Item Q2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 16, 2014 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: County Administrator Staff Contact/Phone#: .Lisa Tennyson x 4444 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to negotiate contracts for federal lobbying services with Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. and Becker and Poliakoff, P.A. ITEM BACKGROUND: On March 28, 2014 Monroe County issued a federal lobbying services solicitation. Proposals were submitted back to County on May 1, 2014. There were seven respondents. On June 5, 2014, the Evaluation Committee met in a public, advertised meeting to rank the respondents, and make a recommendation to the BOCC. The Evaluation Committee: • Ranked Van Scoyoc Associates (VSA) first. The committee felt VSA is a strong, well- established firm with a very professional team assigned to work on Monroe County. Their expertise at the federal level and their relationships with relevant agencies and legislators positions them to be very effective advocates for Monroe's federal priorities in Washington. • Ranked Becker and Poliakoff second. The committee felt the firrn's close relationship to the Florida delegation and its local presence gives them good understanding of the County's federal issues. They offered a good communication plan to report and track actions and successes on the County's priority issues. • Recommends to the BOCC to negotiate two separate contracts, with both the number one and number two ranked firms. This will enable the County to take advantage of the firms' complimentary skills and strengths to better advance the County's interests. Pending BOCC approval to negotiate, staff will negotiate contract (s) with the firm (s). Those contracts will be brought back the BOCC for approval in August. Anticipated contract(s) start date: October 1, 2014. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Since 2009 Monroe County has had a single federal lobbying contract with Cardenas Partners, LLC. In January 2014, in anticipation of a solicitation process, the BOCC extended contract with Cardenas Partners for 9 months (through September 30, 2014). Cardenas Partners subsequently dissolved. In February, the BOCC assigned the contract to Al Cardenas' new firm, Squire Sanders. Also in February, the BOC'C approved issuance of the solicitation for federal lobbying services. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: NA SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes— N AMOUNT PER MONTH Year — - —APPROVED BY: County Atty 0 w: q /PurAving Risk Management 0 DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required— DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM# Agenda Item Attachments: 1. Evaluation Committee Scoring Sheets 2. Evaluation Committee Minutes and Meeting Notice 3. Copy of the Request for Proposals for Fed Leg Services and Notice 4. Response Tabulation Sheet S. Responses from Van Scoyoc Associates and Becker and Poliakoff 1. Evaluation Committee Scoring Sheets • Committee Summary, and • Individual Member Scores z o ............�............. ...... „�mnnnnn �,mnnn,,,.,-- mmmm..„ ........_..... �• w ra N 0 f? _ G7 —� K oo °Yo a0 rr- r. � m ' ' r © r� ro c±i ro ro am ro ro u m w f ro 0 a � m m am 3 �`., 00 r'► 7po 0 0 a o Ln a a°0a � CL ^ n @ ro O 7-- 0? ri �, CL rn 0 rt d O 3 m cv w to oo tc M a m N w cu ( ► to r-+ 0d = U-) CD to M `" O �t ram. o i In to cn -ti oam rn00 . b O O . m O p- m 5 � C7 G O m W.......WWW _. .. .... .._............ -" $A m 0 c ao �• o. ryaP �U. 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REQUIRED FINANCIAL ERFORMANCE 30 points 5 points 5 points FORMS INFORMATION S points included included r I� Yes/No Yes/No m..... °°. ......_.____—° 16 r' 21 fn -----...... .. . . ...... .. .. nnnn ... ..—--,� EVALUATOR: SUMMARY SHEET Tab - Tab D Tab E Ta—b F Tab H TOTAL POINTS APPROACH REFERENCES RATE All Five REQUIRED PERFORMANCE 30 points S points S points REQUIRED FINANCIALFORMS INFORMATION ;S points included Included Yes/No Yes/No N f j mmiwvu>mow wrfiwmmrrrrmrmrmrmr omiamuwwvv-uvv -", . wkwYNRWMIwINMMM4IIM1NNNNwr1WrJINwMMNN,MXNrr . ._ ..........,,,,_..... j _ . . 27 , �� _ EVALUATOR: f SUMMARY SHEET �JU Tab C Tab D Tab E Tab F Tab H TOTAL POINTS APPROACH REFERENCES RATE All Five REQUIRED REQUIRED FINANCIAL )ERFORNIANCE 30 paints 5 paints 5 paints FORMS INFORMATION 35 paints Included Included Yes/No Yes/'No o -Z�0 yv h , ��I i I EVALUATOR: SUMMARY SHEET Tab C Tab D Tab E Tab F Tab H TOTAL POINTS APPROACH REFERENCES RATE All Five REQUIRED REQUIRED FINANCIAL 'ERFORMANCE 30 paints 5 points 5 paints FORMS INFORMATION 15 points included included Yes/No Yes/No i � �, rvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrv�,rv�,nnn,rr„mmrvrvmmrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvry nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn� ...------------------ wwA� wAAA ` ,. LlY . o tj nwwwuuv- ��in�mi ,rn ..,m-, ,i,nenen� i i,.,..,..,..,n mTi,,,, mmnn mmn-.... --uw,Nmryq� f➢fiYHYvrmrrmmmmirmhmM rou �ormnm rmrnmrmrmrmm mmmm muwynnnnnmmmrm uuurr'murnnnrrrrrrrr �� mm�mr I mrmmme�mnmmmmmrnnnnmmmmmrrororo rro•nnmmmmmnn mmiriririririrmrrrroro•m�mororiririrmmmmirmmrmrmr mnnmmmmmmmmm�wrn v ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ............... EVALUATOR: a 1,4,e V///CP/'Z/ SUMMARY SHEET Tab C Tab D Tab E Tab F Tab H TOTAL POINTS APPROACH REFERENCES RATE All Five. REQUIRED REQUIRED FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 30 paints 5 points 5 points FORMS INFORMATION 35 points included included I Yes/No Yes/No n �m -7-a-.3 )41 mmm� a 2. Minutes of Evaluation Committee Meeting June 5, 2014 (Meeting was noticed in Key West Citizen, 5/18/14; Keynoter 5/21/14; Reporter 5/23/14.) NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on June 5, 2014 beginning at 12:�00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the County Administrator's Office, Suite 205, 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, FL 33040,a meeting will be held of the SELECTON COMMITTEE For the following: LEGISLATIVE AND LOBBYING SERVICES FOR MONROE COUNTY'S FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA The selection committee will evaluate and rank the proposals received in response to the Request for Proposals issued for the above-named projlect. The selection committee recommendation will be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. No oral presentations or information shall be allowed, ranking shall be based on the submissions only. All members of the public are invited to attend the selection committee meeting. For more information, please contact Lisa Tennyson, Dir. Legislative Affairs at (305) 292-4444 or via email at teftnyson-lisa@moinroecogaty- Rim. ADA ASSISTANCE. If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, please contact the County Administrator's Office, by phoning (305) 292- 4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., no later than five (5) calendar days, prior to the scheduled meeting, if you are hearing or voice impaired, call "711" Pursuant to Section 286.010�5, Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearings or meetings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Dated at Key West, Florida this 14 1h day of May, 2014. AMY HEAVILIN,Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (SEAL) Publication date(s): Key West Citizen (Su) 5/18/14 Keynoter (Wed) 5/21/14 Reporter (Fr) 5/23/14 Evaluation Committee Meeting For Responses to Monroe County's RFP for Federal Legislative and Lobbying Services Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: June 5, 2014 Meeting Place: County Administrator's Conference Room, 2nd Floor Gato Building, Key West Present: Lisa Tennyson (Chair), Roman Gastesi, Kevin Wilson,Judy Clarke, Christine Hurley Other staff also in attendance: Bob Shillinger(County Attorney) &Nat Cassell (Asst. County Attorney) Members of the public in attendance: Margaret Blank(Key Largo WW Treatment District),Jose Bermudez(Becker and Poliakoff) 1. Opening Remarks Lisa Tennyson introduced the members of the evaluation committee and stated the purpose of the meeting, which was to rank the proposals submitted in response to the federal legislative and lobbying services RFP and make a recommendation to the BOCC. She reminded those in attendance that the meeting is a public meeting held under the Sunshine law. She indicated that those in attendance, other than the committee members, would have an opportunity to make comments at the end of the meeting. No presentations however were permitted of respondents. The Chair asked the committee if they had been contacted by any proposers and and whether that contact has any influence on their evaluations. All committee members answered in the negative. Lisa Tennyson indicated only that she had been contacted by Becker& Poliakoff and Van Scoyoc in regards to the meeting date for the evaluation committee. Mr. Gastesi said he was contacted by Margaret Blank in regards to the meeting date. 2. Discussion The Chair briefly reviewed the sections of the the RFP and listed the seven respondents. An assessment of whether all respondents had submitted complete proposals was made. The committee determined to eliminate two applications that did not comply with the required documents. Winning Strategies & Nixon Peabody did not provide the required financial statements, The committee then proceeded to discuss the contents of each proposal from the following firms: Alcalde and Fay, Becker and Poliakoff,The Ferguson Group, Van Scoyoc, and Townsend. They began with a discussion of the lowest point sections of the RFP: references and rates (each of these sections worth 5 points). Ms. Tennyson called sources and client contacts for references, and shared that reference feedback with the Committee. The committee discussed rates; the highest rates earned lower points in this section. The Committee then proceeded to qualifications and approach. The committee discussed in detail the various pros and cons of each respondent's qualifications (worth 25 points)—the relative merits of a firm's lengthy client list vs. the ability to provide tailored, individualized attention; the overall strength of the firm vs. the strength and experience of the lead lobbyists assigned to us; and the value of a presence and relationships in Florida vs, relationships with legislators beyond our own delegation. The committee looked at past performance(worth 35 points) particularly firms' experience with issues relevant to Monroe County and their specific successes and achievements with legislation, regulation/policy and funding. The committee discussed in detail the approach proposed by each respondent (worth 30 points) -- the attention to which respondents understood, paid attention and were proactive in strategizing to address the specific issues and concerns of Monroe, and the style and frequency of communication and reporting. When the discussion was over each member ranked each proposal using the ranking sheet provided. The Chair tabulated the scores from each proposal. A tally was done by rank& points. (Please see attached member score sheets.) Per the totals of the committee members, Van Scoyoc Associates was ranked number one and Becker and Poliakoff was ranked number two. Staff agreed to recommend to the BOCC to negotiate contracts with the top two ranked firms and request that they work as a team. 3. Public Comment There were comments from both members of public related to expressing appreciation for the thoroughness of the discussion. 3. Copy of the RFP Issued: March 28, 2014 Closed: May 1, 2014 (Noticed in Key West Citizen, 3/28/14; Keynoter, 3/29/14; Reporter, 3/28/14) MONROE COUNTY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR LEGISLATIVE AND LOBBYING SERVICES FOR MONROE COUNTY'S FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM P BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Sylvia Murphy, District 5 Mayor Pro Tem, Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 Commissioner George Neugent, District 2 Commissioner Heather Carruthers, District 3 Commissioner David Rice, District 4 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Roman Gastesi, Jr. Amy Heavilin MARCH 2O14 PREPARED BY: USA TENNYSON DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE SOLICITATIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on May 1, 2014 at 3:00 P.M. the Monroe County Purchasing Office will receive and open sealed responses for the following: LEGISLATIVE AND LOBBYING SERVICES FOR MONROE COUNTY'S FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA Requirements for submission and the selection criteria may be requested from DemandStar by Onvia at www.demalldstar.com OR www.mouroecount-vbids.com or call toll-free at 1-800- 711-1712. The Public Record is available at the Monroe County Purchasing Office Iocated at The Gato Building, 1100 Simonton Street,Room 2 213, Key West,Florida.All Responses must be sealed and must be submitted to the Monroe County Purchasing Office. Publication dates Citizen (Fr) 3/28/14 Keynoter (Sa) 3/29/14 Reporter TO 3/29/14 1IIIP PART 1: Introduction Monroe County is soliciting Proposals from qualified firms to provide federal legislative and lobbying services. The agreement resulting from this solicitation is anticipated to be for a period of three years, commencing on October 1, 2014, and shall continue until September 30, 2017. Thee services being requested in this Request for Proposals are specifically subject to annual budget appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners for each fiscal year. PART 2:Before Submitting a Proposal A. Each Proposer shall thoroughly examine all the Proposal Documents. B. Ignorance on the part of the Proposer shall in no way relieve him of the obligations and responsibilities assumed under this Proposal. C. The submission of a Proposal will constitute a representation by the Proposer that he has complied with every requirement of the: RFP and that the Proposal Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding to him of all terms and conditions for performance of the Work, D. The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or any part of a proposal. The County reserves the right to waive variations from the specifications that do not render the proposal non-conforming. The Owner retains the right to disregard non- conformities, non-responsive proposals or conditional proposals in the best interest of the County. PART 3: General Instructions A. The response to the proposal should be submitted in a scaled addressed envelope to: Monroe County Purchasing Office, 1100 Simonton Street, Room 213, Key West, Florida 33040, on or before:3:OOP'M EST on May 1,20�14. B. One (1) original and eight (8) copies of the Response must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked on the outside: "Sealed Proposal for LEGISLATIVE AND LOBBYING SERVICES FOR MONROE COUNTY'S FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM" on or before the deadline. Responses will be retained as property of the County. The ORIGINAL of your reply must be clearly marked"(Original"'on its face and must contain an original, manual signature an authorized representative of the responding firm. All other copies may be photocopies. C. Responses to the: Request for Proposals must arrive at the above listed address no later than May 1, 2014 at 3:00 PM EST to be considered. It is the respondent's responsibility to assure that the proposal is delivered at the proper time and location. Responses received after the due date and time,will not be opened. 2 1 P D. All submissions must remain valid for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of the deadline for submission indicated above. The Board will automatically reject the response of any person or affiliate who appears on the convicted vendor list prepared by the Department of General Services, State of Florida, under Sec. 287.133(3)(d), Florida Statute (1997). The Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive informalities in the proposals and to re-advertise for proposals. The Board also reserves the right to separately accept or reject any item or items of a proposal and to award and/or negotiate a contract in the best interest of the County. E. The contents of the Proposal of the successful firm will become part of the contractual obligations. F. The County is not responsible for any costs incurred by bidders prior to the issuance of an executed contract and regardless of whether a contract award is made by the County. G. Any questions concerning the Request for Proposal process, required submittals, evaluation criteria, proposal schedule, and selection process shall be in writing, at least ten days prior to the specified due date, and addressed to Lisa Tennyson, Director of Legislative Affairs at tennyson-lisa(&monroecounty.-fl.go . All answers to such questions will be made in writing in the form of an addendum and, if issued,will be furnished to all known prospective Respondents prior to the established Response opening day. Each Respondent shall acknowledge receipt of such addenda in their Response. In case any Respondent fails to acknowledge receipt of such addenda or addendum,his response will nevertheless be construed as though it had been received and acknowledged and the submission of his response will constitute acknowledgment of the receipt of same. All addenda are a part of the contract documents and each Respondent will be bound by such addenda, whether or not received by him. It is the responsibility of each Respondent to verify that he has received all addenda issued before responses are opened. H. Signature of the Respondent: The Respondent must sign the response and other required forms in the space provided for the signature. If the Respondent is an individual, the words "doing business as 19, or "Sole Owner" must appear beneath such signature. In the case of a partnership, the signature of at least one of the partners must follow the firm name and the words "Member of the Firm" should be written beneath such signature. If the Respondent is a corporation, the title of the officer signing the Response on behalf of the corporation must be stated along with the Corporation Seal Stamp and evidence of his authority to sign the Response must be submitted. The Respondent shall state in the response the name and address of each person having an interest in the submitting entity I. Each Respondent shall carefully examine the RFP and other contract documents, and inform him/herself thoroughly regarding any and all conditions and requirements that may in any manner affect cost, progress, or performance of the work to be performed under the contract. Ignorance on the part of the Respondent shall in no way relieve him/her of the obligations and responsibilities assumed under the contract. 31 Page J. Should a Respondent find discrepancies or ambiguities in, or omissions from, the specifications,or should he be in doubt as to their meaning,he/she shall at once notify the County as required in section G above. K. Responses will be received until the designated time and will be publicly opened and announced at the appointed time and place stated in the Notice of Request for Proposal. Monroe County's representative authorized to open the responses will decide when the specified time has arrived and no responses received thereafter will be considered. No responsibility will be attached to anyone for the premature opening of a response not properly addressed and identified. Respondent, or their authorized agents, are invited to be present. L. All prospective respondents (including but not limited to employee, partner, officer, director, consultant, lobbyist, or any actual or potential sub-contractor or consultant) are hereby instructed not to contact any member of the Board of County Commissioners, County Administrators, Selection Committee members,or Monroe County staff members other than contact person listed above regarding this solicitation or their submittal at any time after the RFP had been advertised and prior to the final evaluation and recommended ranking by County staff for this project. Any such contact shall be cause for rejection of your submittal. M. The County reserves the right to waive any informality in any response,or to re-advertise for all or part of the work contemplated. If responses are found to be acceptable by the COUNTY, written notice will be given to the selected respondent of the award of the contract. N. If the award of a contract is annulled, the County may award the contract to another Respondent, or the work may be re-advertised or may be performed by other qualified personnel as the County decides. 0. A contract will be awarded to the Respondent deemed to provide the services which are in the best interest of the County. P. The County may conduct such investigations, as it deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Proposal and to establish the responsibility,qualifications,and financial ability of the Proposers, proposed subcontractors, and other persons or organizations to do the Work in accordance with the requirements of the County and to the County's satisfaction within the prescribed time. Q. The County reserves the right to reject the Proposal of any Proposer who does not pass any such evaluation to its satisfaction. R. The contract shall be put in final form by the County and given to the Proposer for signature. The Proposer shall sign and deliver all four originals of the Contract Agreement to, the contract manager, Lisa Tennyson, within ten days after receipt of a contract from the County. All other Contract Documents such as Insurance Certificates 41 Page are to be provided to Lisa Tennyson within fourteen days after approval of the contract by the Board of County Commissioners. S. Disqualification of Respondents I. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT: A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit Proposals on leases or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or CONTRACTOR under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.Category Two: $25,000.00. 2. Failure to complete these forms(in addition to those listed in Tab F) and submit them with your Response may result in immediate disqualification of your Response: a. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT* Any person submitting a proposal in response to this invitation must execute the enclosed NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT. If it is discovered that collusion exists among the Respondents, the proposals of all participants in such collusion shall be rejected, and no participants in such collusion will be considered in future bids for the same work. b. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE FORM: Any person submitting a bid or proposal in response to this invitation must execute the enclosed DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE FORM and submit it with his/her bid or proposal. Failure to complete this form in every detail and submit it with your bid or proposal may result in immediate disqualification of your bid or proposal. c. LOBBYING AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST CLAUSE: Any person submitting a bid or proposal in response to this invitation must execute the enclosed LOBBYING AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST CLAUSE and submit it with his/her bid or proposal. Failure to complete this form in every detail and submit it with the bid or proposal may result in immediate disqualification of the bid or proposal. PART 4: Selection Process A. The County Administrator shall appoint a Selection Committee that will review all timely submitted proposals. B. The Selection Committee will review proposals, rank the firms in order of preference and present its ranking and recommendation to the Board of'County Commissioners(BOCC). 5 1 iP a C. Should the BOCC decide to go forward with the procurement of Federal Lobbying Services,the BOCC shall direct staff to negotiate an agreement with the selected Firm for the proposed services. D. Should the BOCC be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the selected firm, the County may then undertake negotiations with the second most qualified firm. E. No binding contract is created between any Respondent and the County until a contract is approved by the Board of County Commissioners. PART 5: Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated and ranked on the basis of the following considerations: • Qualifications of Finn,Staff Assigned and Sub-contractors:25 points • Past Performance: 35 points • Approach: 30 points, • References: 5 points, • Rates: 5 points PART 6: Schedule The following schedule is proposed: A. Release of RFP:March 24,2014 B. Deadline for Receipt of Proposals: May 1,2014 at 3:00PM EST C. Selection Committee Review and Recommended Ranking of Proposals: May 2014 D. BOCC Approval of Ranking and Selection of Top Ranked Firm:June/July 2014 E. Contract Negotiations: July/August 2014 F. BOCC Approval of Contract: August/September 2014 G. Contract Start Date: October 1,2014 PART 7: Scope of Services The successful firm will provide legislative and lobbying services at the federal level to assist Monroe County in developing and implementing a Federal Legislative Program;will have a keen understanding of Monroe County's priorities, policy objectives, and project funding needs; shall pro-actively identify and seek legislative and administrative remedies and/or appropriations to advance the County's priorities, policy objective and project funding needs. The successful firm will be expected to handle a range of activities including,but not limited to: A. Meet with County staff (,County Administrator, County Attorney, Legislative Director, and other relevant staff as needed) and the Board of County Commission to develop a detailed Federal Legislative Program. Work closely with County staff to identify the County's goals, priorities and specific projects, and which of these can be addressed at 6 1:1 P a q e ............- the federal level, and assist in developing written material on each priority and project in the County's Federal Legislative Program to provide to congressional staff and federal agency staff. B. Monitor current federal legislation, federal budget process, federal agency actions legislative committee meetings, executive branch activity, agency hearings and meetings prior to and during the regular session, and pro-actively report to the County, both verbally and in writing, any new information or legislative events that may directly or indirectly impact the County-, and in the event that action is needs, advise the County. C. Propose and implement lobbying strategies to help support the County's federal agenda. D. Develop and evaluate strategy for the support, opposition, or amendment of pending legislation that enhances the County's federal legislative program. E. Identify key Congressional and federal agency contacts relating to specific County issues; draft appropriate correspondence; and schedule briefings and meetings between County officials and Congressional leaders, executive branch representatives, and agency representatives. F. Coordinate with County's Congressional delegation in gaining support for the County's federal agenda. G. Advocate with Congressional members, congressional committees, executive branch, and federal agencies in support of the County's goals, priorities, and projects. H. Represent the County and the Board before Congress and federal agencies. I. Work closely with County staff in researching current issues and providing background information. J. Provide technical assistance and guidance to staff on correspondence and reports. K. Review the legislative policy statements adopted by the Florida Association of Counties and the National Association of Counties and other local governments and lobbying groups for the purpose of identifying issues which may either positively or negatively affect the County. L. Provide written monthly activity reports and periodic updates on advocacy activity, pending legislation, briefings/meetings, and on issues of interest or concern to the County. Reports must contain, when possible, specific legislation, names of contacts made, and the County's legislative priority it relates to, as well as any foreseeable legislation or rulings that may affect the County. M. Provide a written report that summarizes the status of the County's federal legislative program within one week of the closing of the session, and a more detailed final written report on specific legislation and new requirements affecting the County within 30 days from close of session. 7 1 P a g e .......... N. Secure funding for programs and projects which have been identified by the County as priorities; research and provide information on existing and new appropriations activities, availability of funding, distribution of funding, year-end rollover funding, techniques to be used by County to capitalize on opportunities, and examples of successful local government applications; identify agencies or local governments which may be competing for specific grants or appropriations, and help align support for the County's position. O. Be available for regular calls, meetings with County staff in Washington, DC as needed, and an annual presentation to the Board in Monroe County,Florida. P. Provide office space for County staff to use when they are in Washington, DC. PART 8:Required Submittal Submit 1 original and 8 copies of the proposal in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the respondent. Monroe County requires comprehensive responses to every section within this RFP. The response shall by typed on 8-1/2 by 11" white paper and bound; shall be clear and concise. Proposals submitted without the required information will not be considered. Proposals shall be organized and sections tabbed. Statements submitted without the required information will not be considered. Responses shall be organized as indicated below. The Respondent should not withhold any information from the written response in anticipation of presenting the information orally or in a demonstration, since oral presentations or demonstrations may not be solicited. Each Respondent must submit adequate documentation to certify the Respondent's compliance with the County's requirements. Respondents should focus specifically on the information requested. Additional information, unless specifically relevant, may distract rather than add to the Respondent's overall evaluation. Financial information, as described below under TAB G, may be submitted In a separate envelope marked"Confidential". To facilitate review of the responses,Firms shall follow the described proposal format: TAB A: Cover Page Provide a cover page that reads "Proposal for LEGISLATIVE AND LOBBYING SERVICES FOR MONROE COUNTY'S FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM." The cover page should contain the Respondent's name, address, telephone number and the name of the Respondent's contact person. 8 1I P .. ......... ... TAB B:Qualifications,Experience To the extent possible, highlight qualifications and experience in areas and on issues relevant to Monroe County's federal priorities, policy objectives and project funding needs. 1. Briefly introduce your firm, providing a summary of the administration, organization and staffing of your firm, including multiple offices, if applicable. Include the age of the firm; brief history-, average number of employees over the past five years; present size of firm and nature of services provided. 2. Provide a list of current clients, with a brief description for each that includes the following: a. Client name; b. Contract dollar value; c. Dates covering the term of the contract; d. The number of years the client has contracted with the firm; e. Description of work performed; f Results of the services/project performed; g. Name of primary contact and phone number. 