in the COLITIty Service are established and tnaintained through as budget each fiscal year, lltl---it(,,�oittL4fit,a,i!----,iisllf4,itiro,,)tec,-(,it,",N,-.a.11112p.L�.ef ... by the B(:)ard of ("'OU11tv 3 Commissioners. BThe establishment of new 4,,tr additional positions,-(121 n hours of "AC cart only lac aUfliorized by the Board Of ("OL111tV Commissioners and the County, Administrator, subject to adequate justification of need and availabiliry (,.)f fimds, F"stablishment of Emergency Disastcr positions on as year to year basis do not require the prior approval of the Board of County ("otntnissioncrs. The personnel in these positions will be Resdution Porsonnel P&P 7/20,14 trained and utilized on an as needed basis befi,)re, during, or alter ant cincrgency or disaster and will be paid for by the Hurricane Account F"unds. Posit on�,; crc,,,tred A, �n, ;W ter) otaj,.y I I uS as descr F�cxj b(I'Acm, n 01 B f")4&A _t, The i )t,a 1 1111 _1,:L�L AL!U2C.J3oard of'(:( Ir ty Cot - IS"IMICTS 3.02 PQ ITI()N A 7IM71' QC17, ) ',RF, "I'lle Courity Adritinistrator is charged %xith the responsibility (..)firtifiaria g position audits of any or all COLUIty service positions at any fitne. Ott -ter positl I (,)It audits stray be initiated by wriacti request to the County Administrator froni the Department Flead Cir the Divisioll Director in which the specific lx)sidon is located, or thC 41CUrnbent of" the position to be audited, All requests must Ix approved by the L)ivision Director. Position infortnation will be gained through coniptction of a mJPSSIT)cnt I , ool I)v the incumbent or by the Supervisor cd� the Position if the position is vacant, and through field studies of" the positin,)hi, which tnav include a lxrsonal visit wifli the pcasiti(nl incumbent by a rcprcsentativ(,.� of the I ILItnati RCSOLITCCS OfCC, Tiu: applicable 11 1 )cpartirlent and Division Direvc�r should review and tnakc rccommendations to dic (.'outny Administrator through the Human Rcsources office (,)it all proposcd new positions, changes, and positicni descriptions, .L- tN!ajL B(2)i. if the apphcant's training, cxpericncc, education or other qualifications arc sut)stantially above those required f(,-)r the position, the County, Administrator may apj-,)ro%rc ettiployment at a rate above the mininnun established fear' the class. I'lic need to stake appointments in cxcess of the minimurn shall re quirc wtittert pustific-,atjon that shows the prospectwe ctnployee's education, experience, and unique corripetencies are, directly related to the position. S 11 pnnts a 30 yL,,ir and fOr above cniD jg% el shouLd t,,akc, d1lis ifut,) cc,gat s, dcnat-'on whcn rcc,)in m ti,1211L.�,K ,kIAeate; of directly, rclaicd Crue, 4,08 SALARY' RAM t,,, ............... No sakty adjustment shall be apprOved urfless there is availability of finids, and must be iustified in writing by the Division f lead an(fapproved by the County Administrator. All requests for salary increases shall be pr(,Xessed throtigh the 11tunan ReSOLITCCS OffiICC and the Division of Budget and Finance for re%,iew and deterrriination of compli.ince with the (.., , ounty policies and procedures and budgetary control. In most cases, cornpletion of the j be used to justify the increase. Anything not covered on the PI( should be further detailed in mcnio ft,)rrnat by the, departn'ient. Resolution Personnel P&P 7/'2014 2 .S.( 4 QYERML )R .... . ..... ------ It is the general policy of Monroe County not to compensate fi,mr overtime those employces classified as 'exernpt', frorn the F'atr Labor Standards Act. Howcver,_,i D'% s cin 1) i " r(,'," c " im ' , "' t ' , Division F rcq Couy )r-or the nt) Adn-�nistrator tft--hi-f may approve compensatiort for ov'ertinie, cither in compensatcay titne or pay, for, an exenipt eniph.,)yee who has been required to work unusually large arnounts of ov,ertime, such as duringa disaster, etc. 5�05 �Jfl,,,A .V F'niployees clas,sified as regular full time will receive a total of one hour for ineal/rest pe,riod per work shift, the tit'ne and sequence of which N6,11 be deternrined by the Supervisor and approved by the De pailtnent Head. If it is necessary ftn- the non-exempt employee to vvork without a itical/rest period he/she will be othcrwise compensated for that time. All other employees will receivre ineal or rest periods in an aniount and time deemed approl-,yriate by their Supervisor, Meal and rest periods shall be scheduled by the Department I lead consisterit with the effective operation of the departnient. and rnay be rescheduled whenever necessary, 1" t r'si Mothers �SL� T i _17� I �f'2f_ !, t'I .,J a � )f n 'S t a n d �i r (I s Aff tbk" 'arc A(!T 110 le car �"'tftcl 0x� child's bit!"J'I'_ il' v,' 11 have a rcir;on:A1)1c br A. (4- c , whcx than a a--L.,inilk f'01 1k t u �� U " Child and �x fcja'�J_4 11L 9Aicldcd frorn \"cw and intl"LlSi011 ft 11 th Ic hcIA I k"Isc'�d , 7.01 C 1. Annual leave rnaybe used on a payday -to- payday basis as itis carneclaccordingto scheduling requiretnemts and may be accunittlated Lip to 40 \w�)rking days with as niaxitnum of 320 hours. Any tinic carte in excess of this arnount as of April 1" of each year will be rillied Individualemployees are responsit)le fi,,)r inonitoritig their owrt lea,ve balance, lf,4,4—an e�tnj�lto atid 01 1). ANNL AL LE 1) �N FTI�, ON 'AY . _L N-�� --MIAL I... _ (,A If the payment of annual lea,\re is approved by the County, coniputing said leav'e pay will be based cm the employee's regular ramie; of pay and terms of selmration, nnw ovilij)c I C r f -P�a �L'q'�jh I o r L Resokiton PersonnW P&P7/2014 A, AUJ employces covered under this policy sluill be g ,ranted tip to tmro working days off with pay in order to attend a funeral of"a mcniber of the employee's immediate fantdy. tUT) h 121- .12 avc,, Addit J, lf"A,Y' fo, r lea `llic immediate farmly shall be construed to mean one (A' tlu- folly: wing� Husband, Wife, father, mother, son, daugjiter, "into,,brothcr, uncle, aunt, first cousin, rit',,phew', niece, dornestic partner, don-icstic parnicr's father and inothcr, lc gal guardian, grandparent or in. h1wS father, ill Aaxv, modici-in-law, son-in-law, daughtmin-law', brOther-m-law, sister,in-lamr, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, sty psistcr, half Inothcr, lualf sistm 'd-fl,t 4,4,ek ftr'-ftf"IttA, t4w _1 _2 .tJrvs and ncw c Cqmxgu%,,' He""'Alth Phm t haN U or rlc� tot':a(W C "usefi%C or mc, C ,t n s nra..yht three rncmths or s J) cc to ,WniI'niS1[1AVC, 111ItItUI473rd'ier ttsj In the event an ernployee belicvcs that the rules contained in this trianual hacc been inisapplied/violitexi, he/shc irtust utflizc the 161h,Aving procc(lure, exccl)t in dic cases of suspension, reduction, in pay, demotion or termination - Scc 10.01 F". Failurt: of the gricr,ing enlpto,yee to follow the dine hniits will automatically result in a final and binding, denial (,,)f the gric%,,ance. fftlu- (:."ounty does not ft)flow the time limits, the appropriate ("ounty official will be deenicd to have denied the grievance and it may procced to next stcp, A. Sqp wed ernp1(.,.)yee shall presetit his/her grie,%%mcc in writing to his J,� The ag4! gric or tier SuperVim.)r within fifteen ('15) working days of the inciderlt to be gric,ved, Wt4 , 4 4111 tYtftf11`1t4% 1,11C 11,1111lediare Suj,,,)crN7isor w.1111 Tmeo Nxjth_fhc_Cfj', Ao tl'te reach at decision, and communicate that dccisioll f"Ir ill writing to the as rieved employee within terl (10) worhirig clays ftmn the date the grievance was presented tohim or her. Supervisors are not empowered to make policly dccisicnis, -2If the grie va lice is not resolvcd in Step 1, the eniployee shall 10-1WITHIMP", Sign it, and present it to the, )f D tb WU;lt f iia t u wryjsor's %v6twn d u i", i,- I I shall attemlu v�) resolve the issue(s) concerning the alleged grievance Within ten (10) working days of the reccipt of the written g6c%rance. Snhfttihi t4ie-grie%-aflee The Department Head shall confer with the immediate Supervisor and they shall attenipt to obtain the facts conceming the alleged ,Vievance, and withi'n to (H.)) working days of receipt Resolubon Personned P&P 7(2014 of the written gnevance, answer the empk)yee in wri I tingr M' Schedule a mecting with the employm If a meeting is held, the Department Flead shall notify the aggricvcd employee in Wrifing of his or tier decision, no later than ten (1(l) working clays after the mecting. Jlie meeting nia,y be rescheduled b,y the DepartITICT11 Head for av"alid reason. (1 �j% — '�), �_3: If the response from the Departmoit I -lead is riot satisfactory', �yi,tliin J c,�i, )r�,jhe cmpl(�)yee may present the grievance forni to the Division Directcn, who may confer with anyone he/she decims appropriate to obtain the facts concerning the alleged grievance, and mV,_schcdg1�,, W1 th_ !:;jt: held within ten (1(,)) working day's of receipt of the grie-vance; f lit, 4`,he 1farTu,cC,1tjn j h6j thc F)rvision Director shall notify thc agsyricved errq.)loyee i her, decision no later thart ten (10) ng worki 11 writing of his/ days after tile meeti'lag. A: If tire response from tfic Division Director is not satisfactory, Ai h, U411 m"'126J, u eniployee inay bring , , tlIC grievance forin to the Human Resources office, for review before the Flniploycc (...dncvancc (Ammc,il. This Council will provide an additional avenue for the cniployee to pursuc in dic processirig of aj.)Iiropriare complaints or grievancm BY the establishnictit of the Friiployee Grievance ("c)uncil, the employce whose problein is not resolved by the L)iviskm Director , may have the opportunity appear before this Council (.4peers and present Ins/lier case. Thc F!"inployee (.',rievance ('01111CA is empowered tear call all necessaty witnesses bcftore thern and tag subsequently make tlieir recommenclations concerning disposition to the County Adinnustrator. "I he decision of the t "ouncil is not binding; final determination will be made by, the C."ounty Administrator. (Please refer to Monroe County Administrative Instniction Zt"714 for niles and pr(xedures governitig the Cl'ouncil.) The County Administrator shall 11 furnish a copy of his decision to the a� _4,mrielred etnployec within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the Councits recominenclation(s). '. Any involving tnatters that pertain to the Personnel Policies and Prcweckircs may be addressed in writing to the F"Imployee Grievaricc C , A'Acticil, (vas the Flunian Resources office) who will forward to the Council to determine whether thc� matter �is appropriate tx:) be considered by the Council. If deemed appropriate by a major ritzy of (;'ouncd members, the Flurnan Resources office will schedule thc,�, airing of the Grievance at the earliest convenience,, "llie Council is empow,cred t(,.) call all necessary witnesses and n-take a reconurictidatiori concerning disposition to the ;outny Administrator whose decision is final. F"I'his Pmxeklure ch'xs not apply to an individual \vho has been suspended, dischaq?,,cd, reccivcd a reduction in riay or (deem otcd. Such individuals shall appeal in accordance to Section 9. 15 hercof G11" an, ettiplo,yee does not artmvcIr to a I)cpartment ficad and/or a Division Director, the Hurnan lie sourccs (,.)ffice krill assist thc crnploy(T. III ITION114"), thn')UyAi the appropriatc steps of thisgrievance procedure, FL The by -lave governing the establishment and operatiori of the F'niph,ayee (""Iri'MUICC Council tnay be reviewed in,Ad n'unistrative Instruction 4714. Resokktion Fle mnnW P&P W2014 5 111,--lif tht effq�4mvet—ffifty 2. The above changes shall be incorporated into the Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. 3. '"rhis resolution shall become effcfive upon approval unless otherwise stated above. PASSED AND ADOPTEID, by the Board of County Com.missioners of Monroe COLUIty, Florida at a regular meeting on said Board on the day of"_.,,,,, -----. , AJ), 2014,. Mayor Sylvia J. Murphy Mayor Pro Tem Danny L. Kolliage Cbmmissioner George Neugent Commissioner Heather Carruthers Cominissioner David Rice A"TTES": Ain 'I I I y, flez vifin, CLI:RK ME Deputy Clerk BOARD ('4"(70UNIN ( -ONIMISSIONERS OFMONROE COUNTY, 1"LORIDA No Mayor Sylvia J. Murphy Resdulkoin Peesonnet P&P 7/2014 ► ;�'��qllllllllll I. d PERSONNEL POLICIES & PROCEDURES INIANUAl., '1:°aalrle of ('1011taarrtaa - , 11reabl ............................ .....................................�.............� � Misstcn, Vision and Value Statements'' .......................... e............ ..,a� Introduction. ...... - ...........fl.�,.....��.......... ,............,.R�a�..���) `I. Gencral Policies. ,nn .vv........ ............................................"10 1:3 Firrrlcry°rrentPolicies, . ..,...... 14-2 :. (Ilassifica bon Plaan..... , . v . m ............. ......... -2 4, Pay Pln�rr.............................�...... 29-35 �!, Hours cr1=Work, ...... .......w.....,.........,i6- 38 6Holidays. . . - . . ....... ........................ ................ .... 39-40 „ lxaavc° with Pay' .................................................. .................4"1.4 . I.,cave cal`Absence, ,,,,.,....a......,,A-46-58 . Standards of 1?,ra ploymerat, Disctlrlarraar) Actic:ons & Appcsaals.... , ....... 59 65 10. I amploy c°c Cotripl last/Grrc v aarace Procedure- ...66-67 it. BScp r°aat�lcbns..........«......v...........v........................v�.��.w... .....lad 11 o,"Ai tttr ............,..,.,.,...... —,69 13. I °;stab Ioyrc e Ire r fi,) tnaaarc-c lr Yalu ation ..... . .. . . ........................ .. . -70 14, I';m ploy ee Insurance ('coverage— ............. -. - 7 "I - p4 15. "Ir°aa el.. -- a Ida, Appearance. ....-76 IT Violence inthe Workplace. ................................................--A° - 78 I& Children dren in the Work Iuw�n rr nnaerat.......................................... 79 I% ("'ash Management Procedures... ............................ 80 0Fire Alarm r•m Prcrccclaar�c ws ..........--8'I Effective Live Apr-0-4-77I4 J Oya file, 2014 2 of 81 PREAMBLE 2 ADMINISTRXTIOT�� --i ..... .. 1- D14' OF 11,11.1 An employce in the public servicc triust always denionstrate the Hai ghcst standards of personal integy-ity, truthfulness, honcstv and fortitude in all public activities in order to inspire public confiderice and trust in public imstitutions, Perccprions of others, arc critical to the reputation of an individual or a J)Ublic agencv. Nothing, is rnore unportant to pubhc administrators thin tlic public's c>pini(Mi about dicir honcsti, truth fulness and pn ersoal integrity. It overshadows coinlretence as the prenner value sought by citizens in their public officials and employees. Any individual or collective compromise with respect to these character traits can darnage the ability, of an agency to perform it's tasks or accomplish its mission. 11-ic reputation of the administrator may be tarnished. Fff ctivcncss rna,w, be impaired. A career or careers inaY be destro.yed. 1"he best insurance ag- ptinst loss of public ccmfidencc is adherence to thew highest standards of imcgrity, honesty, trudifulness and ftntitude, Rublic administra tot's are oblige-d t(..) develop civic virtues becaUSC of. tine public responsibilities they have sought and Obtained. Respect f(.,,)r the truth, f,(,.)r fairly dealing with othcrs, for sensitivity to rights and responsibilities 40tizerns and for the public good must be generated and carefully nurtured and maturcd, If one is responsible f(,,)t, the perf6rmance of'otlicts, flic reasons for the imp o.)rtancc of intcgrity mustbe shared with them. They must be held to high ctl,)ical standards and taught the tnoral as well as thc firlaricial rcsponsibility fon tile putolic funds urider their care, If one is msponsible only f(,')r his or hcr pc6c'mytai ice, then he or shc niust not comprotnise horicsiy and intqtritv f(,,)r advancetnent, honors, orr personal gaim. We inust strive to bc discrect, respectful of proper auttiority and our appointed or cleCtCd SUIXtiors, and sensitive, u,') the expectations and the values of the PUbhC WC SCr%T, We MUSt Inactice the Coldcn Rule: doing to and for others what we would have done tcw and f(,,,)r us in sim&tr circumstances, (hic should be niodest about his or lier talents, letting the work speak, fear itself and be getim',)us in t.h(-,i,r praises (,-,)fthv good wm-)rk Of (Alr peers and associares. We must be cver mindfid ten gruard the Public Purse as if it were our own. No matter whedicr an official or an emplovee, bv our own example, xA(c should givc tcstimcmy to our regard f`(.ar the rights of (-)thers, acknowledging their Iegitimate responsibilities and not trCspaSSITIg Upon dicni. We must concedc graccffilly, quickly and publiciv when we have erred and lie fair and sensitive to thosc who have not farcd well iii their dealings- with our ag gencics and their applications ofthe law, regulations, or adlTlilliSt ra live pto,wedures. T, he (.-!only, gains onc should seek from public etnployincru are salaries, fri.rige benefms,, respect and recognition for work. ne's personal gains may also include t e 11 infinitc pleasure (,-)f doing a good job, helping tire public, and achieving career goals,, No epected or appointed public servant should bon -cm or accept �nfts frorn the staff or any coq)oration which buys semices from, or sells to, or is regulated pry his or her go.)vernmental agency. If one's work brings him, or her t1l frequent contact with firms supplying the government, lie or site to be sure tcr pay his or her own expenses, Public property, funds and power should never be directed toward personal or political gain. We must make it clear 1.,)y our mvn actions that Nvc will not tolerate any use of pubfic funds to betlefit one's self, family or friends, Effectve April 47,,-20-14JWy 16, 2014 3 of 81 And finally, we must ser%,e the public with respect, concern, courtes), and rcsponsi'veness, recogiiizing that service to the public is beyond service to oneself. mm Effecfive April 16, 2014 4 of 81 citizens, our tinique community, and our em,irontnent. 04�pia in the, Rorida,X�yw Working anti learning together to rttattrt,tatltt the diverse commxmity by prestryth the tttttut l habitat that rat and preferred place ttl live And, Visit! � err the 1,11,ghest Of"Ethical ca is it,M. Sail the Seven "ICIIIS.... ? l t(t�le ' ° e. e encourage competent )r force � continuing trstltt"' .,' tltl value to the services trovid increases employee and citizen resources and u � �, o w s We are opet t to new ideas. '"' e believe in taking fresh approaches twovetmoc cb,alletrgts Whilestrivingto add value to the services, w prov,ide, to our twatrrttttunity. Cq . - — career as a calling topublic servicc. We befieve that service to go rt t is the highest cattier atlsin l ° e ;t/ -d a of excellent a rl°atrtttat�tce with a tsasrtt sitttt srttta.t the r�rtr � � � rural at�tt Ot4 C fist . resp nslltilr"t . We lsellar*e fiscal responsibility demonstrates our respect forthe citiz sttm whose tw, <,essupport out a rg at sttia;trs esca r trite i i it recognizes that most problerns cannot be, solved by trottey ttl bat ever, talw seriouour task to safeguard the pubtic trust. Cott! tt M . '" . , , ��� � as rat��e l)ssltl�work lit tat for our t� a �sa�t at�w�� >r� �t��tw�trrrrrtt. rat lacy r 4ec(jgttt t g their � eds and allt.aittg a bahrrice with their 'larofesa that "l anper .tal eg: We treat, everyatnctit -spec ,. W are csarr p assitarasat and responsive to die needs of all citizens. l a"tart tttuttt ..ali tt ' exit � of as esiss. e believe that two way' t�rtttttt uni t" ' � "gal %r t.a�aar�a�`l"r°al+�tx t�tt Matta t'ttraa�r �tttt�attas��, our e - to targastl'ttrla can ltstrrtlatr�~rttaaaaaaaaaa�� sa,�asw�a� asaar s�a�°rvaa�as° tltrasat.glt as sharing, ��tlas� w�aarl�atrt, Q�n(it),Akity t"alrttt.,,,6, e4,juafity and mainabiltt'.t '. We believe in fairuess and equality, and place emphasis lss on h the use t ' trtat;lt s�rtal ltartttssstr err all aat out - actions'. ,,,, sstratic pltrtturts we rttssttras the continuity at'ral sustainabitity of County services is and lta"ts raat°ttssw V emstu , assR a .20.E JuFie 11, 2014 5 of 81 1NTROI­)U(-'TlON Rom It shall be the intent of the Board of'County Cornmissioners and othcr grants, agcnc�ieo s r clex,tcd officials wim sc) request to adopt these policies and promfures that: A, I'lie eniployces of Monroe County are productive persons who perfi'm-lit usef."Lll County fill) Ction S, B, There shall Ile no empk.)yees on the payroll for whom there is no emph,'qrTicrit need, C. All officials and cniployees shall Cotriply WitIl and assist in carryitig out the personnel program. Ll All appointments to the Courity Service arc to be made in accordance with the rLde,,';, rcgLihk6�)ns and procedures estabfished and adopted by the Board of County Cormnissioners. I'll,', These Policies and Pr(tcedures generally ccwer the infomiation concerning the policies, regulations and berlefits for the employees of Monroe Coumv� These Policies and Prcwedures and the representations made in them do not constmac any forin of employment contract or gimantec. If an employee seeks infimnadon which is not coNrered in these Policies and Procedures, or if an etnplov,ee %vishes clarification of anY policy or procedure, he or slit should clieck with his or her Supervisor and/or Department I lead. The County, of cotirse, may change its Policics and Procedures with regard tc",) matters covered herein and SUCh changcs may not be reflected in these Policies and Procedures at the time the emploYce reads them. F"xistingpolicy as determined from titne to time by the C.otinty Administrator or the Board (..)f Clounty (",ornnaissioners shall supersede array written titformnion previously distributc-d tci employees, F. In accordance with Ordinance #038-1988, the Board of CountN, Commissioners established as Personnel Policies and Procednres ReNrim Board whereby any cniployce may submit propc)scd changes to the Monroe Personnel Policies and Procedures to the Fluman Resmirces (,,)ffice at anv time. Proposed changes will be discussed by thc, Review Board and rec:ommendations will bc inade to the C'otmry Admintstintor who witl review said recommendations for his approval. If there arc, anv recomtricndafi(,,)ns that do not meet with the approval ofthe Administrator, thosc chmi�,,,xes will be reconsidered by the Rev,,im Board. If approved, said changcs will be, preseritcd to the fioard of for a fitial decision. if there is one or mc.)re propcsed changes on Nvilicli the Review Board and the Administrator cann(,,,,)t agree, the final decision will be inade by the Board of C(�:)tmlrissioncrs, These changcs will be adopted by resokltion, Fort-fis for prol-)(,,)scd changes rnav be ol.)tained in the Flunian Resources office. F'or the prjrpose of expediency, these policies May refer to either the inale or female gender, or both with no intcrit to discriminate. All policies apply to bodi genders. The pmormel POliCiCS, MgUlAtiOns and prOccchires as adopted shall apply to all pe-rsonnel in flie Cr.; unry Service falling �mder the Jurisdiction of the Board of(I"ountv Cotrunissioners and an�� other agency g7ant, boa,rd or department NVIlich so requests, All COUnty officinIs and emplovees, including but not limited to elected officials, contracted employees, and adNrisory board members, shall comply with the standards of conduct set forth hereill. Anv action which these proxedures authorize to be taken at, as partictilar level ofauthorization mav be initiated or takcrt by anyone in as position (.4 higher authority, within the chain of conin-mid, Effective ApiA 44��204,3-,Rfly 16, 2014 6 of 81 I 'rut," COUNTY SF'RVRj­' J'he County Senvice Shall consist of all existirig positrons and anY positions hereinafter created in the Cc: unry with the following exemptions: A, The Board of County ('eurra,rrrrss curtef*S and any, positions which are exempt under (`'hapter 69-1321, Section 3, Laws of Florida. ff. ('.)ther elected officials. C. Mcn-.ibers of Boatxls, ('01111111ttces Mid Corwitnissi I ons, unless they are also (.`ount,y emplovecs. 1). Persons employed in a professional capacity on a contractual, fee or retainer basis or hircd to Perforn't Specific services, as defined Iterein, including, but not limited to investigations or inquiries on behalf of tht., (l`OU11tv Conviussioners, or a cormnittee thercof. or other clected officials, F"',. V("AL111teers. It is the responsibility of the (;ounty Administrator to r(mder service to the ("(nutty governinent in the fields of personnel management and employee reladc')ns, and to ctisum! Ullifi,'.)rm, faix and efficient, pmonnel adininistraticm. In this regard, dic (""aunty Adiaiinistrator shall cstablish and oversee the administration (A'a Human Resourcvs office, through thc Division of E'rnployce Services, In addition to the duties imposed b ' y 1',),ersonnel policies and regulations, it is the responsibility of the C"'ounty Adnitrxistrator, rhu�' ro14i the I human Resources office, to� V Apply and carry out per p(Aicies and rqpilafions as adopted by the 11oard of ("cunt. ("ornmissioners. B. F'oster and developprOgrarns for the improvement ofcmplovee effectiveness and lnoralc, C, Conduct evaluations and studics to detennine the effectiveness of the personnel program, and perioclically submit a report, ()f findings and recommendations to the Board of County C.'ornmissioners. D, Ensure that all personnel have been employed in acc()rdance with the provisions of personnel policies and prcwedures. L'.. Maintain a classification plin for all ernploYces in the Service. F. Maintain as pay plan for all etriployecs in the County emice, G, Develop and administer tcsis and examinations as chximed necessary to dcterrnirte flic fitness and abilities of applicants for jobs in flic ("aunty Service, and promotional opportmuttes, I-L Prepare, or have prcparcd, and subrnit to thc Board of'(."ounty' corrected, revised oraddinonal perscmnel policies and procedutrcs for their approval. 1. Perf6rm any other lawful acts c(,,)nsidercd necessary to carry out thc purpose and provisions ()f the personnel p('Aicies and procedures, J. Perf6rin interviewing, backgiound investq,vations and otherwise pre-citialifying candidates for Countyr crnploymenc, Effecbve Apo'­R �Wl 3,Afly 16, 2014 7 of 81 K. Prepare any County Affirmative Action Man. L. Recruit qualified applicants to fill departmental vacancies. M. Perforni induction of all nem,ly-hired personnel including completion of required personnel and payr(Al f0tmSS, arrang ng physical examiiiations and providing employee orientation. N, PrOvide staff support, to the Board Of COUnty, Commissioners in regard to personnel matters. 0. Administer 1 X11C.C. adopted drugl"rand alc(,4iol prograrns. RUSQ1.3'. 1"S The efficient adniinistration of the Courity's Human Resources office depends on accuratc infi,)rtnation about the ("'ounty and each of" its entplovem In order to keep perm,minel records up to datc., cinployms itiust notify tticir Supetvisor and the Hurnan Resourccs office immediately of any change (,,,4'natr)c, address, tClCPh01)C uUniber, Whom to contact in casc of emergency, insurance benefician'es, dependents ch)giWe for f",amily covcrag,(,n ofinsuraticc, infortnaticm for incomc tax witliholding, (1riving status and other similm information, The (A)UMV WSpects the privacy of its employees' riglits, arid, in tf.iis regard, will kcq) all information in its; personnel files con fidenfial , to the extent permitted under F'k.)rida lamr, NU requcsts froin sources OLIt. side the ounty, for persormel information concerning applicants for eniplovinent, current employees, and fornict, crnplovccs shall be dircued to the Human RCSOLIrces Office:. Thc FlUrnan Resources office will releasc infi!.)rtnatiori to outs;ers in ammiance with the standards as set forth in Administrative histruction 4,901 RISK M,ANAGJ,­MENT- SAFE`l Y ,OSS CON'I'ROL, AV It is the responsibility of the ounty Administrator to protect t11C COUnty from financial loss due to public liability exposures and/or property damage. This n-my be acconiplished by either the utilization of fully itisured or self insured programs or policy, contracts, as "approved by t1te Bc)ard Of ('01111tY ('101111TIiSSioners. Ylie Risk Mattagement office will maintain all insurance policies, property schedules, etc., and will properlN, disnibute all insurance pretniurns to the budgetmw units. 'Ibc C"ounty Administrator will institute recognized risk nianagen-ient techniques, with the cooperation ofall Division and Departnient HeadS, thC COUntv.Attornev's office, and Cl,cmstitutional Officers (where applicable), to further idenfif)7 j)()tc,,ntJal exp('.)sures, recontrnending to III(., County C.,onimission the best course of action to properly protect the interests of Mcntroc C'mlntv 111c. Couitty AtIministrator will oversee all employee benefit proain grs, including, but not firnited to L,ifc Insurance and Flealth Insurance for Board cmp'ioNves, as well as Constitutional (1)fficcr employees (if' participated in by those cmities). All enrollment records, (Aaim files and the proper distribution ofexpoises Effecbve 16, 20,14 8 of 81 K will be assigned to F"niployee Brie "its, with final approval of program types, and Im4s of betwfits rcinaming with the 11oard of'Comity Commissioners. "hare the Board of County (. ',onvinissioncrs has detennined that the use ofa SC)f- fUt1dCd prograrn is in its bcst "I intcrcst, it will lace tlic Countv Administratcyr's respmisibility to oversee the Administration ofsaid programs. Any proposed change to dic sclf-fundcd licalth, insur,.,mce prograrn that would constitute a inatcrial reduction in benefits or change in cost to curr(,:nt ctnpk')yccs and rctirecs that will be prescmed to thc Bc)ard of County bc prcceded by as rw,o weck writtem norice to the affectcd eniployccs and rctirecs, 1 N"I SA 1, � "T"Y' C( )NI"M H T[ �J�' Cl. M () N I I AR 1, 1Sj.A.'