Resolution 250-2020 Resolution No. 250 -2020 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS,it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 129.06,Florida Statutes,to amend the following. Law Enforcement Trust Fund,Fund 162,for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2019 and ending September 30,2020,now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA,that a Public Heanng was conducted on September 16th,2020 at I:30 P.M.to amend the Law Enforcement Trust Fund,Fund 162,budgets and to adopt the amended budgets as follows Law Enforcement Trust Fund-Fund 162 Current Inn/peel Revised Revenues: Budget Budget 162 36100501 Interest Earnings $5,000.00 S000 $500000 162 36900155 Miscellaneous Revenues S104,I8104 SO 00 SI 04,18104 162 369002SS Misc.Rev-Federal Justice S000 S20805 S20805 162 369003SS Misc.Rev-Federal Treasury $000 537,53132 537,53132 162 369004S5 Misc.Rev-South Flonda Justice $000 $161871 $161871 162 369005SS Misc.RevSouth Honda Treasury $0.00 5417,75997 5417,759.97 162 389001 Less 5%FL Statute (525000) $0.00 ($250.00) 162 389002 Fund Balance Forward S51625000 $000 $516,25000 162 389015 Fund Bel-Federal Justice 5000 520,2550E 520,25502 162 389016 Fund Bal-Federal Treasury S000 $2,854,100.37 $2854,100.39 162 389017 Fund Bal-South Honda Justice $000 5157,59400 $157,594.00 162 389018 Fund Bal-South Florida Treasury $000 $655 826.73 $655 826.73 Total 5625,181,04 54,144,894.17 54,770,075.21 Appropriations: 162 68801 530490 LawEnforcement Trust Fund $520,181.04 $000 S520,18104 162 68802 530490 Federal Justice SO 00 $20,463.07 $20,463.07 162 68803 530490 Federal Treasury $0.00 52,89163169 $2,891.631 69 162 68804 530490 South Flonda Justice 5000 S159,21271 S159,21271 162 68805 530490 South Flonda Treasury S000 $1,073,586.70 $1,09358670 162 85568 590990 State Grant $30000.00 $000 $30,000.00 162 85568 590991 Reserves $75 000 00 $000 $75 000.00 Total 1625,181,04 50.14094.17 $4,770.075.21 I0.00 $000 loon BE IT FARTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that he Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above,is hereby authorized and directed to make necessary changes of said items,as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County.Florida.at a regular meeting of the Board on the 16th day of September,AD 2020. Mayor Carruthers Yes Mayor Pro Tem Coldiron Yes rag ,; Commissioner Cates Yes =p ^+�` s CommissionerRice �'y� N :n TCommissionerMurphy Yea 22 N -11 { BOARD OF CO YCOMMI6510NER5 JM1 A OF MONRO '9 , 106 IDA By: A _ S C7 a r a d CDAttesyJ§EVM MA O C Clerk N s Del ty Clerk MONROE ATTORNEY /1 eVj-((7 foa5t 10am CNPJSTM MBERTT.omMOWS A!SWAM'COt.MTY ATTORNEY teATT c1/17120 _ 1 KEYrWEST EN The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper Est 1876 PO Box 1800.Key West FL 33041 P.(305)292-7777 ext 219 F.(305)295-6025 N9aisckeysnews.con MONROE CO BUDGET & FINANCE THE HISTORIC GATO BUILDING 1100 SIMONTON ST SUITE 2-213 KEY WEST FL 33040 Account: 143324 Ticket 357014 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA [legal.text] COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared IM( C t`1 AO L(_31,v vc ,who on oath says that he or she is R.