Item L2 REVISED BACK—UP BOAKI)UJP-IUILMNI I 4-U1VIMMIUAL" AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: January 21,2015 KW Division:County Attorney Bulk Item: Yes XX No— Staff Contact Phone#:Liga Granger 305-292-3470 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Authorization to initiate litigation against Jerome Pfahning and his property located at 6633 Maloney Avenue, Stock Island, Florida, to gain compliance with the County Code and to pursue collection of outstanding code fines. ITEM BACKGROUND: This property has been the subject of numerous code compliance cases since 2005 for various violations including:failure to properly connect to the central sewer system;failure to maintain the property in a clean, safe and sanitary manner; trash and debris; unsafe and abandoned trailers, vehicles and vessels; and habitation in recreational vehicles without the necessary permits, inspections and approvals. The fines from all 3 code cases total$4,224,800 as of November 3,2014 and will continue to accrue until compliance is achieved. The property owner has not gained compliance. Recent inspections have shown the property to be in worse and deteriorating condition.There is more trash and debris, more unsafe trailers and the property still is not connected to the central sewer system. In its current condition, the property represents a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the community. The code cases remain open for non-compliance and failure to pay outstanding fines and costs. The owner has declared one of the two lots as his homestead for taxation purposes.There are no pending foreclosure actions at this time. Under the policy adopted in Resolution No. 057-2'014 the available legal options in regard to the County's lien on this property are: 1. Initiate litigation against the property owner for injunction, foreclosure on the non-homesteaded lots, money judgment on the homesteaded lot and writ of execution; 2. Allow the liens to remain against the property owner, the subject property and any other property owned by the property owner,and/or 3.Reduce the amount of the fines. County staff recommends initiating litigation (option 1) against the property owner for injunction, foreclosure, money judgment and writ of execution. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES:N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Authorization to initiate litigation. TOTAL COST:Appx.$2500.00 INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes _X_ No_ DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL REFERENCE: N/A COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: .148-50001-30318 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes AMOUNT PER MONTH— Year APPROVED BY: County Atty 47OMB/Purchasing— Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included —X--- Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM# L-2 REVISED BACK-UP: Inserted 11/17/14 letter from T. Leonard. (see page 6 of backup) C) C> Cr LL ;, r y uj 0- 0 LL r co L 0 I- r - 0 0 Uj 06 4.11 EL ILI . F` LL NKMWA �i ( %'N" 1 f Ow Ul co Jr .U,I LY fT t z w / 1 ^ R a U ZZ W U9 1 e W u N.L Cl. , / uj % to AD W e %/ri 1,- w LNl c) �1 k "rt / z a, i U l QJb, CY'0 � LL0 r � v r IL i 00 /�/'CAI co ir/ i L�J ICJ p 16 �; to %/) i „a. A/ ff jlpf lit06 ` j j// /// ji C3 LL r' y Y v xu i �r� Eli C> k /� �.w y o 0 a- CY z ls' 0 0 0 NE LIJ �-+ 8 ... 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[Uol 'RUIAVq PUP PUPISI 1101S UO pojU-30jX)i;;)doid jnon ftipirli-ai amulsissv pur uopvo!j!jvjo jql 1&-)nb,-)j inon of puods;)j of st iallol siqljo uoiluolul ;)q,l, :Ocuiuqr4jd 'ill St,O€f -14 'PUPISI vols S9LZ xOR 'O'd SLITUtItUd owO-l;)f 60OZ -ExDqtuojdaS qpfpun Inuoisvafaid ffttyM,?q ol dqjjs all ............ t98Z-68Z(SOP AVA L I Z-68Z r11WI-A ()SOtf IA uoqlp.i t,,IN -isi(j-hLjdjnjN -I-riAj,%" lll.$l 0()t#"llifis Z 'Imr�xbo.)r JO wA N.1adommmoj.44unojjo PAUOH JOJ3aJlU 0 44 Jo aJ!110, UOISIAI(I IUZ)W25LuvlN LIIMOJD ;)�ojuoWjo XjunoD FM-N=I siijnos.-) IVILIMILIOJIALl'q PLIF, �UIUUPld JOPNIO -jS 'qr,,NN43SXojsumoj noujojjV �junoD jurlsissV 'Xo1sunif . ) Liu,;nS XiulolIV Xjuno-) 1UPISISSv *j35uvjf Lsi-I luouiprdi(.1 juow.):).iqju- ,I )po,)iol-,),)jU JS 'UPULION.VPUO-d :;)J Sall/lov 60OZ, '0 1 �Inf polup iaIjij urLwON SOOZ 'S I!jdV polyp rjo-T iu-,)wljrdz)(I Oulu-Llvld :SjLI-,)wqmjjV 1043NICI UOISIAI(j JUMOOLIUVIN qlMOlf ,111;)AII,L J;)Wo ,,lAZ)jpUV .X1013OUTS 'suj.i,)uo,)jo suoilsmb I-CUOII!ppr XUP ;)Arq pinoqs noR j! ;)3!fjo ISw 10r)UO-,) O'l 3oJJ lz)aJ DSL'Old -,S.iinbui jno' of osuods;)j ;)Iqpld-.),)Du ur aq ol jouol siql pull noX ;)dotl I 'J')Illslp [N-,dNfj ,)qjjohl!Su,)p Pamolle oql loom pur 1-PRol punqj uaiq OALq Ll:)ilqm oiisuo sl!un all jo juatworldal 1aP!Suoo PUB SUOIJUJOIA opoo 'Ruipuulslno 11v jo uoij,)z)l-io-,) -,)n,.,jiid nod jrq) js,),i2n,, I -jq,jss;),-)ins -,)q pinom oi?uuq3 -;ql luqj I.-.)-,)j iou op 1 sp lsu.)dx,-,)siqi in,)ui of noX oiftino3w jou op I -�Iddv of ;)Luo3l;)Ax -wr nM UOIIUILIBIS;)p Slqj ui )lRuv.q;) L, onsind o) aIfl pino.m tic- jj 'JOJJ3 Ul OPPILI SV,,'A UOIIL'Ui?IS;)p Slqj )Pql Moddns p1nom jrqj Z),-)ulp!Al OU PLIIJ UVO I UIP41V )LUoq -il!qouT juiluip!sai uryn jo U011CUBTSOP Mn purl wo.uno ;)ql p;)uoi.is,)nb OSIt, lAvq noA ,,Iuisiioq ijqvpjqjjv sr il!s jjo sliun (Z) ow ;)soql njsuvil of pojinbo.j aq II!,m no,C iiis ;Dqi jo suopul!wil �I!suap of Pnp `.IaAoMoq shun jviiw)p!s;)j iuotimuod iz)qlo Q) o.Nv ol pollptio osIr iju nok -svun )I.)tqIA jVUO1jV0JoQJ juaisuri.1 (t) inoj PUP STILIn ;)It?l 1i3lipw ju.muLund (Z) o,,�j of polliluo si �jjodojd Pqj luql pay!lizo iuowljr,,dz)(I A?uiuupld iql mvp luoijolsiq z)ql uo pisrq -moil Pl!qow (I) auo puu, s;)I,)iq,)A UOIIU;)lZ)OJ (6) ,)uiu posnoq PUB soloigan ILIUOIILIijz)o)j pup s-.)tuoq )I!qoui loj sprd Z[ pouiritiooi Xijodoid jnoX iuql punoj Pup SOOZ '8Z �lpnuuj, Lio J!SIA ;)j!'S V POI-,)npuoz) JLJ,)LUjJrd)G ',3uiuubl(l )ql -joyisip ;)sn purl pur sapoo IU3Jlll,) Z)q) WAL5 JBIJU010d jU;)uid0j;)A.)p;7UJO uoodinsop ;)jrjn:),-m tip qlim noX -,)P!AO.ld snqj pur sainjonjis -)uiwjii,)p oi sijmonjis fur jo �joisiq ;)qi se liam sr �)jodojd zqijo �joistq )ql s,)li3nitAl j,)13zol oq.1. -;)',iuirq-,) j(�j ?snL,,, ou pug ur.