3. List the names,titles,and describe the qualifications and other vital information of all key personnel that will be assigned to work on Monroe County matters. Key personnel include all partners, manager,and other professional employees that will perform work or services for Monroe County. Provide a brief resume of these key person(s) to be assigned to this project, including but not limited to: a. Name and Title; b. Role that the individual will assume in fulfilling the contract; c. Education; d. Experience: I. Type of federal issues, dollar value of fundinglappropriations, success of efforts; 2. Experience relative to Monroe County's issues and priorities; 3. Number of years lobbying for this firm and number of years lobbying for other firms; 4. Current work assignments for other clients and percent of time spent on those assignments; S. Membership and participation in professional associations and whether registered as a lobbyist; 6. Other relevant experience and qualifications. 9 J Pi v, e If the firm intends to use any subcontractors to perform services identified in the Scope of Services, then identify the specific services to subcontracted, the person or firm that will he providing such services and describe in detail lobbying experience,qualifications, and it specific engagement role in this project. 4. Specify what unique characteristics set the firm apart from others who perform the same or similar functions, and any qualifications you consider to be significant, innovative, or otherwise relevant to the County's consideration of your firm. TAB 8: Past Performance To the extent possible,highlight past performance and success in areas and on issues relevant to Monroe County's federal priorities,policy objectives and project funding needs. 5. Describe the firm's success in representing county/local government issues at the federal level. List examples (no more than 10) of legislativeVlobbying work product(bill drafting and gaining support for proposed legislation; proven success in protecting and/or advocating clients' position on proposed legislation) which best illustrate the approach and success of the firm and current staff which is being assigned to this contract. For each issue please provide the following: a. Name of the client b. Nature of the issue c. Outcome of the lobbying efforts on the issue d. Key professionals involved,including the roles of each. The same information must be provided for any subcontractor. 6. Describe firm's success at the federal level related to specific areas/issues of relevance to Monroe,such as: a. Environment and Natural Resources b. Water Quality c. Transportation d. Health and Human Services e. Federal Agencies such as FEMA,Army Corp of Engineers,and EPA. 7. Describe the firm's success, particularly within the past 5 years, in obtaining funding (grants, appropriations, etc.) for county/local government clients. Highlight the key professionals within the Finn that were responsible. 10 1 P TAB C:Approach to Implementation of Monroe County's Federal Legislative Program 8. Describe the firm's plan for accomplishing the work and services to be provided to Monroe County. The firm should indicate a clear understanding of Monroe County's federal issue's and of the scope of work, including a detailed project plan for this project, outlining major tasks and responsibilities, time frames, and staff assigned. 9. Identify the process and tools that will be used to monitor critical issues. Identify progress reports that will be made during process and key decision points. Clearly distinguish the Finn's duties and responsibilities and those of the County's. (Absence of this distinction shall mean the Firm is assuming full responsibility for all tasks.) 10. Show the organizational chart as it relates to service identifying key personnel who will be responsible for the provision of this service. (it should be understood that it is the intent of Monroe County to insist that those indicated as the consultant team in this RFP response actually execute the program.) 11. Describe the method the firm uses to communicate with a client on its projects and issues, and provide an example of such communication with a comparable local government client on an issue before Congress, Executive Branch,and/or federal agency. 12. Describe how the firm plans to establish, maintain, and enhance working relationships between County officials and staff and key members of Congress, committee staff, Executive Branch,and federal agencies. 13.Describe how the firm will enhance the County's financial position with respect to obtaining congressional appropriations, federal grants, incentives, etc. and avoiding federal unfunded mandates that may impact the County. Provide specific examples of successful appropriations,grants,etc. obtained for comparable local government clients. 14. Provide an example of legislation (e.g, bill, amendment, report language, etc.) the firm prepared/drafted on behalf of a comparable local government client for introduction in Congress. a g 'a 15.Provide an example of written documentation prepared for a presentation before a legislative committee and/or federal agency. TAB D: References Provide reference for similarly successful projects from five current comparable clients, including the name of the client, contact name,telephone,and email address. TAB E: Rate Finns may submit proposals based on an annual lump sum basis payable monthly over the course of the year. All proposals must include a maximum not-to-exceed amount. Firms shall incur no travel or related expenses chargeable to the County. TAB F: Required Forms These forms are attached. 1. Response Form 2. Lobbying and Conflict of Interest Clause 3. Drug Free Workplace Certification 4. Non-Collusion Statement Form 5. Insurance and Indemnification Statement TAB G: Required Financial Information and Litigation. Financial Information, as described below, may be submitted in a separate envelope marked"Confidential". Pursuant to Monroe County Code Section 2-347(h), Respondents shall provide the following information: 1. A list of the person!s or entity's shareholders with five percent or more of the stock or, if a general partnership, a list of the general partners; or, if a limited liability company, a list of its members; or, if a solely owned proprietorship,names(s)of owner(s); 2. A list of the officers and directors of the entity; 3. The number of years the person or entity has been operating and, if different, the number of years it has been providing the services, goods, or construction services called for in the bid specifications (include a list of similar projects); 4. The number of years the person or entity has operated under its present name and any prior names; 5. A print out of the "Detail by Entity Name" screen from the Respondent's listing in www.sunbiz.org 6. A copy of the Respondent's Annual Report that is submitted to the Florida Secretary of State; 7. Answers to the following questions regarding claims and suits: a. Has the person, principals, entity, or any entity previously owned, operated or directed by any of its officers, major shareholders or directors, ever failed to complete work or provide the goods for which it has contracted? If yes, provide details; b. Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceeding or suits pending or outstanding against the person, principal of the entity, or entity, or any entity previously owned, operated or directed by any of its officers,directors, or general partners? If yes,provide details; C. Has the person, principal of the entity, entity, or any entity previously owned, operated or directed by any of its officers, major shareholders or directors, within the last five years, been a party to any lawsuit, arbitration, or mediation with regard to a contract for services, goods or construction services similar to those requested in the specifications with private or public entities? If yes, provide details; d. Has the person, principal of the entity, or any entity previously owned, operated or directed by any of its officers, owners, partners, major shareholders or directors,ever initiated litigation against the county or been sued by the county in connection with a contract to provide services, goods or construction services? If yes,provide details; e. Whether, within the last five years, the owner, an officer, general partner, principal, controlling shareholder or major creditor of the person or entity was an officer, director, general partner, principal, controlling shareholder or major creditor of any other entity that failed to perform services or furnish goods similar to those sought in the request for competitive solicitation; 8. Customer references (minimum of three), including name, current address and current telephone number-, �13 11 Page .. .........--1111111111111-............. 9. Credit references (minimum of three), including name, current address and current telephone number, 10. Financial statements for the prior three years for the responding entity or for any entity that is a subsidiary to the responding entity; and 11.Any financial information requested by the county department involved in the competitive solicitation, related to the financial qualifications, technical competence, the ability to satisfactorily perform within the contract time constraints, or other information the department deems necessary to enable the department and Board of County Commissioners to determine if the firm/person responding is responsible. �14 1 P a g a TAB F: Required Form RESPONSE FORM RESPOND TO: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS clo Lisa Tennyson, Director of Legislative Affairs GATO BUILDING, ROOM 2-213 1100 SIMONTON STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 1 acknowledge receipt of Addenda No.(s) I have Included: a The Submission Response Form o Lobbying and Conflict of Interest Clause o Non-Collusion Affidavit a Drug Free Workplace Form o Respondent's Insurance and Indemnification Statement o Insurance Agent's Statement In addition, I have included a current copy of the following professional and occupational licenses: (Check mark items a gve. as a reminder that they are included.) Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Date: Signed: Witness: (Seal) (Name) (Title) JV aµµ TAB F: Required Form LOBBYING AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST CLAUSE SWORN STATEMENT UNDER ORDINANCE NO.010-1990 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ETHICS CLAUSE (Company) ".. warrants that hefit has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on his/its behalf any former County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. For breach or violation of this provision the County may, In Its discretion, terminate this Agreement without liability and may also, in its discretion, deduct from the Agreement or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage,gift, or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee". (Signature) Date: STATE OF: COUNTY OF: Subscribed and sworn to(or affirmed)before me on (date)by (name of affiant). He/She is personally known to me or has produced as Identification.(type of Identification) NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: 161Pag' e TAB F: Required Form NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT I, of the city of according to law on my oath, and under penalty of perjury, depose and say that: 'I. I am of the firm of the bidder making the Proposal for the project described in the Request for Qualifications for: and that I executed the said proposal with full authority to do so: 2. the prices in this bid have been arrived at Independently without collusion, consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor, 3. unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to bid opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and 4. no attempt has been made or will be made b the bidder to Induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit, or not to submit, a bid for the purpose of restricting competition; 5. the statements contained in this affidavit are true and correct, and made with full knowledge that Monroe County relies upon the truth of the statements contained in this affidavit in awarding contracts for said project. (Signature of Respondent) (Date) STATE OF: COUNTY OF: PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, who, after first being sworn by me, (name of individual signing) affixed his/her signature in the space provided above on this day of 20 NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 17 1 P a;y e TAB F: Required Form DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE FORM The undersigned vendor in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that: (Name of Business) 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance Is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged In providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection(1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or polo contenders to, any violation of Chapter 893 (Florida Statutes) or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring In the workplace no later than five(5)days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such Is available in the employee's community, or any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through Implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. Respondent's Signature Date NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 181 Page TAB F: Required Form RESPONDENT'S INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION STATEMENT Insurance Reduirement Required Limits Worker's Compensation Statutory Limits Employer's Liability $100,,000t$5000,000/$1,000,000 General Liability $300,000 per Person, $500,000 per Occurrence, $200,000 Property Damage or $500,000 Combined Single Limit Vehicle Liability $200„000 per Person, $300,000 Per occurrence, $200,000 Property Damage or$300,000 Combined Single Limit Professional Liability $500„000 per occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate IDEMNIFi ATION AbID HQLQ HARMLESS FOR CONSULTANTS AND SUBCONSULTANTS The CONSULTANT'covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY/Monroe County and Monroe County Board'of County Commissioners,its officers and employees from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, Including but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or Intentional wrongful conduct of the CONSULTANT, subcontractor(s) and other persons employed air utilized by the CONSULTANT in the performance of the contract. In the event that the completion of the project (to Include the work of others) is delayed or suspended as a result of the CONSULTANT's failure to, purchase or maintain the required Insurance, the CONSULTANT shall indemnify the County from any and all increased expenses resulting from such delay. Should any claims be asserted against the COUNTY by virtue of any deficiency or ambiguity in the plans and specifications provided by the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT agrees and warrants that CONSULTANT shall hold the County harmless and shall indemnify it from all losses occurring thereby and shall further defend any claim or action on the County's behalf. The first ten dollars ($10.001)of remuneration paid to the CONSULTANT is consideration for the Indemnification provided for above. The extent of liability is in no way limited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance requirements contained elsewhere within this agreement. 191 Pn� , This Indemnification shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement RESPONDENT'S TATEMENT I understand the insurance that will be mandatory if awarded the contract and will comply in full with all the requirements. Respondent Signature INSURANCE AGENTS STATEMENT I have reviewed the above requirements with the bidder named below. The following deductibles apply to the corresponding policy. POLICY DEDUCTIBLES Liability policies are _Occurrence Claims Made Insurance Agency Signature Print Name: 201 P ,,u g e 4. Purchasing Department's Response Tabulation Sheet 5. Copies of Responses to RFP from: • Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. • Becker and Poliakoff, P.A. Van Scoyoc Associates Response Prop-)salfior LEGISLATIVE �VVI) L,OBBYING S[�Rk"ICES FOR MONROE COUNTY"S FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Submitted by: Van Scoyoc Associates 101 Constitution Ave., NW Suite 600 West Washington, DC 20001 (202)638-1950 Point of contact: Greg Burns May 1, 2014 IVAN Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Over Page Ilnu Qualifications, Experience ol ............I Past Performance Approach to Implementation of Monroe County's Federal Legislative Program. References Rate Required Farms Required Financial Information and Litigation ain , '%'AL`ti S(*O -()(` A Ks " C' 1 AT Es May 1,2014 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners c/o Lisa Tennyson. Director of Legislative Affairs GATO Building, Room 2-213 Key West, FL 33040 Dear Ms.Tennyson, Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. (VSA) is pleased to submit the attached response to Monroe County's request for proposals to provide Professional Federal Lobbying Services. We believe VSA can provide the County with a partnership that will yield significant and beneficial results. Van Scoyoc Associates(VSA) is a full-service,bi-partisan lobbying firm that was founded in 1990 and has grown to be one of the most successful independent firms in Washington, D.C. Our success is due to our principals,each of whom has been hired by VSA because of the quality of his or her knowledge, contacts, and skills. We have put together a team for Monroe County with more than a century of Federal experience that combines an insider's knowledge of Capitol Hill and the Executive Branch with a superior record of representing local governments in Washington, D.C. Our team has excellent working relationships with tine Florida Congressional delegation, other relevant Members of Congress, and Federal agencies,all of which will enable us to quickly identify pertinent opportunities in Washington available to tine County. I am pleased to be the team leader for our work on behalf of the County. I have represented a number of communities in Florida and throughout the United States for more than a decade on issues similar to those faced by Monroe County. We propose to join my work on behalf of similar communities with tine experience of our team of professionals; a combination we believe will provide unparalleled results for Monroe County. As the VSA team leader, my contact information is: Greg Burns,Vice President 101 Constitution Ave.NW, Suite 600 West, Washington, DC 20001 (202) 737-8162-direct (202)638-7714 fax gbunis@vsadc.com Thank you very much for the opportunity to present this proposal. Please contact me if you need additional information or have questions. Siierely, Grego: D. Burns Vice President Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 21 T:20 .638.1950 1 Fa 201638.7714 1 WWW,VSADC.COM Van Scoyoc Associates Qualifications and Experience Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. (VSA) is a bi-partisan, full- NE, service Federal Government relations firm that provides. comprehensive Legislative and Executive Branch strategic advice liaison services and advocacy. VSA is known for the knowledge and experience of its principals, which allow VSA �0//, „ to develop and implement creative solutions to seemingly intractable problems. We achieve results. VSA's clients include many public and private interests, such as city and county governments,water and flood control districts, public transportation agencies, major research universities, defense contractors, hospitals, health care and research consortia economic develo meet authorities and , p , / f Fortune SOU companies. VSA is comprised ofrou roughly 30 Vice Presidents man of li g Y � Y 1 i whom have held senior staff positions on Capitol Hill and in the Executive branch. The Vice Presidents are supported by I V III ��i�iMM � dil�,iY� 40 staff members, nearly all of whom have held positions in Congressional offices and Federal agencies. Over the past five years,Van Scoyoc Associates has averaged 70 employees. il� I u�oilpi i�� I Our VSA.- Monroe County team members have extensive experience working on Capitol Hill, in Executive Branch p P agencies, and as Federal advocates on behalf of government entities. The strengths of our team members, given their experience working with and in a number of Federal agencies, will give the County an excellent opportunity to respond proactively to the changing climate in Washington and succeed via policy, programmatic,and other opportunities. History: H. Stewart"Stu"Van Scoyoc established VSA in 1990 with"three employees, eight clients, a 5-pound cell phone,and the desire to compete," lie likes to say. With annual client revenues in excess of $25 million,VSA is the foremost provider of Federal representation in Washington that is independent of a larger law firm, public relations company, or other parent corporation. Service: While our company is large,our core concepts make sure we tailor each government relations campaign to fit each client's needs and desires. VSA provides the human touch of small entrepreneurial firm by assigning specific principals and staff to each client. We do not charge hourly fees that might impede regular two-way communication with clients. We want to encourage innovation and preserve as much freedom as possible for both clients and staff. Resources: At the same time, VSA can summon the skill,expertise,and contacts of its entire staff on behalf of any client. VSA fosters a collaborative atmosphere,and several VSA principals have backgrounds that give our clients useful experience on which to draw. VSA's record of accomplishment, combined with our principals' Hundreds of years of Legislative and Executive Branch experience, make VSA a powerful advocate. Balance: From its inauguration, VA has carefully maintained a bipartisan balance. That commitment makes VSA unusually effective today,when politics are more polarized than ever. democrats and Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW 1 Washington,IBC 2000 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADCa O Republicans in roughly equal numbers make up the staff and provide strong ties across party lines, in both Congress and the Executive Branch. Skill: Gone are the days when Washington representation meant simply shepherding a client's proposal through the appropriations process. Building a case before the Federal Government now calls for action on a broad front. VSA understands how to navigate the new world of Federal relations in order to achieve success on behalf of our clients. Integrity: In today's political atmosphere, a company offering Washington representation must be above reproach. Van Scoyoc Associates and its affiliated companies will always represent the County in a dignified and ethical manner. We strictly abide by the provisions of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, including prohibitions on gifts, meals, and travel for elected officials and staff. Location: VSA and its affiliate companies are located just steps from the Capitol at 101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001. Clients are able to use VSA's guest offices during their visits to Washington. .......... Many Clients Use VSA's Capitol Room for Events Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave.,NW I Washington,DC 20001 m 202.638.1.950 1 F:2016381714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM List of Current VSA Clients Van Scoyoc Associates clients include many public and private interests, such as city and County governments, water and flood control districts, public transportation agencies, major research universities, defense contractors,hospitals,health care and research consortia, economic development authorities,and Fortune 500 companies. Through our representation of a variety of public entities, VSA represents more than 30 million Americans in nearly every state in the country, including many in Florida. Our clients have an array of needs and concerns,are geographically and politically diverse, and run the spectrum from some of the largest local governments to some of the smallest. Many of our public entity clients have been with (lie firm for a decade or more;but others, including several government entities, switched to VSA after using other advocacy firms for many years. These clients wanted a fresh approach to their Washington representation, particularly as times have changed and earmarks are no longer available. They have chosen VSA due to our breadth and depth of knowledge and experience, as well as the results we continue to deliver for our clients. Van Scoyoc,Associates currently represents more than 250 clients, including roughly 50 government entity clients. Below is a list of all of our current government entities. Amore complete list of our clients can be found at: WWW.VSADC.COM/CLIENTS. 0 Alabama State Port Authority 0 City ofNewport Beach,California a Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, 0 City of Norwalk, California California 0 City of Orange Beach, Alabama 0 Baldwin County Commission, Alabama 0 City of Palo Alto, California 0 Borough of Spring Lake,New Jersey 0 City of Pismo Beach,California 0 Captiva Erosion Prevention District, 0 City of Portsmouth,Virginia Florida 0 City of Rancho Cucamonga,California 0 Charlotte County, Florida 0 City of Rocklin, California a City of Akron, Ohio 0 City of Santa Maria,California a City of Baltimore, Maryland 0 City of Stockton, California 4 City of Beaverton, Oregon 0 City of Thousand Oaks,California 0 City of Calera, Alabama 0 City of Visalia,California 0 City of Clearwater, Florida 0 City of Westminster, California a City of Coconut Creek, Florida 0 Clark County Public Transportation, 0 City of Dana Point, California Washington a City of Elk Grove,California 0 Clean Water Services, Oregon 0 City of Gadsden, Alabama a Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Texas a City of Galt, California 0 Del Norte County,California 0 City of Gulf Shores, Alabama 0 Eastern Municipal Water District, 0 City of Iola, Kansas California 0 City of Irvine, California 0 El Paso County, Texas 0 City of Long Beach,California 0 Galveston County,Texas a City of Manteca, California 0 Galveston Park Board of Trustees, Texas Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM • Hillsborough County Aviation 0 San Joaquin Area Flood Control Authority, Florida Agency, California 0 Lee County, Florida 0 Santa Clara Valley Transportation • Martin County, Florida Authority, California • Mission Springs Water District, 0 Sonoma-Maria Area Rail Transit California District,California • Mobile County, Alabama 0 Suburban Mobility Authority for • Montgomery Area Chamber of Regional Transportation,Michigan Commerce, Alabama 0 St. Clair County, Alabama • Montgomery County, Maryland 0 St. Lucie County, Florida • Pinellas County, Florida a Washington County,Oregon • Rural County Representatives of a Washington Metropolitan Area Transit California Authority • San Bernardino Associated 0 Wayne County Airport Authority, Governments, California Michigan • San Diego County, California Meanwhile,the County's RF P asks for extensive information related to each of our clients. With so many clients, including so many government entities, it would be exhaustive to include such information for each client. However, following are a representative sampling of Mr. Bums' clients. Descriptions related to the work of many of these clients are included elsewhere in the proposal. We are happy to provide more specific information about any of these,or any of our firms clients, should the County wish. Charlotte County,Florida El Paso County,Texas Jason Stolzfus, Program Liaison, Administration Ruben Vogt, Director of Public Policy,County (941) 743-1582 Judge's Office Starting date of contract: October 2010 (915)546-2098 Annual value of contract: $89,000 Starting date ofcontract: January 2013 Annual value of contract: 131,000 City of Cleanvater,Florida Rosemarie Call,City Clerk Galveston County,Texas (727)562-4092 Mark Henry,Judge Starting date of contract: February 2013 (409)766-2244 Annual value of contract: $95,000 Starting date of contract: October 2002 Annual value of contract:$45,900 City of Coconut Creek,Florida Mary Blasi,City Manager Lee County,Florida (954)973-6720 Kurt Harclerode, Public Works Operations Starting date of contract: June 2011 Manager Annual value of contract: $59,000 (239)533-8146 Starting date of contract: October 2002 Del Norte County,California Annual value of contract: $123,300 Jay Sarina,County Administrative Officer (707)464-7214 Martin County,Florida Starting date of contract: February 2008 Kathy FitzPatrick,Coastal Engineer Annual value of contract: $60,000 (772) 288-5429 Starting date of contract: February 2003 Annual value of contract: $45,900 Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T.