Resolution 125-2021 Resolution No. 125 -2021 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS.it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 12906,Florida Statutes,to amend the following: Fine&Forfeiture Fund WI,One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Fund 304,Cudjoe Regional Wastewater Project Fund 312 and 2014 Revenue Bond Series Fund 314,for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2020 and ending September 30,2021,now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA,that a Public Hearing was conducted on March 17,2021 at I:30 P M.to amend Fine&Forfeiture Fund 101,One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Fund 304,Cudjoe Regional Wastewater Project Fund 312,and 2014 Revenue Bond Series Fund 314 budgets and to adopt the amended budgets as fbllows: Fine&Forfeiture Current Inc/(Dec) Revised Revenues: Budget Budget 101-3111000A Ad Valorem Taxes $53,154,196 00 $000 $53,154,19600 101-3112000S Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes $100000 W $0.00 $100,00000 101-341530SG Circuit Coon $50,010 00 $000 $50,000 00 101-342300SS Services-Pub Safety-liaus Nis $360,000 00 $000 $360,000 00 101-342603S5 Services-Pub Safety-Fire&EMS $8,105000.00 $000 $8,105,00000 101-349006SG Services-DM Maintenance $28,0000(1 $0.00 $28,000 00 101-35130055 Clerk Fines $70,00000 $000 $70,000 00 101-35400955 Traffic Penalty-SCGTF $2,500.00 $000 $2,500 00 101-361•^GI Interest Earnings $385,000 00 $000 $385,00000 101-3661006M Donations $4010100 $0.00 $40,000.00 101-3690016M Misc Revenues SEND 00 $0.00 $1 000.00 101-386400GT Trsf in SherilT-Excess Fees $1500,000.00 $0.00 $1,500000.00 101-389001 Less 5% 03.11298500) $000 ($3,112,78500) 101-389002 Fund Balance Forward $11,19248800 $1300,000.00 $12,492,48800 Total 171,875,399.00 11,300,000.00 $73,195,399.00 Appropriations: 101 04538 530490 'fax Increment Payment $1,250,000 00 $000 $1250,00000 101 04590 530490 luv Detention Cost Share $235,20000 $0,00 $235,200 00 101 11001 510•^!530•••560••• Medical Air Transport $8252.83500 $000 $8,252.83500 101 20505 510•^•,530••• Correction Facilities $2,322,41700 $000 $2,322,417 00 101 20505 560640 Correction Facilities $578,109 00 81,000,000.00 $1,578.10900 101 68616 590998 Bond Refunds $25,000.00 $000 125,(100.00 101 68629 510^•1581•••590•^ Sheriff Law Enforcement $25,126,82800 $0.00 $25,126,828 00 101 68630 510•-b5g1•••,590••• SheritTCorrections $25851.71800 $0.00 S25851,71800 101 68631 5100•!5810-1590••• Sheriff Court Security S2,219,14500 $000 S2,219,14500 101 68634 510^•!581•^•590^ee Interagency Communication $747,354W $0.00 $747,354 0 101 6870 530400 LEEA Funds $75,00000 $000 $75.000.00 101 81008 530310 Sheriff Extradition $80,00000 $000 180000.00 101 85503 590990 Reserves 101 $200,011000 $300,00000 $500,000 00 101 85503 590991 Reserves 101 $4.878,4590) $000 $4,878,459 00 101 86518 590••• Budgeted Transfers 101 $33,334 00 $000 $33,334 00 Total 171,875,359.00 11,300,000.00 173,175,359.00 One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Current Incs(Dec) Revised Revenues: Budget Budget 304-312600GN Discretionary Sales Tax $19,381,987.00 $0.00 $19,381,987 00 304-361005GI Interest Earnings 150,000.00 $0.00 $50,000 00 304-389001 Less 5%FL Stamm ($971599001 $000 0971599001 304-389002 Fund Balance Forward $17,146,269.00 $1,949,10600 $19,095,375.00 Total 135,606,657.00 11,949,106.00 137,555,763.00 Appropriations: 304 22004 5104e•Salaries County Engineer Const $1,552,143 00 $0.00 $1552,14300 304 22004 530••l560•e• County Engineer Const $182,940 W $000 $182,940 00 304 22028 530340 Misc/Admin Capital $900,00000 S000 $900,000.00 304 23000 560630 Physical Environment $212,997 00 $000 $212,997 00 304 24000 510^!5304^1560•e• Gen Crow Cap Projects $1,561,790 53 $000 $1,561,790 53 304 25000 510••!530*e•,560••• Culture&Recreation $2,824,261 00 $000 $2,824,261 00 304 25501 560620 Econ Enviro Capital Proj $426,428.00 $000 $426,428 00 1 304 26000 560^• Public Safety 5969,77300 $000 $969,77300 304 27000 530340&560630 Transportation $3,587,87000 $264,10600 $3,85197600 304 85532 59099• Reserves 304 53323,5654E 5700,00000 $3,972,565.47 304 86502 590••• Budgeted Transfers 304 $20,115,88900 $985.00000 $21,100,88900 Total S35,606,657.00 S1,949,106.00 S37,555,763.110 Cudfoe Regional Wastewater Project Current Inc((Dec) Revised Revenues: Budget Budget 312-325100GM Special Assessment Cap $2.343905.00 $0.00 $2.343.90500 312-389001 Less 5% 0117,19600) $0.00 (511E,196 DO) 312-389002 Fund Balance Forward $300,000 00 $2 861 609 00 $3,16160900 Total S2,526,709.00 S2,361,609.00 $5,388,318.00 Appropriations: 312 54505 590996 Cudjoe Spec Assessment Refund $25,000 00 $000 $25,000.00 312 55013 510•••.530* Cudjoe Spec Assessment $20202200 $000 $20202200 312 55013 560630 Cudjoe Spec Assessment $0.00 $2,861,60900 $2,861,60900 312 85574 590990 Reserves 312 $173,94700 $0.00 $17394E.00 312 8656E 591120E Budgeted Transfers 312 $2,125.74000 $000 $2,125,E40.W Total S2,526,709.00 S2,861,609.00 55,388,318.00 2014 Revenue Bond Current Inc((Dec) Revised Revenues: Budget Budget 314 3813040T Transfer in from 304 59610.000.00 $285,000 00 59,895,000.00 314 389003 Fund Balance Forward $15,850,62400 $72,05200 515,922,676.00 Total 525,460,624.00 S357,052.00 S25,817,676.00 Appropriations: 314 25004 51 U•••,530•••,56p•" Culture&Rec Fund 314 $23E4.39600 $23993100 $2.614,327 00 314 26008 510•••530•••,560•tt Public Safety Fund 314 $22,086,22800 $1,017,121 00 $23,103,349.00 314 85573 590990 Reserves 314 S1,000,000.00 ($900000.00) SI 00,000.00 Total S25,460.624.00 S357,052.00 525,817,676.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above,is hereby authorized and directed to make necessary changes of said items.as set forth above PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida,at a regular meeting of the Board on the 17th day of March.AD 2021. Mayor Caldron Yes Mayor Pro Tem Rice Yes 40 r INN��, Commissioner Cates Yes C inner Martinez n /�2 ti ,IN.,,,,,,, Commissioner Forger ]E' S 1 <i6�Ae" t BOARD OF COUNT COMMISSIONERSVq - I V '� • F O • TY,FLORIDA i� Y = � �,�`� Mayor( stun . 4 -, r1geNT , Atles}.7KEV IN MIeDOK,Clerk ' R cry, As Deputy clad tLl MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY r.„RiSTINELIMB .s ogre rorApr rvEv 2