1. 01/01/1966 15 Year Lease
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THIS INDENTURE, Made and entered into in duplicate. thi. 1st day
of January, A. D. 1966, by ancJ between tbe County of Monroe, State of
Florida. a political suUivi.ion of the State of Florida, bereinafter called
tbe Le.eor, which term sball include its lelal representatives. successors
and aeelan. wherever tbe context so require. or admit., of the first part,
and tbe Lower Xeys ebambe!.' of Commerce, IDe., a non -profit corporation
orlanlzeel and exlstiaa under the laws of tbe State of Florida. having its
principal place of bueinees in Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter caUed
the Leesee, wbich term .hall inchade its legal repre.entatives. succe.eors
and aeet.ne wherever the context eo requires or admits, of the second part,
WITNESSETH. that tbe Le.eor by tb.s. pr.sents leas.s unto said
Lessee tbe foUowiDI descr'bed premis.s, situate, \yinl and being in the
County of Monroe and State of Florida. to -wit:
A. tract of land in a part of Oovernrr..nt Lot 1, Section Z5,
T.66 S., R. Z9 E.. on Bi. Pine Key. Monroe County, Flori-
da, and beiu. moro particularly described by met.e and
bounds ..s foUows:
Corom.neilll at the intersection of tbe West Line of
S-:..ction Z5 aDd the Sou.th rtlbt-of-way line of U. 8. Hilhway
No.1. bear South 89 clelree. and 5Z minutes Ea.t alonl the
SoQtb ri.ht-of-way Une of U. S. Hilhway No. 1 lor a dietance
of 100 fe.t to the Point of Be.inni. of the tract of land bere-
inafter described. from said Point 0.1 ae.itulin., continue
bearlDI South 89 dearees and 5Z minutea Eaat for a distance
of 100 feet to a point; thence bear South for a diatance of
207..1 teet to a point; thence bear Weat alGl'l' the South Line
of Government Lot 1 for a distanee of 100 feet to a point.
thence bear Nortb. far a distance of Z07. ,. feet. back to tbe
Point of ae.ionin,. .eln. a part of a tract of land described
in Deed Book 0-6, pale 51, and elated Jan\1&ry 6, 1937.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premiaes as aloreaaid unto tb.e said Le.see
from tbe 1st day of January, A. D. 1966. for & term of IS year. tben next en-
s\lln.. said lease being uader the followtna tern-.II and conditions:
1. Tbe L.sse. .ull yield and pay unto tbe said Le.sor th.e total rental
of $15.00 for said term of IS ye.r.. said .um to be payable .s foUows:
$1.00 payable upon tbe execution and deUvery 'of thia leas..
wbicb sum ahall cover the yearly remal for tbe firet year of
eaid lease. and $1.0'0 OD tbe let day of January, A..D. 1967.
an. $1. 00 on tbe 1st day of January of each and every year
durin. tbe remain4er of the term of tbis lease.
2. It ie fllrthel" underatood and a,reed by aad between the Le..or and
Lea.ee that the Le.eee will:
a. U.e aaid pl"emiee. for the erection of a community cen-
ter buUclinl, to be erected by the Le.... au u..d by the
public for comanudty 'llrpoaea, and for. pbUc park are..
b. P.y tb.. rent herein reserved at the tim.. aad in tb.e man-
n.r ae atated b.er.in.
c. Make no tn/proper. ualawlul or oUeneive u.. of said 1'1'.-
miee. .
d. Pay &DY and all char,e. for ,a., electricity. ...ater, ,ar-
bale eliapo.al and fuel, if any, and all In.t.nation char,.a
for .ame.
e. At it. own espe.... ke.p alld mabltain aU ptllmbina allel
pump., it any there bf,. and maintain and k.ep the pre-
mi... clean.
f. Permit the Le..or or ita alent to enter upon the te.aed
premie.a at aU re.aonable time. for the purpoae 01 view-
in, and i.ap.ctin, the condition thereof.
g. Durina the term of thi. l.aae, aave and keep the Leaaor
bar~te.. _,aln.t any aDd aU liability rea.dUn, from in-
juri.. to pereona or property on or about the leaeed pre-
mlee" by rea.Oft of ita occupancy or u.. tbereof, aad
carry the nece..ary pubUc liability in.urance for aaid
purpoa. .
h. At tbe expiration of the term of thia leaae, without demand,
quietly and peac.ably d.Uver up full poaeeaaien of a.iel pre-
miae. in aa .ood condition a. they are aow, clam..e or de-
.truction by fire and the elementa only excepted.
3. Tbe Leaaor ber.by covenant....ith the Le..ee that upGn the pedor-
mane. by tbe Le.aee of tbe covenant. and alreementa bereiab.fore aet forth,
tbe Le..or will p.rmit the Le.... to ."tetly bold and 811JOY tbe demlaed pre-
mi.e. without any interruption. by th. Leaaor, or by any person or pera01\.
claim in, by. thro"lh or under it.
.. It ia mutually ",nderatood. covenanted and alr.ed by and between
tb. partie. her.to that default 011 the part of tb.e L.a.ee tor a period 01 30
.ya 111 makin. any of tb.e paym.nta oll'e11t berein re..rved from the date
aam. .ban .everally become due and payable, ahalt immediately and there-
.pora termiraate &J'ly aad aU of the riahta of tbe L....e under ttd. 1.aa..
S. In the event L..... cea... to uee the lea..d premi.ea tor the pur-
poa.. etat.d berein, tb.ia 1.aa. .hall at tbat time become nuU arut void and of
DO force and effect. and the Leasor sball have tbe rilbt to re-enter and take
full p088e.sion of said premiaes witbout any Court action.
6. At the expiration of this lease, any buildinl constructed on tbe
leaa.d prem18ea shall revert to tbe Lessor. free from any Uens or claims
01 any nature whatsoever.
7. In the event the L.saee faUs to construct sucb corr'Ulunity buildinl
on aaid leased pren:liee. within Z yeara from tbe date of tbis lease, then tbis
lease sball be null and void and of no lorce and eUeet.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie. hereto have calls.d tbes. presents
to be executed in their reapeetive names, aU as of the day and year first
above written.
Si,ned, Sealed and Delivered
in the Presence of:
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As to Lessor.
Clerk of the Circuit Court of Moruoe Co.nty.
Florida, aad ex officio Clerk of the Board
of County Commissioners of Monroe County.
Florida .
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