Meedng, Di,6siow )kw, Adalapwpayppap� am
al ani
Hulk ftcm Yes
Staff Conlact Person/Phonc
AGENDA ITEM NVORIDING: Appv& of the [Abrary Plan of ScrOce Or the year 2015
7FEM BACKGROUND: This has bemi draw Boni the JAWy Long-Range Phn 2014-2016, as
aMproved IyAhe IMM al IhAr numUng or Septonher 17. 20 1,3
A(,'TI(')"N: The Uhnuy Annual PIwi has been LMproved anntwUy
by the R(KX% as pat of the annual apphcwion rvocess Ibr We StaW Aid Gmm
'i")NI_N1 E N .........AQpmv,__�'�,T .................. ............
4'01"AI, COST': No
WV 11) (XH:NTV:......,,, SOU14CW OF FUNDS:
AMN)VIRD HY: (bunQ ?Ati,), :,N/A OMH/Purchasirjp4, lv Risk MMI� 4:'c"ne"t MS/A
DOCUMEN'TATION: 1110Uded 'X Not Required
ReVed 1116
NOVEMBER 18, 2014
in the most recent bong-range p4r) for the I...Jbrary, 2014-2016, we continued the
transidon from the fiaditionai forrnat, with the empt'iass on nUmbers and stafisfics,
tow ard cerise that aiiowed fliexibdRy, that was open to new ideas, that recognized our,
(:,,hangrng and diverse communities, and that caiied for growth of ser0ce, Mt jUst mores
We are now as0ig riot JUSt "HOW r1lany books?" and "How rnany peolpde?" facet "Who are
our readers? What gmLlps are we not reacNng and why? Do they prefer to read or,to
iisteri whfle engagkig ire other activrties? What are th6r needs arid how can we meet
thern?" and we are now confintAng tO SVIlCtUre our plan around the search for answers
to those qt,iesfions arrd to other, sirriflar, qUestions. By folflowung fts expo oratory
approach rx,ir p0an is now becomng more service-oriented and fiexibikty has becorne
ouir standard,
"The past few year's have not been good ones for, many L,Jbraries throt.qhout the state of
Fdohda and alr`Wnd the COUntry Rnan6ad and fur6ng instabifity have strong�y k,aripacted
I.Jbrary resources, and so, Library hOUirs and services, those of Monroe County
rnckjded When OUr staffing and hOUrs were restored neadythree years ago, thar*s, to
the County Commission, Adrnrndstrafion, and as Keys cornInlWlity who appreciated the
vakie of LJbrary services and were wiNng to work toward their restoratJon, our pdantook
on new rrnpetus and fOCUS, 'T'he expanded goaNs established in the recent past had to be
re-exarnir ed arid re-evalUated in light of our, restored freedorn to advance toward ouir
rniss on of 4mproved arid expanded sery ces that wou d n"ieet our communities' stiik
char�gin g needs, dr,i the sarne ve4i, we needed to re-examine our use of funding, more
aware of clur responsitArty for maintaining and even expanding services wfth the rnost
efficient Use of Library assets, both OUr personne� and Mjrfirian6ai SUpport,
Confinuing this rnore sery ce-orierited view of pWmdng, th° anrikjai pdan for Library
Services iin FY 2014-2015, w0 be a4y)ed even ri-iore parlicuiady at meefing cornmunity
needs as they change,, arid providing those essenfiad services basic to OUr rnssion. We
w0i deckers those cornrnun�ty needs and work to become imore aware of how 9'iey are
chang4ig, what fiSSLjes are dirJvirig those changes, anid how we can adapt OUr previous
goals and objectives so that they wuH rerna6i relevant and meaningftfl tO OUr
mi,imunifie& OUr mission of service has not and does not change, but the Methods and
tech n6ogythrough which the senfices are deHvered do change, arid we wiH need to
expore the r`EqUirernents of these changes and iearn how best to nncorporate thern into
our work
in May of 1513, exporer Porice of Leori sighted the F orida Keys and ciairned Fiohda