-AjE�W44J-N 'N11 X) —.1 1=1 -B4� 1,111--.- -� , ..� --- ---- - 1-11-11-- � .- 1- In accordance with the Monroe SafePolicies and Procedures, and County 'AdMilliStTator Instructions, the Monroe County lrl— uncrions to prevent 'et L�:()vntn rtee f accidents through review of accident/incidents reported to the Fluman Resource Office, and recommends safety -related policics and procedures o,�� the Comit.v Safety Office, Hf fi,)r F11111 C(mmuniowe 8/15/1,1' Y 'llic ("ounty A(Itninistrator w°ill establish as standardized administrative insmiction systen"I formitiating, preparing, ccmtr011ing, nioniu,)ring and prcnnulgating all Monrcw "otinty Adn.i.inistrative Policies and Procedurcs by way of rules arid guidelines, which clarif"y tf�iose adopted Monroe , ourity Adntinistrative- Policies and Procedures, 'Iliese Administrative Instruction s shall ontly Ite further detailing, by instructions p,:)r rules, of tbose Polk:ics and Procedurcs pr()vided in this maimal, w,here, ("or ministerial puq)oses, p')licy clarifications are particularly applicable,, Where conflict may occur, thc Bcnvd of ("("Ainty ("ornmissioner's reserves the authority of final determination as to ministerial ftinction. This systery) will be StrUctured according to Mcmroe ( ' I ' ' ' ounty Admiriistration fristrUCti011 10()0, iSSLIcd F`ebruary 2, 1989, tnii may be delcted, changcd, reviscd alte or red at any timc by the ("ounry Administrator, Ref-ercricc to thcsc lkdministrativc 111SO-LIctions will be made, throughout thcsc policies, All employees \vill be responsible for being fanuhar with and complying \vith these instructions. Division and Departi-fient I leads will be responsible for appropriate dissetnination of these instructions. MI references to Adryitistrative InstrUction should be construed to nican most current revision. Suffix numbers change with revisions. Effocfive Aprtl-1-7, 2044,Ju�y 16, 2014 9 of 81 CA!"NLAAL P(A]"(""I E'S !L':N " 710; IV UE"11,11 ICIN In accordance with ChapuT 69-1321 Laws of F"lorida, as amended, emplo'n,ces designated in this Act, having at least one, (1) year of continuous satisfactory service, shall be considered carcer service employces, except as set forth in these p(,Aicksand procedurcs, K A P1 NTION FOR CAR,Fj-,&, Approximately one motith prior to the employee's anniversary dater, except as provided for in Section 2,04, herein, 41c Flunran RCSOUrces office gill provide tile De'partment Head with noticc to evaluatc the etiipoyce in accordance with Administrative Iristniction 4001. The CV,11U2tiCU1 form shall be ft'nwarded to the Flurnan Resourccs office and placed in the emplo ' yce's pers(�,)nnen l file. (See Sccri(:) 2,04.) If a positive recottlinendation is made to retain the ciliployee by the appn')priatc, Department/Division Director and appr<:wed by the ("ounty Administrator, the employee will be elioble for C"arecr Service upon completion of one (1) year of contintious, satisfactoty ernployment. Temporary employees who transfer to or are hired in a regular CountY, position must scive as 12- month probationary period ni the County Position befOre being eligrible for Service. C'CON FRACT F"M]"'IJ I )YI-1," The C"ounty Commission tnaV wat I ve, at its optloll, the necessity for the probationar seryoa service as' Y contract eniployee after the conimencement of employnient by the (-'ounty into as regular position Wider the C,arecr Scrvicc rules, In no event, however, nia, the County waive such lamb ationai Y requirenicrit ants the affected ernployec has scrvcd at least one (1) year in the capacity for which the probation has been waived. 1.02 1 I' AL ACTIVFTY X No emplo " yccshall use any promecwa is, rrd oc r threat to eriouraor gc cc)cr(a :c ny pctson to support or cx,,intribute to any political issue, candidate or parq, B, liar employee shall use his official authority as, an cnq)k.)yec ro influence or attempt to 1,11fluence, Werce (A' atterript to, cocrce a political Ilody or tc) in any way imcrfere With anv noinination or ckxtion of any person to any public office. C, Nothing N-vill prollibit any einploy(.,x: froill exprelssing his opirrion on any candidate, Oil issues, or from participan I ng in any political campaign during his (')f duty hours. f). Nclahing herein contained shall affcct the right of the employees to hold membership in, and support, a political party, to vote as they choose, to (.xpress opinions on all political sul*cts and candidates, to tnaintain political neutrality, and te> atterid politic anreetings (hiring off -duty hours. IL Employees shall at all timcs comply with all provisions of Section 104,31, 1 lorida Statutes, which is generally statcd in I'lart in 1.0 (A) & (B) above, as may be amended fron-t tirrie, to dine. Effecbve Apq,+4:T 204-3-.kfly 16, 2014 10 of 81 1,03 )(J',TSIDJ J'NPI.,OYMENT' A, Full-firric employees arc riot restricted fi-oni engaging in other employrrictit during their off -duty hours, however, County cinployment must be considered the prnna.r, employnient. Employees shall not, directly or indirca y, crig I ",age in any outsidc cinployment or financial interest which may conflict, in the County's opinion, with the best interests of the ("Outiry or interfere wifli the employee's ability, to perform the assignied County fob. Examples include, but arc not timited id to, outside employnictit xvhlch: 1) Prevents the ernployee front being, availaille fi.W work bcyond norinal working hours, such as eniergencies or peak work periods, wlicti such availability is as regular part of the employee's job; 2) Is conducted during the ernployee's Nvork hours; 3) Ltilizcs COL111tV telephones, ccmiputers, supplies, or any other resources, facilitics, or eqtripmcm; 4) May reasonably be perceived by members of the public as a conflict of interest or otherwise discrcdits PL1bhC semice. K F"inph)yces sliall not be instructed or allowed to perfortri work for private individuals or offier, governmental agencies as part of Itis/her County etrrploinetn except in those instances where such work is part of contract arrangentents entered into by the Board 4 County Corrunissioners with such privatc individwils or goverrunent agencies, or in rb(�)sc cases where under prior Bo:trd of County C<)rntnission policy, the employe e is to give service in an ernergency situation, 2, 1: 1,04 (JSF' OF(H-N (TY PR()1+'R'Y)" PR(K tT Equipment, facilities, vehicles, prcq)erty, or any resourcc or proccelure of the County shat], not be used by any cniployee, or rise of same aUthorized f(,".,)r anyone by an em!")h,,)NPce ft"n any rcason or purpose beyond fliat deented de inininais use by the Internal Revenue Semice (.(talc for anything other than County business. T'hew use of sarne for pers(,,)nnl gain or rise inay be cause for tennination. Sce Administrative Instruction 1004, fi.ar additional inforittation concerm I tig use (�:4 (:ourttv vehicles I J).5 fl-M A, All employe(s must 1.,)c aware d,:cf, and coniply with, Section 111311 (6) Florida Statutes which CUITC11th' provides iri part: "It is declared to be the policy of the state that public officer's and employees, staw and lcwai, are agents ()f the people and hold their positions for the bencfit of the public. "'I'licy are bound to qAu"Ad the ( onstitritic)n of the United States and the Statc ("onstitUtion and to perform efficiently and faithfully thei.r duties undcr the laws of tire fedcral, stat.c, and local governtrwnts. Sucil officers and employees are 1)(-nind to observe, in their official acts, the highest stan(Lards of ethics consistent wifli this code arid the advisory of rendered with respect hereto regardless of personal considerations, rCC(")gntz1v, q,! that pronloting the public interest and maintattring the respect of the people, in their government roam be of fare inost conccrn." B, 11"'niployecs may not, citlicr dirco4v (.,)r indirectly, use their official pc)sition with tile County or infcarnlqtion obtained in connection with tbeir employinctit, for privatc gain, for dicinselvere or others. C, I Jnplo,vecs shalt not acccl)t any gift, favor or service froni any metnivr of the public, including but not limited to ("litistmas and/or birthday gifts in an arnount that cxcccds an estirnatcd valuc of $25.00. 11"Irriplo)7ces shall not accept any gjft, fav,or or service with the uriderstanding that it was providcd to hirn 1 /Itcr it) order to obtain special treatment, F"lected and appointcd f.,)fficials of thew County arc sub! cc r to the State Statute for acccptancc of"gifts" Effecfive Apfil 42&,43-.Uy '16, 2014 11 of 81 D,, No employee shall make any false statertient, certification or recommendation of any employinent unde.r any provision of these policies, or in any mantier, commit or attoript to cortirnit any fraud preventing the impardal CXCCLltj(,,)n of the row scorns ofthese policics, with rc, rd to employment, prorriotion or transfer, f^"„ onflict of interest rules shall be in accordance with the established lamrs of the State of Florida. No Courity. employee shall transact any busiticss in his or her official capacity with any, business entity of which that employec is an officcr, agent or tricinber, cor In which fie or site holds a material interest, I If an employee is uncertain as to whether lie or she niay be in viclation rA' this policy, clarification inay be obtfained from the Human Resources office. The County Administrator may at any , time, require a statcnictit of discloSUrc from any employce iflic has reason to believe that said emplo ' yee may be in violation of this policy. Thc Huniari Resources office will lac responsit)le for inNfestigating any atleged incidcm of conflict of intcrest and Nviien needed, the Coun",,'s legal 7 comisel will ititcrl',tra F"lorida Statute 1123111 12326� If as viola6.)n of this policy is found, appropriate disciplinary action may bc initiated. F. F.'tnployees shall not conduct personal business while in COUMV uniform while m)n dUt'o" 1"Imphwecs shall not ccmsurne alcolicxtic beverages while- corn duty, nor (,.)n off"Idury hours %xilile In unifi-mm G, L�.'rnployees shall tiot consume, c.)r bc undcr the influence ofalcoholic bevcrages while on dUIV on in C'ountN, tan ifi.mn, nor shall they usc, be under the influmce (,-4, consurne or possess illegal SUbstances whilc on dut'), III County tutiform, or on COU11tv 1,,)roperty at arty unie. It is thc intent of Nlonroe (,"err nty to create and maintain a drug,ftee workplace for L\Ionroe Clounty employces, in avx-x.)rdance witli thc Casa -Free \Xorkphicc Act of 1988. (See Monroc C"ounty Administrat ro,e Instruction 4703.) H, Any v,iolntiotr of the provisions ofthis policy shall lace subject to rcN,icw art(] appropriate disciplitiary, action, If the employee has any doubt as to the application of flic policy as it relates to his or licr position, thc possible 6"'Altions slumld be discussed with the Dcpartincra Vlead or his or her desi$m, cc, who shall cither approvc or forbid the acti I vity, (�:)r rcfer the (Iticstion tea ill(,' HUman Resources Of T'he County Actntinistrator, Divisicm and Department Heads, theit Deputies and other emplovecs holdingpositions of high public trust and/or authoritv will be held to Irigher disciplinary and ethical standards than other, ciliployces. M 1)I 1,w(,�J,!L LS!,3 R -N MA'.-- Q LK.1 t M(I Info nation of a sensitive or confidential riaturc Orich is obtained in tle coiwse of'official duties shall not be released bv ativ ernployee other than by those charged with this rcsponsibility as part oftheir official dUties. All count ' y officcs shall comply with any request f(,,,,,)r records and/or infortnation and appropriately disclosc such in accordance %ith the Standards as set forth in Ach-ninistrative Instruction 4903. \m Restrictions on employment of relatives shall I)c in accordance with l"Icorida Statute 112.3135 (2) (,a) as atnended, whicli currently reads, "A public official nnay not appoint, ejnpk�>y, promote, or advaticc, or advocate for appointmen, ctriplo " yincnt, promorion, Or advancement, in or to a in the agency in Which lie is Serving or r w ovehich he exercises jurisdiction or control, any, individual who is as relative of" the public official," I'lle dcfinition (,4 relativc vvill lace in acordanc wi th 1"londa Statute 112,3135(t) (d) and will e, 1X- includorriestic Partner. Nothing set f(,.)rth herein shall prohibit the cmployrrkent (if more than one (1) EffeGfive Apr414,7�-,'2()4,3 hfly 16, 2014 12 of 11 Inelliber of t1te samc fiamilv. Thc,k Flunum R.csourccs Office will be responsible to investigate any alleged incident of nepottsm. inv(stqration if it is f0und that as potential conflict or that a relationship exisis that could be interpreted as such, action rrt.ay be taken so tbat the situation no lcmger cxists,, W'hen ru.,,,cdcd, the County's legal advisor will furnish current irift.)rmati(Al tO thC HUman Resources office on Florida Statute '116.111. Where as State or Local statute regarding rieponsm exists which is to restrictive than this pohc�,, the Cho," ale applicant should fi.)Ilow the State and JA),cal statute in lieu of this policy. Definition: Domestic Partnet2 - "Dornestic Partners" are two adults Nvlio h-avc chosen to sha.re one another's lives in as committed family relationship of' mutual caring. Two individua]s are considerc,,d to be Dornestic Partners if: (1) they consider dieniselves to be mernbers of each other's imme&ltc family; (2) they agrrce to be joinfly, responsible for each otbet-'s basic living expenses: (3) neithcr of them is married or as mernber of another Domestic Partnership; (4) they are not Notki relAted in as way that would prevent therm from being married to each other under the lamrs of Florida; (5) each is at least of the 1qml age and competency required by Florida Law to enter into a maniage c�r other Itinding Contract; (6) they cach sill m (,,,4'Declaration of Donicstic Partnership as provided in for Section 14,03 (7) they reside at the sainc residence. 1,08 v()l —A NI'LEM Nfilnroc Countv recognizes dic iinportancc of'work perfimricd by volunteers, The Department Head willbe responsible for obtaining authorization througli the I luman RCSOLIMes Gaff` Ce before allowing work to be performed by anyone on as VC&Mtecr basis, Volvitm,lers 'will not, under aria, cim,unstatices, be considered County eniployecs, but Nv,ill be respotisible for following, proper procedures and schedules as outfined 1) , v the Departmenlea t Fd. (Sec Section 8.01 1 regarding VOILUItAt' J..rrierg!Caney" Response Fean') for (,Aa:nuity emploYces) 1.09 INFITAL If no qualified applicant is selected in house after as sevcrt (7) calendar day posting, period, available positions will then be offered to the general public, unless in-hOLISC, a111d gCocral public notice are autborized by the 7 Director of Ff uman Resources coricurrently - Elif�,ble veterans and spouses of veterans will receive preference in initial cniployment with the exception of those positions which are exempt, pumllnt to Florida's Preference Law �C'hapter 295 Fk>rida Stat-rites (1987) �. a Resolution 081-1998 Effedve Id-JWY 16, �2014 13 of 81 EMPLOYMENT' POLKI'll"IS SEI(ITION 2 101 AP11.0INTIN.Cr ALYFFIORFIN The Board of ("Ounty ("oni'missioners shall be the appointing authoritV for the County Adininistrator and C.ourity Attorney. All other positions under the jurisdiction of the Board of ("ounty Commissioners shall Ire: employed arid supervised by the ("ounty Administrator, E'm ploy nien t of L)ivision and Department Ileads will requite the confirrnation of the Board Of ('10MUNC.'onunissioners. 'I'lie County Adnitnistrator will be responsiblc for: A. Approval ofall changes in employec status ensuring that al,l changes are inaccordancc witb the Petsonlic] Policies and Procedures and the Pay/Chissificat ion Plan, B. FInsuring that .all positions in all Divisions have been fairly arid cqually evaluatc(l, rated and classificd in a(.cc,,,)rdancc- with Personnel Policies and Procedures and the Flay/Chissification Plan. 2.02 Ll(), A All positions in the County Senrice axe established and maintained through a bud�,,);Ct each fiscal year, to V 11, I, k4l I I flett,m4mite-W-,.J a,[,)I? (A cc by the Board of County ommissioncrs. M P 4/ 4/ 4 B. The establishment of new esa^ additional positionsor,in In(,,,rsasc In hOW'S C)f'�',:I ...... ....... . . . ........................ 111)"grion Can onh, be authorized by the Board of C"ouray Commissi I oners and the (],ounty Administrator, sub�ect to adequatc justification (�.)f raced and availability, offiinds, L!"stablishment of Emergency Disaster p<�)sidons (mi as year to year basis do not require dic, prior approval of the Board (,)f (:;ountY C,0III.missi(,,)ners. The personnel itl these positions will be trained and utilized on an as needed basis befc)re, dUring, or after an emergency, or disaster and will be paid f'(..)r by the Hurricane Account 1"unds. of cm a j,,gmjj 1,CLg as, (hscxlbed d:x,,Jo,w ifl,2,,03 1j, Of C Alt "ADTIVY1, �,0 I of the., Bcmr(j 4�( ISSAA111m� C. For training and transitional purlioses, two individUals may, fill as bUdgCted p(',I)sition simultariLously for up to thirty (MY) calendar days contingent, on available fundiii, Both indi6duals shall accrue full beriefits and be classified as as Full-time Regular employm 1.). Personnel to fill approved new positions shall be appointed after the position has been evaluated, classified and assigned a pay grade, A. Original ernployinctit is subject to budgetary restricticnis, Mien as person is initially (ernployed in as position in County Service, he shallbc employed in at least, one of the following types of ojiginal eniployrywnt statim 2. Substitute Flµtnploycc 3. Tenipora.ty 4. "Temiporary F.jnplo,yee 5Part4`irne 1"1111ployee Effedve Apr,4147:`*Ady 16, 20,14 14 of 81 6, "Fraince 7'. C'onrract Particil,mtion in the Social Security prog, ,ram and the Florida Statc Retirement System will be in accordance With the niles and regulations governing said prograins, Any employee paid on an hourly lava is nc)t be� cfig I ible for fringe benefits. B. Definitions of types of onginal ernploynient: 1. F'ull Time Rcguhlr 1,1171ployee a. Full Time Regular eniploymcm vvitl be made to a classification for regularly budgeted County positions, %vorking, 25 hours or morc pet, Nvcek. bA Full-Titne Regular emplo.yee shall Ix cligible forall County, fringe bencfits as set fortf.0 in these policies, c. Art employce seming in a fill],time reg �iCC StAtLIS ,ular position shall bc eligAble for cancer sem as, described in Section 1.01 2. Substitute FiIrnploycc a. Substitute employment nury be nuide to fill positions f,"(.,)r whicli leaves of absences are g ,�anted to a regular emplo.yee b. Substitute employment shall be offly for a period of tirne f(.,)r mthich t1re rq,,�,uhtr emplovee is gratited leave. C. lk substitute ctnl)Ioyee shall not lac cligible fear County fi.-ingc benefits. d. A substitute eniployce shall I)e exempt frotri cam"Ir SCII71ce StIllus if eniployed fc'ar less than one confinuous yean I TcmIx,,)rary Fniployee a. Temporary emplovinent inay be triade "4ien dw work of a dcpartment requires the se.mices of one or more emplOyces on a seasonal or intermittent basis, or in as position not classified as a regular: County position, b. An eniployce shall not be allowed to serve on tcniporary employment of niore than 12 consecutive months or, in the case of intermittent emploYmcm, for more dian 1,040 hours duringany "'II month period, except as set f(,)rth bclow. c. A terril)(:)rary eniployee shall not be eligible f(,,)t County benefits or paid liotidays, except as stated in 'e' below. cl.A tcrriporary emplovec shall be exempt: from career service stams. e. All ernployces who are emlAo,yed our spectal grants/projects sliall be temporat-y emph)yees throughout the duration of the g Such cri-xployces shall at no firne be ",,ra tit /project, Effective Apf,417-�, 204 &, hAy 16, 2014 15 of 81 considered regUlAr employees of" the C,ou.nty and shall onIv hav,e the rights of temporarN employces as set forth in these pcAicics and procedures, except as might be specifically Set ft)rth in the special ),,,;rant or project requirements. Grant ernployees, who do not qualiiv as ternporary employees, are craitled to the same beriefits, as a rq,;ular employee except for (,,arcer Service status, and any beriefit not elipiltle for reinil.mrsemcnt urider thc: grant funding for the Position. 4, Employee a. gency temporary ernployment triay I..)c made when a short terin emergency exists. b, F,"merge ncy temporary employmcm, may be made without regard to the person's training or experienm, c. No persori shall, be )",Jven otic or more, ernergency eniployments for rriore than three (3) calendar moriths. (I An I'Anergency "Femporary 11"Iniployec shall not be eligible for C'�,,xmty fringe benefits, c,, An employee hired on an emergency basis shall bc exenipt frorn carcer sctvicc StMIK .S, Part -Time 111�1'mploy(,,sT An employee is to be considered part,rime if the employee Nvorks Icss thari twcnty-fivc (25) hours per week. Ilu,- salaricd part-tirric etnpk,)yec who works at! Icast rwcnty (20) hours per wcek will accrue w acati(..ml arid sick Icavc according to sclictluled work IIOLII,'S. An.yone working less than menty (20) hours per mrcek will not accruc� sick or annual Icave. 6, Trace: L'Imployce Art ernpk)yec appc)inted to fill an established position on a rcgular frilltunic or part-time basis shall be �Ovein tramlee status when qualificd applicants arc not available for thc position and the employce does not mect, the nrinimum training and experience requirements ft)r tite position, (Refer to Section 4.07) 7. Contract L;.mployee Anyone mrhosc etriployment is project specific will lie a contract employee. Said employee(s) will not attldn Claxecr Scrvice Status. E'ach proposcd contract will be submitted by tine C e ourav 'Administrator to the Board of Commissioners for approval. 2.04 PROBATI(AARY PF'RIOD A. The standard probati(.,mary period for new ernployees will be rwelve (12) months from the (late tire employee be Ins working as a regular eml.Aoyce for the County. If at any time duriri� I I �!, the pn.,)bationary period it is determined that the employee does not meet performance standards, the emplovee may, be terminated without recourse. The Count , V Administrator, or a desigiree, shall either: (1) approve, ill wntingn , retetn o iof the emplo)ree, at which tirlic the CITIJAOCC Yslash be granted careen sci-vice status: or (2) decick, finest the probationary period will be extended for no, longer than an additional 90 days if the cmployee has not met perfortnance standards ; or (3) in tbe event the County shall fail to apprOAre the emplo , yees' retention th(w. CtIlployee shall autornatically be separated from empe loymnt we C ith thounty, said separation beingabsolutely final, with no rights of appeal tcany mithotity, including the grievance proceurc ccm,itained hcreiri. EffecWe April-47,� 204-3,-J�,fly 16, 2014 16 of 81 Temporary employees, Federal or State Grant eiriployees as well as employees (xrigJ n ally hired under the (TXA Prol ;ratn will retain their original (late of hire if transfcrrcd to or hired in a regular County position foi'17 LISC in PVXC(hires governing fringc benefirs and evaluation PLIVPC)SCS, WhC11 f1ppliCalfl.e. Said (.,�inployec inust then seme the suindard 12-nionth pnA)ationar~ ,, 1.xrtod, before becoming chgiWe for carcer service statim B. During the probationary period, the Dcparttnent Head or 61y,appormcd representative niust (.,)bserv,e flic emplolvee's work habits, attitude and attcridance to see ifcontinued ern plovinent in the �ob is desinible. (11 In the event an ernployee receives as promotion through the prolliotional opportunity pn'.)Cess, said employee \Arifl serve as 90 day probationarY or period, the remainder oeir f thorig,�nal proban tioary period, whichever is greaten If during this pr(,.Axationary period the emplovee does not meet perf6tmajrce standards, lic or she may be terminated without right of al.)peal if reconriliended by the Department Flead and the Division Director and approv"ed by the Administrator, but will be able to apply f"or another Couril)oSirlon through the promotional opportunity systeni for I year, after which tinic hc or she niust wait until as desired posituni is craps to the pubtic. 11 Any employee whose Position evolves into accepting additional or different duties and/or responsibilities Within the saine departrnent inay I)e reclassified to another pay gradc atid/or titIc upon recontinendatii,,)n of the E)epartment flead and Division Dircctor and approved by the Administrator but will 11ca serve an additional probatic".marY, period. (See Section 3,04 and 3.05.) 105 1 , )F'j` NJ" JQN't N " �RV A. Creditable Set -vice shatl be dcfincd as service during which the employee was on thc payrot] of the C:ountv, or on apprOVed leave of absence without paya B. An employee's continuous service (late shall be cstalAishcd as the most recc-nt date of hire and may not prccede the date of actual pb perfi,)mt.ance. C. Authorized leaves of at)sence to the cxwnt provided in Section 8, othese ju-Jicies shall not tx considered as break in semice effectivc at the end of the employees'" regular shift on the last day, of work. D. If an cinployee has a brcak of scrVice off ,48 hours or rnore, lie/she cannot be reinstated to his/her forly1cr, C111ployment staws, if lice/she is selected f(,)r Countv employinctit after such. as brcals in scivice, he/she niust begin as a new emplovec in all respects, except fc)r Rctirement Bcnefits \A,hich are goverfied by Florida Statutes, F". Any unauthorized Icavc wiflicwt pay f(,nr thrcc consecutive work days car more may be (",'onsidered as break in service, and may result in tcrii-tination, 2 � 0 6 N,, LI 1LALEXALN-11 All�,I—NS A. In order to maintain as vigorous and hcalthy %vork f()rce the County shall require post offer inedical exaininations by as physician designated bY the County. B, Tbe C"OUMV Administrator rnay require tbAt air ernplo,VCC SLII)trlit to a I'A'iysical and/or psychiatric examination Lov a physician or other qUalified practitioner at any tin -tee during their employrnerit, which inay ifICILKIC blood and/or urine testing for drU$", or alcohol usage, Chtrgcs for SaITIC Will be the responsibility of the COUnty. I Effective Afm,447� 20-4,3,h,Oy � 6, 2 0,14 17 of 81 C,rant Prograins will provide funding for itiedical examinations fc�r their employees in their respective bud';its. Cl. Should an examination result in (lisclosure of inability to meet the required ininitrium standards of the specific occupation, the rCSUltS of the examination shall tic reviewed by the I furrian RCSOUrces office and the e 1 1) ations shall be ft.)mtardcd rnp oyee s Departinent Flead and/or iviskm Director, Findings and recontmend; to the (,,'I'ounty Administrator for final disposition. Payment of any expense incurred by the applicant/ employee other than the initial examination required by the ("'ounty will be the responsibility of the applicant/employee, D An employee determined to be physically car trientally tinfit to continue working in his/her current classification may be terminated, but may apply throug, It the promotional opporturtit), systein for any available position for which said employee is deterniined to be qualified as well as physically and mentally fit to perform all required duties of the position. Said employee will have promotional opportunity right's for oric year after his/tier termination date. E. If as Department Flead has reasonable suspicion that an ernployce is under the influCTICC Of, Or LISing alcoholic or illegal substances, that Departnictit Hcad may rcquirc that said employee be cxamined bY as physician who may include blood and/or urine testing. 