-) puu Ia al siql jo sSuipuij a)qj P,)N\ZIIA;Dl aAVLJ J '�Ooz *t, I!JdV p�alep ftipums-mpufj jo nijo-I sju;)uijjvda(j iluiuuuld aqj jo s,Ruipug -,)ql suoils;)nb tipjntutjd j,)ii;)[ jnoA r oujoijv �iuno� juvis[ssV -1jul I ujtjju, -) lUaUA-lllVUrjN qlMO.Jj)'JOIJZJI(j UOlSAAl(] -311a,Xljj, -()Mo1puv l(JMZ):)J0JU3 -'POD'J011z)JiC 'AS IWD -UvUJj --I epuo�j ?U` "PUO', Sple5ow Isos -;)Ul V-)01 ;);).0 Jaoj aspold 'suoiIsonb ,Cue;)Au4 no, oneildwoo olui Kiiadoid ino,(duifutjq ui no, isisse of p;)pa;)u UO[lruuq4ul lqi sap!AoAd j;)Ilii siql 'z)doq I .,fIjadojd oqjjo swur snOlJgA of j;)mod�uiuunj spjoo Lu 11 lx.uoisuo A W 'El P ') P a 0 Z% ispil lsn pup ,,4unoD�ojuo"Xq PMOiddu ua;)q IOU spy sash id/�,j PUMM pup siAnoruis 2ujmoLj of sjird;)j jo U011-InJISUOa'SlMSZIA pmoq v and JO'kiUlN3OP pup 5UIjOOW;)ql -ZI -OSP33 lsllw pup :)sn paAoiddu Ur IOU si sands AN JO W)UPH *I I ,scz)l lsnLu pur C;,jnoj ao.,uok% �q pa,wjddc ua--Q IOU su4 S,AZi JO 05UJOIS '01 -uopejjqi?q joj PaSll lq IOU.Rttl S0lJ3lq;)A JCUOlJP3l0a-d -6, 'SP34S l�ujois su p;)sn oq IOU Xpw 3.111!q,?A It'llOpe'lJoaN -8 wipliqpq joj S,Ml JO wowoirld wouawid ?qi joj pwnd r sijinbai(Wm,-7), v;)dojd siqjjo i?uiuoz Pq_L -L .sUOljn,z)dsU! Ing PUB imuod v saimbii pup Djesun,pawoop u;)aq spy awoq ol!qow ui Pup oolAils Ulm aql Uo p:)iojduAo-)Niom lvaullal' 0 NJ. 9 -suopoodsui luuij puR puwd u saiinbaA poom,(ld ql!,,A pojivdaj awoiq P'I!qOLU aqj_ `SlL'AoAddp pur suoij,)adsuj 'pwj�d t,aunbaj sjoUlUjuO3 0218,) -�jndojd aqjjo j;)wo:) 141 ul p;)Iols ftiaq /Cjwjjnzi siuoq Iles pun 'sjt?oq uooiuod 'tjrj:�jolum `sues dils 'SJOSSaA 'sj;)I!Pjl iuoq 'sojiiym Ile 31quindo.alm pup;)su;):)Ii 10 aAOW-d -E -sijnionjis qaAod uz)poom pue siuo-,)`jaajs aly 1.11!Ljl wojj si.Aqap iwnq-ajn4!uAnj pjo,`scbm -s,�onq `sillolud ';�do,j 'il!d p�oom driis o0jul 'siwoq al!qow u;);)mi?q Ul pliols swabXjjL,,oU!-.mds 'sijqop PUL' 4srJl JJU DAOUla-d -Z -Luajs�s iomls;)ql of UOljoouuOD :s,?u[l, pvpjo jeruom aqi do)s of pup aouvildwoo o;ut fu;;)dojdAno, Ouliq of japio ul no/C, q uilel oq 01 SUO[M';)Alj3QAo3 aqljo isti u st moliq -p;)Ssn,,)sip om s. v 'Ruluq'eJd "IN AM(] 8 IZO I 1903) W LZ I 04,0903D SasrD PPOD ;Ad 01 ff —1-4 111JUM 13-111S,4,9fA1S 117011 5111114v3d OM019f -JN gooZ '01 �jnf XRJ 91, Z-69Z(900 -':)WO 0 1 8Z-68Z(900 MEE 11OLIMUIN emq5lH SraSAZAO 86LZ lwuAo:)JojUg apoD,CiunoD aojuoiN S 4Dpw(i 'ALjdjnw 'r elAIAS 2 3DI14sl(l lua5naN a6joaq t1cilboli isa,�n pax T P!4S()� 'jPqMs,W,?ixjG 3 OHNO�FO AlNno E 4D!Asio 'Ao3oW,,AuuoS,,sajje4:)Lual Old 10APw 40PI5I(l oieuuao !CJ olipw AOAEP?W L JO I OWEd umoi Ouippq puu alls uo swnjanijs snoixeA oqj ftAoww ai polsoioluT sr iuvoilddL, aqL -I Tassn;)SIP alaAi swap 2ulmolloi aq) '2upaaui uoiju3xjddu-axd aq; IV -x-ej, peuoptldn000 f4unoo QoiuoN (9 Pue !tO/OZ/Z I pjvp uoisiAip qnS . . 05PF[ siopm It pu-e f SIOT .10j 2RUImpja -jW �q um-up juoiudojaAOP o�snoq umol ppsodojl (g Put, to/oz/zi Palup U01STAipqnS o2PR Pule E siol .10j ZunrqT2jj -jW 4q umvip upId uoilezill1f, ol!S'OUPSIX'd (J7 P'uL' !VOOZ/OE/I I POIEP ORM00 PuB OLEZE100 IQ3juj-I0jPnDp-TOoo-dXjIpdojj (C PTILI 4,00Z 'OZ-IzqwQ3g(j pjrp uu-euj)jooa.,zqj-off 01 2ulu7Jd 'IN 4q uolipa i:ajjg-j (Z p,u-e !uuojisonbo2 :;ouolajuoauoi oijddv-;;.Tcj Q .;u . :papnjaui 2upaw aq; ju, pajuasaad sjulpa;eW JJ131s" se 01 Pampa 41OAt -(Iu;Dtiwvd;)a Buiuuulj oqjjoj , .10011OD J;3)JV0IaLj)U21S'DC[PUU MDIAQ'd juowdojaAQ(jj0 J0jr-jjsIuTLUPV Joluos 'juu1nof joiV pu?e jsj2c[og jOTUoS 0:4 ;;OATXI MZIpUV 'J*LTUVjCj.'uu1Uurp@g j;DT4 01 poll !(,,juvoijdd-e,, oqj seWOH PuR 0JoJ "algIMT011) 2ulull-eJUDMO-W PgPniour 2ugoour aq) le sQgpuauV uogle ui junalmdoCf �Wiumld X4unoD QO.TuOW OtIl u,PIPIq sum shored iozfqns aqj f mpmfioi Q=x)JuOo uogeoilddr-old u SOOZ 'gZ Uenuvr ao urptxzlsTapun jo I;aU'01 U QW411SUO0 jjvqs woLunoop syqj POD /4unOD`DOJuOY4 0'41 JO D-E'6 uOI;O;aS of lu-ensxnl :�uiuyej(j -.iW ivaCI (INVISIT XDOJLS ,000000*08culoo, (INV 000000-OLucloo- aaiawfiN HIVIS13 Ivau , rl 9NIJL3aw NOIJLVDI-Idjv ana :J.Daf ff fl S ,dod f)&I(INV.LSU21QNn A0 wa Jua 59LZ xOEI *O'd 2u'uT4'uJd OwOlgf SOOZ 't7 1pdyr V10!4SI(V*0Q1'd P!A?(l'LULUOD MZ-68Z(900 XVJ 9 70111SI(3,tiostaK,3 Al,.UnN-WLUOD OOSZ-68Z(500:001ON Old 100h 090Ucp!,0Ij,u()Epujuw I IapjSICj'jaIj3dS-jN oixia ju,(gIN X—q2!H SeZSJOAO 86LZ 00� S LN4w Uvdaa DmINNY-Id L JD Z 013'Od PUL, 'Iun000Uauo 10i sp.103O.1 01110;DI3 O Pu7C 'U011BU21s:�p (gu-104 ollqc)Lu} zo v purl sopmdoid gill 'C861 Pus Z86� I ultra '100Z-VS61 •Luoij IIIEDVA ;),IOm s;()l oiq1 iuqi gwolpi-a piLD pi000-d A..Iadolj XjunoD 0661 pus 'u0lT2'r'29u0D-110141 st 11OM SU SO`IJ'eA s1run JO lunOWL' @113 '=X qo'eR jeoloun si iuno= oql inq 'silim moTqs sqdw2ojoqd I-epov :moTgq pouillno aw joomd sirli iqj uoplaujojui stqj wojj sjjnszj;;qj 0661 019861)SMU03111 reuopBdno-30 a pus `Avado-id oqj jo OuluOz 986 1--,).id ogj iopun toiid asn ppiijtund v uazq oxcil p1noo asn otU * Put, ptmxoss OuToq asn oqj moi4s )sill spoogi 4ma - * We '986 T 01 101.1d Put,Oly jo O,ouo4sixo olqi OupAoils p-T-eo poow X,-p;Ddoid Xjuno;D Pule '9861 oi joud OjMonAs Stun Buillomp Ptpj000uojsixo Su Moils sqd-eaojqj I-eTjaV :2UL,.Aojjoj Oqj sopiLloul ';)T-L Sull oIq,3jp3Au jou Sl JtAwddL, juotuO273ueW RVAolf) IgT41c) 10 iju-I.Tod U p poqsijqtjs;) -sanim-el Srm f4iodoid 0111 wqi qsilqnso of posn oq TsuimQtAP.T jo joij, PU000.S QTU 1-,g pus Z'I sJol pu-e (t, V Z) sJol S'Junlidde otp joj ponssi sem jymOd silly -u SUA&OP OT (6) Oulu IOJ L961 '51 @unj uo ponssi 9vztI# I!UlJ0d 0 A101SIH ijEwoj�uipjjng • Tolu JooU'o/PU-e STIUn 9111 IOJ Wgt= RUVAT T41MOJ[)JO UOISIAI(l o1qj uio.Tj aojsrq Tujj 2 X od Jo MOTAW 73 SJ!'ejUg Ialj, 3&nj aq.L -A,,OjAgj jo SIOIj OA I jo p � pasodtu©a si JSQJ juom-qsIjqvjs;) InMI QqIL 'ODO"d JO STs-eq oq4 S1 T401qm "Sj!un lei u3pjs;aa 2 upms jo ioqwnu aq; 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's-ioturejosip snO]AzA aT41 qi!m 'uodn paijaj oq,(-eu1xoUzj Sill) III PQPjA01d U01leM.10JUT Oqj 'JUatualoo �uo 1 u" 1-mdop I-euol Ippu j0j 111 11 o141 SOA,1QSQ1 X.1wonbosuo-o Put '�GOZ 'Sz X-m.nuef snOlAwd QiIi iu possoappu uoaq omeij jou 4au peAoiddr ju;DuidoI3/VOp .foj ucimilddr ORi jo and e se pQiinboa sU1311 JIB WT44 SOOPOIMOMJJe 4110W dQCI SUTITOUld Qqj, 'I-eAOjdde iuOLudojoAop jo aura OLD Pe T.MPUBIS PU'e SZATJOOfqo IsIvO Ile qjjm ;uQjsTSuD0 Pq of poitnbo.i Oq 1l!m pofaid To/puu t�Pdoid OL11 paguoure On S-dcl-j 10 Uvid OT41 j! suolluji-LBal 2ullsixo Qtll 01 OU11SOA XUv opjAwd jou soopiollol sull -ingo ui Apuaxino suoijuln2oi gqj jipun OlB11100u su hipuBIsloPun JO JODDI S1,41 U, qlj0j los su0pvl=,sOxdw;)1qj uodn A11O.1 ol. POII!IUQ Q.1-e no,( '(sW(Fl) Euo,)ejn2o-j juowdojo&aCj pur-T f4unoo Q0XU0WoTIlJ0 ft-S-6 110110QS of iuunsxnd -JUAo.Tddi3 PUU MQ1AO1 OSR 11311011!Puoa lmau(j 2uiull-el(I aR jolpme T-TOTSsnuLuoD OuTulteld OITI cal ioOfqns Qiu * S1qj UT