-202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Pinellas County,Florida St. Lucie County,Florida Karen Seel,Chair, Board of County Glenn Henderson, Senior Grants Writer Commissioners (772)462-1473 (727)464-3278 Starting date of contract: October 2002 Starting date of contract: March 2014 Annual value of contract: $54,000 Annual value of contract: $95,000 VSA ,,- Monroe County Team Van Scoyoc Associates is a large, diverse firm with a wealth of personnel and resources. Members of the VSA-Monroe County team have the capacity and experience to execute their roles within the County's Federal legislative program. Our VSA team has extensive experience working on Capitol Hill, in Executive Branch agencies, and as Federal advocates on behalf of government entities. The strengths of our team members,given their experience working with and in a number of Federal agencies,gives the County an excellent opportunity to respond proactively to the changing climate in Washington and succeed via policy, programmatic,and other opportunities. If selected,we do not anticipate any issues managing our personnel to fulfill our proposed commitment to Monroe County. VSA Vice President Greg Bums will lead the VSA team for Monroe County. Mr. Bums began his career on Capitol Hill and since then has represented both large and small local government entities in Florida and elsewhere for more than I I years. These include current clients in Florida such as Charlotte, Lee, Martin, Pinellas,and St. Lucie counties, the cities of Clearwater and Coconut Creek,and the Captiva Erosion Prevention District, as well as several more in California, Oregon,and Texas. Vice President Steve Palmer will utilize his 14 years of experience as a Federal lobbyist to pursue the County's goals and objectives, primarily with regard to transportation,transit,and aviation issues. He currently advocates for the Tampa Airport Authority, San Diego County, Washington Metro,and a host of other transportation-focused public entities. Prior to joining VSA, Mr. Palmer served for more than five years as Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)and as Staff Director of two Senate Subcommittees, Meanwhile,Vice President Harry Glenn will assist the team on enhancing our Florida Capitol Hill relationships and oil appropriations-related issues. Mr.Glenn spent the past three decades working for former Representative Bill Young and has excellent relationships with the Appropriations Committee and the Florida delegation. Nate Potter and Sarah Hanson, both of whom are Managers, Government Relations,will support the team. Mr. Potter and Ms. Hanson have both lobbied on behalf of government entities for more than a decade collectively. Tile team will be overseen by VSA President and CEO"Stu"Van Scoyoc. We do not intend to utilize subcontractors. All team members are Federally-registered lobbyists. Greg Burns,the team leader and primary contact for Monroe County, is a Vice President at Van Scoyoc Associates with an extensive background in lobbying and politics,experience in a wide range of issues,an insider's view of the legislative process,and contacts throughout Washington. He has been with the firm for six years. Representing local and regional government entities and non-profits is a particular interest of Mr. Bums,and it fits well with his emphasis on forging personal Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:201638.1950 1 F:202.6381714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM connections with his clients and people in government. "I like to spend a lot of time during the initial phases of a relationship, learning about my clients and their specific challenges. I need to know a community or non-profit well before representing it,"he said. That attention to detail pays off in many ways. "I value the personal ties with my clients that develop over time and generally become very strong," Mr. Bums said. Mr. Bums lobbies Congress and the Executive Branch on issues such as Federal funding, water resources, transportation, economic development, public safety,and not-for-profit issues. His clients come from states as diverse as California, Florida,Oregon, and Texas. Mr. Bums believes that policy or programmatic victories can often have a bigger impact on a community than a simple Federal earmark. And over the last few years,as earmarks have fallen out of favor, Mr. Burns' approach has been validated. For example, lie worked with one client to secure a two-year extension of tile Preferred Risk Policy(PRP) rate for residents who must purchase new Federal flood insurance. With more than 8,000 new residences in the flood plain and PRP rates at least$1,000 lower than regular flood insurance rates,the community may save nearly $16 million in collective flood insurance premiums over two years. As another client said,their"successes with the Federal Government can be directly attributable to the efforts of Mr, Burns." In the House of Representatives, Mr. Burns served on the legislative staff of former Rep. Darlene Hooley of Oregon, where lie was responsible for telecommunications, health care, campaign finance reform, judiciary,and science. He also worked in the fields of financial services,transportation, foreign affairs, defense, and the environment during his time on the Hill. Outside of Congress,Mr. Burns implemented and executed a lobbying agenda for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group in Washington, D.C. Before joining Van Scoyoc Associates, Mr. Burns was a lobbyist with Marlowe& Company, also in Washington. During his five-and-a-half year tenure with M&C, Mr. Bums was successful in helping that company grow substantially. Mr. Burns graduated from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts in Government and English, where he mixed his interest in campaign finance reform with a love of literature. Harry Glenn,who joined VSA in March of 2014, has spent the past 34 years on Capitol Hill working for former U.S. Rep. C. W. Bill Young of Florida. Mr. Glenn held a variety of positions including Press Secretary and Associate Staff member to tile Committee on Appropriations. He was Chief of Staff to Congressman Young for 19 years, including his six years as Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. Mr. Glenn has developed a keen understanding of tile appropriations process and worked on projects involving all 12 of the appropriations subcommittee. He developed a special expertise in the fields of national security, biomedical research, health care, education, and infrastructure projects. Throughout his time on Capitol Hill, Mr. Glenn worked with businesses large and small,colleges and universities, and state and municipal government leaders in assisting Mr. Young to meet his legislative goals. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWWNSAI)CCOM As Chief of Staff to a senior member of Congress, Mr.Glenn also understands how to translate the goals of clients into legislative successes. He has worked on numerous appropriations and legislative projects and helped navigate constituents through the federal regulatory process. In addition to achieving successful outcome on numerous individual projects, Mr.Glenn also managed large scale projects for Mr. Young including the effort to prevent the closure of MacDill Air Force Base; the creation of the life- saving National Marrow Donor Program; the conversion of a former Department of Energy facility into a high-technology and industrial complex employing more than 1,600 people; the funding of many complex public works projects including road, bridges,ports and beaches;and (lie development of a robust internationally recognized marine science research complex in St. Petersburg that incorporates federal and state agencies,university faculty,and business and non-profit entities. Having spent extensive time in Florida and Washington, D.C., Mr. Glenn has developed an extensive network of professional relationships and is uniquely qualified to represent the special interests of Florida and national clients. He considers his strongest traits to be responsiveness to client concerns and seasoned legislative advice and judgment. Mr. Glenn is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor in Arts Degree in Journalism. His awards and recognitions including being named the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association 2013 Congressional staff member of the year"for his efforts both to promote beach preservation and to facilitate project requests in tile past legislative session"and the National Marrow Donor Program Congressional Award for providing outstanding legislative support throughout the program's history. Mr. Glenn is married to Paul Glenn and they have two sons, Kyle and Connor. Steve Palmer serves as a Vice President at VSA,having joined the firm in 1998 after nearly 20 years on.Capitol Hill and as the lead lobbyist at the U.S. DOT. For nearly twelve years at VSA, Mr, Palmer has developed a practice that includes transportation, homeland security, and economic development issues, including for a wide range of government entities, including cities,counties,and airport and transit authorities. In 1993, Mr. Palmer was nominated by President Bill Clinton and confirmed by the Senate to serve as DOT's Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs, the key legislative strategist and lobbyist for the Secretary of Transportation and all of DOT. Working on a bipartisan basis with the Congress for more than five years, he helped secure passage of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, several FAA authorization and reform bills,as well as the annual DOT Appropriations bill. Mr. Palmer left DOT in 1998 as the longest serving Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs in history. In addition to his legislative accomplishments, lie expanded outreach to local officials and organized constituency and grassroots support. He also coordinated discretionary grant activities for the Secretary. Before his appointment to DOT, Mr. Palmer served more than 10 years on tile Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, including seven years as staff director of the Aviation Subcommittee and later the Science,Technology,and Space Subcommittee. Mr. Palmer began his Congressional career on the Senate Budget Committee,after having completed an appointment as a Presidential Management Fellow at DOT. Mr. Palmer received his Bachelor of Arts in political science from Kalamazoo College in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He earned a Masters of Public Affairs from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638,1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Nate Potter, who has been with Van Scoyoc Associates for over two years, serves as Manager,Government Relations, where he assists clients on such issues as appropriations funding, public infrastructure, transportation,public transit,energy, defense,and water resources. Mr. Potter has more than a decade of bi-partisan experience in public policy, both at the national and local levels, Before joining VSA,Nate represented a number of local governments,water districts, public utilities,and transportation entities for IJu III rive years for the Washington, D.C., lobbying firm of Gordon Thomas Honeywell Government Affairs. Mr. Potter's history in our nation's capital began in 1989 when lie served as a page in the House of Representatives for former Congressman Al Swift from the state of Washington. Born and raised in the Seattle area, Mr. Potter received his undergraduate degree from the University of Washington. He went on to earn a master's degree in public administration from the Daniel J. Evans' School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington,with a focus on transportation, urban planning, and housing. After working on Rep.Jay Inslee's successful 1998 campaign,Mr. Potter returned to Washington, D.C., to work as a Legislative Aide for both Rep. Inslee and Sen. Patty Murray, both Washington State Democrats. However, Mr. Potter has also proven his ability to work effectively across party lines. For example, lie served as an aide to a conservative member of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors after graduate school, handling such diverse issues as Indian affairs and community revitalization. as Hanson joined Van Scoyoc Associates in March 2014 as Manager, Government Relations. In this position, Ms. Hanson assists clients with their policy, funding,and regulatory goals related to issues such as economic and community development, public safety, water resources, transportation,and healthcare. Her responsibilities include researching and analyzing policy, drafting legislative and regulatory correspondence,and cultivating relationships with Congressional and agency staff. Prior to joining VSA, Ms. Hanson spent a year representing local governments, national associations,and non-profits with the Washington, DC lobbying finn of Marlowe&Company. During her time with M&C, Ms. Hanson successfully worked for the inclusion of key policy changes within water resources legislation. She was also responsible for assisting clients with funding needs,grant applications,and political correspondence. Ms. Hanson began her career in DC in 2007 with the government relations firm of Madison Government Affairs. She spent over five years with MGA, rising quickly through the firm from her first position as Legislative Assistant to Senior Legislative Director. During this time, Ms. Hanson worked with healthcare and public sector clients on appropriations needs and policy goals. Ms. Hanson,who was born and raised in Florida, holds a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from the University of Florida and a Master's Degree in Legislative Affairs from The George Washington University in DC. She is also a member of the professional association Women in Government Relations. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM H. Stewart"Stu" a coyoc is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Van Scoyoc Companies. He has built his companies into Washington's foremost lobbying and consulting organization. Tile firm typically ranks third in lobbying revenue among Washington companies. , Along the way, Mr. Van Scoyoc and his companies earned a reputation for care, , results, and ethical behavior. Only a few years after the firm opened its doors,The National Journal noticed that"colleagues consider Van Scoyoc a brainy Washington insider who sweats the details." Mr. Van Scoyoc is regularly interviewed by leading publications for his insights into politics, Congressional activities, and lobbying. Journalists have come to value his candor and ability to communicate complex ideas simply. Mr. Van Scoyoc's business formula is built on "hiring smart,entrepreneurial people with plenty of energy, and then getting out of their way,"he said. His staff's professional development tends to parallel his own evolution, starting with mastery of one technical field, and then expanding from there. Mr. Van Scoyoc earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Lehigh University in 1969, where lie also received the Alpha Phi Omega Award for Leadership and Outstanding Service to the University. For several years,lie worked as an engineer for the DuPont Company, while earning a law degree at night from the University of Maryland. r. Van Scoyoc came to Washington and joined DuPont's government affairs office handling legislative and regulatory issues. He then spent eight years as Vice President at Charls Walker Associates, a well- known lobbying company, where lie focused on tax,energy, insurance,and environment. Striking out on his own, lie became a founder of the Winburn, Van Scoyoc & Hooper government relations firm. In 1990, Mr. Van Scoyoc created Van Scoyoc Associates Inc., with a focus on Congressional appropriations and taxation. That company quickly developed more than 20 practice areas,ranging from agriculture, biotechnology, defense and foreign affairs,and education,to financial services, energy, homeland security,transportation, and telecommunications. Characteristics Unique to Van Scoyoc Associates Van Scoyoc Associates is unique in Washington: We are a large, bipartisan firm that offers our clients unparalleled resources, particularly with regard to personnel,that cannot be matched by smaller firms. However,we provide an extremely high level of personalized service to our clients because of the way we are organized. In the case of Monroe County,we will retain the human touch of small entrepreneurial firm by assigning Greg Burns as your main point of contact. However, the County will gain the resources and knowledge of the entire firth, including in particular, Harry Glenn and Steve Palmer. If there is an issue for the County that may demand the expertise of other members of the firm, we will bring those experts to bear on the County's behalf. However,your day to day points of contact within VSA will always remain the same. Our principals have been hired by VSA because of the quality of his or her knowledge,contacts, and skills rather than the size of headlines. Tile County can be assured that its work will not be assigned to junior assistants after a contract is signed,a problem at some other Washington firms. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM VSA has also remained successful on behalf of our clients even in these changing times. Long before the end of earmarks,we recognized that relevant policy issues, Federal agency programs, relationship development,and agency grant and programmatic funding can have a bigger effect on a community than a simple Federal earmark. While we sought earmarks in the past,with considerable success,this new era has truly highlighted our strengths in the trenches, where legwork leads to real results for our clients. Part of this success comes from the long history of government service of our team members, from working for Members of Congress to serving in important roles at the highest levels of Federal agencies. For example, within the Firm, we have a former Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Transportation,a former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs,a former high-ranking Corps of Engineers official, several former Congressional committee Staff Directors and Chiefs of Staff, other highly successful professionals, and several PliDs. This diverse group of leaders will allow us to provide the County with the best representation possible in the halls of Congress and throughout the Federal Government. We have also begun to gain an understanding of Monroe County's unique circumstances through our work with you on responding to the recent National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP)crisis. This informal engagement proved very productive and allowed us to gain insight into the community and build relationships with your elected officials and County staff, We will be able to build on that relationship development through continued and expanded work on behalf of the County. Our comprehensive response to the NFIP situation and our many years of history working on flood insurance issues led to an extremely productive partnership with the Florida Association of Counties (FAC)on a state-wide response,which led to our opportunity to work with Monroe County. We are proud of our working relationship with FAC and believe that our unique engagement with them on the NFIP issue will lead to future opportunities to work together on Other issues,such as the Waters of the U.S. proposed rulemaking. This will ultimately offer Monroe County the strongest Federal representation possible. Meanwhile, our existing friendships with other Monroe County partners, such as John Wayne Smith and Erin Deady, will also allow us to more effectively provide comprehensive representation to the County. Most important of all, VSA is an honest and ethical finn that does not embarrass itself or clients. We strictly abide by the provisions of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 and other laws, including prohibitions on gifts, meals,and travel for elected officials and staff. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:2016381714 1 WWW.VSADC.00N1 ...... Past Performance VSA 's Success in Representing CountylLocal Governments Please see the sections below for specific examples of our success representing county and local governments before the legislative and executive branches of the Federal Government. aS 's Success on Specific Issues e have listed below a small sample of our accomplishments organized by issue area that often affect local governments. In each section,you will find specific examples of our legislative, regulatory, and Federal grants successes with clients similar to Monroe County. All accomplishments were performed by all members of the VSA-Monroe County team. Environment, at ral Resources,and Water Quality VSA will help the County tackle environmental issues in a practical and responsible fashion. VSA's services extend from regulatory intervention, to appropriations for local environmental projects,to policy reform. Among the many issues we have worked on include nutrient issues, watershed protection, wetland conservation,coastal restoration,air pollution,pesticides, "Brown fie Ids,"the Clean Water Act, Section 404 permitting,and innovative environmental research and development. We have also assisted clients in developing and implementing successful habitat conservation plans. We have been closely involved in issues relating to the development of total maximum daily loads for various nutrients, including phosphorus in a variety of impaired watersheds. We work with our impacted clients, including all of our clients in Florida,the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA),and Congress to ensure that any rules that are adopted are fair and based on science,as they can have significant costs to local governments, utilities, and others.The House of Representatives has been very engaged on some of these issues,and we have worked successfully with our clients' Representatives to pass legislation to amend the Federal Water Pollution Act to grant states the authority to mandate their own water quality standards(including nutrient criteria) rather than the EPA enforcing a Federal standard. We have also helped organize a coalition of cities working with the National Association of Counties, National league of Cities,and the U.S.Conference of Mayors to modify pending storm water mandates for local governments. The success of this coalition resulted in Clean Water Act amendments and subsequent EPA regulations that established less costly requirements for municipalities whose separate storm sewer systems were slated to be treated as industrial discharges. Recently, VSA has also been very engaged with the EPA and Army Corps' proposed rule on"Waters of the U.S." This rule seeks to define which waters fall under federal jurisdiction,and are,therefore, subject to federal standards and requirements. Because the proposed rule could expand the scope of the Clean Water Act(CWA), this could have major impacts on local governments as more waters become federally protected. In addition, because the proposed rule applies to all CWA programs, its impact will be much broader than expanding the jurisdiction of the Section 44 program. For example, features of municipal separate storm sewer systems could be defined as waters of the U.S., requiring not only the regulation of discharges from the system, but also runoff into the system. Roadside ditches that have more than ephemeral flow and drain into another water body could also be defined as waters of the U.S., and the runoff into the ditch would be regulated. As waters of the U.S.,all these water bodies would be subject to use attainability designation and appropriate numeric affluent standards could be imposed on each. This is particularly Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T.202.638.1950 1 d 202.638.7714 11 WWW.VSADC.COM troubling for Florida,given its unique flood control systems throughout the state, all of which may fall under the new definition of waters of the U.S.and could be subject to stringent and expensive new regulation. VSA has been very active on this issue and will work on behalf of Monroe County to address concerns related to the proposed rule. VSA has also been active in helping communities with public utility issues, including water quality monitoring,flood control,storm water management,and improvement of wastewater treatment systems, Over several years, VSA has secured more than$50 million for the County of Santa Maria, CA to rehabilitate old Corps of Engineers levees; $275,000 for Lee County, FL for the implementation of a wastewater improvement project to provide central sewers to septic-system communities that lie in environmentally sensitive watersheds;$300,000 to the County of South Salt Lake, UT for its waterline replacement project to increase capacity for Fire protection and growth; $800,000 to tile Southwest Water Management District, FL for a comprehensive regional water quality, storage,and environmental initiative,and$500,000 to the County of San Clemente, CA to expand the County's reclaimed water plant,which will reduce the County's reliance on surface water. Finally, VSA works closely with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)to create new funding opportunities.On behalf of the Aquarium of the Pacific, VSA worked with officials at the NOAA Office of Education,as well as Senate Appropriations Committee staff, to craft a national, competitive grant program for non-profit institutions that provide educational information regarding the oceans to children. This grant program has allowed Aquarium of the Pacific to receive Federal funding for a Science on the Sphere exhibit. We also helped Martin County, FL secure a$4 million grant from NOAA for restoration of oyster beds in the Indian River Lagoon by effectively highlighting their project to NOAA before(lie grant application due date,and also working to buffer any criticism of the project due to the likelihood of future freshwater releases from Lake Okeechobee that might affect the oyster beds. Examples of projects on which we have advocated include: Client: St. Lucie County, Fla. Services performed/Strategies employed: VSA introduced St. Lucie County to appropriate Department of Energy staff who then gave tile County guidance,advice, and technical assistance before ultimately awarding them the competitive grant. Outcome: $2,941,500 from a Department of Energy competitive grant program to create a revolving Solar and Energy Efficiency loan program Transportation The broad array of transportation and infrastructure clients we represent means that VSA principals and associates are well-versed in the appropriations and authorizing bills, as well as Executive Branch grants and regulations that will impact Monroe County's transportation efforts. The VSA team has extensive experience advocating to Congress and the DOT modal agencies, including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), and Federal Aviation Administration(FAA),on behalf of transportation agencies around the Nation. VSA has helped to secure Federal funding and policies that have helped spur highway, transit,and airport development. During consideration of the most recent surface transportation authorization bill, MAP-21, VSA successfully advocated on issues including higher funding levels for highways and transit; standards for highway preservation;expanding the authority for states to assume environmental clearance authority from the Federal government;continuation of the Projects of National and Regional Significance prograrn; preventing the elimination of dedicated transit funding; maintaining broad eligibility for bus rapid transit; allowing States and local governments to receive higher Federal shares when using Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 1.01 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 17:2016381714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM innovative technologies; and providing dedicated deployment funding for asphalt and concrete technologies to assist States in implementing these cost-saving innovations. VSA's Steve Palmer has assisted on a number of small and new start efforts for AC Transit in Oakland, CA, helping to secure $45 million in Federal funding for the East Bay BRT Small Starts project, In addition, Mr. Palmer worked with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority(LA Metro)to secure Small Starts approval for its Rapid Bus Gap Filler program and Wilshire Boulevard project. The VSA team works closely with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee,and the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee on authorization and policy issues. VSA can be a powerful champion on transportation issues important to the County,and can emphasize the value of funding opportunities for transit, passenger rail,aviation,and highway development and safety programs. A diversified approach to transportation policy is critical. Our advocacy not only includes helping our clients understand how a proposed Federal policy or regulatory proposal directly affects a specific project, but how to secure funds for that project. Examples of projects that on which we have advocated include: Client: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, CA Services perform ed/St rate gies employed: VSA worked with the VTA's House and Senate delegation to gain support for a local rail New Starts/Small Starts project,and helped VTA work with the FTA to bring the project through the rigorous review process. VSA also advocated with the Appropriations Committees in the House and Senate to fully fund the New Starts/Small Starts program. Outcome: The recent execution of a $900 million Full Funding Grant Agreement with FTA. This project will bring jobs, economic development, and new transportation options to the residents of Santa Clara County. Health and Human Services VSA has experience assisting local governments with healthcare, social services, housing, education, and other programs critical to tile welfare of its citizens. This year,through our work with a number of Oregon entities, VSA provided support and advocacy before Congress and at the Department of Health and Human Services(HHS) for a Portland region Heath Commons to advance the Medicaid Coordinated Care Organization by securing congressional support for the proposal. The resulting$173 million grant from(lie Centers for Medicare and Medicaid(CMS)will help fund the initial priority care innovations for the region and its partners.Another example of our success is our role in helping the City of Beaverton, OR receive a $1.6 million Community Transformation Grant to fund the Beaverton Community Health Partnership. VSA has extensive experience working with HHS, including with officials at the Health Resources and Services Administration(HRSA),the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)and Prevention, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency(SAMHSA). We will monitor the availability of all Federal health care grants,alerting the County of their release and working to build congressional support for those applications. VSA has also been very engaged on a wide variety of health care and nutrition programs. We have been actively monitoring the implementation of the Affordable Care Act(ACA),advocating for child nutrition legislation,and fighting to preserve the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). We also work hard for many of our clients to support critical funding programs such as the Community Services Block Grants(CSBG)and the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LINEAP). Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Providing affordable housing can be a critical issue for local governments, and VSA has had several successes working with our local government clients. For example, VSA helped Washington County negotiate through a number of meetings with key officials at the Veterans Administration on the HUD- Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing(VASH) program for the new Veterans Administration Medical Clinic. Through these meetings and our congressional advocacy,the County was able to secure an increased number of vouchers. VSA is also currently working to advance legislation to address veteran homelessness. In another example of working with Federal agencies,VSA helped the City of Baltimore, MD with a problem it was experiencing with the Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)over the use of previously appropriated funds for public housing demolition and site remediation that were unspent. HUD refused to let the City use these Hope VI grant funds for another desperately needed revitalization effort at a site known as Hollander Ridge. VSA worked to develop and secure approval of a legislative provision that$20 million of this grant money would be provided to the Hollander Ridge project. We have also secured innovative uses of Section 108 loans and influenced policy on housing initiatives such as the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. In addition,VSA has helped numerous communities secure Federal funds to equip libraries, museums, and other public amenities. We have also worked with the Department of Labor(DOL)to help negotiate a settlement with San Diego County and the City of San Diego on DOL funding of the joint San Diego Workforce Partnership program. Following is an example of a project on which we have advocated: Client: Galveston County,TX Services performed/Strategies employed: VSA worked closely with the office of Sell. Bill Nelson and the Texas Senate offices to ensure that they understood the vital need to extend the ability of local social service entities to access Social Services Block Grant funding provided to a number of states after several disasters in 2008. Given Sen.Nelson's role on the Senate Finance Committee,which has jurisdiction over the issue,we were able to resolve the problem and secure the extension in the Senate only days after it had passed the House. This was a huge victory that prevented hundreds of millions of dollars from reverting back to the Treasury and kept it available to help recovery of the affected communities, Outcome: Secured a one-year extension of Social Services Block Grant funding provided to a number of states, including Florida,to allow those jurisdictions to recover from the 2008 hurricane season. Flood Insurance As the County knows from our work together to respond to the impacts of Biggert-Waters, Florida has more National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP) policies than anywhere else, making it the state most impacted by changes to the program. We are extremely engaged on issues related to flood insurance and work with our clients on a daily basis to address their concerns. The VSA-Monroe County team has close working relationships with those Members of Congress and Committees with jurisdiction over flood insurance, as well as close ties to FEMA. Congress recently passed a law that will curb massive premium hikes as a result of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012(BW12). Despite this victory, it is now important that communities remain vigilant of implementation. Some next steps to consider include. 