Item C36 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date:_Wxl6 2(l14 Divisiow OMB Bulk Item: Yes x NO Department:. Grants Adminj5Lration Staff Contact Person/Phone#: Laura oach-Hartle x4482 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to submit application to the U.S.Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice for FY 14 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Local Solicitation award for$12,628 on behalf of the Monroe County Drug Court and for County Administrator to execute required documents and contract when/if awarded. ITEM BACKGROUND: Every year, Monroe County receives a direct allocation from US DOJ for law enforcement/criminal justice related programs. The County's FY 14-15 allocation is$12,628. This year, the Drug Court will utilize grant funds for the Monroe County Drug Court Medical Director Initiative. There is no match requirement. The application, which was due June I& is attached. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: The County has previously participated in the Byrne JAG Local Solicitation,direct allocation from US DOJ, grant program. CONTRACTIAGREEMENT CHANGES:None Sl-fA-ii,-R—E--C-(,)MMF,NDATIONS:Approval TOTAL COST: 112,628 INDIRECT COST: Yes XX No COST TO COUNTY.,___Q. SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1JS DOJ ,10'VENLrE PRODUCING: Yes— No XX AMOUNT PER MONTH.,_, Year !0JI't- APPROVED BY: County Att!yt OMB/Purchasing — Risk Managemcnt�,, ,> DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required._.._ AGENDA ITEM Rcyistd 1109 Monroe County Drug Court/JAG 2014/1.oca! Project Abstract(Attachment 1) ApklLigant, Monroe County, Florida, governed by a Board of County Commissioners. ELojqct Title: "Monroe County Drug Court Medical Director Initiative". Er2igg_QgaLt To continue to build the capacity within the Monroe County Drug Court to address the needs of clients presenting with mental health and/or prescription drug abuse issues. Allocating funds for the Medical Director Initiative for a third year will significantly improve the effectiveness of drug treatment and case management activities conducted for drug court clients presenting with prescription drug abuse and/or mental health issues. This initiative will also increase the likelihood of recovery success, in addition to diverting clients from continuing criminal involvement. The allocation of 2012 and 2013 JAG funds, allowed he Drug Court Prograrn participants and their employees to reap benefits of working with the Medical Director who has the expertise to address such issues. This initiative responds to the "The Florida's Prescription Drug Diversion and Abuse Roadmap 2012—2015", released April 4, 2012, by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, which recognizes the need for existing drug courts to address prescription drug abuse issues, With a Medical Director, the Monroe County Drug Court will continue to provide professional medical/psychiatric assistance for clients with prescription drug abuse and/or mental health issues. al[algaifta.- Continue to contract with a local Psychiatrist, proficient in the field of addiction, to act as the Drug Court Medical Director who will work with clients detoxifying and/or presenting with symptoms of mental health disorders to diagnoses explore alternative medications; make psychotropic medication recommendations to treating physicians when appropriate; and make recommendations to the court, 'The Monroe County Drug Court Criminal Court Services Coordinator, Jane Muir-Isherwood will work vvith the Trial Court Administrator, Holly Elamina, continuing to ensure that all aspects are fully implemented in an efficient manner, in compliance with the Monroe County purchasing policies, which required two or more written price quotes for the purchasing level of ten to twenty-five thousand dollars. Performance measures/outcomes: 6 Monroe County Drug Court Program will contract with a local psychiatrist, proficient in the field of addiction to act as the Drug Court Medical Director to provide the services as described. 10 .The Drug Court Medical Director will provide a minimum of sixty-three hours of services during the grant year, Medical Director Service hours will be tracked/monitored weekly and reported quarterly, It Approximately 25 Monroe County Drug Court Program participants will receive medical services (many requiring multiple hours of service) to reduce their prescription drug abuse and/or to more comprehensively treat their mental health disorders that led to their involvement in the drug court/criminal justice system. Participant numbers will be tracked/monitored weekly and reported quarterly. f?[LeL,,lidentifiers for this proposed project are: (1) Drug Courts, (2) Drug Offenders, (3) Prescription Drugs, (4) Substance Abuse Treatment, and (5) Mental Health. Monroe County Drug CourtlJAG 20141tacaj Program Narrative (Attachment 2) Program Narrative The Monroe County Drug Court Program located in Monroe County, Florida has been in continuous operation since 1993. Our circuit operates a Juvenile, Dependency, and Adult Diversion Drug Court, with sites in Key West, Marathon, and Plantation Key. Monroe County is ,the southernmost county in the continental United States. It consists of the Florida Keys, a ,string of islands connected by U.S. Highway 1, extending 150 miles southwest of Miami and the surrounding waters. There are 42 bridges linking the Florida Keys. Drug Courts reduce drug seeking behaviors by treating the underlying addiction of the non- violent offender, thereby offering a greater chance of breaking the cycle of drug abuse, crime, and incarceration. Drug Court program participants are closely supervised by a judge who is supported by, a team of agency representatives operating outside their traditional roles. The team includes a drug court coordinator, case manager, substance abuse treatment counselors, prosecuting attorneys, defense attorneys,juvenile probation officers, school representatives, employees of Department of Children & Families, Guardian Ad Litem, community based care workers, law enforcement officers, and adult probation officers. Eligible participants for the drug court program are identified and assessed early, and then placed into a treatment program. During their time in treatment, offenders are given random drug screening tests, and are required to appear frequently in front of a judge for progress evaluabuns. Drug court participants may be rewarded for remaining abstinent and attending meetings, Following successful completion of the drug court's treatment program, the court may, set aside or reduce their sentence, dismiss the original charge, or a combination of these. However, participants may also be sanctioned for violating the program's regulations by being removed from the program and given their original sentence. In some drug courts, participants are also provided ancillary services, such as mental health treatment, family therapy, and job training to increase their probability for success (Casebolt, R,, Huddleston 111, C,S,, Marlowe, D.8, (2008}, Painting the Current Picture:A National Report Card on Drug Courts and Other Problem-Solving Court Programs in the United States. National Drug Court Institute, 2(1),, It is estimated that every $1 spent on drug courts results in costs savings of anywhere from $1,74 to $6,32 per participant (Florida Office of the State Courts Administrator, Office of Court Improvement. (2010). Drug Courts in Florida* Frequently Asked Questions and Quick Facts,), On average, drug courts cost $4,333 per client, but they save $4,705 for taxpayers and $4,395 for potential victims (National Drug Court Institute. (2009). Research Findings). But even these costs are minimal compared to the costs of incarceration, which are, on average, $19,469 per inmate per year (Florida Department of Corrections, (2010). 2010 Annual Report.,FY 2009-10. Retrieved from: http:11 A 2005 Government Accountability Office report showed lower percentages of drug court program participants were rearrested or reconvicted. Drug court program participants also Monroe County Drug Court/JAG 2014ILocal generally had longer times to first arrest or conviction than comparison group members. When comparing the results of treatment through drug courts, and results from standard punishment, it becomes apparent that drug courts are highly effective in reducing crime and consequently taxpayer expense (Rossman, Shelft B. etc. (2011). The Multi-State Adult Drug Court Evaluation. U,S. Department of Justice), The Monroe County Drug Court Program is applying for a third year of JAG funding for The "Medical Director Initiative" program, under the purpose area of"Drug treatment and enforcement programs". The program activities include: 1. Contracting with a local Psychiatrist, proficient in the field of addiction to act as the Drug Court Medical Director, who will provide a total of sixty-three hours of psychiatric services to Adult Division, Family Treatment, and Juvenile Drug Court Program participants per funded calendar year, 2. The Medical Director will make professional and qualified decisions regarding clients presenting with prescription drug abuse and dependence issues, 3. The Medical Director will communicate with the treating physicians, assisting in the diagnosis and prescribing of psychotropic medication to our clients who are detoxifying and/or present with symptoms of mental health disorders. 4. The Medical Director will work with the clients to explore alternative medications and make recommendations to the court as a qualified professional. 5, Approximately 25 Monroe County Drug Court participants will receive medical services (many requiring multiple hours of service)to reduce their prescription drug abuse and/or to more comprehensively treat their mental health disorders that led to their involvement in the drug court/criminal justice system. Following a lengthy Request for Proposal, selection, and contract approval process beginning in July of 20,12, under the supervision of the Monroe County Attorney's Office, the Medical Director initiated the provision of services for the Drug Court program in January 2013. In the first grant year The Medical Director provided fifty hours of service of which he attended ten staff sessions with the Drug Court clinical team, conducted ninety-four case reviews, performed fifty-three assessment sessions with thirty-eight clients, attended five groups with Fifty clients, and educated the team with regards to best practice treatment techniques. In the first and second quarters of the second grant year, the Medical Director provided twenty-seven and a half hours of service of which he attended six staff sessions with the Drug Court clinical team, conducted one hundred and twenty case reviews, performed thirty-seven assessment sessions with thirty- five clients, and worked with the team in the development of the ETG/Alcohot testing protocol. 