POJ!VjQP SIOAI-em 31veqjos joi s-mjq!qjssod puB sot i t supp 'so isuplut oqj lazqjwo .jo I.cluop 10 91101, .1. .1. T4,L 'loofaid v .1jPu40,3 Tjm leAoiddL, 'TUAoidd-u osn I-eu0g!puoo '2uguri2 wojoq sNCI-1 purruuId aLp jo spILpuels PUL' SOA1300�'qo 'sjeog oiIj ql!m Xatiolsisu*oo puu XIT"untuwoo oTqj uo sjo-edtm `ju; wdolQA9P Oqj JO sjoadsv 11e .1op!suoo of paimboi Qju joPaiiCl 2-aiuml(I OLD PUB UOISSIUILLIO. FuluuL'Id OT 59-9-6 1101100S ul -u`BIdQAisuaqoi'd1,U0D 010z pue s-d(I-I oqj 1qjjm o0uLq'dw*oo pu-e sQ1j.iDdo.id 2uipuno:uns jo, I3toJU03 ;DT41 U jqjyA juoLudojQAOP posodoid *qjjo ssauow!.idoidd-e :aql JO mOT ax mQql uo poseq uoTmoTIddu Xui? Xuap io XJIPOw 01 0-5-6 MIMS ja Pun POIQM odtua S1 UOISSLUJUIOZ) OUTUUBId oull 'IvAoidde Psn jmoij!puoo -e of loofq'ns si Apodoad siql jj ,Ioaird silqj uo sl!uTi;Dd Suipj!nq ululqo o; poamboi oq I1!m6otAioS Ojjjpjj At Put' 1131A solvIS poijufj atgj qilm ticil-euTp.l000 fuuoilIpp-e suvow sjT4,L -11tuiod BuiplInq L, J0j U01.113WIddr uodn uoil-cuip-l000 solinbo, 14o1qA--i wi!qpq se lamed si4j Ppnjoul swop �unoD OOMON ,0j 2unsi-I ve3jquH aJIIPFAl PUu qslj 3olviS poijufj oqj jo aoi p1pa ivauna oijL -OZ ')TOOqPu'eH ItIOW92PUBIN -1O1tmw-1oif3 jCjunoo oosuoW aq; Xq pouTlino se s@mjo-ejd luawo�Uuutu lsoq 2visn oi!s uo, poujujai aq jjvqs pule 08-0JOAM snOIAJoduri JO MOM Oqi uo pas-eq all IILqs jolummiols opeo,pul hells up1d srq PAo dd, . I 'I 1 9 wotudoIQAQp J0j UOTIMIddi, Xup TIpm poilddns ;)q IIvqs weld* 4uowaOuu-ew 19;BMUU01s V '61 11dcIp 11pi13 juOoiod Not) of jo lU;)Lu;)xrAz)-i coeds undo u13 )jauqjos STIJ; ITTTIA 'Ijomii-e;s io L10jod V !m guns sjuaiirqo-ell-P L. O L OWPd -lou"131.4 'UUL'Uq3O9-10qluQH lu'a"100,70JuFf OPOD JO IOIOQITCI 'u-Bul-IOX'epuo-d IS12010Iq 10TU21S '014OAql, MaJPUV m;)IAOW luoit-rdolaA;)(I Jo 1011311STUTIIII)V JOTUQS '!'UL)Inof j*.TV luow dDIV'X3112DOW 'r 4tilottill xospeiddV Xjxpdoij 1021 ,H UIA1 saaxnosa Feluzujuo-1`2 PuB I?ulu-u-gld SITIOX X101001ITS '00�Z-68Z (�00 Ile 0;)Ujo uoqIei-ejN 'nO P-MOO 01 ODIJ PQj Pse�)Icl 'loofoid jno,� qjpv� no4 Isisst laipinj keui ;;/a j! lo Iiojj;pj sill,jo SJU011100 Zajj fuTPA-e2Qj suo iisonb Xur oAuTl noX jj -zoauls' !Ssejo S1 U013uuuojul qlLp ju IsnTI OA� IN I DocN 1564178 02/02/2006 11:36AM Doc# 1564178 FiledNROE COUNTY& Recorded DANNY in officialL. KOLHAGE Records of SkU 2184 PoN 143 MONROE BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA Petitioner, VS. CASE NO.CE05020266 JEROME PFAHNING Respondent(s). ORDER IMPOSING PENALTY/LIEN THIS CAUSE having come on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on September 29th 2005, after due notice to the Respondent(s), at which time the Special Magistrate heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and issued his Order finding the Respondent(s)in violation of Monroe County Code Section(s): §15.5-21(a). Said Order, and subsequent orders, required the Respondent(s) to correct the violation(s) by October 2e 2005, and further, that failure to correct the violation(s) by the compliance date may result in a fine $100.00(ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS) per day, being imposed for each day thereafter that there is noncompliance. At the meeting of the Special Magistrate held on December Vt 2005, Inspector Dowling testified that the violation(s)had not yet been corrected: ACCORDINGLY, the Special Magistrate finding that the violation(s) had not been corrected, as previously ordered, it is hereby: ORDERED that the Respondent(s) pay to Monroe County, Florida, a fine in the amount of $100.00 (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS), per day, beginning October 2P 2005, and for each and every day thereafter that the violation(s) exist(s) and/or continue(s) to exist. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 162.07, a fine in the amount of $100.00 (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS) is hereby levied for the administrative recovery for prosecution and investigation. THIS ORDER SHALL CONSTITUTE A LIEN AGAINST THE LAND ON WHICH THE VIOLATION(S) EXIST(S) AND UPON ANY OTHER REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VIOLATOR(S). THE VIOLATION(S) EXIST(S) ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: LOT 3, WATERS EDGE PBI-184, STOCK ISLAND, MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA (RE:00132370-000000) Pursu6nt to Section 162.09, Florida Statutes, and may be recorded with the Clerk of the Courts for Monroe County,Florida. W i DocN 1564178 Bk# 2184 PgN 144 That upon complying, the Respondent(s) shall notify the Code Inspector in this case, who shall reinspect the property and notify the Special Magistrate of compliance. DONE AND ORDERED this of December, 2005, at the Monroe County Government Regional Center,Marathon,Florida. BY J.Jeffetve#'by,Esq Code fmeat SpeciaffWstrate STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, on officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid, to take acknowledgments, personally, appeared J. Jefferson Overby, personally known to me, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. ay 7SS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this ofDecember,2005. No ta Public 1 My�W33W? r +� r) Exom June 26.2= I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Order Imposing Penalty/Lien has been furnished b .S. Mail, to the Respondent(s) at 11041 SW 46 h St.,Miami, FL 33165-4732, this y of December 5. e n tIV thisb doe t'a gt K n .Bass, ce i hereby tract cop a nforcement Liaison true a d K e l„ Bass to the special Master MONROEOFFICI CORECORDS Flecor Ins Secretary �ii A BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE LARRY J. SARTIN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CASE NO. CE05020266 Petitioner. VS. JEROME PFAHNING Respondent FEBRUARY 22ND 2007 Inasmuch as a Code Enforcement lien, which is incorporated herein, have been on file in the official records of Monroe County for more than 3 months without being satisfied, this tribunal, pursuant to F.S. 162.09(3), hereby authorizes the Monroe County Attorney's office to institute civil actions to foreclose on said liens and/or to recover money judgments for the amounts of the individual liens plus interest and costs. DONE AND ORDERED at the Division of Administrative Hearings, Tallahassee, Florida, this day of March,2007. . , Larry J:Saktin Code Enforcement Special Magistrate t STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Larry J. Sattin, personally known to me, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of March,2007. Notary Public j'4b,'P, Elma Williams Commission#DD481642 Expires December 2 200 Bonded Troy Fain insurance Inc 80D-385-701 2 j// BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE J.JEFFERSON OVERBY MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA, CASE NO. CE05020266 Petitioner. VS. JEROME PFAHNING Respondent(s). 