Notice to Owner WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS,SUBCONTRACTORS AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW, YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE. TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE,YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM: SUNBELT RENTALS INC EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. NOTICE TO OWNER I NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR 9214890107899901657887 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY INFORMS YOU THAT HE MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING HAS FURNISHED OR MATERIALS AS FOLLIS FURNISHING OWS:SUPPLY RENTALNTAL EQUIPMENTVICES UIR 1100 SIMONTON ST, STE 205 KEY WEST FL ,33040 FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF REAL PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS: BIG COPPIT FIRE STATION/28 EMERALD DR/KEY WEST, FL/As recorded in the public records of MONROE County, FL/Property Control#00156610-000000 Section 22 Township 67 Range 26 NOC: OR BOOK 3028 Page 563 PORPOISE POINT SECTION 6 BIG COPPITT KEY; PERMIT NO: 20101398 Commercial; UNDER AN ORDER GIVEN BY: CORAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Florida law prescribes the serving of the notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with §713.06, Florida Statutes. If this job is bonded under§713.23 Florida Statutes, §713.245 Florida Statutes, §255.05 Florida Statutes; Title 40 U.S.C. §3131 or any other form of bond, this notice is also notice of intent to make a claim against any statutory or common law bond and the firm sending this notice will look to such bond for protection and payment. The undersigned requests a copy of the payment bond and a copy of any direct contracts relating to the improvements of the aforementioned real property and agrees to pay reasonable copy costs for same. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713, Part I, Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. ) Agent For: W/O:8141609 Sunbelt Rentals Inc Job#:000104376126 j� 2015 Directors Row,Orlando, FL 32809 Date: 08/17/2020 407-816-1591 Acd#:0653389 By: Jorge Inban Recipient Tvoe Trackina## Name&Address General Contractor 9214890107899901657788 CORAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PO BOX 500582 MARATHON,FL 33050 Owner 9214890107899901657887 MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 1100 SIMONTON ST,STE 205 KEY WEST,FL 33040 ••_ G7 NJ O a a rn u cn N NOTICE TO OWNER/NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR TO: BOT TIIF OWNER: %DEP DIV OF STATE LANDS MAIL STATION 108 WO#2517387 3900 COMMONWEALTH BLVD BATCH:048349 ID:CRU78 DATE:10/22/21 TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-6575 T:JM R:TF S:TF The undersigned hereby informs you that he or she has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: BUILD ADA BATHROOM&RELATED SERVICES For improvement of the real property described as: LOWER KEYS SCENIC HIGHWAY VIEWING AREA 29550 OVERSEAS HWY,BIG PINE KEY (long legal available 800-432-1959) PORTION OF LAND IN SEC 27 TWP 66 RNG 29 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA(TR) PCL 00111740000100 _ Under an order given by: CORAL CONSTRUCTION Florida law prescribes the serving of this Notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06 Florida Statutes. Pursuant to Florida Statute 713.16(1) please furnish a copy of your direct contract with the contractor. Responsibility foteliiiikPAIRefgagitiktf6TRWEE8t.ifa6oS ii yt RAW bptOE*5b hig2Vressed to: If a payment bond exists for this project, this notice shall serve as the preliminary notice of intention to make claim against any such bond(s). Request for a copy of the bond(s) is hereby made, with acknowledgment of responsibility for copy costs. Failure to furnish the requested copy may have adverse consequences as described in Florida Statutes. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF --RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. The undersigned will look to contractors bond for protection of the work. --LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713, Part I, Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. FLESSOR] Lienor: CRUZ-IN THE KEYS CONSTRUCTION BOT TIIF %DEP DIV OF STATE LANDS LLC. MAIL STATION 108 3900 COMMONWEALTH 6575PHON 05-423-8778 TALLHA 9 6400 0 RSeASHWY MARATHON 1433050-2786 T GEN CONTR] .r ,, Lt.. CORAL CONSTRUCTION J E' I—>: [GENERAL CONTRACTOR By: V}_ `ORAL CONSTRUCTION(305)304-0747 ATTN CHELSEA LYONS CC...- 347 AVIATION BLVD _74ttAA.44_,> — [LESSEE FL 33050-2805 r Certified:7101 0412 3440 2880 7585 Regina Dur ,Agent-lx_: MONROE COUNTY BD OF COMMISS L.LI( %CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION I LJ C-.:• • 1 fr_. BOND INFO NOT AVAILABLE AS OF 500 WHITEHEAD ST G: L_7 - 10/21/21 KEY WEST FL 33040-6351 OCT 2 5 20Z7 WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW, YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE.TO AVOID-A-LIEN AND PAYING TWICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM US (Lienor) EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. 9489009206017003711155 OCTOBER 18, 2021 9489009206017003711155-3711186 NOTICE TO OWNER / NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR To: (Owner) 9489009206017003711155 • - MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ����n Vn �D 500 WHITEHEAD STREET ul • KEY WEST FL 33040 O:CT222021 . . Fin The under d,hereb gs,i ne M y_informs,you that-he or she h,ls.furnishe �er seRtrnishin•.services or.materials as follows: FABRICATED REBAR AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS.AND SUPP for the improvements of real property identified as 29550 OVERSEAS HWY, BIG PINE KEY, FLORIDA, LOWER KEYS SCENIC HIGHWAY VIEWING AREA AND BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED IN BOND RECORDED IN OR BOOK 3103 PAGE 1860 PUBLIC RECORDS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BOND NO. 3847098. under an order given by CRUZ-IN THE KEYS CONSTRUCTION. Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your rights to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06, Florida Statutes. In the event that the contract for improvement is bonded, pursuant to Section 255.05, 713.23, 713.245 or 337.18 Florida Statutes, Title 40 USC Section 3131, et seq., or any other form of bond, the undersigned intends to look to that bond for protection and payment. The undersigned requests a copy of the payment bond and a copy of any direct contracts pertaining to the improvements for this project and agrees to pay reasonable copy costs for such copy. •IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws,those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid,have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF: --RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. --LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law,Chapter 713,Part I,Florida Statutes,and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. / JJ ,1COPIES TO: • � 9489009206017003711186 By: JOY BODOH'/ ZoomLien (GEN CONTR)' Any demand made pursuant to Section 713 16 Fiorrda Statutes:. must be:directed to the attention of:the Lienor s representative CORAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ;: at the.address of ahe Lienor showri below 347 AVIATION BLVD MARATHON FL 33050 As Authorized Agent for Lienor: CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS INC (Under an order given by) ATTN:SKYLAR WALL CRUZ-IN THE KEYS CONSTRUCTION 4350 NORTHERN BLVD 565 65TH STREET OCEAN PO BOX 210189 MARATHON•FL 33050 .MONTGOMERYAL 36121-0189 . (Ref#: 22-2289146) • 9489009206017003711162 (BOND) 7d 'AIN 00 GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY tJ��-�'�*nIu 301 EAST FOURTH STREET .(ji. CINCINNATI OH 45202 • 9489009206017003711 179 • i tj J J J $•�L j (BOND) NIELSON, WOJTOWICZ, NEU & ASSOCIATES Cat OOP 1000 CENTRAL AVENUE, SUITE 200 ST PETERSBURG FL 33705