fc)r Sr,4n, The Sparflsh saiiors gave tNs, area of rnangroves the r)arne of "Los Mar0res,"
or, 1""he Martyrs,, Chi inter maps, various Keys were idenfified as Cayo Hueso (Bone
Ke,y), isiarnorada (PLUrfle lsiaind), and as Ihost of other narnes that changed W0i the
identifier and maprnaker
When PorkJa carne Under Brifish contiroi in FebrUary of 1763, niany of the iocai kidians
moved to Ca'uba. Twenty years iater, Under the second Spanish Reign in Hohda,
Loyainsts ieft for the Baharnas and other Birifish possessions, Ro6da became as US,
reriritory in 1821, w01 the iraatificaafiurnrn of as treaty between the Unrted States and Spain,
and iater that year Juan Pabo Sambas, who had receive Key West as as Spanish land
grant in "1815, so d the isiand to John W. Simonton, a Havana mercl iant, for the
noteworH'iy sum of $ 2,000.00. &rnonton then sold parts, of the island to feiiow
bus nessrnen Whitehead, Hen,iing and Greene,
in '1821 Spairn ceded East and West Fionda to the United States President James
Monroe appointed Generai Andrew Jackson as MiRary governor, and iristn.xted the
General to set up as new government, Jackson's first action toward this goai was to
organrze Rorida unto as singke territory composed of two counfies, ThUS West Rohda
became Escambia County with Pensacoia as rts county seat, and East F"1orida became
St, John's County, with St. AUgustin s ,Ore COUrIty seat,
On Ady 3, 1823, Monroe COUnty became the sixtf,i corinty irr the State, wher"i it was
foraied out of St. John's, Aii of the mairfland areas, now known as South Florida, as weH
as the Rorida Keys, were inciuded in this formatrori, This iarge area rernained one
COUnty Urlhi 1836, when Dade COLUIty was for-wred, thrOUgh as series of poHficai
rnarieUvers, fts borders inCkAEKI the eastern haif of the rnak'iiand and the Keys north of
Bahia Honda. T'hose Keys from Bahia Fionda to Ud Rhodes Key were not returned to
�Monr,oe (.w,,mty unffl 1866
The origk-41 forrnafioin of Monroe COLVAY was dvw ed over and over again thr'OUgh the
Viowirig years, F�rom its urn boundarres came Dade, Lee, Hendry, CoHrer, Biroward,
and a part of Pairn Beach Counfles. Key West was established as the County seat as
year after the island's first settlers arrived, that same year dt was made a po l of entry,
'T l i�e few Keys settler s were scattered across the is4 rued s---probaNy riot more than 150
Europe,ans in aH. No accurate popuWion data exists from that period,
I he Flohda Keys [��ave p ayed a ri,iajor parl in RorAa's growth, both Nstordcaky and
ecoinorrflcaHy There are 822 Keys large enough to be shown on government charts;
may of their riaaies have changed over the years. Mdeed, as large number of them
have changed names with alimost every gerrerafion of rnapmakers. (An extenslve study
of this history has L)een carried OL)t by [Jbrary staff; the fascinafing reSL,rits are avaRabde
on the website: ht,
It is noteworthy that there are only five 4icorporated areas In ail of Monroe County° d y
West incorporated dn 1828, Key Co ony in '1955, 1-ayton in '1963, lslamorada lira '1998,
and Marathon ln 1999,
tln 1835, as YOUng attorney, origdnaHy froni Kentucky, wrote to reWives frorn his new
home un Key West, "'"T'he so6ety of the pIlace is, Of COUrse, srnaH, but there are may
fanidfies frorn the Atlantic States r10W 0LJr residents, that wou d be very desirab e
acqLJrsrfions were they, to retuirrr to the pdaces of th6r nafivity. There is the sarne taste,
