Meeting Date: October 17,2014 Division: QunW Lkcimnistrator
Bulk Item: Yes X No _„ Department:Administration
Staff Contact Person/Phone##:Kevin Madok
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Contract Renewal for Public Financial Management(PFM)which shall
run from October 16,2014 to October 15,2015.This is a professional service contract to provide financial
planning,policy development,services related to debt transactions and other financial services.
ITEM BACKGROUND: This company has provided financial services to the county for several years.The county
has been very happy with their services. This is a professional services contract which Is does not require a
competitive bid, however,this contract renewal will allow for continuity of that service until October 2015, at
which time the county will do a competitive bid procedure In order to gauge the market.
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: PFM has worked with the county since 1986. In 2004 the county
completed a competitive bid process and awarded the contract to PFM. Since then the contract has been
APPROVED BY; County Atty_ OMB/Purchasing^ Risk Management
DOCUMENTATION: included Not Required
Revised 7/09,
Contract with: Public Financial Manage. Contract#_ I
Effective Date: Oct. 16,2014
Expiration Date: —Oct. 15,2015
Contract Purpose/Description:
Provide-financial planning,policy development services related to debt transactions and
other financial services.
Contract Manager- Kevin Madok 4480 Administration
(Name) (Ext.) (Department/Stop#)
for BOCC meeting on 10-17-14 Agenda Deadline: 09-30-14
Total Dollar Value of Contract:$ 2500.00 Current Year Portion: $
Budgeted?YesR No n Account.Codes: 0-01-000101753�03407
Grant:$ - -
County Match:$
Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ jyr For.
of mcluded is dollar mduc above) (2g.mainftme,-utilities,janitorial,salaries,etc.)
Changes Date Out
Date In Needed er
Division Director ,le
Yes[3 Nod
Risk Management Yes[]No[]
O.M.BJPurchasing LL-1-_14 Yes[:]No[3 10. -I
County Attorney YesFj No[n- 10-
OMB Form Revised 2/27101 MCP Q
Contrast Renewal
This renewal is made and entered into this___day of October,2014 between Monroe
County,called the"County", and Public Financial Management, Inc.,called"Financial
Advisor",in order to renew the agreement entered into on April 21,2004.
Whereas, professional services such as those performed by Financial Advisor may be
exempted by the BOCC from competitive bidding under the Monroe County Purchasing
Policy Chapter 4, Section A. 5 and B; and
Whereas,the current agreement has expired and Monroe County desires to extend the
agreement until October 15,2015; and
Now,Therefore In consideration of the mutual terms,understandings, conditions,
Promises,covenants,and payments hereinafter set for the, County and Financial Advisor
agree as follows:
Section 1.Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein.
Section 2.TernL This agreement is hereby extended for the period beginning April 21,
2013 and shall expire on October 15, 2015.
Section 3.Notices. The County party shall read:
For Monroe County
Roman Gastesi,County Administrator
1100 Simonton Street, Suite 205
Key West,FL 33040
Section 4.Financial Advisor's Representatives.The following named individuals from
Financial Advisor's firm shall provide the services set forth in this agreement:
Mr. David Moore,Managing Director
Sergio Masvidal, Senior Managing Consultant
Jay Glover, Senior Managing Consultant
Jeremy Nieffeldt, Senior Managing Consultant
Contract Renewal with Public Pinandal Managemnan par
Section 5.Other Conditions. All other conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect.
In Witness Whereof;the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal,the day and year
first written above.
(Seal) Board of County Commissioners
Attest Amy Heavilin, Clerk of Monroe County,Florida
Deputy Clerk Mayor
Public Financial Management, Inc.
David A.Moore
Contract Renewal with Public Financial Management Page 2
This agnaanUM made and entered into this.4/42i day of 2004,by and between Mouroo County,
Wreivaftw called rho"Cmmty"and Public Financial Maaageraaut,Inc., to do budean in the,State of Florida
celled the Financial Advisor or"PFPn seta forth the caucus and condition under which the Fb=cW
Advisor shall pmvW services.