107 13AS Of".wad MILS-, Selection (!.,)f applicants for new hire and in-house p)rnotion shall be based on the applicant's alwility to perform the jot)as outlined in the j(AI description of the position being filled. The job description shall identify the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for the successful performance of the dUfiCS Of the position. .An evalimfion of the applicant's knowledge, skills, and abilities as reflected in cducati I on, experience, ficensure or certification as outlined on the employment application shall be compared taa the required rnininium quatifications of the position. All applicants who appear to possess the required mitninum qualifications shall be evaluated according to unifortri and corisistctitly applied selection techniqUCS established by Personnel Policies and Procedures, 'I'liese selection techniques Shall be designed to provide niaxitnum validity, rchability, and objectivity and restilt in selection frc)ni attiong the, applicants who are rnost qualified for the posiuort In determining change of status as as result of'demotion, rccatl ftorn lavoff or transfcr, jot) perf'ortnarice sh,,dl be the sole criterion. jolt perforrnarice, being e(in, length of continuous ScrVice shall be the critcjicon. a1l(!nou 108 I_ o ato....jQ, All interviews wliethcr fow riew lure or in,housee prof nation must follow the intciview procedurcs (aafined in Adn'ttriist,rative Instruction 4705. JV 'llie Clounty rya n'tinistrator may, at arty tintc, transfer an employee from one area to another and/or from one position to another \%?hcn lic detertnines that it is in the best interest of the operation of the County to do so. rransfers will be vita de by the County Administrator based upon a recommendaticni by the employce's Department Head and Djvisic)n L)irector. Effectkie 16, 20 W 18 off1 B. f-"mployces Nvill lie notified in writing of thc, County ,Xdmiriistrator's decision to transfer them, Fmployees who claim rbat a transfer is made arbitrarily and capriciously or that it, is being recomir.mided for disciplinarly reasons tnay appeal as transfcr decisi(:;mi pursuant to Section 10 (F"ruploycc Cornplaint/Grievaricc Procedure). 2.10. 1-,MP1' .,Q-Y J-.' JAM, L, ,, llie County may require any eniployec to attend any and all training deenied ticces-nary to perform his her job duties ade(Itiately and safely. Prior to eniployment xvith monroe (":;cxmtv, it is the applicant's responsibility to provide pf"roof ocompletion of said training requirements. (,)tire ells "ales ved, any, certification or training deemed necessar , v for continued employment is to be pyh aid bte individuaw l ith reimbrun e de after successfulcompletion. Baca 2.11,item A. 2A 1 FTX, �(ATKAAL ASSISTAN(T' PR( (AkAM 2-- "V r"DLI(ATIONAL A, A I T'lle Comity may provide finaticial assistaticc to County employees f(-)r edLICIAtional cxmirses which arc applicable to tbc employec's field ���)f Nvork, or of such nattire and quality to (firectlY contribute to: the Clllph:tyee's value and potential growth in the County Service. Eltriployees rcquircd to maintain training and certification reqttirements as a condition of employment acre also elig ,,A)le for this program, In the case of a degrec-seeking student; althOUgh attaiiin-mit of said (ICgJ-CC ITMN' providc job enhanccmcrit for the cinployce, courses taken in the pursuit of the dcgrce rimst have sorne relation to .1ounty etriployineirt. B. ELK.1.11BRIULL'y A An employee %xill be considcred chgiblc for participation in the 11-Aucational Assistmice Program if` he has Imm a full-time employee of the County for one year or inorc, and is so rccotrimcrided by the Supervisor and Dcpartnwtit Ficad. An exception may be rnadc fora those cmployccs referred to in Ordinance No. 008,1987, as appn,wed by the Board of Clotittroissioncrs. I An F 'triployce rntist submit the complo,red Request f'()r VIducational Assistancc F(m-m to the uninediate, Supervisor and Departnictit Head for approval prior to the (tinployee enrolling in thc course, "I'lic Department Flead shall review thc employces clig' I �Wlity to parricipate in tile L"ducational Assistance Prograin and shall be responsible f(,,)r the admirristration oftlic prograni. 1,'pon enroll.mcm in the coursc, the ctiiployee shall submit to the Dcl),arttilent Head thectirollnient reccipt and textbcx)k reccipt. Upon o1mnr)lctiO11 of the course, the employcc shall submit to the Dcpartmcm Ficad the l..)r(,x.)fof' Successful cornplettom The Wition arid textbook receipts, the Audit Slip or Purchase Ordcr arid ffic PrOof of succe"SS fill completion will be sent to the Financc l3cpartment for processing. A copy ofall ' See Florida Statutes 112.063 EffeeUve ApfA-4 7� 20,443-,kOy '16, 2014 19 of 81 the clan urnentation will, be sent to the Human Resources office and placed irw tfw ernployee's personnel file. Qualified cniph!qces may, Im periiiiacd tinw off froin work with pay to attend educational tramirq-, classes or se nllm,,irs which are rclated to tficir jot.) duties Imt which are not available duting non, working I'iours, il" al)pr(,,)vcd by thc applicable Deparvricnt Ilea. andhm- I , hvision I'hrector. Allowable rime off will be rcstricted tc) a maximuin of 160 hours in aril calendar Yeat, unIcss specifically othe-mvise approved by thc County Administrator, F*Irnployces are atrendiiq,), this trairting on as volunteer basis and firm allowed f(,)r attending, such training does not constitute hours worked for the purposc of computing required over payments, 1. Upon the successfifl, completicm of approved c('AIrses, th(e ernployce will be eligible fi,.)r reimbursement of tuition, textbooks, onlinc access fiays, distance learning fees, and lab fc-m, The employee inust present a certification of successful course- compIction and a paid receipt ft.)r tuition, textbooks, online access fees, distance leartung fees, and lab fees to the Departnictit. lac quests for rcinibursenient must be made within sixty clays after completion Of tIIC COUTSCI "Textbook reiix.ibursciticirt allowance is limited to $125 per course. The employ(w is responsible for paying any difference, 3. Reiml-mrsetlient for tuiticn will be inade cmly to employees who are on the active payroll when payment is clue. 4. Where tuition is covered under benefits, ftom the Veterans Administration or a philanthropic source, qualified employees may participate only in the "time off from work" fcature i)f rile progratil. ,5, Reimbursement mider the I-Iducati(mial Assistance Program constitutes income to the emplo ' ym I'lie Coulltv triust withhold taxcs frorn this, income and report to government agericics in the I same manner. 6. 1"niployees must provide their own transportation to and frorn trairling. '7. Refunds shall be hillited subject to the avaflabihty (:)f funds and the number of 1marticipants in the program. K '11iis prol; ,ram may lice an-icnded or terminated at any time, however, such anictichrient or termination will not affect any COUl,-SCS OfSftld, prc*6muslv approved. F. L l�LFJLffi[,JILSj-',!�fl 11'.'niployees who obtain rein-iburscment fc)r any, c(lucational assistance progr"Irn shall remain with thc ounty at least one (1) year after completion of courses, otherwise anv reirnbursemcnt which was made by dic C"ounry to the Ctylployce shall be mfundcd to the Countv, if" the ernployec terminates Effective �6, 20 W 20 of 81 Nvithin less than one (1) year from date of c(:itnpletion of educational assistance courses, Further funding to the County shall beaccomplished by deducting all reirribursement ClUe fixm) the employee's fin,a] paycheck, 112 FIAJPJIC)YEJI� It is the responsibility of the Cotarty to promote and pursUe as safe and healthy cnvir(')nrnent for all employees. Monroe County has as viable safety , prograin admirlistered and enforced by the Moim,�)e County Safe", C)fficer according to the Safety Policies and 11roc-edures adopted by the 13oard of County Commissioners, [Itnplovees will observc all safety rules and reguhations established l!)y the State of 1"londa and C,ounty Govertim ent. Division Directors, Department I leads and Supervisors are responsible fi,'.cr the observance of those I -Liles within their jurisdicticni. Failure to contply may result in disciplinary acticm, 113 PIL)NI A. It is the policy of the Board of Counq Commissioners to considcr qualified County einployees ft:)r promotional opportunities before applicants froin the general J)Ubfic are, considered. An eniployce must remain in his or her respective position for as period of at least, six ((.)) trionths beft',ne ti.,ansferring to another posifion through the Proinotional Opportunity syst'vin. If it is thought to be in the best interest ofthe County, tear waive this rule, prior approval of the appropriate Division Director(s) and the Courity Adininistrator must be ol:)tained. Please review Section 2.04 Probationary Period. Promotional Opportunities will be 1.)osted on btAletin boards throughoUt the (-ountv svStem for seven (7) calendar days. a. Contractkial (.')�nyimissiorier Aide positions (l:xCCUtiVC Assistants) \xifl not be rcquircd to be posted and/cr advertised unless at the request of the C(itntnissioner urith the vacancy. B. All eligible employee Wishing to apply for as promotional position udll complete the P rornotiona l Opportunity Application Form within the S(µ\ren (7) day period (date ()f posting is day orie (1)) and submit it to the 1-furnan RCSOUrces office. The Hurnan Resources office \'vifl revieur these completed for nis and fil)rward all in house applications to the Department with the vacancy for consideration. C. During the seven (7) days the position is posted, art), quatified ( 'ounq! aPplicantt is to be given preference in the %acant position. All Promotional Opportunity applic.,ations must be revicw'ed bye the departmentwith the vacancy. It is the responsibility of the hiring dcpart'n-tent to review in-house applications and conduct interviews fcr quahficd County applicants. Any qUalified entployee filing a Promotional Opportunity within the required seven (7) day period is to be considered as priority. In the event the Promotional Opportunity is not receivcd within the Seven (7) daY period, flic in housc cniployee shall lose preferential treatment. 1.), veterans and spouses of veterans will receive preference in initial employment pursuant t(.,) Floricki's Veterans' Preference 1,iw ((,halter 295, Ilorida Statutes'�' With tile cxceptioll Of those positions which are exempt under said Liw, ,A� the Cmlinv is firmly cotninitted to equal eniploynient opportunity, and does, not discriminate in artY or (!°nlil,,wl(,)y,m(�t�it�,r,(°ivited decisions on the basis of race, c(:Jor, religion, nati(,.mal jrx, sex, sexual orientition, gender identity or expression, age, disatiflity or other sintilar baors that are not job,rchated. EffecfJve Apf,41-4 711-210-1,3-J Lily "16, 2014 21 of 81 7 oil leve s of the County and t�� all job Inc ( 'Ounty's pohc� of cqualit�17 of opporturrity applies to all organization, I classifications. It is the responsibility of each clected or appointed public official, Division Director, Department Head and Supervis(,)r to give, the C'ount 's Policy full suppom-t through Y leadership, and b ' v personal example. In addition, it is flic duty of each public official and each (inployce to.� help maintain as work environment which is conducive ro, and which reflects, the Countys commitment to equil employment opporwrifty. B,. All personnel actions shall I.-)e based solely, on ability and fitness of the indiviclu,11. C. 11ve Flurnan Resourccs office shall see that info.rrmatfon about )(�,)b opporturtifies is readily available to all employees and, citizens of the ('.."ounty, and a contitruing prognam shall be conducted to make the E'qual F'rnployment policics known to all citizens of the C'Mility, 1), In this capacity, the Hurrian Rcsources office will be responsible for anticipating prc6lems, formulafing solutions, presenting cornplete analysis of alternatives and recommended corrective actions and coordinating the recorriniended acticnis with public officials, Division Directors, Department Fleads and employees, In tbe implementation of this policy, thc County will aggressively seek pmonnel for all job levels vVithin the ogmnizanon througli upgrading and recruitment from intnority gr()Lil,') members, and wotirmi. This p("Jicy is specifically included and will be as continuing and essential comp(,ment of the Personnel Policies and ProcedUtCS. E. Harass. ient c)f any kind is prohibited arid will not, 1")c toleratcd. A violation of" this policy will subject an employee to;a disciplinary action, tip to arid iflClUding tcr.raination of etril"iloyinent. Any violation Nv'hich c,,innot Inc rcinedied through the disciplinary,, process sct f(,',)rtb in these pc4icics and proccolures may be considered by tbe Board of County ("'orrtmissioners for any, other aventics lcgallv available, such as, but not limited to, ccnitractual rentedics, no trespass (.,)t,dcrs, injunctivc relief, rcitioval oi workplacc accommodations which have becri abused, or through, federal or state law's protecting workcrs in thc workphace, Flarassrnctit is dcfined as verbal or physical conduct whic1r: L Denigr ,ates or shours h( stilitI, or aversion toward an individual becausc (Jf his or her race, color, rctigion,gcnder, national origin, ailye, vcicran status, marital status, fainilial status, SCM1,11orientarion, f"Xeuder identity or expression, or disability/handicap, (')r that of his ()r tier relatives, friends ot associates. 2. flas the pm.T.,)ose or cffict of creating an intimidating, hostile (Jr offimsivc working et i viron rnen t; 3. Has the puq,,)ose or effcct of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work perfonnance or; 4, (.ttberwise adversely affccts an individual's enil'.)loyment opporrunities, Prohibited harassing conduct includes, but is not lunitcd to, epithets, slurs, pc)kes, negative stereolyl)1119, Or threatening, intimidating or hostile acts that relate to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origirt, velcran statits, marital status, fallldiA SMWS, SCXUal orientation, gendcr idenritY or expression, or disability/handicap. Prohibited harassing conduct includes written or g1l"'Thic Inaterial that is placed on mralls, bulletin boards or elsewhere on the premises or that is circulated iti dic workplace, The above policy includes, but is not titirited to, sexual harassincrit. Sexuaq harassment is defined as: 1, L`Iiw elcome. sexual advances; 2. Requests fcxr sexual 1"'avors; 1 Verba,forpliy,sicalcotidu(,-,tof,,tscxtialore, ot�lierwiscoffCIISiVCIIItLire,particul:a,rll-,"thercw: a. submission to such conduct is rnade, explicitly, or impticitly, a term or c(,'mclition (af employment; I Effedve Apf,'# 47;,2414-,,kfly 16, 2014 22 of 81 b. subinission v,') or rqection of such conduct is used as as basis fOr decisions affecting all individual's employment; or c, such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive w()rking environment. 4SeXUallV offensivc jokes, innuendovs, and other sexually oriented statements or behavior. If an individual experiences or observes any form of harassment of art employce by any person (regardless of the cdfenders identity or position), he/slic is required to io promptl ' v report the incide nt to a Divisn Director, Department Head, the Human Rmmirc,es Ndministrator or the County Ndministrator, Division Directors and Del-mrrment Flea& ir,c responsible for pmAnptly rep<,ming the allcgutions or ccn'icerns to the; Hunian Resources Administrator or thew Counq Administrarol". (It, is mccouraged that the individual put such a cc)mphaint in writing). If the complaint is about the Cotmty Administrator (;ar any other person whose official political position leads an employee to 1wheve that the complaint may, be 4jY iored or handled iinproj.-)erl%, the individUal who expenctices or sees any prohibited f(:,)rm of harassment which he/she is required ro report may mport the conduct, to a county, commissioner, who shall see that it is property processed by staff in an objective n-tanner. 'llie complaint "rill Ix immediately investigated and kept confidential too the CXte'rit, possible. Individuals who make complaints have all obligation to assist arid coopenate with the ("'ounty's investigation. I f the (" '"ounty deterrniries that an ernployee (including public officials, Divisiori Director, Departt'nent Head, or supervisor) or third -party has harassed anothcr inctividual, appropriatc rcrric(hal action 'will bc tAcrt against the offender, up to and includinl,Y:' tcrmination. If than harassment involves a third party such as a contractor-, Vefidor, supplier, or other visitors to ("o,otnrnty buildings or the %vockplace, that person may Lac barred from the premises. '11)c County Prohibits any fixtri of rcrahation, or coercion (including intimidat ton, intc11'(,x(,mcc or discrimination ftor lodging a I)ona fide cotnplaint under this, policy or for assistin'), in the investi),lation ofa, claiin of harasstricrit, If an individual cxperictices or (A.)serves any form of retati.ation by any persor'l, Cniployee or non-etnployec (rcA pirdless of the offcnder's identity or position) he/she is required to promptly report thc incidcrit to a Division Dircctor, Department Flead, the I IUITUM Rcsources Admitristratot° or the GAAMY Ady'ninistrator, Division Dirwors and Dqiartincnt Heads are responsible for promptly reportij4y the aticgnaions or conccrtis to the Flutnan Res(,.mrces Administrator or the Clounty Administrator, It is cmcouragcd that the individual put such a complaint in urriting, 'Fhc coniplaint will be immexhately invcstigated and kept confidential t(,) the extent possible. IndividURAS who triakc complaints have ail obligation to assist and cocqxrate with the ittvcstigation. If tfie warn plea is about thc ("ounty Adniinistrator or any other pmon wh(.,)sc official or political position leads an emplovec to bclicve that th C' complaint may, be ignored or handled improl.)erly, the individual \vho experienccs or sc(s any prohibited form ofharassincrtt which he/slic is required to mport inay report the conduct to as county comn-iissiorier, who shall scc that it is properh processed t)y staff in an objective rnatincr. The county rill protcct individuals who make a complaint to thC cxtent legally possible. Any boria fide complaint vvill in no way be used or held against an employ cer (or tion employee) nor will it leave an adverse irripact on the comptaining employee's employnteim Inchviduals shall not assume that the C'cmnty is aware of as har.Irssinctit pro bleni and are required to adlicre to this policy, and make a report so that the probleni can. Inc. resolved. Any clucstions concerning this polic,v shotild be addresscd to Human Rcsourccs. F. If one believes that the C"ounry has vic6ted the cqual opportunit policy, as statcd in this section, he/she should SUbtflit 2 written complaint to the F,'.E,0 ("kx.)rdirrator. "I'lie Coordinator shall invcstigate II)c complaint and respond tcthe complaint, 115 ')N Effecfive 16, 2014 23 of 81 A - 11�:?'IMIILOYEA`,," O1°-1111-l' QUARTF,R/YEAlt Plk()GRAM I Monroe Coutity, has establishe�d an 11'.'rriployee Service Award which is desiglied to recognize cmployces who demonstrate superior performance arid dedication to their work which is above and beycmd the call of dut , y. (See Monroe Cloutity, Administrative Instruction Series 4000) The employee selected for the quarter shall 1-w x%varded a $300 one titne lunip surn payment and an appreciation plaque. be emj,,)1oyee of the year shall receive a one-tinic ]LIMP suni payment of $3,000 arid art appreciation plaque. B - YEA RS 0FSF'1tV'lCT.-'1 PROGRAM Monroe County has established a program o') recognize County cart: plovecs who have been ill the Count%, Service for Five, Tcn, Fifteen, Twenty, "I"wenty five, Jbirtv, and '11iirty-fi%,e vears. Grant and part-time employees will he eligible for the years -of -service program. At the employee's anniversary date, or as soon thereafter as is feasible, the HLUnan Resources office will send Division Directors a list of enaployees that are eligrible for a years of scrNriCe award that rnonth along with a template letter for recognizing the employee and notifying the Pavroll office. Each Division will be responsible for coinplaing and providing a letter of recognition to the employee along wit'li providing as copy to Fluman Resources to be placed in the eniployee's personnel file, noting the years of service and the award thit will be Oven. Pa)7nient of the award will be distributed as outlined below, and will be included in the employee's paycheck. A letter to the Payr011 Department will be completed I)y the Division inft)rtwng Payroll what tile atnount of the award shall be and as copy of tile letter provided to Hum= csources to he placed in the employee's personnel file. It is the Division's responsibility to discuss the presentation opportunir ' v with the employee and top c ,ether orna e to decision as to we ether the mployee Nvould likeo ir e recognized at the BOCC niecting. If the ernpk,)y(,.!e chooses to be recognized at tile BOCX] rriecting, the Division must coordiriate kvith the flurnan Resourccs officc reg garding the appropriate award as outlined below, and with the C"ountl" Administrator's office to ensure that said recognition is placed on the tneving agenda, Whcrievcr possib1c, this, presentation will take place at the B(X-C' meedlig, in the employee's location. The following will be provided in a lurnp sum pay inent to the employee: as I'or5years (�)fset-w,ic(�,adecorativ(^l:)itian(la$l(,,)I'),(,)Oaxk,,ard; 1) - For 10 years of service, a dccorativc pin arid a $17 5.00 award arid recognition art the BOCC] Meeting; c For 15 years of service, a decorative pin and a $200.00 mvard and recognition at the BOC(] Nleetingl; d - F'(,-,)r 20 years of sen4cc, as decorative lain and a $350.00 award and recog ri ,�i,itio at the 1,50("C' Meeting; e - For 25 years of service, a decorative pin and a $500.00 award and recognition at the BOC,(,, I'Mecting; f. For 30 years of service, a decorative pin and a $1,000,00 award and recognitiori at the BOCC, Meeting; g For 35 Years of se an engravcd Liscitc desk clock and a $1,500,00 mvard and recognitioll at the inecting. C. EMPLOYF"I" SUGxGFSJ'1ON 1"ROC;1tAN4 1"11C eMployce suggestion prograin is designed to incentivizc ideas bY providing rm.)nctat"V awards to employees who provide suj4xestions. (See Monroe County Administrative Instruction Sciics 4010), AH employces are eligible to submit su,",,estioris with the exception of the Clounty Administrator, Deputy ("ounrl, W, Adntinistrator, arid the County Aacmicy, Ilic suWgestion shall be subirnacd on the appropriate font and subtiinted to the fluinan Resources Administrator fc)r appropriate routing. (',')nce true Department Head has projwrly mviewed flic su),,qcstion, it, will be forwarded to at Cotrunittee collsisting of all f(.wur Division 1)irectors and the Deputy Administrator or their designee for review. Tbe Conitnit-tee shall either Vote to i.1,11plenicrit or not implement the su),�esticm and EffecNe gaelf 1 g C11 ro, Bay 16, 2014 24 of 81 forward to the County, A(Iiiiinistrator for final review. Ilie County, Administrator shall thm pv:wide chhart ion to the appropriate individuals to 1,,)rocced with any recommendations and/or its pleinctitation of the suggestion if it is decided to proceed with implementation. F'Jigrible sug g estions must result in one or more of the f5ollowrng: • ldcritifiable savings in time, material or cost • Signiffi,:,vint irnprovernent in a process • Improvement in tools or equipment • Increasc in efficiency • ElitTliriation of hazard to perm',nmel • Improvement in working conditions • Impn',wentent ill PUblic relations • Irliproventent ill pubtic service without increased cost, Ineligible sug ,%,estions (tit is not all inclusivc)� • Matters already under study or revim by manag(mlent • Duplicate suggestion already reccivtd or Arcr,y similar to any suW! -,,estion preViOLISly receivcd by prognam • Matters requiring legal adjudication requiring legislative or court action other than by County ordinancc • Stticter criforcernerit of Arcady existing rules, regulations or lmvs • Su 4q, ,estions that mpirre costly to sting (.,)r cxj-)crimcnta6:)rl before acceptancc arid it' plcmentation • Rcquests for additional equipment ofa common nafttrc or fOr obvious or norinal mplacemcnts, r(lava irs or mainterrancc • Solution to as problern which is already within the scope card tine duties, assigninents and responsibilities oftlic employcc's position • Sug4',estions that involve work hours and other conditions of cmploymcm • Suggestions or changc-s in pnxcdurcs, new cquipmcnt, and installations in operation less than 12 months, since such ideas generall ' yo cc n r itcis that arc part of the normal trial-rull adjustments which ordinarily are rnade within that ritne • SLI�CSdOIIS pertaining to salan, schedUICS, Job chissifications, benefirs and grievances • A statement inchcating the rice for change (')r irriprovement withoUt SU Westmg how to make the chatigc or improvcment •Sup 4!,estions which %'ould impose new or additional taxes or fees for re -venue purposes • Pa ition or anonymcnis su&),estion • ideas Nxhic-Ii involve State, Federal or Local Grant funds • Mattcrs within ffic scope of collective bargain4ig Eligible suW ,estions will be considered for an award when they, are inipIcrncrited or w1ml an itnplement'ation (late is established to occux withiri one vcaar of the date of rcceij-)t of the sumwstlonll Rewards are contingent upon thcre bcing available funds budgcted I)y thc Board of" ('ount), Commissioners, 'fiallgib c: Sug I 'gestions that generate measurable, identif1ible savings will receive a hunp sum mvard (.& of the first year's savings witf) a maximun) of $2,500 • 'llic mitrimuln, award shall be $50M SU4 CS60TIS where as savings cannot initiatly be accurately ale terrnined uj,)on implementatiom Effeu,tive April I 7Tr2(,)43-JWy '16, 2014 25 of 81 Partial award (:d 5''o of the estimated savings up to as timmmum of $1,000. After the first year's savings can Ix aCCLirately determined, the employee will receive art additional amount up to 16% of the total of the first year's savings which shall riot exceed $1,500. Intangible: Sugp ,estjoris that significanth improve the qualit� <f %vot-k life or have an overall benefit but do not generate measurable, identifiable sae "IM g ,!"S or income, or sug,�estioris that: significantly improve customer service. Sumest lons maNy, involvc iniprovements in working conditkms, changes iii procedum, improved morale, PUbIIc relati(°)ns, cimpic)yce health or safcty. A minimurn award of $25 with a maxiinuni award (:�d S1,000. Ilie amount of the award shall bc rccornmended by the (.','(:)rnnvtee and approved by the CountY Adnii.nistrator, 'I'lie awardee(s) shall be recognmed at a Board ofCounty CotnmissioncrMeeting. '16, 2014 26 of 81 ("'LA SSIFICATION PLAN 3.01 CLASSIFICATION PLAN ,ASCIOPF, 'T'he ("Jassification Plan pro6des for as systeniatic and equitable arrangement of job classes and provides for at complete inventory ( 4, all Gminty Positions. Ilie puil)ose of the plan is to group various positiorts into related classes based upon the range of'duties, rcsponsibilities and level of wc�)rk perfoi.-med. W Ke, 111-1 _S_Jt(` TION PLAN The (.1assificatton Plan Comprises written pob descriptions for each class of' work included in tile COUrIty SkIViCC. Job descriptions arc int,cmied to be as gencral out ine of jot) duties performed by cniployees in at particular job. They are used as as g -uiring and examining carididates fc)r _,viidc in rect employmcm, in detcrinining the lines of promotion and developing training prOgrrains, as guidelines in deterillitling Saalaty relationships and in providing timform job terrytinology to convey the same tneaning to all concerned. J(A) descriptions may be changed from time to tin-te by the Counr , y. "I'li.is cliarm ige ay expaor nd rccluce the lot) dutie-, of any job classificaom til,"rnplovecs will tie" griven as much advance notice of as change in their jobs as is practicable. The job descriptions are maintained by the, Human Rcsources office and should be reviewed and updated annually, or whenever as chang(:t occurs in did drities of any position, [.Ach job descril-,ition will be approved by the 13epartment Flead, tire Division Director, and the C'ountv Administrator. F,.ach entployee will receive as copy of"his, or her respectivc job description at the time of his or her eiriploynient, and any time there is at change in his or her job dcscription. 102 POSITION AUD11' PRC)CJ-,DLJRF', .-- ............. . ....... . . .... .. . ........ I lie AcItTlinistrator is charged with the responsibility of initiating position audits of any (,!�cr all COUMV service positions at any time. Other position arldits may be initiatcd by written request to the County Administrator from the Dcpatiment Flead or the Di6sion Director in which the specific position is located, or the incuintient of dic position to be audited. All requests must be approved by the L)ivision Director, Position information will he gained through comple6)n of a A the incumbent or by the, Supervisc)r of the position if the position is vacant, and through field studies of the position, which may include at personal visit with the position iticurnbent by a representative of the Hunian Resources wAfice. Thc applicable Departuicnt and Division Director should review and mike recommendations to the ("out try Administrator through the f funian Rcsourccs office on all l roposcd new positions, changes, and position descriptioms, cAmnp stmdy Aipproved tj,y BOCC 5/1,/14 ,N, IIIC HUman Resources office upon certification of funds and findings that the 1)r(,.)I) msed chass car classcs are tteeded, shall prA,,,)p(:)sc new or revised classes of` wOrk as well as the abolition of existing or obsolete ctasso', I to the County Administrator for appr(,,)Imiatc. action, Effect�ve Apf-il I PL"--204 I-Ifly 116, 20 7 of 81 B. Whenever an employce's position is at)ohshed under this section, said employee shall have first consideration for as position in as sirnflar classificati(,,)n that mAy atise in the Courity semicc for a period oforte year. FIXmever, if that employee rcfuscs an offer for as Similar position or, if that employce within the one-year penod elects to take any position in the County scrVicc, said employee shall be renxwed from preferential. considearation. 