5th Task Order 03/17/2021 f/k/a 6th Task Order r "" Kevin Madok, CPA r: ' .. ;::= Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller—Monroe County, Florida DATE: March 18, 2021 TO: Rick Griffin,Building Official Building Department Michelle Yzenas, Executive Assistant Building Department FROM: Pamela Hanco((h.C. SUBJECT: March 17th BOCC Meeting Attached is an electronic copy of the following item for your handling: CI $12,340.00 Task Order for Grant Management,with CDR McGuire, Inc., under their contract dated September 5, 2019, for Hood Mitigation Assistance Grant ID 2016-013, demolition/reconstruction at the correct finished floor elevation at 1512/1514 Duncombe Street, Key West, Florida 33040, owned by Elzbieta Krysztotlak. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550. cc: County Attorney Finance File KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY PK/ROTH BUILDING 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305-852-7145 TASK ORDER NO. 6 (FMA2016-013/HAZARD MITIGATION-DEMO/RECONSTRUCTION OF 2 RESIDENCES) FEMA PROGRAM CONSULTING SERVICES BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND CDR MAGUIRE, INC. FOR HURRICANE DISASTER RECOVERY In accordance with the contract for FEMA Program Consulting Services made and entered into on the St' day of September 2019, by and between Monroe County hereinafter referred to as the"County"and CDR Maguire, Inc. hereinafter referred to as"Consultant". All terms and conditions of the referenced Contract for FEMA Program Consulting Services apply to the Task Order, unless the Task Order modifies an Article of the Contract of which will be specifically referenced in this Task Order and the modification shall be precisely described. 1. CDR Maguire, Inc. is tasked with providing grant management services necessary for the successful implementation and completion of hazard mitigation activities. The project is intended to eliminate or significantly reduce future flood risk through mitigation reconstruction. The project includes the demolition of two (2) residential structures to construct two(2) new elevated residential structures. Work will include general work items related to the County's Hazard Mitigation efforts that include, but not limited to: • Assist with the development of the"Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement for Monroe County and the Homeowner(Agreement)". • Review the agreement with the homeowner and answer questions from the homeowner and contractor about the agreement requirements throughout the project. • Support the homeowner with permits,schedules,projects final inspections,closeout,and audits. • Attend the preconstruction conference between the contractor and homeowner. • Maintain a project progress report and file including the Notice to Procced, contractor information, URA form and other State of Florida and FEMA forms. • Manage the project costs with the homeowner.Educating the homeowner on the budget, the allowable costs and documents required for the reimbursements. • Coordinate with the homeowner and County staff on costs overrun. • Prepare all request for reimbursement forms and invoices to be submitted to the Florida Division of Emergency Management. • Assist the County in meeting deadlines imposed by FEMA and the State of Florida for documentation, quarterly reports,completion of work, requests for reimbursement,etc. • Assist with on-site final inspection. • Assist with development and ongoing activities with a team of County employees to manage the project. • Help with preparation of correspondence to State of Florida and FEMA when required. • Review of current County policies and assistance with development and documentation of new County policies to ensure compliance with FEMA and State of Florida requirements and guidelines. • Other related activities as requested by the County. Page 1 of 5 2. The task above shall be performed in accordance with 2.1 of the contract for FEMA Program Consulting Services. 3. The costs for Consultant's services set forth in this Task Order shall not execeed $12,340.00 for Services related to FMA2016-013/Hazard Mitigation-Demo/Reconstruction of two (2) Residences based upon the pricing as set forth in the Attachment A-Scope of Work and Pricing to the Agreement dated September 5, 2019 and in accordance with the grant agreement FMA2016-013 attached as Exhibit A. CDR MAGUIRE, INC. FMA2016-013/Hazard Mitigation MASTER STAFFING PLAN Demo/Reconstruction of 2 Residences e4 e , a a ® , Hazard Mitigation Specialist $175 $135 60 $ 10,500.00 Data Analyst $140 $100 $ - Admin $40 $40 46 $ 1,840.00 m � d e � Estimated Budget $12,340,00 NUT TO?=EXCEEQ $12,340.0 4. Article IX- Miscellaneous,Section 9.29 shall be revised to add new federal regulations (2 CFR §200.216 and 2 CFR§200.322 and FEMA contract language as set forth below: Prohibition on certain telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment as set forth in 2 CFR§200.216. Recipients and subrecipients and their contractors and subcontractors may not obligate or expend any federal funds to(1) Procure or obtain; (2) Extend or renew a contract to procure or obtain;or(3) Enter into a contract(or extend or renew a contract)to procure or obtain equipment, services,or systems that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system,or as critical technology as part of any system.As described in Public Law 115-232,section 889,covered telecommunications equipment is telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities). (i) For the purpose of public safety,security of government facilities, physical security surveillance of critical infrastructure,and other national security purposes,video surveillance and