2 Monroe County Drug CourtIJAG 2014ILoad Analysis of Need The number of referrals to Drug Court with prescription drug arrests are on the increase state wide. According to the Monroe County Sheriffs office from April 2011 to April 2012 there were approximately 150 arrests for possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. This number does not include other criminal activities associated with prescription drug abuse, The Court and clinical staff hands are tied with regards to being qualified to assess the necessity of medication for our clients, ,rhe Florida's Prescription Drug Diversion and Abuse Roadmap 2012—2015, released April 4, 2012, by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi recognizes the strength of existing drug courts and places them front-and-center in the multi-faceted fight against prescription drug abuse. The Roadmap recommends two important strategies: I, Florida must expand drug courts across the state to admit more non-violent prescription drug offenders. Expanding Drug Courts increase overall savings to the state's budget as fewer offenders would be sentenced to costly prison time. Expansion of Drug Courts also decreases crime rates overall by effectively shortening a non-violent offender's emerging criminal history by intervening earlier with effective drug treatment consisting, in part, of swift and certain sanctions (Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability. (2010), Without Changes, Expansion Drug Courts Unlikely to Realize E-xpected Cost Savings. Tallahassee, FL.), 2. Florida must ensure reliable screening processes are established to capture those offenders whose crimes are grounded in prescription drug abuse, and who would benefit frorr a comprehensive treatment program, Monroe County's Drug Court proposal for JAG funding is directly responsive to the Attorney General's recommendations. A contractual agreement with a Medical Director will expand the capacity and expertise of our Drug Court Program to address participants with prescription drug �abuse issues. A strong nexus exists between crime and drug abuse. If mental health and prescription drug abuse issues are left untreated, users will typically engage in repeated drug theft, shoplifting, prescription fraud, burglary, and a myriad of other criminal activities. Law enforcement is reporting that prescription drug abuse is fueling increases in property crimes, as criminals seek to acquire powerful pain medications by breaking into pharmacies and homes in order to both consume and sell pills on the black market(Goodnough, Abby. (2010). A Wave of Addiction and Crime, with the Medicine Cabinet to Blame, The New York Times, September 23, 2010. Retrieved from,, Our focus on treating prescription drug addiction in the criminal justice system reflects the scientific understanding that addiction is a result of brain changes caused by repeated drug use, The United States makes up roughly 5 percent of the world's population, but consumes 80 percent of its opioids, as well as 99 percent of the world's hydrocodone (Avila, Jim, (2011). 3 Monroe County Drug CourtlJAG 2014ILocal Prescription Painkiller Use at Record High for Americans. ABC World News, April 20, 2011. Retrievod from:tjLtp:llabcnews.go. omIUSIDrescrintion-,oainkillers-record-number-amen.cans- 2L1j_n_-r_r_e_diC_ation/stor ?id=13421828 . It is unclear how much of this consumption is legitimate and how much is diverted for abuse. Drug courts remain the most effective means we have for reducing diverted prescription drug demand by addicts in our criminal justice system, Anticipated Coordination Efforts Contracting the services of a Medical Director has improved the Drug Court Program team's performance outcome by increasing the pro rams, effectiveness and comprehensiveness, reducing recidivism, increasing participant success rates, and reducing costs to law enforcement and the criminal justice system. In the first grant year The Medical Director provided fifty hours of service of which he attended ten staff sessions with the Drug Court clinical team, conducted ninety-four case reviews, performed fifty-three assessment sessions with thirty-eight clients, attended five groups with fifty clients, and educated the team with regards to best practice treatment techniques. In the first and second quarters of the second grant year, the Medical Director provided twenty-seven and a half hours of service of which he attended six staff sessions with the Drug Court clinical team, conducted one hundred and twenty case reviews, performed thirty-seven assessment sessions with thirty-five clients, and worked with the team in the development of the ETG/Alcohol testing protocol The team includes the drug court judge, criminal court services coordinator, drug court coordinator, case manager, substance abuse treatment counselors, prosecuting attorneys, defense attorneys,juvenile probation officers, school representatives, employees of Department of Children . Families, Guardian Ad Litem, community based care workers, law enforcement officers, and adult probation officers. 4 Monroe County Drug Court/JAG 2014/Lacal Budget and Budget Narrative (Attachment 3) thud et Cate uanti nameDrl^ Contract Enter into a Contract for an additional year with a local 112&_0000 Psychiatrist, proficient in the field of addictions, to act as Drug Court Medical Director. The Medical Director will provide a total of sixty-three hours of psychiatric services, at the rate of two hundred dollars an hour to the Adult Diversion, Family Treatment, and Juvenile Drug Court Program participants for the grant calendar year. The Medical Director will make professional and qualified decisions regarding clients presenting with prescription drug abuse issues. The Medical Director will work with the clients and their to physicians to explore alternative medications and make recommendations to the court as a qualified professional. The Medical Director will provide case management, education, and training to the Drug Court staff, Travel/Mileage Expense 1IL0_0 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 112.628.00 Federal Request V2628.00 Non-Federal Amount Ii-00 @ud_qeLNarraUve 'rhe Justice Department has allocated $12,628.00 to Monroe County, Florida as part of the 2014 JAG Local Solicitation, 'The Monroe County Drug Court Program is applying for the total amount, 'The JAG funds will provide a Medical Director for the Monroe County's Drug Court Program., This funding will provide Medical Director Services for a third year, Without this grant funding there is rio budget for this service and the service will not be provided. These federal funds will not be used to replace or supplant any nonfederal funds as none were appropriated for this purpose. Monroe County Drug Court has contracted with a provider in compliance with Monroe County's purchasing policies, Monroe County Drug Court/JAG 2014/Local Review Narrative (Attachment 4) Governing Body Review This Fiscal year 2014 JAG application for Monroe County is scheduled to be presented to the governing body, the Board of County Commissioners, by July 1, 2014, as part of 'the official agenda for the regular, monthly(July) meeting of the BOCC. The application W11 be reviewed by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners at the publicly noticed Commission meeting scheduled on July 14, 2014. The application will thus be made public to the citizens and neighborhood or community organizations and they will have an opportunity to comment on its worthiness at the July 2014 Commission meeting, (The Monroe County Drug Court Program was unable to present this application to the Board of County Commissioners at an earlier date due to the short turn-around time between our awareness of the JAG announcement and the application submission due date.) Monroe County Drug Court/!AG 2014/L=1 Applicant Disclosure of No Pending Applications (Attachment 5) The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners does not have pending applications submitted within the last 12 months for federally funded grants or subgrants (including cooperative agreements) that include requests for funding to support the same project being proposed under this solicitation that will cover the identical cost items outlined in the budget narrative and worksheet in the application under this solicitation, DeloachHartle-Laura From: owner-bv p-1 ist@oi p.usdo.;,g ov on behalf of Justice, BJA <bjaJU5tiCe@usdoj.9ov> Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 9�18 AM Subject: Fiscal Year(FY) 2014 Local Edward Byrne Memorial lustice Assistance Grant(JAG) Prograrn announcement Categories. IMPORTANT 'The, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is pleased to announce that FY 14 Local JAG Program funding information is now available and appears on the BJA J Please note that this email is being sent to a large group Of potential Local JAG applicants and does not necessarily confirm your jurisdiction's eligibility under the FY 2014 Local JAG Program. Eligible jurisdictions under FY 2014 Local JAG are limited to units of local government appearing an the FY 2014 Local JAG Allocations list, Please verify your eligibility, and If eligible, review the associated FY 26-14 L oval ,LAG'-solicitation and submit an application for funding through the Office of Justice Program's'(-0-J—P) Grants.Man�Lp pqj3y;Ittrn 1`4 by 8:00 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, June.10 2014. Please contact the GM S Help Desk at 1-888-549-9901 (Option 3) prior to the deadline if you experience any technical difficulties with Submission. Applications must be submitted by the stated deadline, regardless of whether the 30 day governing body review requirement has been satisfied. BJA will hold applications prior to processing until the 30 day governing body review requirement has been met OR attach a withholding of funds special condition to the award until the governing body requirement has been satisfied. For questions related to the JAG solicitation, please contact the BJA Justice Information Center at 1-677-927- 5657, via e-maii to,11C@telesis .__Lq:Jshq.corn or by l�vLe web chat. For GMS assistance, please contact the GM S Help Desk at 1-888-549-9901; Option 3 or refer to: U.S. Department of Justice OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires OT31.,2016 Office of Justice Programs But-eau of Justice Assistance The U.S. Del2artment of Justice (DOJ). Office of Justice Programs' (OJP) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is seeking applications for funding under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program. This program furthers the Department's mission by assisting state, local, and tribal efforts to prevent or reduce crime and violence. Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2014 Local Solicitation Eligibility Applicants are limited to units of local government appearing on the FY 2014 JAG Allocations List, To view this list, go to www,bia.gov/lro rams/ /l 4iaoallocations.html. For JAG Program purposes, a unit of local government is: a town, township, village, parish, city, county, borough, or other general purpose political subdivision,of a state: or, it may also be a federally recognized Indian tribe that performs law enforcement functions(as determined by the Secretary of the Interior). Otherwise a unit of local government may be any law enforcement district or judicial enforcement district established under applicable state law with authority to independently establish a budget and impose taxes. In Louisiana, a unit of local government means a district attorney or parish sheriff, In the District of Columbia or any U.S. Trust Territory, a unit of local government is any agency of the District of Columbia or federal government performing law enforcement functions for the District of Columbia or U.S. Trust Territory. Deadline Applicants must register in OJP'!.5 Grants Mang ement System (GMS) prior to submitting an application for this funding opportunity. Select the"Apply Online" button associated with the solicitation title. See the"How to Apply" section on page 20 for more details. All registrations and applications are due by &00 p.m. eastern time on June 10, 2014. (See"Deadlines: Registration and Application," page 4.) Contact Information For technical assistance with,submitting an application, contact the Grants Management System Support Hotline at 1--888-549-9901, option 3, or via e-mail to GMS.HelpOesk@usdoi.gov, The GMS Support Hotline hours of operation are Monday—Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 12 midnight eastern time, except federal holidays. Applicants that experience unforeseen GMS technical issues beyond their control that prevent them from submitting their application by the deadline must e-mail the BJA contact identified .............. below within 24 hours after the application deadline and request approval to submit their application. For assistance with any other requirement of this solicitation, contact the BJA Justice Information Center at 1-877-927-5657, via e-mail to JI ®tlor by live web chat, The BJA Justice Information Center hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. eastern time, Monday through Friday, and 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. eastern time, on the solicitation close date. You may also contact your qLate Pc�lic 4clvisor_ Release date: April 24, 2014 _ . . Contents Cwervew_._^~__.~___,~__,^_,_,,____.^___,~^~~____..___.,,^~___� Deadlines: and=-----'' Application.........--------- ........------------- 4 ' --------`----'^------ .......... ...... ............ ----^^ ...... — 4 Program-Specific -- ..... ........... —^^''---~---``^^----~'----...—_� 4 Amount and Length ����� �� --.~-----------,----.—.---.----.~~� 6 Budget Informatiom.-._--..----.~.—_---.~._---.—~.—,~..----..--' Other JAG R�u Requirements ......... .—,~.~_--~—.----.---------`� 9 Reporting Requirements, Accountability Measures, and JAG Showcase .... — .......... ---'11 Priorities ____ ^' ..........--''-----' ....... ---^----~—'^^~----- ......... -- ...12 'What an ��om� |n����'�----� ..... ~�----''---~—~...............^----�---...... ^-14 Information to Complete the Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) (Required). _.,__ ...... 14 Project Abstract (Required)^� —`- '^..—'`' .''..^.. ........... 14 Program Narrative (ReqWimmd) _ ....---_.—'—.�.~....... —',....... �....... ...................... 5 d3ud0et and Budget Narrative (Requ|red)—................ ...........------ ....... ---1B Review Narrative (Required) ..__...... ,,�� ......... ���`,''^��_������� Applicant Disclosure of Pending Applications(Reqwired) '' ........... .............. —.-1G Memorandum of Understanding (if applicable) -----------_,—......... --...-.]7 Tribal Authorizing Resolution (if app{|cable)--- ...... ---.—^^—.—.__—,-- ... ,17 AppliAP���m� ��o�o�uma oy�|�h ���� �t�t�� cant ....... ...... ... ......... ........... --........... ........17 Additional Attachments (if appVicable> ^`^~''~^......^^^'—____..... ...... 18 Accounting System and Financial Capability (3ueotonnainm.—'—'-...— .... 1a Review Process____ �� —^---'`--'----'-----------'------..—..--.l9 Additional Requirements.---~---~^---~'-----~---------~'~---'`---_—.19 ',-lowboAppy ---'~----^----~~— ....... ~ .... — ........ '— ...... ---^---2O P,ovde Feedback to 0JP .--_ ......--_..'----,_--` .......... —~.---..—........ — Application Checklist ' � .......----- _23 3 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program: FY 2014 Local Solicitation (CFDA #16.738) Overview The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program (42 U.S.C. 3751(a)) is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. The JAG program provides states and units of local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution and court programs ioduding indigent defense, prevention and education programs, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, crime victim and witness initiatives, and planning, evacuation, and technology improvement programs. Deadlines: Registration and Application Applicants must register in CMS prior to submitting an application for this funding opportunity. The deadline to register in GMS and the deadline to apply for funding under this announcement is 3;00 p.m, eastern time on June 10, 2014. See"How To Apply" on page 20 for details. Eligibility Refer to the title page for eligibility under this program, Program-Specific Information Program Areas JAG,funds may be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, strategic planning, research and evaluation (including forensics), data collection, training, personnel, equipment, forensic laboratories, supplies, contractual suppoM and criminal justice information systems that will improve or enhance such areas as: 4 Law enforcement programs. * Prosecution and court programs, including indigent defense, * Prevention and education programs, * Corrections and community corrections programs. * Drug treatment and enforcement programs. Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs, Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation). *Please note that JAG funding may be utilized in support of: Systems upgrades (hardwarelsoftware), including potential upgrades necessary for state, territories, units of local government and/or tribes to come into compliance with the FBI's UCR Redevelopment Project(UC3BPJ. Developing or sustaining state compatible incident based reporting systems, 4 Award Recipient Responsibilities:The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of an eligible unit of local government or other officer designated by the CEO must submit the application for JAG funds. A unit of local government receiving a JAG award will be responsible for the administration of the funds including: distributing the funds; monitoring the award; submitting quarterly financial status (SF-425) and performance metrics,reports and annual programmatic reports; and providing ongoing oversight and assistance to any subrecipients,of the funds. Governing Body Review: No fewer than 30 days prior to application submission, the applicant agency (fiscal agent in disparate situations) must make the grant application available for review by the governing body (or to the organization designated by the governing body. See the Review Narrative section on page 15 for additional information. Public Comment: At the time of application submission, the applicant agency (the fiscal agent in disparate situations) must provide an assurance that the application was made public and an opportunity to comment was provided to citizens and neighborhood or community organizations to the extent the applicable law or established procedure makes such an opportunity available. See the Review Narrative section on page 16 for additional information, Prohibited Uses: No JAG funds may be expended outside of JAG program areas. Even within these program areas, however, JAG funds cannot be used directly or indirectly for security enhancements at equipment for nongovernmental entities not engaged in criminal justice or public safety- Additionally, JAG funds may not be used directly or Indirectly to pay for any of the following items unless the BJA Director certifies that extraordinary and exigent circurnstances, exist, making them essential to the maintenance of public safety and good order • *Vehicles, vessels, or aircraft. • "Unmanned aerial vehiciestunmanned aircraft, aircraft system, or aerial vehicles (UA/UAS/UAV). LUXUry items. Real estate. Construction projects (other than penal or correctional institutions). Any similar items. *Police cruisers, police boats, and police helicopters are allowable vehicles under JAG and do not require BJA certification. ""Unmanned Aircraft,Aircraft System, or Aerial Vehicles (UAJUAS/UAV): No JAG funds may be expended on these items unless the 8JA Director certifies that extraordinary and exigent circumstances exist, making them essential to the maintenance of public safety and good order. In addition, no JAG funds may be expended for this purpose without Federal Aviation.Administration (FAA) approval and certification that the use is legal in the local jurisdiction. Also, any grant award using funds for this purpose may be subject to additional conditions and reporting criteria, which will be spelled out in a customized special condition attached to the grant award. For information rotated to requesting a waiver to obtain BJA certification for any prohibited item, or for examples of allowable vehicles that do not require BJA certification, refer to the JAG FAQs on 8JA's JAG web oaae. Evidence-Based Programs or Practices OJP strongly emphasizes the use of data and evidence in policy making and program development in criminal justice,juvenile justice, and crime victim services. OJP is committed to: 0 improving the quantity and quality of evidence OJP generates; integrating evidence into program, practice, and policy decisions within OJP and the field; and improving the translation of evidence into practice. OJP considers programs and practices to be evidence-based when their effectiveness has been demonstrated by causal evidence, generally obtained through one or more outcome evaluations. Causal evidence documents a relationship between an activity or intervention (including technology) and its