WHEREAS,the County issued a Request for Pwposei for Financial Advisory Services and PFM was selected
by the Board of County Commissioners:and
WRMM4S,PFM has carved the County see 19$61 and
WHEREAS,Macrae County has extended said contract annually for services,and:
WHEREAS,Momma Cony has completed a RFQ process for Fla racial Advisory Services cod:
WHEREAS,the County and PFM have mutually agreed to w acbd services under the same scope of services
and compensation originally nalptiated,
NOW, THEREFORE, m condderedu t of the above mentioned pr+amim and for the puuposea of this
Agueament and the various covenants,soadift s,tam and provium which follow;
PFM shall provide, upon request of the County Administrator or County C.ommiaalon„ aorvices related to
faancfal planning and policy developmmm end sotvm related to debt lsaumace. Thu soryi+ces pmvided slball
include but act necanarily be Iimited to the followiip&
« Assist the County in the Im mulation of Financial and Debt Policies and Administrative Procedures.
« Review current debt Structure,idea ifywS strengths and weep of structure so that fidurc debt
issues can be structured to rowdu lze ability to fimoce fimn capital nxds. This will iaciudq but not
be Limited,m reviewing a&W00g debt fare the possibility of r+etxuling that debt to provide the County
with savhgpg
« Analyze fatuae debt aapachy to determine the Cou nty's ability to ralae fntruue debt capitaL
« Assist the County in the development of the Coua<y's Capital ImpmvemaB Program,by identifying
sources ofespitat flmdhng for inflamraotme,needs.
• Assiut the County with the development of the Corimy's Finaacial Pisa by creasing capital naafis,
po' revenue maly= frnaoc'mg alternatives such as pay-as-you jA
leasdpurchasurg,short-terra fiausacin$4 sa34asm40t%user f=6 impact face,devekgw
publidprivate pmjecta, and grams and provide dyes of each alternative as ra p&ad as to rho
budgetary and alai impact.
• Review the impotme .�eriesdn other prnaject fesidbilay its to
ereruoa tfrst such studies adequately adlreeeu 1,,economic,and financial risk factors affi c ft the
maduft Y of my proposed rannu a debt issues: pu�avide bond market anumptions necemary for
finochal projections included in these studios: attend all relevant waddag sessions regarding the
preparations,review and cn*lcdw of such independent studies and provide written comnaeots and
racontmendations regarding aasunpfiooL.mob do methak and coruchusiooa cow therein.
Page I
• Develop, menage and maintain computer models for long-gym capital planning which provide for
inputs regarding Imels of ad vadou:m and aoa ad vaiortaao taxation,growth rates by operating revenue
and vgxc litre but,tfinie&magnitude and oast of debt issuance,and project operating and capital
balances, selected operating and debt ratios and otter fiasaciat perfornancea measures as may be
determined by tho County
• Provide debt services schedules refiecft varying interest ratites,Lum sues,and maturity snuotues as
time are needed for f dbtd y consultants or for related County fiscal planning:and
• Actual meetings with stab;,consultants and County Commission.The County will make a rewmable
effot to hula meetings and comsolirdata Issues to minimdae the travel incouvenietrcc to PF M.
• Review undawriter's proposals and submit a written analysis of same to the County.
• Undertake any and ail other financial planning and policy development assignment made by the
County regarding bond and other finnocings, and financial policy including bufte%t tax, comb
mmnagona t issues and related fiscal policy and programs.
• Assist the County in p.qw ing financial presentations for public hearings and/or rafraaendumm.
• provide special f osmial services as requested by the County.
Mer of e;r+edtt sand boade l Oooa the reg,a st of lk our
• Analyze Anancial and economic factors to deteamine if the kaacanee of bonds is appropriate.
• Develop a financing plan in concert with County's staff which would include t oc orm umdadom;as to
the timing and number of seriaa of bads to be ism dd.
