#Assignment of Lease/Bill of Sale 1st Amendment 03/17/2010DANNY L* KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DA TE: March 23, 2010 TO: Sheriff Robert P. Peryam Monroe County Sheriffs Office A TTN: Tamara Snider FROM: Pamela G. Hanco�. C. At the March 17, 20101, Board of CountyCommissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of a First Amendment to the As signment of Lease and Bill of Sale with Telcom Systems, Ltd. to extend the lease terminatio n date six months. Enclosed is a duplicate original of the above -mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this offic e. Cc: County Attorney Finance File/ FIRST AMENDMENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE AND BB..L Oil SALE lHIS .~ldENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE AND BD.L OF SALE is entered iDto this --LL'1Iay of March 2010 by and between TELCOM SYSTEMS,. LTD. rcrmSEEj, a Florida I...imited ParIDership, JJavias 811 address at 450 NE 1- Road, Homestead, PIorida 33030, aod MoDroe County ("COUN1YJLBSSOR.j, a political sabclivision of1he State of Florida, whose address is 1010 lCenDedy Drive, Suite 200, Key West, Florida 33040. WHEREAS, LESSEE 8Dd. COUNlYILESSOR are parties under a cerrain Lease Agreement origina1ly between TCI Cablevision of Florida, Inc. and COUN1YILESSOR, as modified by the Assigomeat ofLoue and Bill of Sale dated April IS, 2009 ~ refared to collectively 81 "the Leasej, mspectiDa certaiD real property located OIl US 1. Loaa Key, Floirda (hereiDaftcr"the Leased Premises") III.OfO particularly described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made apart hereof; and Whereas, the Lease shall expire on March 8. 2010; and - .... _. '- Whereas, parties hereiO desire to extend the Lease termination date for a period ofup to six months; ...;. . NOW nmRBPORE, the COUN'IYILESSOR. and LESSEE hereby AMEND the Lease as follows: 1. T......matiea: Effective upon execution of both parties the Lease shall be extended under a month to month teDancy ~ing on Mamh 8, 2010 and tenninsttiog October 7, 2010; mess DeW terms and conditions can be negotiated prior to that date. All the remaiDiDg terms oftbe Lease, not inconsistent herewith, sba1l1anain in full b:ec 8Dd effect. If any ~ covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement (or the application thereof to any circumstance or person) shall be declan:d invalid or unenforceable 10 any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the reqmining terms, covenants, conditions and provisioDs of this Agreemen.t, shall not be a&ctecl thereby; and each reJnaining term, coveaant, condition and provision oftbis Agreemeut shall be valid aDd shall be enfurceable to tile faDest cxfaIt permitted by law unless the _ of the rem4iJ1itlg terms, coveaants, conditions and provisioDs of this Agreement would prevent the accomplishment of the original intent of this Agreement. The COUN'IYILESSOR and LESSEE agree to reform the Agreement to replace any stridcen provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. IN WITNESS WHEREOF COUNTYILESSOR 8Dd. LESSEE hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first written above in four (4) counterparts, each. of which sball, without proof or accouoting for the other COIl1Iterp811S, be deemed an original cootract. REMAINDER. OF TlBS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFr BLANK SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW Page 1 of2 LHAGE, Clerk Date~~AR 1 72QtO WJtnesses fur TekxmrSystems~ -Ltd" ~#~ /?of/,f!:- -;:: /10 II t.l f1~ Print Name Date: M OJ} ch ~ 8010 , ~. TeIcom Systems, Ud By: Telcom s~ Ltd., Joe. Its General Partner By: 17f:~ J ~;~t~p-i Name: E. Spisiak TIde: President Date: Ma,.. ch 1.,9.01 0 I STATE OF FLOlUDA COUNTY OF MONROE Sworn to (01' affirmed) and subscn'bed before me this J day of M aJJ cJ1 . 2010, by '0~<nt:. ~ e. S'? \ S \ A K ~ for Comcast, who is persoually known to ID@ or produced the followins identification Notary Stamp: I. ~~., APRL OMARA l*:iI:~ MY COMMISSION' DD 736674 I ~~.. · .,~.: EXPIRES: January 19.2012 ,Rt.. , I Bonded llvu NotaIy PubIc Underwriters ~AJJ()4~ ignature of Notary Page 2 of2 3: I""-"! '::'> ~ Z )> -"11 C") Z .,..,,.r r- -. g ;i ::< .:z-~ r-- . ___ fj5 ,8 --!CJ~ :;--:,. :-! ):> -", '1 C,""') r- fT1 ~ " -- Q r- i! fTJ ::0 CJ N " <.-) 0 ;0 ." ::0 :z ", w ('""') ... 0 N :0 ........ 0 EXlDBIT "'A" J PREMISES. A 'tract of land fn a pcut of GovemmWtf Lot J. SectIon 6. T. 66 S.. R. as E.. on Long Key. Monroe County. Flor1cfa. and being mont partlcufarty descrfbed by me. and bounds as follows: Commencing at the cenferllne of U.s. Highway Ao. 1 and the PorIt of C'-"'e of Staffon 2.f068 Plus 96.1. FIorfda !cat COQIf RaIlway RIght of Way and Tract Map. beer northeastertv along the centertrne of U.s. HIghway No. I for a cIatance of 330.22 fMt to a pant; thence crt rfght angles and southeast.rIv for a dJstance of SOD fMt to the point of becJlnnttg of the tract of land hw.fnaftw ~ said pofnt 01 begfnnlng also being on 1M IOtJhastwtv rrghf-of-way 1m. of U.s. HIghway No.1; from laid point of beginning, continue bearfng lOuthecuterlv and crt right angles to U.s. Hlghwav No. I for a cIJtanc. of 300.0 feet to 0 point: thence crt rtght angles and norfhecuterly for a distance of 300.0 feet to a point thence crt right angles and northwestelfv for a dlstance of 300.0 teet to a point on the southeasterlv right-of-way Ine of U.S. Highway No.1: thence bear southwestwty along the southeasterJv rlQht.of-way line of U.$. Hlghwoy No. 1 for a c:lstance of 300.0 teet. back to the point of beginning. 4 L b:i:: (f f-1 ^