telecommunications equipment produced by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company,or Dahua Technology Company(or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities). (ii)Telecommunications or video surveillance services provided by such entities or using such equipment. Page 2 of 5 (iii)Telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services produced or provided by an entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to,the government of a covered foreign country. Domestic preference for procurements as set forth in 2 CFR§200.322 The COUNTY and CONSULTANT should,to the great extent practicable, provide a preference for the purchase,acquisition,or use of goods, products,or materials produced in the United States(including but not limited to iron, aluminum,steel, cement, and other manufactured products).These requirements of this section must be included in all subawards including contracts and purchase orders for work or products under federal award. For purposes of this section: (1) "Produced in the United States" means,for iron and steel products,that all manufacturing processes, from the initial melting stage through the application of coatings,occurred in the United States. (2) "Manufactured products" means items and construction materials composed in whole or in part of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum; plastics and polymer-based products such as polyvinyl chloride pipe; aggregates such as concrete;glass, including optical fiber;and lumber. Compliance with Federal Law, Regulations,and Executive Orders.This is an acknowledgement that FEMA financial assistance may be used to fund the contract.The contractor will comply will all applicable federal law, regulations,executive orders, FEMA policies, procedures,and directives. No Obligation by Federal Government.The Federal Government is not a party to this contract and is not subject to any obligations or liabilities to the COUNTY/non-Federal entity, contractor,or any other party pertaining to any matter resulting from the contract. Program Fraud and False or Fraudulent Statements or Related Acts. If applicable,the contractor acknowledges that 31 U.S.C. Chap. 38(Administrative Remedies for False Claims and Statements) applies to the contractor's actions pertaining to this contract. 5. This Task Order shall be effective as of March 17, 2021 and shall remain in effect until such services are no longer required or in accordance with 9.5 of the contract. Page 3 of 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,each party caused the Task Order to be executed by its duly authorized representative. (Seal) Attest: CDR MAGUIRE,INC.IN'MM� ��I By: By: E 77.uTn (0:0)r x, Chief Operating Officer n ,�. ,aTitF v� Title Date:03/08/2021 � r BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 3 °' IN MADOK,Clerk OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA u T , _ i! By: 1�/���j As Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairman MONROE COUNTY AfORXPY NhRIniNELI ERT-B0RRowSi,d CHRISTME LMBERT.BARROWS ASSIOStE 13(21701IHEY 3 co e _ __ _. co N ci F Page 4 of 5 EXHIBIT A Page 5 of 5 Attachment A Scope of or and Budget 181 Revision Homeowner: Elzbieta Krysztofiak Property Address: 1512 Duncombe Street, Key West, Florida 33040 Homeowner: Elzbieta Kryszlofiak Property Address: 1514 Duncombe Street, Key West, Florida 33040 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of this Scope of Work(SOW)is mitigation reconstruction of two residential properties located in Key West, Florida 33040; funded through the Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program (FMA) FMA-PJ-04-FL-2016-013 as approved by the Florida Division of Emergency Management (Division) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Sub-Recipient, Monroe County, agrees to administer and complete the project per the scope of work as submitted by the Sub-Recipient and subsequently approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient shall complete the work in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and Local Laws, Regulations and Codes. PROJECT OVERVIEW: As a Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program (FMA) project, the Sub-Recipient proposes to demolish the two residential structures and to construct new elevated structures having the first floor elevation at least 2.8 feet above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) in compliance with local ordinances. The square footage of a resulting structure shall be no more than 10 percent greater than that of the original structure. The new elevated structure should comply with the National Flood Insurance Program requirements, the Florida Building Code and all applicable local codes and permitting requirements. The areas below the lowest floor must be used solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage. TASKS & DELIVERABLES: A) Tasks 1) The Sub-Recipient shall procure the services of a qualified and licensed Florida contractor and execute a contract with the selected bidder to complete the scope of work as approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient shall select the qualified, licensed Florida contractor in accordance with the Sub-Recipient's procurement policy as well as all federal and state laws and regulations. All procurement activities shall contain sufficient source documentation and be in accordance with all applicable regulations. 