Meeting Date : 10-17-2014 Division: County Administrator
Bulk Item: Yes Department: AiW—Orts
Staff Contact Person/Phone#: Don DeGraw, 809-5200
--—------- ------............
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Joint Participation Agreement for Contract#ARK80 by and
between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and County of Monroe, for the Florida Keys
Marathon Airport eleven new hangars that will be designed on the southeast side of Runway 25 along Taxiway
A to replace the existing shade hangars which will be demolished therefore removing the Runway Protection
Zone (RPZ) obstruction. (I I bays within 2 buildings) aircraft hangars for the storage of aircraft that also
includes civil site improvements, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing improvements.
ITEM BACKGROUND: The FAA is requiring the Airport to remove 11 shade hangars from the RPZ on the
NE area of the airport at Marathon for safety reasons. The airport entered into a lease buyout agreement with
the tenants of the shade hangers and agreed to build 11 new enclosed hangars on the SE area of the airport. The
tenants agreed to provide the local match (up to 20% of$2.2 Million estimated project cost) and the project will
be funded with FDOT grant funds (80%). FDOT will provide additional funding for this project in FYI 6.
1-111-11-11-........... .. ......... ..........
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: October 19, 2011 ratification of FAA grant#3-12-0044-029-
.......... ............
APPROVED BY: County Attorney OMB/Purchasing Risk Management
DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required _...............
Contract #
Contract with'. FDOT Effective Date: 10-17-2014
Expiration Date: 12/31/2020
Contract Purpose/Description., Contract #ARK80 by and between the State of Florida Department of
Transportation and County of Monroe, for the Florida Keys Marathon Airport eleven new hangars that
will be designed on the southeast side of Runway 25 along Taxiway A to replace the existing shade
hangars which will be demolished therefore removing the Runway Protection Zone (RP ) obstruction,
Contract Manager: Don DeGraw # 5200 Airports - Stop # 5
(nairne) (Ext.) (Department/ Stop)
for BOCC meeting on. 10-17-201.4 Agenda Deadline: 9/30/2014
...........--.................................. .......................... -----------
................................................................................................................................................................................. ............ ..........
Total Dollar Value of Contract: $1,113,000.00 Current Year Portion: TBD
Budgeted? Yes Account Codes: Pending Grant Set Up
Grant: FDOT
Match: 20%
Estimated Ongoing Costs: For: .
_Snot included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities,janitorial,salaries, etc,)
......................................................... ....................
..........................—1-1—................ ................... .........................................................---- ..........
Date In Needed Re wer Date Out
Yes No
V� I
Airports Director /
------ /......... --- ..........
r on raw
Risk Management ............&
or a ent
g I(V/)
for 0
County Attorney 1-10
ou ty��
................................ ..............................................
................................................-,--,--,.............. ........................
.......................... ...................................
........... ......................- —-----
SVACE(�YFFq,011::OUA,0=f'AV::kTME0lilI OF flRAINSPORTATION 725-030-06
.... a......... ...... ..........
Ananciai Project Numbeqs): Fund: DPTO FLAiR Cate9ouy,: 0887119
(ateim-sagme�it-phose.�geqtK1rice) . ---............................................. ................................................................................
431,131-2-94-01 Function: 215 Objecl Code 750004
..........--1111111111111............ ................ ...................................................
Federal Nurnber� Org,Code: 55062020629
........................................... ............
................................................... .......................----.......... ................................ ......................
Contract Number:AIRK80 DUNS Number: . .
Vendor No.� F596000749053
. . .......® ................... .......
CIFDA Number: Agency DUNS Nurnber: CSFA Number, 55.004
CIFDA Title: FA Yftle�
............. ........................................................................................
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of
by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Florida,
hereinafter referred to as the Department,and County of Monroe
3491 S. Roosevelt Boulevard, Key West, FL® 33040
........................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................
hereinafter referred to as Agency. The Department and Agency agree that all terms of this Agreement will be completed
on or before 12/31/2020 and this Agreement will expire unless a time extension is provided
[if o accordance with Section 16.00.
W 11114 E, S S E T H
WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into said Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described,
and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction including
the implementation of an integrated and balanced transportation system and is authorized under
Florida Statutes, to enter into this Agreement.
NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants,promises and representations herein, the parties agree
as follows:
1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is
for the Florida Keys Marathon Airport eleven new hangars that will be designed on the southeast side of Runway 25
along Taxiway A to replace the existing shade hangars which will be demolished therefore removing the Runway
Protection Zone(RPZ)obstructions(11 bays within 2 buildings)aircraft hangars for the storage of aircraft that also
includes civil site improvements, rnechanical, electrical and plumbing Improvements.
and as further described In Exhibit(s) Ai B, C, and D attached hereto and by this reference made a part
hereof, hereinafter referred.
to as the project, fi and to provide Departmental nancial assistance to the Agency and state the
terms and ccnditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner In which the
project will be undertaken.and completed.
72 5 4).WJ6
Page 2 of 14
2.00 Accomplishment of the Project:
2.10 General Requirements: The Agency shall commence, and complete the project as described in Exhibit
"A"attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof this Agreement,with all pracficai diispatch, in a sourid,
economical, and efficient manner, and iri accordance with the provisions herein, and all applicable laws.
2.20 Pursuant to Federal, State, anid Local Law In the everit that any electiori, referendurn, approval, permit,
notice,or other proceeding or,authorization is requishe under applicable Ilaw to enable the Agency to enter into this
Agreement Or to Undertake the project hereunder, or to observe, assurne or carry out any of the provisions of the
Agreement,the Agency will initiate and consummate, as provided by taw,,all actions necA-,s ary with respect to any such
matters so requisite,
2.30 IFunds of the Agency: The Agency shall Wtiate and prosecute to completon all proceedings necessary
includlng federal aid requirements to enable the Agency to provide the necessary funds for cornp'letion of the project,
2.40 Submisslon of Proceedings, Contracts and Other Documents: The Agency shall submit to the
Departrnent such data, reports, records,contracts and other documents relating to the project as the Department may
require as listed In Exh'blt"C"attached hereto and by this reference made as part he-reof. "'rhe Department has the op'Itton to
require an activity report on a quartedy basis. The activity report will indude detalls of the progress of the project towards
3.00 Project,Cost- The total estimated cost of the project is$ 2-2-1-3,00-0- -0 ............. This amount
is based upon the estimate sum marized in Exhibit"B"attached hereto and by this reference rnade a part hereof this
Agreement, 'rhe Agency agrees to bear.r aill expenses in excess of the total estimated cost of the project and array deficits
4.00 Department Participation: The Department agrees to maximum participation, including contingencies,
inthr3project fire the airnokantof$ 1,100,000,00 m w
- as detailed in Exhibit"B",or In an amount equal to the
percentage(s)of total cost shown in ExhiUB"t" ,M-iichever is less.
4.10 Project Cost Eligibility -. Project costs eligible for State participation will be allowed only from the effective
date of this agreernent. It is understood that State parti0pation in eligibile project costs IS SUbjeCA to:
(a) Legislative approval of the Departi,nent's appropriation request in the adopted work prograrn year that the
project Is scheduled to be cornrnifted;
(b) Availability of funds as stated in Section 15,00 of this Agreement;Approval of all plans, specifications,
contracts or other obligating docurnents as required by the Department, and all other terms of this
(c) Department approval of costs in excess of the approved funding or alftributaNe to actons whioh have not
received the reqn.flired approval of the Depairtinent and all other tenTis of this Agreement,
(d) Department approval of the I,)ro*t scope and budget(Exhibits A&B)at the finie appropriation authority
becornes available,
4.20 Front End Funding -. Front end funding [:] is D>5 is riot appficable. If applicable, the Department
may initlafly pay'I00%of the total allowable incurred project COStS Lip to an apiount equal to its total share of participaboin
as shown in paragraph 4,00,
5.00 Project Budget avid Payment Provisions:
5.10"The Project Budget., Al project budget shall be prepared by the Agency and approved by the Department
The Agency shall maintahi said budget, carve out the project and shall incur obligations against project funds only in
conformity wiiih the latest approved budget for the project. No budget increase or,decrease shalt be effective unless it
complies with fund partldpation reqWrerrierits,established In Section 4.00 of this Agreerrient, or Amendinient thereto,and
is approved by the Department Comptroller,
Page 3&14
6.20 Payment Provisions: Unless otherwise allowed, payrnerit wfli begin in the year then project or project phase
is scheduled in the work program as of the date of the agreerneft, Flayrnentwill be made for acbjah costs incurred as of
the date,the Invoice is submitted Wth the final payrrient due upon receipt of a final invoice.
