Resolution 070-1960 AND MN =n=11= pitsr INSOLCTION NO. 70-1960 The fallowing Resolution was offered by Commissiessr Adams • mosededterCamdssioner Harris • and open vote, duly adopted: WININIAS the Cats Raw* Depertnent has satabliahed location ter on Dimmed Need se Nis Pies fey dseilsatsd as Sorties 905,0, Job prepares le osmaWest the eon. as a pert of its seem/Amy rota pe rwi and IONIAN Monroe Connty is vacated with all ri it-of-vq tear said road fear s even width e0 60 fist, froes Stahl *sal 0 Ndertheriy along alias 495 facet, amens sr lees. Vest at aid pa etisi to the least line of motion 26, Township 66 :nth, Nl si, 29 let, to thriller* UM of said Section 26. NOW, TA , * ITANOOLVAD NT 111 MAID CF CONTI COMMISSIONERS tl' 14o o Mitt, #L ,, that ale berm does hereby attire that it is vested with ell the s+eWied ri +f-why► far said pasties at said Stet. load, to-wit: riiirtaeflasyliesigeirted es en Unnamed lost mile Pie ley far a toll width of 611604 and that said right-of-vey Is 1a sly sad physieelly dears and the State Need Deportment is hereby rested to proceed with the oon- atrrattion of add peottan of said State Reed; end Monroe County dens hereby epee to snare the 9tote lidlbsibirertment, its contrasteers, agents tell 'ewp'lipme from all cisi as arising set of au* se rtruetion of said rood within the of-wiy aforesaid. l► tbdo 6th der ,set September tom^ • STA= Eli" KAMA CCM? C? NUMB 1, Clerk.eithe Cirenit Court and es officio Clerk of the Board of County qi is ad SW said County sad State, DO nom swim im that thy sod fe r.g dap 3r a texas aesd tansot o+opy of i mictmxi pored tq` the lewd off!,Gouerty Camtesiem rs at a viol held on, ' , 1060 es sew Mears on record in Harm CsontO1oride. MOM my hand end seal of atlas this ...._,.. day of /1( d'_14:-/-ri Clerk of the Circuit Court mi rmofficio Clerk of the beard of Cassilerselenere, in and far Nam,. Covrgr,, •