intended outcome, including measuring the direction and size of a change, and the extent to which a change may be attributed to the activity or intervention. Causal evidence depends on the use of scientific methods to rule out, to the extent possible, alternative explanations for the documented change. The strength of causal evidence, based on the factors described above, will influence the degree to which OJP considers a program or practice to be evidence-based. OJP's SQrimeSclutio , ov web site is one resource that applicants may use to find information about evidence-based programs in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services Additionally, when considering evidence-based programs and practices specific to reentry, it i,s recommended that jurisdictions review the What Works in Reentry,Clearin 2 h use for important g research on the effectiveness of a wide variety of reentry programs and practices. The Clearinghouse provides a one-stop shop for practitioners and service providers seeking guidance on evidence-based reentry interventions. Amount and Length of Awards EflqiUe allocations under JAG are posted annually on 8JA's JAG web page: 2�1_kw_ Awards of at least$25,000 or more are 4 years in length with an award period of October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2017, Extensions beyond a 4-year period may be made on a case- by-case basis at the discretion of 8JA and must be requested via the Grants Management SysIern (GUIS) no less than 30 days prior to the grant end date. Awards that are less than $25,000 are 2 years in length with an award period of October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2015. Requests for up to an additional 2 years to complete performance of the award will be granted automatically, pursuant to 42 U,S.C. § 3751(f). Extensions beyond a 4-year period may be made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of is JA and must be requested via the Grants Management System (GMS) no less than 30 days prior to the grant end date. AP awards are sub'iect to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. Budget Information AG awards are based on a statutory formula as described below. Although JAG grantees and subgrantees are required to report on quarterly accountability measures through 13JA's Performance Measurement Too] (PMT),those reports are intended to promote greater transparency about the use of JAG funds and do not determine the amount of JAG funds allocated to a state and/or localities. Applicants must submit a budget and budget narrative outlining how JAG funds, including administrative funds if applicable, will be used to support and implement the program. See the budget narrative description under the "How to Apply" section (page 20)for more information. JAG Formula: Once each fiscal year's overall JAG Program funding level is determined, 8JA partners with the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)to begin a four-step grant award calculation process which consists of: 1 Computing an initial JAG allocation for each state and territory, based on their share of violent crime and population(weighted equally), 2. Reviewing the initial JAG allocation amount to determine if the state or territory allocation is less than the minimum ("de minimus") award amount defined in the JAG legislation (0,25 percent of the total). If this is the case,the state or territory is funded:at the minimum level, and the funds required for this are deducted from the overall pool of JAG funds. Each of the remaining states receives the minimum award plus an additional amount based on their share of violent crime and population, 3. Dividing each state's final award amount(except for the territories and District of Columbia) between state and local governments at a rate of 60 and 40 percent, respectively. 4, Determining local unit of government award allocations,which are based on their proportion of the state's 3-year violent crime average. If a local eligible award amount is less than $10,000, the funds are returned to the state to be awarded to these local units of government through the state agency. If the eligible award amount is$10,000 or more, then the local government is eligible to apply for a JAG award directly from BJA. Administrative Funds: A unit of local government may use up to 10 percent of the award, including interest, for costs associated with administering JAG funds. Supplanting- Supplanting is prohibited under JAG. Applicants cannot replace or supplant non- federal funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. See the JAG FAQs on 6JA's JAG web oaae for examples of supplanting. Leveraging of Grant Funds: Although supplanting is prohibited, the leveraging of federal funding is encouraged. For example, a city may utilize JAG and Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) money to fund different portions of a fusion center project. In instances where leveraging occurs, all federal grant funds must be tracked and reported on separately and may not be used to fund the same line items, Additionally, federal funds cannot be used as match for other federal awards. 7 Disparate Certification: A disparate allocation occurs when a city or municipality is allocated cane-and-one-half times (150 percent) more than the county,while the county bears more than 50 percent of the costs associated with prosecution or incarceration of the municipality's Part 1 violent crimes. A disparate allocation also occurs when multiple cities or municipalities are collectively allocated four times (400 percent) more than the county, and the county bears more than 50 percent of the collective costs associated with prosecution or incarceration of each municipality's Part I violent crimes. Jurisdictions certified as disparate must identify a fiscal agent that will submit a joint application for the aggregate eligible allocation to all disparate municipalities. The joint application must determine and specify the award distribution to each unit of local government and the purposes for which the funds will be used.When beginning the JAG application process, a Memorandum of Understanding (MC U) that identifies which jurisdiction will serve as the applicant/fiscal agent for joint funds must be completed and signed by the Authorized Representative for each participating jurisdiction. The signed MOU should be attached to the application. For a sample MOU, go to yw%tw din /J�A ki2,�ov/Fu�n GMQ�Udf, Trust Fund: SAAs may draw down JAG funds in advance. To do so, a trust fund must be established in which to deposit the funds. The trust fund may or may not be an interest-bearing account. If subrecipients draw down JAG funds in advance, they also must establish a trust fund in which to deposit funds. This trust fund requirement does not apply to direct JAG award recipients or subrecipients that draw-down on a reimbursement basis rather than in advance. Match Requirement; Match is not required under the JAG Program.Although match is an effective strategy to expand justice funds and build buy-in for local criminal justice initiatives, BJA encourages states to consider financial and other potential local constraints related to imposing a match requirement on subgrantees, as it may adversely affect small local )urisdictions. Matching funds become part of the overall award amount, and as such are subject to audit and should be expended prior to closeout. Limitation on Use of Award Funds for Employee Compensation; Waiver 'With respect to any award of more than $250,000 made under this solicitation, recipients may neat use federal funds to pay total cash compensation (salary plus cash bonuses)to any employee of the award recipient at a rate that exceeds 110 percent of the maximum annual salary payabie to a member of the federal government's Senior Executive Service(SIBS) at an agency with a Certified SES Performance Appraisal System for that year. The 2014 salary table for SS employees is available atA�,o m�. ov/s�ala -tables, Note: A recipient may compensate an employee at a greater rate, provided the amount in excess of this compensation limitation is paid with non-federal funds, (Any such additional compensation will not be considered matching funds where match requirements apply.) The Assistant Attorney General for OJP may exercise discretion to waive, on an individual basis, the limitation on compensation rates allowable under an award. An applicant requesting a waver should include a detailed justification in the budget narrative of the application, Unless the applicant submits a waiver request and justification with the application, the applicant should anticipate that CJP will request the applicant to adjust and resubmit the budget. The justification should include the particular qualifications and expertise of the individual, the uniqueness of the service the individual will provide, the individuals specific knowledge of the 8 program or project being undertaken with award funds, and a statement explaining that the individual's salary is commensurate with the regular and customary rate for an individual with hisPier qualifications and expertise, and for the work to be done. Prior Approval, Planning, and Reporting of Conference/Meeting/Training Costs OJP strongly encourages applicants that propose to use award funds for any conference-, meeting-, or training-related activity to review carefully—before submitting an application—the CJP policy and guidance on "conference" approval, planning, and reporting available at OJP policy and guidance (1) encourage minimization of caMerence, meeting, and training costs; (2) require prior written approval (which may affect project timelines) of most such costs for cooperative agreement recipients and of some such costs for grant recipients'. and (3) set cost limits, including a general prohibition of all food and beverage costs, Costs Associated with Language Assistance(if applicable) If an applicant proposes a program or activity that would deliver services or benefits to individuals, the costs of taking reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to those services or benefits for individuals with limited English proficiency may be allowable. Reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to services or benefits may include interpretation or translation services where appropriate, For additional information, see the"Civil Rights Compliance" section of the OJP"Other Requirements for OJP Applications"web page at ,www,o[r)-tisdoi.ciovlfunding/other req uirements,htm, Other JAG Requirements Body Armor Certification Ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor can be funded through two BJA- administered programs:the JAG Program and the Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program. The