Item P1 Government Finance Officers Association
203 N.LaSalle Street-Suite 2700
Chicago, 11, 60601
Phone(312)977-970�0 Fax(3 12)977-4906
October 16,20 14
The Honorable Amy Heavilin, CPA
Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller
Monroe County
P'O Box 1980
Key West FL 33041-1980
Dear Ms. Heavilin:
We are pleased to notify you that your comprehensive annual financial report(CAFR) for the fiscal year ended September 30,
2013, qualifies for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The Certificate of Achievement is the
highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant
accomplishment by a government and its management.
Each entity submitting a report to the Certificate of Achievement review process is provided with a "Surnmary of Grading"
form and a confidential list of comments and suggestions for possible improvements in its financial reporting techniques.
Your list has been enclosed. You are strongly encouraged to implement the recommended improvements into the next report
and submit it to the program. If it is unclear what must be done to implement a comment or if there appears to be a
discrepancy between the comment and the information in the CAFR, please contact the Technical Services Center (312)
977-9700 and ask to speak with a Certificate of Achievement Program in-house reviewer.
Certificate of Achievement program policy requires that written responses to the cornments and suggestions for improvement
accompany the next fiscal year's submission. Your written responses should provide detail about how you choose to address
each item that is contained within this report. These responses will be provided to those Special Review Committee members
participating in the review.
When a Certificate of Achievement is awarded to a government, an Award of Financial Reporting Achievement (AFRA) is
also presented to the individual(s) or department designated by the government as primarily responsible: for its having earned
the Certificate. As the designated individual we have enclosed your AFRA.
Continuing participants will find a certificate and brass medallion enclosed with these results. First-time recipients will find a
certificate enclosed with these results followed by a plaque in about 10 weeks, We hope that you will arrange for a formal
presentation of the Certificate and Award of Financial Reporting Achievement, and that appropriate publicity will be given to
this notable achievement. A sample news release has been enclosed. We suggest that you provide copies of it to local
newspapers,radio stations and television stations. In addition, details of recent recipients of the Certificate of Achievement
and other information about Certificate Program results are available in the "Awards Program" area of our website, ,
A current holder of a Certificate of Achievement may include a reproduction of the award in its immediately subsequent
CAFR. A camera ready copy of your Certificate is enclosed for that purpose. If you reproduce your Certificate in your next
report, please:refer to the enclosed instructions, A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year. To continue
to participate in the Certificate of Achievement Program it will be necessary for you to submit your next CAFR to our review
In order to expedite your submission we have enclosed a Certificate of Achievement Program application form to facilitate a
timely submission of your next report. This form should be completed and sent (postmarked) with three copies of your
report,three copies of your application, three copies of your written responses to the program's comments and suggestions for
improvement from the prior year,and any other pertinent material with the appropriate fee by March 31, 2015.
Your continued interest in and support of the Certificate of Achievement Program is most appreciated. If we may be of any
further assistance, please contact Delores Smith ( or(312) 578-5454).
Government Finance Officers Association
Stephen J. Gauthier, Director
Technical Services Center
The Government Finance Officers Association
of the United. Mates and Canada
presents this
The Honorable Amy : eavilin, CPA
Clerk ofthe Circuit Court& Comptroller
Monroe County, Florida
The,award off ioarvrdard Ra;,riming Ach,icmremeowt is pr ewerat'esd by the Goverrunent Finance Officers
Association to tdae inu!iwidrnaalts)designated rax lrrstrrearneratal in their garver enerat unit arhee'vi a
0 1� Cer alicrate o(Ac°hie vemennt for Excellence in 1--h careedal Reporting A Certificate arf Achiever ent
Y as paresadead to those govcrnmeaat cerstts whose annual financial reports are judged to adhere to
0 program slanaedawds an dtepeeesernts the highest awardin governsraseeat,firraywia l npordrn&
Executive Director
Date October 16,2Q14
Government Finance Officers, Association
Certifficate f
for Excellence
in Financial
Presented to
Monroe County
For its Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report
or the Fiscal e Ended
September 30, 2013
Executive Director/CEO