3.04 Afj,,Cat" ) , .j.L`j( ATION 01-` 1"( SITIONS A. The Human Rescmrces a�)fficc, after having deterntined the coriumt, of the jx,)smons and brew inn received the cerrification of funds and findings that the proposed c6ss or chasses are nceded, shall propose new, or revised classes of work as well as the abolition of existing or obsolete classes, to the County Administrator f�,r appropriate action. Rcccmurtendafions for changcs trway be triade by the Division Director, who must submit SLIffiCiCilt documentation for the change, including assurance(s) that the respective departmental budget contains sufficient funds. K (\it employce may be reclassified to a difftxcia fit1c and/or pay grade at any time dic County Ndministrator c1cems appropriatc, after receiving good ar.0 sufficient cl(xumentation. A WinporaiN, reclassification does not, cc,mstitutc a prornotion or demotion. A change i.n titic and/or pay gradc which results from an evolution into a mduction of duties and/or responsibifitics daces not coristitute a demotion. M5 S1'zN N When the incumbent of as position, through (filigent application of work, is officially assigned mcmV difficult and significant additicnial rcsponsibilities and duties which are at a higher level exceeding the regular duties of his/her current classification or indicate that tics currcsit qualifications (key jot) requixemcnts) are insufficient to 3CCO111plish the successful execution of the work progrant of the operation the Human Resources office shall 1,xrfonn a study of the 1,trcsent duties and responsibilitics of the position. If it is determined after reconunctidation by thc F)epartment Mead, Division I )irector and Flunian Resources dear tits position ShOUld be reclassified, the Administrator may require that the incumbent undcrg,(.) a prescribed tcst offitness, depending on the c(,)nditions of the reclassification and the nature of the lx..tsitjort to be reclassified beft,)re approval. A revised job desmption will be submitted by the Dcpartment Head for approval by the Division Direct(.:ar and the C.ounty Administrator which includes the additiomal duties of` the position. The incumbent's posm I on rechissification is conditioned upon the detennination that the incumbent triects the minimain qualifications of the higher classification. An ern ployec reclassified in this manner will not scr%,c an addiacmal probationary jwric)(1 as a rcsidt of this reclassification, L All positions are established and maintained through a midget cach fiscal year in accordatice Nvith established budget and , accounting procedures, The establislurtent of a new or additional position can only be Imsed on adequate justification of need and the availability of fUnds. Such additions must be approved by the C'ountv Administratorand the Board of County ("onimissioners. Thc provisions hercin do not rehite to the Pay Plan, Init to position statuses crcatcd by need and necessity ordy. The of F'Imployec Scrvices shall maintain i position control systern in the office of Flurnan Resources, W)42L� Itt � All additions, mvisjons, rcclassifications or othcr 1�xrsonnel actions having a financial impact on the COU11tv shall be reviewed by the Humart Rcsourccs office and the Division of Budget and F"inance and appixWed by the ( I I I ounty Ad.tuinisrrator, Effective April-17 20-1 3-July 16, 2014 28 of 81 SY"C"11ON 4 4M 1ILM'S The Pay I'llan is designcd to 1,:)rovidc a fair and cquitabic tnethod f(,,)r payrrient of ctnployccs in the C',ounty service. It also establishes as set of rules and a unit"orm symcm ofadmittistration, 4,02 1.1116] 4.03 The Pay Plan shall be dirculy, related to the ('11"I'lassification Plan and is the basis for paynicrit of employees 1D the County SerVice, '111is Plan Shall be established with considenifion lacing givcm to the following factors: A, Relati%,e difficulty and responsibilities cxisting bctween various classes of work. B. Prevailing wq';e scales, for similar tYpcs of wo: rk, 1"Ound ill I)LIblic and privatc industry, in the local labor marke,t. Availal)ility of qualified personnel. 1), F"Conomw Conditions found in the area, F'. Fiscal policies of the Board of" County, ("onmnissicmers. The County GWrntnistrator sluall make amendments to, the Pay Plan when, in his discretion, econornic conditions, labor supplies, or otber consideratioris indicate a need f'()r such action. 1)ixision Directors mav recontmend to the County Administrator possible aniendments to the Pay Plan by pr(,,),6ding, sufficient justification to make air evaluation (�!)f the causes and conditions requiring the changC within the confines of their respective departtnent�al budget. 4,04 PAY PLAN 1~16A71Sl( N S" 'I'lie Board of County, Commissioners must apl)ro-,:,e the outity Administrator's reconinicnded Plan of C"ompensation and subsequent revisions fcr approval and adoption. 4.05 ADMINISTRATION The Human Resources office, in conjunction with the Division f,,.)f' lit dget and F`iriancc, shall have the responsibility the day to day administration of the compmsation plart. Approval of a,fl liarirtg rates an(] oflu!r payroll changes shall requirc appr(,,)val of` the County A(hiiinistrator in accordance Nvith thm pmonnel poficies, except that matters with rcspcct to compensation of staff and suppcwt personnel of the office of tine Countv z`ittornei� shall be Beet. I)v the C,ountv Attorricv, subject to budgetary, approval of the Board of ("ountij CIC41,11111,SSIMICrs. E:1fec,five Aj-,)n14,T,- 204a,,hAy 16, 2014 29 of 81 4A APPJ&,ATj()N PAY PIAN All employees sliall be eniployed and paid in accordance with the rates and pc&cics established by tfie Pay Plan for the specific jc6 chissificarion under consideration, unless otherwise stipulated in these policICS, lit no case shall art erriployee's salary exceed the maximum pay nangc of the, pay grade of as positio.m. tract 1,u)sitions may be an exception if the p(:)sition does not have an assigned pay grade. 4.07 I" w RI, LN G R ATI, A. The ntinimurn salary estatAished liar as positi()n is c(,misidered the normal appoinuncrit rate fornew employces. B. Appointments below or abcwe the minimum salary truty be authorized in the fiAlowing siruatv:ms: qualifications witItin 6 montlis, the hiring authority nuay request appointment as a "trainec", In such cases, the employce should be hired at an appr(>pnate ratc below the 11"linimurn Starting Salan. 2. Occasionally, certain jobs may have to be paid inore at the fitn(,� of hire to attract and retain competent empk,)Yees, The prospectivc employce's starting salary Should not cxceed the current salary ofany cniployce with the same position who has comparable or g�rcatcr qualifications. Iftbe al!,)plicant's, trAinifig, experience, cdu(:afi(,.'on (,,)r anther qualifications are substantially above those required for the p('..)sition, the County Adrninistrator may approve cnir)loyment at as rate abovc the ininimum cstabtishcd ft,)r the class. 1"he need to make, appointments in excess of the minirrumn shall require, written, pustificafion that shows, the prospective mlplovcc's education, expericnce, and uniquc conipctmcies are directly related to the position. all, 3 tnemIations for ab6e ennlcvc) Should %"dic Otis11t.o ...c'4')nsdcnvion wh-e'n' 11 1.11--l-1--, s-a-La-t-J-11s.11 b....a..se(j, on (4, I-jVfICV,,�__PPP Meeting 5/22/14 u."The request shall be approved by the Division Dircuor/I ' )epartnient Head and lw processed th,rough the I luman Resources office. and the Division of liudget and Finance f(,,)r review and detertnination ofu"miptiance with the (I I'�e")urtty policies and procedures and budgetary control. iii.Thc I-Jurrian Res(,,)urces office shaH provide a nionthly rcp,')rt to the Fk)ard of Co)unt ' (:. ontrnissioners which shall reflect atl riewiv hired emplovees who are einploved above the entry, salary, J�t 4M No salar ' V adjustri'mit shall t)e approved unless there is availability of funds, and must be, justificd in Writing by, Divi tile sion I)it°ect(ur/l..)eparttnei�-it I lead and approvcd by the County Administrator. All requests fim- salary increases shall be processed through the I uman Resourccs office and the Division of Budget and Firiance foe r revim, and detcrminatioln c"-)f Comph"111CC With the, C , ounty policies anct procedures and hudgctary Control. lit most cases, cc)mpk,tion of the should be used to justify, the nicrcase� Anything not covered on the PIQ should be further detailed in men -to ft,)rmat by the depixtmeflt. Cxonjp Suitly approved by tee CC� 5/1/14, Elle*,xctaaaa ttal. y luaale 16, 2014 30 of 81 An employee may receive a salary increase by tricans of as promotion, reclassification, pay range adjustment, or equity. adjustment. A, An employee reclassified, transferred or hired through promotional opportunity of one pay grade level or higher shall receive the greater of the triininrum salary, of the pay range or a 5"x'O salary iticrease per higher level pay grade. An increase above 5'/16 per higher level pay grade shall require justification in acc(,)rdtruce with Section 4.07 B (2). In no case sliall the employce's salary be above the maximun-i pay range. K Effcctivc January 1, 2013, when art unploycT is pertnartenfly assi�pied signiFic"Int additkmal duties/rcsponsibilities not warranting as rcclassification of his/hcr posi6,)n but flic new duties/responsibilities have as substantive inipact on an cniployce's daily work life, are c)utside the normal scope, and requirc as new skill sci, as salary increase may be warranted. The salary increase shot,dd be commensurratc with the magpitude of dic additional with consideration given to change in lacy responsibilities, cssctitial job functions, and number of employees Supervised. A salarY increase is typically not warranted if dutics are 'cxchanged' and the, knowledge, skills and abilities required to perf(Irm the fic%v (.I,titi(es/resl)(�:)risibitities are similar to performing the removed tasks, '. "here are rv,m provisions in the County Pay Plan ft,)r autotnatic salary advariccincnts, as all increases arc to be bascd on availability of funds, work pctformance, and other licrtincrit factors as evaluated E,)y the craployee's Superviscw and/or Dcpartnicnt Flcad, and approved by the L)ivision Director and (AA111t\1 Administra,tor. 1'). The Human Resources of shall provide as monthly repcwt to the Board of County (-',onirnlssioners which shall reflect all personnel actions rcstilting in a salary increase fi,,)r all current cmployees, 11iis report will exclude any cast of living/merit increases, etc. \Nrhich are approvcd by the BOCC on an annual or c("xitractual basis. l"". AdjLlStmcnts to salaq inay be granted to correct art equity probleni, Adjustments MUSt have the appropriate support documentation that 1)r(,)vcs the inequity aniong those in sitnilar county posit'lons doing the sarne level of work and responsibility along with having comparable clualifications including training, experience, and education. F, MERIT IN , RFASYS 1, A inerit increase is as salary increase within the sarne 1.)ay grade, awarded for outstanding (,'(,�)untv Service, 2. Merit increases are not autornatic. 3. The arw:)unt of riumt u1crease an erriployce receives, if any shall be detennined by' the avail abilinty of ffinds, and the SYSWM/procedures proposcd by the County Administrator and adopted by the Board of Countv Conunissioners each fiscal year. All salarry adjustments niust, be approved by the (.,'ounry Administr1itor. 4, An eniployee shall be eligible for consideration for as merit increase during the budget preparation period after completion of their initial probation period. Unless othem.-ise approved by the Board of ("'ounty Commissioners each fiscal ycar, an eniph,)yee will receive as Merit Increase on their Anniversat�y Date (see Section 4,,(.9 C). Effective APF4-4-7,,-2G4,3-,JWy 16, 2014 31 of 81 5. New ernployees hired belmv the minimunt ratc would be eligible f0r, consideration six months froin the date they arc adtustcd into the minimum rate, O. Once an employce has reached the n'.taximurn. salary arnount ofthc pay ;rade in which his or her position is classified, the ment increase will be awarded as a one time lump sum payrnent, on the enriployec's anniversarjdate (unless othenvise apl..noved by the Board of" County, Cl'ornnns Sioners eaclt Fiscal vear), unless said posificyn is reclassificed to as higher pay gy�'adc (see Section 3 regarding reclassifications). Nevertheless, the employee will still be evaluated in accordance with the COUMN, evaluation systern. All employees are expected to mAintain a, satisfactory e)r above perforniaticc levci, Failure to do so will result in apprOprinte disciplinary action. 7. The fi.)regoing reflects the current procedure, howevcr the COU11ty reserves the right to chatq,,,(,., or elinnnate the procedure whenever necessary, NOTE Time spent cm at leave of absence Arithout pay in cxcess of thirty days shall be dedUCtCd frOM the employee's length of service !record whcti deterrninitig thc time requircd for advancenient eligibility. C;1N(JLL,—S The decision whether to or when to grant a cost of living allowaticc, as well as the decision of the amount of such increase (if any) will be made, in the sole and exclusive discretion of the B(mrd of (1'ornntissi(,,,)ners, " 1 1 'ASUS 14� RFCRUF'l'MFNT AND RF'fF',N'J' I N CR F . ....... ...... Rg=lion Salar " — This Provision is intcndcd to provide consideration of crifical and/or unusual adininistration problems. A, racntion salincrease ma ' Y 'be approml, at the County Adi-runistrator's sole discretion, in accordance it thc followilig provisions: I fthe ernployce lias receivied a documented b(,-mia fide jot) offer with an ernplover c0ier than Monroe C"ounty BOCIC, and the retenticm increase is as counter offex to retain the (,.-mph,,)yec in their current position (,Job offers from other Monroe County BOCC officcs, Property Appraiscr, Clerk ofthe Circuit C'ourt, Supervisor of F1ect,,i(,,)ns,Tax Sheriff or other officc that reports to the Wmi'd of'County' ComTT1iSSi(.)11CrS Will 110t be deemed as bona fide job of4"(.,,,T,wit1t an ernployer other than the County under this provision)� It is not the intent of this policy to compete with the Monroe County Constitutional C)ffices. Under the provisions of tins policy, these officcs shall not be considered as an emplover, other, than Monroe County BOC',( A. Retention salary, increase decisions arc not grievable flit,(Algh the County's Arrievance procedure uViless it is alleged that such as decision \vas made based upon unlawfUl discritnination, B. To be eligible for rctcntion i.ricrease consideration, the affected employcc must: I . currentlY bc employed by thc Counry in a career service status position; 1 have been C011tiTILIOUSly Cinployed in their ct.irrent position for at least, onc calendar year prior to the date the bona fide Job offer was tnade; 3, have received at least as "Mects L,..xpectafions" rating on theirmost recent perf(,,nmance evaluation, mUSt currently be per6.-.)rnnng at an accepta[)le level, and shall not have been issued a written warning within the previous tw,,elve (12) triontlis;,and 4. Shall not, have received as total retention increase of the maximum (25)%) within the past twenty-- four (24) calendar months, from the (late the increase request is submitted to Human Resources. C. Tlie Countv ,kdmin�Btrator has sole authority to determine, aniount offered as a retenrion increase within the range of 0%6 t(,,) 25"/,, (.,)f time affected employee" s salary. llie Count), Administrator may approve Effective Afs'447,-2043 Jtfly 16, 20 M 32 of 81 retention increases as single (nr niultipic salary, adtustrnents; hosvevcr, iftnultiple salary adjustments acre~ inade for one entployce's retention increase, flic to,tal of those salary adustments nia�, not exceed 25/o of the affected en-iployce's salary prior to the first retention increase. 11 The retention salary increase ITILISt 110t palace the emprloyewe above the maxinium ft,wr their current pay range F'.. Retenfion increases recommended tinder this provision are subject io flit avaiLability of funds. To request a re tern increase, the respcctive. Dc-partment IAead shall submit a retention increase requestpackage to his/her Division E)ircctor and obtain his/her approval pricwr to subinitting the request tcw the Hurnan Resources Office. Increase rcquest packages Nvill include, at a mirtitnuni, the following doc'unictitation and shall be ve6ficd [N the Human Resources office: A cov,cr r:aaetano addrcsscd to the C'ounty Administrator Nvith the writmi approved by thc dcpartinent head and division director. 1 If the crnployec has another j(,,6 offer: (a) Validity of the job offer, preferably a copy of the. writte,11 jot) off`(,~r; (1)) Fhe rcspectivc (office's independent v(,rificatu,)n of the yob offer; 3, A cletad of the training costs that Monroe C,01111ty, Iran urrCd on the ernployce's behalf over the past tw(lit), four (24) raacarnths® The detail shall prow that for the invcstmegat oftraining costs would bc triore of as loss than awarding dic ernployec the reCOtT11T1(J1d(­,d salariincrcasc; 4, stintmation of the employcc,,'s satisfactory Job performance (that the employee has perfi,.)rtned and contittues to perfcmn, at least at, a "Meets F'Apectations" level and that he/she has not been isstied a written Nvarning Within the previous twelve Months); 5. that the division's rccorninended increase, if approved, would not place the ernployce abcwc the maxitnum fi:n their, current pay range; 6salary comparison of other entployces within the division/dcpartnient with sinrilar jot) cluties, qualifications and years of service; 7, recruitment and retention conditions in cri6cal areas as ntay be deim.mStrated by (a) high rurncwer; (b) declined job offers; or (c) copies of resignation letters from previous emph,)Nees, 9. Importance of the position in relation to the Action Plans of the departinent and divisl(All The Human Resources office will revicw the request and make as rcconiiiiendation tO the C'OUnt-Y Administrator. L,'grtiftgjaLion hug Ltifive �SgLL q41, hicrcase 11.1is Provision is interided to provide an iticctitive for employees to obtain certifications beyond their CUrrClit mininium pb requirements which will enhance the knowledge in flicir current posft,'Jon and add value to the department as well as the COLIWV, A, Certification incentive salary increase dccisions arc not grievable through the ("ount 's grievance prcwedure unless it is alleged that such a decision was made based upon unlawful discrimination, B, TO be elipqble for as certification incentive salary y increasc consideration, the affccted employee mk,ist: a. vau'rently be eniph,'),yed by the County in a career sera Ice: status position; b. liave been continuously employcd with the County f(,,,,)r at, least one calendar year pit or to, the dare of' registration of the certification; c. havc received at Icast a "Meets Expectations" rating on their most, recent performance evaluanon, must currctitly be perfi'mtringat. an acceptable level, and rnav not have been issued a writtcn warning within the previous twclve (1.2) triontbs; and d. nc)t exceed two ccrtifications per calendar year, (rcriewal of a certification will not inert any additional increase ni pay), C, $1,500 will be added to the affected employee's salary, Effe,efive JUy 16, 2014 33 of' 81 11), The Cert I Ification incentive salary increase must not place the errmplo ' yee above the niaxunuin of their cure rnt pay range. In the event the ernployce reaches the maximum of their Currcilt t)ay rallge, the Salary increase will D tv awarded as a one titne lunip sum payment. F". Certification Incentive salary increascs recorntriendcd under this provision are subject to the, availability, of fulick, Ilie f furnan RCSOUrces office will rc%ri(,--kk, the request arid inake a recommendation to the (1]"ounty, Administrator. llrocedurc: TO request a ceqttfication incentive salary, increase, the respective err ployce sliall complete the ("'errification Inceritive forn) and obtain approvals prior to registering in flic Cerfification c()urse oj,° prograin. I . The crag ployce shall clornplcte the form and subinit it to dic Departnictit I lead and Division Director f"(,,)r their approval (4 the recotru,etch rion. I The Etnliloyec cn, iccs Director will review, the request and shall approvc or deny ffic rcquest. I Humin Rcsourccs will officially rrcrtifyw the cniployec of the approval (or denial). 4. [Jpon satisfactory, ci,'.)mpletion of dic certification progl','Iin, the cniployee shall providc sufficicnt proofto Human Resources, Hunian Rescxirces will prcl,)are and process thtPAF' form n'-) be, effective on thc datc of certification. A certification salary incrcasc for any erriployce is treated as as pertnanent salary increase as long as the einployce reutuis the sanic position and does not cxceed a salary greater than dic maxitnurn for his/her pay range. ,4.09 1, , A OF I I IR F' ) z ....... I A, Y Ll i.—D, LLAN -,RSA RY,... I ) ATI S I ',,VIT'S �NNIVJ` A LN N ('I ["'S The date an employee first bcgins work for the County shall be liis/licr date of hire, and shall be used in relati(-,)n to the proccchrres governing fringe benefits and evaluations %-vhen applicable. Any break in employment ()f 48 hours or more Nvill create the need for a tiew date of hire if that emploYce returns to County Service. B, !,,�"MPIX A"MENTS"I'ATT S A promotion can occur when an employeee is trioved frorn as position in one chass to another pi�)sition in a diffcreirt class which has as higher triaximum salary, Any cniploycc niay bc recommended fcr deniotion by the Dcpartnient I lead witli the approval �,�(`tbc Division Director and the ("ounty Adniinistrator for cause. A detnoted cinployee may not be paid inure than the maxinnun rate cstablishcd for the new pay grade. An ernployee movc(linto anotber position in tln,, same pob classification q,'�xr to a different jx'wsition vvith the sanic pay range may not be eligible f"Or a salary increase at the 6.me of transfer. ANNE 21�'ARY An eniployec's anniversary date, is effective a-rnc year fain a promotion, reclassification, or transfcr which also resulted in an increase in salary Effeefive Ap+4,11 I. 711711121(l),44"JWy 16, 2014 34 of 81 When a, temporary cinployce attains the status of regyplar employee in the same positu-ni, his anniversary dat:e will be his date of hire for evaluation puri)oses. L,eavc accnial and benefits Xvill be implemented in accordance with current rules and regulations goverliffig same, Due to as vacancy of as budgeted position an eniployee tnay, be assignext full•tirnc to work in as higher Classification Up to, one Year, unless otherwise determined by the 'ounty Administrator. An employee required work in a higher (Jassification 30 consecuti%)c calendar days or less may be required to dcso at no increase in f,,)ay. If the employee is required to work I)eyond this period, lie or shc should be given as temporary transfet to the higher classification and be paid the greater of flea mirrimum salary of' the lacy N, range or a 5,v6 salary incrcase per higlier level pay, grlade (whichever is grcatcr) retroactively applied to day one he or she ssemcd in such higher classification and every consecutive day thereafter, At the cortclusion of the assigntitent, pay shall revert to the authorized rate established for his reguhm p(:)sition. Any stich teniporary increasegranted shall not affect the employee's efigibility, for normal salat),, advancement. One or more employees may be temporarily assigned duties/responsibilifies of as vacant budVCtcd posituml tip to 30 consecutive calendar days or Mess which have <a substantive impact on an employee's daily mrork life, arc, outside the normal scope, amnd require as new skill set. If the employee(s) is required to work. bcVond this penod, lie employee(s) will be given as temporary adjustment in pay of 3"/'u rctroactively applied t(,) day one lie or site served in such ctipacity, and every consectake day thereaftcr. At the conclusion of the asskgplment, paN, shall revert to the aUthOli�cC1 rate estabbshed for his/her rcl),,Ular position. Any such tempcmary increase granted shall not affect the einplc)yee's chgibihty for norntal salary, advanccirient, 4A 1 �",D FMTIL,OYI�-E 4A2 In the case of the death ofan ernph',)yce for w1u.)m an estate is not, raised, any wages, travel expenses or similar atTIOLIMS (111C tine C111f)l0yCC shrill be paid by the County in accordance with flic Florida Statute 222,15, An ernployee who does riot have living paremts, spouse, or children shall have the to dcsignate as beneficiary in \vriting. I I'lic (lountv Administrator must admiriister these Policies and Promkircs within the aniounis which a.re contained in the budgCt as cstablished by the Fioard of' County Continissioners. Accordingly, all cimpkwees are hereby placed on notice that thc payment of salaries and the grantitq',, of salary increases is alway's su[mject to the availability offunds. 4A3 TO TFIF" MAN,"(* When an employee becornes the rna.yor's aide, maid empk,)yee will lie awarded as 4`Vo salary increase for the length of time he/she holds the position of L'Ixecutive Assistant to the mayor, Said employce will acktiowledge by signature on f(,)rtn entided "Monroe G�mnty Employment Agreement L'Accutive Assistant to the Nlayor" that lie/she understands and ag!rees that this addimmal compensation will be withdrawn if and when the cominissioner is no longcr Mayor. Effertve 16, 2014 35 of 81 FJOU'RS 01"WO1"CK, 5.01 WLLj,�K N`L) V(Lj� Ef,', A. No County Department may operate on less than a 37 1/2 hotir normal work we nor more diall a,40 hotir normal work we (exclusive of hutch breaks), unless aUthOrized in advance in writing by the C,cwnry jUninistrator. B, The xork week shall start at 12:01 a.rri, Smiday and end at 12:00 midnight Saturdav, unless othervvise approved by the C"ounty d\dministrator, C. F.'"1ffCCtj%7e May, 1, 1991, all nem,ly hired regular fUll-tinre eniph.)yces will be reqUired to work 40 homs per weck tinless the amhorized pob pOSMIg Sta:VCS otherwise, M awnless otherwise deter1iiined by the ("OUMN, Administrator, VI'lien an eniployce changes his or tier position throiAgh the Prornotional 01,)portunity system he/she will be requircd to work forty (40) hours per week, LmIcss othcr%vise posted. 1), All ftill-time employces are required to be present on their assigned Jobs for the total hours in their work week, unless absence frorn duty is aufliorizcd by the appropriate atithority in accordance with these personnel policies, Fl, Part-time ernployces are required to be present on their assigned jobs for the total rnimber of hours for, which compensaticnis are being received, tviless absence from duty is authorized by thc appropriate awhority in accordance with these personnel policies. F, All absences shall be properly recorded and charged. G, Nothing herein shalt constitute a giAaranteed minimunr mimber of,working hours per week. 14—Altemative \vork schedules (c.g. four 10 hour (hays) arc implemented at the discreticm of the Division Dvctor for operations and sections that can utilize trianpom,,cr and equipment in as rn ore. pvxfucrive manner %vith the longer day. 1. F"lexritne 1')rograrn In deparnymits where openations pennit as flexible schedule, department heads mav authorize as flexible schedule under the following provisions: 1, While maintairting stifficient staffing chiring normal office hours (defined as Nlonda,v - FridaY, 8 ana thrOugh 5 pm, staff may choose the f'ollowing: (1) C'ontinuc working normal working hours; (2) \vork 4 ten hour days (no earlicr than 7 a.m. - tvlater than 7 p.m.); (3) wiam-k 4 nine hour day's and one f(,)Ur 11OUr d av; (4) work 5 cight hour day's atid tise only °/, hour for Imich and aI rrive a half'4uitir later or leave a halfJimir earlier; or (5) such arrangernent as are n utual %, agrecable with ciril-,floyee, supervisor, and L)ivision Dircctor. 2, During weeks with holidays as detailcd in Swim 6 of Pmcninel Poticics and Proccchmes (or as othcrwisc granted by the BOC`C), the employce will bc granted titne for the holiday, (if not worked) fear what the employce would have nornially worked for tbat day. 1 In situations where,, there, arc 111111tiple requcsts for the same scliedule that leavcs thc,, dcparunent understaffe(], thc schedules %vill lac rotated on the basis of seniority, with the tric'm senior cminty emplovee g(I , t, ting flicir first choice,fear nrt r oc -tonth aimed the. nnu, thext )st scnii: �ar (,00nry cinployce getting their schc(lulc of choice during month two and so for& Effe,?:Uve Arx,4-4-7, . . . .. . . . .. 