1 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW,AND ORDER THIS CAUSE having come before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate for a public hearing on September 29t'2005 ,and the Special Magistrate,having reviewed the evidence, heard testimony under oath and argument of counsel (if any), and being otherwise fully apprised of the premises, makes the following findings of fact, conclusions of law and order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF.UAW 1. That the Respondent(s) is/are the owners of record of property located at LT 3,WATERS EDGE,PB1-184,STOCK..ISLAND,MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ( 132370- ) 2. That the Respondent(s)was/were duly noticed of this hearing; and 3. That the above-named property is in violation of the Monroe County Code as more particularly described in Exhibit"A", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Therefore it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that: 4101 1f/0 A. Respondent(s) is/are in violation of the Monroe County Code(s) and is/are ordered to comply with the provisions of said codes by October 2e 2005. A compliance/ review hearing will be held on October 27a`2005. B. Upon complying,Respondent(s) shall notify the Code Inspector in this case who shall re-inspect the property and notify the Code Enforcement Department of compliance. C. Noncompliance by the above date will result in the imposition of a fine, $100.00 (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS)per day, for each day thereafter that Respondent(s) is/are in violation. D. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 162.07,a fine in the amount of$100.00(ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS) has been levied for the administrative recovery for prosecution and investigation. E. In the event of nonpayment of fines/liens imposed, a certified copy of an order imposing a fine may be recorded in the public records and shall thereafter constitute a lien against the land on which the violation or violations exist and upon any other real or personal property owned by the violator(s). F. You have the right to appeal this order to the Circuit Court of Monroe County. If you wish to appeal, you must do so no later than thirty(30)days from the date of this Order. Failure to timely file a written Notice of Appeal will waive your right to appeal. NR O ERED at the Marathon Government Regional Center, M on,Florida, this day of , 005. J. Overby STATE OF FLORIDA Code Enforcement S ial Magistrate COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments,personally appeared I JEFFERSON OVERBY,personally known to me, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this�a-y of S"tember, 2005. ,1 0 L Notary Pu lic June ae,2oos 2 EXHIBIT' 66 A9) VIOLA o- COUNT 1. Pursuant to Monroe County Code § 15.5-21(a) Connection of existing on-site sewage treatment and disposals systems to central sewerage system. (a)The owner of an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system must connect the system must connect the system or the building's plumbing to an available publicly owner or investor-owned sewerage system within 30 days after written notification by the owner of the publicly owned or investor-owned sewerage system that the owned sewerage system that the system is available for connection CORRECTION( COUNT 1. (I)Obtain required permit and final inspections from the Department of Health, (2)Obtain required permit and final inspections from the Monroe County Building Department. (3)Obtain required Service Agreement from the Key West Resort Utilities. (4)Obtain required permit and final inspections from the Department of Environmental Protection. (If your home is OTHER THAN a single family residence with a gravity fed connection, you may need a DEP permit.) CONTACT YOUR CODE INSPECTOR UPON COMPLIANCE Upper Keys (305)852-7135 Middle Keys(305)2894556 Lower Keys (305)292-4495 1 HEREBY CERTEFY that a true and correct copy of the above has been furnished to the Respondent(s)by mail at 11041 SW 46th Street, Miami,FL 33165, this "//&tray of ?pte , ,2005. Code Enf4cement Liaison Karen L. Aass Please make check or money order payable to Monroe County Code Enforcement and mail to 2798 Overseas Highway,Suite 330,Marathon,FL 33050. 3 Dp Doc# 164 12.-28PM 05/08/2007 3fficial Records of Filed & in I MONROE COUNTYRecorded DANNY L. KOLHAGE BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE LARRY J. SARTIN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. CE06040127 JEROME PFAHNING DocN 1641695 Respondent(s). BkN 2292 P9# 1829 ORDER IMPOSING PENALTY/LIEN THIS CAUSE having come on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on February 22' 2007, at the Marathon Government Regional Center, located at 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida, after due notice to the Respondent(s), at which time the Special Magistrate heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and issued his Order finding the Respondent(s) in violation of Monroe County Code Section(s): §19-129(a)(b)(c)(d),§19-95,§19-96,§5.5-16(b)(1), §6-4(a)(c),§8-17(a), & §9.5-111(1). Said Order, required the Respondent(s) to correct the violation(s) and reserved on fines in being imposed for each day thereafter that there is noncompliance. At the meeting of the Special Magistrate held on March 29' 2007, Inspector Dowling testified that the following violation(s) had not yet been corrected: §19-129(a)(b)(c)(d),§19-95,§19- 96,§5.5-16(b)(1), §6-4(a)(c),§8-17(a), & §9.5-111(1). ACCORDINGLY, the Special Magistrate finding that the violation(s) had not been corrected, as previously ordered, it is hereby: ORDERED that the Respondent(s) pay to Monroe County, Florida, a fine in the amount of $100.00,( ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS) per count, per day, beginning March 23', 2007, and for each and every day thereafter that the violation(s) exist(s) and/or continue(s) to exist. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 162.07, a fine in the amount of $100.00 (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS) is hereby levied for the administrative recovery for prosecution and investigation. THIS ORDER SHALL CONSTITUTE A LIEN AGAINST THE LAND ON WHICH THE VIOLATION(S) EXIST(S) AND UPON ANY OTHER REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VIOLATOR(S). THE VIOLATION(S) EXIST(S) ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: LT 3 WATERS EDGE, PBI-184, STOCK ISLAND, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (RE#00132370-000000); DacN 1641695 dd Bk# 2292 Pg# 1830 Pursuant to Section 162.09, Florida Statutes, this lien may be recorded with the Clerk of the Courts for Monroe County, Florida. That upon complying, the Respondent(s) shall notify the Code Inspector in this case, who shall reinspect the property and notify the Special Magistrate of compliance. DONE AND ORDERED this day of April, 2007, at the Division of Administrative Hearings, Tallahassee, Florida. BY Larry i Code Enfo-icement Special Magistrate STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, on officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid, to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Larry J. Sartin, personally known to me, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of April, 2007. Elma Williams Commission#DD481642 Expires December 2.2009 Notary Public Bonded%yFain ~3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Order Imposing Penalty/Lien has been furms y U.S. Mail, to the Respondent(s) at 11041 SW 46thSt., Miami, FL 33165, t of April, 2007. Karen L. Ba Code Enforc ment Liaison MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS i BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE LARRY J. SARTIN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case# CE06040127 JEROME PFAHNING Respondents November 29`h 2007 Inasmuch as a Code Enforcement lien which is incorporated herein, have been on file in the official records of Monroe County for more than 3 months without being satisfied, this tribunal, pursuant to F.S. 162.09(3), hereby authorizes the Monroe County Attorney's office to institute civil actions to foreclose on said liens and/or to recover money judgments for the amounts of the individual liens plus interest and costs. DONE AND ORDERED at the Marathon Government Regional Center, Marathon, Florida, this 29th day of November, 2007 . Larry J. Sart Code Enforcement Special Magistrate STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Larry J. Sartin, personally known to me, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County an tate last of es ` his 29`h day of November, 2007. N to y Public AIN Kar CW D03330� • My Expires June 2S.2008 ' n BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE LAR.RY J. SARTIN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CASE NO. CE06040127 Petitioner. VS. JEROME PFAHNING Respondent(s). / FINDINGS OF FACT CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER THIS CAUSE having come on for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on February 22"d 2007, at the Monroe County Government Regional Center, located at 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida, the Special Magistrate, having reviewed the evidence, heard testimony under oath and being otherwise fully apprised in the premises, makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. That the Respondent(s) is/are the owners of record of property located at: BK LT 3, WATERS EDGE PB1-184, STOCK ISLAND, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (RE#00132370-000000); 2. That the Respondent(s) was/were duly noticed of this hearing; and 3. That the above-named property is in violation of the Monroe County Code as more particularly described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Therefore it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that: u A. Respondent(s) is/are in violation of the Monroe County Code(s) and is/are ordered to comply with the provisions of said codes by March 22'd 2007. A compliance / review hearing will be held on March 29"' 2007. B. Upon complying, Respondent(s) shall notify the Code Inspector in this case who shall re-inspect the property and notify the Code Enforcement Department of compliance. C. Noncompliance by the above date may result in the imposition of a fine, per day, for each day thereafter that Respondent(s) is/are in violation. D. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 162.07, a cost has been levied for the administrative recovery for prosecution and investigation in the amount of$100.00 (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS). E. In the event of nonpayment of cost/fines/liens imposed, a certified copy of an order imposing a fine may be recorded in the public records and shall thereafter constitute a lien against the land on which the violation or violations exist and upon any other real or personal property owned by the violator(s). F. You have the right to appeal this order to the Circuit Court of Monroe County. If you wish to appeal, you must do so no later than thirty (30) days from the date of this Order. Failure to timely file a written Notice of Appeal will waive your right to appeal. DONE AND ORDERED at the Division of Administrative Hearings, Tallahassee, Florida, this day of March, 2007. Larry J.11S� :. STATE OF FLORIDA Code Enforcement Special Magistrate COUNTY OF LEON I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Larry J. Sartin, personally known to me, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of March, 2007. Notary Public ,.4�° ' `�; Elma Williams . Commission#DD481642 . V Expires December 2,2009 2 "• i+% Bonded Troy Fain insurance Inc NO.385.7019 EXHIBIT "A" VIOLATION(S): COUNT 1. Pursuant to Monroe County Code§19-129 (a)(b)(c)(d) Parking of trucks,trailers and travel trailers: (a) Within any residential district, no trucks, trailers or wagons of one-ton or greater capacity or recreational vehicle-type unit,as defined in F.S 320.01, in excess of forty-two (42)feet in length and in excess of eight and one-half(8.5)feet in width shall be parked for storage purposes, including overnight, on any public right-of-way or on private property except within a completely enclosed garage... (b)All trailers, motor homes or motor coaches parked in accordance with this ordinance shall be parked taking into account the setback requirements... (c) Trailers motor homes or motor coaches that are parked for storage