3 The Sub-Recipient shall be responsible for furnishing or contracting all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and supervision and for performing all work per sealed engineering designs and construction plans presented to the Division by the Sub-Recipient and subsequently approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient and contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a safe and secure worksite for the duration of the work. The contractor shall maintain all work staging areas in a neat and presentable condition. The Sub-Recipient shall ensure that no contractors or subcontractors are debarred or suspended from participating in federally funded projects. The selected contractor shall have a current and valid occupational license/business tax receipt issued for the type of services being performed. The Sub-Recipient shall provide documentation demonstrating the results of the procurement process. This shall include a rationale for the method of procurement and selection of contract type, contractor selection and/or rejection and bid tabulation and listing, and the basis of contract price. The Sub-Recipient shall provide an executed "Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, Voluntary Exclusion Form" for each contractor and/or subcontractor performing services under this agreement. Executed contracts with contractors and/or subcontractors shall be provided to the Division by the Sub-Recipient. The Sub-Recipient shall provide copies of professional licenses for contractors selected to perform services. The Sub-Recipient shall provide a copy of a current and valid occupational license or business tax receipt issued for the type of services to be performed by selected contractor. 2) The Sub-Recipient shall monitor and manage the demolition and construction of each property subjected to or in danger of repetitive damage. The project shall be implemented in accordance with the approved scope of work previously presented to the Division by the Sub- Recipient and subsequently approved by the Division and FEMA. The Sub-Recipient shall ensure that all applicable state, local and federal laws and regulations are followed and documented, as appropriate. The project consists of the general construction and furnishing of all materials, equipment, labor and fees to minimize recurring flooding and reduce repetitive flood loss to structures and roadways. The Sub-Recipient shall fully perform the approved project, as described in the submitted documents, in accordance with the approved scope of work, budget line item, allocation of funds and applicable terms and conditions indicated herein. The Sub-Recipient shall not deviate from the approved project terms and conditions. Construction activities shall be completed by a qualified and licensed Florida contractor. All construction activities shall be monitored by a qualified engineer. The Sub-Recipient shall complete the project in accordance with all required permits. All work shall be completed in accordance with applicable codes and standards. Upon completion of the work, the Sub-Recipient shall schedule and participate in a final inspection of the completed project by the local municipal or county official, or other approving official, as applicable. The official shall inspect and certify that all installation was in 4 accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Any deficiencies found during this final inspection shall be corrected by the Sub-Recipient prior to Sub-Recipient's submittal of the final inspection request to the Division. Upon completion of Task 2, the Sub-Recipient shall submit the following documents with sufficient supporting documentation, and provide a summary of all contract scope of work and scope of work changes, if any. Additional documentation for closeout shall include: a) A copy of the Local Building Official Inspection Report and Final Approval, as applicable. b) A copy of the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the local authority. c) A copy of Elevation Certificate before mitigation, if available. d) A copy of the Elevation Certificate after mitigation. e) As-built drawings showing that the square footage of the newly constructed and elevated structure does not exceed 10 percent of the original square footage. All Product Specifications/Data Sheets(s) (technical standards) satisfying protect requirements on all products utilized, as applicable. g) Signed notices from the affected property owner in the SFHA that the Sub-Recipient will record a Deed Notice applicable to their property, as described in section (h), below, and that they will maintain flood insurance. h) Confirmation that the Sub-Recipient (or property owner) has legally recorded with the county or appropriate jurisdiction's land records a notice that includes the name of the current property owner (including book/page reference to record of current title, if readily available), a legal description of the property, and the following notice of flood insurance requirements: "This property has received Federal hazard mitigation assistance. Federal law requires that flood insurance coverage on this property must be maintained during the life of the property regardless of transfer of ownership of such property, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §5154a, failure to maintain flood insurance on this property may prohibit the owner from receiving Federal disaster assistance with respect to this property in the event of a flood disaster. The property owner is also required to maintain this property in accordance with the floodplain management criteria of 44 CFR 60.3 and City/County Ordinances." (i) Verification that the property located within a SFHA is covered by an NFIP flood insurance policy to the amount at least equal to the project cost or to the maximum limit of coverage made available with respect to the particular property, whichever is less. Letter verifying that unusable equipment, debris, and materials were disposed of in an approved manner and location. The letter shall also include if any significant items (or evidence thereof)were discovered during implementation of the project, and that the Sub- recipient handled, managed, and disposed of petroleum products, hazardous materials and toxic waste in accordance to the requirements and to the satisfaction of the governing local, state, and federal agencies. (k) Letter verifying if any asbestos containing material, lead-based paint, or other toxic materials were found during construction activities, and that the Sub-recipient complied with all federal, state, and local abatement and disposal requirements. Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation forms and confirmation that any ACM were taken to an authorized landfill for such materials shall be provided, if applicable. 5 (1) Proof of compliance with Project Requirements and Conditions contained herein. 3) During the course of this agreement, the Sub-Recipient shall submit requests for reimbursement. Adequate and complete source documentation shall be submitted to support all costs (federal share and local share) related to the project. In some cases, all project activities may not be fully complete prior to requesting reimbursement of costs incurred in completion of this scope of work; however, a partial reimbursement may be requested. The Sub-Recipient shall submit an Affidavit signed by the Sub-Recipient's project personnel with each reimbursement request attesting to the completion of the work, disbursements or payments were made in accordance with all agreement and regulatory conditions, and that reimbursement is due and has not been previously requested. The Sub-Recipient shall maintain accurate time records. The Sub-Recipient shall ensure invoices are accurate and any contracted services were rendered within the terms and timelines of this agreement. All supporting documentation shall agree with the requested billing period. All costs submitted for reimbursement shall contain adequate source documentation which may include but not be limited to: cancelled checks, bank statements, Electronic Funds Transfer, paid bills and invoices, payrolls, time and attendance records, contract and subcontract award documents. Construction Expense: The Sub-Recipient shall pre-audit bills, invoices, and/or charges submitted by the contractors and subcontractors and pay the contractors and subcontractors for approved bills, invoices, and/or charges. Sub-Recipient shall ensure that all contractor/subcontractor bills, invoices, and/or charges are legitimate and clearly identify the activities being performed and associated costs. Project Management Expenses: The Sub-Recipient shall pre-audit source documentation such as payroll records, project time sheets, attendance logs, etc. Documentation shall be detailed information describing tasks performed, hours devoted to each task, and the hourly rate charged for each hour including enough information to calculate the hourly rates based on payroll records. Employee benefits shall be clearly shown. The Division shall review all submitted requests for reimbursement for basic accuracy of information. Further, the Division shall ensure that no unauthorized work was completed prior to the approved project start date by verifying vendor and contractor invoices. The Division shall verify that reported costs were incurred in the performance of eligible work, that the approved work was completed, and that the mitigation measures are in compliance with the approved scope of work prior to processing any requests for reimbursement. Review and approval of any third party in-kind services, if applicable, shall be conducted by the Division in coordination with the Sub-Recipient. Quarterly reports shall be submitted by the Sub-Recipient and received by the Division at the times provided in this agreement prior to the processing of any reimbursement. The Sub-Recipient shall submit to the Division requests for reimbursement of actual construction and managerial costs related to the project as identified in the project application. The requests for reimbursement shall include: a) Contractor, subcontractor, and/or vendor invoices which clearly display dates of services performed, description of services performed, location of services performed, cost of services performed, name of service provider and any other pertinent information; b) Proof of payment from the Sub-Recipient to the contractor, subcontractor, and/or vendor for invoiced services; 6 c) Clear identification of amount of costs being requested for reimbursement as well as costs being applied against the local match amount; The Sub-Recipient's final request for reimbursement shall include the final construction project cost. Supporting documentation shall show that all contractors and subcontractors have been paid. } Deliverables, Mitigation activities for this project consists of demolishing two existing residential structures located in Key West, Florida 33040, to construct new elevated structures having the first floor elevation at least 2.8 feet above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) in compliance with local ordinances. The square footage of a resulting structure shall be no more than 10 percent greater than that of the original structure. The new elevated structures should comply with the National Flood Insurance Program requirements, the Florida Building Code and all applicable local codes and permitting requirements. The areas below the lowest floor must be used solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage. Provided the Sub-Recipient performs in accordance with the Scope of Work outlined in this Agreement, the Division shall reimburse the Sub-Recipient based on the percentage of overall project completion. PROJECT CONDITIONS AND REgUIREMENT : } Engineering 1) The Sub-Recipient shall submit to the Division an official letter stating that the project is 100% complete and ready for the Division's Final Inspection of the project. 