219,14,,JWy 16, 2014 36 of 81 4Immediate supervisor, De parttnerit Flead or Dii,,ision thrector has the right to cancel an err plolvee's pacticipation in the Flex "Finic Progran) due to hardship issues or abuse the policy, 5.02 ("LN1_L'1W "1 '18,1 FOR NON. I �NF',Nllyj' RGFINCY REN)ONSF," FIMPLOY[`!,,:, ( )vertime is generally art unbudgetcd expcnse, and should be approved prior to ti I ine worked. A� STAT11MENTOF P011-ICIN 1. Overtime, whether cornpensated with cash or tinic off, must be appro\,cd by the Department Mead or other appropriate autlu',nity as stated in ,Ndniinistrative lnstnjctii: m 4716 Series. The ernployment arid work prograrn of each Department should be arranged so as to cluninate the neccssity of overtinic work except in emergency siruations. 2. Overtime is defined as work assip gried and actually %,orked by any einploycc beyond the florn'tal scheduled work week. 3. HAnployees who work more than their nornuffly scheduled hours will I)e paid at their stnaight-tne rate of pay for all hours worked tip to and including fi,)rty (40) hours in a %,ork week. Hours worked in excess (.:rf forty (40) hours in a work week will be coniperisated as provided b0ow, 4, Employees who work in excess of forty (4(,f) hours in any work weck \\rill be paid overtime at ()ne and on e-half tirnes their re, uhar rate of pay, fc� r all hours workcd over forty (40), or will be granted tirnc off (compensatory U111C) in hCLJ of overtinic if the eniployce consents in writing, 5, Coinpensatorr, rinie, ifoffertxl by the Clounty, will be governed by the folk)wilig conditions, a. Nlust be authorized by the appropriate Department I -lead or o6wr appropriate authority aAs defined iri A. 1. abov(e and the employee inust consent in w6fing to compensatory time in heu of tame and as half monetary cornpensation; bOne and onc-lialf hours of compensatory time will be granted for each hour of overtin-tc, worked; C. Compensatory time may be "banked"; how ever, the rnaxitnum bakince is 240 hours, When an cmiploycc has accrued dic rnaxinuirn of 240 hours coinpensatory dine, anv addifiq,)nal overtime hours vvi,­)rked Ji.e., over forty (40)) will autornatically be paid at the tinic and one- half ratc; d. An erriployee's reasonable request to utilizc accrued compensatory tame; will be coil sidered; hourever, the County resemt,"'s the- tight to exercise contrc)l of the use of titne off based oil N%r(")rk t(�,)ad and scheduling but only if' such work load atnd scheduling constitutes an undu( burden oil the Coutity, Paying overtinle to another etriptoyec to accommodate an crnphfl yce's compensatol-V dine request is not an undue burden. e. l,lacrra termination of employnictit, an eniployce %'Al be frame f(,,)r all unUsed atahonzed I I cotnPcnsatory, time at as rate (,.)f conipensation not Icss thatu (1) the average regUlar tate received by the etnploycc during the last thrce years, cw (6) the final rcgulir rate reccived [)y the employee, whichcver is highcr. Effective 16, 2014 37 of 81 5. 0 3 C!N/J �11 U Mm E W 0 1 k, I < I RF.SP , I Overtime for Firefighters is outlined in the neg(�)tiated [AFT' U,nion (.'ontract, 5.04 OVFATII�ffi, I )YESIS It is the gencral policy (,!)f Monroe COLUItV 110t to comPensate f(.,')r overtime those etnl.-)k)yces classified as 'exerript', froin thc Fair Labor Standards Act, or the County Administra tot Mlgly approvc compciisation for overtime, either in cotnpensatm� n I n-te or pay, for an excinpt en)p1(,,)vee who has been requircd to work unusually largc arnounts of'overtime, such as duiing a disaster, CIC. PIPP 2/6/14 "5 mi"." I, AN11 11":.S,.I`.EEJKL(')D� A I f.'Ariployees classified as regular fall time xvill rm4ve as total cal' cane hour f'()r mc:al/rest pchod per work. shift, ffic unie and sequence of which will bc determined by the Supervisor and approvcd by the Department [Jead. If it is ticcessa,t), for the non,exempt emplovee to work without a meal/rest J-)Cnod lic/she will be otherwise compen sate d ft)r that titne. All other ernplovces will receive meal or restperiods in an atnotint and timc deemed appt�opriate by their Supervisor. Meal and rest periods shall be scheduled 1)y the Dcparuncrit Ficad consistent with the effective Operation of thc department and may be rescheduled whenever ncccssar,y 516 ri„7(,K; �2f jhJaix, Ag as agncnded 1),L 11,aent Afftgdab1c, C'artAct 'i c "hikYS, birt I I I I a i c,,, r-,' �wvflll havc a r u,�_anwubl Jl,ncak timc-tos 41 L)r±.,gvg milli, )r ,k rmrtsin, child flian a sluelckxl ftorn vW1,911i -1 21, Le. !dl' 1A.at ,!y1wc t yaw jaa e wymuc..:`::..rn 1k., PPP 2/6/14 Effea(,,five April 47,r204-3Ady 16, 2014 38 of 81 6.01 HOLIDA'N"S [Bum With the exception of "A" below, the ft,41mving are hohda ' ys which shall be observed 1) ' y all C"ounty, offices in which ftc m6oris can be discontinued without adNrersely affecting required services to the PLII)hC: New ),.'car's Day Presidcrits Day Martin Luther King', ffiithday Good Fiiday Memorul Day Independence Day L,abor Day CICAA1111bus Day Vaerans Day Thanksgjving Dav llmnksgtving FridaN Chrisr"mas Dav In addition to the above designiated holidays, tire" Board of Commissioners, in its sole discretion, may, grant other spec.ial leaf days duting the course of as year to somc, or at], County employees. A ,ZNAIJ-Aupml The positions of Case Coordinator and shall observe the following holidays: New Year's L)ay (.1irist:rtias F"VC Martin Luther.King's, Birth(hi,y (3ood 1"riday Mettiorial Day Indelmidence Day Labor L,`)ay Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Friday (11tristmas Day S t u -rug y iWiihday ,-YuattAL The pos,ition of Sr, Systenis Anal"t shall (A)serve the following holidays: Nem, Year's Day Labor Dav MartRi Luther King's Birthday Veterans 6ay Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Independence Day ThanksOving F'richiv Christmas Day Public Defender - C)ffici.,il Holida . 1.1-I..---..,--,--,--..—,...-... t . ... X., " I'lle positiamis of Hearing Reporter, Sr. Systerris Analyst, arid Indigence F!"xaminer shall observe the following holidays: New Year's Dav Labor Day Martin Lutherking's Bitihday, Veterans Day Memorial Day 11'hatiks�11,11%,,ing Day Indep(mderux F)ay "I'lianksgivinn Friday Christmas Day Effecfive Aprif--4-7,�-,2043-Ady 16, 2014 39 of 81 6,02 ELIGIBILITY All salaried empl(�)yces (,)it the active payroll on the date of the holiday shall be clignble for holiday pay at their regular �rate of pay, I loarly employees shall not be c4igiblc for holiday pay. f"'Imployecs mkist be working or on approved leave with pay, the entire day before and the day after as holiday to be Compensated for said holiday. 6,03 �LORK DL,,R1N(LL-[QLjj)AN"S E'lach employee shall observe all holidays designated in this Section, provide('[ that, the, mrork load ofthe t the ernployce's w()rk load carmot be departinent is in the discretion of t!be COUnty Administrator, such tha discontinued without causing as hardship to the County. In the event that the Nvork load in any departlTu',mt does not perinit the observance of 'Illy designated hohdaV all eta ployces reCILtired to work on said designated holiday, (,!)r if holiday falls oil employces designated dliv, off, may be grranted another day's leave in lieu of the holiday, or paid for the work performed on the hcrhday, as determined by the Department I -lead and/or Division Director. 6,04 L-1Q,LIDAYS FALLING QN. - aN �w.a!,..'!"NTY I"Y"I'Ll"I'lFs ARE NORMM.LN" .......... (2— A.'2 U�nless otherwise specified by the, Board Of COUrIty 4'0111tllissioncrs . when as holiday fialls on as Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as as holiday - wficit a holiday falls on as Sunday, tbc fi-4lowing Monday shall be obserNred as as lic)[iday, For County fadhli(,"S normally open ()It SAtUrdays and Sundays, wheri as basal (hiy falls on as Saturday or Smtda.�, those facilitics will observe the holiday on the actLial h(,)hday in hcai of the nonnally scheduled County Hofiday For ("ounty facilities normally closed on Sundays and Mondays, when a I'loliday falls on a Sunday or Monday. th(�)se facilities will observe the holiday cart thc following'I'llesday, F'mployces on annual or sick leave during periods when designatcd holidays occur, shall not have the day of the holiday charged against their accrucd leave, (06 ,' !, j-, F'Mployees who Choose to obset-ve other "holidays" for religious or other reasons must do so by utilizing annual leave Pursuant to Section 7, Effpcbve 16, 2014 40 of 81 E"inployees who are (:)n leave without pay status for nio.re than all hours during a pay period Nvill riot acctue annual leave for that pay period. 1. Annual leave may be used ort, as payday -to,, payday basis as it is earned according to scheduling requirements and may be accurnulated up to 40 working days with as tilaxiinum of 3.20 hours. Art),, tinie earned in (,,xcess ofthis amount as of April 1" of each year 'will be rttHt,,d­twkT en'ti"tIt"t Individual einployees are responsible for monitoring their own Ieavv balance. 11, - is ItH-11 11,11,40 lv,ljtit:�sf "trid 1,­44f,,)'vef!­(,f hottr's, 1occ 5/1/14 1 All annual leave must be approved in advance by the applicable Departinent Flead, Division Director and/or the COUnty Administrator depending on the position licld by the requesting eiriployee. The employee shall fill (nit his Ix2ve Request Forin and submit it to the Department Head, who has the right to deny art ernployee's request fin annual leave, if granting such leave at that tirne would be detrin'lental to County operations, Upon such dental, the employee may request the leave at another tinie. The Departnicnt Head is responsible for verifying that the eniployce does have sufficient accrued leavc to cover the period of al,-)scnce, and should return the leave request to the cryiployce indicating approval or dertial, within seven (7) days of receipt of the reqUeSt, Unless a valid reason is given to the cinployce for the delay. 1) A I N Y J':,, k, If the payinent of' annual leave is approved by the ("'Ourity, C0111puting said leave pay will be based on the employee's regulat rate of pay and terms of separation. 111to"I'A"(0,11 �a]l vacation L�n C�mjtl bc w I !LL'a �(A,dw UD v yn, All _Ltxn., 12 eJ tll,�:111yf�,J,l I'VP mc,c6ng 9/25/12 L REI�s Annual Icave may, be used for any purpose; 1°aowever, it is as privilege incident to C"ounty service and is not a riglit, and may only be used by the eniployee iftaken prior to termination f(,,)r cause or in accor.alancea with d'iese policies, with the. ft-)Ilowing restrictions: In Annual leave may not be taken until accrued in accordance with these rtdes. 1'TTIPIO)TCS Will 110t UCrue annual leave during a, leave of absence,without pay, a SUSpension, or,when the employee is offierwise in as non,paying status. 3. Section 'I 1,01-lie sig ,,nations. 4. Employees who leave the County service without proper notice or who are terminated for just caUSC rnay be denied payment of accrtted annual leave,, A. j,,,,LjG ,�LJ13 -.- All salaried ernployces with rey)Ulat' status working 2() h(,)urs or m(")re 1.)cr week shall have the privilege of accruing sick leave in accordance with these policies. Hourly employe eswill, not accrue sick leave. Effecfive April­17 204,3-JLflY 16, 2014 42 of 81 C'l F'rnployees shall not Ire ehOble te> use sick leave until they luwe been in the County servicc fi:wr 90 da ' vs, unless recorn,mended by the Department Ileac�l and approved by the F)ivision Director. Verificati011 of illness by a physician rmay be re(ILdred. L�j� �AL OF SICK Lf',W]" ................. — ------ _- All regular, full -time employees willaccrue 4 hours sick leave per paly period, " I , licre will be no litnit of the amortnt of sick leave that can be accrued. Sick Icave for ettiployecs working less than 40 hours per Week, but at least twenty (20) hours per wvek %eill be proratcd according to the hours worked. When flicre has been as break in servicr° of 48 hours or inorca, the cmployee upon 1"cinslaten let) t 01, rC- empk)yment will begin accruing sick leave as a new cniployce. Elmj,aloyccs who are on leave without pay f(-,)r tncare than 8 hours duritig as pay pvh(,.)d will not accrLIC' sick leave for that pay period. 1, Sick leave shall be used only with the approval of the applicable Department flead, Division Director or ("ounty Adirrinistrator and shall not be authorized prior to the tinie it is carned and credited to the einplo " YeT, except in cases of prcarranged niedical appointincrits, surgers, or, offiet° health,related triatters. 1 Sick leave shall be authorized ontly in the evcnt of. a. The crriployee's personal illness, injury or, exposure tcas cont,,qri4xis disease which would endanger others. 1). Illness or injury o)fa husband, wife, domestic partner, father, ntother, legal guardian, son or daughter (including adopted or foster child). c. 1be eniployce's personal appointinents with as practitioner whcn it is riot possible to arran W.,,. such appointmerivs for off -ditty hours, but not to exceed the extent of time required to coinplete such appointments. d. Prearranged surgery or other health related matters. 1). Monroe County has establishcd as Sick lxavc Pool for cligibic full tines cinplo,yces dcsigncd to aid the V (See Administrative Instruction 4702 for ruIcs and employec suffering ftom air cxtcndcd ithicss or injI ur, enroffincrit procedures). A. Sick leave is a privilege, and not as benefit. In filct, usc, of sick firnc actUally causes a hardship on the C"Ounty, '111c C,ounty niust, diercfore, ensure that einployces wilizing sick leave arc sccfion 7.02 of these policies and procedt.,wes. F1Mj)10YCCS Moist nteet the following conditions in ordc.r tc) be gt-anted sick leave with pay E ffecbve ApfR-1 T�, -20,13 J �,i �y 16, 2 0 114 43 of 81 (1) Notify, his/leer immediate Supervisor as soon as the employee learns that lie/she Nvill he unable to Wport to %vork in accordance with indiVi(hial department policy. "I'lic emplo,yec shall c!aU in to his/hcr inimcdiate Supemisor at least one (1) tinic on cacti consecutive shift thereafter, that the etnpl()N�ee will miss work because of sick leave. (2) F'ile a written report (after returning to work) explaining the naturc of the illness when requit-ed, bN tier Supervisor or Department Head. (3) Permit inedical examinat.1011, nursing visit or any County inquiry, (telephone cal.L visit to the employee's house, etc.) deerned appropriAte by the County to document the illness of die emph!)Yce or family meniber. "I "he Department Flea d is responsible for following up (.)it s,ick leave use and for ensuring that there is no sick leave abuse. The Departnicnt Head may require any employee to bring in a note from his or her personal I',)hysician ft)r absences of three (3) consecutive working clays or niore. However, if as Department I lead reasonably suspects that all ctriployee is abusing sick leave, said Department Head may require that ally use of sick leave by the employee for herself or family triernber bejustified by as note from a physiciam Furthcr, in the event that a l3epartment Head is unsatisfied witli the initial doctor's note, he truty require the employee or family mcniber to be examined by, a County - designarcel physician at the Counq's expense. K If it is determined that the employee is unfit to cominuc Nvc�rking, the Departnient 1-Jead ma ' y u reqire the employee to use any part of his accrued sick leave, compcmsarory ureic or annual leave and may thercatler require the employee to take such leave, without pay as is niedically determined sufficicnt to restore him to normal licalth, however, this \vill itt no wa,v prevent the, Coutltv from separating him frX,)m employment ifflic., I I I absence would be of such duration as to pose a hardship on the operations of the L)epartrrient,. ( "I"he Departinent Head may require, at any time, an entplovec to present i'liedical evidence that lie is physically or mentally fit to work and/or the Department If ead niliv, require, an employee to bc. cxamined by a COL1111Y. designated f)hysician or psychiatrist, at the County's cxpcnsc. (SET" 7M3 A) If atisent for three c()nsccutive work days without reporting to the Supemisor a reason sufficient to justif ' %" t1u: absence, the employee rnay be renic',wed frcan the payas roll having voluntatily, resigned without notice. '],'lie Supemisor is to notify the Department I -lead, Any unatithmized absence may be cause for disciplinary ac:tion, tip to and including tertnination. 7.05 NT J, I" A V I,` AAll employees covered under this pcdicy shall tx granted up to two'%,crrldng days off with pay, irl order to atmid a funcral of a meniticr of tbc erriplovce's inirriediatc family. ............ ... . ...... A, " UY" " 1�1h n 1) 'tj c, The ininiediatc family shall be construed t(,.) rrican one of the following. Flusband, Wifc, fathcr, mother, Son, claughter, stater,, 1)rother, uncle, atim, first cousin, nephew, niece, domestic partner, dorriestic partner's f"affict, and mother, legal �iarchan, grandparclit �r iii-laws, father,,in,law, mother4m,law, scat ,in-1.1w, dai�ag -irt4mv,', brother-iii-4a"r, sistevin-law, mcpf"ather, stcImnotlicr, stcPson, stel,,)daughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brorlicr, half sister. ide Effective 16, 2014 44 of 81 7,01 J-, ("Ah"I'LITY K AC( LEAVEM"I H PAY SEC", 1'10N 7 All salaried eniployees with regular status working 20 hours or more rwr week shall carn and accrue annual leave with pay. Hourly ernployees will not accrue antimal Icave, Annual loave for regular, ernph'.)yces shall be carned in accordance with the following tablc� Years of Hours of Leave Flarricd Continuous Duxirig 1,,ach Calendar Service Month 40 FI PW I dirough 3 ycars 4 hours per bi wcekly pay period (13 working (lays per year) 4 through 10 years 5 hours per bi,wcekly pay period (16 '1 /4 working days per year) 11 through 15 yew's 6 hours per bi weekly pay period (19 1 /2 vo)rking (lays 1-.)er year) 16 through tert-riinariort of employtrictit 7 hours per I)i-weekly pay period (22 ' 3/4 Nvorking, days per ycar) Flours of I A-,av'e L'arricd During L'."ach ("'alendar Month 37 '/., HPW 3,75 hours per lei-wcckly pay period (1 working days per year) 4.75 hours 1)er bi,weekly pay penod (16.5 working days per year.) 5.75 hours per bi-weckly pay penod (19.9 working chat s per %Icar) 6.75 hours per bi weekly pay period (2i.4 working days per year) N,lottroe C"Outity CUJITIC11fly has a bi-wcckly pay period s' ' ystern conancricang at, 12:00 a,rri, SundaN, ending two Saturdays later at 11:59 p.m. '11icrc are 26 pay , Ix.,riods per year, Annual leave for employecs working less than 40 hours pt-r week, but more than 20 luxirs per week \Xrill be proratedaccording to the hours worked. When there has bcen an break in eniployinent of 48 hours or rnore, the ernployee, upon rcu'Isratement or re-employrrient, will begin earaing annual leave as a riew etnployce,, Effective APF4,1,7-�-204 3"APY 16, 2014 41 of 81 41PP MCC6xag 5/2' /114 7.06 HOLIDAYS Dt."RINGSICK I F'—XVAda ' Holidays occurring while an employee is on sick leav(� shall not be chariYedagainst the emph,'wee's sick leave balance. 7,07 L"AYMFN 1"0 �U I) SUN Ll ANI," j years c n fiv'(,', (5) continuous service shall riot be paid for any ,V An employee who terminates with less tha unused sick, leave cr,cdits. B. Employees with varying years of continuous servicc shall, up(xi se paarariot i, from the County ill good standing, death or rctirernent, receive incentive sick leave pay as foll(',ms. 5 to 10 years cif scmicc , 1 /4 of Al accrued sick leave, with a maximum of 30 days. 10 to I ycars of" service , 1/2 of all accrued sick leave, with as maximum of" 90 days. 1] accrued sick leave, with a rnaxitnum of 120 days, (", The paynients niade as terminal pay for unused sick leavc, %,hetber paid as salary or otherwise, shall not be used in flxcalculation of av'crag(,t final conipensation for retirement. D. 1.�I�mployees \vho leave the Couritv service without proper noriccor whcare terrninated for past cause Ina\ be denied pa,yrnent of accrued sick leave. 7.08 "I"R.,,\NSFER n poeho resigns from entity r q,aiI I ito cpt osiion wy wilnot bem credited with hours of unused sick or annual leave which was as while employed by that entity or organization, Effoactive Apr,0-47,� 204,3-JWy 16, 2014 45 of 81 LEAVE" 01"' ABSi-IM 'Al", K01 ADM IN I S"FRA"I"I V F" LE, AVI Adm�nistrative leave is leave with Pav that is nor charged to the erriployee's sick or annual leave. 1. A full-time employee Who is sutrimoned to jury duty by a city, the ("ounty (monix"w), the State of Florida, or the Federal (iovernment. or subpoenaed to appear in (.—,out as a witness in as criminal or civil action, arising front )its or her o"mrity cinpic),yment shall be granted time off with pay for the dine actually spent on jury duty or in the court appearance,, F'ees paid by the court will be retained by the employee unless othemise determincd by the County Administrator. As conditions precedent to rcceiving time off with pay for jury duty, or court appearance of the aforesaid MIM11-C, the cmpk')N'cc- must., a. Notify his/her Dcpartment f4cad of the sunitnons or subpocna immediately upon rcceipt, producc the SLU11111011S Or sul)poena to his/her Department I lead tipon request, and providc� the Department Head with at) estimate ofthe dura6�)n of the, absericc; b. Report to thc Department I Jead immediately upon the conclusion or contintiance of Such jury duty or court appearance; c. Report status of jury; duty to supervisor, or designee ('mr as chaily basis. 1 Any employce on jury duty as specified above, and who is released Or CxCUSCd front jum, duty (ILH'illg normal working lic'mrs, will itntriediately contact his or her supervi I scar in order v.) detel'1111,11C whether the employee will be required to report back to work. [",niployees rho �r rk a 24, hour si'lift, will contact their, Department Flead (or designee) when relcased from jun, duty, If tile Department Flead (or desigynce) detcmiines that the err.tployce could nc)l effectively cotriplete his or her \V,(,.)rk shift, the employee may be gpnnted tinic offwith pay for thc remainder of iiie shift. 3. The C'minty, it) its discretion, tiray reschedulc the workirug hOUrs and days of"work of an t,antplc,ryee employed on other than as full-tirne basis who is surnmoned to pun,' duty or subpoenaed to appear. in COUrt as as witness by as city, the Comity (Monroe), the Suitc of I'lorida, or the Federal Goverrunetu in as criminal or civil action arising fr(:mn his or her county emph:)yment. lf, in the Counry's judgment, it is not feasible or practical to schedule dic employee's hours of work around such, ffie ("ounty, shall graill the era ployce tinre off with pay for the tinic actually spent on juny duty or in the, Court appearance. As Cort(litions preccdcrit to receiving time off with pay ftm; jury duty or court appeararicc of the a&)resaid nature, the employee must abide by the provisions ccmtained above in Sect�ion 8.01 A1, (a) and (b). 4If any employee is subpoenaed as as witness other than in the s,liccific circumstances descrilxd above, the County will grant the era plovec leave without pay to tire extent that the Department ficad so approves. 5. Notwithstanding any of dic PrOvisions of Section 8.01--A above, no employee shall receive pm fi3Ome Co unty where the crnph")yee is a plaintiff", claiinant, or witness against rh�, C`ountv in a mattc'r Contrary tO thC COU11ty"S intcrests. Eftective Apht -17�-2043-J�Jy 16, 2014 46 of 81 6, Atry cml)loye(,,- subpoenaed or othcrwisc rcquestcd to be as pat-ticipant it) any lcg,.Al matter related to ("ounty business must itiftmii the County Attorncy's officc as soon as pca)ssiblc after receiving said notificatiori. An ctrtploy(,,wc, who is as properly registered voter and who lives at such distance from his ,issigncri work locations as to prccludc his voting outside of working hours nuty bc authorized by the Dcpartment flead to have a maxinium of two hours of leave with pay f(,,)r this purp(::)sc,, An crnployce shall riot we granted administrative leave to work at the polls during ciections, C­ I N ("" S 4111111.11b", fit cases where it is dectned by the Division Director to lac tteneficial to dic County, an eniployce rnay be granted Icave with imy to attend such prc)fessional rricaings or conferctices as may contribure to time, effectiveness of his eniployinctit (See Scction 15 . 'Fravel - f'(,,)r u4mbut-scment proccdtirvs), An employee maY be granted leave wirli pay while taking exanimations before a F'edcnal, State A:')r C1,01111ty agency, providcd such examinations are pertinent to )its ("'ounty employment, if approvt�d by the Departinent Fleaand the Division Directon E NI IT it!!_ ` I I EAR.Y_,LL'A V n.mtcazar ES, 5 I � Mil" i ' jary Emew ployes ho are en listed nlisted personnel oneU l in the ne itd States mu ilitry Or Tiaval service or mernbers of the National Guard vvill be granted leave wvitll full pay duritig, days which they are engaged in �nihtary or naval training Leavc shall not excecd 17 Working daYS in 4111�' orte annual period (l,)q,',ri.nrdng ()ct(:A')er I and ending September 30 of flic f(,,)1lo\%I'ing year). Additional tinic shall be wittiout pay and shall be grarricd witl our. loss of riti-te oi- efficiency rating. The, employee mrill riot bc rcquircd to use annual leavc or similar Icavc (comp tinic) in licu of LWOP. Docs not include Artnory Drills or MultipleTrauting Assentblics. 2. UditarY ligaice E.ImpIcwees who are enlisted peisomicl in the National Guard or as reserve of the U.S. Armed Forces will In,: granted leave to perforni active niilitar� ,, scrvicc for the first 30 days with full pay. Paid Icavc shall also include the period dunng which a person in military servicc is absent froni duty on account of sickness, wounds, leave, or other lawful cause. Peric)d of active military service shall begin with the date of entcring upon active military service and shall terminate with death or a date 30 days immediitely next succeeding the clate, of release or discharge from active military service, or Upon return frcmi act�ivc military servicc, whichever shall occur first. Military earnings will be retained by the employce. 3. lixan-tinations for Milita.Ly . ........ Any employee \vho is ordered by the Selective Service Board to appear for a physical exan-tination for iiiduction into the rnilitary servi I cc shall be graritrA leave with pay fc)r this puil)ose. Effective '16, 2014 47 of 81 4, o.nber s .