as per the provision of this ordinance shall not be used as a place of habitation. (d) These vehicles must be registered in the name of the owner or the tenant of the property where they are parked. COUNT 2. Pursuant to Monroe County Code §19-95-Abandoned vehicles. Within all land use districts,except I districts, all vehicles which are inoperative and/or unlicensed for a period often(10) days shall be prohibited on any public right-of-way or on private property except within a completely enclosed garage. COUNT 3. Pursuant to Monroe County Code§19-96 Abandoned watercraft. Within all land use districts except I districts, all watercraft which are inoperative and/or unlicensed for a period of thirty (30) days and appear to be in a state of decay and/or abandonment, as determined by the code enforcement administrator, shall be prohibited on any waterway, shore,private or public property unless contained in a completely enclosed building COUNT 4. Pursuant to Monroe County Code §5.5-16(b)(1) Prohibition an live-aboard vessels in residential areas (1)No person may anchor,moor or dock,or permit or cause to be anchored, moored or docked, any live-aboard vessel; (2) Any vessel with a person or persons aboard that is anchored,moored or docked in the same location for 72 hours is presumed to be a live-aboard vessel. COUNT 5. Pursuant to Monroe County Code§64(a)(c) Unsafe buildings.(a)Abatement Required: All unsafe buildings shall be abated using the Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code, 1997 edition,promulgated by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., subject to all amendments, modifications or deletions hereinafter contained. (c) Amendment: As adopted by Monroe County, section 302.1.1(4), Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code, shall read as follows: "A statement advising that any person having legal interest in the property may be prosecuted before the code enforcement special master,in county court, or in any other manner provided by law for failure to repair,vacate or demolish the offending building in the manner set forth in the notice." COUNT 6. Pursuant to Monroe County Code §8-17(a)—Premises to be cleaned and mowed. (a)For the purposes of promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the county,all lands inside and outside of subdivisions, including vacant lands,and improved property within the unincorporated area of the county, shall be kept cleared of debris, garbage, litter,yard trash, refuse, special solid waste, solid waste,trash, industrial waste and/or which tend to be a breeding place or haven for snakes,rodents,insects, and vermin of all kinds and character, and/or which tend to create a fire hazard,endanger the lives and property of the 3 ,llolll1pe�Illl��l, residents of the county, create a traffic hazard, create a nuisance or unsanitary condition and/or which render the soil or air impure,unwholesome, or unhealthful. COUNT 7. Pursuant to Monroe County Code §9.5-111(1)—A building permit is required prior to the following: (I)Any work specified in chapter 6.0; an after the fact permit is required for all new development:the placement and removal of trailers,recreational vehicles, live aboard, electrical and plumbing. CORRECTION(S): COUNT 1. Trucks,trailers, motor homes, and motor coaches must be parked to meet setback requirements,removed from the property, or stored in a completely enclosed garage. Cease and desist habitation of recreational vehicles, vehicles,trailers or travel trailers and/or motor homes on the above described property. Vehicles must be registered to the owner or tenant of the property described above. Contact the appropriate Code Enforcement office upon compliance. COUNT 2. Either remove the abandoned vehicle, and/or boat trailers or place it in a completely enclosed garage. Vehicles are required to be registered and operable. COUNT 3. Either remove the abandoned vessel, or place it in a completely enclosed garage. Vessels are required to be registered and operable. COUNT 4. Cease and desist habitation of vessel or remove vessel from property. COUNT 5. Contact the Monroe County Building Department and either obtain a building permit to bring the structure into compliance with current building codes, or obtain a demolition permit and remove all offending structures on the property. COUNT 6. Remove all debris, garbage, litter and /or items specified by the Code Enforcement inspector. Removal of said materials does not authorize the cutting or removal of native or other vegetation without a permit if required. COUNT 7. Contact the Monroe County Building Department and either (1) obtain an after the fact permit and all inspections required, or(2) obtain a demolition permit and remove as directed. CONTACT YOUR CODE INSPECTOR UPON COMPLIANCE Upper Keys (305)852-7135 Middle Keys (305)289-2810 Lower Keys (305)292-4495 I HEREBY CERTIFY thata true and correct copy of the above has been furnis!"6e Respondent(s) via first class mail at 11041 SW 46" Street, Mi FL 33165, this y of March, 2007. Code *f1orcement Liaison Karen/L. Bass Please make check or money order payable to Monroe County Code Enforcement and mail to 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Fl, 33050. 4 Docp 1 &34 i 05/08/2007 12:28PMFiled & rded in Official Records of MONROE COUNTY DANNY L. KOLMAGE BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE LARRY J. SARTIN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Petitioner, VS. CASE NO. CE06110238 JEROME PFAHNING Respondent(s). Docn 1641694 / Bk#t 2292 Pg#1 1827 ORDER IMPOSING PENALTY/LIEN THIS CAUSE having come on for public hearing before the Special Magistrate on February 22' 2007, at the Marathon Government Regional Center, located at 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida, after due notice to the Respondent(s), at which time the Special Magistrate heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and issued his Order finding the Respondent(s) in violation of Monroe County Code Section(s): §19-129(a)(b)(c)(d),§19-95,§19-96,§5.5-16(b)(1), §6-4(a)(c),§8-17(a), & §9.5-111(l). Said Order, required the Respondent(s) to correct the violation(s) and reserved on fines in being imposed for each day thereafter that there is noncompliance. At the meeting of the Special Magistrate held on March 29' 2007, Inspector Dowling testified that the following violation(s) had not yet been corrected: §19-129(a)(b)(c)(d),§19-95,§19- 96,§5.5-16(b)(1), §64(a)(c),§8-17(a), & §9.5-111(1). ACCORDINGLY, the Special Magistrate finding that the violation(s) had not been corrected, as previously ordered, it is hereby: ORDERED that the Respondent(s) pay to Monroe County, Florida, a fine in the amount of $100.00,( ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS) per count, per day, beginning March 23`d, 2007, and for each and every day thereafter that the violation(s) exist(s) and/or continue(s) to exist. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 162.07, a fine in the amount of $100.00 (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS) is hereby levied for the administrative recovery for prosecution and investigation. THIS ORDER SHALL CONSTITUTE A LIEN AGAINST THE LAND ON WHICH THE VIOLATIONS) EXISTS) AND UPON ANY OTHER REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VIOLATOR(S). THE VIOLATIONS) EXIST(S) ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: LT 4 WATERS EDGE, P131-184, STOCK ISLAND, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (RE#00132380-000000); 1 Doen 1641694 d Bk# 2292 Pg# 1828 Pursuant to Section 162.09, Florida Statutes, this lien may be recorded with the Clerk of the Courts for Monroe County, Florida. That upon complying, the Respondent(s) shall notify the Code Inspector in this case, who shall reinspect the property and notify the Special Magistrate of compliance. DONE AND ORDERED this day of April, 2007, at the Division of Administrative Hearings, Tallahassee, Florida. BY ..� Larry Je. Code Enforcement Special Magistrate STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, on officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid, to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Larry J. Sartin, personally known to me, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of April, 2007. Elttna ftlliams !,�✓L� � ��B��� =r �=Commission#DD481642 � December ,2009 . ; `= Expires Decem r 2 ,o,a Notary Public Ri" ��Bonded troy Feel Mwrence Mc OW3`&r I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Order Imposing Penalty/Lien has been furnish U.S. Mail, to the Respondent(s) at 11041 SW 46`h St., Miami, FL 33165, this Nay of April, 2007. Karen L. B ss, Code Enfo ement Liaison MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS /rJ BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE LARRY J. SARTIN MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA Case# CE06110238 JEROME PFAHNING Respondents November 29`h 2007 Inasmuch as a Code Enforcement lien which is incorporated herein, have been on file in the official records of Monroe County for more than 3 months without being satisfied, this tribunal, pursuant to F.S. 162.09(3), hereby authorizes the Monroe County Attorney's office to institute civil actions to foreclose on said liens and/or to recover money judgments for the amounts of the individual liens plus interest and costs. DONE AND ORDERED at the Marathon Government Regional Center, Marathon, Florida, this 29th day of November, 2007 . Larry J. SarCin4�� Code Enforcement Special Magistrate STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Larry J. Sartin, personally known to me, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and S to last aforesaid s 29`h day of November, 2007. No ry ublic dc. Karen L,sass ' My Cornm%awn D0333077 7ja w Expires June 28,2006 1 i BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE LARRY J. SARTIN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CASE NO. CE06110238 Petitioner. VS. JEROME PFAHNING Respondent(s). / FINDINGS OF FACT CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND ORDER THIS CAUSE having come on for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on February 22`d 2007, at the Monroe County Government Regional Center, located at 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida, the Special Magistrate, having reviewed the evidence, heard testimony under oath and being otherwise fully apprised in the premises, makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. That the Respondent(s) is/are the owners of record of property located at: BK LT 4, WATERS EDGE 1`111-184, STOCK ISLAND, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (RE#00132380-000000); 2. That the Respondent(s) was/were duly noticed of this hearing; and 3. That the above-named property is in violation of the Monroe County Code as more particularly described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Therefore it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that: A. Respondent(s) is/are in violation of the Monroe County Code(s) and is/are ordered to comply with the provisions of said codes by March 22Id 2007. A compliance review hearing will be held on March 29' 2007. B. Upon complying, Respondent(s) shall notify the Code Inspector in this case who shall re-inspect the property and notify the Code Enforcement Department of compliance. C. Noncompliance by the above date may result in the imposition of a fine, per day, for each day thereafter that Respondent(s) is/are in violation. D. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 162.07, a cost has been levied for the administrative recovery for prosecution and investigation in the amount of$100.00 (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS). E. In the event of nonpayment of cost/fines/liens imposed, a certified copy of an order imposing a fine may be recorded in the public records and shall thereafter constitute a lien against the land on which the violation or violations exist and upon any other real or personal property owned by the violator(s). F. You have the right to appeal this order to the Circuit Court of Monroe County. If you wish to appeal, you must do so no later than thirty (30) days from the date of this Order. Failure to timely file a written Notice of Appeal will waive your right to appeal. DONE AND ORDERED at the Division of Administrative Hearings, Tallahassee, Florida, this day of March, 2007. Larry J. Code Enforcement Special Magistrate STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Larry J. Sartin, personally known to me, who executed the foregoing and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of March, 2007. Notary Public QN, Elma Williams +... .=Commission#DD481642 .Mn Q` �.