-1 [C{Y\plr9'P ( of the Key West Citizen,a daily newspaper published in Key West in Monroe County,Florida;that the attached copy of advertisment,being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspaper in the issues of. Sunday,September 13,2020 Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West,in said Monroe County,Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto- fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida every day,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any discount,rebate, tio ' hcommission i ne for the securing this advertisement for publice- tion' he sai ne aper (Signature of Affiant) rm ads i ed before me this 17th day of September 2020 CL ( c ublic ' natu , l (Notary Pic Printed Name) (Notary Seal) My commission expiresf l9 tYzt� Suelynn Stamper K >_ COMMISSION#GG2328G2 Personally Known X Produced Identification_ ,:frtaps -" SIRES:June 27, 2022 Type of Identification Produced Sg Aeforl Noary NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING Pursuant to the provisions of Section 129.06,Florida Statutes.notice is hereby given that a Public hearing will be held by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe C,num.I.6,rida,on September 16.2020 at the hour of 1.30 P.M.via Communications Media 1'echnologv("('Mr')using a Zoom Webima•platform for the purpose„(r.c wing any comments for the proposed supplemental Budget Amendment for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2019 and ending September 30,2020 to.1hr 1:ni I A,,-,rm t'Vnmt Fund 161 Law Enforcement Trust Fund-Fund 162 Current Inc1(Dec.) ReN i,,cd 1levenues: Budget Budget 162 361005(il Interest Earnings S5.000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 1(,2 36u001111; Miscelluneo,t,Re, t-,, S104,181.04 $0.00 $104.181.04 162 3Wnu12tit Muse.Rc,-1 Qd,-1 lu.,[ice $0.00 $208.05 $208.05 162 Misr;.Rev-Fedcr.tl I t.atim-) WOO $37.531.32 S37,531.32 162 31,9004!'S Misc,Rev-South I S0.00 $1,618.71 $1,618,71 162 31,vnu�1,5 Mise.Rev-South,I loridn tr:rw�.ir, S0.00 $41 7.759.97 $417,759.97 162 ix9001 Less 5%FL Status ($250,00) $0.00 ($250.00). 162 41v0102 Fund l:lalancc Forward $516,250.00 $0.00 S516,230.00 162 349015 Fund Bal-Federal Justice $00) $20.255.02 S20,255.02 162, 11x9016 Fund Bal-Federal Treasury Woo S2.854.100,37 $2.954.100.37 1,,2 1101017 Fund WI-South Florida Justice $0.00 $157.594.00 $157.594.00 ;ayi)18 ro Fund Ilul-South Florida Treasure' IQ&9 S65.5.826.73 S05 i.826.73 Total $625,181.04 S4.144.894.17 S4,770,075.21 Appropriations: 162 68801 530490 I.aw Enforcement Trust Fund S520.181.04 $0.00 $520,181.04 162 68802 130490 Fcdcral Justice $0.00 $20.463.07 $2(tA,,3(17 162 68803 530490 Federal Treasury $0.00 $2,891.631.69 52,89 L1,3 L(,+) 11,:_ r,8804 530490 S,+,nh Florida Justice •$0.00 51>9.'12.71 $159,212.71 It,' t,"05 530490 '-wh Florida Treasur% $0.00 SL.n73S86.70 S1,073.586.70 I h" 85568 590990 �tatc Grant c=0_flnb.(11) $0.00 $YO nnu.0u 85i68 590991 Rc;ervea ��'+.Ot1n.Uy $000 R�,.nnn.nn Total $625,181.04 $4,144,894.17 S4,770.075.21 S0.00 siwo Pursuant to h ecuiiye t)rder No.20-69(extcnd;d 1,c I\v,illi,: h,1,rs No.20-11'_. '.(1-139 20-150,20-179 and 20-193),Monroe County Emergency Directives 20- 06 and 20-10,and the Center for Disca:c Coon col(-('01.) -mLk'kne,estahlished to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus,the September 16. 2020 Meeting of the Board of County Conunisioners of Monro,C,;unt,_ ICI n ill hr conducted via C onuounication Media Technology(`CM'I"1 wine a Zoom %ti L-hinar ohdform.The meetirw will cnnnnen:r.a 9:00 A.M. 71te public can ualch the'meeting on Ai,n,w, (,t t,', Vt 1 1 mi, T i hunual ",,a It,ten to audits-oid iwnt their phones by dialing(646)518-)Rn>or too')) 900-6831 and.rxhen prompted,enter die�keHnar 111 nurul,,,t 94 _,;vl 7 fblluwnl by the k key,l he 110111;.,.un 3110 wallas the meeting online by tisitinb the t mica, s meeting portal at: c),temberl6 to view with lip e t-1- 1 captioning on an integrated pagethat includes the ^cnda.asdndd 1,ar).uh. September 12,2020 Key West Citizen