• Assist the County by recommending tba bast method of oak, either as a negotiated sale, private
phice uemt or a public sale. In a public sale,make rorxwutmandatiom as to the determination of the bast
bid In the event of a negotiated sole, assist in the solicimticm, review and evaluation of any
investment banking proposals,and provide advioa and information necessary to aid in such satection.
• Advise as to the various Ibancdmg alternatives avaliable to the Canty.
• Develop alternatives related to Debt transaction including evaluation of revenues available,maturity
schedak mod cash flow roquirear ants.
• Idento key bond fatues and advise proms rogarding may, reame fund. How of fiords,
redemption p ovisions,additioosl parity debt test.etc.
• Evaluate benefit of Bond Insurance and/or security chance for Debt Reserve Fund.
• If appropriatk develop credit rating presentation. and coordinate with the Canty the overall
prosenmtioa to r erg tutancies,
• Assist the Cecudy do the Ana of actor services relating to debt issuance such as hinting,
Paying Agent,Regiow.obc.
• Iden* trey bead covenant feozaa mod advise on provisions to be included in bond resolution
regarding security,creation ofrastaw fumes,flaw of flouts,redemption pn wisioas,additional parity
debt test,etc.;review mod eamraant om sueeas live drafla of bond re sohdions.
• Review the raWmarm and submit analysis of bAnrwX a,rating apracias and other profe wto cab as
they panmin to the County's obligation.
Page 2
• Review the Urms,conditions and sb uclum of any proposed debt offming undatah=by the County
and ptvAde suggestions,modifications and enhancements wh m appropriate and ngmwy to repeat
the constraints or cutreat paancid policy and fiscal capability.
• hopme the mlizalmy and final dffr W statement and coordinate with the County the aPPmpiac
data,disclosum infannattan and pertment ham rcgartbn tha County and the proposed finanemg
• Provide regular updates of tax-exempt bond market conditions and advihsso the Cindy as to the most
advantageous timing for isK&W its delft.
• Advise tiro County on the endition of the bond mmkot at the time of sale,including volume,timing
considaatlons a mpeting o5wio a,and general economic coasida mioas.
• Assist and advise the County in negotiations with mvestnt M baaidug groups regarding fees,pricing
of the bonds and fmat terms of ashy security oflbrings, and make m writing definitvar
recommendations mvTding a proposed offaaing. Provide assurance than the pricing of the bonds is
the lowest pike baud on existing market conditions.
If the bond issue is competitive, the services of the financial advisor will be modified to reflect that
3. �Servllres ago_*rrSggW jb*r'mp";
PFM shall pttwide special services that will htcirde,but not be limited to,the following!
1. Impact fee financial analysis
2 Grip
3. Rate analysis
4. Mauegemeat analysis
S. lidfeerafum analysis
6. Legislative initiatives
The services of the Finauhcal Advisor ate to commence as soon as practicable after the execution of
this Apr mud and a request by the Courtly for such service, and shall be undertaken for each finial
*=SA =or projca and completed as to assure completion in a mama and time which am in acoordarrce
with the purpose of this Agmemeot.
Savicas which am not related to a particular transaction shall be completed as agreed between the
County and the financial Advisor.
For the services desw bed,PFM's profissional fleas and otpeases shall be paid as follows:
1. For services related to financial planning and policy development The County shall pay PFM 52,500
monthly for Uwhww services.