ILAUry, and dispiay that you find 41 the large cities dn th6r dunner and evening parties,
More good books, irevdew,vs and date PUbHcatdoris are found here than you have 'the most
distant ddeas of." In '18315, as SUnday Schoo� kbrary 6rculated books aniong ttie peop e of
the CUTMIUrflty. Dd records of that year" expWn that on "Saturday, April 4, 1835, on
suggesfion of the Mayor and a ur°aaarrurrrcrusW y resolved, the fees pald by rnernbers of board
absent dUrdng Vie year, $ 12,,00 in arnount, be presented to the Sunday Scho6 1-6rary
of Key West,"
T'he Monroe COUnty PubHc Ubrary has as Unque place dn Nstory as the oldest [Jbrary in
SOLIth Ho6da, its beginnings can t>e dated as far, back as '1853, T'he first whtten record
of the Key West 1-ibrwy Associafion lea M entuone duµn the dmary of WHfiani R, Hackley,
who writes that he Ihaard paid grits dues to that Association ln .,ILJiy Of 1851 A rnlcrofilm
copy of that ddar,y rs riow h6d do the F]odda Ffistory Room at the Key West Brainch of the
Monroe COUnty Piu,iNic Ubrary, whHe the ohginal can be fWrid in the coHection at the
F"liorida State University, -nie Associafion stored It book c6lecfioin w terra as w4-e
enClOSUre, and Upon selecfion by patrons, the books were passed thr'OUgh as wdre
vvicket, "'rhe Library was IPwOUsecd ln as varety of locafions on Duva9 Street and gLflded by
vahOUS 6V�C c,'JRDLJPS over the next sxty or so years,, Lffltii in 19,15 the Key West WOffian's
Uib assu,jrned thEa operafion of the Library Assoc4tion as its foremost project,
The Key West Branci'i, which became the ldeadqk,iarters L.ibrary, moved into its preserit
iocafioin iri '1959, with a major expansion in 1992, The Ke�y i-argo Branch began in the
Key L-,ar'g0 CrViC CiLib BuHd4ig in 1962, rr*ving once 4,1 1967, and 'tak ng up its current
iocation 0 1989, "]-["e IMarathon Branch began in 1962 and took up its present iocation
in 1982', Isiarnorada's Branch opened in 1966, Mh expansions 41 1983 and 1,9�97, 1"he
most recent Brarich was estabHshed in Big Pine Key in 1995, with an expan&on there in
Over one hUndred and fifty years have passed dame ce those eadiest steps toward as
COUrIty L-ibrary systern; today the Monroe County Pubiic 1-ibrary is a vitai part of the
fabric of its comr'nUnffies, Each branch reflects its own area, and each area reflects its
own peopie, with disfinct characteristics, anterests and needs, L.Jbrary service �s ad
vaiorern tax-based, funded by the GEMerai Fund of the Monroe County bUdget, The five
branches, with staff totaMg forty-three emp oyees, provide darn"- itemservices six days and
(:)ne everi4ig each week, Our 1-ibrary card-hoiders nUmber rnore than haff the POPLda tic n
of Monroe COUnty, Our website riow provides 24/7' access to the f0i LJbrary cataiog,
inciuding renewai arid request ser0ces, OLIr coHecfion has grown from the 10,000
books of the Key West Branch rn 1959 to over 207,000 fteITIS in as variety of rnedia,
inckjding digftai databases, "I"'he L brary has grown and deveioped thrOUgh its h tory,
arid confirwes to do so, as services arid panty Orl Usage incirease yearly,
-11"ie [Jbrary is as viabNe and k0ng institution; to rernain so, it must grow, MhWt the
gu,iideNies of as iong--irange pi an, tl"iat grow d"i corM become unmariaged and
unnianageabie, Such a p an provides a framework for esserrfiaU growth and a set of
gUideHnes for de6sions regarding afi aspects, of Library deve oprnent and operations.