6.00 Accounting Records:
6.10 Establishment and Maintenance of Accounfling Records- The Agency shaH establish for the project, in
conformity wraith req*ernents established by Department's progr,am,guidelines/pr-ocedures and "Principles for State and
I oval r3overriments", separate accounts to be maintained within its existing accounting system or estadish independent
accounts. Such accounts are referred to herein coHectively as the "project acicourif", Records of costs Incurred under
terms of this Agireernent shdl be rnaintained in the project account and made availabie upon request to the Department
at all firries du 0ng the period of this Agreemerrt and for five (5) years affer final payment is rnade,, Copies of these
docurnents and records sli--4l be fumished to the Department upon request, Records of costs Incurred Include the
Agency's general accouriting records and the i"roject records, together with supporting documents and records, of the
Agency and ail sub-donsultants perforrr0ng work on the Proiect arid all other records of the Agency and sub-corisultants
considered necessary by the Department f6r a proper audit of costs. If array litigabon, claims, or audit is steed before the
expiration of the five (5)year period, the records shall be retained unfil all litigatipin, claims, or audit findings Involving the
records have been resolved.
6.30 Costs hicurred for the lProject; The Agency,shall charge to the project account Wi eligible cost.,,,,,,of the
project., Costs in excess of the latest approved budget or attributable to actions which have nor rec6ved the required
approval of the Department shafl not be considered eligible costs,
6.40 Documentation of Project Costs:Ali costs charged to the project, Including any approved services
contributed by the Agency or others, W-41 be supported by properly executed payrolls,firne records,, invoices,contracts, or
vouchers evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges,
6.50 Checks,Orders, and Vouchers:Any check or order drawn by the Agency with respect to any stew.,which is
or will be chargeable against the project account will be drawn only kn accordance with a properly signed voucher then on
file in the office of the Agency stadrig In proper detail the purpose for which such check or order Is drawn.All checks,
payrollls, invoices,contracts, vouchers,orders, or,other accouribng documents pertaining In Mwle or in part to the project
shall be clearly identified,readily accessible, and, to the extent feasUe,, kept separate and apart frown all other,such
6.6�O Audit Authority: In addition to the requirernents below, the Agency agrees to comply and cooperate wfth
any inspecNons,reviews,investigations,or audits deerned necessairy by the Department, Rorida's Chief Financial Officer
or Auditor General. The Agency shall iretrain sufficient records demonstrating its compflance with the terryis of this
Agreement for a period of five years frown the date the audit report is issued, and shall aHow the Department access to
such reGOT�ds and working papers upon request.The following requirements do riot limit the,authority of the Department to
conduct or arrarnge for the conduct of additional audits,or evaluatilans of state flnandal assistance or limit the authority of
any state agency Inspector general,the Audtor General,or any other state official.
The Agency shall complywith all audit and audIt reporUng requirements as specified In Exhibit'11)"attached hereto and by
this reference made a part hereof this Agreement.
6,61 Monitoring: In addition to reviews of audits conducted In accordance with OMB Circular A-1 33 as revised
and Section 215.97, Florida Statutes, (see"Audits"below), mor-ftoring procedures may hiclude, but not be limited to, on-
site visits by Department staff, I hnited scope audits as defined by OMB Circular A-1 33 as reAsed, and/or-Wier
procedures. The Agency agrees to comply and cooperate I`Wy wKh any rnonitaring procedures/processes deemed
appropriate by the Department. in the event the Department determines that a lirrifted scope audit of the Ageincy is
appropriate,the Agency agrees to comply with any additional instrucbons provided bly the Department staff to the Agency
regarding such audit. The Agency further agrees to comply and cooperate withn any inspections, reviews,investigations,
or audits deerned necessary by FDO f"s Office of Inspector General(01G)and Florida's Chief Financiall Officer(LIFO)or
AudItor General.
Pt9e 4 of 14
6.62 AUditw
Dart Federally Funded. if the Agency is a state, local govemment, or non--profit organizations as defined uri OINAB
Circuiar A-3,"d and a recipient of federal funds, the following annual audit criteria will apply.
1., In the event that the recipierli expends$500,000 or rnore in Federal awards In Its fiscal year, the recipleni rylust
1-mve a single or prograrn--specific audit conducted in accordmice with the provisions of OIAB Circufar A-1 33, as revised,
Exhibit"D"to this agireernent Indicates Federal resources awarded through the Department by this agreernent. In
determinirlg the Federal awards expanded in its fiscal year, the recipient shall consider all sources of Federal awards,
Including Federai resources received from the Department. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended
should be in accordance with the guidelines established by OMB Circular A-1 33, as revised, Ari'audit of the recipient
condUcted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisiorm OMB Circular A-133, as revised,will meet the
requirements of this part.
2. In connection with the audit requirernenits addressed in Part I, Paragraph 1,the recipient shall fulflil the
requiveirnents relative to auditee responsibliffies as provided in Subpart C of OMB Circular A-133.
3. If the recipient expends(less than the arnount in Part I, Paragraph 1,, an audit conducted in accordance with the
provisions of OIOB Circular A-1 33, is not required, Ifffie recipient elects to,conduct such an audit,the cost of the audit
must be,paid from resources obtained frorh other than Federal entities,
4. Federal awards are to be identified usirig the Catalog of Federal Dornesfic Assistance(CFDA)tide and number,
award nurniter and year, and narne of the awarding federal agency.
Part 19 State Funde& if the Agency is a non-state entity as defined by Section 215,97(2yrn), Florida Statutes, and
a recipient of state funds,the following aninuall audit criteria will apply:
1, In the event that tine recipient expends a total amount of statefinandal assistance equall to or in excess of
$500,,000 in any fiscal year, the recipient miust have a State single or project-specific audit for such fiscW year in
accordance with Section 21 5.97, Florida Statutes;appUcatfle rUes of the Department of Financial Services and the CIFO;
and Chapters 10,550(local governmental entities)or, 10,650(nonprofit srnd for-profit organizations), Rules of the Aluditor
GernerW. ExI,-iiWt"D"to this agreerrient indicates state financial assIstance awarded through the Department by this
agreement, In determining the state financial assistance expended in Its fiscal year, the recipWrlt shall consider all sources
of state finarcial assIstance, including state financial assistance received frorn the Department, other state agencies, and
other non--state entities. State financial assistance does not include Federal direct or pass-through awards and resources
received by a r*in-state entity for Federal program matching requirements,
2. Ir connectlon with the audit requirements addressed In Part H, Paragraph 1., the recipient shall ensure that the
audit complies with the requirements of Sectiori 215.97(8), Florida Statutes. This includes submission of a financial
reporting pa:age as defined by So i cUon 215.97(2)(e), Florida Statutes, and Chapter 10,550(local governrnentai entities)
or 10.650 (n3nprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General.
3, If 9-ie recipient expends less than the amount In Part 11, Paragraph I., such audit is not required. If the recipient
elects to conduct such an audit, the cost of the audit rnust be paid frorn the recipient's resources oblaln6d from non--state
4� State awards are to be Identified using the Catalog of State Financial Assistance(CSFA)title and number,
award number and year-, and name of the state agency awarding it.
Part III Other Audit Requirements
1. The Agency shall follow-up and take corrective action on audit findings. Preparation of a surnmary schedule of
prier'year audit findings,including corrective action and current status of the siudit findings is required. Current year audit
findings requ're corrective actior-D and status of findings.
Pa_w 5 d b4
2. Records related to ii n vesolved audit findings,appeals, or litigation shall be retained until ffie action is completed
or the dispute is resolved. Access to project records and audit work papers shall be given to the Department, the
Department Comptroller,and ffie Auditor General, This section does riot limit the authority of the Department to conduct or
arrange for the conduct of additional audlts or evaluatlons of state financial assistance or limilt the authority of any other
state official.
Part IV Report Submission
I Copies of reporting packages for audits conducted in accordance with OILS Circular A-1 33 as revised, and required
by Section 7,62 Part l of this agreement shall be submitted,when required by Section .32G(d), QMB Circular A-133
as revised,by or on behalf of the recipient directly to each of the following:
A, The Department at the following address:
Florida Department of Transportation
Office of Comptroller, MS 24
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee,Florida 32399-0405
Erna[L FDOI-SirigleAudit@dot,state,
B "rhe number of copies requlred by Sections .320(d)(1)and(2), OMB Circular A.-.1 33 as revised, submitted to the
fol,owing address
Federal Audit Clearinghouse
Bureau of the Census
1201 East 110th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132
C Other Federal agencies and pass-through entities In accordance Wth Sections .320(e)and(f), OMS Circuiar
A-133 as revised.
2. fin� the event that a copy of the reporting package for an audit required by Secflon 7.62 Part I of this Agreement and
conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-1 33 as revised is not required to be submitted to the Department for
reasons pursuant to section .320(e)(2), OMB CircularA-133 as revised, the recipient shall subrnitthle required
written notification pursuant to Section .320 (e)(2)and a copy of the recipient's audited schedule of expenditures of
Federal awards directly to each of the fo➢lowlng:
Florida Department of Transportation
Office of Comptroller, MS 24
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0,405
Ern6l.- FDo"rs
in additon, pursuant to Section .320(f), OMB Circular A-1 33 as revised, the recipient shall submit a copy of the
reporting package described in Section .320(c), OMB CircuWrA-133 as revised,and any managernent letters(issued
by the auditor, to the Department at the following address:
Florida Department of Transportation
Office of Comptroller, MS 24
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-jO405
Email; FD CAT Sin9leA edit @dot,state,fi-us
3. Copies of financial reporting packages required by Section 7.62 Part li of tfils Agreement shad be submitted by or on
behalf of the recipient directly to each of the following:
X The Department at the following address.