2. For services minted to Deist Tmanction,(including Bends but eawluding rasmnx recovery)PFM
shall receive $1.00 per $1,000 of debt issued with a minimum t<ansudon fee of $25,000 per
F��g and amVetitive hove. PFM's The will be an additional $7,500 per
bansection a P
3. For services related to Special Services PFM shall reasive an hourly hate as outlined below:
PvV 3
bIma&g Director $175.00
Smiar Ming consultant $160.00
Managki;Consulmat S1S0.00
consultant $130.00
Analyst $110.00
Clerical No charge
Administrative No charge
In sddW=to the above,PFM will be computed lbr nmesmy.remubK and doarmented out-of-
pocket a111,11 se marred for tmvel,to cW%lodging as in the amooats m9bwInd by Section 112.061,
Florida Stamutes, telaphone, marl, end other ordiumsyr coat and any actual cutraondinary cost for
gmp uk printing, duo processing and con>pbar limo which are incurred by PFK App mprm t
documentation will be provided.
For services and expenses,routed to titrancial planning,PFM will invoice the County monthly.
For services,related to Debt Transaction the County will be invoiced by PFM upon completion of Nat
transaction to be paid from the proceeds ofthe tlnancing.
The Costly end the Fina wW Advisor raserve*e right,during,the am of this AVvemcrt,to review
the method ofcompensation.
This agreftment shall be for a term of one year aomomcocing upon the date fist written above.
The Fhnn cial Advisor shell trot assign any irdarmt in this Agree w*or subcoubact any of the work performed
under the Agreement end shall not' ans 6- any intarost in the same without the prier written consent of the county.
Ali information,dads,and reports in the I on of the County aooessmy for ewrying out the work to be
parfortrrcd under this Agmmmmt shall be ftanished to the Financial Advisor without c.1me by the County,sad the
County shall cooperate with flue FhoncW Advisor in every way possible.
When cMw penny desires to gin notice tub the other,at must be given by wrbm notice,sent by registered
Unfbd States m4 with retaan mcetipt requested,addmued to the paaty for whom it is intended, at the plane last
Twilled,and the place far giving notice in c mwliamoe wAh to p mviaiom of this perageapb. For the pnmmt the
Parties deshpAo the following as the re "places for giving notim ta-wit
Mr..1im Roberts
County Admi dstrabr
1100 S'kmamon Street
Key Wass,FL 33040
Mr.Hal Canary,Senior MamWog Canaarlbant
PuNic Financial Managemamt,I=
10100 Deer flan Farms Road,Sake 201
Fort Mya%FL 33912
Pap 4
The products of this Agreement shall be the sole and exclusive property of the County upon completion or
other lamination of this Agfeez u=L The Fhsamr W Advisor shall deliver to the Canty copies of any and an MMIrlal
poriaining to the Agreement.
A. Assignment of Named IndlvMwals
The following funned individuals fi m PFM shall provided the services set£Drib in this Apftmmt
Mr.David Miller,Managing Director
Mr.Hal Canary,Sam w Managing Cep Client Memager
David Miller,Managing Director
Hal Canary,Savior Managing Consultant,Client manager
Kelly R.yman,Consultant
Kyrie T urtan.Consultant
Rebac a Peterson,Consultant,Orlando
!ay Glover,Consullart,Orlando
EL Charges is Staff R"Paded by the County
The County has the right to request,for arty reason„PFM to replm any m,=bcr of the advisory gaff:Should
the County make such a request,PFM shall promoy suggest a aubstib&for approval by the County.
PFM shall hadattnify, an and hold the Canty bannb= from my and all ckhg3, snit.*Vmnt& or
of soy kind or description including ding court oasts and attarraoy's fees wing out of PFM's errors,omissions or
negligent acts in the Ica ofthis agrteamert.
PFM has a ctmrptehensive insurance PrOMauon (self-i uu ce) for all types of coverage including, hat not
limited to comprehensive ge naval Iiebility,professional liability.automobile liability and worimes compensation.PFM
will provide on in:a rm=Cadfieft moon request.
PFM shall Provide all insurance coverage as requked by the Counts.
A. PFM shalt maintain all books,records,and doc unenls directly pertinent ,ma
nent to c this
Agraannot in accordance with generally aoeapted accowurong Piniphs ce aaimnily died. Each party * this
Agreement of dww authorized neprede'emtat m shall have moonabhe and Umely access to such records of each other
party to this Agreeneot for public recants purposes,during the term of the Agmement and for four years Wowing the
to mination of Ibis Agreaumut.
