Resolution 006-1960 RESOLUTION NO. 6-1960 - Secondary Roads
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners previously authorized
the State Road Department of the State of Florida to let the contract on
Job 90530-2155 - Southeast Point Road on Big Pine Key, Monroe County,
Florida, and to pay for said construction out of Monroe County, Florida's
Secondary Road Funds, and
WHEREAS, since said authorization, said Board desires to extend said
road and will obtain the necessary right-of-way for said extension, and
WHEREAS, said Board desires the State Road Department to negotiate
with the contractor to include in this project the construction of the additional
road, now, therefore,
MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the State Road Department of the State of
Florida be and it is hereby authorized to include in Job 90530-2155 - Southeast
Point Road on Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida, the construction of a
road upon the following described right-of-ways
--- --- A strip of land 50 feet each side of the following described
centerline, running across Government Lot 4, Section 1,
T. 66 S. , R. 29 E. , and Government Lot 1, Section 2,
T. 66 S. , R. 29 E. , on Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida,
and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as
Commencing at the intersection of the East Line of Govern-
ment Lot 4 and the Straits of Florida, bear North along said
East Line for a distance of 570 feet, more or less, to the point
of beginning of the centerline hereinafter described, said point
of beginning also being the centerline of a 100 foot State Road
to be constructed, said point of beginning also being on a point
of curve, said curve having a central angle of 42 degrees and
00 minutes and a radius of 500 feet; from said point of beginning,
bear southwesterly along said curve, deflecting to the left for a
distance of 366. 52 feet to a point of tangent, said point of tangent
also being the point of curve of a curve having a central angle
47 degrees and 15 minutes and a radius of 500 feet; thence bear
southwesterly along said curve, deflecting to the right, for a
distance of 412. 33 feet to a point of tangent; thence bear South
67 degrees and 15 minutes West for a distance of 700. 00 feet to
a point of curve, said curve having a central angle of 11 degrees
and 15 minutes and a radius of 1000 feet; thence continue bearing
southwesterly along said curve, deflecting to the left, for a dis-
tance of 196. 35 feet to a point of tangent; thence bear South
56 degrees and 00 minutes West for a distance of 910. 00 feet to
a point of curve, said curve having a central angle of 26 degrees
and 00 minutes and a radius of 500 feet; thence bear wester-
ly along said curve, deflecting to the right, for a distance of
226. 89 feet to a point of tangent; thence bear South 82 degrees
and 00 minutes West for a distance of 1730. 00 feet to a point
of curve, said curve having a central angle of 11 degrees and
11 minutes and a radius of 1000 feet; thence bear westerly
along said curve, deflecting to the left, for a distance of
195. 19 feet to a point of tangent; thence bear South 71 degrees
and 49 minutes West for a distance of 820. 00 feet to a point of
curve, said curve having a central angle of 19 degrees and
00 minutes and a radius of 1000 feet; thence bear westerly
along said curve, deflecting to the right, for a distance of
331. 61 feet to a point of tangent; thence bear North 89 degrees
and 11 minutes West for a distance of 830. 00 feet to a point of
curve, said curve having a central angle of 24 degrees and
00 minutes and a radius of 500 feet; thence bear westerly along
said curve, deflecting to the left, for a distance of 209.44 feet
to a point of tangent; thence bear South 66 degrees and 49 minutes
__-- ---West for a distance of 561. 78 feet to the end of said centerline.
partment be and it is hereby authorized to negotiate with the contractor on
said project to construct a road upon the aforesaid right-of-way and to pay for
said additional cost on said project out of Monroe County, Florida, Secondary
Road Funds.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of said Board be and he is
hereby directed to forward certified copies of this Resolution to the State Road
Department of the State of Florida for appropriate action.
Dated March 1st, A. D. 1960.