BVP Program is designed to provide a critical resource to state and local law enforcement through the purchase of ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor. A jurisdiction is able to request up to 50 percent of the cost of a vest with BVP funds. For more information on the BVP Program, including eligibility and application, refer to the BVP web per. JAG funds may also be used to purchase vests for an agency, but they may not be used to pay for that portion of the ballistic-resistant vest(50 percent) that is not covered by BVP funds. Unlike BVP, JAG funds used to purchase vests do not require a 50 percent match. Vests purchased with JAG funds may be purchased at any threat level, make, or model from any distributor or manufacturer, as long as the vests have been tested and found to comply with the latest applicable National Institute of Justice (NIJ) ballistic or stab standards. In addition, vests purchased must be American-made. Information on the latest NIJ standards can be found at: www,nii.gov/topics/technoloqv/bodv-armor/safetv-initiative.htm, As is the case in BVP, grantees who wish to purchase vests with JAG funds must certify that law enforcement agencies receiving vests have a written"'mandatory wear" policy in effect. FAQs related to the mandatory wear policy and certifications can be found at ,�vwV, ig,g_qv/Fundiiiq/JAGFAQ,Ddf, This policy must be in place for at least all uniformed .officers before any FY 2014 funding can be used by the agency for vests. There are no requirements regarding the nature of the policy other than it being a mandatory wear policy for all uniformed officers while on duty, The certification must be signed by the certifying official and must be attached to the application. If the grantee proposes to change project activities to utilize JAG funds to purchase bulletproof vests after the application period (during the project period),the grantee must submit the signed certification to BJA at that time. A mandatory wear concept and issues paper and a model policy are available by contacting the BVP Customer Support Center plyp tsa is go.qqv or toll free at 1-877-758- 3787, A copy of the certification related to the mandatory wear can be found at: A(q!4qzff- Interoperable Communications Grantees (including subgra,ntees) that are using FY 2014 JAG Program funds to support emergency communications activities (including the purchase of interoperable cornmUnicattons equipment and technologies such as voice-over-internet protocol bridging or gateway devices, or equipment to support the build out of wireless broadband networks in the 700 MHz public safety band under the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Waiver Order) must ensure: Compliance with the FY 2014 SAFECOM Guidance gaLMergeng Cog Lnly iggtions L'Lants(including provisions on technical standards that ensure and enhance interoperable communications), Adherence to the technical standards set forth in the FCC Waiver Order, or any succeeding FCC orders, rules, or regulations pertaining to broadband operations in the 700 MHz public safety band. o- Projects support the Statewide Communication Interoperability Plan (SCIP) and are fully coordinated with the full-time Statewide Interoperability Coordinator(SWIC) in the state of the project. As the central coordination point for their state's interoperability effort, the SVVIC plays a critical role, and can serve as a valuable resource, SWICs are responsible for the implementation of the SCiP through coordination and collaboration with the emergency response community. The U.S, Department of Homeland Security Office of Emergency Communications maintains a list of SWICs for each of the 56 states and territories, Contact QQq@hq.(ks._qqv, All cornmunications equipment purchased with grant award funding (plus the quantity purchased of each item) is identified during quarterly performance metrics repotng. Use of Global Standards Package In order to promote information sharing and enable interoperability arnong disparate systems across the justice and public safety community, OJP requires the grantee to comply with DOXs Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (DOJ's Global) guidelines and recommendations for this particular grant. Grantee shall conform to the Global Standards Package (GSP) and all constituent elements, where applicable, as described at: ��Jto�:o.ggyLq§E ( antcon4ftioq. Grantees shall document planned approaches to 'information sharing and describe compliance to the GSP and appropriate privacy policy that protects shared information, or provide detailed Justification for why an alternative approach is recommended, DNA Testing of Evidentlary Materials and Upload of DNA Profiles to a Database If JAG program funds will be used for DNA testing of evidentiary materials, any resulting t�� DNA profiles must be uploaded to the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS, the national DNA database operated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)) by a government DNA lab with access to CODIS. No profiles generated with JAG funding may be entered into any other non- governmental DNA database without prior express written approval from l3JA, For more infm,rnation, refer to the NIJ FY 2014 DNA Backlog Reduction Program, available at �5, ,,L Ln q.r� 2)L/pdffiLeslLr�ii In addition, funds may not be used for purchase of DNA equipment and supplies when the resulting DNA profiles from such technology are not accepted for entry into CODIS. Reporting Requirements, Accountability Measures, and JAG Showcase Award recipients will be required to submit quarterly financial status (SF-425) and annual programmatic reports through GMS, quarterly accountability metrics reports (see below) through BJA's Performance Measurement Toot j)(F!M r Accountability, and Federal Funding Accountabi i y and Transparency Act (FFATA) reports through the FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (ESF S) as necessary (see FFATA section below). Accountability Measures To assist the Department in fulfilling its responsibilities under the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), Public Law 103-62, and the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, Public Law 111-352, applicants who receive funding under this solicitation must provide data that measures the results of their work done under this solicitation. Quarterly accountability metrics, reports must be submitted through BJA's PMT, available at www.b1Vqrf`ormancetooIs.orq.The accountability measures can be found at: lwwwlb a erfon,nancetools.orcilhel[?IJAGMeasurgaQRgli[ganA!Elgff. Data reported by JAG grantees and subgrantees for this report does not determine JAG fUlldinq, which is calculated based on a statutory formula combining population and Uniform Crime Reporting Part I crime data. BJA encourages JAG grantees to make decisions on funding through a collaborative process involving all major stakeholders including law enforcement, CMOs, indigent defense, prosecution, corrections and community corrections, treatment providers, crime victims, and others. The measures are not designed to replace the planning that should occur at the state and local level. SUbmission of accountability measures data 'is not required for the application, Instead, applicants should discuss in their application their proposed methods for collecting data for accountability measures. Refer to the section "What an Application Should Include" on page 14 for additional information. Noteon Project Evaluations Applicants that propose to use funds awarded through this solicitation to conduct project evaluations should be aware that certain project evaluations (such as systematic investigations II designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge) may constitute"research"for purposes of applicable DOJ human subjects protection regulations. However, project eva?uations that are intended only to generate internal improvements to a program or service, or are conducted only to meet OJP's performance measure data reporting requirements likely do not constitute"research,"Applicants should provide sufficient information for OJP to determine whether the particular project they propose would either intentionally or unintentionally collect arid/or use information in such a way that it meets the DOJ regulatory definition of research. Research, for the purposes of human subjects protections for OJP-funded programs, is defined as, "a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge" 28 C,F,R, §45.102(d). For additional information on determining whether a proposed activity would constitute research, see the decision tree to assist applicants on the"Research and the Protection of Human Subjects`" section of the OJP "Other Requirements for OJP Applications"web page ('AjltX2�y 0 D,Usdo:-qov/fundinqh2±er rq�LujremenLs htm Applicants whose proposals may involve . jk I a research or statistical component also should review the"Confidentiality" section on that Web Gage JAG Showcase The iJdAG3 Showcase was designed to identify and highlight JAG projects that have demonstrated success or shown promise in reducing crime and positively impacting communities. BJA has now expanded the concept of the JAG Showcase to other BJA grant programs and created a new BJA Success StoEy web gage. This new web page will be a valuable resource for states, localities,,Oterritories, tribes and criminal justice professionals who seek to identify and learn about JAG and other successful BJA funded projects linked to innovation, crime reduction, and evidence based practices. If you have a JAG Success Story you would like to submit, sign in to your MXgJ'e acc�ount to access the Success Story Submission form, If you do not have a MX.A4A account, please ELe4jilter, Once you register, one of the available areas on your My BJA page will be "My Success Stories". Within this box, you will see an option to add a Success Story, Once reviewed and approved by BJ& all success stories will appear on the new 8JA Success §JLoU_Atb gaqe. Priorities f3JA recognizes that the downturn in the economy has resulted in significant pressures on state and local criminal justice systems, In these challenging times, shared priorities and leveraged resources can make a significant impact. In light of this, it is important to make SAAs and local JAG recipients aware of several areas of priority that may be of help in maximizing the effectiveness of JAG funding at the state and local level. In addition to our longstanding and unwavering commitment to keeping violent crime at its lowest level in decades, the following priorities represent key areas where BJA will be focusing nationally and invite each state and local JAG recipient to join us in addressing these challenges