Item B7 U5/10/UU )]:04 ~AX 2892536 PLANNING DEPT. 14101 1 Marine Resources BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Mediae Date: 18 May 2000 Division: Growth ManaJement Balk Item: Yes X No Department: Marine Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Consideration of a contract between Broward, Palm Beach, Dade and Monroe Counties and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration to complete a socioeconomic study of the reef resources of Southeast Florida and the Florida Keys. ITEM BACKGROUND: For nearly a year now, staffbas been working with the Southeast Florida counties and NOAA to develop a contract to complete a socioeconomic study of the area's reef resources. 1bis project is mmilar in nature, but focuses on different uses, as the joint socioeconomic study completed by NOAA for the Florida Keys approximately three years ago. That study involved NOM the TOe, the County, and the Nature Conservancy. It had a broader focus, looking at the scmcra1 tourist impacts on the Keys economy. Studies RimilfU' to this project have been completed in the panhandle of Florida. The contract will cost no money on the part of the County, but will involve' providina $10,000 in in-Jdnd service over the life of the contract. Staff will provide review of coD.trBet products only. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD AcnON: None STAFF'RECOMMENDATlON: Approval TOTAL COST: _$245,000 COST TO COUNTY: _$10,000 in-kind service APPROVED BY: County Attomey _X_ 0 DEPARTMENT DIRECfOR APPROVAL: BUDGETED: Yes No_NA_ DIVISlON DIRECfOR APPROVAL: Timo DISPOSmON: To follow _X_ t required_ tJ_ 7)~ Apndaltem #I: eX Cl DOCUMENTATION: Included BCOOO530.doc 04127100 1:31 PM 05/10/00 11:04 FA.\ :!89Z53b PLA:\1\I:\G DEPT. 9-02-1 9"-15 G: 1 3PI1 FROt1 MAR II'JE PROJECTS 295 4-31 7 I4l 02 P.3 MO~"'lROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COl\aflSSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Cp~tract # Contract with~~~t\ y~;p~ ~ ~O~ Effective Dar.e:_/ _1_ (\ -n Expiration Date: I I CODln<:t PurposclDescription:. y~U' ~ . _ ~ ~ ~ - - - ~{~:::::~~~'A1)i~~~J~~ 1 COI\tt3Ol Manager: a, ~G~ ( ) 2s;"CiT (&t.) (Depar1Dlc:at) for BOCC meeting OD ---.:.1_.'_ Agenda Deadline: --1-1 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value ofCo~ $ ~451~ Current Year Ponion: $ LoA"'-1 r.&tk) Budgefled? Yes~No_ Account Codes:_- _ ~_" Gram: S ~~1 rr--o /Sot/. ilt-kt,lt.J. _-~ - _ COWlEy Mate. 4P1&-r9-0 '7. k/~ ~_- _ _ ADDITIONAL COSTS Est'In"ted, Ongoina Costs: S /yr For: -- (NO!: i.ue.Iuded in dollar value abcm::) (es. m:a17l1P.r1aDt"e., lniIiries, jcDtorial. siJanec. =.) CONTRACT REVIEW Chaoaes Date In Needed ~cvi Yes No Division Director 5 I \U I 00 ( ) ( ) Risk Management 5.LlIi. -:0 ( ) (...) .~. O.M.B./Purchasing ~.LI,po ( ) (.{ <-;d4/'- ~ .. Cou.nty Attorney !!i! !2d.4n ( ) (&Q G -<. A '~'~, \", Date Out ~/~PD 5 lit:) I cd --- oS '$/P" 5i~~ ComJDents : OMB ~onn Reviled 81)()J9j Mep f2 INTERLOCAL AND INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT AMONG BROWARD COUNTY, PALM BEACH COUNTY, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, MONROE COUNTY and the UNITED STATES, through its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management, Sanctuary Management Division, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary FOR COOPERATIVE EFFORT TO CONDUCT A SOCIOECONOMIC STUDY OF THE REEF RESOURCES OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA AND THE FLORIDA KEYS This is an Interlocal, Interagency Agreement made and entered into by and between BROWARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "BROWARD;" and PALM BEACH COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "PALM BEACH;" and MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "MIAMI-DADE; and MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "MONROE;" and the UNITED STATES, through its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management, Sanctuary Management Division, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, hereinafter referred to as "SPO." WHEREAS, BROWARD, PALM BEACH, MIAMI-DADE, MONROE and SPO wish to engage in a cooperative effort to conduct a Socioeconomic Study of the Reef Resources of Southeast Florida and the Florida Keys, hereinafter referred to as "Project"; and WHEREAS, BROWARD, has been granted funding in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for Fiscal year 2000 and Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) for Fiscal Year 2001 by the State of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Committee, Division of Marine Fisheries, Bureau of Marine Fisheries Management, to fund a portion of the Project; and WHEREAS, BROWARD wishes to act as the project coordinator and to hire a . consultant to perform the Study and to provide an additional Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) to fund a portion of the Project; and WHEREAS, PALM BEACH has agreed to provide Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) to the Project and other in-kind services; and WHEREAS, MIAMI DADE has agreed to provide Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to the Project and other in-kind services; and WHEREAS, MONROE has agreed to provide in-kind services to the Project and assistance with the project; and WHEREAS, SPO, has agreed to provide Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) to the Project and other in-kind services; and NOW THEREFORE: IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, and covenants hereinafter set forth, BROWARD, PALM BEACH, MIAMI-DADE, MONROE and SPO hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS 1 .1 Artificial Reef. Artificial reefs are created from a variety of materials and for a variety of purposes. Sometimes natural corals attach themselves to the materials making it difficult to distinguish artificial from natural reefs. 