• Expires December 2,,2009 i''ij*j fM.Bonded Loy Fam insurance Inc 800.385.7019 EXHIBIT "A" VIOLA'TIOfi��S : COUNT 1. Pursuant to Monroe County Code§19-129(a)(b)(c)(d) Parking of trucks,trailers and travel trailers: (a) Within any residential district,no trucks,trailers or wagons of one-ton or greater capacity or recreational vehicle-type unit,as defined in F.S 320.01, in excess of forty-two(42)feet in length and in excess of eight and one-half(8.5)feet in width shall be parked for storage purposes, including overnight,on any public right-of-way or on private property except within a completely enclosed garage... (b)All trailers, motor homes or motor coaches parked in accordance with this ordinance shall be parked taking into account the setback requirements... (c) Trailers motor homes or motor coaches that are parked for storage as per the provision of this ordinance shall not be used as a place of habitation. (d) These vehicles must be registered in the name of the owner or the tenant of the property where they are parked. COUNT 2. Pursuant to Monroe County Code §19-95-Abandoned vehicles. Within all land use districts, except I districts, all vehicles which are inoperative and/or unlicensed for a period of ten(10)days shall be prohibited on any public right-of-way or on private property except within a completely enclosed garage. COUNT 3. Pursuant to Monroe County Code§19-96 Abandoned watercraft. Within all land use districts except I districts,all watercraft which are inoperative and/or unlicensed for a period of thirty (30) days and appear to be in a state of decay and/or abandonment, as determined by the code enforcement administrator, shall be prohibited on any waterway, shore,private or public property unless contained in a completely enclosed building COUNT 4. Pursuant to Monroe County Code§5.5-16(b)(1) Prohibition on live-aboard vessels in residential areas(1)No person may anchor,moor or dock, or permit or cause to be anchored,moored or docked, any live-aboard vessel; (2)Any vessel with a person or persons aboard that is anchored, moored or docked in the same location for 72 hours is presumed to be a live-aboard vessel. COUNT 5. Pursuant to Monroe County Code§64(a)(c) Unsafe buildings.(a)Abatement Required All unsafe buildings shall be abated using the Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code, 1997 edition,promulgated by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., subject to all amendments, modifications or deletions hereinafter contained. (c) Amendment: As adopted by Monroe County, section 302.1.1(4), Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code, shall read as follows: "A statement advising that any person having legal interest in the property may be prosecuted before the code enforcement special master, in county court, or in any other manner provided by law for failure to repair, vacate or demolish the offending building in the manner set forth in the notice." COUNT 6. Pursuant to Monroe County Code §8-17(a)—premises to be cleaned and mowed. (a)For the purposes of promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the county, all lands inside and outside of subdivisions, including vacant lands, and improved property within the unincorporated area of the county, shall be kept cleared of debris, garbage, litter, yard trash, refuse, special solid waste, solid waste,trash, industrial waste and/or which tend to be a breeding place or haven for snakes,rodents,insects,and vermin of all kinds and character,and/or which tend to create a fire hazard, endanger the lives and property of the 3 residents of the county,create a traffic hazard, create a nuisance or unsanitary condition and/or which render the soil or air impure,unwholesome,or unhealthful. COUNT 7. Pursuant to Monroe County Code§9.5-111(1)—A building permit is required prior to the following: (1)Any work specified in chapter 6.0; an after the fact permit is required for all new development:the placement and removal of trailers, live aboard , electrical and plumbing. CORRECTION(S): COUNT 1. Trucks,trailers,motor homes, and motor coaches must be parked to meet setback requirements, removed from the property, or stored in a completely enclosed garage. Cease and desist habitation of recreational vehicles,vehicles, trailers or travel trailers and/or motor homes on the above described property. Vehicles must be registered to the owner or tenant of the property described above. Contact the appropriate Code Enforcement office upon compliance. COUNT 2. Either remove the abandoned vehicle,or place it in a completely enclosed garage. Vehicles are required to be registered and operable. COUNT 3. Either remove the abandoned vessel, or place it in a completely enclosed garage. Vessels are required to be registered and operable. COUNT 4. Cease and desist habitation of vessel or remove vessel from property. COUNT 5. Contact the Monroe County Building Department and either obtain a building permit to bring the structure into compliance with current building codes, or obtain a demolition permit and remove all offending structures on the property. COUNT 6. Remove all debris, garbage, litter and /or items specified by the Code Enforcement inspector. Removal of said materials does not authorize the cutting or removal of native or other vegetation without a permit if required. COUNT 7. Contact the Monroe County Building Department and either (1) obtain an after the fact permit and all inspections required, or(2) obtain a demolition permit and remove as directed. CONTACT YOUR CODE INSPECTOR UPON COMPLIANCE Upper Keys (305)852-7135 Middle Keys (305)289-2810 Lower Keys (305)292-4495 I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above has been furnish e Respondent(s) via first class mail at 11041 SW 46`h Street, Mi FL 33165, this �Y of March, 2007. Code Enf rcement Liaison Karen L. ss Please make check or money order payable to Monroe County Code Enforcement and mail to 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL 33050. 4 ' ...__ ..., ..._ ... 1 4/111016t. " -,... . c.._ CD ,...• i' *. . .•:''. .. .., 1, ....N..- ,•,. i,, ......, _ _ , .iR • iii,:e CD --h a) . .Ili . ill oil". ilF gc c. —• XI -) M 1::), • • .... Co 51 ...--- , • Ata' .,it,',. . I ,.. : •• co , ... ,,f _ . f , • 1, 4 4 ritti .1 4 gli . , 0 co ....„. • ,oe , ih, ,, 3 90 GO .,- ,• # . A . # •, 4 ' .01 1'''. J . • ;1.-- , .,4 i.ft... ,..• ,,.,,.r.. •:/II& - , • , 4 a r , — . `g ,••• ,.• , . .•y •. ..,114 '• .'' '-7\ 0 . . . , . .1 .-..• (/) a)._. 0_ 4 . if•gv : r 1 i 4 •-• •„... s . 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