1. Educating the community about the law and how it will help some constituents. 2. Gathering hard data related to business owners and homeowners who are not helped by the law, Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWWNSAI)CCOM 3, Monitoring FEMA's implementation of the law, including such items as the schedule of rate increases,the creation of a national Flood Insurance Advocate,and changes to map revision protocols. 4. Working with Congress to ensure FEMA meets the deadlines set forth in the law for key reports and actions. 5. Working with Congress to fix any unintended consequences that may occur,as well as improve tile National Flood Insurance Program for the benefit of all participants. This means ensuring that those at risk of flooding can purchase and maintain insurance coverage,the financial integrity of the NFIP continues to be restored,and the flood resiliency of our country is improved, all while not forcing property owners from their homes. Van Scoyoc Associates will work with Monroe County to address these items and ensure that the County fully benefits from the changes to BW12. In addition,the new law failed to prevent rate hikes for secondary homes and businesses. VSA has been working with Congress to correct this. Now that many of the implementation issues with BW 12 have been largely resolved, Congress must also think creatively about what can be done to improve the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) so that: • those at risk of flooding purchase and maintain insurance coverage 0 the financial integrity of the NFIP continues to be restored • the flood resiliency of our country is improved I, all while not forcing property owners from their homes I) Al I flood insurance rates, subsidized or not,should be increased by a maximum of 10 percent per year until actuarial rates are reached. For particular policies, it may take longer than 10 years for an actuarial rate to be reached, depending on the total increase expected. 2) Flood insurance should be tied to the property, not the owner, thereby removing provisions for immediate substantial increases due to a property sale, improvements, or other triggers. Similarly, FEMA should offer multi-year NFIP contracts tied to the property. This could help make mitigation more attractive and prevent property owners from dropping coverage after a few years. 3) Unfortunately, (lie simple fact is that many property owners in flood-prone areas fail to purchase flood insurance. A 2006 Rand Corporation study estimated that about 49 percent of properties in Special Flood Hazard Areas(SFHA)purchased NFIP flood insurance and I percent of properties outside SFHAs purchased insurance. Using New Jersey as an example,the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center at the University of Pennsylvania has estimated' that: a, the average take-up rate for flood insurance across the state was only 6 percent prior to Hurricane Sandy; b. for census tracts that experienced at least some storm surge from Sandy throughout the state,the average take-up rate was nearly 15 percent; c. for tracts on the ocean, the average take-up rate was 75 percent. With NFIP premiums becoming unaffordable for many, property owners are more likely in the future to choose to self-insure instead of purchasing insurance,thereby further destabilizing the program. Despite the existence of tile mandatory flood insurance purchase requirement,take-up rates for flood insurance are low and the Federal government's exposure to uninsured property losses from flooding remains substantial. Kousky,Carolyn and Kunreuther,Howard;Resources for the Future and the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Canter:Addressing Affordability in the National Flood Insurance Program,Issue Brief 13-02; August 2013. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. f 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T.202. 3 .1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.,VSADC.COM Congress must creatively work to ensure that all those in danger purchase insurance. This increase in participation should help drive down the cost of insurance for all. 4.) The Government Accountability Office found that payments to Write Your Own(WYO) insurance companies for operating costs ranged from more than a third to almost two-thirds of the total premiums paid by policyholders to the NFIP for fiscal years 2004 to 20062. The percentage of premiums paid to insurance companies while they carry no risk is too high. Costs to consumers could be significantly lowered if insurance company profits were reasonably reined in, all while still creating a more solvent NFIP. Congress must ensure that: a. FEMA's approach to establishing a schedule of operating costs is based on a reasonable, updated estimate of actual expenses; b. Biennial financial statement audits of WYO insurance companies are conducted by independent CPA firms as required by FEMA regulation,and that FEMA reviews the audits to ensure that payments made are proper and in accordance with NFIP requirements. Recent legislation helps move FEMA in this direction. However, FEMA states that they cannot take action that completely addresses these recommendations until the WYOs reliably report actual flood-related financial information and that it might take several years before all companies consistently report such information. Congress must work with FEMA and the insurance industry to speed up this process and bring much-needed relief to taxpayers who in most cases have no choice but to buy their policies from the NFIP. 5.) Flood insurance does not reduce flood losses. Yet, mitigation works and everyone benefits. The property owner has affordable annual payments and a safer home. The NFIP has lower exposure because of mitigation and have improved its financial soundness through pricing that is more risk based.The financial institution providing the mortgage has a more secure investment due to lower expected flood tosses. Lastly,the taxpayer benefits from a potentially reduced need for disaster aid or bailouts of the NFIP.Given that, Congress must focus additional attention and resources on risk reduction. fi Congress should encourage property owners to undertake mitigation projects, including elevation,on their own by refunding premiums after projects are completed to reduce flood losses. Loan or small grant programs should be established to provide funding for low-and moderate-income families in lieu of premium refunds. This should also include credit for incremental mitigation as a cost-effective measure. 6.) Sufficient attention has not been paid to the consequences of the affordability of flood insurance. Substantially higher flood insurance costs could discourage the purchase of NFIP flood insurance, thereby weakening the program. With the real estate market frozen and prices for homes in flood plains dropping, more buyers are reportedly offering all cash and are thereby avoiding mandatory purchase requirements. Yet, they may not be well off enough to fully self-insure. > Congress should create a temporary, means-tested voucher program for low-and moderate- income households such as that described in the recent University of Pennsylvania report entitled,"Addressing Affordability in the National Flood Insurance Program." As an example of our success with regard to flood insurance, we highlight the following effort on behalf of the City of Visalia, California: ..................................................................... 2 Government Accountability Office,National Flood Insurance Program:FEMA's Management and Oversight of Payments far Insurance Company Services Should Be Improved;September 2007. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Client: City of Visalia,CA Services performed/Strategies employed: Since we were hired by the City in 2009,the Council has sought to offer residents more options when they are forced to purchase flood insurance to satisfy the requirements of the NFIP. Working closely with their Congressman, we identified the gap between what the City's residents pay for coverage and what the NFIP has actually paid back to the community in claims. We then worked with their Congressman to first draft language to help ensure private flood insurance availability for people throughout the country; and second, to ensure the language was included in the Manager's amendment, which was approved and added to the legislation during Committee markup. In the Senate, we worked with key Senators through the legislative process(staff,Committee, Floor)to ensure the provision was included in their bill as well. Outcome: The language was included in the final bill signed by the President. While FEMA recently took steps to alert leaders that private insurance was acceptable(at out insistent prodding),this language will go further and ensure that lenders must accept the insurance as long as it meets the requirements of the NFIP. The opportunity for private insurers to write policies should significantly reduce the cost of less risky flood insurance. Public Safety,Emergency Response,and Disaster Recovery All local governments want to maintain public safety services during these times of deep budget cuts, if not improve them. VSA has helped our government entity clients obtain public safety funding through the Department of Justice and other Federal agencies for a number of initiatives. These successes include$400,000 to the City of Lompoc, CA for its Gang Assistance Surveillance Program, which allowed for the purchase of a mobile surveillance command vehicle and file installation of closed circuit video in specific areas of the City; $200,000 to the City of Pismo Beach, CA for the installation of radio repeater towers throughout this long, mountainous community that removed dead spots faced by public safety officers throughout the City; $100,000 to Jefferson County, TX for law enforcement interoperability improvements;and $390,100 to the City of Flagler Beach, FL for emergency personnel technology improvements to improve the response to future hurricane events. VSA has also Successfully worked to help secure funding for Washington County's Drug Court and the Recovery Mentors program. More recently,VSA has arranged meetings for the City's leaders at the Bureau of Justice Assistance(BJA)on ways in which the City can more effectively compete for Second Chance program and other BJA grants. VSA has also demonstrated creative ways to secure funding for government entity crime prevention efforts by targeting education and recreation funding. These include$500,000 to the City of South Salt Lake, UT to improve after-school programs targeted at those who are susceptible to the allure of gangs; $476,000 to a California non-profit that provides free afterschool tutoring and recreation programs for at- risk students; and $100,000 to the City of South Salt Lake, UT to establish a new community center at a low-income, heavily minority population housing complex for job training and English as a second language classes. VSA works closely with the Department of Justice's(DOJ)Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS),the Byrne Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program,the Juvenile Justice Grant program, and the Justice Assistance Grant program(JAG),all of which will help in securing discretionary grant funds to reinforce safer neighborhoods. In regards to these programs, we were successful in securing the following: 0 $125,000 to Del Norte County, CA from the DOYs COPS Hiring program to hire one police officer 6 $2 million for the City of Elk Grove, CA from the DOJ's COPS Hiring program to hire eight police officers Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave,, NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:2016381714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM * $900,000 to the City of Gait, CA from the DOJ's COPS Hiring program to hire five police officers 0 $375,000 to the City of Visalia,CA from the DOJ's COPS Hiring..program to hire three police officers a $1.25 million to El Paso County,TX from the DOJ's COPS Hiring program to hire 10 police officers We also work closely with many of the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)grant programs, including the Assistance to Firefighters Grants(AFG)and the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants(SAFER). VSA will provide expert guidance to Monroe County to ensure that you are taking full advantage of Federal public safety programs that will protect your citizens. Some of our recent FEMA grant successes include: a $5.7 million to the City of Santa Maria,CA from two FEMA fire grant programs(SAFER and Fire Stations)to build both a new fire station and staff it with firefighters 4 $158,467 to the City of Manteca, CA from FEMA's AFG program to purchase new self- contained breathing apparatus equipment that meets current firefighting standards a $199,040 to the City of Visalia,CA from FEMA's AFG program to purchase cardiac monitors for their firefighters Finally,our team has extensive experience working with FEMA to help local governments respond to critical emergencies. VSA represents a number of coastal communities susceptible to natural (and man- made) disasters, both on the East and Gulf Coasts. For example, Greg Bums has helped St. Lucie and Martin Counties in Florida recover from Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne, Lee County, FL as it recovered from Hurricane Charley,Galveston County,TX as it recovers from the devastation of Hurricane Ike, the Captiva Erosion Prevention District as it recovers from Tropical Storm Debby,and Martin, St. Lucie, and VOILISia Counties in Florida as they recover from Sandy through the Corps of Engineers' assistance. We actively work to support Emergency Management Performance Grant(EMPG) funding for local governments. We have also expedited tens of millions of dollars in disaster recovery reimbursements to local governments after significant disasters. For example, we worked to secure the reimbursement of$7 million to a county for the repair of a major thoroughfare after a disaster by working with the Federal Highway Administration in both Washington and the state. We also helped a client secure reimbursement of over$5 million for the rebuilding of a civic center,during which we worked closely with FEMA in both Washington and the state, Following is an example of a project on which we have advocated: Client: St. Lucie County, FL Services performed/Strategies employed: VSA applied targeted pressure and provided clear, accurate information to the right FEMA staff, including the head of tile Public Assistance Division at FEMA headquarters, when St. Lucie County was getting little to no response from the state recovery office in Lake Mary regarding its need for reimbursement for a Clerk of the Courts reconstruction. That timely interaction with FEMA headquarters led to their intervention with the State office that ultimately led to the quick and positive resolution for the County. Outcome: Secured approval from FEMA to reconstruct a Clerk of Courts building that was heavily damaged by storms,a project which will cost more than $6 million Federal Agencies such as FENIA,Army Corps of Engineers,and EPA In the sections above, we have described our experience working with several Federal agencies such as FEMA and the EPA. Whether working on regulatory permits for projects, regulations that could impact our clients (such as the Waters of the U.S. proposed rule), disaster recovery, or flood insurance to name a few,our experience is well-documented. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F.201638.7714 1 WW1V,V5ADC.00M One example not described elsewhere is our work with Charlotte County, Florida on the approval of their Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)for the Florida Scrub-Jay. While all of the credit goes to County staff for their years of proactive and excellent work on the HCP,we have played a useful role in engaging with the Fish and Wildlife Service(FWS) in Washington,Atlanta, and Vero Beach and Congress to support the County's work and ensure speedy approval of the plan. Our relationships have led to productive and consistent engagement by the County with higher levels of the FWS, all of which has been supported by the County's Member of Congress to give the County's voice positive priority. We know Monroe County has many challenging issues pertaining to a number of Federal regulatory agencies. Our work with these agencies, our ability to develop productive working relationships with them,and our consistent engagement of Congress to help further our clients' goals in positive ways will allow us to enhance and supplement Monroe County's already strong efforts and relationships. Apart from agencies such as FEMA,the EPA,and FWS, we have equally excellent relationships with the Corps of Engineers has and we have experience working on Corps of Engineers projects from three different but equally important viewpoints -legislative, Federal agency, and local. VSA's team works closely with the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittees,the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee,and the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on a frequent basis. Our team members possess direct knowledge and experience in handling the funding and policy issues associated with Corps projects. We understand the legislative processes, planning, and budgeting behind funding decisions • an interrelationship of heightened importance because of Congress's increasing dependence on work plans and continuing resolutions for the Corps. Greg Burns leads the team with his intimate knowledge of Florida water resources issues, including having spent more than a decade representing Florida interests. He has also successfully represented many clients throughout the country with Corps of Engineers issues similar to those in Monroe County, giving him a tremendous advantage when working in this area. VSA also have insider experience working with Headquarters and District Offices of tile Army Corps of Engineers(ACOE),as we have staff that is former career professionals within the Corps. Our team understands the processes,personalities, and policies of the Corps through all of its bureaucratic levels. The VA team has a proven record of working successfully with a variety of Corps of Engineers Districts, including Jacksonville, the South Atlantic Division offices in Atlanta, and Headquarters in Washington. Our team has not only secured Federal funding for Corps of Engineers projects and studies, but also works directly with the Corps to solve problems with projects or studies, encourages the Corps to take quick action on studies,and works proactively with the Corps to address potential problems. Tile team has dealt with the details of many Corps projects and studies, including reimbursable construction projects, feasibility studies,General Reevaluation Reports, Limited Reevaluation Reports, Design Deficiency Reports, Project Cooperation Agreements, Project Implementation Reports, Dredged Material Management Studies,and Continuing Authorities Program studies and projects, Together, VSA's team will work closely with Monroe County on the finer details of the Corps' and other agencies' processes to ensure appropriate funding for Corps initiatives, as well as harmonic regulatory and policy decisions. This integrated approach, both internal and external to Federal agencies, is critical to securing a positive outcome for both funding and policy issues related to water resource management for Monroe County. Following is an example of a project on which we have advocated: Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave,, NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202,638.1950 1 F:201638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Client: Martin County, FL Services performed/Strategies employed: VSA worked with all levels of the Corps to resolve an issue for the County in which ACOE notified them that they owed the Corps roughly$1.9 million, which was revealed by a Corps internal audit. The Corps gave the County eight days to remit the$L9 million, or work on their scheduled beach nourishment project would be halted. VSA assisted in hashing out an agreement between the Corps and the County to address the past due balance. Outcome: VSA helped to craft a deal in which the County would pay back the $1.9 million over four years while still allowing for(fie scheduled beach nourishment. Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) As the largest recipient of PILT funding in Florida, Monroe County knows well that under Federal law, local governments are compensated through various programs for reductions to their property tax bases due to the presence of Federally owned land. These lands cannot be taxed, but often create a demand for services such as fire protection and roads. Because local governments are largely financed by property taxes,the inability to tax the property often significantly affects the local tax base, The Department of the Interior(DOI)administers the Payments in Lieu of Taxes(PILT) program, which compensates local governments for the taxes they cannot collect on those lands. Beginning in 2008, PILT was funded through mandatory appropriations each year. However,, in 2013, that mandatory designation expired and was extended for only one year through the end of Fiscal Year (FY)2014. Therefore, in FY 2015, PILT could:revert back to discretionary spending at FY 2008 levels. This would be a huge blow for counties, such as Monroe, that rely heavily on PILT. Congress must now debate whether or not to: (1)approve full funding of PILT through future extensions of mandatory spending;(2)reduce payments through the annual appropriations process or by changing the PILT formula; and (3)add or subtract any lands to the list of those now eligible for PILT. VSA has experience working with local governments on this issue, particularly those in the rural west and, if selected,will:ensure that Monroe County is an active participant during the congressional debate on this issue. The VSA team has close working relationships with the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, the House Natural Resources Committee,and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. We also work closely with the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, and the National Forest Service. One way in which we actively engage on PILT issues is by working with members of Congress and Senators on a nationwide basis to support the program through the appropriations process. For example, we recently engaged a diverse variety of Members on a PILT Dear Colleague. We asked that relevant Members sign the PILT support letter to the Appropriations Committee to ensure broad support of the program, as well as request work on:a comprehensive, mandatory extension of the program. However, the inclusion of PILT in the Farm Bill was an ominous sign, as the program was used as a political chit for the first time in the recent past, putting its future in some jeopardy. RESTORE Act On behalf of several of our Gulf Coast clients in both Florida and Texas, we have maintained an active interest in the RESTORE Act since its passage by Congress in 2012. We foresee an active role to play in positioning transformative projects for funding by the Federal Council, as well as supporting our clients' efforts to get funding from their respective states. We were actively engaged with the Department of the Treasury during their rulemaking process, including setting up meetings for our clients,setting up meetings with nearly all the other Federal Council members in Washington, and writing comprehensive Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638A950 1 F.202.6381714 1 WWWNSADCCOM comment letters for our clients in response to the two rulemaking opportunities thus far(Federal Council and Treasury)due to the passage of RETORE. We will continue to monitor the resolution of the civil trial between BP and the Department of Justice, including the allocation of fines via the Clean Water Act or Natural Resource Damage Assessment processes, monitor ongoing Federal implementation of the RESTORE Act to ensure continued benefit to our clients,and support efforts to secure funding for Monroe County. While the Federal trial may not be resolved for some time, the RESTORE Act still offers the County a unique opportunity to implement projects that otherwise may be unrealistic. Whether this includes major projects funded at least in part by RESTORE funding or other, more localized projects that nonetheless provide significant restoration benefits to the Gulf, VSA can help the County work with the Federal Council and its individual Agency members, Congress, or other state and Federal stakeholders throughout the Gulf to support projects which not only benefit the Gulf, but also benefit Monroe County. Economic and Community Development The proposed VSA team for Monroe County has been successful in securing community and economic development funds for our clients, including: $300,000 for the City of San Clemente,CA to help construct the City's Coastal Rail Trail; $380,000 for the City of South Salt Lake, UT for streetscaping along two main arterials, both increasing City beautification efforts and improving pedestrian safety; $150,000 for the City of Santa Maria, CA to assist with the construction of a new City library; $53.8 million for the construction of a new Federal courthouse in Fort Pierce, FL, which serves as an economic catalyst for the City while also addressing the growing needs of the judicial system in South Florida; and $1.1 million for the City of Pismo Beach, CA to complete the last phase of their beach front Promenade. We also work closely with the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Department of Agriculture,the U.S. Export/Import Bank, and other Federal agencies in an effort to not only secure funding, but also create new opportunities for our clients' communities. Examples of projects that on which we have advocated include: Client: Lee County, FL Services performed/Strategies employed: Assisted the client by setting up meetings for the client with the EDA in Atlanta and Washington, helping to draft their grant request, working closely with the agency to fine-tune the application, and securing Congressional support for the County's initiative. Outcome: $95 1,000 in grant funding from the Econornic Development Administration to support the preliminary design, modeling, and permitting of wastewater and infrastructure improvements to serve the region's Renewable Energy and Research Diamond incubator. VSA 's Success with Federal Grants and Appropriations With our advance planning,the current earmark moratorium did not come as a shock, nor does it create a crisis. While ideally we would like to work to secure earmarks for clients,our immediate focus will remain on relevant policy issues, Federal agency programs, relationship development, and agency grant and programmatic funding,all of which can often have a bigger effect on a community than a simple Federal cannark, Many of our successes related to grants were described in the section above, but we also have more examples of our work with agencies below. For example, Mr. Bums recently worked with the City of Visalia, CA to secure a two-year extension of the Preferred Risk Policy(PRP)rate for residents who have Federal flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program. With more than 12,000 residents in the flood plain and PRP rates almost $1,000 lower than regular flood insurance rates, the City's residents will save nearly$18 million in flood Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM insurance premiums over two years. While this example may not apply to Monroe County's circumstances, it is an example of how policy initiatives can have a positive impact on the community. In another example, Mr. Burns worked with the City of Beaverton,OR to engage the U.S. Export/import Bank and the Department of Commerce to set up a seminar for export businesses in the community. In this way, the City and its local businesses may gain the assistance of these Federal agencies as individual companies look to expand their exports or initiate exports to new markets. We also engaged the U.S. Interagency Council on the Homeless to assist the City so it can better address its challenges with youth homelessness. Finally,we worked with the Economic Development Administration to secure competitive grant funding for expanded programs at the City's Oregon Technology Business Center. VSA has been particularly successful in ensuring healthy funding for specific programs of importance to local governments, including Community Development Block Grants(CDBG), Payments in Lieu of Taxes(PILT), COPS Hiring Grants,and FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grants(AFG). Every year, we will work with Monroe County to draft programmatic requests letter that will go to each member of the County's delegation laying out programs of importance and requested funding levels. We will also work with the County's delegation to gather their signatures on"Dear Colleague" letters of support for those programs. Dear Colleague letters are letters sent by one or more members of Congress to all fellow members asking for cosponsors or seeking to influence the recipients' votes on an issue. In the case of appropriations, these letters go to the Appropriations Committee in support of funding programs at a certain level. If enough members sign, it can have a strong effect on the Committees. VSA has an extremely high success rate with Dear Colleagues. As congressionally directed spending is on hold for the near future, more discretionary funding is left at the agency level to be awarded. This is why securing discretionary grant funding through Federal agencies and Executive Branch departments is becoming more important than ever. Along with our ability to navigate Washington effectively and achieve success on behalf of our clients, VSA has the insights and experience in the agencies to help Monroe County produce competitive and compelling grant applications in almost every subject area. VSA's continued contact and close working relationships with Federal agencies allow us to glean intelligence in advance of public announcements. Please refer to the section titled "Enhancement of the County's Financial Position"to read VSA's grant strategy for Monroe County. Specific examples of our success related to Federal grants and appropriations on behalf of local governments can be found in the above sections. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.6381714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Approach to Implementation of Monr ral Legislative Program Project Plan We know Monroe County has a sophisticated understanding of Federal advocacy. If selected, VSA will proceed in the following manner: • Critically examine, and then improve upon, the County's past advocacy efforts • Explore and recommend new areas of Federal advocacy not pursued in the past • Broaden efforts already initiated by the County VSA will immediately study and assess the County's priorities and community assets,and examine which needs and assets will create momentum and fit Federal trends for the best chance of Congressional and Executive Branch success. VSA will work with County staff to evaluate how best to achieve the County's long-term goals and examine several methods for securing Federal support for County policies and projects. We will jointly develop a Federal Legislative Agenda to guide and provide the explicit support of the County Commission for our efforts. Sprinkled throughout this proposal is a detailed description of the services and strategies VSA proposes. What follows here is in addition to those other items mentioned elsewhere. Based on our experience, we know the most effective communication and advocacy strategies are developed with honest input from all parties involved. For that reason, we work hard on being flexible to the needs and concerns of the County and look forward to developing a specific strategy as our relationship progresses that takes into account our extensive background representing local entities with similar interests. Provide research and timely written and oral information to Monroe County, Effective communication is critical to successful advocacy. The VSA Monroe County team will work diligently to keep the County informed and updated regarding Federal legislation, initiatives, funding opportunities, and news through a variety of different sources. While team leader Greg Burns will always be available to the County,the team can arrange scheduled phone calls and produce written updates to ensure ongoing communication is taking place. The VSA team will also prepare, with the assistance of County staff for technical guidance,the following forms of research and information: • Analyses of budget requests and forecasts for policies and programs of importance to the County; • Reports of, and testimonies from, relevant committee hearings and markups; • Memos on pertinent Federal initiatives or topics; • Federal agency and departmental regulations,guidelines,directives, and other instruments of administrative policy; • Grants and other funding opportunities for proposed County projects; • Technical reports and memoranda affecting County operations and fiscal conditions; • Copies of proposed legislation and associated reports; "White papers"and materials geared toward elected officials and their staffs that justify the County's objectives in simple and straightforward language, providing Congress and the Executive Branch with the information they need to be successful on your behalf, Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Support or request letters for Congressional sponsors to use with relevant committees or Federal agencies; Any necessary forms for appropriations or authorizations requests; A briefing book for pertinent members of Congress, House and Senate Committees, tile Executive Branch agencies,and their staffs,and Monthly itemized invoices for compensation related to services. Monitor existing and proposed laws and regulations that affect the interests and priorities of Monroe County VSA will closely monitor the progress of pertinent bills, relevant agency regulatory developments, and significant budget discussions and legislation to ensure that the County's priorities are considered by the appropriate authorities at every opportunity. Success depends upon timely input from Members of Congress and their staffs to tile committees. Similarly,careful coordination must be maintained with Federal agencies that administer the programs to make sure the agency demonstrates its interest. VSA will ensure that conversations are made at the right time,that timely correspondence is sent, and that agency officials communicate with Capitol Hill. Proactively recommend and develop legislative positions for proposed laws and regulations that affect the interests and priorities of Monroe County. Working with the County,and based on our knowledge of opportunities, VSA will develop a list of current or predicted legislation to either oppose or support on behalf of the County,as well as funding targets and essential Federal programs that must be protected. We will work with County staff to create a prioritized and action-oriented Federal Legislative Agenda that can be distributed to the Board of County Commissioners. This agenda will be used as a guide for the aggressive advocacy provided on behalf of Monroe County and will be updated as the 113"Congress progresses and the 114' Congress begins. In addition to the formal legislative agenda,VSA team members will discuss and research pertinent legislation as it develops. We will constantly monitor the introduction and progress of proposed laws and regulations and provide analysis on the potential effects for the County. We will assist in developing the County's stance and contact the relevant members of Congress on your behalf to ensure they are aware of your position on significant legislation. Attend County Commission meetings as requested by the County to report on activities. VSA begins all client relationships with a site visit to assess your strengths,assets, needs,and long-term vision,with the goals of creating a Federal strategy to ensure success during the Congressional sessions, advance existing projects,and advocate the community's long-term vision within both the Congress and the Executive Branch. Throughout the year,VSA will maintain a visible presence with the County,as we are committed to traveling to Monroe County on a regular basis to brief officials on events in Washington affecting the County's Federal agenda. Promote Monroe County's position on priority issues to interest groups such as the National Association of Counties,the Florida Association of Counties,the U.S.Conference of Mayors,and the National League of Cities. VSA regularly participates in meetings of the National Association of Counties and the Florida Association of Counties,as well as the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities. Among all these organizations,we are prepared to play an intermediary role between the County and the Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F.202.638.7714 1 WWAMNSAI)CCOM groups by articulating issues and important viewpoints and disseminating pertinent information and initiatives back to County staff. Proposed Implementation Schedule In order to execute the County's Federal advocacy plan, VSA is prepared to begin work immediately on behalf of the County. Toward that end,we propose the following work plan for the first six months, based on a start date of October 2014. Of course, we anticipate working with the County to continually evaluate and modify this work plan as necessary to accommodate the evolving political dynamic, 0clober 2014 0 Travel to the County to meet with the County Commission and County staff. Review prior advocacy efforts, build and strengthen working relationships,discuss the legislative and regulatory priorities for the County for the year, and develop implementation strategies for grants and legislation. 9 Meet with members and staff of the Monroe County Congressional delegation to formally introduce ourselves as the new Federal advocacy team for the County and to discuss the strength of prior advocacy efforts and future initiatives. 0 Coordinate with the County on a format for reporting and providing regular updates to tile County on issues of concern. VSA will work with Monroe County to set tip reporting measures that are tailored to the County's wishes and interests, and that provide complete accountability for the work we do on your behalf. Work immediately on behalf of the County with respect to the reauthorization of tile Transportation bill, which expires at the end of Fiscal Year 2014, but is unlikely to be settled prior to(fie end of the fiscal year. VSA will work with the Transportation committees to ensure programs critical to the County are fully funded. Monitor resolution of Fiscal Year 2015 appropriations bills to ensure that County priorities are funded at adequate levels, identify and communicate County priorities with Appropriators and the Congressional delegation, including those in Florida,to ensure programs are protected. Monitor resolution of PILT funding for FY 2015, which is unlikely to be settled until (lie end of the year. Congress may continue to consider comprehensive tax reform. VSA will monitor developments, engage with the congressional delegation,and actively participate in coalitions to support the goals of the County. In particular, protecting the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds will be critical to ensuring the long-term viability of this important financing tool, Initiate regular conference calls with County officials. Monitor the Federal Register and Executive Branch grant announcements, providing summaries to the County as necessary. Novens ber-December 2014 * Begin development of a comprehensive Federal Legislative Agenda that will guide our issue advocacy for 2015. * Begin development of annual Grant Strategy plan to help focus grant advocacy efforts during 2015. Contact NACO leadership, alerting them that VSA will serve as the County's Federal advocate and coordinate on key policy initiatives, Monitor Congressional elections and notify the County of implications of tile election outcomes, which could significantly impact the County's priorities. Congress will likely still continue to work towards completion of a long-term farm bill. VSA will update the County on the status of these negotiations, and work with NACO and the Monroe delegation to support appropriate funding levels for programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T-201638.1950 1 F:201638.7714 1 WWW,VSADC.COM Report to the County on our monthly activities. Continue regular conference calls with County officials. Monitor the Federal Register and Executive Branch grant announcements, providing summaries to the County as necessary. Jantiary-Febrisary 2015 Refine and complete the County's Federal Legislative Agenda and Grant Strategy documents for approval by the County Commission. Plan for trip to Washington by members of the Commission and staff to help present the Federal agenda and Grant Strategy to the Congressional delegation and key Federal funding agencies. The President may submit the Fiscal Year 2016 budget proposal to Congress in early February. VSA will attend agency budget briefings and provide summaries, focusing on programs most important to the County. Based on the Administration-proposed Fiscal Year 2016 budget and the Congressional resolution of the Fiscal Year 2015 appropriations process, VSA will prepare and submit programmatic funding requests to the Monroe delegation,striving to ensure that Federal programs important to the County are fully funded. VSA will seek letters of support from the Congressional delegation to the Appropriations Committee for program funding increases. • Continue regular conference calls with County officials. • Monitor the Federal Register and Executive Branch grant announcements, providing summaries to the County as necessary. March-April 2015 • Monroe County Commissioners or staff may travel to Washington, D.C. to attend the NACO Legislative Conference in early March. VSA will schedule Congressional and agency meetings focusing on areas of highest priority to the County. VSA will prepare white papers and background materials to help the County communicate its message and priorities. • Meanwhile, if the County has not already traveled to Washington, it should come before the end of April for at least one trip, regardless of NACO participation, o House and Senate Appropriations Committees will begin to hold hearings on the President's Fiscal Year 2015 budget. VSA will attend Congressional hearings on agency budget requests and other authorization bills and provide analysis of issues important to the County. • Congress may consider a budget reconciliation bill that could propose cuts to Medicare, Medicaid,and other critical domestic programs. VSA will review these proposals and work with the County to address how it will affect the County's ability to deliver services. •, Congress may consider reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act. VSA will monitor this legislation, and help the County advocate for investment in job training and programs to attain County economic development goals, • Report to the County on our monthly activities. • Continue regular conference calls with County officials. • Monitor the Federal Register and Executive Branch grant announcements, providing summaries to the County as necessary. May-Jane 2015 • VSA will travel to the County for on-site briefings and consultations. This will be an opportunity to brief the County on the status of implementation of the County's Federal agenda as well as the Grants Strategy platform. • Congress will begin to move Fiscal Year 2016 appropriations bills to the floor. VSA will help the County advocate for funding levels, programs, policies, amendments and report language to ensure these bills are favorable to the County. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202,638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Communication Methods Effective communication is critical to successful advocacy. The VSA --Monroe County team will work diligently to keep the County informed and updated regarding Federal legislation, initiatives, funding opportunities,and news through a variety of different sources. Team leader Greg Burns will always be available to Monroe County. We ensure that the Vice Presidents in charge of a client relationship possess the skills and experience to match the needs of the client, actively supported by others within the fin-n. This approach will give Monroe County a complete understanding of the work we do on your behalf. It is also important to note, however,that the resources of all 70 VSA principals and legislative staff may be drawn upon at any time. VSA truly fosters a collaborative atmosphere,and several VSA principals have backgrounds that give the County a broad base of experience from which to draw. Based on our experience, we anticipate we will spend a significant percentage of time communicating with the County in order to provide updates and respond to questions, while communicating the County's agenda to key Federal officials. VSA will organize scheduled calls with tile County in order to ensure that we have a coordinated and active Federal strategy. We also will produce comprehensive status reports and summaries of our work on a regular basis. While many communities have similar needs and objectives,our specific approach and methodology varies by client. VSA prides itself on being able to adapt to the different methods and structure each client finds most effective, Whatever methods you choose, all the content and information we create will be for Monroe County and will not be generic. It is our job to know what interests you and to ensure you have that information, not pass along irrelevant information. Relationships with Congress and Federal Agencies Monroe County must meet with the right members of Congress and it must deliver the right message. The proposed VSA-, Monroe County team has excellent working relationships with the County's Congressional delegation, as well as the entire Florida delegation. Furthermore, given our large firm, we have members of our team who have worked for both the House and Senate Appropriations Chairmen, Congressional leadership,and other critical members of Congress. Other members of our team have worked in important Federal agencies,such as the Department of Transportation and the Corps of Engineers, to name a few. These relationships will be key to the County as we advocate on your behalf and help you develop, maintain,and enhance your own relationships. A member of the VSA team will accompany the County during all meetings with Congress,staff,and agency officials to provide background information and assist as needed. We will work with County staff in advance to ensure that those attending the meeting are knowledgeable on the topics being discussed and equipped with documents to supplement the conversation. We understand that financial limitations restrict County staff members and elected officials from traveling to Washington as often as may be desired. In recognition of that, we will work to make sure that all trips are structured to most effectively take advantage of your time here. For the same reason,we will continue to engage in regular meetings with Congressional leadership,staff, and agency officials on behalf of the County in your absence. VSA will stay in continuous contact with these officials by phone and email. VSA will advance already existing political relationships and establish new ones. We will assist in correspondence between your Congressional delegation,agency officials,and other relevant members of Congress to ensure your viewpoint and suggestions are heard regarding legislation that affects the interests of the County. VSA will focus its collective efforts intensely on the Congressional and agency leaders that will best enable us to accomplish your goals. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave.,NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWWNSADCCOM Enhancement aft e Counry's Financial Position VSA will help Monroe County navigate the policy, budgetary,and legislative processes to select appropriate grant programs and improve the County's chances to secure grant funding. VSA will provide due diligence, including discussing funding requirements and qualifying the opportunity with the issuing agency. VSA is also prepared to provide appropriate counsel and to engage in Congressional outreach, such as working with Congressional offices to submit letters of support for the County's grant applications. Some of VSA's funding successes have been outlined in other sections within this proposal. Along with our ability to navigate Washington effectively and achieve success on behalf of our clients, VSA has the insights and experience in the agencies to help Monroe County produce competitive and compelling grant applications in almost every subject area. VSA's continual contact and close working relationships with Federal agencies allow us to glean intelligence in advance of public announcements. VSA works,closely with our client's grants management staff to provide early warning of impending grant competitions where clients have natural advantages or can satisfy particular needs. We also can explore and navigate the political calculations that sometimes underlie"objective"grant competitions. VSA then provides an experienced,outside critique and close reading of grant applications to make them as successful as possible. Specifically, we jointly develop an overarching Grant Strategy that outlines an annual plan for achieving grant success, including the following: I) Monroe County: Organize an internal Grants Team a. Recommend to include some form of"leadership"to provide direction 2) VSA and Monroe County : Review prior grants made available by the Federal and state governments(from list VSA provides) 3) VSA and Monroe County: Prepare an annual funding strategy, outlining all those grants that will be sought in the coming year, with timelines to help prepare the Grants Team 4) VSA and Monroe County: Develop briefing rnaterials/narratives for top projects/programs; VSA helps edit and refine 5) Monroe County: Build any necessary state and local relationships to support efforts 6) VSA: Help Monroe County build relationships with Federal agency leaders and program managers to discuss grants that will be targeted, before grant opportunities officially open 7) VSA and Monroe County: Brief Congressional delegation on grant strategy goals and objectives and build support for approach, including planned letters and phone calls 8) Monroe County and VSA: Finalize,edit,and submit grants as appropriate throughout Example ofLegislation With the end of earmarks,yet the need to still authorize Corps of Engineers projects,we have worked on behalf of Lee County, FL to authorize the C-43 Caloosahatchee River West Basin Storage Reservoir, a nearly$500 million reservoir to help address impacts from water releases from Lake Okeechobee during periods of high and low water. We developed the following legislative language to authorize the C-43 Reservoir, while also making the authorization general enough that it would apply to all projects with completed"Chiefs Reports." In doing so,we avoid the earmark moratorium, while still authorizing the County's critical project. A version of this language appears in S. 601,the Senate-passed Water Resources Development Act of 2013. The WRDA bill has an excellent chance of becoming law this year. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:201638.1950 1 F:2016381714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM A BILL To authorize civil works projects,and for other purposes. Be it enacted by theSenale and House ofRel)resentwives of the United Stakes qfAniericu in Congress assenihieel, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act maybe cited as the „mm ......... of 2012'. SEC. 2. AUTHORIZATION OF CERTAIN CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS. The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized to implement projects for water resources development and conservation and other purposes substantially in accordance with the plans, and subject to the conditions, recommended by the Chief of Engineers in a Final report before the date of enactment of this Act, which (lie Secretary of the Army has transmitted to Congress that includes-- (I)a description of the project that concludes that the project is technically sound, environmentally acceptable,and economically justified; and (2)notification that the Office of Management and Budget has concluded that the recommendations in the report are consistent with the policy and programs of the President. We also developed the following report language for the C-43 Reservoir project, which follows: SUGGESTED REPORT LANGUAGE FOR THE C-43 BASIN STORAGE RESERVOIR PHASE I PROJECT Subsection [INSERT SUBSECTION] authorizes the Secretary of the Army to construct the C-43 Basin Storage Reservoir-Phase I at an estimated cost of$445,000,000, with a Federal cost of$222,500,000 and a non-Federal cost of$222,500,000. The Committee understands that construction of the C-43 Basin Storage Reservoir is expected to provide environmental restoration benefits to the Caloosahatchee Estuary by capturing and storing stormwater runoff from the C-43 Basin and regulatory releases from Lake Okeechobee, thereby reducing excessive freshwater flows to the estuary during wet periods and providing essential environmental base flows during dry periods. The Committee also recognizes that the Secretary of the Army is conducting a feasibility study, the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study, to identify probleins and opportunities for additional environmental restoration in Southwest Florida, including the C-43 Basin. The Secretary has initiated a separate Phase 2 project implementation report to evaluate, address, and, as needed,design a recommended federal project to address the needs for water quality improvement features in the C-43 Basin which would further benefit environmental protection and restoration of the Caloosahatchee Estuary, The Committee encourages the Secretary to expedite completion of the feasibility report and the Phase 2 study so each can be completed by December 31,2014. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW t Washington, DC 20001 T:201638.1950 1 F:202.6381714 11 WWW.VSADC.COM Example of Written Documentationfor~ Congress or a Federal Agency Following is written and oral testimony that VSA prepared for El Paso County Judge, Veronica Escobar, to present before the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Borderland and Maritime Security related to border security and public safety. The Honorable Veronica Escobar El Paso Comity Jiulge El Paso,Texas Testimony before the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Borderland and Maritime Security Good morning, my name is Veronica Escobar and I am the county judge in El Paso,Texas. I thank you for the opportunity to be here with you today to discuss"Measuring Outcomes to Understand the State of Border Security." As one of your colleagues(and my Congressman from Texas's 16"' Congressional District)has said many times, El Paso,a border community, is among tile safest in the nation. In fact, for tile last three years in a row, we have been ranked the safest city of our size, and we have consistently ranked among the top three safest cities for over a decade. And this achievement,just like the safety enjoyed by many other communities along the U.S. —Mexico border, predated the walls, drones and quadrupling of Border Patrol personnel, So I appreciate that I can share with you a local perspective about security on the Border. We're dealing with this question of how to measure security because border security was mandated to be achieved before immigration reform would be enacted. We were told by our policy-makers that our pursuit would be"enforcement first,"but it quickly became"enforcement only,"to the detriment of any thoughtful policy considerations or reform. Those of us who have been engaged in this issue have long said that immigration reform should come first ­ that approaching enforcement First(or only) is somewhat of a backward way to deal will)the flow of people and goods across our borders, In 2007 when the federal government erected the wall that scars my community, I took a tour of it with Border Patrol Agents, who told me that 85%of apprehensions at the border were of non-criminal offenders. That meant only 15°,"a or fewer of the apprehensions made were for"criminal aliens." It's important to note that the definition of"criminal aliens," is very broad and includes people who do not necessarily represent a security threat to the United States. The more important fact is that 85%(and even some of tile 151/0') of undocumented crossers are risking jail time and even their lives to be in this country to find work, perhaps establish a safer and better life,or reunite with their families. In 2008, CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar wrote that"90 percent of tile illegal aliens we arrest are drawn to this country for socio-economic reasons."' But our nation has spent enormous resources trying to"secure" our borders from these migrants. Had we dealt with those crossers at the policy level ­,creating, for example, legal guest worker programs for migrant farmworkers or more humane family reunification programs(especially relevant for border communities like mine), then fewer resources would have been needed for security, which cost taxpayers $18 billion in fiscal year 2012 alone. In El Paso, for example, if it were easier for Mexicans to go back -------------------------___. I Aguilar, David V. Frontline US,Customs and Border Protection Magazine. "Protecting the Southern Border," Spring 2008,P,10, Van Scoot Associates Inc. 1101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM and forth, fewer would try to live here pertnatiently-, with stricter controls,crossers have an incentive to try to live here rather than risk re-crossing the border. With this in mind, how do we as a nation put together metrics that will define success and security?And how do we apply that to a border where the geography,environments and populations are so different? While our southern border cities have commonalities among them, clearly we are not all alike, El Paso is an urban community, a vibrant county of over 800,000 people with five international ports of entry in our sector that move people and goods back and forth. We are across from the massive, sprawling metropolis of Ciudad Ju6rez. Obviously, we are unlike rural border towns that are situated across from rural Mexican communities. But, we all share a common theme that the vast majority of the people coming across our border want to be a part of us, not harm us. Before evaluating metrics for success, how do we even define"security"? That is a definition that depends on whom you ask. Some think that security means not allowing a single human being to enter our country without permission , an impossible standard. Absolute security can never be achieved.And even if it could,absolute security is incompatible with a free society. Security may mean something different to local law enforcement, if you're in the intelligence community,or if you are part of a neighborhood watch program. In my opinion, security means protecting the vital interests of the United States, and that means safety. History has shown us that the Southern Border does not present a security threat. If what this country is trying to achieve is having more control over who comes back and forth across our borders and knowing who those people are and what they're bringing in, I will repeat that we've approached the situation in a completely backward way. It's not too late to revisit that approach even though the question before everyone now is how to measure border security. The key is to reform immigration first and then deal with those who are truly a threat to U.S. national security. We need to stop using precious resources on those whose purpose in coining to the United States presents no threat and who can be dealt with through policy changes. Furthermore, if we are to took at what security is, we should also identify what we know it should not be: it should not be long idling wait times at our ports of entry; and, it should not be unnecessary,expensive, ugly fencing that can be easily defeated with tunnels and ladders. Those border wait times are expected to worsen if we do nothing. I recently toured some of the maquiladoras in Ciudad Juarez, which produce the cell phones we use as well as a number of different products that this nation's economy and people depend on. Each maquiladora I visited is expanding and their exports are growing. That means more commerce moving across El Paso's ports(last year it was worth$80 billion). Thesejob- and economy-growing companies all shared a common concern and complaint: long border wait times. Since we're talking about metrics today, one of the metrics El Paso and other communities have asked about for years now has been staffing statistics at each of our ports. It's very difficult to fully understand how to address the lack of personnel at the ports when the statistics about the specific number of CBP personnel at each port isn't available to local leaders or even the members of congress who represent Lis in D.C. I understand the need to secure certain data from the human-and drug-smuggling organizations that CBP and ICE contend with on a daily basis. However, keeping these statistics secret from policy makers such as members of Congress is excessive and couter-productive. This secrecy will be problematic if and when communities like El Paso are allowed to begin reimbursable fee public-private partnerships as those described in S 178 and its companion bill in the house, HR 1108, Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave.,NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM the Cross-Border Trade Enhancement Act of 2013. The Chairman of this Committee is even a co-sponsor of this legislation. But, if a local partner is encouraged to supplement personnel at our ports, but we aren't allowed to know what current staffing levels are, how will we know what the supplement should be? These are the types of metrics we should be focused on. I define security by our ability to protect our vital interests: our people,our economy and our infrastructure among them. Security, for example,should be measured by how quickly we can move people safely across our ports. Is international trade that boosts our economy, a vital interest of the United States and,therefore an important measure of our security? You bet it is. In another vein, security also should be measured by the transparency that helps us address shortages in personnel and inadequacies in technology and infrastructure. And finally, it should be measured by those of us who live in the communities that bear the brunt of the measures enacted by Congress and should include close collaboration with local leaders and law enforcement. I submit to you that once we deal with immigration reform - first, finally and thoughtfully amore meaningful and less complex debate over security can easily be resolved. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 11.01.Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:2016381714 1 WWW.VSA DC.COM References Van Scoyoc currently represents more than 250 clients, including roughly 50 government entity clients. We have provided you with contact information for many of them elsewhere in the proposal. Following are several more references, including one from the Florida Association of Counties,whom while not a client, is an excellent reference for Mr. Burns and our team's work. St. Lucie County,FL Glenn Henderson, Administration— Business& Strategic Initiatives (772)462-1473 Liendersong@stlucieco.org * "I want to again thank you for coordinating the meeting [with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Congressman Patrick Murphy]. It is incredible to see the vast degree of progress that was made. Tile cooperation from the Army Corps is great to see and to be able to move things along in an expedited fashion is unprecedented. We really appreciate your efforts." Faye Outlaw, MPA, County Administrator, St. Lucie County, FL a "There were some very difficult questions asked in those meetings [when I was in Washington]. What I was thoroughly impressed with is the fact that Greg[Bums] did not shy away from it; Greg got into it. He fought for those dollars right there, in his office. That is what I am talking about as far as confidence. To have seen that, we had someone up there who was fighting for us. That's what I know we have with Greg because I've seen it firsthand." former Commissioner Chris Craft, St. Lucie County, FL Charlotte County,FL Jason Stoltzfus, Administration Program Liaison (941) 743 ,­, 1582 Jason.Stoltzfus@charlottefl.com * "Once again, I think this[comment letter] looks great. Our previous lobbyist would send us drafts like this and I would spend a couple hours correcting/enhancing it, so I am very appreciative."--Jason Stoltzfus, Program Liaison, Administration,Charlotte County, FL * "...And hats off to our lobbyist. I think having Greg Burns from Van Scoyoc on the pulse of what was going on [with the National Flood Insurance Program], I think it really paid off. Chris Constance, Commissioner,Charlotte County, FL Del Norte County,CA Jay Sarina, County Administrative Officer (707)464-7214 e go,"m "Greg Burns... was very much involved in early coordination with the County and showed a commitment to advocating for Board of Supervisors prioritized issues. Early success included an appropriation of funding for dredging the Federal Channel at the Harbor, and intense advocacy for the Secure Rural Schools and Payment in Lieu of Taxes funding legislation." --Jay Sarina, County Administrative Officer, Del Norte County, Calif. "Without having[Greg Burns] there, more than likely,the Harbor isn't dredged,the Airport [expansion project] isn't moving forward. I think this has been one of the best returns on investment the County has made, by contracting with you as a lobbyist.",-,. Supervisor Mike Sullivan, Del Norte County, Calif. "I can't stress enough just how vital it is to have... Greg working for us back there. It's the behind the scenes work that Greg does that allows us to be successful." ­Supervisor David Finigan, Del Norte County,Calif. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101. Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:201638.1950 1 F:202.6381714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM City of Cleanvater,FL Rosemarie Call,City Clerk (727)562-4092 Rosemarie,L,41 !qr caul "Saying they wanted the strongest team they could get lobbying for Cleanvater in Washington, City Council members decided to ditch the lobbying firm the city has used since 1998 and voted to hire a more expensive firm [Van Scoyoc Associates]."- from a Jan. 18,2013 Tampa Bay Times article written by Diane Steinle Florida Association of Counties Deena Reppen, Legislative Director (850)559-4141 dm,jLe-Qd'-ff-counties.com, Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202,638.7714 1 WWW,VSADC.COM Rate Val Van Scoyoc Associates structures its relationships with our clients in a way that ensures complete and open communication. We charge a flat fee for services on a monthly retainer basis. We do not charge by the hour, so that communications are open and not hindered, and our client knows exactly what our services are going to cost. For Monroe County,VSA proposes full and complete Federal governmental affairs and lobbying services for a monthly retainer of$8,000, inclusive of all expenses. All legislative advocacy services/activities outlined in the proposal are included in the monthly retainer. Payments are due monthly and generally in advance. Sums owed by the County to VSA shall accrue interest at a rate of 1.5 percent per month if unpaid after ninety(90)days. The County will understand that these payments shall not be made with Federally appropriated funds. Monroe County will understand that VSA may be required to register for work performed on behalf ofthe County under the terms of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995,as amended(2 USC §1601 et seq.)and any subsequent laws or regulations. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave.,NW I Washington, DC 2000 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM TAB F: Required Form RESPONSE FORM RESPOND TO: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS do Lisa Tennyson, Director of Legislative Affairs GATO BUILDING, ROOM 2-213 1100 SIMONTON STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 1 acknowledge receipt of Addenda No.(s) #1 (4/8/2014) 1 have included: o The Submission Response Form x o Lobbying and Conflict of Interest Clause x o Non-Collusion Affidavit x o Drug Free Workplace Form x o Respondent's Insurance and Indemnification Statement x a Insurance Agent's Statement x In addition, I have included a current copy of the following professional and occupational licenses: (Check mark items above, as a reminder that they are Includdd.) Mailing Address: Van Scoyoc Associates„ Inc., Telephone: (202)638-1950 101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Suite 600 West Fax: (202)638-7714 Washin o DC 20001 Date: April 15, 2014 Signed: Witness: H. Stewart Van Scoyoc (Seal) (Name) President (Title) TAB F: Required Form LOBBYING AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST CLAUSE SWORN STATEMENT UNDER ORDINANCE NO.010-1990 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ETHICS CLAUSE Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. it (Company) warrants that herit has not employed, retained or otherwise had act an his/its behalf any former County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or employee In violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. For breach or violation of this provision the County may, In Its discretion, terminate this Agreement without liability and may also, In its discretion, deduct from the Agreement or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift,or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee". (Signature) Date: April 15, 2014 8 4*-OF: COUNTY OF: Subscribed and sworn to(or affirmed)before me on (date)by e oq, uC-_(name of affiant). He/She Is personally known to me or has produced as Identification. (type of Identification) 5 U"cki ?NARY PUBL rrr IC v commission expires- MY ly commission expires: QW4 16 P a 1 e JAB F: Required Form DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE FORM The undersigned vendor in accordance with Florida Statute 287,087 hereby certifies that: Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. (Name of Business) 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance Is prohibited In the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition, 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be Imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1), 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contenders to, any violation of Chapter 893 (Florida Statutes) or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring In the workplace no later than five (5)days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation In a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program If such is available In the employee's community, or any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. Respondent's Signature April 15, 2014 Date ";,% T NVRY PUBLIC 44�q%9 MYcot • My Commission Expires: Voi 18 P a g e es" 40DP VV- N TAB F: Required Form NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT 1, H. Stewart Van Scoyoc _of the city of Great Falls, VA according to law on my oath, and under penalty of perjury, depose andl say that: 1. 1 am President of the firm of Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. the bidder making the Proposal for the project described In the Request for Qualifications for Legislative and Lobbying Services for Monroe County's Federal Legislative Program and that I executed the said proposal with full authority to do so: 2. the prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relatingi to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; 3. unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be, disclosed by the bidder prior to bid opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor,and 4. no attempt has been made or will be made b the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit, or not to submit, a bid for the purpose of restricting competition; 5. the statements contained'in this affidavit are true and correct, and made with full knowledge that Monroe County relies upon the truth of the statements contained in this affidayVivi Its for said project. April 15, 2014 (Sighature of Respondent) (Date) /,W ,W*1E4W, DIAV14- d-P r COUNTY OF: PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority,j, a Van who, after first being sworn by me, (name of individual signing) affixed hisiher signature in the space provided above on this hr, day of AM— I 2Q IL7 NOTrY PUBLICIL11 V /sI, My My Commission Expires: moo. WS bN 17 P a a TAB F': Required Form RESPONDENT'S INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION STATEMENT ,Insurance Requirement Required Limits Worker's Compensation Statutory Limits Employer's Liability $100,000/$5000.000/$1,000.000 General Liability $300,000 per Person, $500.000 per Occurrence, $200,000 Property Damage or $500,000 Combined Single Limit Vehicle Liability $200,000 per Person, $300,000 Per occurrence, $200,000 Property Damage or$300,000 Combined Single Limit Professional Liability $500,000 per occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate IDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS FOR CONSULTANTS AND SUBCONSULTANTS The CONSULTANT covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY/Monroe County and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, Its officers and employees from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'fees, to the extent, caused by the negilgence, recklessness. or Intentional wrongful conduct of the CONSULTANT, subcontractor(s) and other persons employed or utilized by the CONSULTANT in the performance of the contract. In:: the event that the completion of the project (to Include the work of others) Is delayed or suspended as a result of the CONSULTANTs failure to purchase or maintain the required insurance,, the CONSULTANT shall indemnify the County from any and all increased expenses resulting from such delay. Should any claims be asserted against the COUNTY by virtue of any deficiency or ambiguity in the plans and specifications provided by the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT agrees and warrants that CONSULTANT shall hold the County harmless and shall indemnify It from all losses occurring thereby and shall further defend any claim or action on the County's behalf. The first ten dollars ($10.00) of remuneration paid to the CONSULTANT Is consideration for the indemnification provided for above. The extent of liability Is In no way limited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance requirements contained elsewhere within this agreement. 19 P a This Indemnification shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement. iRESPONDEWS STATEMENT I understand the insurance that wait be mandatory N awarded the contract and will comply In full with all the requirements. Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. Respondent Signature INSURANCE AGENT$ STATEMENT I have reviewed the above requirements with the bidder named below. The following deductibles apply to the corresponding policy. POLICY DEDUCTISLES Liability policies are 'V occurrence V Claims Made ct:pw,ycd e ,�. isur 41 A-N-X -- Insurance Agency Signature Print Name: Xl3Cren 0. EYC 201Nge CERTIFIED RESOLUTION 1, Janet H. Buckley, Secretary of Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the District of Columbia(the"Company"),do hereby certify that the following is true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company duly held and convened on July 1, 2002, at which meeting a duly constituted quorum of the Board of Directors was present and acting throughout, and that such resolution has not been modified, rescinded or revoked, and is at present in full force and effect: RESOLVED: That H. Stewart Van Scoyoc, President of Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. is empowered and authorized to execute and deliver contracts on behalf of the Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed her signature and the corporate seal of the Company this 15th day of April, 2014. a t H. Buc kley Ff. Buckley cretary (Corporate Seal or"L.S.") Required Financial Information and Litigation 1. it of Van Scoyoc Associates shareholders • H. Stewart Van Scoyoc • Patricia Van Scoyoc 2. List of officers and directors Officers: * H. Stewart Van Scoyoc, President 9 Patricia Van Scoyoc, Vice President e Janet Buckley, Secretary 9 India Allen, Chief Financial Officer Directors: • 1-4. Stewart Van Scoyoc • Patricia Van Scoyoc • Gregory Van Scoyoc • Erin Van Scoyoc • Amanda Van Scoyoc 3. Number of years in operation Van Scoyoc Associates has been operating for 22 years. 4. Number of years operating under present name Van Scoyoc Associates has been operating under its present name for 22 years. 5. "Detail by Entity Name" See attached 6. VSA's Annual Report tote Florida Secretary of State See attached 7. Answers to questions regarding claims and suits a. No b. No c. No d. No e. No 8. Customer References Please refer to Tab 5: References for customer references 9. Credit References ACLI Services, Inc. 101 Constitution Ave., NW Ste 700 West Washington, DC 20001-2133 (202)624-2307 Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington,DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202.638.7714 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Capitol Office Solutions P.O. Box 277728 Atlanta,GA 30384-7728 (301)210-4360 CIT Technology Financial Services, Inc. P.O. Box 550599 Jacksonville,FL 32255-0599 1-888-204-0799 Avaya Financial Services P.O. Box 550599 Jacksonville, FL 32255-0599 1-800-947-2093 10. Financial Statement of Van Scoyoc Associates,Inc. The company's financial statements have been audited since 2002 by the independent CPA firm Aronson LLC and have received an unqualified opinion each year. Attached are copies of the auditor's letters that accompanied the 2010 and 2011 audited statements and a copy of the auditor's letter that accompanied the 2012 review. VSA is currently undergoing a review of its 2013 finances and the report will be available for review later this spring. VSA is a closely-held private company,and we consider our financial statements to be confidential and proprietary. We will make VSA's audited financial statements and other internal financial information available for review at a meeting to be scheduled at your convenience. United Bank has served as VSA's bank since 2002. United provides VSA with a line of credit and cash management services. In 2009, United increased VSA's line of credit from $1.5 million to$2 million annually. VSA's financial condition is solid,and we foresee no events that would impede our ability to perform the work contemplated by this proposal. Richard Goldstein at Aronson LLC(301-231-6255)and Thomas Nida at United Bank(202-496-4068)may be contacted for references. Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. 1 101 Constitution Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001 T:202.638.1950 1 F:202. 38.77 4 1 WWW.VSADC.COM Detail by Entity Name Page 1 of 2 w of i�i Detail by Entity Name Foreign Profit Corporation VAN SCOYOC ASSOCIATES, INC. Filing Information Document Number F06000004819 FEI/EIN Number 521710923 Date Filed 07/20/2006 State DC Status ACTIVE Principal Address 101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW SUITE 600 WEST WASHINGTON, DC 20001 Changed: 07/08/2008 Mailing Address 101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW SUITE 600 WEST WASHINGTON, DC 20001 Changed: 07/08/2008 Registered Agent Name &Address -- C T CORPORATION SYSTEM C/O C T CORPORATION SYSTEM 1200 SOUTH PINE ISLAND ROAD PLANTATION, FL 33324 Name Changed: 06/10/2010 Address Changed: 06/10/2010 Officer/Director Detail Name&Address Title CP VAN SCOYOC, H. STEWART 101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW STE 600 W WASHINGTON, DC 20001 Lahr.>/J...,..««�.. ....wl.:w m...w/ w+n®s:wr/fin asrornty nri nnrrvjl/ n+%1°d'a�'M gOIY�f PtASf t'1tt 1 °.iY91Af iJ1T"P9W 141 4110014 Detail by Entity Name Page 2 of 2 Title VCV VAN SCOYOC, PATRICIA 101 CONSTITUTION AVE y� S 6 A Hl TON, DC 20001 Title DS CKL `Yr, JANET 101 CON STITUTION AVET WASHINGTON, DC 20001 Title T A L N, INDIA 101 CONSTITUTION(W AVEST A HIN'........... TO , V 001 nnuI Reports Report Year Filed Date 212 1J 612 12 201'3 03/2012 1 01 01/0712014 Document Images 01/07/2014 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/ 0/201 =AN_NUALREPORT View image in PDF format 01/06/ 01 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF fo at 01/0 / 11 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF fo at 06/10/2010 Rg . Agent Change view i age in PDF f at 01/14/ 010—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF fo at 03/10/2009 --ANNUAL BEPORT View image in PDF format 07/08/2008 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/06/2007--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 71 07/20/2006 — Foreli n Profit 17 View Image in PDF forrnat c2u'4E qqjg(�"and EE��, Stauc of MV Wa,DgIIpjamx if-M mP StMe L♦.s.._..Jf.. .....,1., ....,.L.;w ...«w.lT«....:.w.lf riw«.,w,wnOr nr+.�.nn wn{ ICYP/S wl+S7IT/. C•I II'FI 7FY}%{Itl^.YYtY YtTIV�T71 A't iflf"7'"1... 4110014 2014 FOREIGN PROFIT CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT FILE DOCUMENT#F06000004819 Jan 07, 2014 Entity Name: VAN SCOYOC ASSOCIATES, INC. Secretary of State 2419 Current Principal Place of Business: 101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW SUITE 600 WEST WASHINGTON, OC 20001 Current Mailing Address: 101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW SUITE 600 WEST WASHINGTON, DC 20001 FEI Number: 52-1710923 Certificate of Status Desired: No Name and Address of Current Registered Agent: C T CORPORATION SYSTEM C/O C T CORPORATION SYSTEM 1200 SOUTH PINE ISLAND ROAD PLANTATION,FL 33324 US The above named entity submits this statement for the purpose of changing Its registered office or registered agent,or both,In the State of Florida. SIGNATURE: Electronic Signature of Registered Agent Date Officer/Director Detail : Title CID Title VCV Name VAN SCOYOC,H.STEWART Name VAN SCOYOC,PATRICIA A Address 101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW STE 600 Address 101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW STE 600 W W City-State-Zip: WASHINGTON DC 20001 City-State-Zip; WASHINGTON DC 20001 Title DS Title T Name BUCKLEY,JANET Name ALLEN,INDIA E Address 101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW STE 600 Address 101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW STE 600 W W City-Slate-Zip; WASHINGTON DC 20001 City-State-Zip WASHINGTON DC 20001 1 hereby condy that the information Indicated on this report or supplemental mW Is true and accurate and that my aiacl?wnlc signature shalt have the same legal effect as Hmade under oath;that t am an officer ev dlrectar of the corporation or the receiver or trusted empowered to execute this report as required by Chapter 607,Florkla Statutes,and that my name appears above,or on an attachment with an other like empowered. SIGNATURE:INDIA ALLEN TREASURER 1/ 712014 Electronic Signature of Signing Officer/Director Detail Date aronson,,.. Independent Accountant's Review Report ASSURARCi I TAX V COUSUCUNE, Board of Directors Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc.and Affiliated Companies Washington, D.C. We have reviewed the accompanying Combined Balance Sheet of Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. and Affiliated Companies as of December 31, 2012 and the related Combined Statements of Operations, Stockholders' (Deficit) and Members' Equity, and Cash Flows for the year then ended. A review includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management's financial data and making inquiries of Company managernent. A revie", is substantially less in scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Management is responsible for (tic presentation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and for designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements. Our responsibility is to conduct the review in accordance with the Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require us to perform procedures to obtain limited assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements. We believe that the results of our procedures provide a reasonable basis for our report. Based on our review, we are not aware of my material modifications that should be made to the accompanying 2012 combined financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011, were audited by us, and we expressed an unmodified opinion on them in our report dated April 25, 2012, but we have not performed any auditing procedures since that date. 4-rv�� L-L-C_ Rockville, Maryland June 16, 2013 Praxity VCM15671 ' sir i ar on s o . Independent Auditor's Report Board of Directors Van Scoyoc Associates,Inc. and Affiliated Companies Washington, DC e have audited the accompanying Combined Balance Sheets of Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. and Affiliated Companies as of December 31, 211 and 2010, and the related Combined Statements of Operations,Stockholders' (Deficit)and Members' Equity, and Cash Flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the combined financial position of Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. and Affiliated Companies as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 and the combined results of their operations and their cash flows for the years then ended in confo ity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Rockville, Maryland April 25,2012 PNEIKI tY n s o n Independent Auditor's Depot"t J, ASSUlUAMU,U W V r'91511'aa'aasri Board eel"Directors 'nrr S,coyoc Associates, Inc. and Affiliated Companies Washington, A.»C We have audited the accompanying Combined Balance Sheets of V an Scoyoc Associates, [INC. ;and Affiliated Companies as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, and the related C ollibined Staatcsriaerits of Operations, Stockholders' (F)eflcit) and Members' Fquity,aand Cash Flows Cor the ,yc;aars these ended. These finaaaacial statements are the responsibility of the Company's ataaaila enicnt. Our responsibility is to express in opinion oil these financial statements based Carl spur auditai"r. We conducted our aacrdits in accordance vv°ith auditing standards generally accepted in the United States cal' America. Those stanclarcls require that vvc plan and perfonri the audit to obtaiaa reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free, of material aaaisstaatcnacnt. An audit includes considea°anon o iniernaal control over financial reporting as a bass lot- designing audit procedures that are appropriate in tlxc circumstances, but not Cor tfac [purpose of expressing; all opinion cars tlae cffecuveriess of'[lie Company's Internaal control over financial reporting;. Accordingly, vvc express no such opinion Ali audit also includes examining, oil a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosaares in the fivaaraeiaf staatcments, assessing; the accounting principle;, trwd art(] signihcaaat e oalraates made by _ naanag;enaeut, as vveli as evaluating tlae overall limanciaal Statement [presentation. "'e believe that ewer'audits provide a reasonable basis I-or out opinion III our olpiraiora, the financial statemcnis referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the combiaacd financial position of Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc, and Affiliated Companies as of December 31, 2010 and 2009 and tlac Combined resaaltS of their operations and theca cash llows liar- the years tire[) ended aaa ceanfi�raaaity vv�itla aaccoaaratin� priraciiales generally accepter[ in the United States of'Anieracaa An tom° L Rockville, Maryland April 7, 2011 " m , raff;t,tdi n C'z,uzz ti of z�n a � uo°" IJ �I f r4'rz`n' t io-dplLPf"d l,�rtl v fltli l^.Y4 Becker and Poliakoff Response COPY 8OF8 May 1, 2014 Monroe County Purchasing Office I 100 Simonton Street, Room 213 Key West, FL 33040 e., Proposal for LEGISLATIVE AT°IV LOBBYING SERVICES FOR LT T "S FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE Dear Members of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, Mr. Gastesi and Ms. Tennyson: Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. ("the Firm") is pleased to submit this proposal to provide legislative and lobbying services for Monroe :ounty's ("the county") Federal legislative program. Becker & Poliakoff is based in South Florida and has represented clients in Monroe County for many years. This local knowledge, along with our experienced team of federal lobbyists in Washington, DC, allow us to understand the County's needs and fired creative opportunities to advance the `ounty's federal lobbying goals, Our knowledge of the ounty's budget, legislative priorities and other county issues, coupled with our ability to meet regularly with County officials and attend. County meetings, will help us translate Monroe ounty's needs into federal dollars. For example, we understand Monroe ounty's interest in securing federal support for water quality infrastructure projects, flood protection, and habitat conservation as well as the ounty's concerns regarding the Naval fir Station in Frey West, to name east a few. We are also familiar with the Co ty's environmental, transportation, health care and other priorities and have outlined several interesting funding opportunities in the attached Tab C. y way of background, Becker & Poliakoff was founded in Miami bade County in 1973 d has maintained a fully staffed in Miami lade since that time. Our lawyers and staff` have worked with Monroe County officials on various state and local efforts for many years, Also, our firm represents drawees of condominium homeowner associations throughout Monroe County. We regularly host educational classes and seminars for residents to keep them rap to date on new laws and trends in shared ownership living, Our Washington, DC lobbying team includes experienced lobbyists who have; 1) represented other Florida counties on Capitol Hill d; 2) worked in both the US House of Representatives and US Senate for Florida members on both sides of the aisle. In short, our team knows Florida issues, Florida.members, and key Congressional leaders and staff. �/�iD i,y, �i �. 111/� �, //�i iy� i!�ii// /////// � /��%'/'/%�j// � �/// !� A rr, 1 ,1 ,�/,�/���Il� i���ii,,,/�,� 1f/i�///%�,����,i fill l�l ��� ��' �� �o rr � ����� ��l J,�� r r, �i �y� ��, � ih v' , i 9� I >� � ri �� I 1 f ��� ,����u ��� °� � ! � �www�bec�er poliakoff��com J�'���.l.rA� """',: ' � �� � ��, � � � 1JllJ rV��lUn�/larl '�'' I( �� 17�11�'1rN/ 9rlil�iyf ,, �, �� i�J�r, ��� �r �� ( � 1111J1 �l�lll�{1���1f00��rl��l!!1 �'��JV l��fhll�Yllf;r,� ,�,,,,,, ,,,��J„��J,N.��,f,�«r� �,,,F,,,�,�,,.�-r � � �'ka.��k}ec;k�r-�c�liakoff�fr;orr7 � � , �L,ec�a!and;Bsusiness Strateg�sts� � l , ' � � r �� � �. . ,, ,,,.. � I � �- � € �I,� 1� � ,, f ,� � i = i° � , ,�' .� � �� � � f ,, i x. I ,, Detail by Entity Name Pegs L of 1W PetallEntity Florida„ ftt,.L,'pEp L, p 11!Mfin f a Lo �oca Il IN Number 591640708 Date Filed 1 / /1 7 tate L. Status IV ast Event AMENDMENT Eventate Filed /1 / 4 1 ve � 1 � g � Address ,One Easy Broward Boulevard �'Suite 1800 IFORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 Change& 01/27/2014 LA&fflng Addresa �. ne East Bro wa rd Boulevard _Feats 1800 FORS LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 6hange& 01/27/2014 ,LESSER, STEVEN B. Dne East w°award Boulevard �L3,ufte1800 T LAU DEF:',',DALE, FL 33301 ]Name Char°qe& 5/11/ 1 ,kddress Changed: 1/ / 14 [12if cidDirectar Detail Detail by Entity Name Page 2 of 3 lime & Address idle TD LEVINE, ALLEN M One East Froward Boulevard Suite 1800 FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 Ftle PD ROSEN, GARY C One East Broward Boulevard Suite 1800 FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 Title SD LESSER, STEVEN B One East I oward Boulevard �Suite 1 BOO FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 al rt Report Year Filed Date 2013 01/2412013 2014 01/27/2014 2014 01/28/2014 Docuuut 1aS 01/28/20,14 ,-- AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT 01/27/2014 ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF rmat 0,1/24/2013 ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/16/2012 ANNUAL REPORI- 01/07/2011 ANNUAL REPORT view imm g ire POF format 09/15/20110 - Amendment 2�lew�image��nP"5��forrnat � 02/03/2010 ANNUAL REPOR F F---Yiew image in PEW format 04/21/2009 ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/16/2008 -- ANNUAL REPORT -------------- 02/25/20108 ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/09/2007 ANNUAL REPORT 04/17/2006 ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 1-1-1-1 1("- n--. tl J'--A U.--.- Detail by Entity Name Page 3 of 3 03/25/2005 ANNUAL REPORT _Mewim_age in PD�Fform�at � 01/28/200,4 ,-- ANNUAL REPORT, 03/10/2003 ­ ANNUAL REPORT 05/13/2002 ­ ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format Rom m n Servic ....................................... Forms H ,as ft==t 05/1112001 ANNUAL REPORT View image in IPDF brimat 01/27/2000 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORI E:�View�mage in�PDF�format 01/29/1998 - ANNUAL REPORI .......................... ............ 