Florida Department of Transportation
Office of Comptroller, MS 24
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0405
Email. f`
B. The Auditor General's Office at the following address:
Auditor General's Office
Room 401, Pepper Building
111 West Madison Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1450
Page as d f4
4, Copies of reports or the management letter reqUired by Section 7.62 Part 1, 1 of ibis Agreement shali be submitted by
or an behalf of the recipient directly to:
A. The Department at the following address:
Florida Depailment of Transportail on
Office of Comptrailer, MS 24
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-01405
Ernall: FD0TSingIeAudi(
5, Any reports, management letter, or other informatIon required to be submitted to the Deparlment pursuant to this
Agreement shall he submitted timely in accordancewith OMB CircuiarA-133 as revised,Section 215.97, Florida
Statutes,and Chapter 10,550 (iocal governmental enfifies)or 10,650(nonprofft and for-profit organizations), Niies of
ttie Auditor General, as applicable.
6. Recipients, when submitting financial reporting packages to the Department for audits done in accordance wiffi OMB
Circular A-1 33 as revised or Chapters 10.550(local governmental entities)or 10.650(nonprofit and for-profit
organizations), Rul!es of file Auditor General,should Indicate the date that flee reporting package was delivered to the
Agency In correspondence accompanying the reporting package.
6.63 Record Retention: The Agency shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terrns of
this Agreement for as period of at least five years frorn the date the audH report is Issued,and shall allow the Department,
or its designee, the CFO or Auditor General access to such records upon request. The Agency shWI ensure that the
Independent audit working papers are made available to the Department,or Its designee,the CFO, or Auditor General
upon request for a period of at least five years frorn the date the audit report is Issued, unless extended in writing by the.
6.64 her Requirements. If an audit disdoses any significant audit findings related to any award, includirig
material noncompliance with indiVidual project compqanre requirements or reportable conditions In lirdernal controls of the
Agency, the Agency shall submit as part of the audit package to the Department a plan for correcbve action to eliminate
such a'udit findings or a statement describing the reasons that corrective action is not necessary. The Age
ncy shall take
timely and appropriate corrective action to any audit findings, recommendations, and corrective action plans,
6,651insuraace: Exiecutlon of this Joint Participation Agreement conititutes a certification that the 'Agency has
and will maintain the abillryto repair or,replace any project equipment or facilities in the event of loss or damage due to
any accident Or COSUalty for the useful life of such equipmerit or facHities, In the event of the loss of sachi equipment or
facilities,the Agency shall eiffier replace the equipment or facilities or relmbuirse,the Departrrwnt to the extent of its
interest Ilan the lost equiprnent or facility. 'The IDepartment may waive or modify this section as appropdate.
7.00 Requisitions and Payments:
7.10 Action by the Agency. In order to obtain any Department funds,the Agency shall file w4h the Department
ol"Transportation,District Six Pubfic;Transportation Office 1000 NW 111 th Ave, Miami FL,
33172 its raiui�Iion on an form or forms Prescribed a n—d—any other-data._-p_-_e-ri—aining to------
the project account(as defined In Paragraph 6.10 fiereof)to justify and support the payment requisitions.
711 'The Age incy shall provide the foiloW ing qua ntifiable, irnessu rable and verifiable units of de I iverab les as
esta,blished iin Exhibit"A". Each deliverable must specify the requirc.-A minlmurn level`of seivice to be performed and the
criteria for evaivating successtiul completion.
7.12 Invoices for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted In detail
sufficient for a ,pauper pre-audit and post-audit thereof, based on the quantifiable, measurable and verifiable units of
deliveraWes as establishied in Exhibit"'A". Dellverabies must be received and accepted In writing by the Department's
Project Manager,prior to payments.
7,1 Supporting documentation must estabfish that Me deliverables were received wid accepted in writing by the
Department and that the required mininlurn level of service to be performed based of the criteria for evaluating successU
coinpietion as specified In Section 2,00 and Exhibit"A"Ihas been met,
Page 7 of 4
7.14 invoices for any travel expenses by the Agency shall be subnii tied i r t accordain ce Wth Chapter 112.061,
F.S., and shall be suNnitted on the Department's Traveir-orin No.300-000-01. 1"he Depailaient rinay r,.,istaWish nates
iower than the nrtaAri provided hr#Chapter 112,061,RS.
7.15 IFor real property acquired,submit;
(a) the date the Agency acquired the real property,
(b) a statement by the Agency certifying that the Agency has acquired said real property, and
actual consideration paid for real property.
(0) a statement by the Agency certifying that die appraisal and acquisition of the real property
tagether with any attendarit relocation Of OCCU113ants wis accomplished in compliance With all
federal Ilaws, rules and procedures required by any federal oversight agency, and with all state
laws, rules and procedures that may apply to the Agency acquld!ng the real property,
710 The Department's Obligations., Subject to other provisions hereof, the Departrnent will hor-lor such
requisitions h-i amounts and at firines deer ned by the Departil-nent to The proper to ensure the carrying out of the project
and 1paymenit of the eligible costs. However, notwithstanding army other,,. provision of this Agreement, the If epartirneril
ninay elect by notice in writing not to make a payment on the project lE
7.21 Misrepresentation: 'rhe Agency shall have rnade misrepresentation of a miatedai nature in its application,
or any supplement thereto or amendment thereof, or in air with respect to any document or data h3rriished therewlth or
pursuant hereto;
7.22 Litigation: There Is then pending litigation wRi"i.respect to the performance by the Agency of any of its duties
or obligations which may jeopardize or adversely affect the project,the Agreerrient,or payments to 0le project;
7.23 Approval by Department:The Agency shalll have taken any action pertaining to the project which, under
this agreernent, requires the approval of the Department or has made related expenditures or incurred related
obligations without f-mving been advlsed by the Department that same are approved-,
7.24 Conflict of interests:Tli has been arty vk)lIatlon of the conffict of interest provislons contained herd- ril-
7.25 DefauW The Agency has been determined by the Department to be in default under any of the
provisions of the Arjireement„ or
' .2 IFederanl Participatioin(If Applicable),Any federal agency providing feciendii financiai assistance to the
project suspends or terminates federal financial asslstance to the project. In the event of suspension or termination of
federal financial assistance, the Agency Wil reirriL.5luirse Vim Department for,911 disallowed costs, including any and all
federal finarcW assistance as detaRed in ExhibR 1B."
7A IMsWlowed Costs, In deterrnining the amount of the payment, the Department will excludie all projects
costs incurred by the Agerwy ii to the effecOve date of*fls Agreernent, after the exii date of Oils Agreement,
costs which,are not provided for in the Ilatest approved scope arld budget for the project,costs attributable to goods or
sentices received under a contract or other ariranqernents which have not been approved by then Department,and costs
unvoiced pricer to recelpt.of annual notification of fund avallabilfty,
7,40 Payment Offset: If, after project complleflon,any claim is rnade by the Department resulting from an audift,
or for work o services performed pursuant to this agreement, the Departrrient may offset such miiourut frorn payments
due for work or services done under any pubUc transportation joint participation agireement which It has with the Agency
owing such amount ff, i demand, payrnent of the arnount is not made within sixty (60)days tcn the Depaitrirlent.
Offsetting arnounts shall not be considered a breach of contract by the IDelmrtmernt.
8.00 Termination or Suspension of Project:
8.10 Termination or Suspension Generally- if the Agency abandons or, before compietion,fiii discontinues
the project;or if® by reason of any of file events or condifiDins set forth in Sections 7,21 to 7.26 inclusive, or for any other
reason, the cornmencement, prosecution, or timely corriplefion of the project by the Agency is rendered improbable,
infeasibie, imposdble, or illegai, lthe Department will, by written notice to the Agency, suspend any or all of Its
obligations under this Agreement until such dirne as the event or condition resuitling in such susWisiion has ceased or
been corrected,or the Deparbnent ii terrl4mte any oil-all of Ks oNgatlons urider tNs Agreement.
Nge a of 14
811 AictionSubsequem-itto Notice off'TerfninationorSuspensiofi. Upon receipt of any finai ternn nation or
suspension notice under this paragraph, the Agency shall proceed promptly to carry out the actions reciOred therein
wHch may[nck,ide any or aH of the following: (1)necessary action to termlinate or suspend, as the case may be, project
activities and contracts and such other action as may im reqWred or desirable to lve,,ep to the rninrnurn the costs upon the
basis of which the financing is to be cornputedn (2)fumlsh as statement of the project activities arid contracts, and other
undertakings the cost of which are other "se indudable as project costs;and(3)rprinft to the Depaitment SUCh portion of
the financing and any advmice payment previously rec6ved as is determined by the Department to be due under the
provWorrs of the Agreement The terrnnation or suspension shall be carried out in conformity with the latest schedule,
plan, and budget as approved by ffie Department or upon the lbasis of terms and conditions Imposed by the Department
upon the faRurre of the Agencylo furnish the schedule,plan, and budget Within a reasonable fime.The approval of a
remittance by the Agency or the closing out offederd flnancialparticlpaflon in the proJect shall not constitute a walverof
any cWrn which the Departmerit may"otherwise have arising out of this Agreement.