as a part of our JAG partnership. Reducing Gun Violence Gun violence has touched every state, county, city, town, and tribal government in America. In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy and recent mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, BJA continues to encourage states and localities to invest valuable JAG funds in programs to: combat gun violence, enforce existing firearms laws, improve,the process used to ensure that those prohibited from purchasing or owning guns are prevented from doing so, enhance reporting to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and provide active shooter response training to law enforcement officers and first responders, Recidivism Reduction, Pretrial Reform and Justice Systern Realignment In this firne of fiscal austerity and smaller state and local budgets, reducing unnecessary incarceration in a manner that promotes public safety is a paramount goal. Effective community supervision coupled with evidence-based program interventions can result in significant reductions in recidivism. A priority funding area is the implementation of effective pretrial services programs. The use of validated risk assessment tools to inform pre-trial release decisions is critical. For a variety of resources, or to request BJA supported technical assistance trom the Pre-trial Justice Institute, see!A�. retrjA".or ,Another priority for JAG funding is to support innovative programs and approaches in probation and parole supervision that improve services to offenders and increase collaborative efforts among community supervision agencies with !aw enforcement and the courts. Another promising approach to justice systems reform is the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI), a public-private partnership between BJA and the PEW Public Safety Performance Project. Currently, 19 states and 17 local governments are working to control spiraling incarceration oosts through JRI and reinvestment savings in evidence-based criminal justice programs and strategies. Strategic investment of JAG funds to implement JRI legislation and policy changes in those states and localities can augment federal funds and achieve greater cost savings and reinvestments in programs to promote public safety. (See the L)rban Institute's Justice Reinvestment Initiative State Assessment Report.) Indigent Defense Another key priority area is support for indigent defense. BJA continues to encourage states and units of local government to use JAG funds to support the vital needs of the indigent defense community. Attorney General Holder has consistently stressed that the crisis in indigent defense reform is a serious concern which must be addressed if true justice is to be achieved In our nation. In 2002, the American Bar Association (ABA) published Ten Principles of a Public Defense Delivery System which represent fundamental building blocks for implementing quality legal representation for indigent defendants. (See ABA's Ten Principles of a Public Defense tL,e bvirim,) Improving Mental Health Services Disproportionate numbers of people with mental illness are involved in the criminal justice system often as a result of untreated or undertreated mental illness.This is an issue that impacts numerous facets of the criminal justice system. After the Newtown tragedy, numerous states began pushing for and adopting policies supporting early identification and intervention. States aimed to enhance mental health screening services to identify emerging mental illness in children and adolescents and to ensure adequate access to care. BJA encourages states and units of local government to utilize JAG funding in support of programs and policy changes aimed at the following; identifying and treating people with severe mental illness before they reach crisis point; training law enforcement and correctional officers on mental health and mental health related crisis-intervention; increasing justice system diversion strategies to divert offerlders with mental illness,from unnecessary arrest and incarceration to more appropriate and cost-effective community-based treatment and supervision; mental health courts, allowing inmates to continue psychotropic medication in jails; and improving oversight of mental health care in jails, increasing post-jail housing options and enhancing community mental health services. (See Adults with Behavioral Health Needs under Correctional Sugervision.) Evidence-Based "Smart" Programs Many criminal justice agencies continue to experience unprecedented budget cuts, layoffs, and reductions in force, These challenges must be met by making wider use of advancements in the criminal justice field in the last several decades which rely on use of data, crime analysis, cutting edge technology, research and evaluations regarding evidenced-based and high-performing programs. A useful matrix of evidence-based policing programs and strategies is available through the Center for Evidence- aced Poricy at George Mason University. In the rerventry field, a summary of-research-based re-entry strategies is available on the National Reentry Resource Center's What Works in Rjetentry Clearinlhouse link, BJA offers a number of program models designed to effectively implement evidence based strategies including Smart Policing, Smart Supervision, Smart Pretrial, and Smart Prosecution. 6JA encourages states and units of local government to use JAG funds to support these"smart on crime" strategies, including effective partnerships with universities and research partners and with non-traditional criminal justice partners. What an Application Should Include Applicants should anticipate that if they fail to submit an application that contains all of the specified elements, it may negatively affect the review of their application; and, should a decision be made to make an award, it may result in the inclusion of special conditions that preclude the recipient from accessing or using award funds pending satisfaction of the conditions. Refer to the BJA Grant Writing and Management Academy and OJP's Grants 101 for an overiiew of what should be included in each application requirement. These trainings can be found at �.ncrsqgyN&fl1&qg&LLn2 and IA�,oi 1p, __ .qov/qrants1Q1/. OJP strongly recommends use of appropriately descriptive file names(e,g., "Program N,arrative," "Budget Narrative," "Memoranda of Understanding," etc.)for all attachments. 1. Information to Complete the Application for Federal Assistance(SF-424) The SF-424 is a standard form required for use as a cover sheet for submission of pre- applications, applications, and related information. GMS takes information from the applicant's profile to populate the fields on this form, 2. Project Abstract Applicants must provide an abstract that includes the applicant's name, title of the project, goals of the project, and a description of the strategies to be used. In addition, above or below the abstract narrative, applicants must identify up to 5 project identifiers that would 14 Ise associated with proposed project activities.. The list of all identifiers can be found at ,Awvv,,.b�a,uovifundiria/J,AGldentifliers.gdf. The abstract should not exceed a half-page, or 400-500 words, Failure to submit this required information will result in an application being returned in the Grants Management System (GMS)for inclusion of the missing information OR the attachment of a withholding of funds special condition at the time of award. 3, Program Narrative Applicants must submit a program narrative that generally describes the proposed program activit es for the two or four year grant period.The narrative must outline the type of programs to be funded by the JAG award and provide a brief analysis of the need for the programs, Narratives must also identify anticipated coordination efforts involving JAG and related justice funds. Certified disparate jurisdictions submitting a joint application must specify the funding distribution to each disparate unit of local government and the purposes for which the funds will be used. Failure to submit this required information will result in an application being returned In the Grants Management System (GMS)for inclusion of the missing information OR the attachment of a withholding of funds special condition at the time of award. 4 Budget and Budget Narrative Applicants must submit a budget and budget narrative outlining how JAG funds, including administrative funds if applicable, will be used to support and implement the program. This narrative should include a full breakdown of administrative costs, as well as an overview of how funds will be allocated across approved JAG purpose areas. Applicants should utilize the following approved budget categories to label the requested administrative and/or sub- grant expenditures: Personnel, Fringe Benefits, Travel, Equipment, Supplies, Consultants/Contracts, and an Other category. For informational purposes only, a sample budget form may be found at www. jp..Ias o- Rytfun t 1 0, f.jA _ L_qt Ljs�_ For questions pertaining to budget and examples of allowable and unallowable costs, see the OJP Financial Guide at W�wwo* �,usdo'.�ovlfina�ncial u�idehnd�ex.htm. Failure to submit this required information will result in an application being returned in the Grants Management System (GMS)for inclusion of the missing information OR the attachment of a withholding of funds special condition at the time of award. a. Non-Competitive Procurement Contracts In Excess of Simplified Acquisition Threshold if an applicant proposes to make one or more non-competitive procurements of products or services, where the non-competitive procurement will exceed the simplified acquisition threshold (also known as the small purchase threshold), which is currently set at$150,000,the application should address the considerations outlined in the QJP Financial Guide. 5. Review Narrative Applicants must submit information documenting that the date the JAG application was made available for review by the governing body, or to an organization designated by that governing body, not less than 30 days before the application was submitted to BJA. The attachment must also specify that an opportunity to comment was provided to citizens prior to application submission to the extent applicable law or established procedures make such opportunity available. Below are notification language templates that can be utilized in completing this section of the application. "rhe (provide name of Ci!y/CounlyLlribe) made its Fiscal Year 2014 JAG application available to the(provide name of governin_qJLo�d )for its review and comment on (provide date)i or intends to do so on (provide date). The (provide name of Cll!y/Coufljyarjb2) made its Fiscal Year 2014 JAG application available to citizens for comment prior to application submission by ( rovide means of no1qjS2!j2D); or the application has not yet been made available for public review/comment. Failure to submit this required information will result in an application being returned in the Grants Management System (GMS)for Inclusion of the missing Information OR the attachment of a withholding of funds special condition at the time of award. 