1.2 Consultant. The individual or entity hired by BROWARD to perform the Socioeconomic Study of the Reef Resources of Southeast Florida and the Florida Keys. 1.3 Consumer's surplus. The dollar amount that an individual is willing to pay for a good or service over and above what they are required to pay. Consumer's surplus represents a net benefit to the consumer of a good or service. For natural resources that are not priced in markets, consumer's surplus is used to derive the net value of the natural resource. 1.4 Contract Administrator. Contract Administrator - The Broward County Administrator, the Director of the Broward County Biological Resources Division, or the designee of such County Administrator or Director. The primary responsibilities of the Contract Administrator are to coordinate and communicate with the parties and to manage and supervise execution and completion of the Responsibilities of the Parties and the terms and conditions of this Agreement as set forth herein. In the administration of this Agreement, as contrasted with matters of policy, all parties may rely on the instructions or determinations made by the Contract Administrator; provided, however, that such instructions and determinations do not change the Responsibilities of the Parties. 1.5 Market Economic Value. The economic impacts that are measured directly in local, 2 regional and national economies related to the spending associated with different activities. The measures include expenditures, sales/output, income, employment, and tax revenues. These measures indicate the economic impact on local, regional and national economies and account for the ripple effects or multiplier effects of spending. 1.6 Non-Market Economic Values. Includes both the use and non-use economic values. For use values, non-economic values include consumer's surplus and producer's surplus or economic rent. Economic rent is a return on investment above normal returns. For non-use, consumers's surplus represents the amount people would be willing to pay to see a natural resource protected in a given state even though they are not users of the resource. 1 .7 Project. The Socioeconomic Study of the Reef Resources of Southeast Florida and the Florida Keys by the consultant. 1.8 Resident. Any Residents of Palm Beach, Broward, Dade, and Monroe Counties which undertake boating activities in their own County. 1.9 Visitor. A person who is not a resident of the County in which their boating activity takes place. ARTICLE 2 - PURPOSE 2.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to set up a cooperative research effort to conduct a study on the economic and social impacts of both artificial and natural reef resources in Southeast Florida (Palm Beach, Broward, Dade and Monroe counties). The project will attempt to estimate the market economic values (sales/output, income and employment) and non-market economic values (consumer's surplus) from recreational uses of natural and artificial reef separately, by visitors and residents of the counties. 2.2 This project is necessary and essential to further the mission of the Department of Commerce/NOAA in that it will provide important socioeconomic information to help better manage coastal and ocean resources. 2.3 This activity is of mutual interest to the parties because it provides for data analyses that will support the programs of each of the parties. Specifically, the economic value of both the artificial and natural reefs under the jurisdiction of each of the parties. 2.4 NOAA certifies that this project cannot be done at all or as efficiently without participation of all the other parties to this Agreement and that this Project is essential to a Department Program. ARTICLE 3 - AUTHORITIES 3.1 SPO through NOAA is authorized to enter into this Interagency Agreement under 3 the joint project authority of 15 USC 1525, and the programmatic authorities for management of marine sanctuaries and co-management of estuarine reserves as described in the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (16 USC 1431, et. seq), and the Coastal Zone Management Act (16 USC 1451, et. seq.). NOAA certifies that this project cannot be done at all or as efficiently without participation of all the other parties to this Agreement and that this Project is essential to a Department Program. 