8.12 The Department reserves the right to unHaterally cancel this Agreement for refusal by the contractor
or Agency to allow pulAc access to all docurnents, papers, letters,or other rnaterial subject to the provWons of Chapter
119, FS, and made or received In conjunadon with this Agreement,
9.00 Audit and Inspection. Ttte Agency shall permit,and shall require its contlractors to permit,the
Department's authori7ed representatives to inspect all work, imat.erials, payrdlls, recordsiand to audit the books, records
and accourits pertaining to the firondrig and development of the project.
10,00 Contracts of the Agency;
10,10 Third Party Agreernents: rhe Department specifically reserves the right to review and approve any and
alit third 1party contracts with respect to the Project before the Agency executes or obligates Itself in any ramammrier requiriing
Oiie dis6ursement of Department funds,including consultant, purchase of commadities contracts or amendments thereto,
if the Department chooses to review and approve third party contracts for this ProJect and the Ageirrcy falls to obtain Such
approval, that shall be suffildent cause for nonpayrnent by the Department as provided In Sectlon 7.23. The Department
specifically reserves unto itself the iight to review the qualifications of any consultant,or contractor and to approve or
6sapprove the employment of the same. if Federal Transit Admlnlsti°ation (FTA)funds are used in the pirpiect,the
Department must exercise the right to third party contract review,
10.20 Procuirernent of Personal Property and Services:
10.21 Compliance with ConsuRants'Competitive Negotiation Act: It is understood and agreed by the parties
hereto thal parV6pstfon by the Department in a project with ari Agency,where said project involves a consultant(contract
for engineering, architecture or surveying services,is contingent on the Agency complying In Ul with provisions of
Chapter 287.055,1 F,S.,Consultants'Cornpefifivo Negotiation Act—At the discretion of the Department,the Agency will
lrivoIve qm Department In the Consultant Selection F"Irocess for all contracts. In M cases, the Agency's Attorney shall
certify to the Department that selection has been accomplished In cornpllance with Chapter 287,055, F.S,,the
Cori suftants'Cornpetifive Negotiation Act.
10.,22 Procurement of Commodities or Contractual Services'. It is understood and agreed by'the parties
hereto that participation by the Department iri as project with an Agency,wt ere said project lnvOves the Ipuurchase of
cornmodkies or contractual services or the purchas'prig off capitW equipment or the constructing and equippIng of faciNtles,
which includes englneeriirg,design,and/or construction acbvitfes, where purchases or costs exrAed#1e Threshold
Amount for CATEGORY 1"WO per Chapter 287.017 FS., is contlingent on the Agency complying in full with the provisions
of Chapter 287.057 F,S, the Agency's Attorney shall certify to the Department U,iat the purchase of cornmadifes or
contrackial services has been accornpflshed in compliance with Chapter 287.057 RS, fit,hall be the sole responslbflity of
the Agency to ensure that any obligations rnade In accordance w0s this Section comply Mh the current threshoW Ilirnitai.
Contracls, purchase orders, task orders, construcHon change orders,or any other agreement that would result In
exceeding the current budget contalned in lExhilUt"B", or that Is not consistent with the project description and scope of
services contalned in Exhibit"A"must Ibe approved by the Department prior to Agency execution, Failure to obtain such
approval, and SUbsequent execution of an amendryient to the Agreement V reqUred, shall be Sufficient cause for.
nonpayment by the Department as provided pn Section 7,23.
Page G of 14
10.30 Disadvantaged lBusiness Enterprise(DBE) Policy:
,10,31 DBE Polity- The contractor, sub recipient or subcontractor shell not discriminate on the basis of nice,
color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract,The contractor shall carry out applicable reqUirernents of
49 Cr-R part 26 in the award and adrninish'afion of DOT-assisted contracts, Failure by the contractor to carry out ME=
requirements is a mater'W breach of this contract,which may result in the terrnination of this contract or such other
remedy as the recipient deenis appropriate.
The recipient shall not discrinirMate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in ffie award and
performance of any DOT assisted contract or in the adirninist-'ation of its DBE prograrn or the requirernents of 49 Ci---R part
26, Thie recipient shafll take all neTessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR part 26 to ensure nondiscrlmInaflon in ttie
award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. The recipient's DIBE program, as required by 49 CFR part 26 and
as approved by DOT, is incorporated by reference lira this agreement. lmplerneiritation of this prograrn is a legal obligation
and faHure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this agreernent. Upon notification to the recipient of its
failure to carry out its approved program,the [)epartrnent may lmpose sanctions as provided for under part 26 and may,
in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S'X. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud CNH Remedies
Act of 1986(3,1 U.S.C.3801 et seq.)
10.40 The Agency agrees to report any reasonable cause notice of noncompliance based on 49 CFR Part 26 filed
under this sectoro to the Department wftNn 30 days of recR,pt by the Agency,
11.00 Restrictions, Prohibitions,Controis, and Labor Provisions:
11.10 Equal Ernplloyrnent Opportunity: In connection with the carrying out of any project,the Agency shall
not discriminate against any employee or applicant for em�ployrnent because of race, age,creed,color, sex or national
origin. The Agency Will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are.employed, and that employees are treated
during employment,without regard to their race,age, creed, color,sex, or national origin,Such action shall include, but
not be lknited to, the following- Employment upgrading,demotion, or transfer; recruitment or,recruitment advertising;
layoff or termination;rates of 1,,)ay or od-rer forms of compensation® and selection for training, including apprenticeship,
'rhe Agency shefll insert the foregoing provision rnociffied only to show the particular contractual relatlonship in all its
contracts lin connection Wth the development or operation of the project, except contracts for standard cornrnercial
supplies or raw materials, and shall require.ail such contractors to insert a similar provision in all subcontracts, except
subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or,raw materials.When the project involves installation, construction,
&molitlon, removai,site impravernent, or shnilar work,the Agency sl"Wl post, in conspicuous places available to
employees and applicants for employrnent for project work, notices to be provided by the Department setting forth the
provisions of the nondiscrimination clause.
11.20'Title VI-Civil Rights Act of 1964: Execution of this Joint Pardcipation Agreernent constitutes a
certification that the Agency will comply wiff'i all the requirements imposed by"rifle V�of the 00 Rights Act of 1964(42
U.S.C,2000d,et. seq.),'the Regulations of the Federal Department of Transportation issued thereunder, and the
assurance by the Agency pursuant 0--Aereto.
11.30 Title Vill-Civill Rights Act of.196& Execution of this Joint Participation Agreement constitutes a
certification that the Agency will comply with all the requk-ements irnposed by Title Vill of the Civil IRights Act of 1968,42
USC 3601,et seq.,which among other things, prohibits cl&rlminafion in employment on the basis of race, color, national
origin, creed, sex,and age.
,11.40 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(ADA): Execution of this Joint Participation Agreement
constitutes a certification that ti,-ie Agency will comply with all the requirements imposed by the A (42 U&C. 12102,eL
seq.), the reguiations of the federal government issued thereunder, and the assurance by the Agency purWarft thereto.
Page 10 of 14
11.50 Prohibited Interestw The Agency shaH not enter Woo contract or arrangerm-,-ml:in connectil"m with the
project or any property lncluded or planned to be Included in the project,with any officer,director or employee of the
Agency, or any bushnessentity of which the officer,director or ernploype or the officer's, director's or eirriployee's SPOUse
or child is air officer, partner, dlirector-, or proprietor or in which such officer, director or employees or the officers, director's
or winpioyee's spouse or child,or any cornbInation of thern, has a material interest.
"Material lritarest"rreans direct or indirect ownership of more than 5 percent of the total assets or capilali stock of any
business en:ity,.
The Agency shall not enter into any contract or arrangervient in connectIon Wth the project or any prol::)erty Included or,
planned to Ike 6ncluded in the project, with any person or entity who was represented before Hie Agency by any person
who at any trna during the hniryiadiatcfly precedlng two years was an officer, director or employee of the Agency.
Pie provW1cns of this subsection sl4l riot be appHcable to any agreement between the Agency and its fiscal
deposftories any agreement for Ufllfty services the rates for which are fixed or contraHed by the government, or any
agreerrient tetwee the Agency and an agency of state government,
11.60 Interest of Members of,or Delegates to,Congress. No mernber or delegate to the Congress of the
United States,or the State of Hodda legislature, shall be admitted to any share or part,of the Agreement or any benefit
arishng therafrorn,
12.00 Miscellaneous PirovWons:
12.10 Environmental Regulations: Execution of this Joint Parfidpation Agreeirrient Goinslitutes a certification by
theAgency that the proiect will be carried out 0'1 conformance with all applicaNe environmental regubtions inchiding the
securhig of any appHcaUle perrr*ts,The Agency w0l be solely responsible for any 1iiaUflty in the event of non-4mirnpliance
with appiicade environmental regulations, Including the securing of any applicable perimits,and will reirrihiii.irse the
Department for any loss inCUrred lirn ocinnection therewith.