01/28/1997 ANNUAL REPO RI View image in PDF ire at 01/3 996 ANNUAL REPORT [::::_�Vievj�m�ag(�n PDF fd�rmat aQ.J/1995 ANNUAL REPOR I L View image cuvaptr :I and, 1 4 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB A COVER PAGE TAB B QUALIFICATIONS, EXPERIENCE PAST PERFORMANCE TAB C APPROACH OA CH TO IMPLEMENTATION OF MONROE TY'S FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM 'FAB D REFERENCES TAB E RATE TAB F REQUIRED FORMS TAIL G REQUIREDFINANCIAL INFORMATION AND LITIGATION Proposal for LEGISLATIVE AND LOBBYING SERVICES FOR FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Submitted by se A. Bermudez & Jose K Fuentes Alhambra121 , Miami, Florida 305.262.4433 Amanda L. Wood Street, , Suite Washington, DC 20005 202.621.7122 IN In - 1 d 6 i 0 ° Becker& Poliakoff is a South Florida based law firm that has assisted clients in Monroe County since its founding forty plus years ago. Today, Becker & Poliakoff is a diverse commercial law firm with 170 lawyers, lobbyists and patent professionals working in offices throughout Florida. (Fort Lauderdale, Miramar, Miami, West Pala Beach, St. Augustine, Orlando, Sarasota, Tallahassee, Port. Walton Beach, Tampa Bay, Fort Myers, Stuart and Naples) as well as Washington, DC, New Fork, New Jersey and Northern Virginia, The Federal lobbying work will be performed primarily in the Washington, LAC and the Miarni, FL,offices. Founded in 1973, the Firm recently celebrated its 41" anniversary of serving clients. Becker & Poliakoff provides its clients with services in seven primary practice groups: _. government law & lobbying (which includes customs & irate ational trade !aw), business litigation, construction law, real estate law, homeowner and community association lava; corporate law; and intellectual property and emerging technologies. The 's future plans include increased growth in its care practice are Government law and lobbying is and has always been a core practice for Becker Poliakoff, Several members of the Becker & Poliakoff team currently serve or have served in government positions (local, state and federal), giving our team first-hand working knowledge of government practices and procedures. In addition, the Finn has been active in Florida's civic, business, charitable and legal community for over 40 years. We have had the pleasure of working with several current Members of Congress, including Representative Joe Garcia, Representative lleana Ros Lehtinen, Representative Dario Diaz-Balart, Senator Bill Nelson, and Senator Marco Rubio for many years. Each of them and several other Members have been good friends to the firm. 1n fact, Senator Marco Rubio is a former Becker & Poliakoff attorney who has remained close to our firm's leadership. Members of the Becker& Poliakoff team include: Washington DC-based DC-based lobbyist Amanda Wood served as Legislative Director for former Senator Bob Graham. She served as his chief advisor on all appropriations matters with a focus on local government funding. Since leaving Capitol Hill, she has represented Florida counties, cities, non profits and private companies; ♦ 0 • - 0 0 0 I o Managing Director of the DC Office, Omar Franco, served as Chief of Staff for current Congressman and Appropriations cormnittee member, Mario Diaz@ alart; Senior Consultant, Clarence Williams, was a Chief of Staff`to Congressman Kendrick B. Meek, Retm, and a former senior policy aide to the Minority Leader of the Florida Senate; o Jose Fuentes worked for the South Florida Water ManagementDistrict; o Jose Bermudez served as Governor Rick Scott's South Florida representative working with all local governments and intergovernmental agencies; o George Burgess is the fi 's Chief Operating Officer and co-chair of the 's Public Private Partnerships Practice (PPP) team. He spent eight years as Miami Dade County's Manager and another twenty years working for the County in various capacities; 0 Founding Partner Alan Becker served in the Florida Legislature in the 197 's with Senator Bill Nelson and has maintained a strong network of contacts at the highest levels of government and business. He is on the Executive Committee of Enterprise Florida and works closely with Governor Scott on job creation initiatives. In fact, Governor Scott awarded Alan a"Florida Ambassador" for his efforts; Shareholder Bernie Friedman served as Chief of Staff"to a South Florida.Congressman; Shareholder Yolanda Cash Jackson has worked very closely with key Members of the Congressional Mack Caucus including Representatives Jima Clyburn, Bennie Thompson, Dorma Christensen, Marcia, Fudge and of course Floridians Corrine Brown, A.lcee Hastings and Frederica Wilson. As such, our team has many years of experience working with Members of the Florida Congressional delegation on a wide variety of issues. Becker & Poliakoff has one of the strongest relationships with the Florida Congressional Delegation of any government affairs fa in Washington, D.C. Our team members left Capitol Hill from senior positions with the Florida Delegation; they continue to enjoy strong relationships with a large and diverse group of Meares and stafffrom both sides of the aisle from Florida and elsewhere around the country. As former Chiefs of Staff, both Omar Franco and Clarence Williams participate in the Chiefs of Staff alumni group which affords them opportunities to develop relationships with Members and senior staff from all 50 states. Over the past five years, Becker & Poliakoff has averaged 375 employees. We currently have 425 employees. The firm is lead by a severe member management committee made rap of firm shareholders. Gary C. Rosen serves as President and Managing Shareholder. George Burgess serves as the Firm's Chief Operating Officer overseeing the administration along with administrative department heads in Accounting, Human Resources, IT, Professional Development and Marketing. A list of the Firm's equity shareholders is provided in the confidential submission in TAB G. y 0 ! 2. Provide a list of current clients,with a brief description for each. LOBBYINGFEDERAL CLIENTS l e of Biofuels Bethune-Cookman University Contract dollar value: $36,000 Contract dollar value: $36,000 Dates for term of contract: Ongoing Dates for term of contract: Ongoing Duration of theRelationship: Since 7/26,12011 Duration of the Relationship: Since 3/25/2 05 Services Provided: Lobbying Services Provided: Lobbying Results: Successfully helped pass legislationResults: Developed and implemented giving algae tax parity along with cellulosic institutional advancement strategy biofuel, r. Hakim Lucas, Vice President of Quang Ha, General Counsel Advancement 16121 Lee Road, Suite 110 640 Dr, Mary McLeod Bethune Blvd. Ft, flyers, FL 33912 aytona Beach, FL 3211.4-3099 (239) 49 -2 00 (386)4 1-29 3 City of Delray Beach Cityof Hialeah Contract dollar value: $36,000 Contract dollar value: $60,000 Dates for term of contract: Ongoing Dates for term of contract: Ongoing Duration oft e relationship: Since 9/1/2 13 Duration oft e Relationship: Since 5/6,/20 9 Services Provided: Lobbying Services Provided: Lobbying Results: Currently working on seeking federal Results: $750,000 for sidewalk improvements guidance on sober home rules, and police equipment upgrades Terrill Pyburn, Assistant City Attorney Fredrick arinelli, Grants Administrator 2 0 NW 1st avenue 501 PalmAve, Delray Beach, FL 33444 Hialeah, FL 310 (561) 24 -7090 (305) 53-5 39 City of Hialeah Gardens City of Miami Gardens Contract dollar value: 0 Contract dollar value: $24,000 Bates for term of contract: Ongoing Dates for term of contract: Ongoing Duration of theRelationship: Since 8/27/2010 Duration of the Relationship: Since / 0/2005 Services Provided: Lobbying Services Provided: Lobbying Results: Identified numerous grant Results: Secured $1.250 in Lave Enforcement opportunities. funding William o ri e , Assistant tote Mayor Mr. Cedric Benson, City ana er 10001 NW 87th Avenue 1515 NW 167 Street Hialeah Gardens, FL 33016 N/Iiami gardens, FL 33169 (305) 55 -4114 ( 05) 62 - 00 .W........ ....... . ..........................y Villa...... ..............................� City of -L oc of North ge ka Contract dollar value: $30,000 Contract dollar value: $3 , 00 Dates for term of contract: Ongoing Bates for term of contract: Ongoing Duration of the Relationship: Since 2/26/2008 Duration of the Relationship: Since 2/16/1999 Services Provided: Lobbying Services Provided: Lobbying Results: $5 e 125 million for a force mainResults: Secured $2.1 m in infrastructure pipeline rehabilitation and a bus facility. funding. Robert Pushkin, Assistant City Manager Mr. Kelvin Baker, City Manager 1700 Kennedy Causeway, #132 780 Fisherman Street, 4th Floor North Bay Village, FL 33141 O a-Locka, FL 33054 (305) 756-7171 (3 5) 3-2 21 Deval L Florida Crystals Contract dollar value: $60,000 Contract dollar value: $60,000 Dates for term of contract: Ongoing ates for term of contract: Ongoing Duration of the Relationship: Since 31/ /2013 Duration of the Relationship: Since 6/2 /2013 Services Provided: Lobbying Services Provided: Lobbying Results: Successfully advocated for prolonging Results: Successfully advocated for inclusion their rational loan servicing contract, of Everglades Restoration projects in the Water Resources Development Act re-authorization. DeborahGarcia- ratacos, President 230 Leesburg Pike, Suite 708 Gaston C a to s, Vice President °Tysons Comer, VA 22182 1 N. Clematis St., Suite 200, West Palm Beach, Phone: 703. 62.1879 FL 33401; (561) 6 -5125 ............................ .................--......................................... Intuit Signal Above Contract dollar value: $90,000 Contract dollar value: $36,000 Dates for to of contract: Ongoing Dates for to of contract: Ongoing Duration of the Relationship: Since 12/1/2010 Duration of the Relationship: Since 10/2013 Services Provided: Lobbying Services Provided: Lobbying Results: Successfully inserted report language Results: Currently working on report language in the Financial Services Appropriation bill regarding low power television broadcasters regarding Return Free program, and the spectrum auction. Anthony Bedell, Corporate Affairs Mike Gravino 7535 Torrey Santa Fe Road 8280 Greensboro Drive, Vh Floor San Diego, CA 92129 McLean, VA 22102 Phone:202.484.1494 Phone: 703-761-5000 Palm each County Palantir Technologies Contract dollar value: $36,000 Contract dollar value: $75,000 Dates for to of contract: Ongoing Dates for to of contract: Ongoing Duration of the Relationship: Since 7/19/2011 Duration of the Relationship: Since 5/4/2011 Services Provided: Lobbying Services Provided: Lobbying Results: Successfully advocated for the delay in Results: Obtained Congressional Member the implementation of the FEMA flood maps support to remove contracting obstacle, for the flood insurance program. Todd Bonlarron, Public Affairs Director Lori Baylor, Contract Administrator 301 N. Olive Avenue 100 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 300 West Palm each, FL 33401 Palo Alto, CA 94301 (561) 355-3451 Phone:650.473,915 8 1� ! i! pip ii 11,11 gi ;ii 11 'gl 11; NEI= Secure Wrap of Miami, Inc, Hi-G-Tek Contract dollar value: $12,000 Contract dollar value: $7,500 Dates for term of contract: Ongoing ates for term of contract: Ongoing Duration of the Relationship: Since 2/27/2004 Duration of the Relationship: Since Jane 2012 ServicesProvided: Lobbying Services Provided: Lobbying Results: Successfully inserted legislative Results: Introduced capabilities to language in the TSB re-authorization bill Congressional members and staff. dealing with vendor security enhancements. Elio Oliva Enrique Ramos, CEO 1445 Research Blvd., Suite 150 4050 NW 29th Street Rockville, MD 20850 Miami, FL 33142 Phone: 1- 17-24 Phone: 3 5. 2.3150 Town of Davie STS International Contract dollar value: $40,000 Contract dollar value: $84,000 Dates for term of contract: tangoing bates for term of contract: Ongoing Duration of the Relationship: Since 5/1/2013 Duration of the Relationship: Since /1,2012 Services Provided: Lobbying Services Provided: Lobbying Results- Currently working on a F MA appealResults: Secured $25 in DOD procurement regarding Hurricane Wilma reimbursements. authorization. Richard L,e ac , Town Administrator 651 Grange Drive Ted Morgan, CEO & President Davie, FL 33314 204 Sand Mine Road, PO Box 10 (954) 7 7-1030 Berkeley Springs, WV 25411 Phone: 301.320.3798 i The Brady Campaign ai to Prevent Gun Florida Yacht Brokers Association Violence Contract dollar value; $30,000 Contract dollar value: $48,000 Dates for term of contract: Ongoing Dates for term of contract; Ongoing uration of theRelationship: Since January Duration of the relationship Since November 2014 2013 Services Provided° Lobbying Services Provided; Lobbying Results: Currently working on establishing a Results: Secured S 1.5 million for public health new central listing bond for foreign vessels° d safety campaigns Bob Zarchen Daniel Gross 1550 SEA 1 th Ave 840 First Street,NE, Suite 400 Fort Lauderdale, FL 3331 Washington, LAC 2.0002 (9 4) 22-9270 22-289- 78 ... ..... .. m . Names, titles, qualifications of all key personnel. Resumes oLKeZPersonnel Amanda Wood, Senior,Government Affairs Consultant w Lead Federal Lobbyist for Monroe County Georgetown University, B.S., Foreign Service Experience; Amanda Wood is registered as a federal lobbyist representing municipal, corporate and nonprofit clients on matters related to transportation, "." economic development, natural resources, law enforcement, and social services in Washington, DC. She joined Becker & Poliako f in 2013 and began her lobbying career in 2005. She previously served as Legislative Director to Senator Bob Graham, where she was responsible for developing and implementing the Senator's legislative agenda and strategy. While serving as the Senator's chief advisor on federal appropriations, also Wood worked closely with representatives :from Florida cities, counties, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and state agencies to advocate for federal funding for projects ranging from transportation infrastructure improvements to water quality and flood protection, tourism, i i economic development and cultural projects, Amanda also worked as a legislative assistant for the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida. As a. Senior Government Relations Consultant at Becker & Poliakoff`, Amanda's primary focus is assisting clients with federal funding needs. Her experience as senior legislative staff on Capitol Hill provides the skills to represent clients on matters ranging from post-hurricane FEMA policy changes to Everglades preservation. The percentage of time spent for each client varies depending on the legislative schedule and priorities of each client, Significant Client Accomplishments: • U.S. Highway 331 and the Choctawhatchee Bay Bridge are the only routes in Walton County for residents from the southern portion of Walton County to travel to the northern. portion. Amanda Wood assisted therm in securing 332,5010 in federal transportation funding to support additional design, right of way and construction to provide enhancements to this route in order to allow for additional capacity for evacuation purposes and regional economic development. This represented the first federal investment in this project and has since resulted in a re-prioritization of this project by Florida DOT and an expedited construction timetable. • Since the explosion and fire on BP's I eepwater Horizon in the summer of 2010, Amanda Wood has been working on behalf of Collier County and (gulf County to support legislation to compensate impacted counties and restore habitat, The RESTORE Act became law in the summer of 2012 and holds the parties responsible for the Gulf oil disaster accountable for restoring the Gulf. By investing fines owed by BP and the other parties responsible for the Gulf oil spill into the Gulf region, the RESTORE Act will provide significant financial resources to both Counties. Precise funding levels will not be determined until Ernes are levied against BP under the Clean Water Act, which is expected to occur very soon, • Over a period of three fiscal years, Amanda Wood assisted Collier County in securing 2.1 million in federal funding for transportation infrastructure to support improvements to two key interchanges on. I-75 at Everglades Boulevard and CollierBoulevard/SR 84. These improvements were critically needed to provide access to a route for safe evacuations from storms and fires as significant growth continues in Collier County. In addition, for private sector clients, Amanda trains their sales teams to communicate effectively with their local government clients and helps therm identify and pursue funds for local government acquisition needs. She provides strategic advice to sales teams and guides clients and prospects through the funding process, including review of grant applications, She achieves ® a i success through direct communication with sales targets and research regarding community- specific federal funding opportunities, Amanda is a longtime board member and former President of the Florida State Society, an organization that brings together Floridians who live and work. in Washington, D.C,, and served as Co-chair of the 2013 Florida Inaugural Ball Committee. She also serves as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Latin American Youth Center in Washington, DC. Jose A. Bermudez, Senior Government Relations Consultant Local Co-Liaison with Monroe County and Federal Team Miami Dade Community College Experience; � Jose A. Bermudez is a local goverment relations professional in the firm's Government Law & Lobbying team. He joined the firm in 2014 when he began his lobbying career" He is a Senior Government Relations Consultant in our Coral Gables office. Jose most recently served as Special Assistant to Governor Rick Scott for the South Florida region. Jose served as liaison of the Governor's office to state agencies, and the governor in all local governments and intergovernmental agencies Prior to Joining the office of the Governor, Jose served as Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Miami Beach, where he oversaw one of the most ambitious capital improvement programs in the ity's history, This program o "Planned Progress" rebuilt streets, upgraded infrastructure such as drainage systems and water limes, renovated and rebuilt many City assets and built new facilities for parrs and entertainment venues. Jose has also had the pleasure to serve in the White House Advance office under President George W. Bush and oversaw several international missions. Jose K. Fuentes, Senior Government Relations Consultant Local Co-Liaison with Monroe County and Federal Team t. Thomas University Experience: Jose Fuentes is a native Floridian with a strong network of contacts and over 25 years of experience working in the government and political arenas. He ri is a local government relations professional who represents local municipalities, other public bodies and private sector clients in environmental, infrastructure and water resources primarily at the state and local levels, He joined Becker& Poliakoff in 2013 and began his lobbying career in 1991. e previously served as Managing Partner of The Fuentes & Rodriguez Consulting Group. He is well-known in political circles as a leading provider of strategic lobbying, and business development solutions in Florida, In the past, Mr. Fuentes served as Regional Director of Miami-Dade County's South Florida Water Management District, Director of Hispanic affairs for the Cuban American Legislators from Miami-Dade County, Legislative fide for Rep. Rudy Garcia, Director of the Office of the Speaker of the Florida House, Assistant to U.S. Senator Connie Mack, Government Liaison to the Board of County Commissioners. Mr, Fuentes is corr mitred to public service as proven through his community, civic and volunteer work. Most recently, he was appointed by Governor Rick Scott to the Board of "Trustees of Miami-Dade College, the largest and most diverse college in the nation.. He was also asked to serge as Chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce where he has played a key role in engaging the Chamber to support the High Speed Rail construction program. Currently, Mr. Fuentes is a board member of the City of Miami Waterfront advisory Board, City Year Miami and St. Thomas University. He is a member of the Mayor's International Council and serves on the Executive Committee of the Miami-Dade County Republican Party. Mr. Fuentes is past Chairman of both United Home Care Services and the Miami-Dade County Asian American Advisory Board. Mr. Fuentes has been honored by the Diabetes association with the "Valor Award" for community service, and the South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce with the "Annual Sunshine Award" as Public Official of the Year. He is included in Who's Who of Asian Americans and has been featured in numerous occasions in. The Miami.�"ea°crlc1 for his devotion to community service and for his pride in his Cuban/Japanese Heritage. He was a finalist for the Price Waterhouse Up& Comers Award Omar Franco Senior Government Relations Consultant Member, Monroe County Federal Lobbying Team Florida State University r; a Experience: Mr. Franco is registered as a federal lobbyist representing municipal, corporate and nonprofit clients on matters related to transportation, economic development, natural resources, technology, and social services in Washington, DC. He joined Becker & Poliakoff in 2011 and began his lobbying career in 1999. He is the Managing Director of the Washington D.C. office. He was named one of thenation's most powerful Hispanic lobbyists by Latino magazine. He serves on the Board of Directors for the American League of Lobbyists (ALL) where he completed the ALL's Lobbying Certificate Program (L P). O mar`s client base includes Florida Yacht Brokers association, Hi-G-Tek, Intuit, Florida Crystals, Algenol Bioffiels, Secure Wrap, Signal Above, Leval LL , i-G-Tek, Palm Beach County, FL, and the municipalities of Davie, Delray Beach, Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens, and North Bay Village, FL, among others. The percentage of time spent for each client varies depending on the legislative calendar and priorities of each client. r. Franco began federal lobbying in 1999 when he became Director of Governmental Relations for the University of Miami's School of Medicine. In 2001, University of Miami President Donna Shalala promoted him to Assistant Vice President of Goverrunental Relations where he represented the university at both the federal and state levels of government and primarily worked on appropriations and health care issues. In 2002, he was named Chief of Staff for Congressman Mario Diaz4Balart ( -FL). Omar held this position for over four years, managing the Congressman's Washington D.C. and district operations and closely counseling the Congressman in his areas of expertise which include federal appropriations, health care, transportation, higher education and issues dealing with Hispanics and the state of Florida. During his tenure, Clrnar assisted in founding the Congressional Hispanic Conference and the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute. Active in Hispanic political organizations, he serves as the President of the Hispanic Lobbyist Association (HLA) after having served on the Board of Directors for five years. Omar also serves on the Corporate ,advisory Board of the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (C HLI). Fie is a member of the Republican National Hispanic Association anal the Latino Executive Advisory Panel for the Hispanic Leadership Network. In addition, he is the federal lobbyist for the Friends oft e National lmrluseurrn of the American Latino, He was awarded a U.S. Speaker and Specialist grant by the U.S. Department of tate's Bureau of International Information Programs to participate in a program on the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections and the U.S. Electoral Process in Chile and Paraguay. Clarence Williams Government Relations Consultant Member, Monroe County Federal Lobbying Team Florida State University Experience: Mr, Williams is registered as a federal lobbyist representing municipal, corporate and nonprofit clients on matters related to education, defense, health care, technology, and social services in Washington, DC, Ile joined Becker olia off in 2011 and began his lobbying career in ZOOS. He is a former Chief of 'Staff for Congressman Kendrick B. Meek of Florida; he served as the Congressman's chief policy advisor d strategist on all issues before the U.S. House of Representatives. He directly managed the Congressman's portfolio of issues relating to the Committees on Ways and Means, Anned Services, Homeland Security, and Budget. Since leaving Capitol Hill, Mr. Williams advocates on behalf of a broad range of clients and topics, including Palm Beach County, the Cities of Opa. L,ocka and Miami Gardens, the Town of Davie, Florida Memorial University, Bethune-Cookman University, Palantir Technologies, STS International Inc., Intuit, Hi G Tek, DEVAL Inc., and Meridian Partners, among ethers. The percentage of time spent for each client varies depending on the legislative calendar and priorities of each client. Among several accomplishments on his clients' behalf, he was able to; Aid Florida, Memorial in obtaining 12 million in capital funds from the Department of Education; Orchestrate the release of over $l million in sequestered grant funds for a capital project in Opa Locka while simultaneously negotiating funds from the State Devolving Fund totaling just under I million for a related project in Opa Lockag • Mork with the Department of Transportation's FAA to maintain the operation of the Executive Airport in Opa Locka in the face of widespread contract tower closing. Opa Locka was one of only 24 airports to remain open of the original 177 slated for closing; Secure a 25 million authorization in the National Defense Authorization Act for client, STS International Inc, On Capitol Hill, he specialized in issues involving health care, armed services, taxation, alternative enemy, local government issues, and domestic and international trade. He is uniquely qualified in issues relating to health care reform, having logged well over 100 hours in briefings, consultation, and collaboration on legislative language with Ways and Means and House leadership staff on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Additionally, he was actively involved in the passage of several pieces of tax policy, including a delay of a 3% tax withholding requirement for most procurement by local governments. As primary liaison for Mr. Meek to appropriations staff, Clarence shepherded nearly 53 million directly to South Florida. local governments, nearly $20 million to educational entities, and over $13 million to South Florida hospitals and community centers. As well, he negotiated with Heath and Human Services (I- HS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to advance payments totaling. 12 million to Jackson Health Systems to help avoid shut down of this important institution. Activities and Memberships III American League of Lobbyists Congressional Chiefs of Staff Alumni Association Department of Defense Top Secret Security Clearance i Education Florida State University, B.A. Helena Ramirez Government Relations Consultant Member, Monroe County Federal Lobbying Team F �`1 Florida International University Experience: Nis. Ramirez is a Government Relations Consultant with Becker & Poliakoff s Government Law and Lobbying Team in the Washington, D.C. office, Helena works closely with firm clients to advance their interests at the Federal level d monitors legislative and regulatory issues that impact their various industries. Prier to Becker & Poliakoff, Helena worked for the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute in Washington, D.C. where her focus was to help the organization reach the multitude for the advancement of the Hispanic community. She managed programs directed at leadership development, congressional outreach, and international outreach. Helena helped with the 2012 Republican National Convention, assisting with first ever Hispanic digital outreach strategy with Digital Communications and Specialty Media teams. She is fluent in Spanish. Helena sits on the Cabinet of College Leadership Florida, a highly selective program through Leadership Florida. that helps Florida's most talented collegiate leaders prepare for careers in the public and private sectors using their knowledge, leadership skills, and newly created statewide connections to benefit Florida. Helena seared as a University Trustee for Florida International University, representing over 42,000 students at the nation's lamest Hispanic serving institution of higher learning. She played an important role in allocating a $12.3 million budget for student services, 4, Unique Characteristics of Becker & Poliakoff'sFederal Lobbying Team Dike many Washington DC lobbying teams, we have: 1) Excellent relationships with key congressional members and staff, as well as federal agency officials who are in positions to wide funding levels and program decisions. ) A proven track record of success on behalf of many clients in Washington, DC. 3) Many long term lobbying clients who have renewed our contract multiple times despite changes in leadership in the City or County i • r and difficult budget years including moratoriums on federal funding and earmarks. However, what truly sets our lobbying team apart is our local/federal lobbying model which provides these unique characteristics: 1) A local presence in South Florida and an intimate knowledge of Monroe County priority issues; 2) An ability to participate year-round in Monroe County meetings and site visits; 3} An experienced team of Floridians who are Federal lobbyists with hyper focus on South Florida issues based on their history of working for Florida, Members on many of Monroe ounty's highest priority issues, Our local liaisons, Jose Fuentes and Jose Bermudez will participate in Monroe County meetings d activities to provide guidance to our Federal Lobbying team year round. In addition, our Federal lobbying team members visit Florida regularly and will be available to tour key sites and participate in meetings as requested. a Describe the fir 's success in representing county/local government issues at the federal level. Name of Client: Walton County, Florida Mature of Issue: Evacuation Route Funding Outcome of the Lobbying Efforts: Funding Success Key Professionals; Amanda good, managed and implemented U.S. Highway 331 and the Choctawhatchee Bay Bridge are the only routes in Walton County for residents from the southern portion of Walton County to travel to the northern portion. Amanda Wood assisted therm in securing $332,500 in federal transportation funding to support additional design, right of way and construction to provide enhancements to this route in order to allow for additional capacity for evacuation purposes and regional economic development. This represented the first federal investment in this project and has since resulted in a re-prioritization of this project by Florida DOT and an expedited construction timetable, Name ofClient: Gulf County, Florida Nature ofIssue: Coil Spill Impact Funding Outcome of the Lobbying Efforts. Legislative/Funding Legislative/Funding Success Ivey Professionals: Amanda Wood, managed and implemented Since the explosion and fire on P's Deepwater Horizon its the summer of 2010, .Amanda Wood worked on behalf of Collier County and Gulf County to support legislation to compensate impacted counties and restore habitat. The RESTORE Act became law in the summer of 2012 d holds the parties responsible for the gulf oil disaster accountable for restoring the Gulf. By investing fines owed by BP and the other parties responsible for the gulf oil spill into the gulf region, the RESTORE Act will provide significant financial resources to both Counties. Precise funding levels will not be determined until fines are levied against BP under the Clean Water Act, which is expected to occur very soon. Name of Client: Collier County, Florida. Mature of Issue: Transportation Infrastructure Funding Outcome of