3.2 BROWARD, PALM BEACH, MIAMI-DADE, MONROE Counties are authorized to enter into this Interlocal Agreement pursuant to Sec. 163.01, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE 4 - RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES 4.1 BROWARD shall: 4.1.1 Provide management and oversight of all funds received under this agreement and the funding from the State of Florida, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Committee. Division of Marine Fisheries, Bureau of Marine Fisheries Management. 4.1.2 Prepare specifications and procure through a competitive process an Agreement with a consultant to perform the Socioeconomic Study of the Reefs Resources of Southeast Florida and the Florida Keys and provide all Project coordination and administration. The Study shall estimate both the market economic values (sales/output. income and employment) and non-market economic values (consumer's surplus) from recreational uses of both artificial and natural reefs separately and estimate the market and non-market economic values for visitors (non-residents of the four (4) counties) and residents of the counties for each of the counties. 4.1.3 Provide periodic progress reports to all of the parties to this Agreement. 4.1.4 Meet with and provide information to the consultant as needed and related to the Project, provide on-site logistical support to Project volunteers, and undertake public outreach efforts aimed at maximizing the boaters survey response; strategies will be mutually agreed upon by counties and consultant 4.1.5 Provide funding for the Project in a maximum amount not to exceed Thirty Thousand 00/100 Dollars ($30,000.00), in addition to the One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand 00/100 Dollars ($125,000) from the State of Florida. 4.2 PALM BEACH shall: 4.2.1 Upon receipt of an invoice from BROWARD. or before September 1, 2000, remit to BROWARD Thirty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($30,000.00). 4.2.2 Meet with and provide information to the consultant, as needed and related to the Project, provide on-site logistical support to Project volunteers and undertake 4 public outreach efforts aimed at maximizing the boaters survey response; strategies will be mutually agreed upon by counties and consultant. 4.2.3 Review progress reports distributed by BROWARD and all final Project documentation and provide comments to BROWARD. 4.3 MIAMI-DADE shall: 4.3.1 Upon receipt of an invoice from BROWARD, or before September 1, 2000, remit to BROWARD Ten Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($10,000.00). 4.3.2 Meet with and provide information to the consultant, as needed and related to the Project, provide on-site logistical support to Project volunteers and undertake public outreach efforts aimed at maximizing the boaters survey response; strategies will be mutually agreed upon by counties and consultant. 4.3.3 Review progress reports distributed by BROWARD and all final Project documentation and provide comments to BROWARD. 4.4 MONROE shall: 4.4.1 Provide in-kind services to the Project in the amount of Ten Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($10,000.00). 4.4.2 Meet with and provide information to the consultant, as needed and related to the Project, provide on-site logistical support to Project volunteers and undertake public outreach efforts aimed at maximizing the boaters survey response; strategies will be mutually agreed upon by counties and consultant. 4.4.3 Review progress reports distributed by BROWARD and all final Project documentation and provide comments to BROWARD. 4.5 UNITED STATES through SPO shall: 4.5.1 Upon receipt of an invoice from BROWARD, or before September 1, 2000, remit to BROWARD Fifty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($50,000.00). All funds will be obligated upon execution of this Agreement, but in any case before September 30,2000. 4.2.2 Provide the services of Dr. Vernon R. Leeworthy to coordinate and provide data to the Project consultant and approve all methodology and work performed and act as co-author on Project final documents. 4.2.3 Provide socioeconomic analyses of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. 5 ARTICLE 5 - TERM AND TIME OF PERFORMANCE 5.1 The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date it is fully executed by all parties and shall end on December 31,2002; provided, however, if the term of this Agreement extends beyond a single fiscal year of BROWARD, the continuation of this Agreement beyond the end of any fiscal year shall be subject to the availability of funds to BROWARD in accordance with Chapter 129, Florida Statutes. 5.2 All duties, obligations, and responsibilities of all of the parties required by this Agreement shall be completed no later than December 31, 2002. Time shall be deemed to be of the essence in performing the duties, obligations and responsibilities required by this Agreement. ARTICLE 6 -INDEMNIFICATION AND GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY 6.1 Liability of NOAA employees is governed by the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. sec. 1346 (b) et set.) or other applicable law. 6.2 BROWARD, PALM BEACH, MIAMI-DADE and MONROE are state agencies or political subdivisions as defined in Chapter 768.28, Florida Statutes, and each agrees to be fully responsible for acts and omissions of its agents or employees to the extent permitted by law. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any party to which sovereign immunity may be applicable. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or political subdivision of the State of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of this Agreement or any other contract. ARTICLE 7 - INSURANCE 7.1 BROWARD, PALM BEACH, MIAMI-DADE, and MONROE all shall furnish Contract Administrator with written verification of liability protection in accordance with law prior to final execution of this Agreement. 6 ARTICLE 8- TERMINATION 8.1 This Agreement may be terminated for cause by any party if the party in breach has not corrected the breach within fifteen (15) days after written notice from the aggrieved party identifying the breach, or for convenience any party upon not less than thirty (30) days' written notice by Contract Administrator. This Agreement may also be terminated by Contract Administrator upon such notice as Contract Administrator deems appropriate under the circumstances in the event Contract Administrator determines that termination is necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. 8.2 Notice of termination shall be provided in accordance with the "NOTICES" section of this Agreement except that notice of termination by Contract Administrator which Contract Administrator deems necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare may be verbal notice which shall be promptly confirmed in writing in accordance with the "NOTICES" section of this Agreement. ARTICLE 9 - MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Any and all reports, photographs, surveys, and other data and documents provided or created in connection with this Agreement are and shall remain the property of all of the parties to this agreement. In the event of termination of BROWARD's Agreement with the consultant to perform the study, any reports, photographs, surveys, and other data and documents prepared by the consultant, whether finished or unfinished, shall become the property of the parties to this Agreement and shall be delivered by the consultant to the Contract Administrator within seven (7) days of termination of the study Agreement. The results of the study may be published jointly by the parties, or by any of the parties individually. All parties to this Agreement shall be free to use any of the results obtained. 9.2 NONDISCRIMINATION, EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY, AND AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. With the exception of SPO, no party to this Agreement shall unlawfully discriminate against any person in its operations and activities or in its use or expenditure of funds in fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement. With the exception of SPO, all parties to this Agreement shall affirmatively comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the course of providing any services under this Agreement, including Titles I and II of the ADA (regarding nondiscrimination on the basis of disability), and all applicable regulations, guidelines, and standards. In addition, with the exception of SPO, all parties to this Agreement shall take affirmative steps to ensure nondiscrimination in employment against disabled persons. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay, other forms of compensation, terms and conditions of employment, training (including apprenticeship), and accessibility. The actions of all parties, with the exception of SPO, under this Agreement shall be performed without regard to or consideration of race, age, religion, color, gender, sexual 7 orientation (Broward County Code, Chapter 16%), national origin, marital status, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, or any other factor which cannot be lawfully used as a basis for service delivery. With the exception of SPO, no party shall engage in or commit any discriminatory practice in violation of the Broward County Human Rights Act (Broward County Code, Chapter 16%) in performing any services pursuant to this Agreement. 9.3 THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. None of the parties to this Agreement intend to directly or substantially benefit a third party by this Agreement. Therefore, the parties agree that there are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement and that no third party shall be entitled to assert a claim against either of them based upon this Agreement. The parties expressly acknowledge that it is not their intent to create any rights or obligations in any third person or entity under this Agreement. 