12,20 Department Not Obligated to'Third Parties. The Department shaH not be obligated or liable hereunder
to any party other than the Agency.
12.30 When Rigi-As and Remedies Not Waived: In no event shah the making by the Department of any
payment to the Agency constitute or be constrUed as a waiver by the Departirrient of any breach of covenant or any
default which rimy Men eAst, on the part of the Agency,and the making of such payment by the Department while any
such breach .)r default shell exist shall hi no way irripair or prejudice any right or rernedy available to the Department with
reqpectlo SL4.11h breach or default,
12.40 How Agreement Is Affected by Provisions BWnq (Helld Invalid: if any provisbri of this Agreeirr-ient is
held invalld, ;he remainder of this Agreerrient stiall not be affected. In such an instance the ran-nainder would then
confirme to conform to the terrns and reqUirerrients of appHcabie law.
12.50 Bonus or Commission. By execution of the Agreement the Agency represents that it has riot paid and,
also, agrees not to pay, any bonus or cornimission for ftie imirpose of obtalnirig an approval of fits application fair the
finainc4ig hera%ii,,inder-,
12.60 State or Territorial Law: Nothing In the Agreement shall requIre the Agency to observe or enforce
compHarme with any provision thereof,perform any other act or do any other thing in contrava,-Aloin of any applicable State
lawn: Providec, that if any of the pirmAsions of the Agreement violate any applicable State law,the Agency will at once n1ofify
the Department in wrrifing in order that appropriate changes and modifications may be rriade by the Departrrient and the
Agei;icy to the end that the Agency may proceed as soon as p.ossit)le with the project.
1230 Use and Maintenance of ProJect IFacltities and Il qWpirinent.,'The Agency agrees that the project fa6flfies
and equipment will be used by the Agency to provide or support public transportation for the period of the usefUl fife of
sucl--n fadfltilec and equipmerit as deterrnined in accordance with general accounting principles and af,)proved by the
Department. The Agency further agrees to maintain the f.,)roject fadRies and eqkApment in good working order for the
useftfl fife,of said faclIfties or equlipment,
'M 030-06
Pay6 11 of 14
12.71 Property Rocw,ds: "Me Agency agrees to Maintairi property records, conduct physical iinveritodes and
develop contird systems as required by 49 GFR Part 18,when applicaMe.
12.80 Di%,-posW of Project Facilities or EEquipment: If the Agency disposes of any project facility or equipmerit
dt,,Hng its useful life for any PUrpose except its replacemeirmt with like facility or equipment for plubilc transportation use, the
Agency will comply with the terryis of 49 CFR Part 18 reWing to P11"Operty managernent standards. The Agency agrees to
remit to the Department a proportional arnount of the proceeds frorn the disposal of the facility or equipment. Said
propoilionar amount shaH be deterTO,md on the basis,of the ratio of the Department finanding of the fadifty or,equiprnpnt
as provided lirm this Agreement,
12.90 Contractual Indemnity:To the extent provlded by law,the Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold
harmless the Department and all of its officers, agents,and ernployees from any clairn, (loss,darnage, cost,charge,or
expense arisling out of any act, error,orniission, or negligent act by the Agency, its agents,or ernployees, duiring the
performa,nce of the Agreernent, except that neither the Agency, its agents, or Its employees will The fiable under Hiis
paragraph for any ciakn, lass, daimiage,cost, charge, or expense ansing out of any act,error, wWsslon,or negligent aci
by 9"ke Department or any of its officers,agents,or employees during the pefformance of the Agmement.
Wheri the Department receives a notice of cWrn for damages that may have been caused by tine Agency in die
performance of services required under this Agreement,the Department Mi irnmedW.ely forward the clairn to the
Agency. The Agency and the Depairlment gill evaluate the claim and report their findings to each other Wthlri fourteen
(14)working days and will jointly&cuss options in defending the claim,After reviewing the claim, the Department will
determine whether to requiire the participation of the Agency in the defense of the claim or to require that the Agency
defi-nd the Department in such d6m as described iin this section, The Department's failuire to prompfly notify the Agency
of a claim shall not act as a waiver of any right herein to require the participatilon M or defense of the claim by Agency.
The Departmernt and the Agency will each pay its own expenses for the evaluation,setflernent negotiations, arld trial,if
any. However,if oniy one party participates in the defense of the claim at trial,that party is responsible for,all expenses
at trial.
13.00 Plains and Specfflcatloinsu ln the event that this Agreement involves the purchasing of capital eqWprnent
or the const,k,mting and equipping of facilities, wheire plans,and spiedficaWns Ihave been developed, the Agency shall
provide an Engineerls Certification that certifies project compliance as listed below,or in ExNbit'C" if appficaisle, For
the plans,specifications,construction contract docurnerills, aind any and ad other engineering,constructon, and
contractual documents produced by the IEnigirmeelr, hereinafter collectiveiy referred to as'plans", the Agency will certify
a. AM plans comply with federal,state, and professionaii standards as well as minirnurn standards established
by the Department as applicable;
b. The plans were developed"urn accordance vAth sound engineering and design principles,and with generally
accepted professional standards;
c, lime plans are consistent with the intent of the project as defined in Exhibits"A"and W of this Agreement
as wefl as the S'Pcope of Services; and
d. The plans comp�y with all appfleable laws, ordinances,zoning and permitting requirements, public notice
requirements, and other similar regulations,
Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph,the Agency,upon reqUest lby the Department,shall provide plans
and specifications to the Department for review and approvals,
14.00 Proj6ct Completion,Agency Certification., 'The Agency will certify pin wrifing on or attached to the final
invoice, that,the project was completed in accordance with applicable plans and specifications, is in place on the Agency
facility,Utat adequate title is in the Agency and that the project is accepted by the Agency as suitable for the intended
15.00 Appropriation of Funds:
15.10 "'1 State of Flodda's performance arid o1bligation to pay undeir this Agreement!is contingent upon an
annual appropriation by the li egisiature,
Page 12 d 14
'15.,20 Muld.-Year Cornirrultri In the event this Agirpement is in excess of$25,010.0 and has a terra for a period
of more than one year, the provispons of Chapter 339.135(6)(a), F.S,, are hereby incorporate& "(a)The Department,
during any fiscal year, shall not expend money,incur any liability,or enter into any contract wMch,by lts tenns kivd1ves
the expendib,ire of money in excess of the amounts budgeted as avaiiabile for expenditure,during such fiscal year. Any
contract, verbal or written, made in vWaflon of this,-subsection is nuiI and void, and no rnoney may be paid on such
contract. The Department shafli require a statement from the comptroller of Oe Department that funds are, available prior
to entering into any such contract or other b�iinding commitment of funds, Nothing herein contakied shall prevent the
r-naking of contracts for periods exceeding 1 year, but any contract so Fnade shall be executory only for the value of the
seMces to The rendered or agreed to be paid for in succeeding fiscal years; ar-O this paragraph shall be 4-acorporaled
vert)atim lin afl contracts of the Department which are for an amount in excess of 25,000 dollars and which have a terrin foir
a period of more than I year,"
16.00 Exphrationi of Agreernent, The Agency agrees to complete the project on or before
12/31/2020 . If the Agency does not,coml1lete the project within this firne period, this Agreement
will expire unFes-s--a-n-e-xTe-n-s-ion--oMe time period is requested by the Agency and granted in writing by the
Secretary or Designee Explraffon of this Agreement will be considered teffninati
'66frep-ro-je-ct-a and the._
e- p r-o-c—e"d—ur-e""est,a"-b-lish-e"d un Section 8.00 of this Agreerner'd shaH be hiftlated.
16.10 FInM Invoice. -rr)e Agermy rnust submit the final invoice on t1i project to the Department within 120 days
after the expiration of this Agreement,
17.00 Agreement Format;AH words used herein in the slingiular form shall exlend to and include the plunal. A,li
words used in the pkiral form shall extend to and include ffie singular.All words used in any gender shall extend to and
include alp genders.
18.00 Execution of Agreement:This Agreement ii be sk'nultaineoudy executed in a minknum of two
COUnterparts, each of Which so executed shall be deerned to be an orlgh,ial, and such counterparts together shall
constitute one in the sanie instrument,
19.00 Restrictions on Lobbying:
19.10 Federal: The Agency agrees that no federal appropriated funds have lbeen paid or will be paid by oir on
baViialf of the Agency,to any person for influencing or attempting to influence any officer or employee of any federal
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or ernpNoyee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in
connection with the awarding of miy federal contract,the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan,the
entering Into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal,arnendirrient air rnodification of any
federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement.
if any funds other than federal appropriated'funds have been paid by the Agency to any persoiil for fnfluencing or
attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency,a Merriber of Congress,an officer or employee of
Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection Mh this Joint Parficipation Agreerneint, the
undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-U-L,'Visclosure Form to Report Lobbying,"iii accordance with
its instructions.
rhe Agency shall require,that the language of this section be included In the award documents f:or alll suilb-awards at all
Hem (hricluding subcontracts, sub-grants, and contracts under grants, loans and cooperative agreements)and that ail
sub-reciplients sl--Hall cerfify and disclose accordingly.