the Lobbying Efforts: Funding Success Key Professionals; Amanda"Food, managed and implemented Over a period of three fiscal years, Amanda good assisted Collier County in securing $2.1. million in federal funding for transportation infrastructure to support improvements to two key interchanges on 1-75 at Everglades Boulevard and Collier Boulevard/SR 4. These improvements were critically needed to provide access to a route for safe evacuations from storms and fires as significant growth continues in Collier County. Name of Client: Palau Beach County, Florida, Nature of Issue: Policy Clarification Outcome of the Lobbying Efforts Ongoing Engagement with.Congress and HUD Key Professionals: Omar Franco, managed and implemented e have been asked to seek clarification from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) concerning their interpretation of the Fair Housing Amendments Act regarding sober houses, While there has been. a°joint statement put out but both the Department ment of Justice and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the County feels there is an urgent need..........., to clarify the Fair Housing Amendments Act by the HUD Department and its application to sober homes. Since, the County feels that the courts have applied the Act inconsistently, a great burden has been placed on local governments because of an oven concentration of sober homes in single-family residential communities. As a result of this inconsistent application, them is confusion regarding the rights and abilities of local goverrunents to apply their local regulations to these homes. With a lack of oversight of sober homes, there as been increasing abuse and exploitation of the residents. Therefore, a clarification from L! regarding what actions may be taken to protect the safety of the residents of these homes. Palm Beach County is also suggesting that HUD clarify its interpretation of the Act as it applies to Single Family Zoning Districts. One such clarification would be for HUD to provide a better definition of "currently using drugs or alcohol". Another clarification of the .act could be to provide that sober homes may be somewhat limited in single family zoning districts everywhere due to the more frequent turnover of a sober house dwelling unit as a result of the sober house resident's ability to quickly change status. HUD could also clarify the Act to provide for limitations of sober houses within single family zoning districts by providing an allotted percentage of sober houses to non-sober houses within each single family zoning district or by limiting therm by location (no closer than 500 feet from one other) in order to avoid overconcentration of sober houses. finally, HUD could provide clarification that sober houses must comply with the local zoning regulations pertaining to the number of unrelated persons allowed per dwelling unit and/or the number of allowed turnovers in occupancy of a dwelling unit without requiring that a reasonable accommodation must be granted for single family zoning districts only. This would allow someone with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling without fundamentally altering the zoning scheme of a single family zoning district. Name of Client: North Bay Village, FL Nature of Issued Funding Outcome of the Lobbying Efforts; Funding Success Ivey Professionals: Omar Franco, managed and implemented For forty-two years, wastewater from North Bay Village was pumped through the same pipe travelling,more than two miles to Miami Beach to be processed. This force main pipeline rested on the floor of Biscayne Bay and was exposed to hazards such as impacts from boats. Damage to the pipe was accelerated by corrosion and age. This pipeline had caused six spill accidents and was causing continued environmental damage and health risks to North Bay Village and all the surrounding communities. Team members began working with North Bay Village to see if federal funding would be available to begin work on this project. Working closely with Senator Bill Nelson and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's office, we resubmitted the appropriations request, After several years of work:, North Bay Village received notification that they had been awarded $4,655,012 to completely rehabilitate the existing 12,000 feet of 12winch force main that crosses the Biscayne Bay. I Name of Client: City of Opa Locka, Florida Mature of Issue: STAG Award Sequestration Outcome of the Lobbying Efforts: Funding Success Ivey Professionals: Clarence Williams, managed and implemented The City of Opa Locka applied for and received a STAG grant ward from the U.S. Environmental Protection agency for the overhaul of two sanitary lift stations. The award, however, was contingent upon approvals from four different agencies, During the process, the federal government shut down, causing all grants in the process to be either postponed or canceled outright. Unfortunately, the two lift stations completely failed, which required immediate action, Working with a Member of Congress and Federal and regional EPA. representatives, we were able to have the approval requirements waived for the City. The next hurdle involved acquisition of the funds - approximately $1.2 million - during a period where all awards were put on "hold" while Congress and White Douse dueled over funding issues, Mr. Williams arranged meetings with the State devolving Fund officials in coordination with EPA, officials to provide the City with SRF funds while they awaited the release of the federal award. In working through this coordinated effort, the City of Opa Locka not only received over $ 0 ,000 from the SIB", but was allowed to keep and use the funds regardless of whether they received the federal funds. We further succeeded in moving the release of their STAG grant. In all, the City received approximately $2.1 million for the infrastructure projects. Name of Client: City of Opa Locka, Florida Mature of Issue: Opa Locka Executive Airport Tower Closing Outcome of the Lobbying Efforts: Executive fiction Success Key Professionals: Clarence Williams, managed and implemented In March of 2013, the FAA announced it would close 165 control towers run by FAA contractors because of mandatory budget cuts known as the sequester. The towers, at mostly small airports with fewer than 150,000 takeoffs and landings a year, included Opa Locka Executive Airport. The airport is responsible for nearly S100 million in direct economic impact and over 2,400 jobs in the area. We were able to use connections at the FAA to immediately make the City°s case regarding the economic impact, air safety, and disaster response implications of closing this airport- that its tower should remain open. Coordinating support from the entire South Florida delegation, we were successful in Opa Locka airport being one of only 24 regional airports of the original 165 to remain open and operational. k Name of Client: City of Miami Gardens, Florida Nature of Issue: COPS Grant Outcome of the Lobbying Efforts: Funding Success Key Professionals: Clarence Williams, managed and implemented The City of Miami Gardens applied to the U.S. Department ofJustice for a Community Police Hiring Program grant to hire new officers, Prior to the application being made, we arranged a series of high-level meetings with officials at DOJ and within Congress to support the City's need for more police officers. Despite the agency's desire that the 2013 round be dedicated to putting more lava enforcement personnel in schools after the devastating Sandy Hook tragedy, we were able to convince them of the dare need for a greater law enforcement presence on the streets in Miami Gardens. The City was subsequently awarded $1,250,000 to hire ten new police officers. a Describe fir °s success at the federal level related to specific areas/issues of relevance toMonroe: A. Environment and Natural Resources Monroe County has been recognized as a community that strives to be responsible stewards of your resources and you have taken many steps in the areas of energy use reduction, water conservation, and resource recovery. As home to 32 federally threatened and endangered species and 9 nationally protected areas, including the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and the Everglades, we know that your natural resources are a great source of pride. As the County works to expand upon these efforts, we will seek partnerships with federal agencies to secure federal investment in county projects that have the ability to conserve natural resources while creating sustainable, responsible long-term economic develo rnent. We understand that the County has an interest in acquiring vacant, privately owned land containing suitable habitat for and known populations of federally-designated wildlife species as well as acquiring conservation lands that also serve as military buffer zones. Through her work as federal representative for the National Recreation and Park. Association, Amanda Wood has advocated for increased federal investments in land acquisition and stewardship, including full funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LW F), the largest federal funding vehicle for land acquisition. -laving identified such varied funding stream examples such as LW F, NO 's Coastal and Estuarine Lands Program, and the CDCs Community Transformation Grant, we are eager to advocate for the federal resources necessary to advance these projects for the County. Since the explosion and fire on P's Dee water Horizon in the summer of 2010, Amanda Wood worked on behalf of Collier County and Gulf County, Florida to support passage of the RESTORE RE Act, which aims to compensate impacted counties and restore habitat and achieved passage in the summer of 2012, By investing fines owed by BP and the other parties responsible for the Gulf oil spill into the Gulf region, the RESTORE Act will provide resources to Monroe County. The 15 non-disproportionately impacted counties like Monroe will receive funding based on a formula that considers the weighted average of the population of the county, the weighted average of the county per capita sales tax collections estimated for fiscal year 2012, and the weighted average distance from the Deepwater Horizon oil rig to each of the nearest and .farthest points of the shoreline. As you know, precise funding levels will not be determined until fines are levied against BP under the Clean dater Act, which is expected to occur very soon. We are eager to work with Monroe County staff to position the County for success in securing a portion of the 30 percent (up to $6.3 billion) to be distributed by a Federal-State Ecosystem Restoration council comprised of six federal members and five state members and the 30 percent (up to $6.3 billion) to pay for state proposals for environmental restoration and economic recovery work. We are prepared to work, with County staff to identify all opportunities, develop criteria and processes for project selection and assist with the draw down of these funds. As the Treasury Department moves toward publication of final implementing rules for the legislation, we will work with you to ensure that Congressional intent is preserved related to the formula by which non-disproportionately 'impacted counties life Monroe will receive their funds and will engage the delegation to ensure that there is proper oversight of the process, B. Water Quality The team at Becker & Pollakoff works regularly with Congress, federal water agencies, and our municipal clients to improve existing policies and enact new legislation to broaden access to federal funding grants and create :new financing sources to help deal with the complex water challenges of today and tomorrow, Note that this team will be led by Amanda Wood, the former Legislative Director for Senator Bob Graham of Florida, Amanda served on Senator Grah 's staff until his retirement in 2005 and worked cooperatively with staff throughout the delegation to advance and achieve passage of the Florida Keys Water (duality Improvement Act (PL 1 -554) to improve the quality of near shore waters within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary by creating a dedicated funding source the implementation and construction of wastewater and storm water master plans in the Keys. To date, this legislation has resulted in over $35,000,000 in federal investments in sewer infrastructure and we would lake to assist you in drawing down additional funding based on this authorization, Additionally, we understand that the County is interested in inclusion of unincorporated Monroe County"s water quality infrastructure projects in the authorization after the completion of funding for the current authorization, and we are prepared to assist with that as well. We have also worked on behalf of several Florida counties on similar projects, including authorizations through the Water Resources Development .Act, funding in a post-earmark era by working with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Corps Headquarters and Jacksonville offices, and facilitating Project Cooperation Agreements. We have secured and expanded federal authorizations and funding throughout. the Mate of Florida for projects to improve water quality, including in Collier and Charlotte County. Recently, through established relationships at both the federal and state Clean 'Water offices o the EPA. and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), we have shown success in garnering funds for local water projects outside of the sometimes stagnant legislative process. For client, the City of Opa Loc a, we worked with the Bureau! Chief for the State Revolving Fund program at EPA in tandem with the State Revolving Loan Fund Director for Florida DEP to coordinate the re rioritization of SR.F funds during the initial round of sequestration. In so doing, we obtained the support of the EPA. to get just over 1 million from DEP for a wastewater project the City was stalled on while awaiting a grant from the federal government. The EPA. farther allowed that the federal grant Opa Loca needed could be used for a second infrastructure project when the money was finally released to them, netting an additional $1.2 million for our client. It is also important to note that we are advocating for a provision currently pending in the Water Resources Development Act providing for a Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Authority ( 'I IA), which would allow access to love-cost, long-term financing for a variety of water resource-related projects by cities. The WIFIA proposals currently being considered in both the House and Senate would help substantially reduce the cost of financing water infrastructure projects, creating a benefit for many municipalities that will approach the equivalent of a grant equal to 20 percent of the total cost of a project. WIFI.A has gained support because it would allow lawmakers to leverage a relatively modest investment into significant new water infrastructure improvements, Every dollar appropriated would provide project sponsors with access to 15 in low-cost, long-term financing, all largely without scoring in the annual budget process. Specifically, 100 million appropriated for a WIFIA. program would support the construction of $1.5 billion or more in water infrastructure projects. In the federal budget process, an appropriation of$100 million to a WIFIA program would likely result in only i a 4 and 7 million charge against federal outlays, making it a cast-effective way for the federal government to provide much needed water infrastructure assistance to counties like N/Ionroe. C. Transportation A review of your long range transportation and economic development plans has provided us with a good sense of your commitment to improving the mobility of residents and visitors while supporting critical economic development in the County, Through highway and interchange infrastructure and enhanced transit, all of these goals can be met. One successful strategy that we have employed for other similar clients is to make sure that Monroe County is viewed by the federal agencies as a resource for information on which federal programs are working well and how changes in federal policies will affect therm. As we work to develop federal partnerships to support Monroe County's transportation and transit infrastructure needs, we will also look for opportunities to apply for and succeed in drawing down federal grants. In the most recent round, U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx announced that 52 transportation projects in 37 states will receive a total of approximately $474 million from 1.ISICT's Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) 2013 discretionary grant program. If submitted with the appropriate project, this program may be able to provide opportunities for federal partnerships in the County. Additionally, we can assist in the use of the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) credit assistance program to advance local projects. The program received a vast increase in funding in the AP-21 law from 122 million annually to 750 million in FY 1 . Because of the complexity of this program, we have developed relationships with key US DOT officials who can assist us as we consider the use of TIFIA for your projects. In Southwest Florida, over the course of four fiscal years Amanda 'food assisted Charlotte County, Florida in securing more than 5,000, 00 in federal funding for key local transportation corridors including the Englewood Interstate Connector, Burnt Stare Road, and US 41 Enhancements. Additionally, she worked with. Collier County to secure $2.1 million in federal funding for transportation infrastructure to support improvements to two key interchanges on I- 75 at Everglades Boulevard and Collier boulevard/SR 84. These improvements were critically needed to provide access to a route for safe evacuations from storrns and fires as significant growth continues in Collier County. Should needs exceed available public resources, the County will also have access to our Public Private Partnership practice team with attorneys and other professionals that have experience developing public private partnerships in order to assist government entities fill the void created when public demands exceed public available funds but can be met with private investment. Such partnerships are being developed all over Florida to meet a variety of public purposes. D. Health and Human Services A primary goal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (A A) is to significantly reduce the number of uninsured by providing a continuum of affordable coverage options through Medicaid and new Health Insurance Exchanges. In so doing, net savings can be achieved at the state and local levels, especially in states litre Florida, where the state requires counties to share in its match portion. While Florida Health Choices, the Florida Legislature's substitute for ACA in the wake of opting out of Medicaid expansion and its attendant 51 billion in funding, is up and running, the program has only one vendor as no major insurers have signed on. At the same time, the state had hoped that more Medicaid funding from the federal government might mute the impact of"tiering" as implemented in Florida law. In its November application to renew the Medicaid managed care program, Florida also requested an expansion of its S I billion "Low Income Poole" (LIP) program. Under that proposal, the money that helps provide health services to poor and uninsured Floridians would be combined with other Medicaid funding programs and increased to $4.5 billion annually. Unfortunately, the federal goverrunent told Florida on April I I'h that the status quo would remain in place for another year, The letter from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services outlined a one-year extension of the LIP fund and two other supplemental programs that together total about $2.2 billion. Florida, and by extension Monroe County, could achieve additional savings falling into three main categories: increased federal matching rates for current-law beneficiaries other than those covered through 1115 waivers or limited benefit programs; reduced state spending on non- Medicaid health care previously furnished to uninsured residents with incomes below 13 % of the federal poverty liner and additional revenue, including general revenue increases caused by the boost to state economic activity that would result from increased federal Medicaid dollars being spent within the state. Our goal would be to continue working with Congress to realize these savings either through a reversal of the state's position on Medicaid expansion or through an increase in funds related to the state's renewal of its managed care program. Any savings realized would likely benefit Monroe County in the form of reduced matching requirements. i E. Federal agencies such as FEMA, Army Corps of Engineers, and EPA e understand that the County water resource and flood protection needs that will require coordination with the TES Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Be assured that we have experience negotiating with federal agencies to find common ground and ensure that the County has the best possible outcome both with regards to the substantive debate and perception battle in the press and public. e have worked on behalf of several Florida counties projects with these agencies, including authorizations through the Water resources Development .Act, funding in a poste ark era by working with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Corps headquarters and Jacksonville offices, and facilitating Project Cooperation Agreements. In the unfortunate event that Monroe County experiences a windstorm event, our team has experience with first and second appeals of FEMA public works determinations including on. behalf of Florida counties post-Gustav and post,.Charlie and we are currently representing the Town of Davie on a first appeal with FERIA region IV, Unfortunately, FERIA often denies legitimate funding for public works reimbursements and experience. A solid strategy and tenacity are essential to success, along with engaging the delegation in support. As is necessary, we have significant experience partnering with the Florida Department of Emergency Management to advance these projects. Another example is our experience on military issues, Monroe County is asking the Navy to evaluate the baseline condition for existing operations at Naval Air Station in Key West, Specifically, the impacts associated with the A-I E/F Super Hornet were included in the FE1S baseline notwithstanding the fact that this aircraft was not properly evaluated in past environmental documentation. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon situation with regard to the Hornet and Super Hornet with similar complaints litigated in places like Coupeville, WA and Oceana in Virginia Beach, VA among a host of other locations. While the Navy is moving forward with new regiment of evaluations on the Super Hornet in particular, necessary pressure must be maintained to avoid a "wait out the clock" on the F/A 18 variants. These models are due to be replaced by 2018 with the F-35, which has a thrust ratio comparable with the Super Hornet. With our relationships to the Department of Defense through former service on the house Armed Services Committee, we can work with the Department of the Navy to find resolution on noise abatement features including training schedules, route and runway usage alterations and sound attenuation applications. It is important to note that if Congress authorizes another round of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAQ in 2017, which is the request of the administration in the March 4th release of the President's budget, a certain amount of balancing must be accomplished to avoid mission realignment that could cost Monroe County jobs. Of course, the Department also requested new BRAC rounds in 2013 and 2015, neither of which were acted upon by the Congress, Reaction in Congress in Marc from key federal legislators is that they are no more receptive to a C 2017, and it probably will not be enacted this year, however, as recently as the second week of April, the Department is still working the (falls of Congress to persuade themm otherwise. Other examples of current work with federal agencies include: Federal aviation Authority to seek a waiver for the closing of the Opa-Lora Executive Airport Tower. a Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) to seek a waver for the new Executive Director for the Hialeah Housing Authority; 0 Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) to seek the rebid of a national loan servicing contract; a Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) regarding clarification of their interpretation of the Fair Housing Amendments act regarding sober houses; 0 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regarding the E ®5 Immigrant Investor Program; ® Food & Drug Administration regarding the time frame for holding an imported product; ® Department of Education changed to their gainful employment rules for private for-profit colleges and universities; Internal Revenue Service and the implementation of the Free File program; a Department of Interior process for transferring private property into trust; 0 The Department of Defense on issues concerning logistics, IE 3 technology and securing their fuel fleet, o FAA. for the City of Oa-Locka; we represented the city in its fight to save the Opa ocka Executive Airport from an FAQ decision to close its control tower along with 17 other airports around the nation. We were successful in mounting a case and strategy that made Oa Locka one of only 24 airports to be spared from tower closure. F. Policy Initiatives While not specifically requested in the RFP, we have reviewed the County's federal agenda and included a section below on key policy issues for which we have a great deal of experience and creative ideas. We regularly advocate for policy positions on these topics and others: I Municipal Bonds Position: Protect Tax Exempt Status of Municipal Bonds Background: Municipal bond interest is and always has been exempt from federal tax,just as federal bonds are exempt from state and local taxes. However, in an effort to close the federal budget gap, some in Washington are targeting the tax exempt status of municipal bonds, which would increase the costs of borrowing for local governments, likely preventing many infrastructure projects from moving forward. according to the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, the exemption would cost the federal government $177.6 billion over five years; however repealing the status completely would have cost local governments 495 billion in interest expenses over the past decade. MPG ProRram Positron: Support increased in funding for the Emergency Management ement Performance Grants Background: This program provides funding for State and local jurisdictions to engage in comprehensive national and regional planning processes that seek to enhance emergency management d catastrophic capabilities through strengthened national and regional relationships and the allocation of resources toward all-hazards planning, including maintaining current hazard mitigation plans, Florida is a traditionally a major beneficiary of these funds. Stafford act/Debris Removal Position: Ensure clarity regarding the eligibility for reimbursement of local government expenditures for removal of debris from private property, including roadways in private or gated communities. Background: Generally, debris removal from private property following a disaster is the responsibility of the property owner. However, large-scale disasters may deposit enormous quantities of debris on private property over a large area resulting in widespread immediate threats to the public-at-large, In these cases, the State or local government may need to enter private property to remove debris to: eliminate immediate threats to life, public health, and safety; eliminate immediate threats of significant damage to improved property; or ensure economic recovery of the affected community to the benefit of the community-at-large. We seek to clarify the regulations and ensure reimbursement to local governments. Tr s orta.t�nor State Position. Support efforts in the upcoming highway bill reauthorization to increase Florida's share of federal highway spending. Background: Florida currently rates poorly in the LDS based upon the rate of return for federal highway funding, getting back only 920 on every dollar sent to Washington, DC and currently ranks second of those considered "historical donor states"m Florida has "donated" 2,570,000,000 to improve roads in other states since 1956. For every percent increase in Florida rate of return, the next 6-year highway bill would provide an additional $199,439,450 to improve Florida's roads, bridges and highway safety Prooertv Assessed Clean Energy PACE Position.: Support legislation that would require that federal regulators and mortgage leaders treat PACE assessments like others and underwrite mortgages with PACE assessments allow property ._ owners to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy projects for their homes and commercial buildings. Background; Through PACE financing, interested property owners' opt-in to receive financing for improvements that is repaid through an assessment on their property tastes for rap to 20 years. PACE financing spreads the cost of energy improvements such as weather scaling, insulation, enemy efficient boilers and cooling systems, new windows, and solar installations over the expected life of the measures and allows for the repayment obligation to transfer automatically to the next property owner if the property is sold, Online Travel and Tourism Taxation Position: Prevent passage of legislation that would exempt online tourism bookers from paying appropriate sales tastes to state and local governments, Background: Currently, online travel companies such as Travelocity and Fscpedia pay state and local occupancy taxes on guestrooms based on the wholesale rate they pay for the room, not on the retail rate the west pays for the room. Because hotels pay these same taxes based on the higher retail rate the west pays, state and local municipalities collect less tax on a rooms booked through an CFTC than they collect on a room booked through a hotel directly. National Infrastructure Loan .Bank Position: Support legislative initiatives that would increase local government access to government-backed low interest loans and private capital for priorities including transportation d water infrastructure. Background: Several Members of Congress have proposed the creations of an "infrastructure bank," which would 'be run by the government but would pool tax dollars with private investment. This may be considered in the context of the upcoming transportation reauthorization bill. bl) 0 0 m (U r. ir 0 00 03 tj Q) fu LA -0 I-. t: 0 C) rz > :a S Ef > V) C) ca 1;4 v M 0 0 t > >1 u (on 0 C4 0 C 4- 0 �2 t t) r- 0 M W Q) 4� cn 0 m o 0 r— di tq3 0 � ad th C 0 0 > 0't lu W CU rz " (A 0 —w w L) U cu w UCR Ad U c) "a co U > kfj 0 V2 a qj 44 to r- rf) > o wl 4) tD > v 7J Q) o (u 7S 0 Q> v clj o > cri Ll tZ tn 0 b In �.h— ca 0 a cn C) E td 0 qj r CD Z . U 0 —to 0 0 C o C) 5 ca CL 0 (n to >V, CSC 0 u Q 0 cz 0 t 9 i—1 q) ao cu >; cm > X1 L) r'l to 0 0 = =cz cd Cd- — = - 0 0 0 (n 0 Q) Q 0 ens0 0 vi a M Cd d) CD 0 0 tZ4- = v Ln EL 0 Q) di w v — — —n ::s ca tD bb to tu �2 ed �o aj o -T-1 tb= m 0 0 0 > al > 0 0 U " 0D.— 0 0 U V) cu ca sz Tj U. Z 0 5, cc o ca Qj CU rA w E vi E -ts E" > > > Ci r. z u 2 0 = 0 -a > > s's E -E ou. U, as nabw z ou CA U aka r- 03 E tu >1 > C) Ono era C:) Co. 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