Emergency Directive 2020-11 Order to Rescind . ..,...7,...", __..,,,,,. ,. COUNTYMONROE ; �' _ Pio- KEY WEST FLOPIDA 33J10 - ry 13051294--aw, y E `!.� A,y, Si n 1 4 Sa •r31 ; MONROE COUNTY ORDER RESCINDING AMENDED EMERGENCY DIRECTIVE #2020-11 Tropical Depression 13/Tropical Storm Laura Subject: RECREATIONAL VEHICLES.TRAILERS. CAMPERS. MOBILE HOMES&LIVEABOARDS, WHEREAS, Governor Ron DeSantis has declared a State of Emergency for Monroe County and other parts of the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, Mayor Heather Carruthers declared a state of local emergency due to the threat that Tropical Depression 13/Tropical Storm Laura poses to the County pursuant to Section 252.38 (3) (a) Florida Statutes, and Monroe County Code Section 11-1; and WHEREAS, safeguarding the life and property of its citizens is an innate responsibility of Monroe County, F.S. 252.38; and WHEREAS, based upon the then anticipated severity of the event, the Emergency Management Director issued Emergency Directive 2020-11 on Friday August 21, 2020, which was amended on Sunday August 23, 2002; and WHEREAS, Emergency Directives has the force of law upon being filed with the Monroe County Clerk, per F.S. 252.46; and WHEREAS, Tropical Storm Laura has now moved past the Florida Keys so it is appropriate to rescind amended Emergency Directive 2020-11. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me by Chapter 252, Florida Statutes and Chapter 11 of the Monroe County Code, I hereby rescind Emergency Directive 2020-11 as amended. Signed: � -5 Date: 8/25/2020 lime 11:48 am Monroe County Emergency Management Director Approved in advance as to Form. Doc A 2278810 ma 3039 Pe 2205 Recorded 8252020 1E56 AM Page 1 of Robert B. Shillinger, County Attorney Filed and Recorded in Official Records of MONROE COUNTY KEVLN MADOK,CPA Revised 09/17