B. Governing Law,Venue,lula elation,Costs.and Fars: This Agmenseat shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida applicable to arorntacb made and to be parfornned entirely
is the State.
Im the event that any cause of action or arhnimsrstive proceeding is instimd for the enfanzateat or
imtarparetetion of this Agmement,true County and PFM agree that venue will He in too appropriatle court of before the
administrative body in Warm County,Ftodida.
Page 5
1U County and PFM agree dA in the event of conflicting intiap on of tin terms or a term of
this Agreement by or between any of them the issue shall be submitted to mediation Prior to the institution of any other
a dmiaistrztive or legal proceeding.
C. Severabiiity. If any Harm, covamik condition or provision of this Agteemart (or the application
t hereof to any circumstance or person)shad be declared invalid or ume nfameable to any runt by a court of compeeent
mainin terms,covevants,conditions and
f dus
shall oat be affected thercbr.
farm,covenmt,edition and.provision of this Provisions ogree meet shall id and shall be ariftconble
the fidlest extent permitted by law unless the whm meat ofthe remaining tarmm,covenants,,conditions and provisions
of this Agreement would prevent the aanmplislm e t of the original intent of this Agreement. The County and PFM
agree to refam the Agreement to replace any strid en provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to
the intent of ties stricken provision.
D. Auoraey's Fees and Costs. The County and PFM agree that in the event nay cause of action or
administrative proceeding a initiated or delimded by any party relative to the a rribre Ott or irate ptd don of this
Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to tenon"at orWs fees,court coats. investigative,and out-of-
pocket expenses °as so award spind the noninv ul ell party, and shall ixWe attoraey's fees, counts coats,
iatveratigativR and out-of-pocket expenses in appeWu4aa procxodiogs. Mediation proceedings initiated and conducted
punsuaet to this Agreement shall be in aaxosdssoa with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and customary
required by the circuit court of Monroe County.
E. Hutting Effect. The terms,covenants,conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall bind,and
inu m to the benaIN ofthe County ad PFM and their respective legal represestativek successors,and assigns.
F. Authority. Each party reprr and wariab to the other that the uccution, delivery and
ppaforarasco of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary County aid corporate action,as required by
G. Claims for Federal or State Aid PFM and County agree that each shall bey and is,empowaad to
spply for, sue, mad obtain fedwal and state funds to further the purpose of this Agreement; provided that all
applications,requests.gnat proposals,and handing solicitations shall be approved by each party prior to submisdom
[L Adjudication of Disputes or Disagreements. County and PFM agree that all disputes and
giants shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and cenfix sessions between representatives of each of the
parties. Um resolution can be agreed upon within 30 drys after the first meet and waft seesaion,the issue or'terra+
shall be discussed at a public meeting of do Hoard of Ceruty Conmsaissio mss. ,f the issue or issues ate still not
resolved 10 the aatisf ctim of iha parties,than any party shall ben the right to seek such mW or remedy as may be
provided by this Agreement or by Florida law.