9.4 NOTICES. Whenever any of the parties desire to give notice to the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by certified United States Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by hand-delivery with a request for a written receipt of acknowledgment of delivery, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified. The place for giving notice shall remain the same as set forth herein until changed in writing in the manner provided in this section. For the present, the parties designate the following: BROWARD: Director of Biological Resources Broward County Department of Planning & Environmental Protection 218 S.W. 1st Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 PALM BEACH: Ms. Julie Bishop, Environmental Analyst Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management 3323 Belvedere Road, Building 502 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-1548 MONROE: Mr. George Garrett Monroe County Department of Marine Resources 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 420 Marathon, Florida 33050 MIAMI-DADE: Mr. Brian Flynn Coastal Programs Administrator Metropolitan Dade County Environmental 33 S.W. 2nd Avenue Suite 300 Miami, Florida 33130-1540 SPO: Daniel J. Basta Director, Special Projects Office 1305 East West Highway, SSMC4, 9th floor Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 9.5 ASSIGNMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Neither this Agreement nor any interest herein shall be assigned, transferred, or encumbered by any party. 9.6 MATERIALITY AND WAIVER OF BREACH. Each party to this Agreement agree 8 that each requirement, duty, and obligation set forth herein is substantial and important to the formation of this Agreement and, therefore, is a material term hereof. BROWARD'S failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision or modification of this Agreement. A waiver of any breach of a provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement. 9.7 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. All parties to this Agreement shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations in performing its duties, responsibilities, and obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 9.8 SEVERANCE. In the event a portion of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be effective unless any party elects to terminate this Agreement. An election to terminate this Agreement based upon this provision shall be made within seven (7) days after the finding by the court becomes final. 9.9 JOINT PREPARATION. The parties acknowledge that they have sought and received whatever competent advice and counsel as was necessary for them to form a full and complete understanding of all rights and obligations herein and that the preparation of this Agreement has been their joint effort. The language agreed to expresses their mutual intent and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial construction, be construed more severely against one of the parties than the other. 9.10 PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS. If there is a conflict or inconsistency between any term, statement, requirement, or provision of any exhibit attached hereto, any document or events referred to herein, or any document incorporated into this Agreement by reference and a term, statement, requirement, or provision of this Agreement, the term, statement, requirement, or provision contained in Articles 1 through 10 of this Agreement shall prevail and be given effect. 9.11 APPLICABLE LAW AND VENUE. With the exception of SPO, this Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any controversies or legal problems arising out of this Agreement and any action involving the enforcement or interpretation of any rights hereunder, with the exception of any action by or against SPO, shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the State courts of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Broward County, Florida. By entering into this Agreement, all parties, with the exception of SPO, hereby expressly waive any rights either party may have to a trial by jury of any civil litigation related to, or arising out of the Project. 9.12 AMENDMENTS. No modification, amendment, or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document prepared with the same or similar formality as this Agreement and executed by all of the parties. 9 9.13 PRIOR AGREEMENTS. This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, and understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this document. Accordingly, the parties agree that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless set forth in writing in accordance with Section 9.12 above. 9.14 INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE. The truth and accuracy of each "Whereas" clause set forth above is acknowledged by the parties. 