19.20 State-, No funds received pursuarit to this contract may be expended for lobbying the Legislature or a state
72$QYi 08
Rage 13 of 14
20.00 Vendors Rights:Vendors(in this document identified as Agency)providing goods and services to the
Departirnerit shoUd be aware of the following firne fraines. Upon receipt, the Depart-nent has five(5)woddng days to
inspect and approve the goods and services unless the bid specifications, purchase order or contract specifies Otherwise,
The Department has 20 days to deliver a request for payment(voucher)to the Department of Financial Services. The 20
days are mea&,,red firorn the lafter of the date the invoice is received or the goods or,services are received, inspected
and approved.
if a payment is not available wlthln 40 days after receipt of the Invoice and receipt„ inspection and approval of goods and
services,2 separate kiterost penalty in accordance with Section 215.422(3)(b), F.S. will be due and payable, In addition
to the ir'W&Ce OFT'lo'unt to the Agency.The interest penalty provision applies after a 35 day Urne period to health care
providers, as defined by rule, Interest penalties of less than one(1)dollar will not be enforced uWess the Agency
requests payrnent. which have to be returned to an Agency because of vendor preparation errors wili resuit in a
delay in the payment.The h'woice paymernt requirements do not start unfil a piropeirly completed invoice is provided'In the
A Windor Ornbudsman has been estabhshed within the Department of 1Rnancial 13ervlces.The dufles of this individUal
include acing as an advocate for Agencies who may be experiencing proWerns In obtaining firnely payrneint(s)frorn the
Departiment. 1 he Vendor 01imbudsmain may be contacted at(850)413-5516 or by calling the Division of Consurner
Services at 1-877-693-5236,
21,00 Public Entity Crime-, A person or of who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a
conviction-for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract toprovide any goods or services to a public entity,
rnay not suarnit a bid on a contract with a public er-RRy for tt-m construction or relpair of FA pubHc Ibuuilding or public work,
may not SUbmit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, rnay not be as or perform work as a contractor,
supplier, sL�bcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public;enfity, and may not transact business with any
pubflc entiti In excess of the threshold amouint provided in s. 287.017, F.S. for CA l EGORY TWO for a period of 36
months fTorn the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.
22.00 Discrimination,An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit
a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a pubHc entity, may not subrnit a bid on a contract with a public
entity for the construction or repair of a public building oar public work, may not submit bids oin leases of real property to a
PUNc entity,may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract
with any public entity,and may not transact business with any public entity.
23.00 E-Verify::
1. shall utifize the U.S, Department of Horneland Security's E Verify systern to verify the ernplcyrnent eligliAlty
of all new ernployees hired by the Vendor/Contractor during the term of the contract; and
Z shall expr essly reqLdire any subcontmactoirs perform4ig work or providing services pursuant to the state contract
to likeyAse utilze the U.,S, Department of HOMeWid Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment efigiblifty
of all new employees hired by the subcontractor during the contract ternn.
Page 14 of 94
N WTNEESS WFEREO F, the parties heretc,have caused these Iprasents be executed,the day and year first above written.
District Director of Transportation Development
See attached IEnnan.rnbrance Form lbr,dale of IFund ng
TITLE Approval 1:)y Comph-'oUer
Dale-, 77
TO: 'T629 D te.:f::IL u 30184362
Contract #ARK80 Contract Type: Method 0f Procurement:
Vendor ID: VF596000749053
Beginning date of this A t® 06/2 x/34
Ending cute of this A to 12/31/19
Action: ORIGINAL Funds have been: APPROVED
55 062020629 *PT *750004 3.100000000 *431 3129401 *215 �
2015 *55100100 *006719/15
0001 *00 * -0001/04
TOTAL AMOUNT. 11100a000„00
DATE: 08/26/2014
171NAINCIAL PROJECTNO, 43113129401
EXMBi'r. NW.
This exhibit forms an. intep P greement
al part of that certain Joint articipation A
between the State of Florida, Department of"Fransportation.and
Monroe County,Aizparts
Key West International Airport
3491 S. Roosevelt Boulevard
'Key W I est,]'L IY3040 the above Financial Project amber„
Monroe County Airports
Eleven new hangars will be designed on the southeast side of Runway 25 along Taxiway
A to replace the existing shade hangars which will be demolished therefore removing the
Runwa%p Protection Zone (RP-7) obstruction. (I bays within 2 buildings) aircraft harigars,
for the storage of aircraft that, also includes civil site improvements, mechanical,
electrical and plumbing improvements.
The audit report(s) required in paragraph 7.60 of the Agreement shall include a schedule
of project assistance that will reflect the Department's contract number, Financial Project
Number and the Federal Identification number, where applicable, and the amount of state
funding action (receipt and disbursement of funds) and any federal or local funding
action and the funding action from any other source with respect to the project,
coiq rRA(,.,T NO, ARK80
'Thit,z exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint llavticipation.Agreement bctween.
the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and
Monroe C(aunty.Airports
Key West International.Airport
3491. S, Roosevelt Boillevard
Key West, Fl,3 3 040
referenced by the above Financial ProJect'Number.
1. ESTIMATE PROJECT COST: $2,213,000.00
................... ...........
Maximum Federal Participation
Agency Participation
Cash or $1,113,000.00
Maximurn Department Participation,*
(DS)(DDR)(DlM)(P0RT) up to $1,100,000.00
Federal Reimbursable(DU)(FRA)(DFTA.)
Local Reimbursable(DL)
"It is the intent of the Department to reimburse flee.Agent 80% of the total non-federal share of
eligible project cost up to the Departments maximum participation amount",
This eyJiibit forms an integral part of the Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida.,Department of
Transportation and
Monroe Comity Airports
Key West International Airport
3491 S.Roosevelt Boulevard
Key West,FL 33040
1. Duration: 'rhe ternis,conditions,and assurances of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect
throughout die useful life of tine:facilities developed or equipment acquired for an airport development or noise
compatibility program.project,or throughout the useful life of the prqjcct items installed withina facility under,a
noise compatibility program prqject,but in any event not to exceed twenty(20)years from the date that the
Agreement is executed. However,there shall be no lirrhit on the duration of the assurances regarding Exclusive
Rights and Air-port Revenue so long as the airport is used as an airport.There shall be no limit on the duration of the
terms,coaditioxrs,and assurances with respect to real property acquired with state fiuids.
2. Obligation: The Agency shall honor these assurances for the duration of this Agreement, If the Agency takes
any action that is not consistent with these assurances,the full amount of this Agreement will immediately become
due and payable to the Florida Department of Transportation.
B.General Assurances
The Agency hereby assures that:
1. Good Title. It holds good title,satisfactory to the Department,to the landing area of the airport or site thereof,
or will give assurance satisfactory to dw Department that good title will be acquired.
2. Preserving Rights and Powers:
a. It will not take or permit any action which would operate to deprive it of any of the rights and powers
necessary to perforna any or all of the terms,conditions,and assurances in the Agreement without the
written approval of the Department,and will act promptly to acquire,extinguish or modify any outstanding
rights or claims of right of others which would interfere with such performance by the Agency.This shall
be done in a manner acceptable to the Department.
b°If an arrangement is made for management and operation of the airport by any agency or person other
than the Agency or an employee of the Agency,the Agency will reserve sufficient rights and authority to
ensure that the airport,will be operated and maintained according to applicable federal and state laws.,
regulations,and rules.
3. Hazard Removal&Mifigation: It will clear and protect terminal airspace required for instrument and visual
operations at,the airport(including established mininrurn flight altitudes)by removing,lowering,relocating,
markin,x,or fighting or otherwise mitigating existing airport hazards and by preventing the establishment or creation
of futwe airport ha7ands.
Joint Participation Agreement(JPA)Exhibit C
Page 1
4. Compatible Land Use: It will take appropriate action to ensure local govemment adoption of airport zoning
ordinances that comply with Chapter 333,F.S. The ordinances shall address height restrictions and other potential
aviation hazards and limitations on incompatible land uses in die vicinity of the airport. Thee vicinity of the airport
includes all areas that will be affected by normal aircraft operations and noise,
The Agency assures that it wilt take appropriate action to oppose and/or disapprove any attempted change in local
land use regulations that would adversely affect the continued level of airport operations by the creation or
expansicn of incompatible land use areas,The Agency assures that it will provide the Department with a copy of all
local airport zoning ordinances,codes,rules,regulations,arid amendments,including proposed.and granted
variances thereto.
