Item C04 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 14. 2000 Division: Community Services Bulk Item: Yes.x. No_ Department: Extension Services AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to accept a grant (in lieu of a grant, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sanctuaries & Reserves Division provides funding in the form of a purchase order)from Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to continue lobster monitoring in marine reserve from June 1,2000 through May 31,2001. ITEM BACKGROUND: This grant for $17,974 will provide funds to monitor the Western Sambos Ecological Reserve by contracting a local commercial lobster fisherman to evaluate the influence of the reserve on local lobster abundance and size. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Submittal of initial grant application approved 8/19/97. First year grant acceptance approved 1/14/98. Second year grant acceptance approved 5/12/99. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. TOTAL COST: $17.974.00 BUDGETED: YeslLNo COST TO COUNTY: $500 (100% in-kind administrative staff time) REVENUE PRODUCING: YES NO X AMT. PER MONTH _YEAR APPROVED BY: COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ OMB/PURCHASIN~- RISK MGMTtl.J<.. ITEM PREPARED BY: Douqlas GreQory DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: INClUDEDjL TO FOllOW NOT REQUIRED AGENDA ITEM #: ~ DISPOSITION MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Effective Date: Expiration Date: June 1. 2000 May 31,2001 Contract Purpose/Description: Grant will provide funds to contract with commercial lobster fisherman to monitor the Western Sambos Ecological Reserve with four weeks of sampling in each of the summer and winter seasons to evaluate the influence of the reserve on local lobster abundances and size. Douglas Gregory (N ame) for BOCC meeting on 6/14/00 4501 (Ext.) ~;7tP#I- .~-....-.._,-- .---_.- Contract Manager: Extension Services (Department) Agenda Deadline: 5/31/00 Total Dollar Value of Contract: Budgeted? Yes x Grant: $17,974 County Match: $0 Estimated Ongoing Cost: No (Not included in dollar value above) $500 /yr Division Director Risk Management o~~/purchaSing County Attorney Comments: Date In ~ ~o ~ 5/.3d~ I I $17,974 CONTRACT COSTS Current Year Portion: $9,962 Account Codes: TO BE ASSIGNED, PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PROPOSAL ADDITIONAL COSTS For: stafftime eg: maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc. CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Needed Yes @ Yes 6? Yes e ~- Yes ~} ~c...~ 0. "''' ; \"rJ ...~ .. :1l .. : ~: .. .. \. "', I ~7"'f:llJI rI' u.s. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONALOCEANSER~CE SANCTUARlliS&R~ERVESDnnsION Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary P.O. Box 500368 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 743-2437 Voice (305) 743-2357 Fax EMail: patti.hartsing@noaa.gov VIA FACSIMILE May 30. 2000 Mr. Douglas Gregory Monroe County Extension Service 5100 College Road Key West. FL 33040 Dear Mr. Gregory. This letter is to inform you that a purchase order is currently being processed by the Central Administrative Support Center for the amount of $17.974 to enable you to continue the third year of the Sentinel Fishery Project. I do not anticipate any problems with the approval of this funding and fully expect you will have approval to spend by June 15. 2000. The project period will be June 2000 - May 31, 2001. Thank you, Iltu..4tA~ -, Patti Harts~n~-~ ~vO Administrative Management Specialist lO'd lZ:~l 00. O~ hew lSfZf~lson: x:e~ SWN)f~ Sentinel lobster fisheries project for the Western Sambos Ecological Reserve and adjacent areas within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Statement of Work for June 1, 2000 - May 31, 2001 Principal Investigator: Douglas R. Gregory, Jr. University of FloridalFlorida Sea Grant Monroe County Cooperative Extension Service 5 I 00 College Road, Key West, FL 33040 Phone: 305-292-450 I; Fax: 305-4415; email: drg@ufl.edu Introduction This proposal is for continuation of the Sentinel Lobster Fisheries Monitoring Project for the third year of a continuing 5 year study. Purpose and Objective The purpose of this proposed project is to evaluate the long-term (5 year) effectiveness of the Western Sambos Ecological Reserve as a haven for spiny lobster that would provide localized year round increased abundance and larger lobsters than that found within the adjacent areas that are fished. This sentinel fisheries program directly involves commercial fishermen in the collection of data through direct monitoring and recovery oftagged lobsters. By involving fishermen, they will observe directly the effects of the reserve and be able to provide the industry with a commercial fisherman's perspective on the relevance of the reserve to the commercial fishing community. The three objectives of this study are: Objective 1. To determine if trap catch per unit effort and the average size of spiny lobsters within the reserve increases above that of the surrounding area during the initial five years of closure. Objective 2. To determine iflobsters from within the reserve are emigrating and providing yield to fishermen fishing adjacent to the reserve. Objective 3. To get fishermen involved in direct monitoring of the changes in lobster populations brought about by the closure of the reserve. Tasks and Deliverables Between June 1, 2000 and May 31, 2001, the contractor shall oversee, facilitate and conduct the lobster sentinel fisheries program in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This shall include the following tasks and deliverables: Task 1. Contract with a sentinel fisherman and observers by June 1, 2000. Deliverable: Names, addresses, and phone nunbers for one sentinel fisherman. Task 2. Produce a hardcopy report on the results of the out of season monitoring in the reserve and adjacent areas by July 31, 2000. Deliverable: A hardcopy report on size, sex, and cpue for lobster catch in the reserve and adjacent areas, including a comparison with the previous years' results. Task 3. Present the preliminary results of sentinel program to local industry groups and to the scientific and regulatory community at workshops and conferences. Deliverable: Provide the Sanctuary with advance notice, including the date, time, and location of all public presentations and a copy of any publication or handouts used to disseminate information about the lobster sentinel fisheries program. Task 4. Produce a hardcopy final report on the results of the Year 3 sentinel fisheries program by February 15, 200 I, including a comparison with Years I and 2 results. Deliverable: Provide the Sanctuary a hardcopy report that summarizes the results of the sentinel program. The report should detail methods used, summary statistics on sampling efforts, problems encountered with recommendations on how to improve the program. The report should include maps showing areas sampled. Proposed Budget Contractual Services 40% of one month salary for PI Univ. Fla. Statistical Consulting Fishing Vessel Observers $100/day, 9 days/year Commercial Fishing Vessel Charter $900/day, 9 days/year $2,300.00 $3,000.00 900.00 Subtotal 8.1 00.00 $14,300.00 Travel Subtotal 174.00 2,000.00 $2,174.00 Local Travel - 600 miles @ 29~/mile Conference Travel - 2 meetings Operating Supplies Trap pop-ups, buoys, rope. Capital Equipment Replacement/repair of field data computer TOTAL COST $500.00 $1,000.00 $17,974.00 Explanation of Budget Changes from Previous Year (-1950) Contractual Services PI salary reduced from two to one month (- $2,000) Statistical Consulting fee for data analysis (+ $3,000). Fishing Vessel Observers and Commercial Fishing Vessel Charter reduced from 12 to 9 days due to use of funds from the 1999 Grant Extension (- $1,800). Operating Supplies No tags will be purchased and no tag awards will be made (-$1,150) 2