9.15 MULTIPLE ORIGINALS. This Agreement may be fully executed in six (6) copies by all parties, each of which, bearing original signatures, shall have the force and effect of an original document. ARTICLE 10 - BUDGET 10.1 The Project design, data collection and analyses is contemplated to take place over a two (2) year period. Since the project is to be conducted by pooling funds across agencies, the budget below shows the total project budget and does not break down each agencies contribution by year or task. The budget below serves only as a rough guide and is intended solely for the purposes of SPO meeting its budgetary requirements. TASK FY 2000 FY 2001 Data collection: Visitor Survey (Main Survey) Resident Survey (Main Survey) $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 o Data analysis and reports: Main Surveys (Visitors and Resident) o $50,000.00 Total (Main Survey) $120,000.00 $110,000.00 10.2 Equitable Apportionment of Costs. The costs of this activity are equitably apportioned because the Florida counties are contributing Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) and the SPO is contributing Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). 10.3 Reimbursement for Services. For purposes of SPO's budget, each project partner 10 I will transfer their funds to BROWARD who will then combine funds and enter the necessary contracts to conduct data collection and analyses for the project. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement: BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chair or Vice Chair, authorized to execute same by Board action on the day of ,; PALM BEACH COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chair or Vice Chair, authorized to execute same by Board action on the day of , ; MIAMI-DADE COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chair or Vice Chair, authorized to execute same by Board action on the day of ,; MONROE COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chair or Vice Chair, authorized to execute same by Board action on the day of , ; and UNITED STATES, through NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office, signing by and through its Office Director, duly authorized to execute same. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 11 j INTERLOCAL AND INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT AMONG BROWARD COUNTY, PALM BEACH COUNTY, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, MONROE COUNTY and the UNITED STATES, through its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management, Sanctuary Management Division, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary BROWARD COUNTY ATTEST: BROWARD COUNTY, by and through its Board of County Commissioners Broward County Administrator, as Ex-officio Clerk of the Broward County Board of County Commissioners By Suzanne N. Gunzburger, Chair _ day of ,2000. Insurance requirements approved by Broward County Risk Management Division Approved as to form by EDWARD A. DION, County Attorney for Broward County, Florida Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (954) 357-7600 T elecopier: (954) 357-7641 By By Pamela M. Kane Assistant County Attorney 12 1 INTERLOCAL AND INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT AMONG BROWARD COUNTY, PALM BEACH COUNTY, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, MONROE COUNTY and the UNITED STATES, through its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management, Sanctuary Management Division, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary PALM BEACH COUNTY ATTEST: PALM BEACH COUNTY, by and through its Board of County Commissioners By Clerk of the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners , Chair _ day of ,2000. Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency By Assistant County Attorney 13 j INTERLOCAL AND INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT AMONG BROWARD COUNTY, PALM BEACH COUNTY, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, MONROE COUNTY and the UNITED STATES, through its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management, Sanctuary Management Division, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary MIAMI DADE COUNTY ATTEST: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, by and through its Board of County Commissioners By Clerk of the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners , Chair _ day of ,2000. Approved as to form by Robert A. Ginsburg, County Attorney for Miami-Dade County, Florida Stephen P. Clark Center 111 N.W. 1st Street, Ste. 2810 Miami, Florida 33128 Telephone: (305) 375-5634 By Assistant County Attorney 14 INTERLOCAL AND INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT AMONG BROWARD COUNTY, PALM BEACH COUNTY, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, MONROE COUNTY and the UNITED STATES, through its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management, Sanctuary Management Division, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary MONROE COUNTY ATTEST: MONROE COUNTY, by and through its Board of County Commissioners By Clerk of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners , Chair _ day of ,2000. Approved as to form by Office of County Attorney, Monroe County By County Attorney 15 INTERLOCAL AND INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT AMONG BROWARD COUNTY, PALM BEACH COUNTY, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, MONROE COUNTY and the UNITED STATES, through its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management, Sanctuary Management Division, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office By day of ,2000. Daniel J. Basta Office Director 16