-A nicinber of"the National Guard who returns to work after serving on state active duty will maimain seniority and other beriefits as outlined in F',S. 250,481 f`UISERRA Uniformed Scrvice U�tnplo, Y rnent and RceinploymeR nt iglu ,,\cts of 1994, Does not apply, It') In addition to "L"I" abovc: U'SERRA covers ernployecs whca arc: Active or rcscrve: iNmiy, Nav'y, Maline (-,orps, ,,Nit Force, Coast Guard, Arm�, National (4iard, or Air National Citiard, Conitnissioned ("orps (..)f the, Public I-lealth Servicc, and z\ny other catcgory designated by the President in three of war or emergency. In addition, protects former and tctired niembets and applicants fi�,)t ftltlire servicc with a unifortned servicc. US1.11RA does not include teniporary CMI,)IOYCCS UIIICSs eniplo,yment is for a brief period with no reasonable cxpectation of continuance for a significant period of time. L;SEIT.RA covens voluntarY and invc4unraIN,, F'or purposcs c)f ntilitary Icavc c(,,)v(-rc(,] by L,'Sl-�RRA - "Service" is defined as: ,Nctive duty, active duty fi�)r training, initial activ e dum for training, inactiv c dUVV training, full . tinic National Gwird dutvl absence for examination to determine fitness ft)r any of the above forms of duty and funcral honors duty by'National C;uard or Rcscti,,e,, ['ttiployees will rccei%rc up t(,,) 5 years military leave ofabsence (which includes rcemplopnctit rights). T'Ypcs of service that do not COUnt agoinst an ("'Inployce's fiv,(,:-year maxiniurn includes� Inactive duty training (drills), annual training, involuntary recall to (:ar retention on active durv, voluntary ()I' involuntary active duty in support of war, riaiional emergency, certint operational niissions or additional training requirements detcrinined and certified in writing by the Service Secretary, and considered tcbe necessary f(,.)r professional dev(.4opment or for con-ipletion c4 skd.] trainijq, or. retraining, C'ertaitt spccific exceptions Nvill coritinue to protect bcyond the fivc.ycax time period: Service reqitirvd to complete an it-unal period of obli py, red sen-ice: Six year active duty, stint as an enlistee with tl,.we L).S. Navy's nuclear power prc%ram; Service from whicii a pease:, through no fault oft'lle person, is unable to obtain as release within the five-vear limit; Required trairting f()r reseii,-ists and National ('juardstnen; Service under an irrvoluntaljorder to, or to be retained on, active duty during domestic emergency or national security related situations; Service under an order to, (',.)r to re rnain Ou, active duty (other than for traininp� because of a arar or national einergency declared by the President or Congress; Active duty (other than for training) by volunteers supporting 4`C)perarional missions" for which selected reservists have been ordered to active hint v without their consent; Service 1,)y volutitcers who are ordered to active duty in support (:af a critical mission or requiren-tent in tirries other than war or national e-mergency and %'%rhen no involuntaan- (-,all up is in effect; and Federal service by members c& the National Guard called into acticm by the President to suppress an insurrection, repcI an invasion, (n It) eXCCLItC the IAWS Of thew ("nited States, 1. BEN]J'S-N N LEAVE' Beginning ("M the 3 1 " day and bcyond, therc wdl be no health insurance coverage. F'Iml,.)h)yccs will be offered c(,)-,Ifci,agc und(IT COBkA, EffecOve Apfil 477112043-J�fly 16, 2014 48 of 81 (Military time sevcd niust be satisfactory. Lnjt Lie Icss than hon(:AI-ablc Condition's"'.) A returning employce's notificatiori of imcnt to rctum to work must be niade promptly ft)[Jowing corn pletion of niilitary scrvict% Service of I - 30 daysthe beginning ofthe next regularl ' N, schcdulcd wrr or per (,)it the, firm full day, ft)l1mving compiction of senricc and expiration of an 8-hour rest period following safe transporranon holne. Service 31 180 daysapplication f(,,,)r reinstatement, niust bc, subtnittcd no hatcr than 14 daYs after completion of militatT, dut)% Sct-vicc of 181 or more daysapj,,)Iication for rcinstatenictit niust be sulmnitted no later than 90 days after corripleticni of military dul"N% Thc deadline for reinstaternent may Ix cxwnded for cinployms who are convalescing to a disability incurred during scrvicc. flie cniployee must report: back to work, as soon as possible, F!"ailure to i-Tort (unless through no fault of the ernplo'Vec) vvill be handled in accordance with the County's policies. Returning employec's pension plan accnials and vesting will continuc as though to«a brenk in senrice had occurred except in limited situations (regarding licalth benefits as defitned under the Act). L"pon re-employment, the, employev has 3 dines the length of service (not to exceed 5 years) to nuwy resulting(.,)bligadon ofthemake payments to ay contribtory plan within the same time), When rceniploycd, thc licalth insurancc coverage, will start from day I and there fll I>e no waiting period, G ADNIlNISTRXFIVy;, Ll`AVF 1"(Al, R`,Ij`, kjMJNXHQN OR, BY VF' " TFR,\NS N �' I Q S ,R E:�2)NNFf-TFD DISABLITY 11� SPF-I- —.- J -a(anrdhul,�L S'!- ()N' W.11, I I-RF.- S c With F,I 10 A I Any cniployee of the, County who has Ixen rated by the Veterans lWininistration to have incurred a sexvice connected disability, and has been scheduled by the Vetcrans Administ ration to be re,examined or treated f(,,,)r th(.,,, disal)ihty shall be granted a(Inlinisuative leavc for such examination or treatment without loss of pay or benefits, [it no emit shall the paid leave under this section excccd six (6) calendar ilays a year. A leave request should be subrnittcd to thc Deparmicrit ficad tsar said lea vc as far in ,,idvancc as possible FlInployees will be granted leave with pay to donate blc)od during t1re Ccmnty's orgariizcd Illood Dtivm Effective ApfO 17,,2443 JWy 16, 20,14 49 of 81 I,. Ally CniploycC who is a (h,"wunlented member of an Elmergency Response 'Feam will not be chargcd minual or sick leave, ot, be required to use accrued compensator tirric when called to rcspond to a V w lcgltirnatc enaergency, The ('cwtataty. reserves the rµigllat to require ckxurnentation that an cniergency did in fact exist, 1 rytrY etnpli,,)yce who is a nicnibcr cxf an F'Imerp,,ency Response 'Fcarn should inforin the County at the time of employll"Ient interview or if' already cmploycd by the (,',"ounty, upon beconling a meniber of such. a Tearn. f-ailurc to (1(.,) so Could result in disciplinary action, Pursuant to Resolution 100-2000, county employees may tne"ittor as child in the Monroe ("ountY School D�ktrict f.*(,,,)r uj,°) to one hour per week (not to exceed fivc hours jx,,ar calendar month). I xave will be granted after, taking into consideration the inipact oil such leave on the employee"s work unit. If ari employee is gratitcd administrative Icavc undcr, this section and c.lcreas nca use the administrative leave as autht)rized in this section, the employee shall not accrtic or be paid for such urmsed leave. 8,02 L)1 1 �,,, V , s, 1 "I a Lj�A V'*,, N ry wI"°',C ,A, El GIBILITY' An cmpkqec, who sustains a County Scrvi(x.-,-conrtectcd disability which prevents dice eiriployce fi,0111 carrying out his regular duties or any other duties as assigned, shall be entitled to disability, lem,e %vithin the g,�,iidefincs of this Scaion. B. DEFINFFIONS 1, Date of Disability - The date on which the disability began, or the last day, c4 cluty, following whichever is later. 2. Service-("otittectcd Disability - A physical condition, resulting from accident or inlut-Y in the filic of duty, which Prevents an employee ftotn perforniing his regular duties or any other duties as assigncd, C, DISABILITY DI: 4 'IERMINAILION Determinations of the existence and service connection ()f a disability shall be made in Accordance with the l"Jorida State Workcrs Compensation Act which provides that the emplover is rcsponsiblc for fumishing employees, who have incurred service -connected disabilities, mrith such remedial treatment, care and attendance under the direction and supemision of a qualified physician, surgeon or other recognized practitioner, The County resemcs the right miler the provisions of this Section to spec ifty the Physician or surgeon or recognized practitioner to handle any ancl all service -connected disability, cases. 13isabilitv determination shall be made based on: 1. All facts in tire set -vice history of the case. 1 The findings of the tnedical cxaminer assigned by thc Workers (-,'(.)ni Pei! Isation carl'ter. 50 of 81 fferfive JWy 16, 2014 3, Such evidence as the ernployce may submit, at his own c%pmsc, of the service comiccrion of his disability. 4, Other relevant evidencc submitted to the medical examincr. 5. 'I"here shall lac, no presurription that any disability Is semice,-conne-cied, unless stich a presti.tription exists as as inatter (.:)flaw. ,knv condition which is scl( inflicled (,,)r caust-d by another person for reasons personal to flic cnnlfloyee and not, because of his eniployment shall not be considered as disability undcr this provisi(:'ni. 1, It is the responsibility of the eniploym to report any and all job related injuries to his or her ininlediate Supervisor as soon aftcr the injLary occurs as possible. All Not�ice of lnjuq, must be mported to W'(,.)rker's Clotriperisation office. It is tine, responsibility of the Supervisor to filc a Notice of lnpuq Forni and Superviscn's Report Nvith the 1`Jnj,,)1oyeC Benefits Secti(")II, as soon as possible. A firic of $500 will bc. assessed against ffic Umnty by thc Statc of F-Iorida for a claini that is not filed on a tiniely basis. 1be Notice of Injury F'orm must be coinpletc, 1 An einployee wvinca sustains as job,related injuty, re, ulting in disability that is compensabic under the Workers Corttl,,)ensation Law, C'haptcr 44Fd 0, loria Statutes, ",,"hall )rave a scvert (7) calctidar clay waiting period befcwc Workers C0111pensation Benefit paynicius begin, During this waiting peTiod, an entployce n-tay elect to use sick leave, annual Icave, or dockinlented compensator), time to rcceive m:)rrnal salary. 1 TiJTIC spent obtaining medical treatment after scvcn (7) (lay waiting' period related to the workers compensation in)urv, will be paid for by the employing department and mritt not be charg ,!ed against the employec's sick, annual or other accrued hours. Hic employee shall obtain the "Authot-izatic:m for Treattlient F"valuation" forin frorn the Wo�rker's CO11iPcnsat.1f,,)n Office and have the physician complete and fomvard to the workem' c(,mipensation office scr that the ern ployce not be charged sick/annual hours. 4. If disabiliq continucs into the eight (8th) calendar day, normal Workers Corripensa6mi payments would begin at a rate of 66 2/3*,,� of tine employees gross Salan", Computed on thcir average weekly wage, for 13 weeks prior to the (late of inpiry, in accordancc with the Workers C,,Canpensation Law, 5If disability continues into the twenty-first (21st) calendar &iv, the employee will receive V'orkers C,onipeflsa.11011 benefits retroactive to dic date of injury, at the same rate discussed in #2, in accord.ance with the Workers (,.'otnpensation Law, Any, sick lej%e, ar)TIL1,11 lea%,c, or compcnsatory titme use-cl by the employee for this seven (7) day peii(xi will lac mphiced on tile books, based 1)ercentage wise on Workers licnefits paid. 6. After seven (l) caleridar (lays, the disabled ernployee will continue to receive Workers ("0111pensation benefit, payments every two wceks until their physician releases thern to retkirn to work, Eff,c,,f,,tiveAp,r,u1-47-2GI3-J, ,h9y 16, 2014 51 of 81 7, 1 f requested I)v thc,, cmploytw, a rcvie-w of the case will lac made by a comn'tatce coml',)osed of a repreSelltatlVC Of time HUman Resi,,)urccs and/or L,"111ployee 11cmfits officcs and the ernployce's f3eltartment Flead, and a written recornmendation may be ade to the Counti Administrator that the eiriplcxyec be allowed to use, annual leave, sick, leave and/or approved cotirpciisatory, tinic in an arnown necessarly, to receive as salary arnount that will supplemcnt thcrr Workers (' omperisation payrTICIUS Uf) to the total rict salary received prior t:am time disal)ility, In no case shall the employm's salary and Workers (,"01111wnsation benefits coinbined exceed t lie amount of their regular sahary payments. If the Workers C"onipensation absence is designatecl as FN4LA Icave, the canployec will not be allowed t(,.,) use annLUd 1CaVC, Sick leave and/or app,wed Conipcilsator)" tittle to Supplement Icave, in accordance with l3epartment of.Labor ilflcs, 8. 'I'lic disabled cinploycc will confinue tc� accrue both sick leave and annual lea vc during thc period ()f disability. 9, An e!rnploycc placed oil light -duty by his or her physician, rnay enroll in the Light -Duty Program as Nvtitten in Administrati've lnsa rliction 8002, 10. When an cmph,,,mylec on Workers Compensation can no longer perform his/tier. trorma] )ob duties, he/she may be, scImarated from employmcm, if asppr()vcd Lty. the County Adminismm')r, in accordance mrith the laws of the State of Florida governing Workers and these poticics and procedurcs. 8,03 I1) EI�N, I'L A 4 LL1, ,A, M,'QNANS.'fit" K 1, Ali etriployce who kn(,ms in advance that he/she intends requcst Matemity, or hild Care leave shall notif, in writing, their Departmce.nt Head or Supc�rvisor at least thirty (30) (lays prior to the requested time of leavc, Eligible cryiployces shall submit a "I imily and Mcdical 1,A­,,ave Act Leave Rcquest" form (see Section 8.05) 1 An erriployee whose cluties may be considered hazardous enough to causc the cmployce to become medically disabled anytime during the pregnancy will be required to furnish medical evidericc of lier fitness to contintle in the performance of her duties beyond that timeA Department Head may, request this determination at any time he/She deems necessary for the health or welfare of" the employee. 3, A pregnant employee may, continue her employrnent as long as she is alilc to properly perform the required duties of the job, and these duties are stated tit writing by her physician to be non- Ila zardous to the employee and the unborn infiant. 1, Disabilities arising out of pregnatmi, childbirth and recovcry there fixmi, shall be treated the sainc as other milporary, m,,)n -lob -connmed disabilities it) terills of eligibility for use of sick leave, annual Icave, or leave of absence, 2, A regular employee who has Completed the Stante ard probatk-miary, pctiod nraa�y request a n"iaternity leave (:,)f absence without pay fOr childl�)irtll, rcccwen, and child rearing, following birth of up to six (6) Effecfive 16, 2014 52 of 81 months after all accrued sick and annual leave has been used. Such approval is sub)ect tco scheduling and work load re(Ituretricl its 'I he County rcscrves the rig,lht to reqUirc cmployce(s) to return to work When it is no 4,)n�glcr mcclically neccssary to be away, frorn their job, if' work load and sclic(fuling, requit'etnents require the eirkployce's rcturn in accordancewith the Farnily and Mcdical Lcakyc Act. 1 Arty, such leave must Ire requested in advance and approved by thc applicable Dclrartmcrit Flead and the Division L)irector, mAio may approve the length of saiid leave bascd on workload, Scheduling and the ernployee's physical al'Ality to return to work. 4.An employce approved for niaternity leave shall be eligible to return to \vork at anY titne during the Icave ofabsence upon presentation ofniedical certification iridicating that shc is able to satisfactorily, perform her original duties. 5. Art cniployce returning from an apj,°,wovcd maternit ' y leave of absence shall resume licr dwities in the position held prior to childbirth or as stmilar pcwsition With like pay. 6. An employee who) fails to reftllll from an approved niaternity Icave ofabsencc shall be considered to have abandoned her position and shall be temiinated frorn the (,',ounty Service, unless proper 11csil"piation procedures are followed. LILLI) Akt LEAVF child C'are lXavc is an al)serice available to eligible employees under the Faillily Niedical Ixave Act, for tip to 12 weeks (see Section 8.05). IT ............. . . . --m— employee with at least twelve (12) moriflis of" satisfactory service may I)e gratited leave of absencc WithOLIt pay for the purpc)se c)f furthering his/her education, if it is determincd by the Counti, Adnunistrato,)r, in his discretion, that such cducation will be of clearly f(mresecabic benefit to the C'MilitY, 2, Leaves c.)f this t)rPc has not normally exceed twelve (12) rrionths; however, the, Division Dircctcsr may approve an extcrision, of such leave if an individual case is justified and approved by the C 'Administrator. BE V J` Al-1-1-1-1. 1 'I, If recommended by the Departtrient Head and the Division F)ircctor, an employce with at least twelve (12) nionths of satisfactor.y semicc maY be granted )cave without pay for rcascms other than those stated in the previOLIS panag ,raj-,)hs fc�r a period not cxceeding six (6 tiionths; provided tht, C',ounty Administrator dectnS SUch leave to be justified, and not (ictrinictital to the operations of the Dcpartment. Y " " "I"N IL- C, LIM, I - ay J., PAY 1, All leave of abscme without pa , N, rnust be approved in advancx% 'llic shall fill out tie L,eave Request Form and sulmriit it to the L)cpartrnent I Icad for approval. The Dcpaartmem 1-1cad "rill stibmit thc approved forrn to the Division Director foor approval, , A completed copy of the Effec6ve 16, 2014 53 of 81 Leave Requcst I-omi will be f"Orwarded to the Payroll Departnient along with the FInployce's Titlic Sheet whetieNrcr possible and a copy placed in di c emploYcc's official personnel file. 2. Leave without pay is not intended as a c(,mvenience f(,-,)r the employee but rather t(-,� help the employee in cases where an c3nergn ecy exists after all availnt)le tinic bars is used. In cases of , I short terin absences (except as notcd in K04 A & B) whcre the employee has no lem,e available, such leaves may be processed without the prior approval of the County !Nldministrator. D. I L�L,!��IIRAJ, PROVISIONS L RE,1L NJ.`RQN1Lt'%'A F C L An, eniployec rcturtring front approved leave shall be entitled to emploYment irk tile same Deva.runctit and the sanic or equivalent classification wherein crtq)1oved when said leave began, provided the ernph-)yee is physically capable of pe.rf"orming the required ditties, and that there is such a vacant and budgeted position available, Lcave of absence sfiaall be effectivc the first, date of approvcd abscricc and shall cont"Ifmane through the, last date of approve(l absence. 3, LME a. 1"'ringe lknefits . An employee shall not earn benefits whilc ort leave without pay status, This would include, ttut not lwcessarilv bc limitcd to, sick, vacation and holiday, leave. b, Wage Increases - The titne during,, which an CIIII)IMCC is (,)It lCave With(Alt paN" tnay, not COL1111' toward eli;ibility for wage increases. Nor may an employce receive any wage increases while on leave without pay; unless speci d approval is obtained from the Administrator. c. F"triployees on an approved leave of absence wirlicwt pa), that is covered under thc F'arrtilv; and Medical Leave Act will iu.)t lose the benefits that the entployee earned or was entitled to before casing FMLA leave. F". lNSL.J)RA.N(j,_",,( A(xFA RLE, ',.I,.N JJ'1AVl,`1 (")F ABSt"IN(J", I A L The ("A"Ainty %vill continue to maintain group insurance benefits fi�)r einployees whilc oft approved paid leave status. 2, Employee Coverage - In most cases thc County will not maintain C4oup/1-lealth insurance bv,,nefits for emj.')1oyees on leave With(Alt J)a.Y' status, except in the cise of" d6ilirating/catastrophic ilhicss, of the employec or nietnbcr N",)f the irnntediatc fan-iily for which the carc of that fi mfly rnember is the responsibility of the ernpkyec. In accordance witli &04 (C), the Di%,isicm Dircuor shall approv(!, the abscrice arid cccnununicatc \vith the l"Iniployce, Bencfits ("otruirtittce, 'file F111ployce Benefits I I I S Cornpriscd of the C"ount), Adirlinistrator, the 11"inplowe Scrvices Director and the Sr, Administrator, Benefits. The Conuitittee will rc\,icw ca("Ji (,".ase to dcu.rmine, whether cinployce coverage should be maintained as verified by a phySIC111n, tip to six (6) months, F"inployees covercd under the Farnily and Medical heave A,ct will be grantcdup to 12 wceks of"insunilice benefits as stated in Section 8,(.1)5, Effecfive ApM,42'044.JUY 16, 2014 5,4 of 81 ff leave extends beyond the rnaxiin= allowed period of six months and is on as non -paid status, said employee triust make monthly pretururn payments for themselves in order to continite health I insuracice coverage. Failure t'(",) make pa)(rnent(s) on a timely basis will result in termination of Boom 3. Dependent Coverage - Monroe County employces elect dependent coverage undera, group phill at their own cxpense. Monyoc County tises the bi-weekily payroll deduction systern for payment of dependent coverage prenumns for etnplevy ves. However, if for any rcason an cinployev is not duc to receive a payclicack in an amount sufficient tcdeduct said prernium, that cniployee is responsible for rnaking the preinium pavinents to thc Ernployce Benefits Section in accordancC With their paymcnt schechile. As long as an employce is in, good standing, as in the case of approved leave with(Alt JXAV status, he or she May make, prcmiLUTI payltrients and coverage \vifl rernain in effect, l'ailure to n1ake l,')ayrrients on a timely basis may reSL11t 1,11 tern-tination of" coverage. 4, F,',xtension of (,#roup, Insurance benefits will be awarded in accordance wtli the Consolidated Oninibus Budget 'Re con cilia tion Act (C"()BRA), effective (")ctober 1', 1986, Inforniation regardingthis Net is availablc in the 1, 1 inployee Benefits Swiori. K05 I Q,1"_Al1 V, 1" X 1.2 A family leave of absence, a:And/or inedical Icave of absencc, is an approved absence available to eligible erriplovecs. An Ch ble enlploycc is Crititicd to 12 weeks of Ieav,e per calendar Veax (January December) (#1, 2, 3, and 5) or as COMbined tc)tal of 26 weeks ofleave (for:44),,daring the calendar year to care f(,,.)r* I,)- "I'lie employec's ricwtiorn child or child placed with the cinployee for adoption or fcster care (leave must conclude within 12 months of placement and tnay be taken t)y citlier parent); a),." "I "lie eniployee's spotise, child or parent widi a serious licalth condition, or 3). An etnplcsyee's own scrious health conditican. 4)-For the sp(.,nise, child, parent, cn next of kin of amember of thee. Arnied Forces, including a trieniber of the National Guard or lkeserves, who is undergoing medical treartnetir, rccupera6on, or therapy, is otherwise in outywient status, or is other -wise on the temporary disability retired list, for scrious injury (.,)r illness. 5),For the spouse, child, or parent, is on active duty, or bccause of notification of an inipciteling call or order to activ c duty in support of as contingency operation, If the employee is reqtwsting FMLA qualifying Icave., all accrued sick and arinual leave inust be taken first. Paid lelve so taken will lac counted against the employee's total I"NILA leave entiflenicrit. The eniployec will be notified that paid leave will be counted as FINfLA leave within five (5) business days of making that detert-nination. "Hie tl(�nticc will bc confirmed in writing to the employec on or befi,)rc the following payday. A, FAIK"1119111", ,t'o be eligible, an individual ITILIS1 have beot employed at Monroe County: F,`or at Icast 12 months, and l'or at least 1,250 hours ofservice during the 12 Trio nth period innncdjatcy preceding the leave. Effecfive frtif l f awUaaVy16, 2014 55 of 81 Subsequent eligibility will be determined by looking back to the bq t .1, �inning oftlu t calcticlar Year front tile first clay of as new FAMLA leave penod which is requested lay the employee, FN4LA leave tria), not exceed twOve weeks during the calendar year ora conibincel tcmal of 26 weeks. An elig4ble employee sliall be cntided to as o.,)inbined total 426 work weeks of Icave for family, niedical and/or semjCC member leave. I lusbands and wives working for the same emph"wer are only granted as comi)ined 12 wceks of' Icave; however, both spouscs may each take 12 weeks to care for as child xvith as serious health condition, The deternirnatkm of whether an ctriploylee ineet's the 111initi-Itint Scl-vice and hour requirentexits a-)f the FAIL A intistIra e niade bY Monroe C,ounty as of the date the leave conirricticcs, axid Morin )c County will advise the employee whether he or she is ehg�ble with five (5) busiricss days after, inakinga lictennination of" A "Request for P"antily and Medical 1-c-ave of Absence" fomn sliould be cornj,.)lc,,tcd by the employ as part of tile notice and reporting requirements. The etriployee shall notify the Departrnent Supervisor of the, aced for leavc� either verb,ally or by completing the f-MI-A ft�)rna, (In any event, the crnployec shall fill out a Leave Request F'orn) in accordance with the ounty's Policies and Procedurcs in order to request lcave,) After con-iplcting the forill in detail and signing it, the employee or Supervisor must submit it to I himan Rcsourccs for approval. Notification shall loci I,I,iven at least thirty (30) days in advaticc of the effective (Late of the rcquested leave if the nccd for leavc is foresecable. The "Certification of Health are Provider" fi,,mn rnt�ist bc conipIcted and it ,ned by the health car,(,, 1',)rovider. Failure to have the ft.)rm coiripleted may result in a tictay for flic approval of leave. t 'I. Monrcw County will require the employee to fill out as rcquest for Faintly and Medical Leave of Absencc forin that included the "Certification of' ficalth Care Provider" forni supporting the need for Icave due to a serious heahb conditu:)n affctmg the etriployee or employce's spouse, child, or parent (:)r next of kin in the case, ofscrvurea mernixt familly leave. 2, Nlonroe ("'ounty, may, at its own expciise, rcqUire a second medical ,)pini(�.)n and periodic re -certification, If" the; first and second rnechal opinions vary, Monroe ('01111ty may, at its own experise, require the binding opinion, of at third healdicare pr(,wider, approved ;oirnly by Monroe County and the employee. 1 If inedically necessarY, SUCh leave may be taken intentiittently or on at reduced work schedule. If FAILA leave is for both birth and care or placernerit for adoptioan or foster care, use of interinittent Icave is subl ect to, appro-,)val. The decision to i,,rrailt leave (°)r to tenipc)rarily transfer the cinployee on this basis rests solely, with tile C"01111tv Administrator based on as rnedicAl certification provided with the 1"antily Medical Leavc of',Absence Fonn. 4, When husband and wife are botb employed by Monroe C'ounty, together they are entitled tco as total ag ,,44ter e a t o f twelve wccks of Farni1v fkave or as corntrined total of 26 weeks for service nieniber leave, 5, Employees requesting 1 11), FAII-A qualifying leave will be iTcItured to substitute paid vacatiori and sick leave for all or party ofany (otherwise) unpaid FM1A leave. 6, While on any unpaid part of art FAILA qualifY irig leave, no tinter will be accrued by the employce. L'pon rM ctLA10 work, leave will accrue based upon established policy. Effechve Apfil- 3--J u y 16, 201 56 of 81 1). DI"ISICYNATJON 0F'LF1AVF' Nlonroe County sha,11 designate an can absence toward the employee's 12-week I'MI-A entiflementas soon as it is known that dic employee's absence qualifies as FMLA leave. Monnie COU11ty Will 11066, the employlee that his/her leave will be designiated as FAIIA leave within five (5) bUsines's days. The notification to the employce can be orat, but will be confinneel in writing no later than the next regUlar payday. Injuries entiltling employccs tam workers' compensation frequently qualifies as sciious health condifio:ms f()r purposes of FNILA leave eligibility. Monroe County, shall count an employee's workers' compciisation absence toward the employee's 12--week F`MLA entitletnent as stated above. If it is found that the abseticc d(,')cs not qualify under the 11"IN11 A, Monroc County will withdraw the dcsignation with written notice to the employec. F',. F�, Ll "I 'i N I RM,,!! MjL.L�J,( ) J, I IR F� M F' At 11 I. When FIN41-A (jualifying leave,,, is forcseeablc, an ernploycc niust give Monr()C C"ourity thirty (30) days ad%,ance notice, 2. When Such leave is not ft,,)resecable, an ernployce, must �,,,Yjvc notice as soon as p.t-acticable. According to the I -AM regl dations, "as s(,>(,,,)n as practicable" inearts within one or ovourea" kilif, days oflearning of the need for leave, exCePt in extraordinan, circumstances',, 3, If an enilA(Pyce fitils to safisfy the thirty (30) day notice \vithout reasonable cxcuse, Monroc (.ounty may, at its discretion, postj°)oric the leave until the notice nxjuiretnent is swisfied. 4, The enipkyce may be rcquircd to subrnit periodic wports during FMLA Ica vc regarding the employce's Icave status and iritcrtt to return to '11-iis requircment rnay be satisfied by the enrploycce's personally telephoning his or her imincd6te supervisor. F'. H TI I BENEI ITS DL'RING1 LFAVE' OF ABSEN(I'l .1 ............. --a—U.—M-2 .......... I. Monrcw County, will continuc gyroup licilth coverage for art entlAoyee i;)n leavc at t!hc sanic le-vel and under the, same conditions that existed whilc Inc. cn- she was working. The employee must pay thee, dependent covcrage premium for any Unpaid leavc. Payment for dependent coverage inust be received in the y Crou Insurance Officc e�Tery payday I P I in order to continue coverage. Failure to pay dcpendent coverage during this unpaid leave will result in termination of coverage. 2. In the evcnt that the employce dcws n(")t return to work at Moneoc County following I'MIA Icave, thc cniplovee can bc required to reirriburse Monroe Courity, for health,, insurance premiurns paid t(.,t continue the cmployec's health co\,erage durnig FNILA leave, unless flit employee is unalAc to return to work due to a colittiluanon, recurrence, or onset of as scriMls licalth conc irion. that woi Od entitIC tile ciriployce to I'M LA Icave or other circunistances beyond th,c ernployee's controL Questions regrarding, the FMLA should be addrcssed to the I luman Resources officc. 8.