Yet these gUide�I nee must be fiex6e, aHowing the possibiiity of change as
6rcuirnstances charige in ouv- communifies, ir�deed, WtSide Of our n"iission itseif, change
is the one coristant k'i the ftjnctionai He of the LJbrary it is essenfia to set goais that
cover a period of severai years as, an effective procedure for sound piarrning and for,
rnak ng cost-effective lbudgetary de6s�ons, dust it is equaHy esseritiad to review annuaHy
those goais and the Achievei'Ti(git/MeaSL,tr°e'nent Raris designedto keep us moving
toward those goa�s, to dFatermine if they aire stiH viabie, sllH appropriate, sfiH rneaningftfl,
I he anru,4 pian is designed as an opportUrlity to evakiate arid adjust those markers as
needed, not so irrILICh as as corrective acfion, but as an adjUStMent to keep us on the
best track toward OUr service goai�s, They are sfik drawn frorn tines L,ong--Range Fliaan, i)LIt
they must be updated annUaiiy, with changes dictated by the changes encountered 41
the previous year', -rhey may kicorporate parts of meaSUres frorn ft°ie prewous year', they
rnay buHd ori triern, or fl'iey may take new directions, bUt they aWays continue to lead us
tO OUir rnrssion ofservice,
Changes in the i'Tiakeup Of COLUlty pc pWafion are factors that need to be taken rnto
account iin Library p anrflng---as the popWation ages or more yok mg farnHies move anto
the area, as iitoracy rates, increase or decrease, as W,)guage barriers becoriie more or
less prevaient----aH these v are ations create new chaHenges for the L.0rary, and aH MI St
be inckided rn our pians to meet future needs, CoHections of materiais, programs
offered to tfie pUbfic., ail the seir0ces that the Library offers need to be geared to
adaptation and rnod fication, Even slight changes need to be taken anto consideration
wherr we p an future acbons an col ecfion deve�oprnent, programs, aind other services to
be offered,
Taking these factors errto account, we fonl)LlWe a vas�on for the corm-nUnity of the
Monroe Cdounty [Jbrary System�
The peop e of the Monroe COUnty coirnMn�ty wiH:
* F ave the rnfomrafion they need to succeed at schoo�, at work, and ill their
persona� fivesk
* Discover the joy of rea&ng and develiop an appreciation of �earm I rig;
* Enjoy a high �eve� of access to e�ectron c unforn�iation rem.jrces, through the
� ate st �nformafi care techn6og�es in ti,-ie pro0s�on of Ubrary serv,ices;
* Dever op the technoiog cai, �rrforrnation seeking, and inform afion evaluafion skfl�s
needed in an increasi mar ky cornp dd;
* Use the itesources of tl ie Monroe County Pubiic Library iin a way that wiH Oiprove
the quafty of their, I1lives and that of the conlnlun ty as a wh6e,
Wth this vision uri mind, we have 0enfified the foHowiing as the service responses that
are our commitment to our cornmunity,
Geinera� information
* ("urrent fifles and trap scs
0 [Jf6oriig ie arm ng
0 Locap Nstory and geneWogy
Fron'i these sery responses the m�sspon of the Monroe COUnty Pubk L. .nary is
T[ie Monroe C'Wrlty PUblic Llbrary wHI meet the chang4'ig needs Of OUr conirnUnties for
nforr"nation, educafion and recreafion in a varrety of rnateriais, forrnats, and
tect-m6og�es. The Ubrary responds, to the needs of' users of all ages and duversfty by
prov6ng equap, easy and open access to rnaterpaps and services, deWered in an
effi6ent, firne y, and professpu,4 rnanner by staff mernber's who are frrer�dly, he@pfi.fl,
and knoWedgeaWe, �n bLffl6ngs that are pnvifing, cornfortab�e and fifted for, techn6o&W
growth and devepoprnent