5. ConsWency with Local Plans; It will take appropriate actions to have the current airport master plan adopted
into the hical goverument comprehensive plan at the earliest feasible opportunity,
6, Airport Layout Plan-
a. It will keep a layout plan of the airport up to date showing
(1)Boundaries of the airport and 0 proposed additiom,thereto,together with the boundaries of all
offsite areas owned or controlled by the Agency for airport purposes and proposed additions
(2)Location and nature of all existing and proposed airport facilities and structures(.such as
runways,taxiways,aprons,terminal buildings,hangars,and roads),including all proposed
extensions and reductions of existing airport facilities;and
(3)Location of alt existing and proposed non-aviation UTCaS and of all existing improvements
b. Such airport layout plans and each amendment,revision,or modification thereof,shall be subject to the
approval of the Departnient.The.Agcney will not make or permit any changes or alterations in the airport or
any of its facilities that are not in conformity with the airport.layout plan as approved'by the Department
and which might,in the opinion of the Department,adversely affect the safety,utility,or efficiency of the
7. Fee and Rental Structure: It will maintain a fee and rental structure for the facilities and services at the airport
which will make the airport as self-sustaining as possible under the circumstances existing at the particular airport
taking urto account such factors as the volurne of traffic and economy of collection. If this Agreement results in a
facility tha't,%rill be leased or otherwise produces revenue,the Agency assures that the revenue will be at fair market
value or higher,
8. Airport Revenue: That all revenue the airport will be expended for capital or operating costs of
the airport,the local airport system;or other local facilities which are owned or operated by the,owner or operator of'
the airport and-which are directly and substantially related to the actual air transportation of passengers or property,
or for envirownental.or noisernitigation purposes on or off the airport.
9. Financial Plaw It will develop and maintain a cost-feasible financial&n to accomplish the projects necessary
to achieve the proposed airport improvements depicted in the airport layout plan. The financial plan shdll be a part
of the ah-port master plan. The futancial plan.shaft realistically assess project phasing considering availability of
state funding and local ffinding and the I ikelihood of federal funding under the Federal Aviation Administration's
priority system. All project cost estimates contained in the financial plan shall be entered in the.loint Automated
Capital Improvement Program(JACIP)Online Web site. Thc JACTI-1 Online information shall be kept the
financial plan is updated.
Joint Participation Agreement(JPA)Exhibit C
Page 2
10.Operation&Maintenance: The airport and all facilities which are necessary to serve the aeronautical users of
the airport,shall be operated at all times in a safe and serviceable condition and in accordance with-the iniftimunt
standards as may,be required or prescribed by applicable federal and state agencies for maintenance and operation,
The Agency assures that it will not:cause or pe.rinit any activity or action thereon which would interfere with its use
for airport;purposes. Any proposal to temporarily,close the airport for.non-aer-onautical purposes must fit be
approved by the Department- The Agency will have arrangements for promptly notifying ainnen of any condition
affecting arrondutical use of the airport. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require that the
operated for aeronautical use during temporary periods when flooding or other climatic conditions interfere with
such operation and maintenance. Further,nothing herein,shall be construed as requiring the.maintenance,repair,
restoration,or rqplacemcrit of any structure or facility which is substantially dantaged or destroyed due to an act of
God or other condition or circumstance beyond the control of the Agency.
11. EcontradeNendiscrinduation. It will make the airport available as an airport.fbr public use on reasonable
terms and without unjust discrimination to all.types,kinds,and classes of aeronautical activities,including
comin.-rcial aeronautical activities offering set-vices to the public at the airport.
12. Exclusive Rights. it will permit no exclusive right for the,use of the airport by any person providing,or
inten&rig to provide,aeronautical services to the public,
13. Federal Funding Ellglbilftya It will take appropriate actions to maintain federal funding eligibility:for the
airport. Further,it will avoid any action that renders the airport ineligible for federal fundin&
14. Tta-mination of Agreement. It will make expenditures or incur obligations pertaining to this.Agreernent
within two years after the date of this Agreement or the Department of Trunsportation may terminate this
Agreement. 'The Agency may request a one-year extension of this two-year time period. The District Secretary
shall have approval authonity.
15. Retenhon of Itights and.111terests: It will not sell,lease,encumber,or otherwise transfer or dispose of any
part of its title or other interests in the property shown on ExWbit A to this application at',fbr u.noise cornpatibility
program project, that portion of the property upon which state furids have been expended,for the durution of the
terms,conditions,and assurances in the Agreement without approval by theDepartment.
16. Consultant,Contractor,Scope,and Cost Approvals It will grant the Department the right to disapprove the
Agency's employment of specific consultants,contractors, and subcontractors for all or any part of this project if the
specific consultants,contractors,or subcontractors Wtvc a record of poor project performatice with the DePartmcni.
Further, the Agency assures that it will grant the Department the right to disapprove the proposed prqject scope Eind
cost of prof.bssional services.
17.Airfield Access: The Agency will not grairt or allow casement or,access that opens onto or crosses the airport
ninways,taxiways,flight line,passenger facilities,or any area used for emergency equipment,figel,supplies,
passengers,mail and freight,radar,core nicatiom,utilities,and landing systenis,including but not limited to
flight cper-ations,ground services,emergency services,tenninal facilities,maintenance,repair,or storage.
18. PrRiect Development: All pr9ject related work will comply with federal,state,and professional standards;
applicable Federal Aviation Administration advisory circulars;and Florida Department of Tramsportation
requirements per chapter 14-60,Florida Administrative Code,Airport Licensing,Registration,Arldkr�pace
C.Planning Projects
If this.project involves plarming or other aviation studies,the Agency assures that it will:
1, Project Scope� Execute the project in accordance with the approved project narrative or with approved
2. Reports. Furnish the Department with such periodic project and work activity reports as required.
Joint Participation Agreement(JP )Exlriblf C
Page 3
311 312DO9
3, Public Information: Make such material available for examination by the public. No material prepared under
this Agreement shall,be subject to copyright in the United States or any other country.
4. Disclosure. Giiant the Department unrestricted authority to publish,disclose, distribute,and otherwise use any of'
the material prepared in connection.with this Agrepment,
5. Department G widelines. Comply with Departmeat,airport.r.nasler planning guidelines if the project involves
airport master planning or developing an airport layout phm. Tbis includes:
a.Providing copies,in electronic and editablc former,of final prcjcct materials to the Department. 'This
includes computer-aided draffing(CAD)files of the airport layout plan.
b.Developing a cost-feasible finaricial plan,approved by the Department,to accomplish the projects
described in the airport master plan or depicted in the airport layout plan. 'The cost-feasible financial plan
shall realistically assess project phasing considering availability,of state and local flairding and tine
likelihood of federal funding under the Federal Aviation Administration's priority sysient.
c. Entering all projects,contained in flee cost-feasible plan out to twenty years in the Joint Automated
Imp m Capital roveent Program(JACIP)database,
& No Implied Conwiitments: Understand and agree that Dep.rtme nt approval of this prqject Agreement or any
planning material developed as part of this Agreement does not constitute orimply any assurance or commitment on
the part of the Department to approve atty pending or future application for state aviationfunding.
D.Land Acquisition Projects
If this irojeu involves land purchase,the Agency assures that it vvill-
1. Applicable Laws: Acquire the land interest in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance mid Benin
PropenyAcquisition Policies Act of 1970;the National Environmental Policy of 1969;rAA Order 5100.37,A;RAA
Order 5050,4A,;chapters 73 and 74,F.S.,when propprty is acquired through condemnation-,and section 286,23,
2. Administration: Maintain direct control of project administration,including:
a.Maintaining responsibility for all contract letting and administrative procedures necessary for the
acquisition of the,land interests.
b. Securing written permission from the Department to execute each agreement with any drird party,
c..Furnishing a projected schedule of events and a cash flow projection within twenty(20)calendar days
after completion of the review appraisal.
d,Establishing a project account for purchase of land interests.
e,Collecting and disbursing,state,slid local project funds,
3. Loans. Comply with the following requirements if the funding conveyed by this Agrecarent is a loan for land
purcila-3e according to Chapter 332,F,S,:
a.'Thc Agency shall apply for a Federal Aviation Administratiou Airport Improvement Progrant grant for
the land purchase within 60 days of executing this Agreirrient.
b. if federal Rm&,-are received for the land purchase,the Agency shall notify,the Department by U'.&
Mail within 14 calendar days of receiving the federal funds and is responsible for reimbursing the
Joint Participation Agreement(JPA)Exhibit C
Page 4
Department-within 30 calendar days to achieve normal project federal, state,and local funding shares
as described in Chapter 332,R&
c, If federal.funds are not received fbr die land purchase,the Agency shall reimburse the Department to
achieve normal project state and local funding shares as described in Chapter 332,F.S.,widiin 30 calendar
days after the loan matures.
d. If federal funds are not received for the land purchase and the state funding share of the land purchase is
ieass than or equal to normal state and local finiding shares as described in Chapter 3322 F.S.,when the loan
matures,no reimbursement to the Department shall be required.
4. New Airports:
a. Protect ffie airport and related airspace by ensuring local governnicrit adoption of an airport zoning
ordinance or amending an e.6sting airport zoning ordinance,consistent with the provisions of Chapter 333,
F3,prior to the completion of the project.
b.Apply for foritral mid state funding to construct a paved nuiway,associated aircraft parking apron,and
connecting taxiway within one year of die date of land purcha se,
Complete an airport muster plan within two years of land purchase.
d.Complete construction necessary for basic airport operation within ton years of land purchase.