2) The Sub-Recipient shall provide a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the local authority and/or a copy of the local official Inspection Report and/or Final approval; as applicable. 3) The Sub-Recipient shall provide a copy of the Elevation Certificate prepared before mitigation, if available. 4) The Sub-Recipient shall submit a copy of Elevation Certificate prepared after mitigation. ) The Sub-Recipient shall provideas-built drawings showing that the square footage of the newly constructed and elevated structure does not exceed 10 percent of the original square footage. 6) The Sub-Recipient shall submit all Product Specifications/Data Sheet(s) (technical standards) satisfying protect requirements on all products utilized. 7) All installations shall be done in strict compliance with the Florida Building Code or any local codes and ordinances.All materials shall be certified to exceed the wind and impact standards of the current local codes. 7 8) The Sub-Recipient shall follow all applicable State, Local and Federal Laws Regulations and requirements, and obtain (before starting project work) and comply with all required permits and approvals. Failure to obtain all appropriate Federal, State, and Local permits and clearances may jeopardize federal funding. B) Environmental: 1) Sub-Recipient shall follow all applicable state, local and federal laws, regulations and requirements, and obtain (before starting project work) and comply with all required permits and approvals. Failure to obtain all appropriate Federal, State, and Local environmental permits and clearances may jeopardize federal funding. If project work is delayed for a year or more after the date of the categorical exclusion (CATEX),then coordination with and project review by regulatory agencies must be redone. 2) Any change, addition or supplement to the approved Scope of Work that alters the project (including other work not funded by FEMA, but done substantially at the same time), regardless of the budget implications, shall require resubmission to the Division and FEMA for National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) re-evaluation before starting project work. 3) The Sub-Recipient shall monitor ground disturbing activities during construction, and if any potential archeological resources are discovered, shall immediately cease construction in that area and notify the Division and FEMA. If prehistoric or historic artifacts, such as pottery or ceramics, projectile points, dugout canoes, metal implements, historic building materials, or any other physical remains that could be associated with Native American, early European, or American settlement are encountered at any time within the project site area, the project shall cease all activities involving subsurface disturbance in the immediate vicinity of the discovery. The Sub-Recipient shall contact the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, Compliance Review Section at (850) 245-6333, and the Division's State Environmental Officer within 24 hours of the discovery. Project activities shall not resume without verbal and/or written authorization from the SHPO, the Division, and FEMA. In the event that unmarked human remains are encountered during permitted activities, all work shall stop immediately and the proper authorities notified in accordance with Florida Statutes, Sectiw 872.05. 4) Unusable equipment, debris and material shall be disposed of in an approved manner and location. In the event significant items (or evidence thereof) are discovered during implementation of the project, Sub-recipient shall handle, manage, and dispose of petroleum products, hazardous materials and toxic waste in accordance to the requirements and to the satisfaction of the governing local, state, and federal agencies. Verification of compliance is required at project closeout. 5) If any asbestos containing material, lead-based paint, or other toxic materials are found during construction activities, the Sub-Recipient shall comply with all federal, state, and local abatement and disposal requirements. The Sub-Recipient shall provide Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation forms and confirmation that any ACM were taken to an authorized landfill for such materials. Verification of compliance is required at project closeout. 8 6) Construction vehicles and equipment used for this project shall be maintained in good working order to minimize pollutant emissions. C) Programmatic, 1) The square footage of a resulting structure shall be no more than 10 percent greater than the finished living floor area of the original structure. The new construction shall not exceed the new finished living floor area for each property as provided below: a) 1512 Duncombe Street, Key West, 33040 - Current Area - 540 ft2, New Area :5 594 ft2; and b) 1514 Duncombe Street, Key West, 33040-Current Area -443 ft2, New Area <487 ft2. 2) The Sub-Recipient must notify the Division as soon as significant developments become known, such as delays or adverse conditions that might raise costs or delay completion, or favorable conditions allowing lower costs or earlier completion. 