GOAL: 'rhe Morwoe COUnty Flubk, Ubrary wpH provde fimely and acuwate information
in print arid e ectronpc formats for, res0ents of aH ages,
OBJEC'I]VE: The 1-ibirary wfl rnaintapn a cokection of printed rnate6als that are
CUrreint, organ zed and accesspble, covering a broad variety of top�cs,
AcNevenient/Measurernerit Ellen:
FY 201 t Confimling the pWinpng begun pn 2014 foir brarich coHaboiratitan
to develop branch coiiecbons irr non-Eng sh ri-aterWs to rneet the needs
her � kiW coibes, ran thea orb tarn"zafion and reSURS
througp'i customer feedback pea person, through brief SUrveys, and staff
obseirvafion; re-work and adapt as ne( ded for stronger 4ripact and t,,isage
of rnater.uaps
OBJECTWE "Pie Ubrary wiH expand a coHection of rnate6Ws lin a varpety of
forrnats to rneet OUr Ursiers" need for infof-rTiabon,
AcliieverrueritJMeaSrarer-resat Pfan
FY 2015 WhHe continuing the assessr'nent of phnt mater,Ols as opposed to, or in
con�uncfion with e ectronc matehals coveting 'the same ir,iformabon, perform a
StUdy of aH databases, currer,Wy pUrchased by 0 te LJbrary and those receNed
through the State Ubrary for patron Use and safisfacfion" evakiate for possiNe
GOAL: The [Jbrary wiH offer retu..,rence service through pf'ione and on-site access, ancl
expeand reference services ava4aWe through new technologies,
OBJECTIVE., Staff wiH be tratined in the reference process arid the use of pr4,lt
and electronac reference sources
Ac,hievernent/Measi.wement P*i:
FY 2015� �nvestigate and incorporate, smart phone techno ogy into OUr
reference service fUnctions, through SUCh avenues as rnob0e reference
GOAL: [Jbrary user's of M ages Ml firid the means to confinUeto learn throughouttheir
Wes and to access, evakiate, and Use information �n a variety of formats
OBJECTWE: Resources, and programming for chHdren, both in-house and
OLItreach, wiH be designedto reach a broad audience of chHdrerr and their
Actiieveirrieint/MeaSLJr,eriieint Fl am
FY 2015, Continue to ar4yze the Uses, au uiprTient arid physical
arranger-nerft of our chiWren's units to determine irnmediate and potenfia�
fixture needs for coHecflons, open space, reading space, and prograrns,
Using the staff conckjs�ons, as a set Of gLdde�krues, kook into possuNlities of
re--work�ng avaHaWe space, rerwvating furnishings, and Updafif)g
co��ec,fions, Expiore potentia� for cornrnunity partnerships to ra ssu st wnth
irnpierrienting fun&ig and renovations,
OBJEC"11VE: The YOUth of Monroe County wiH be targeted as a pail of the
cornmunity riot yet fijHy served,
A(�,,iilreverTient/Measujr riient Pia w
FY 2015, BUMing ori the work begUr) on the 'ibrrnuiafion of a pfan to
incorporate the needs and inp,,it of our, youfl.,u corT-imunity k-ito coHection
devek)prnent, activities and prograrnrn4ig, or wfth sctmol and
cornalUnity grOLJPmS tO irnplernent the p an resuJting from the staff ideas to
create a L.Jbrary erMronment responsive to the needs of ftS Under-served
Library audience,
OBJEC"I] Fhe Senor Ci6zsamara of Monroe COW"Ity WaH find Syam of
inforrnafion and entertakiment at the Library reflecfing th6r parkWar needs and
AchreveMEnritJMeasnir,er,iier-rt PWv
FY 201 5 ';stabfish mitreach seMces to Senior pit sans throughOUt the
Keys cornrrRjnndes„ coordinate efforts and pWui�ng among the brarlches�
expand nn-hMlse prograrns, for the Senior patrons, ufifizrng inter-branch
coHaboration and coordinafion
GOAL: Patrons of the Monroe County Pubk, Ubrary MH riave access to the Ng�,,r
dernand t)OpWar materiWs that unsay warit thmUgh th6r' loca�C branc[i Ubrary.
OBJEC'"M/E Branch Managers wM coordinate effor,ts to erm,we that cop�es of
high-demand Ipr�nt materials are avaflaWe to aH patrorm, whHe over-dupkation of
these materra �s av6ded,
Acti�everi,ierit,/IMeasureri"ient P airr
FY 2015, 1'he Library wW inffiate art in-depth study and ar'la8ys�s of
rnater abs purchasing systernis and vendors, cornparing costs of prodUCtS
urn and medO, and beriefits en terrns of vakie recerved,
OBJE("W""TWE', The Libiary WM Use technon o&a� advances as weH as trad iionaK
rneans as too s for enhancing Library rnarkefing of Wdkigs arld services
Ac�i�e way ni(arit/Mea,iSLirerr'iieri't P an
FY 20 15: We WM Use soc�a� rnedia as too s for the expans�oln Of OUr
reach ng out to a biroadet patroin base,, types of soGal rnedia MH be
StUdied and analyzed for SLJ�tal)Htty, usabiky, cost, arid effecfiveness� staff
at aH branches wM be tirahied towardth�s end
GOAL: The t.mique features of the Florda Keys wM be NghHghted en specO� coHecfions
rri a vatlety of forn,iats, and ephernera, and wW be made rnore wkJOy accessuble to
promote foirrna� and unfonli4 research on aH �eve an of 6nterest and sch6arshp,
O&JEc"rIVE, The coHections of rnateria�s r6ated to Keys History, natu4 Nstory,
and gernea�ogy at aH the bnanches wiH be exparided and PUM6zed, enCOUraging
Use anc-1 enhancing appre6adon of the unuqLje riatUre of th�s is4nd chaki,
Ach everyierit/Meast.4re ),ient Flan:
FY 2015' ContiMie work aiready mn progress 41 anaiyzing the Horida
History (.,,oHecfions in 0 branches and coordinafing tl,ie inforr'nafion
obtained, Ong6ing digffization of s0taNe truant ehals MI be prornoted to
kicr ease the web presence of the coHections, Archrvai matehais wiH
rece ve the needed treatment, and onfine access, wM be enabied wherever
feasib� e, lndex�ng and catalog g of coflecfiorr content MH be 01p�emented
to iryipirove access to arid knoMedge of these specW�zed materiais.
Preservation iiiethods wM be exporact ln depth and an system to prioNfize
and (,:,ategorize preservation needs MH be deveNoped and impiernentatiori
beg�,in, "The F]orida Histor,y Department in as West wM be reorganized to
ancrease disfAay space and or space, as weH as 4-icreas�I ng secu6ty for
thle, deficate rnatenals contained there, Ong6ng 6gi,6zaborl Of SLhtabie
rnater4s wiH be promoted to increase the w,eb presence of t[ie collecfions,
Arci'flvai ryiateruais wiH recea ve the needed tireatment, and orlHne access
wiH be enaNed wherever feasible, index irig and cataioging of coHection
conlent wM be Oipiernented,
These are excifing and chaHenging drTies or OW, Ubrary systerTi-41're prospects for,
growth and chartge are both ti`IOUght-provokng and sfimtAfing, Technoiogy is changung
rapkfly, as are the patrorn expectafions for OUr adopfion of these new technoiogles, Our
coirrimunifies are aiso changing, bring4ig US further chaHenges rn reacNng OUt to therm
and meefing their needs, [Jbirahes themseives are changOg in the tools and formats
they are ¢nip ernenbrig tO ftflfM patron requests, A pian for Library services rnLJSt 'take
these factors and rnore into considerafion-------exp orafion and deveuoprnent of new udeas
rnUst be Ibasic to ouir own dev6oprneint, but corrsideration and priorftiz4,ig of new
offening,,,; rnust precede ali decisons that iirwo�ve haves tr'nent of staff Urn and funds We
have an olAgafion to our users, not just 4'1 what we provide for therm, bLit in maintaining
finarrciai ran sponsnNfity to our cornmunrty who supports us,
Afthough riot aiways specfficaHy rnenfioned in the outHne of acfivibes fisted above, aH
6ements of this pWi inckjde three rrripoftant aspects, to train rig,,�Oog�cau
advances, aind fiscab responsib0ity, MHIOLA aVthiree, as pVan is iirx,,ornp et and doonied
to faftVe, if is ouir intent to make this Itniaarn work as it is rneant to do---as a staternent of
OUr ruin ssion and our goa s, and how we hope to fuifiH thern, That is our pledge to our
County cormnunity, WitiIOLA whose support aH Of sear best interffions WOLdd be
n,ieanin igiess, and to whorn fts plan for, the corrring year is, dedo cated,,