6 Applicant Disclosure of Pending Applications Applicants are to disclose,whether they have pending applications for federally funded grants or subgrants. (including cooperative agreements) that include requests for funding to support the same project being proposed under this solicitation and will cover the identical cost items outlined in the budget narrative and worksheet in the application under this solicitation. The disclosure should include both direct applications for federal funding (e.g., applications to federal agencies) and indirect applications for such funding (e.g., applications to state agencies that will subaward federal funds). OJP seeks this information to help avoid any inappropriate duplication of funding. Leveraging multiple funding sources in a complementary manner to implement comprehensive programs or projects is encouraged and is not seen as inappropriate duplication. Applicants that have pending applications as described above are to provide the following information about pending applications submitted within the last 12 months: * the federal or state funding agency * the solicitation namelproject name * the point of contact information at the applicable funding agency. Federal or State Solicitation Nam WPh one/E-mail for Point of Contact at Funding Funding NarnelProject Name Agency Agency coilcops COPS Hiring Program Jaria:Dce,202/000-0000-)ane.doe@usdq,9ov HHS/Substance Drug Free Communities John Doe,2021000-0000 john doe @hbs gov Abuse&Mental Mentoring Program/ Health Senv ces i North County Youth Adrnipjstrat on Mentoring Program Applicants should include the table as a separate attachment, with the file name"Disclosure of Pending Applications," to their application- Applicants that do not have pending applications as described above are to include a statement to this effect in the separate attachment page(e.g., "(Applicant Name on SF-4241 does not have pending applications submitted within the last 12 months for federally funded grants or subgrants(including cooperative agreements) that include requests for funding to support the same project being proposed under this solicitation and wilt cover the identical cost items outlined in the budget narrative and worksheet in the application under this solicitation.'). 7, Memorandum of Understanding (if applicable) Jurisdictions certified as disparate must identify a fiscal agent that will submit a joint application for the aggregate eligible allocation to all disparate municipalities. The joint application must determine and specify the award distribution to each unit of local government and the purposes for which the funds will be used,When beginning the JAG application process, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that identifies which jurisdiction will serve as the applicant/fiscal agent for joint funds must be completed and signed by the Authorized Representative for each participating jurisdiction. The signed MOU must be attached to the application, For a sample MOU, go to www,bia.qov/Fundinci/JAGMOU-pdf, Failure to submit this required information will result in an application being change requested in the Grants Management System (GI IS)for inclusion of the missing information OR the attachment of a withholding special condition at the time of award if time does not permit for a change request process. 8. 'Tribal Authorizing Resolution(if applicable) 'Tribes, tribal organizations, or third parties proposing to provide direct services or assistance to residents on tribal lands should include in their applications a resolution, a letter, affidavit, or other documentation, as appropriate, that certifies that the applicant has the legal authority from the tribe(s)to implement the proposed project on tribal lands. In those instances when an organization or consortium of tribes applies for a grant on behalf of a Vice or multiple specific tribes, then the application should include appropriate legal documentation, as described above,from all tribes that Would receive services/assistance under the grant. A consortium of tribes for which existing consortium bylaws allow action without support from all tribes in the consortium (i.e., without an authorizing resolution or comparable legal documentation from each tribal governing body) may submit, instead, a copy of its consortium bylaws with the application. Applicants unable to submit an application that includes a fully-executed (Le,, signed) copy of appropriate legal documentation, as described above, consistent with the applicable tribe's governance structure, should, at minimum, submit an unsigned, draft version of such iegal documentation as part of its application (except in cases in which, with respect to a tribal consortium applicant, consortium bylaws allow action without the support of all consortium member tribes). If receiving funding, 8JA will make use of and access to funds will be contingent on receipt of the fuily-executed legal documentation. 9 Applicant Disclosure of High Risk Status Applicants are to disclose whether they are currently designated high risk by another federal Brant making agency. This includes any status requiring additional oversight by the federal agency due to past programmatic or financial concerns. If an applicant is designated high risk by another federal grant making agency, you must email the following information to 17 oiL�go at the time of application submission:. * 'The federal agency that currently designated the applicant as high risk; * Date the applicant was designated high risk; * The high risk point of contact name, phone number, and email address, from that federal agency; and * Reasons for the high risk status. OJP seeks this information to ensure appropriate federal oversight of any grant award. Unlike the Excluded Parties list,this high risk information does not disqualify any organization from receiving an OJP award. However, additional grant oversight may be included, if necessary, in award documentation. 10,Additional Attachments(if applicable) Research and Evaluation Independence and Integrity If a proposal involves research and/or evaluation, regardless of the proposal's other merits, in order to receive funds, the applicant must demonstrate research/evaluation independence, including appropriate safeguards to ensure researchlevaluation objectivity and `sntegrjty. For purposes of this solicitation, research and evaluation independence and integrity pertains to ensuring that the design, conduct, or reporting of research and evaluation funded by BJA grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts will not be biased by any personal or financial conflict of interest on the part of the investigators responsible for the research and eimluation or on the part of the applicant organization. Conflicts can be either actual or apparent. Examples of potential investigator(or other personal) conflict situations may include those in which an investigator would be in a position to evaluate a spouse's work product(actual conflict), or an investigator would be in a position to evaluate the work of a former colleague (potential apparent conflict), With regard to potential organizational conflicts of interest, as one example, generally an organization could not be given a grant to evaluate a project if that organization had itself provided substantial prior technical assistance to that project, as the organization in such an instance would appear to be evaluating the effectiveness of its own prior work. The key is whether a reasonable person Understanding all of the facts would be able to have confidence that the results of any research or evaluation project are objective and reliable. Any outside personal or financial interest that casts doubt on that objectivity and reliability is a problem. In the attachment dealing with research and evaluation independence and integrity, the applicant should explain the process and procedures that the applicant has put in place to identify and eliminate (or, at the very least, mitigate) potential personal or financial conflicts of interest on the part of its staff, consultants, and/or subrecipients. It should also identify any potential organizational conflicts of interest on the part of the applicant with regard to the proposed research/evaluation, If the applicant reasonably believes that no potential personal or organizational conflicts of interest exist, then the applicant should provide a brief narrative explanation of how and why it reached that conclusion. Documentation that may be helpful in this regard could include organizational codes of ethics/conduct or policies regarding organizational, personal, and financial conflicts of interest. For situations in which potential personal or organizational conflicts of interest exist, in the attachment, the applicant should identify the safeguards the,applicant has or will put in place to eliminate, mitigate, or otherwise address those conflicts of interest. Considerations in assessing research and evaluation independence and integrity will include, but may not be limited to, the adequacy of the applicant's efforts to identify factors that could affect the objectivity or integrity of the proposed staff and/or the organization in carrying out the research, development, or evaluation activity; and the adequacy of the applicant's existing or proposed remedies to control any such factors. 