3) Pursuant to 44 CFR 13(c), the Sub-Recipient shall obtain prior written approval from the Division and FEMA for any budget revision that would result in a need for additional funds to the overall project amount. Furthermore,the Sub-Recipient shall receive written approval from the Division for any budget revision of less than 10% in any given budget line item, as long as the overall amount of the funds obligated under this Agreement is not increased. 4) Any extension of the Period of Performance shall be submitted to FEMA, 60 days prior to the expiration date. Therefore, any request for a Period of Performance Extension shall be in writing and submitted along with substantiation of new expiration date, and a new schedule of work,to the Division a minimum of seventy(70)days prior to the expiration date, for Division processing to FEMA. 5) The Sub-Recipient must avoid duplication of benefits between the FMAP and any other form of assistance, as required by Section 312 of the Stafford Act, and further clarification in 44 CFR 206.191. FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES: If the Sub-Recipient fails to comply with any term of the award, the Division shall take one or more of the following actions, as appropriate in the circumstances: 1) Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the Sub- Recipient; 2) Disallow all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance; 3) Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the current award for the Sub-Recipient's program; 4) Withhold further awards for the program-, or 5) Take other remedies that may be legally available. 9 BUDGET Funding uma Federal Share: $222,697.81 (82.85681268%) Local Share: $46,076. (17.14318732% Total Project Cost $268,774.29 (100%) Line Item Budget Elzbieta Krysztofiak Local hare/ 1512 uncombe Street Total Federal Share Homeowner Casts Key West, Florida 33 �- roes s 0% Al %) Pre-Award Costs $4,613.66 $4,152.29 $461.37 Construction Costs $108,54028 $97,686.25 $10,854.03 Pre/Post Construction_Costs $8,171.00 $7,353.90 $817.10 Tenant Displacement Costs $13,276.00 $11,948. 0 $1,327.60 Grant Management Costs _ $6,499.38 5,825. 6 $673.92 Td L _PROJECT C µ T :_ $141,100.32 $126,966..30 $14,134.02 Ibieta Krysztoflak Local hare/ 1514 Duncombe Street Total Federal Share Homeowner Casts __Key_West Florida 33040 Projec as 7 °/® % Pre-Award Costs - $ ,613.65 $3,460.24 $1,153.41 Construction Costs $97,947.32 $73,460.49 $24,486.83 Pre/Post Construction Costs $7,37 .00. 5,530.50 $1, 43.50 Tenant Displacement Costs $11,879.00 $8,909.25 $2,969.75 Grant Management Costs _ $5,860. 0 $4,371.03 $1, . 7 TOTAL PROJECT1 3. , 1. 1 $31,942.46 *Any line item amount in these Budgets may be increased or decreased 10%or less with the Division's approval, without an amendment to this Agreement being required, so long as the overall amount of the funds obligated under this Agreement is not increased. SCHEDULE OF OK: State/Local Contract Process 2 Months Engineering/Inspection 1 Months Permitting 1 Months Bids/Demolition/Construction 9 Months inalInspection/Acceptance 1 Months Closeout 3 Months Total : 17 Months This is FE A project number F A-PJ-04-FL-2016-013, Monroe County Mitigation Reconstruction Project. The Period of Performance (POP) for this project shall end on August 30, 2021. 10 71/22/2021 E(MMIDD/YYYY) A�" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Alliant Insurance Services, Inc PHONE Peggy Ginem FAX 1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1800 AIC No Ext: A/C,No Miami FL 92101 ADDRESS: peggy.ginem@alliant.com INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURERA: Berkley Assurance Company 39462 INSURED INSURER B: First Liberty Insurance Corpor 33588 CDR Maguire, Inc. PO Box 771750 INsuRERc: Liberty Insurance Corporation 42404 Miami, FL 33177 INSURERD: Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance 23035 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:1256499609 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDLTYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVDUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EXP LTR MM DD POLICY EFF MM DIY DYYY LIMITS B X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y Y TB6-Z51-292191-020 3/1/2020 5/1/2021 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED Approved Risk Management CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR PREMISES Ea occurrence $300,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 POLICY JE� � LOC 3-12-2021 PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $2,000,000 OTHER: $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y Y AS6-Z51-292191-030 3/1/2020 5/1/2021 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 Ea accident X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS X HIRED X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per accident C X UMBRELLALIAB X OCCUR Y Y TH7-Z51-292191-050 3/1/2020 5/1/2021 EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DED RETENTION$ $ D WORKERS COMPENSATION Y WC2-Z51-292191-010 3/1/2020 5/1/2021 X PER oTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN STATUTEI ER ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBEREXCLUDED? N I A (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 A Professional Liability PCAB-5011058-0320 3/1/2020 5/1/2021 Each Claim $1,000,000 Pollution Liability Aggregate $2,000,000 SIR $150,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,maybe attached if more space is required) Monroe County FEMA Program Consulting Services Umbrella is excess of General Liability and Auto Liability. Certificate Holder is additional insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 1100 Simonton Street AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Key West FL 33040 @ 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD