Item O5 r' BOARD OF COUNTY OUNT`i' COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY eet n. ate: C c to 1. t Di vision, Monroe Cron �C"C K1 sulk lte Yes X No Department: Finance l e t. Staff Contact Persona: Anianda C ,och aat,. Finance Director_Q05)-292-3560 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of FKAA invoices greater than $50,000 (to include salaries), relating to the Cudjoe Regional Wastewater System Project. i" ITEM BACKGROUND: To substantiate proper expenditures of County funds advanced to the FKAA pursuant to the terms of the Interlocal Agreement for the C"udjoe Regional Wastewater System, as amended, all related invoices and supporting documents shall be submitted by the FKAA. to the County Engineering Department for review and approval, and thereupon to the Clerk's Finance Department. As per County Ordinance and the Count 's own Purchasing Policies and Procedures,the BOCC shall retain final approval for all invoices/contracts which are$50,000 or greater. These invoices (as per attached) requiring BOCC approval total $2,07 ,48 . 4. PREVIOUS VIOUS RELEVANT B CSC: ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: : STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TAIL COST: N/A.w......._�_INI IRECT COST; -.Yes ...,.�_No.... DIFFERENTIAL OF'LOCAL PREF'ERENC�E COST TO COUNTY: $2,07 ,488. 4,, SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Att _. OMB/ urehas n . Risk Management Required,___ i DOCUMENTATION: Included �_ of lc� re DISPOSITION � w ,M_ AGENDA ITEM Monroe County Interlocal Agreement FKAA Invoices Cudjoe Regional WW project Inv.No. Inv.Date FKAA'vendor Amt.Requested Allowable 287-C 8/22/2014 Layne Heavy $1,972,647.86 $1,972,647.86 302-C 8/30/2014 Ch2MHill $99,840.48 $99,840.48 TOTAL $2,072,488.34 $2,072,488.34