11,,Accounting System and Financial Capability Questionnaire Any applicant (other than an individual)that is a non-governmental entity and that has not received any award from OJP within the past 3 years must download, complete, and submit 111his form, Review Process OJF1 is committed to ensuring a fair and open process for awarding grants. BJA reviews the application to make sure that the information presented is reasonable, understandable, measurable, and achievable, as well as consistent with the solicitation. BJA will review applications for,formula awards to ensure statutory requirements have been met, Absent explicit statutory authorization or written delegation of authority to the contrary, the Assistant Attorney General will make all final award decisions. Additional Requirements Applicants selected for awards must agree to comply with additional legal requirements upon acceptance of an award. OJP encourages applicants to review the information pertaining to ff,iese additional requirements prior to submitting an application. Additional information for each requirement can be found at www,oip,usdoi.ciov/fundinqlother reouirements,htm. Civil Rights Compliance Civil Rights Compliance Specific to State Administering Agencies with-Cased and Other Community Organizations Confidentiality * Research and the Protection of Human Subjects * Anti-Lobbying Act * Flnanciai and Government Audit Requirements * Reporting of Potential Fraud,Waste, and Abuse, and Similar Misconduct National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 19 * DOJ Information Technology Standards (if applicable) * Single Point of Contact Review * Non-Supplanting of State or Local Funds * Criminal Penalty for False Statements * Compliance with Office of Justice Programs Financial Guide * Suspension or Termination of Funding * Non-profit Organizations * For-profit Organizations * Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) * Rights in Intellectual Property * Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006(FFATA) * Awards in Excess of$5.000,000—Federal Taxes Certification Requirement * Active SAKI Registration * Policy and Guidance for Approval, Planning, and Reporting of Conferences (including Meetings and Trainings) * OJPTraining Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgrantees How to Apply Applicants must submit apptications through the Grants Management System (GIBS}, which provides cradle to grave support for the application, award, and management of awards at OJP. Applicants must register in GMS for each specific funding opportunity, Although the registration and submission deadlines are the same, OJP urges applicants to register promptly, especially if this is their first time using the system. Find complete instructions on how to register and submit an application in GMS at www.oio.usdoj.,.q..ov/Qmscbt/. Applicants that experience technical difficulties during this process should e-mail GMS.HeIpD sl _ug�400y or call 888-549--9901 (option 3), Monday—Friday from 6:00 a.m. to midnight eastern time, except federal holidays, OJP recommends that applicants register promptly to prevent delays in submitting an application package by the deadline. Note on File Types: GMS does not accept executable file types as application attachments. These disallowed file types include, but are not limited to, the following extensions. '.corn,"`,bat,"".exe," '.vbs,"".cfg," `,dat," "Ab," "Abf,""All," ",log," `.ora,""-sys," and t',z�p," 20 All applicants should complete the following steps: 1. Acquire a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. In general, the Office of Management and Budget requires that all applicants (other than individuals)for federal funds include a DUNS number in their application for a new award or a supplement to an existing award. A DUNS number is a unique nine-digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for identifying and differentiating entities receiving federal funds. The identifier is used for tracking purposes and to validate address and point of contact information for federal assistance applicants, recipients, and subrecipients. The DUNS number will be used throughout the grant life cycle. Obtaining a DUNS number is a free, one-time activity. Call Dun and Bradstreet at 866-705-5711 to obtain a DUNS number or apply online at wvvw.dnb,com. A DUNS number is usually received within 1-2 business days, Z Acquire registration with the System for Award Management(SAM). SAM is the repository for standard information about federal financial assistance applicants, recipients, and subrecipients. OJP requires that all applicants(other than individuals)for federal financial assistance maintain current registrations in the SAM database.Applicants must update or renew their SAM registration annually to maintain an active status. Information about SAM registration procedures can be accessed at LA�.sam�. ov. 1 Acquire a GMS username and password. New users must create a GMS profile by selecting the"FirstTime User" link under the sign-in box of the GMS home page. For more information on how to register in GMS, go to www,oiK).usdoi.Qovfgmscbt/, 4. Verify the SAM (formerly CCR) registration in GMS. OJP requests that all applicants verify their SAM registration in GMS. Once logged into GMS, click the"CCR Claim" link on the left side of the default screen. Click the submit button to verify the SAM (formerly CCR) registration, 6. Search for the funding opportunity on GMS. After logging into GMS or completing the GMS profile for username and password, go to the "Funding Opportunities" link on the left side of the page. Select"Bureau of Justice Assistance"and the"Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program—Local Solicitation," 6, Register by selecting the "Apply Online"' button associated with the funding opportunity title. The search results from step 5 will display the funding opportunity title along with the registration and application deadlines for this funding opportunity. Select the "Apply Online" button in the"Action" column to register for this funding opportunity and create an application in the system, 7, Comi lete,the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, if applicable. Any applicant that P expends any funds for lobbying activities must provide the detailed information requested on the form, Disciosure of Lobbying Activities(SF-LLL). 3o Follow the directions in GMS to submit an application consistent with this solicitation, Once submitted, GMS will display a confirmation screen stating the submission was successful. lnlpkrtant, In some instances, applicants must wait for GMS approval before submitting an application. OJP urges applicants to submit the application at least 72 hours prior to the application due date. 21 Note: Duplicate ARpy atlons If an applicant submits multiple versions of an application, BJA will review the most recent version submitted, Experiencing Unforeseen GMS Technical Issues Applicants that experience unforeseen GMS technical issues beyond their control that prevent them from submitting their application by the deadline must e-mail your Stag? lic)_Advisor within 24 hours after the application deadline and request approval two their application. The e-mail must describe the technical difficulties and include a timeline of the applicant's submission efforts, the complete grant application, the applicant's 1DUNS number, and any GMS Help Desk or SAKI tracking number(s). Note: BJA does not approve requests automatically. After the program office reviews the submission, and contacts the GIVIS Help Desk to validate the reported technical issues, OJP will inform the applicant whether the request to submit a late application has been approved or denied. If OJP determines that the applicant failed to follow all required procedures,which resulted in an untimely application submission, OJP will deny the applicant's request to submit their application. The following conditions are generally insufficient to justify late submissions: failure to register in SAM or GMS in sufficient time failure to follow GMS instructions on how to register and apply as posted on the GMS Web site failure to follow each instruction in the OJP solicitation technical issues with the applicant's computer or information technology environment, including firewalls. Notifications regarding known technical problems with GMS, If any, are posted at the top of the OJP funding Web page Provide Feedback to OJP To assist OJP in improving its application and award processes, we encourage applicants to provide feedback on this solicitation, the application submission process, and/or the application review/peer review process. Provide feedback to_0J PS olicitation Feed bac Lk&usdQj�ov_ IMPORTANT: This e-mail is for feedback and suggestions only. Replies are not sent from this nnailbox. If you have specific questions on any program or technical aspect of the solicitation, you must directly contact the appropriate number or e-mail listed on the front of this solicitation docurnent. These contacts are provided to help ensure that you can directly reach an individual who can address Your specific questions in a timely manner. If ymi are interested in being a reviewer for other OJP grant applications, please e-mail your resurne to g o oer eview I�.c�om. The OJP Solicitation Feedback email account will not fonward your resume, Note: Neither you nor anyone else from your organization can be a peer reviewer in a competition in which you or your organization have submitted an application, '22 Application Checklist Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program FY 2014 Local Solicitation This application checklist has been created to assist in developing an application. What an Applicant Should Do: f-,rior to Registering in GMS, Acquire a DUNs Number(see page 21) Acquire or renew registration with SAM (see page 21) To Rpgister with GMS: For inew users, acquire a GMS username and password*(see page 21) For existing users, check GMS username and password*to ensure account access (see page 2 1) Verify SAID registration in GMS (see page 21) Search for correct funding opportunity in GMS (see page 21) Register by selecting the"Apply Online" button associated with the funding opportunity title (see page 21) 'Password Reset Notice—GMS users are reminded that while password reset capabilities exist, this function is only associated with points of contacts designated within GMS at the time the account was established, Neither OJP or the GMS Help Desk will initiate a password reset unless requested by the authorized official or a designated point of contact associated with an award or application, General Requirements: --Review"Other Rem Arpmgnnt "web page Eligibility Requirement: Jurisdiction listed as the legal name on the application corresponds with the eligible jurisdiction listed on BJA's JAG w Federal amount requested is within the allowable limit of the FY 2014 JAG Allocations List as listed on BJA's JAG web page What an Application Should Include: Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) (see page 14) Project Abstract(see page 14) Program Narrative (see page 15) Budget and Budget Narrative(see page 15) Review Narrative (see page 15) Applicant Disclosure of Pending Applications(see page 16) Memorandum of Understanding, if applicable (see page 17) Tribal Authorizing Resolution, if applicable(see page 17) Applicant Disclosure of High Risk Status (see page 17) Research and Evaluation Independence and integrity, if applicable(see page 18) Accounting System and Financial Capability Questionnaire (if applicable) (see page 19) Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, if applicable (SF LLL (see page 21) 3