(( t'i"Y . .... . . . . . QR,., N N Definitions: "Dolilestic Violence" mearts any assault, ag� 4, ,ravated assault, battery, ag ,4)ravated batter,b, sexual assault, sexi,ial bartcr�, sualking, agg , !ravated stalking, kicinapping, fialse iinprisonnient, (,,�r anN, critninal offcnsc resulting in physical injury or death ofonc faintly or household member by anottier, farn.ily or house hold rnernbei% Eftedive Apf,4-47 204,3, JWy 16, 2014 57 of 81 "Sertual Violence" iS SCUml, battcrv, or lewd or lAscivious acts cotrimutcd on, or in the presence, of, sorneonc under the age of '16; or luring, or crin I cing a child; Or SCXLial perforniance by a child; or �,,mv other fi,",)rcible felony involving as 5 sexual act, regnardless of'whether crimimd chaqmes wcrc- filed, reduced or disrnissed. Fmph)Yees are permitted to reqLICSt and take leave in connecticm with doinestic or sexual violetice under certain circutirstances. '11its applies to emplovecs wlmcm have been employcd f"c)r 3 or 1nore 1110nths, Illigible ernployees can takc up to 3 working (laps of leave in anY 12 mcmth period if the ernployee, or family or hou chold mernber of the ernplovec, is the victim of dorriestic or sexual violcnce,, 'FAnployces shall use annuat Or sick leavc,whcn available to cover this lcavc% J his leave applies iftlic,, employee iss: Seeking ari injunction for protection against doincstrc violence or an injunction f(,,)r protection in cases of repeated violence, daring violerice or scxual violence; -0bui,ning medical care or mental health counseling, or both, fin tire etriployee or family or househoW member to address physical or psychological injuries rcsidting from the act of domestic (,,)r sexual violence; Obtaining the services from as victini servi I ces organization, including, but nor firnited to, a, domestic or SCXUal violence shelter or pro Vr.am or, as rape curses center as as result of as domestic, or semjal v,iolcnce act; -Making the empic')yce's lumm secure frorn the perpetrator of the domestic (-.)r sexual violencc or to seek nem) housing to escape the T)ejl,)c,trator;, or, Seeking legal assistance in addressing issues arising from the domcstic or sexual violence or attending avid prepating f()r court -related prcmceedirrgs mising from the dornestic i,,.)r scxmal violence. 1"I"xCept in cases ofitnininent dangcr to the licalth or safety of the emplcrycc, fatritly or household nreinber, employees seeking such leave must provide their employer with appropriate advance notice of the leave as required I)N policy (see Section 7.01 C(2) and 7,02 C) along with sufficient docuinctitation of the (h,miestic or sextud violence act as required by the emplover. All inforination relattrig to the employee's leave for domestic or sexual violence must be kept confidenfi.a.l. Effective 16, 2014 58 of 81 STANDARDS OFENIPJ AWMFINT, DISC111LINARY Y"1`11( )N ANDAPPFIALS me= It is the intention of the l3oard (:)fCounty ("ommissioners that Cff,`eCt.1VC SUIX.xvision and ernploycc rchations will avoid most, matters ",,hich necessitate disciplinary action. 'llae purpose ofrules and disciplinary action for 6"Aating Such ruics, is not intended to restrict dac rights ofanyone; but to ensure tlxrights of call, and secure cooperation and orderlincss throughout the Clounty Ser%yice. F(")r inimor, non,sextous offimscs, %'henever possible, the administration of disciptine will lac characterized as C011structive, C(I)rrective and pr(,tgressivc, 902 1 111, :Ajj( N It shall be the respoirsibility ��:)f the County, Adnimistrator, in cooperation with Division Directors arid the Board of C'ounty (','oninussioners to assure that disciplinary action is fair and consistent through out the Courity Servi(:C N 9M3 SLLANt.). A.- ..— Ll �1 t —D.S C, YNIF I For the protection of Monr(x County government arid cach emplovec, the folloNxing mles for personnel condUCt 11,1VC 1)(Tri established, Tbe list includes, but is not limited to, reasons which inay require cliscil,'Arnary action, up to discharge. A violation of any reasonatilc standard of employrnem, whether or not specificalh, listed hercin, will result in appropriate disciplinam- action, which, mas, include dischargc for the fitst offetisc, depending upon the seriousness of thr: offe.nse, A. Willful or repeated violations ofCounty, State or Federal haw or of tbese policies and procedures. B. Insubordination , Refusal to rcsporid to authority's rcasoriablc request(s) or instruction. ("', Miscoaduct - Behavior riot confOrming to prevailing standards - Nfisconduct n-vay includc, but is not limited to the ft:)HoNving- Fighting or inflit',ting bodfly hart"n on another person, ganibling, dangcrous horscpjay, twing tinder the influencc or possession of illegal druags (::)r alcoholic bmoevcrages, irrittioral behavior, SMOking in rcstrd a ictereas, any vi(,tlena t ct or 12qguape which dversely affects rale, productionian, or imn ca lice of discipline. 1(micness or acts of disrespcct to members ref` the public, supervisors, Or other ciriployces; on dut\ or off duty. 171inploye-es shau not consame or be under the influence (:)f alcoholic beverages, while on duty ()`I� in County uniform, nor shall they use or be under the influence of, consurne Of POSSeSS tlk,Ial SUbStAnCes while on duty, in COLUItYuniform or on CountV property at ariv time. Criminal, dishonest, infamcnis or notoriously disgraccffil conduct adver!s'ely affecting the employer/employee rehitionship (on duty, or off duty). F, Conviction t-)f (c)r as plea of nolo cante ndere in cormcction with) as felony (4 91'oss frUsdctilea no.r. or conviction of as misderricanor or ordinarice vi(-Aation involving is turpitude, F, 'llieft or pilfering - Possessing, unauthorized use of', talang, removing, destroyMP,1 or t�lllnpering with Comity property without laic beer authorization, Effecfive ApAt-4,71711112,043 JWy 16, '2014 59 of 81 G. Fraud or I.Ashonesty - F , alsification of (""ounty documents or records or failure to give complete inform,ation for personnel rccords. Intentionally making false statement either oral or w'ritten about the County, other employees, supervision, omself or Wr(wk situatiorls. 11, Absenteeism or AbLISC Of Sick Leave - Habitual or excessive aI.,)scncc from %vork, or failure to return to work proniptly upon expiration of leave or vacation, FINcessive absences, even if caused by as legjlimate illness, Seriously impairs the County's ol',)erations, and such absences rnay begTOLIMIS ft:,w separation. 1. 'I'ardincsFailurc to report to assignied work station on or before the scheduled starring time. L&aving Assigned Work Area - Except for ernergency reasons or with the Supervisor's approval, emplovees are not to Icave their assigmed work area. K, Misuse of-fime - Slecping or other acts of inattenti4mi or neglect of duty, U' nauthorized sale of articics (Jr services, distribution or posting oflitcrature, canvassing, polling or pet.1tiolling. f- Abuse of County Policies ,,md Procedures , Misuse or abuse of' established Count ' y policies such as vacation, leave (:)f abscrice, excused absence, sick leave, or any rule, regulation, policy or procedure. M. Safety Violations - [Jimuthorized posscssion and/or use of weapons, anurmnition or explosives. Failure to observe Clounty and lye neral safet)r practices and re)",ulations. Neglect in the safety of others or the Conilluttifig ofunsafe acts in the use and care of C'ount,y property or equiptnerm N� Illegal driving . Drivirig private or (]OL111tyVChicle whih,r (�,)n ('ounty busitiess, when not possessing as valid F'lorida arid County driver's permit or hability iTISUrance, in aw:)rdance with the Nfimircw C'ountv Safe,,tN> PcAicies, 0, Malicious or Negligent Destruction of Property WillfiA or naaIici(,,)us, destructi on of ('ountV properm Damage (4property by, failing to use prOper equipment, care and good judgrMent, P. InCOMPCMICC or lneffi(,.,icncy - Inability or failure to perform work of an acceptable stindard after as reasonable trial and traitting pericO. Q). Discrimination in L.,'Imploynrent - Discriminating against an employee or an applicant for can ployrneril because of' race, color, national origin, sex, rclil, on, crced, sexual preference, handicap or age as defined in State and Federal laws. R, Acceptance of unanumtlncurized compensation, S. Misfeasance - I'he doing of as lawful act in all Unbawful or improper manner sac:) that there is an infringement on the rights of another. 11 ". StTI()ki.rtg-- Stnoking, (:4'o,A:xacco products is prohibited in all Monroe, Count), (,m%mc,,d or occupied public facilities (buildings), Vehicles, elevators, niceting rooms, haflw,ays, corridors, lol,4)ics, water fountain arcas, stairwcIls and entryways. al i d r Ic jrlt xsz _,i vv bn- tic X", II du.mgt it y 'J4 J', in la altar 'I,,_PPP 4/2,t3/14 EfN,m.,6ve Api,,A 4,pup ,-2G4a,JuRy 16, 2014, 60 of 81 9.04, DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Disciplinary actions are as tricans of calling employees to accountability for some act of comn'tission or 0111ission which is reWarded as injurious, to the employer/employee relationship. Ille MA COUld be relatively ITIrIlOr, Or (JUitC- SMOUS, SCrious acts rnav warrant initnediate discharge, even for the first (.-)ffense. All erriployees should be madc aware that a systell) Of discipline exists f(,.)r flic bencfit, of all, and will be administered without fivvor for the sake of orderliness and pr(,,)per (Xmirphance with reasonablc rules and regulations 1,.vrtaining to conduct and the perforniance o,f'wotk,, When it is necessary that discil-.4man, action be t.,tken, the degrce of ac:tion sitall be based on thc f0flowing considcrations: 1. '11)ere can be no inechanica] fimmiula for the application of discipline. E'ach instance of rnisconduci Or deficiency, triust Ix viewed and judged individually. For tnost lesser or first minor offenses, oral or Written rcImimand Shall be appropriate discipline, 2. When apPlicable, (tiscipline f"(,,)r. employecs \vho Conintit ntuttiple non serious offenses of as like or differcm nature shall be more progressively stringcnt until the employee corrects the deficiencv, or faifirig this, discharge is consicicred to be necessary, 3. Department, Division Dircvors, the County Administrator, their Deputies and others occupying positions of high trust mid authority will be held to higher disciplinary and ethical standards thart that of (�;6er cmplovecs. Ilicrefore the miles of prOgressive discipline for violations of Personnel Policies and Procedures, and/or State and Fedcral Stmutes mav not be applicable, 4, Disciplinary actions shall be severe enough to consfitutc as reasonable atterript to bring about c0rr,ectioli, 5. Acceptable disciplinary actions shall be oral warn.111g, writtem warning, written mprunand, Suspension (with or Without Pay), dischaq,,,e, and in sorne cases (Ictru.)tion, dcpcariding on the offease, 6. Discharge for continued commitirient of non scrious, nunor offenses shall bc resorted to only wlicia sufficient othcr ef'ft)jts to Ining al.)out corrcction have failed, or wlicti the offense is sufficientiv serious in and of itselfto warrant ter-ritination. 7, In determining the: appropriate disciplix.iary action to lac iniposcd against an employcc, the County,, Administrator will consider, at, as minimmil, the few1lowing factc)rs: a. The seriousness and circumstances of the particular offense. bThe past record of the employee and his length of seivice. c. Ibe lapse of tithe since the employce last received as disc iAlin ati, action. d. The Ccwtity's practice in sinrilar cases. 9-05 RY.wj\I'JJ.QN A, All written repritmands, suspensions and for suspcnmon or discharge actions must be approved by the Departnient Head and the Division Dircx'lor and tbc letter conccriting then action must be Effec,five April-4 T; 204,3,-J� Ay 16, 2014,61 of 81 forwarded immediately to dIC I IUM211 RCSOLIMCS ()ffiCC, leer review, and than approved bly thc County Administrator or his designee, B, In case of as recornmendation fo,:)r dkcharge, tlie cmploycc may be suspended pending approval of discharge by the County Administrator. C, l3isciplingry actions applied to Departnient Heads or 1.,)ivisiotj Directors may lac initiated by the (,,'ounty Adininistrator. An oral warning is g�ven to an employee to take recognition of a violation of County policy, rule, regulation, standard or of an unsatisfiactor� haf)it, practice or act which, if repeated or continued, sail] subject the employee t() as rnore severe disciplinary action. The oral warning should be noted in WrIt"11191 as Copy of the notation phiced it) the emploYee's official personnel file, spccifYing the nature of the warning and the elate given A letter of reprimand constitutes forn,ial action afyiiitst an etriployce for more scrious types of'areal ation of "."aunty rules or suandards of etriploymerit, cat where less stringcrit actions have not becrt successftkl in correcting as dcficicncy. The letter of reprimand t'nust id(rest ify the offimse, or deficicncy and the corrcction required, A letter of repritriand can be tased to imp(,,)se restrictions on an einployce, such as attendance, conduct or special procedures to be followed. Restrictions so imposed shall reviewed periodically and be rernoved, tri(x1ified, or continued witti as follow-up letter. A copy of all letters should be placed in the employee's official personnel file xithin 15 (Lays of \vriting, wheric,cr possibIc. 9.08 ULIIAILqLL(iNI_ Whenever itbecornes apparent that an eniployee can sacs longrer efficiently perform any or all of the duties and rcsponsibili ties of his or her position, or when it is otherwise dectned to Irc in the best interest of the County, an employee may be demoted, A dernotcd employce shall I'm notified by the Clounty Admitristrator Or his designce at the titne of demotion (,)fthe specific reascm for thc action and correction expected,ifany, Such notification shall b�e given the employee in writing,. A copy, of the notification will be placed in the emplovec's official personnel file along with a written report on all appropriate infomiation concerning the action, An crnployee tray- be reclassified to a different title and/or 1-xty gra(Ic at any tirrie the County Adn,iinistrat(,,)r dectris appropriate. A tenqx�)rary reclassification &,:)cs not ccmstitute as demotion, nor docs a diang in fitle and/or pay grade which msultsa from an evolution into as reducItion (A'duties and/or responsibilities, 9.09 HIJIS 1"NSID, --l-, 1, An employee nuty be suspended with or without, ]tray bY the Deparrmcnt Hcad and/or Division Director with the approval of thee County Administrator. The employce rnust be notified in writing of the Suspension period ancl citing the reason for the suspension. 2, An cniployee niay be verbally suspended with or %ithout pay by a Supera isor fc)r the balance of work shift, or at longer peri(,,)(I of time if needed until the Department Head or apl'.)ropriate auffic),rity can be contacted, if the employee's conduct uinpairs normal working operations, The Supervisor must then Effc,clive 16, 2014 62 of 81 report the incident to tire Del.)artment Head, with the q,)proval of the Divisicr%r Director must cither concur with, or cancel tfac action, rn writing, to the enipl(,uyee citing the reason for the. spe sunsion, and 'I corrective action cxpectcd. Additional tinic of suspension n,ia), be rccotinnended by the Dcparttne�m Head with the approval of the Division Director and the County, Administrator at that time. A copy of the suspension notification will be placed in the c,,n iploy cc's official personnel file along with a written report containing all appr(:)priatc infortriation coriccrning, the action. Discharge is appropriate for first offenses of serious miscoriduct as well as repcated offenses of less scrious misconduct, Sufficient documentation must be present to merit recotntncridati(,.)n by the Departnicrit head and tfic Division Director to the Ad.niinistrator ft,,>r discharge of any cniployce. L This procedure shall apply in cases wherc rin crnployce may be subect to suspension, dernoticnt or termination. F'Urtherniore, this proccilure shall not necessarily applY t(,�!w contract, cmployces, probaricxnary empkwees, tempc)rary employees or g � cs. I grant ernplo� -, (. 2. When the County rcceives information that an crnployec has engaged in certain conduct which COUld warrant disciplinary action (other than as verbal warning or \vritten rephin.and, which may Ile issucd by tile apj,,)ropriate Supervisor) the employce will be advised, in wrifing, that, disciplinary action could possibly be inipos,ed agairist fern/her. 3. The enipkl ycc will be provided with as written statcment (,,)f the charges including sufficient facts and reasons therefore as will enable the employee to provide an explanation and/or defens(,,,- Art employce against Whoin disciplinary, chargc-s have Iven inade will reillain in pay stints until such firrie as tfic ( �Ounvv Administrator renders his decision pursuant, to paragraph 6(c), belomr. I lowe'ver, nothing herein shall prccludc the County Administrator, or other aUthOriZCd r)Crsontrel, front iinposing ininicckitc discibriary action, I P withour advance notice, where it is believed I)v the person taking that action that giving such notice Nvould result in dani.age t(,.) the properry of the County, would be detrimental to the interests of the Coulm or woutcl result iii intt,nl to the emplo.yee, a fellow employee, or the goieral public. fit such circumstances, Sai(l C1111110yee will be aven reasons for such action after it Lakes effect and thereafter will be entitl(A tt,,,,) utilize the hearluig procedure set forth in tbe f(Alcming paragraphs. 4. Ilie hearing shall be informal arid sliall riot be in the nature (-.)f an evidentiary heating. The employee may bring an attorney or qualified representative to assist or advise him, bent discovery, cr(,,)ss-exainIrIatIorI, and similir legal procedures are generally not permissible. An ciriployee who wants to cng I �,age in (fiscovery, cr(, ss, examination, or other IeKal procedures must make art advarice \vritwn application to the hearing officer. '11-te hearing officer's decision is final. 5, The infonnal hearing will be conducted bef(,ire as hcaring officer who shall bc� a. A I)ivision Director or the County Administrator where the etnpkcvee charged is as I)epartment Head; 1),The Ccwnty Administrator or his designee where the employee charged is a Division L)irector; or C. A Division/Departnictit Head or a designee where the employce charged is an employce holding Career Senrice Status and to whom section A and B above do riot, allph. & 'Ffie C"ounty Administrator may, scree as hearing officcr whenever he/she sees a need to do so. E'ffecWe 16, 2014 63 of 81 6. The hearing will I)e infi:n-trtAl and will be conducted as foll(,),ws: a. At At least two working days prior to the hearing datc, t1le, employY ce shall provide the individual conducting the hearing with as list of any witnesses or clocuments which the employce mrishes to offer at the licantig, K "llie employee inay be acccoinpanied by legal counsel of his/hcr, Choice,, If' the Cyriployce intends to be reprcscntcd by CoLinsel at said hearing, notice of such must be provided to the heahing officer as far, iri adv-ancc of the hearitig as possible. The hearing officer may reschedule the hearing if necessary. c, During the hearing, the hearing officer will, orally review the chaq,,*,es with the eniployec,, Tbe etnpl()yee shall have the right to respond to the chargc(s) niadc a�,,,!ainst him/her, citber orally and/or in writing, Tllc emplo ' yee tnay present documentation to the hearing officcr and may, if ao pprpriate, be permitted to call witnesses it'i support of Inns/fist , case. (1 'Ibe hearing officer may consider any available docurnentation and may discuss the charge-s with any witness hc/she deerns appropriate. Tbe hearing officershall decicic NArhat evidence — either in the form of witness testirnony, or documents — titay be intrcduccd. (Annulative or irrelevant evidence -will not [)e pennitte& c, The hearing officcr shall render a fitlal written decision within tc"n (I()) calendar days after, the hearing, In the event of"extenuating circullistariccs, the final written decision may be cxtended beyond the ten calendar, slays up("Al Illutual agreentent (,4 the Hearing Officer and erriployce, Such an agreement shall be prcwided in writinfl froirt the hearing officer to the emplo ' yee in ,,)rCicr to officiall docurnent the agreement. 'I he final decision shall advise the employee of %A,hatever acti(,,)n, if any, the hearing officer is reconimending to be takcii against thc employee. 'Ilie hearing officer's reo„)rntnendatioyt will be fi )rwarded to the ( .10LInty Admirristrator (flin.,nigh the appropriate Department and Division L)irector, if aj.,)plicable), Disciplinat-y action (except f'(,)r verbal m7aming and writtell reptimand, which may be issued by the appropniate Supervisor) beconles fitial When aPj,)r0NTCd by the Gmnty Administrator, 7, Einpicxy,ces who are suspended without pay, dischargCll, g�ivcn a reduction in payY or a deniotion (as Mined �W herein) i�nay appe:al said disciplinary actions rattly to the Career Servicc ("ouncil as provided ill Section 9.15. ()ther fcarrris cif discipline may be appcalcd PUrSUant to Section 10. 8. 1 )uring the period bet-ween the first notice and the effc°ctive date of the action, the employee S113.11 Inc, expected to perform his usual duties uithout disrupting fellow employees, or other persons, or the agency's activities. If, howevcr, it is deetned highly desirable or necessary that the employee not continue to perform the same duties in the sAine location during this period, the (:OLIfIrV, may, ternporarily assign the employee v,,,') other duties. 9.12 E-)-,S,—S SIL OR FjR.1"ARM' It is the poky, of Monrcw County, that no crnplcyee shall cariT or othenvise possess as weapon while cn duty, or in uniform, including fireamns, If the perfonnance of qob duties requires the use or possession of a weapon or fireann, prior approval frorn the must be �,)btained, 4 See Fbhda Stat�utes 790,251 Effective 16, 2014 64 of 81 9.13 It, is the responsibility of Monn�.)e COLIMV to maintam as proper workform F'Imployees who are amested, indicted I)v a (3rand Jury, or on whoni infomiatir:)n has been filed by a prosecuting official, ha he; -"en an, irre.-determination hearing to deterniine the effect said action and/or circumstances surn'Ainding, said actions have cm his or her employment witli the Counqy, which may result in disciplinary acticm. If the employce is aied and found gtdlty° and the conviction is riot reversed lie or site may be terminated from his or her positi011 in the ("IMUltySemice. JJ jN�J` ON 9,14 F JLURJ:��' T(A O ), I I IR L LVId..1 -A.111L 1, As a condition ofernployment, any C'ounq, employee may b�c required, upon duc notice, to cooperate with respect to air),, job.,rclatcd hearing or invcstig-ati(;:)n scheduled by the County, orany person, cornmission, board or body authorized to act on its behalf. 4"his duty of cooperation also extends to an,v "outside" age ncY, body or Court of Law with respect to any p(,A)-retared inatters. 2. Any employee- wh( u refuses to appear at any answer questions related to the perfiwinance of from their etriployment with the C(A111tv'' 9� 15 APP'1�1`,'-AUS such hearing or incI , uit-v, r who having apjvarcd fails to their official jot) duties will be considered to hm),c resigned A C"arcer Service employee who has been suspended without pay, discharged, g4N,en a reduction in 1,may or an demotion (as d61ned herein) shall have only, tile right t(,:;u appeal said action to the Carcer Service ( A,mncil by filing a petition with said Council within thirq (30) (lays fiAlowing such suspension, dischaqgw, reduct.1011 III pay, or demotion. Failure to file as timcly apimal shall result in the forl'"citure of all right to challenge/griev,e, the disciphnc. There shall tx no appeals to they Board of Countv ("onimissioncrs and/or the ("AAMM" Actininistrator. Effer,five Afmd-47204 /3JWy 16, 2014 65 of 81 FIM PL(WEA �COM PLA I N'T'/GR I EN! A NCT,', PROCt,"DUR I-," In the event air employce believes that the rules contained in this rnattual havc been misallpfied/violated, lie/ site must utilize the fi,,Al(;,ming procedurc, excePt in the cascs of suspension, mduction in I)ay, demotion or termination , See 10.01 F. Failure of Luc: gricving ernploYee to follow the time firnits %vill automatically reSUIt in a final and binding denial of tile gricvallce. If tile CA)Unty dcws not follow the tinic limits, the appropriate Countv official will I)e deemed to have denicd the grievance and it inav procced to the next step. ik. in-Lj,: The gag nevcd ernployee shall putsent his/her g ance o"*14y, tti� in writing to his or her qY, :ric%,. Supeivisor u4thin fifteen (15) working days of that incident to Ile grieVC(J. I Tbe inittlediatc Supervisor W111 me With reach a decision, arid corntnunicatc that dccision twltgror in writing to flic aW-ieved cmployee within ten (10) working days frorn the date the grievance was presented to hini or her, Superviscn-s a.re not empowered to, inake policy decisions. & S ex 2: If the grievance is not resolved iti Step 1, the employee shad slgll it, and present it to the I with,11 to 'Ci -)t of, th(," ILI I IL'tnedgag Su wxritteli, dccisj'ton. "I'lic L)e,xirunent 1jend shall attempt to resolve the issue(s) concerning the alleged grievance within tcn (10) working days of the receipt of the written grievance. grievance. The Department Head shall confer with the irritne&,te Supervisor artel they shall aitcrtipt to obrain the facts concerning the allcged grievance, and within ten (10) working days of receipt of the written grieirance, answer the eniployee in writiiig or schedUlc a inceting with the ernplo.yee. If as niceting is held, the Departnient Head shall notify the aggticved employee in writing (,.)f his or licr decision, no later than tell (10) working days after themceting. '11c tnecting may be rescheduled by the Departnictir Flead for as valid reasori. C. fatgj: If flic response from the Departnicnt Head is not satisfactory, yyghin iy."Iiw g!yyL-"ji,""...tp -("--I,�yLpartilyy,il,u.t-,1-1111v""w,!al.,,,,,,,-;,-,d!.",ci,,,,;i�)rt,, the en-iployee may prcsent dic grievance forin to t1te Division Dircctor, who may confer with anyone he,/shc (keens appropriate to obtain the facts concerning the alleged Wievance, arid in �dija 1 -111lc -11--- tune.smylly. wuu— --- ....... jL jile . )aKIA , within tcn (10) working days of receipt ofthe grievance; sehet1tAt,--* tth"Tef" 1-he If a mcetin js I el 1� the, Division Direcuur shall notify the ag grieved employee in writing of his/her, decision no later than ten (10) working days after the nice tin. D. tvp is not satisfactory, within _.j: ff t ic response from the Division L)ircctot mrorn rgg,gi , t of tjw D1Vis't()n,,j)jr.t, decisiolL...,the employee may bring the grievance form to the Fh.knian Resources office, for revieu,, befi�)rc thc Ulnij,',Aoyee ("JCV1.111cc ('01incil. 'I'his C"ouncilwill provide an additional avenue fb!r the ernplo ' yee to pursu(�,� in the processing of approptiate complaints or gricvarircs. By the establishinent of the I","niployee Grievance Council, the cmph!�yee whose, problein is not resolvcd by the Division Director , nuty have the opj.,)ortunity appear before this Council of peers and present leis/peer case. '111C Finplo ' yee Grievace Cu noncil is cnipowered to call ae ll ncessatre ry witsscs thern and to subsequently make their recorruncridations concerning disposition to the County Adininistrator, The decision of the Council is not binding; final detc,Tiiiinauon will bc made by the County Adininistrator. (Please refer to McHiroc County Admimstrative Instruction 4714 f(,,)r rules and procedures govcrning flic, C," ouncil,) T'he County Administrator shall furnish a c()I)N of his decision, to the ak ,�gricved enil:iloyec within fiftecrt (15) working days of receipt of dic Councils Effective Wy 16, 2014 66 of 81 E­ Any complaint/grievance invc)lving matters that pertain to the Personnel Policies and ProcedUres may be add.ressed in xvi-iting to the Employee, C;rievance Council, (via the I lunran Resources ()ffice) who will forward to the ('cauncil to detennine whether the rnatter is al)pr(,-)priate to be considered by the Council. If decined approptiate by as majority, (.,)f C'ound] nienibtis, tile Human Resources office will schedule the airing of the (,;rievance at the earliest convenience. 1"he Council is enipc)wered to call all neccssary witnesses and make a recon,imendation concerning disposition to the (_'ounty Adniinistrator whose decision, is final, F , J'hjs Procedure does not apply to an individualwho has been suspended, discharged, received as reduction in pay or demoted, Such individuals shall, appeal in accordance to Section 9,15 hercof G, If aan ernployee does not ans%ver t(") as Department I -lead and/or a Division Direacator, dace I luman Resources, office grill assist the employ ,ee in moving through the appropriat(stcps of this I�(ricvance procedure. UL The by-ta\vs governing ffic establishment and operation of the Finployee C",ticvance ("'ouncil ma), be reviewcd in Administrative Instruction,4714. Effect�ve Ap,41­1-7 20-14-,lLfly 16, 2014 67 of 81 SETAR,,ATIONS IL01 RF, K,;NATK)NS A resignation is defined as an action whereby an employee voluntarily leaves the Courity Sen-ice with or without the giving of notic�e and/or as any erriployee conduct which is stated herein to constitute a rest I griation. An entployee Nvishing to leave the Clounty ervice in go�>d standing sha.0 file with the Department Flead a written letter of resigelabou Stating, the date and reisq,:)ns for leaving, 14 calendar days prior tc� the effective date of resignation. Failure to cornply with this requirement may tw cause for denymig such employees re-ernployment rights and payment ofunu/scd leave. (Aiauthorized absences of three (3) days or triore niav be considered as resignation. r - 11 M2 L.A, N F] "S Should it become necessary to abolish as position or reduce the nuitiber Of ('10UMV einployces because of lack of work, shortage of funds, re, orp, nized and transfLrred fillICtlOns to all existing Counq employee, (Yr f()r other lelptititate reasons, the (.*ounty Administrator/Board of Clounty C,ornnussioners rnay lay offas niany employees as required, after two weeks notice, 'llierc shall be no appeal except the internal grievance proceedings. No regular employee shall be laid off while there are tcntpclrarior probationary eniployees serving in the saine class in the same department. Such laid off ctnp1oye(,,s shall be given priority of re -hire, in the evcnt the positioll(s) is/are re-establishcd, based ()it senJoritv and prclious perfonnance evaluations, f(..,)r as period of time to their length of continticnis service, but, rica to exceed one yean Stich eirkplo " yees will also tw ehg,�iblc for promotional opportunity privilegcs for as pchod of'one year after datc, of lay-off 11,03 RF-I`1RF,Mj:`,NT [""fliplovee benefits upoll retirernent will be bascd upc)n the regulations of the State and County Goverlimcnt, Eniployces Retiretrient Sy stem Law, Social Security Act, and any other provisions which may, be in effect at the filne of rettrenictit. A discharge occurs when art employe C lilts bccri involuntarily scpaxated from County Service, usually for causc; EIrnph')yces discharged for disciplinary reasorls 11lay tl()t be Cligible f(,,)r re -hire and ntay 1(,,)se all seniority and reiristaterrient, privi1q, ,cs. It is the desirc of the ("ounty, to determinc why, goml ctnplo,yees leave the County Service. An exit intervlcw prograrn has twen established for tile purpose of (Ictennining the causes and possible solutions ofturncwcr atnong ("'ounty pCrSollnel. If an ctilployee wishes, he or she inay reqklest all exit tntcn,iew with, Frnplovcc Services by C("nitacting the I funtan, RCSOUMCS OffiC(!. Tbe Employee Scivices Divisiort L)irector or County Adninustrator rnay also request all interview with an cniployce who has rriade known 1-6s or licr intention to lc.,avc a Sen,ice, ffic inforniation obtained during the interview will be used solely f( )r the, puil)osc of identifying or solving prob1cm areas and will not bccomc 1.,)art of thc� ctnjAoyee's personnel record unless aufllorizeel in wrifing by tile erriployee, EffedJve Apfil 4,7 204a-JWy 16, 2014 68 of 81 SOLIC11"IM"'t' SEX"I"ION 12 12.01 S(� 11 d% , LLUS G, 1. No employee shall be permitted to solicit any, other employee during working firne. Working tin'le means the time when either employee (solicitor or solicitee) is on drity, and not on an authorized break or 111cal period. 2. No employee shall be permitted to distribUtC leaflets, notices or other materials, or pass pefi6()ns during wOrking or non -working time in work areas,. Such distribu6on can take place only ire rug )n-work areas and duri'ng non -working time. 1. No non -employee stuall be permitted to enter C'OUITtYpremises or propetiy at any time for the putpose of soliciting einployees or distributing or posting any written, printed or other material. Rules art(] pr(xcdures rcg,arding the use of county facilities can be obtained from Flutrtan Resources, Facilities Maintenance or thc (-ounty Admiriistrator's office. 4. Limited exceptions to the above rules may occur but only upon application to and approval by the (""ounty Adininistrator such as in instances wherc contracted county ven6m-s wish to nrake presentations, train Or educate the workforce (i.e. [,,',ml)l()yee Assistance Program, Health Insut-ance Providers, etc.). 5 It is intended di at the above rules shall be it'verpreted and applied in accordaim., with applicable law. S!"'ICTION 13 1101 fl!:.1l.Af;': All Departments shall evaluate the performance of all emph,,wees on an impartial basis using standard evaluation fi.>rrns and die F,.tnployee Pe-rforniance AppraisaI Handiwok provided in Administrative Instruction 4001 13-02 PURP(")Sl:1-1 F'Intployee perfortnance evaluations shall be used for, but not limited to, the following purposes: A. To infortu dIC CM,pl(,)YCC Of Strong and weak points in his performaticc, as w0l as training needs and improvements expected. B. To recognize thc crtiployce's Potential for IM-onlottoll" c". 'ro determine the employee's elip ibility alary advancements, , for tnerit s 1). 'I"o providea record of past per-ft,'mnanCe. F", To assist, in determining the order cdlayoffs and reinstatements. A, 1'1�1'ach employce shall have his perfiwinance evahmted on a periodic basis as outlined in tile Perfinrim lice Appraisal Handbook I 1, All performance evaluations shall be made by the employee's imtnedilte supe'TN"isor (mrith input ftom anyone deerned appropriate by the Supervisor) and reviewed by as highcr level Supervisor whenever possible. 'I'lic ii-ninediate Supervisor's final evaluation shall not be changed by higher level Supeli,isors; however, reviewing SuperVisors shall certify diat flicy mvieNved the, rating and may attach any written comments they deein appropiate c(Inicerning the evaluation. 2.Department I lead May authorize area evaluam,m at any, time lac or shc Glee is appropriate. Klbe original, compIcted evaluation forni,as well as any writs n material from dic Supemisor, the Department Head, or the employee, shall be placed in the employee's official Imormel Fite, K If an employee receives as below, satisfaco")ry rating in any ("'Itegorv, the intmediatc Supervisor shall work with the cntployec in an cffort to assist him/her ill 111,1proving jot) perfiomaticc. Stich eini,)loyees, ifretained by the dcparonent, shall have their performaticc re-evalLI'MCd i1l the; category(s) which do not mect, perforniance standards. Effw.,,five AptO 16, 2014 0 of 81 L'IMPLOYLU" INSL.7RANC' COVYKNGF nz�1 � All fUll tiftic, regular employees are covcrcd by life, and accidental death and dismernbengent insuraticc paid for 1))the County. "I"he annount of such insurance is deterntiried 1)), the 1ioard of'Clount-Y Cotntnissioners, Group hospitalization insurance cxwerage for fiffl-time cinployecs is paid for by the County at a ratc, approved by the Board of ("lorntnissioncrs. Depctident coverage will be available for those eligiblc at group rates, paid ftrr by the employce. The (:"OuntV nuly, Change its bertefit pr(,,)gratn at arw tunic, for example, tl,)Nr adjusting bencfits, charilning eml)loyec contributions, changing dcductil!)Ies, and/orselecting other instirance carners. 1 CO2 L)FITIN111 (-)NSi Domestic Partricts. "Domestic Partners" are two adults who have chosen to share one another's lives in as conit-nitted fatitily relationship of mutual caring, Two individuals arc considered to be Domestic Partners if. 1. they Consider therriselves to be members of e.acli others' in-anediate family; 2. they agrec to be jointly responsible 6)r each otber's basic living expenses; 3, neither ( of Oicni is niarried or as riteniber of another Doincstic Partnership; 4. they are not blood, related in a way that WOUld prevcnt thcni frOni being married to each other undcr thc laws of Florida; 5each is at least of the legal agc and o,,)mpetc,ncy required by F'Iorida law to enter into a rnarnage or other biding contract; 6, they inust catch sigli as Declaration of' Domestic Partncrshij,) as provided for in Section 14,03; 7. they both reside at the saine residence. B, Joint Responsibility for Basic Living "Basic fiving expenscs" mcans basic fo(.,),(i and shelter. "Joint responsibility" mcans that (,,°ach 1,nartner agrees to provide for the other's basic living exI,wrises while the, &,)tnestic partnership is irt effect if' the j,)artncr is unable to provide ft',)r hiin or h ers, el f It does not tnean that the partners insist contribute equally or jointly to basic living expenses. C. (-Orlipetent, to ('],ontract. "COMpetcrit to (,(,,,)ntract" ineans the two partners are tnentally cornpetent t()C'OtItTIUA. D. L)ornestic Partnership, '1)oniestic Partnership" means the cntiq fortd by t%vo, individuals who have met the criteria listed abovc and file as Declaration of Dcnnestic Partnership as (Icscribed bcJow, F.. Declaration of Domestic Partnership. "Declaration of Domestic Partnership" or "DL)P" is as f(.,mn provided bY the Human Resources F)ircctor. By signing it, twO people swear under penalty of petiury that they meet the requirements of the definition of domestic partnership when they si!i the staternent. The fcmn shall require each partner to pn:)vide as ntaffing address. Effedve dy 16, 2014 71 of 81 F'. Dependent. "Deperident" means an individual who lives r�vitbin the hmsehold of i domestic partnership and is: I, A biOI(,,)gicaI child (ar adopted child of a domestic partiler; or 2. A dependent as defined under County employee bencfit plan doculnent, 3, A %vard of at doniestic partner as determined in a guirdianship procceding. C'%. Employee means an eniployec of the Board of'Counry Convnissioners, the constitutional officer's (.-n the Mosquito Control Board, except where ibe context is othet-WISC. 1403 FS'FABLISHIM3 A HIP A. An einph-)yce and his/her dotnestic partner as set ou,t in Section 14.02 are eligible to declare as Declaration of Domestic Parmcrship (hereafter DDII) in the prcscncc of the human Resources Director, or the ctriployce partner may present a signed and notarized DI,,)P to the Flumall Resources Dircaor. 'I"he 131N) shall include the nanie and elate of birth of each of dic domestic partners, the address of their c(Artmon household, and the names and chates of birth of an), dependents of the domestic partnership, and shall be signed, under the pain and penalties (,)f perjury,, by both domestic partners and witnessed (txvo) and notarized. B. As further evidence of tAvc� individuals being involved in as domestic partnership, two of the following documents must be presentcd aknig %vith the DDP to the Flun-tan Resources Director - 'I . A lease, deed or mortgage indicating that bodi parties are Joint msponsible; I Driver's licenses fcrr botb partners showing the same address; y. Passlu')rts for both pa. nets showing the same address; 4. Verification of a point bank account (savings or chccklrq� 5. C"redit cards with the same account man bers in both naines; 6, Joint wills; T Powers of attorticy; or & Joint title indicating that both partners OW1,11 a Vehic1c. An, individUal cannot bccorne as tnenAwr of'a dornestic partnership until at Icast six months after„any either donicstic par tncrs hip of' which she (,,,)r he was as triember has cndcd and a notice rhat the partnership has ended was givcm, as provided for in Section 14.04. This docs not apply if dicir domestic partners deccase(L 1). Domestic: partners inay, ammid the DDI) to add or delete dependent's or change the household address. Amcn(Iments to the DDI) shall be executed in the sarric manner as the dcclaration of as domestic partnership, NJ] Nz�V. 1,)�A6)j,� �,, -� S 'I I -- > A�A dotnestic partnership is tertninatcd when: 'I, 011C Ofthe partners (lies; I one of the partnets tnarriees; or 3, as doniestic partner files a termination statement with the fluman Resources Director. A domestic partnership rnay be terminate t.)y a dornestic partner who files with the, Flum.,,m Resources L)ircctor by hand or by certified mad, as termination ,statement. flie person filinp, the termination stateinctit must declarc under pain and penalties of 1)('n-jury that the dorricstic, partnership is terminawd and that a copy, of the termination statement has been tymilcd by ccrtificd trail to the other domestic partner at this her last known address, '11w person fihng, Effecbve Apf,41 1-7 04 a -,My 16, 2014 72 of 81 the termination statement must include on such statement the ad(Iress t'() which thc copy was tnailcd. BThe termination of a domestic partnership sliafl be e4fcctive inuriediately upon the deatlof a dorriestic partner. 1"he v�Auntary tertutnation of a donicstic partnership by a partncr shat) be effective thirty (3,0) day,; after dw reccipt of a tennination statement 1q, tfic Human Resourccs Director, Ifthe tern.iinati(.�)n statetnerit is withdrawn befiore the effective date, the domestic partner shall g ,we notice of tire withdrawal, by ccrtified nlail, to the other donicstic partncr, C. If a dc)rncstic partnership is terminated by tile death of a &')nlestic partncr, thcrc stiall be no required waiting 1.reriod prior tca filing another domestic partnership� If a doniestic partnership is terminated by one or both donicstic partriers, neither donicstic partner array file anoffict- doniestic partnership tantil six (6) n-iontlis haNe elapsed ftorn efft,,,cfivc tcrillination. D. It is the obfip�ntion of the employee dornestic partner to notify the Hurnan Resources Dircctor of the tertnination of a domestic partnership as soon aria possible after it occurs. 14J 5 B L -T —F( At REIMR—DS - IM —A P'�.B-E— ,A"I'lic Flunian Resources Director will keel) as record of all employees DDPs, Aniencitnents and Termination Statements, The records will be tmaintained so that DDPs, Amendnients and Tcrnlination Statements will be filed to,which they apply. BThe Flurnan Resources Director shall identift on the DDII what t-.vpt- of docunicnts was presented for further verification of the dornestic partnership. G Llpon deterniination by the Human Resources 13irector that the IDDP is complee and that further evidence of the dornestic partnership has becri presented as providcd in Section 14.03 (B); the I-Juntall Rcsources Director shall provide the empIc')yce with a copy of the DIX). 'llic ernployce/domestic partner shall become eligible to elect domestic partnership health and other ernployee fringc beircfits as provided in Section 14.06, It will be the employee's responsibility to notify the Etriployee licnefits Section of thcir intent to enroll the doniestic partner arid/or any eligible depelidents under the Monroe County Eltriployee Benefit Plan, Domestic partner/dependcrits enrolled in the Monroc F,rnploye,e Benefit Plan are subject to the sanic rules and provision applicable to a:covercd Spouses/dependents, D, The flutruin Resources Director shall prokide fi,",)rtns to cniplovecs re questrng the tnr L�". "I'lire Hurnan Resources Director shall allow public access ter donwnsticy; 11artnership records to the same emcird and in the same nianner as any other public record. 14,06 EMPI A, '"lees C ounry shall provide the sarne health and other emplovinent filinge bencfits to employee"; Wit'll dornestic Partflers as to employees with spouscs. As used in this section, "ernployees" refers to active and retired employees (,4 Monroe County that are eligible for bcnefits pursuant to Statc law, County (Winances, C,ounty employinent policies, and coI1ccti%,c bats gainingagreerncrits. & The County shall provide health insurance and 1>enefit coverage to an eniployee's doinestic partner as it does to an employee's spouse, and t(,.) the dependent's of air ciriployee's domestic partnership as it does to an employce's child(ren). An eiriployce may opt tea decline health insurancc coverage for Effecbve ApOl- 4-7; 2("H,3-,JWy 16, 2014 73 of 81 her his domestic partitcr, mrithcRit foregoing the right to obtain health itISUrance c(,:Werage or her or his doinestic partner duting3 JFUtUI-C Ol)CTI enrollment perio& G (.;?'POTI terMination (,.)f a domestic partnership by an employee, the non -employee domestic partner health insuraricc and benefits lapses. [f the employee doniestic parmcr leaves employment with the County, the licalth and benefit package of the non -employee donicstic partner shall lapse on the, date, that the former entployee's insurance lapscs. 11 Upon termimation of as donicstic partnership by the death cd-' an c,',,mrplolvee, die skjn,iving domestic partner's healdi insurancc and beriefits coverage shall lapse as it would for the spcause of as married employee, upon the death of such ernpl(�)yee, 1`1 . Board of County Commissioncr employces shall I>e granted as leave of absence, with pay, for the death of as domestic partner or hazily member of as domestic partner to the sarne extent as for a ,pouse or family member of as spouse. Use of the term "in-law"' in employee handl)ooks shall include the relatives of a domestic partner. F. Board of County ('commissioner employces shall be yp°antcd sick leave to care for as domestic partner to the satne extent permitted tea care ft)r a spouse, and to care for as dependent of as dcmicstic partnership to the same extent permitted to care for as chil(L C';. Board of (',ountV (".",orrimissumicr employees shall be crititled to take parental leave to take care (Aa child born to lil:S/'her domestic partner or as ne\vly adopted child to the same extent as as married persom 14,07 'N LI LI. AIL LFX'� 14M I_', A. Nothing it"i this ordinance shall be inteilmte(i t() contravcne the fw,e-neral laws of this state, K Nothin� ' , containcd in this Cimlinance shall be construed to ii.npose. hability upon as &:)mestic partner fi")r the licalth or health expenses c,-)f his or, her &,)mestic partner. A" 'llic Flu madam Resources Director shall distribute copies of the following ff',nuis to those individuals Who request them: 1, Declaration cof'Doincstic Partnership 2. Domestic Partncrship Inforniation Sheet 3, Anmidn-tent to Declaration of Domestic Partnership 4, "I"crtnination Statement of Domesfic Partne�rship. Effecbve APFA-1 T„-'201-3-.Uy 16, 2014 74 of 81 15M TRL A-MVT .-, It shall be the policy ref the. [ioard of (Aminty Commissioncrs to reirnbursc all t,,�mplovces, Board members and other Departinctit personnel ftn all authoriml travel,, Said reimbursenicrit Shall 11.)c made in the following, mantim X In (Ounty overnigAtt travel 'will require the al.qrrowal of the F)eparttnent Head. 0Ut OfCOUMV travel will require the prior approval of" the applicable Division Director or County Administrator, If travel is to any Cmultv c0tlti�lous to) Monroe Comm or if the travel can be conipleted within oneworkday, not rcquirtrig overnight lodging, prio',)r approval of the next-41iglicst %upervisory level can be obtained. B. Private LISC! Of ithfiVidWal velticics f("")r county business shall be rt,,,,irnbursed .car travel mileage irt accordance with Monroe Comity Code, unless an automobile allowance is cstal)lished pursuant to Section 111061 (7)(f), I"lorida Statutes. 1"he su[)section requires that the travcler file a signcd statenwnt before the aallowanceTM. is approved by the agency head, the state rune t MUSt provide an estimate for the annual amount based (,,)n 1,,)Iaces ,and distamcs flan an average typical triontli's travel on official business; and filing of the statement and approval o,)f allowance shall be relea: ated at least annually. C. F,',mployees who use their personalvehicics for approvcd (-'olltlty travel shall be reimburscd in accordance with the inforniationt reflectcd on the mverse side of F'ortrk #C'676. Thesc eniployces should be aware that they ma'y be subjcct to periodic odometer audit(s), and that the c n iploy ccs persortal auto insurance is primall, payer in case of air accident while or Count I I y business, 1`1�mployees receiving an automobile allowance may , stii] use the forts to request reimbursernent for meals, lodging, tolls and parking fees. Further, those employees who are receiving an autornobilc allowance shall nor be entitled to file as claim for ill-C(AffItY Mileage reinibursement. D. Individuals shall be entitltwd to per diem while On official trm,el in accordance with provisions contained in Monroe County Ccxle, except the Bo.)ard may authorize the rcimbursernent (1.)f actlial cxpendituxes where documented evic1crice is prOvidcd justifying actUlill expetim.,s incurrcd. '- Tlie Counq Administrator shall authorize reimbursement fi°)r leasc, remal cars and/or aircraft where it is deer ied by the C'ounty Achninistrator tx�) be the most advantageous to the County, I are to waive all insurance on rental car contracts, and norcirribursernent for insuraricc costs shall be authorized under this scuion. F'. All requests for travel reimbursement shall be subinitted in writing on State of l"lorida Voucher for Reimburscment of Travel E'Apenses which shall give date(s) of travel, purpose, all applicable receipts, and atnount due the traveler. Advance Payment ft)r travel mum be requested by submitting voucMher form for approval by the applical.Ac I )ivision Director or County Adtitinistrator. G, Trairel shall be the most economical and practicable mettiod avallable. 16, 2014 75 of 81 APPII','.AR,ANC'F.' M01 APP HAR N(JELAI J)ROPE �N' 'TIRF, All C"ounty, emplOveces should strive to be as neat and clean iru appearaticc as possible, Proper attire conduciv'c to carrying (',,)ut the fitrictions of their respective positions should be Nvorn bY all employces. Hic Departmcnt Hcad will be respoxisible to instire that the al,-ycarance of his or her employces properly represcius Monroe t 'ounty, in relation to their posi6',ms, Prop c,�r clothing and equip inctit needed to insure erriploycc safety is required to be utitmcd all tinu�s in accordance with the Monroe County Safety P(.�)Iicics. Effective Aj,)r,,O 1,7, , 204X„JWy '16, 20,14 76 of 81 'V 101-1,,"NCE IN °11-11" WORKPLACT"' SEC. TION 17 17.01 The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe environn-tent f(,,)r conducting ourity business for employees,visitors, clients, and Customet's [)y prohibiting, preventing, and taking action in resporise to work- rebted acts of violence. 17,02 Definitions: 17.03 Procedurcs: F'or the purpose of this policY, acts of6c'.)1emcc include, but are not firnited to� 1. verbal abusc, assault, tbreatening or ol)scene language or bchavt(,)r, or 2. a, ressive, hantifid, dangerous, or violent physical actions, or 3, actions which endanger COUIlly emph)yees, directly or incidentaUv, or 4. itnj:)roper or dangerous use oreisplay of any weapon or objcct uscd as a wcapon. For the purpose of' this policy, work -related acts includc, but are not lirnitcd to, those which: 1. take phice on CAwnty premisesand affect county property, cmplolvecor representatives, Or. 2, involve one or more County employees or representative.s, acting 1,11 their official County capacItN', or 3, inay occur of of C , , ourlt-v Prenuses, but, are related to County business, or 4. may occur outside cat normal working hours, but are related to Courity 1-nisiness or 5. involve the use of County cquipmcnt, vehicles, communications equipinent (phones, radio, F`AX, etc.), A. The County will take promj.,)t remedial action. as.),;amst any entplovec"VIS I ftor, chent, or customer who cngages in any behavior prohibited by this p( )licy- B, The County will establish sccurtt,v measures, to the extent practical, to ensure that Cc)unty facilitics are safe, and sccure agal I nst actions prohibited by this policy. C. FAnployces, StIPCIN"Isors, etc, will take reasonable irrinjediate act,1011 to protect victims of violent actions froin f Urther harm, Actions which will incrClase any danger s-hobe uld'avoided, When necessary, local hm enf,'<wccmertt agenciemu st ust be ncxtified as soon as p(,,)ssibIc, D. After any iniminent danger or threat has been dealt with, an employee, manager, sup,crvisor, ctc. has as duty to notify their unnicchate sul.wrvisor, Safety (-)fficer, Risk Managcr, or oath appropriate person of any incidcnt or activity which is in violafion of' this policy. Reports tnadc pursuant to dtis policy wdl bc held in confidence to the extent Possible, TbC CA"nitity will rv.)t tc)lerate any form of'retalotion against anyone who makes a report undcr this p0hcv Effective 16, 2014 77 of 81 E. 'I'lic Human Resources office shall be twtified of any prohibited acts by the affected ernploycc, their supervisor, or othet appropriate person, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Personnel shall deteuninc the extent of reniedial and disciptiriary, action to lac. takcri. In inaking this determination, I luman Resources may consult with emplovecs, supervisors, safety or tick managemcm mpresenutives, lamer mforcernew, officials, ctc. Disciplinary action taken cmplo " vces who violate this policy wilt be a crried out in accordaricc with Monroc CountY Pmonticl Policia.s and Procc(lures. Effective Apii 4,:,T,,,,2G,43,,IWy 16, 2014, 78 of 81 C'J1I1J)RF'N INTI-11", WORK FINVIRONMEIM' 'lire. Putpose of this section is to estabtist) the policy of the Adininistration cc: nceming Monroc Gmnty ctriployees bringing childr-m into the County work environtnent during nortnalworking hours. "N' It, is the policy of this Administration that C"ounty ernployces shall not roUtinely bring children into the County Nvork. envii-Onment during the applicable erriploy cc' s nox-mal working hours, B. It is recognized that circumstances may arise whercin an emyiloyee's option with regard to caring fc)r their del-mident children may be restricted ftn, any number of reasons, Generally, it would be expected that the employee mrould utilize vacation or sick leave, as approphate, to resolvc said Matters, Flowever, on the, rare occasion where there are no other alternatives, and/or the \%ork rcquiretnents are such that the" employee's presence is mandatory, the E)i-,,ision Director or Department head nlay grant as special cxception. A Division Director or Department head may, grant as special exccption in response to unusual or emergyency circumstances which would, ft.)t a very limited, specific period of tittle, perrilit art employee to Iming children into the environment, flie applicable Division Director or Department licad shall that ftwmaUy authorize said special exception in writing by completing the "( "hildren in the Work Place F`orm" and routing the original to the HUnran Resources Department 01 the apprc)priatc Division LATectorand the County Administrator, pricW to the day the child is expected to be prescnt, 1), It iS itICUMbent upon all Di -,Vision Directors/ Depa rtment Heads to insure that permitting children in the work environ.ment is as rarc except on and not the rulc and that the special cxception provisions I)r(:!xvidcd above are not to be abused. F- The parent(s) shafltw responsibic for the proper bcItavior of the child whilc in the workplace, FChildrcrt arc not pcirnitted in Courity vchiclesat artly UMC G, Children are totally barred from certain hig1h risk jobs arid work locations (such as construction sites)u IT J11C (' I lounty Adnimistrator has the authorai authority to wvc the policy, for spccial cc �,,ents (suli as Daughter/Smi At. \Vork Days. Effedve Afx,4147204-,y-JWy 16, 2014 79 of 81 CASI I NIANAC;F"MI:�NT' PROCJI'�1'13121' RI"S To establish a standardized cash management procedure tha t will (,,,hminate the risk of los,s or misappropr I iation of funds, I.. All Divis ions/ Depa rtments will have in effect a policy for all cash frands received to be dcposited as quickly as Erosible, but! in any event, not hater than three (3) business (lays from receipt, 2, ("heck va.)uchers shon1d be date stamped. In cases where there is no you attached, papenvork corresponding to the transaction should indicate the date of the check's receipt!. I Advise OMB of the apprcupriate etnploYees in each Div ision / L)epaxtment who will be responsible for the cash deposits of the policy. 4, Division Directors and Department Fleads are responsible for periodically reviewing the cash management prcxedk�tre with their departments to ensure efficiency and comp6nce with this pohcy Effecfive "16, 20 41, 80 of 81 FJRF'—Al,AJtM PIM(I"Y"I'M "RES The Purpose of this instruction is to establish the procedure for building occupants to adhere to when fire alarn) systerns located within County, facilities annunciate, I'lic definition of annunciate is torn aiounce t lie alarm sYstern, 1. When a fire abinn systernn located in a ounty, Faannunciate, buildings cility anuciate, buildoccupants are to tiln cu ff all electrical eqtiipment that will not delay their . exit; anci shall in-unediately evacuate the Inulding, reporting to their designated assettibly area in accordance with posted fire evacuation plans located throughout C,cwnty Facilities. 2. Emphasis shall be placed on orderly MICUation under proper discij-,)Iine, rather than on speed. . I i. Once in the assembly area, each Office Representative will aCCOLIIIIfor their personnel. 4, All personnel will remain in the designated assembly area, eve ll clear of the Inulding, until rcleased Inv the Fire Department and/or a representative ftoni the Monroe County Public Works, I"acilities Maultenance Department. 5, Constitutional C)fficers, Division I . )ircut(�rs, and L)epartment Fleads are toensure that all employMS UrIder their purview familiarize theniselves with this policy and Reference A - Monroe ("'ounty, Safety Policies and Proce(Ittres ManUal, ',1101lg With the designated aswriiblyarca. 6, Constitutional Officers, Division Directors, Department Fleads,and Monroe County Safctv Officer axe to ensure evacuation routes are posted on bulletin boards throughout 0xinty 1"acilitics, to include an assembly area for each office to rcport to, in the event of a fire evacuation. 7I onstittitional, CKficers, Division Directors, and Departinent Heads shall assign one person from each office the responsibility of accounting for each employee that w(,,)rks in their c4fice, in the ev"ent of as fire evacustion. Effective 16, 2014 81 of 81