Item E1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4fit,;OO Division: Mayor Freeman Bulk Item: Yes No Department: BOCC-3 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to advertise an ordinance changing the makeup of the District Advisory Committees (DACs) of the Tourist Development Council to five members for each DAC appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST CENTER # COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing_ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~~ 1-<- ~-' _""-,,,",\ ayor Shirley Fre~m DOCUMENTATION: Included: To Follow:_Not Required: Agenda Item #: a--fA DISPOSITION: Mayor Shirley Freeman ORDINANCE I\jO - 2000 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 2-299(F), MONROE COUNTY CODE, IN ORDER TO REVISE THE APPOINTMENT CRITERIA AND TERMS OF THE DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Sec. 2-299(F), MCC, is hereby amended to read as follows: (F) Advisory committees shall be created to make recommendations to the tourist development council. (1) No more than one (1) district advisory committee shall be created for any district as defined in subsection (G). (2) The advisory committees shall be comprised of six (6) or nine (9) five (5) members, whose qualifications who shall ae: a. In the case of six (6) members, two (2) from the loctging inctustry, two (2) from tourist r~latect business, anct tvJO (2) who may er may net be im'9I\'eEt in leEtging er tourist r.elated businesses to repr.esent the geneFaI public; or b. In the case of nine (9) memllers, thr.ee (3) fr.em the 10Etging inEtustry, three (3) from tourist related llusinesses, and three (3) '.\!ho mayor may not be in'lQ/vect in lodging or tourist r.elated businesses to r.epresent the geneFa/ public. be a resident of the district for which he is appointed and shall have demonstrated involvement in tourism or tourist- related activities or have demonstrated know/edae reaardina impacts of tourism on the community. (3) Ther.e shall be :3 three persen neminating committee fer each ctistrict for the purposes of making r~commenctations for appointments to any seat on the aEtvis91\' committee of the ctistrict. The teFm of office for each nominating oommittee member shall be thr~e (3) years; hOJ.&J8':er, of the members first appointed, one (1) shall serve for one (1) year, one (1) fer two (2) years anEt one (1) for three (3) years. The nominating committee for each district shall be comprisea of a. One (1) person appointed by the hotel/motel association in that aistrict, or, in the absence of a hoteL'motel association, a tourism association; b. One (1) person appointed by the tourist de\'elopment counEiiI; and c. One (1) person appointed by the chamber of commerce for the Efistrict. ._,..~._- .- -,- --.-... -. --,- --.....--. LID Each county commissioner shall aoooint one member to each district ~dvisorv committee. (4) /\ppointments te the district ad'/isory board shall be made thrcn.tgh the fell9\vfng process: a. Any \'acaFlGy on a district ad'/isor,. committee shall be ad'/ertised by the tOl::lrist development cOl::lncil aamin istrative office in at least one (1) n9':.~paper of general circulation in the district 'JAth a r~quest for applications to fill the position, ana a deadline for sl::lbmission of applications. ,\ b. Application forms shall be maae a'/ailable by the administrative offioo of the tol::lrist development council and district chambers of commerce. c. .^.pplications shall be submitted to the ladministrati'/e offioo which shall reGera the sl::lbmission ana forvlar~ the applications to the nominatiFlg committee for the district served by the aistrict ad'/isory committee for '/lhich applications ar:e reooivea. c. Each district nominating committee shall F10minate t\\<g (2) or more names in order of proference to the tel::lrist development col::lncil for appointments to each '!acant position fFem the applications reooived through this pr-ocess, and sl::lbmit to the administrati'.~ office the nominations and a list of all candidates oonsidered. (4) A district advisory committee member's term shall exoire with the exoiration of the aooointina commissioner's term. If a commissioner is re-elected. a committee member shall be reaooointed or reolaced bv a new aooointment. (5) The tOl::lrist de'.'elopment coum::i1 shall appoint the members of the distrid advisol'}' committees for thr.ee year terms fr.em the recommendations sl::lbmitted by the nomiRatiFlg Gemmittees or return the recommendations as rejeGtea ana r.equest a Flew set of recommendations. (e) @ The district advisory committees shall be bound by the same policies and procedures as apply to the tourist development council . includina termination of membershio for failure to attend meetinas.. (7) District ad':isory committee members filling terms 'JJhich 8*pir.e sl::lbseql::leRt to the effective date of this ordinance shall fulfill their terms. No member of a district savisol)' Gemmittee, prior to the effective date of this subparagraph, may be removea becal::lse he doos not meet this subsection's r~quir.ement. All futur.e appoiFltments must be maae to bring each committee into conformance .."lith the composition r:equirements. (6) The district advisory committees shall continue to ooerate under Ordinance Number 38-1999 until the aooointments described above are comoleted. Section 2. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered to confonn to the unifonn numbering system of the Code. . Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon receipt of official notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been filed with said Office. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the day of , 2000. Mayor Shirley Freeman ., Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mary Kay Reich Commissioner Nora Williams (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Deputy Clerk By Mayor/Chairperson jordvdac jedac 18 April 2000 We have read the proposed changes to the District Advisory Committees ordinance and urge the Board of County Commissioners not to approve these amendments. We feel these changes will result in a DAC that will not fairly or accurately represent the community it is supposed to be serving. The selection of advisory committee members should remain with the local community and should not be transferred to the county commissioners. Each local community is better suited to determine who its representatives should be. They know the problems and issues better because they are directly involved with them on a daily basis. Consequently, they are in a better position to select committee members who share the community's goals. The right to select our own representatives should not be transferred to the BOCC. We believe the current configuration of the DAC's, which includes three at-large members, results in a proper amount of checks and balances and is a fair representation of the community as a whole. Since the DAC's purpose is to develop tourism, which is the # 1 economic force in the Keys, it is imperative that all facets of the tourism industry be represented. The proposed change has no safeguards to ensure that all members of the community will be represented. The selection process is based solely on the discretion of the BOCC, and could totally exclude important segments of our economy. In addition, the qualifications set forth in the proposed change are entirely too vague. How does one "demonstrate involvement in tourism or tourist-related activities"? How will these "demonstrations of involvement" be presented? Will they be made public prior to appointment? Will the local communities have any input? If the BOCC is going to select DAC members for all the communities, there must be more substantiative, measurable criteria on which these decisions are based. We also feel that the three-year terms currently served by DAC members provide continuity and stability to the committee. Members have the advantage of knowing what happened last year - what worked and what didn't. It's also more conducive to long-range planning and goal setting when members serve a longer term. We feel serving one-year terms will result in erratic and inconsistent decisions from year to year, especially since there are no safeguards as to the make up of the committee. One year the committee could be completely pro-tourism, and the next year it could be completely opposed. We feel these proposed changes will result in inequitable and inconsistent representation. Communities will lose control over their own destiny and have no say in who represents them. It is our belief that the District Advisory Committees should remain as originally, and thoughtfully, designed. andaGB=k,~~oe1- (ff. Islands of Marathon Tourism Association www.floridakeysmarathon.com 12222 Overseas Highway · Marathon, Florida 33050 (305) 743-5417 · Nationwide (800) 262-7284 · Fax: (305) 289-0183 f./ LAST STAND P.O. Box 146, Key W t, FI33041 (305) 296-3335 "Protectlng the Keys" RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF LAST STAND REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE DISTRICT ADVISORY COUNCILS BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY APRIL 20, 2000 Whereas the District Advisory Committees make recommendations to the TDC regarding the distribution of Tourist Development funds for local projects. Whereas the allocation for such local projects has just increased substantially as a component of the total TDC budget. Whereas the voters of Monroe County, in overwhelming numbers, indicated in the Survey on Tourism that they preferred more participation from the general public in the DAC process and less industry control. Whereas under the current DAC selection process, subcommittees of industry appointees, none of whom are publicly elected, nominate all nine members to the DACs. This has resulted in committee members who only represent the interests of a narrow segment of the population. Whereas the Board of County Commissioners are the duly elected representatives of Monroe County, entrusted with the oversight and responsibility of expending public funds. Whereas the proposed ordinance parallels the selection process for other committees that has worked well for the County for many years and brings a level of accountability to the appointment process which is presently lacking. Now, therefore be it resolved that the Board of Directors of Last Stand supports the ordinance entitled: "Changing the makeup of the District Advisory Committees of the Tourist Development Council to five members for each DAC, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners." &:/