L Noudiscrimmabom Comm+and PFM agree that tb are will be so discrimination '
and it is expressly understood test upon a determination by a court of competent Jurisdiction that&1cri�ti
occurred,this Agree unit mtomatitally terminates without my fiuther action on due part of any party,effective the daft
of the court order County or PFM agree to comply with all Federal and Florida sum**,and an local ordinances,as
telatimt to isondisaarlrraiat d m. These include but are not limited tar. 1)Title VI of the civil Rigba Act of
1964 (PL $g-332)which pohibits discrQnination on the basis of race„ color or national orWn; 1)Title IX of the
Education Amendment of 1972,as amended(20 USC ss. 1681-1693,and IM-16M which p mbibits discrimination
an the basis of sex;3)Section 504 of the RehebUitation Act of 1973,as amended(20 USC a 794),which prqhilits
diuriminstion on tin beds ofhandica m 4)Tire Aga Discrimination Ad of 1975,as amended(42 USC ss.6101-6107)
which prdnlpits discrWmstiau on the basis of ma;5)The Drag Abuse 0115ce and Treatment Ad of 1972(PL 92-254
sa amended resting to nondscximbobou on the barrio of thug abuse, 6)The Cosmpsehensive Alcohol Abrade and
Aloobolism Pmveudos, Troome t and Relwbliludon Act of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended, relating to
nomdiscriminstion on the basis of alcohol abase or akdwlb=;7)The Public Health Service Act of 1912,ss.523 and
527(42 USC as.690dd-3 and 290ee•3),as amended rc>atmg to sty of aleobot and dung,abuse patent recorail�
8)T"rule VIU of the Civil Rigbta Ad of 1%8(42 USC seq.1 sa amended,raiding to nondiscrimination Lion is rho sale,,
nmW or famuciag of bosuder,9)The Awaricass with Disabilitin Act of 1990(42 USC s. 1201 Netek as maybe
aamamded finosnt time to time,relsting to aeadisorimiaatian ou the buses ofdissbhMW t0) Any odasar oondisaiminstion.
provisions in may Federal at state statutes s which may apply to the parties to or the aubjact matter*&this Agreemeart.
I Cooperation. In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either party
relating to the fornudion,w cudon,performance,or breach of this Agroeuucnt,County and PFM agree to participate,to
the indent required by the other party, in all cgs,het iqA processes,meetings,and odw activities related to
the substance of this Agreement or provision of the services under this Ate. County and PFM spechically agree
that no party to this Agreement shall be required to eamer into any arbitration proceedings related to this Agreement.
IL Covenant ofNo lnuwesL County and PFM covenant that neit a presently has any Lowest,and shall
net acquire any interest,which would conflict in any manner or degree with its performance under this Agrem enk and
that only interest of each is to perform and receive benefits as recited is this Agreement,
L» Code of Ethics. County agrroes tint officers and employees of tho County recogni n and will be
required to comply with the standards of aradnct for public officers and employees as del Bated in Section 11?313,
Florida Sbftfts,reading, but not limited to, solichation or acceptance of gift,doing business with one's sgpucy;
unraudwriaed compensation; misuse of public position, conflicting employmmt or cow mkdonship; and
disclosure or use of certain information.
M. No Soiicitution/Payment. The County and PFM warrant that„ in respect to itseK it has nahhor
employed nor rdamad soy company or person, odder than a bona fide employee wo+ddng solely for it,to solicit or
aocane this ArtawAnd and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person,company,corporation,Wftdual,,or floor
other than a boos fide employee worldog solely far it,arty fen,cantmission percentage,gift,or other lion
contingent upon or rah dbs Qrnm the award or malting of this Agreement For the breach err violation of tho pmovision,
the PFM agrees that the County shall have the fight to terminate this Agreement without liability and,at its discrotion,
to offret from monies owed, or otherwise recover, the fbp amount of such fee, commission, percenuW,, gift, or
N. Public Access. 17he County and PFM"I allow and permit reasonable arms m.and inspection oC
all docunumO,papers,letters or other materials In its possession or under its control subject to the provisions of Clapter
119, Florida StaW4cs and made or received by the County and PFM in conjunction with this Agreement and the
Cotnhfy shall have the right to unilaterally esacxl this Agreement upon violation ofthis provision by PFM.
O. Non-Waiver of Immunity. Notwithstanding he provisions of Sec. 28628. Florida Statutes„ the
Participation of the County and the PFM in this Agreement and the acquisition of any commarciat liability insurame
coverage,self insmance covorege,or local govanxaMM liability iasufamce pool coverage mall not be deemed a waiver
of immunity to the extent of liability coverage,nor shall any otamtract entered into by the County be squired to contain
any provision for waiver.
P. Privileges and Immunities All ofd o privileges and immunities from liability,exemption from hrws,
ordinances,and odes and pensions and relief disability,wor um,compensation,and other benefits which apply to the
activity of officers, agents, or employees of any public agrenla or employees of the Comfy, when puftraing their
respective Bans under this Agroamout within the territorial limits of the County shall apply to the same degree and
eedgnt to the perfornu moo of such functions and duties of such officers,agents volutes,or employees outside fhe
territorial timits of the County.
Q. L,er$al Obligations and Responsibilities: Non DDeleptlon of Cosa dtudonal or SMU=y Duties. 'This;
Aggreememt is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as,relieving,any Participating enemy fin say obligation or
��hy of WW the entity by law towept to the extent actual and timely parformaoce theaaof by any
partitapaging,anti%in which acme tbo parforun use may be ofted won on of the obligation or ra*oastbr'lity.
Fu rdw,this Agreement is to mlendbd to,nor shop it be cowed as,authorizing It>e delegation of the constitutional or
adntttory duties of the County,eeccept to the extent permitted meted by the Florida constitution,state statute and case law.
R. Non-Reliance by Non-Patties. No pesaon or entity shall be entitled to rely upon the trams,or any of
than,of this Agreement to enfor oo or attempt to ankm any third-peety claim or enda meut to or benefit of any sefvica
or progrism contemplated haratindw,and the County and the PFM agree that neuter the County nor the PFM or any
arm%offish,of employee of ether shall have the authority to iaforrn,counsel,or otherwise iadirm ghat any pwticWw
individual or group of individuals,city or entities,bavc dents or beets under this Agree=mt separate and
apart,nafefiof to,of mporlor 10 the community in gong or for the:ptmposas contemplated in this A,gmCm=L
S. ARtastations. PFM agseas to cwcttte such documents as die County stay reasonably require, to
include a Public Entity throne Statement,an Ethics Statoo=4 and a Drug-Frce Woefcplace Statemeaat,
Pqp 7
T. No Personal Liability. No covenant or agreement oontaared herein shall be deemed to be a covenant
or aft of any mambor,offim,agent or employee of Monroe County in his or her individual opacity,and no
member,ot'itxr,agent or employee of Momroe County shall be liable personally on this Agreemeet or be subject to any
parsonal liability or accountability by reason oftbo execution of this Agmament.
U. Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of coumarpsrts,each of
which slim]be rasganded an an original,all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same hotrument and any
of We parties bmato may execute this Agreement by 3uWag any such counterpart.,
N. Section Has&gs. Section hoadiegs have ban hooded in this AVeameat as a mattear of convenience
of rohrence only,and it is agreed that suodr section]readings arc not a part of this Agreement.and win not be used in the
into of any provision ofthis Agraa m=L
IN WrTNESS TMEOF,the County and Financial Advisory have executed this Agaaoment as of the day and
yew,hoilin above written.
Svc By
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Page 8
11 A& Al. c�/� 'w warrants that wit has not employed,111.1ctained,
or otherwise had act an bis/its behalf any former County officer or employee in violation of
Section 2 of Ordinance No. 10-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of
Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10-1990. For breach or violation of this provision the County
may,in its discretion,terminate this contract without liability and may also,in its discretion,
deduct from the contract or purchase price,of otherwise recover,the W amount of any fee,
commission,percentage,gilt,or consideration paid to the f==Coy9ty Officer loyce
STATE OF Florida
PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,
Hal W. Canary -who,after first being sworn by me,affixed histha
signature(name of individual signing)in the space provided above an this let day of
June ----,2004 .
0 -p4id'
My commission expires: FAMMOM"M
�E Do
"A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list
following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a
contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity,may not submit
a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of
public building or public work,may not submit bids on leases of real
property to public entity,may not be awarded or perform work as a
contractor, supplier,subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any
public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess
of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY
TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the
convicted vendor list."