5. Use of Land. The Agency shall use the land for aviation purposes in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement within ten years after the acquisition date,
6. Dis"sal of land.For land purchased under an Agreement for airport noise compatibility or airport development
puipos,.s,disposition of such land will be subject to the retention or reservation of any interest or right,therein
necessary to ensure that such land will only be used for purposes which are compatible with noise levels associated
with o2eration of the airport.
E.Aviation.Canstruction Projects
If this DTOjMt inVOlVC8 construction,the Agenr;y assures that it will:
1. Certifications: Provide certifications that:
a.Consultant and contractor selcctiva couiply with all applicable federal,state and local.laws,rules,
regulations,and policies.
b,All design plans and specifications comply with federal,state,and professional standards and applicable
Federal Aviation Administration advisory circulars,
c.,'The project complies with all applicable building codes and other statutory requirements.
d.Completed construction,complies wid'i the project plans andspecificatioris. Such certification must
include an attestation from the Engineer that the project was completed per the approved project plans and
2. Design Development Criteria- 'The plans,specifications,construction contract docurnents:,and any and all
other similar engineering,construction,and contractual documents produced by Elie Engi ncer for the project is
hereinafter collectively referred to as"plans" in.this[-'xhibit.
Plarus shall be developed in accordance with sound engineering and design principles,and with generally accepted
proficsaional standard.,;.
Joint Participation Agreement(JPA)Exhibit C
Page 5
Plans shall be consistent with the intent of the project as defined in Exhibits"A"and"'B"of this Agreement.
The Engineer shall perform a thorough review of the requirements of the following standards and make a
detennination as to their applicability to this project. 'Plans produced for this project shall be developed in
compliance with the applicable requirements of these standards:
* Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and Advisory Circulars,
- Florida Department of Transportation requirements per chapter 14-60,Florida Administrative Code,.Airport
Licensing,Registration,AndAirspace Protection
% Florida Department Of Transportation Standard Specifications For Construction Of General Aviation Airports
* Manual Of Uniform Mininium,Standards For Design,Construction And Maintenance For Streets And
.Highways,commonly referred to as the Florida GTeenbook
e Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Development of the plans small comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,zoning and permitting requirements,
public notice requirements,and other similar regulations that apply to the scope and location of the project.
3. Construction Inspection&Approval:Provide and maintain competent technical supervision at the
construction site throughout the project to assure that the work conforms to the plans,specifications,and schedules
approx ed by the Department for the project.The Agency assures that it will allow the Department to inspect the
work. The I)epartment may require cost and progress reporting by the Agency.
4. PaNentent Preventative Maintenance.With respect to a project for the replacement or reconstruction of
pavement at the airport,implement an effective airport,pavement maintenance management program and the
Agency assures that it will use such program for the useful life of any pavement constructed,reconstructed,or
repaired with state financial assistance at the airport.
F. Noise Nutigation Projects
If this project involves noise mitigation,the Agency assures that it will:
1. Local Government Agreements: For all noise compatibility projects that arc carried out by another,unit of
local government or are on property owned by a unit of local government other than the Agency,enter into an
agreement with that go vernment.The agreement shall obligate the unit of local government to the same ternis,
conditons,and assurances that apply to the Agency,The agreement and changes thereto must be satisfactory to the
Departrnent,The Agency assures that it will take steps to enforce the agreement if there is substantial non..
compliance with the terms of the agreement.
2. Private Agreements- For noise compatibility projects to be,carried out on privately owned property,enter into
an agreement with the owner of that property to exclude future action-,against the airport The Agency assures that it
will take steps to enforce the agreement if there is substantial non-compliance with the terms of the agreement
Joint Participation Agreement(JPA)Exhibit C
Page 6
FEDERAL and/or STATE resources awarded to the recipient pursuant to this agreement should be listed below, If
the resources awarded to the recipient represent more than one Federal or State prograrn, provide the same
information for each program and the total resources awarded. Compliance Requirements applicable to each
Federal or State program s.1iouldalso be listed below. If the resources awarded to the recipient represent more than
one program,list applicable compliance requirements for each program in the same manner as shown here:
0 (e.g,,Eligibility requirements for recipients of the resources)
111P (Etc.,,)
NOTE- Instead of listing the specific compliance requirements as shown above, the State awarding agency may
elect to use language that requires the recipient to comply with the requirements of applicable provisions of specific
laws, rules,regulations, etc, Tbo State awarding agency, if practical,may want to attacb a copy of the specific law,
.rule,or regulation referred to.
Federal A engy 'Eat fpderal Domestic Assistancg,fN &,11tLq) Amount
Corggliance Requirements
State.A e�nc QatWalog_9f Fedcral Domestic Assistance'Number&Tille'
FDOT 55.004 Aviation Development Grants $1,100,000"00
C2=Lmnce Requirements
1,In d.-veloping audit procedures to test compliance with the requirements for a state project,the auditor should first
look to Part Two, Matrix of Compliance Requirements, to identify which of the 10 types of compliance
requirements described in Part Three of the Compliance Supplement are applicable and then look to Parts Three and
Four for the details of the requirements.
Activities Allowed
Airpor Planning
Airport planning Grants are to study options for airport development and operations.The Development funds airport
master plans,airport layout plan,(ALP),noise and environmental studies,economical impact,services development,
and airport promotion, Examples of projects are:
'-Master plans and ATM's;
-Master drainage plans;
-Environmental assessments(EA);
-Development of regional impact(DRI);
-Operations and emergency response plans-,
.-Federal Aviation Regulation's
s(FAR)Part 150 noise studies;
nv m,m-Eiucatal impact study(EIS)
-Wildlife hazard studies.,
-FeasiWity and site selection studies;
-Business plans;
-Airport management studies and training:
-Air services studies and related promotional materials.
(FDOT Aviation Grant Program Handbook)
These grants are to provide capital facilities and equipment for airports.Examples of projects are
capital improvement projects (runways, taxiways, aprons, T-hangers, fuel farms, maintenance hangers,
lighting,control towers,instrument approach aids,automatic weather observation stations);
-Land-side capital improvement project (ternunal building, parking lots and structures, road and other access.
-Presentation projects (overlays, crack scaling, marking, painting buildings, rooling buil,dings and other approved
-Safety equipment(including AARF firefighting equipment and lighted Xs)
-Safety projects (trees clearing, land contouring on overrun areas, and removing, lowering, moving and madding,
lighting hazards);
-Information technology equipment(used to inventory and plan airport facility needs);
.-Drainage improvement.
(FDOT Aviation Grant Program Handbook)
Land Acquisition
This grant program protects Florida's citizens from airport noise and protects airport clear zones and runway
approach areas from' encroachment. Administrative Cost, appraisals, legal fees, surveys, closing costs and
preliminary engineering fees are eligible cost.In the event the negotiation for a fair market value is unsuccessful,the
court will be petitioned for "an(kder of Taking' under the eminent domain laws of Florida. Exam Ales of projects
-Land acquisition(for land in an approved master plan or ALP);
-Mitigation land(or or off airport);
-Aviation easements;
-Right of way;
-Approach clear zones.
(171307 Aviation Grant program Handbook)
Airport Economic Development
This grant program is to encourage airport revenue.Examples of projects are°
-Any airport improvement and land purchase that will enhance econonric irnpactl-
-Building for lease;
-Industrial part infrastructure and buildings;
-General aviation terminals that will be 100 percent leased out;
-Industrial park marking progmms
(FDOT Aviation Grant Program Handbook)
AviaticnLand Acquisition Loan Program
The Department provides interest free loans, for 75 percent of the cost of airport land purchases for both commercial
service and general aviation airport&
This is a general description of''project types. A detail list of project types approved for these grant programs
found in tire Aviation Grant Program inania-al which can be accessed through the internet at
Commemial Senicc.Auports
When no federal funding is availal)le,the.Departinent provides ul,-)to 50 perccnt of the pr9ject cost.,(FDar.Aviation gnun Handbook and Section 332,.007(0)Florida Statutes)
General Aviation Airports
When no.federal funding is available,the Department provides up to 80 percent of the project cost.,F.DOT Aviation
Grant Program Handbook and Section 332.007(6)Florida Statutes)
Economic Development
nie DLTaftment provides up to 50 percent of airport economic development funds to build on-airport reverme-
producing capital improvements. 'rhis,program is for local niatch only,. FDOT Aviation Grant Program Handbook
and Section 332,,007(6)Florida Statutes)
airport Loans
The Department provides a 75 percent loan program to fund the Aviation.LarvJ Acquisition Louji Pro gran. FDOT
Aviation Grant.Program.Handbook.and Section 332.007(6)Florida Statutes)
Matching Resources for Federal FpMms
NOTE. Section.400(d)of ONM Circular A-133,as revised,and Section 215.97(5)(a),Florida Statutes,require
that the information about Federal Programs and State Projects included in this exhibit be provided to the