Item C34
Meeting Date:
June 14/15, 2000
Division: Public Works
Bulk Item: Yes: ~
Department: Facilities Maintenance
Agenda Item Wording:
Approval to renew the lease agreement with Deputy Mark Taylor of the Monroe County
Sheriff Department to reside in the residence located at Watson Field (more commonly
known as the Stiglitz House) for an amount of rent and utilities totaling $400.00 per
month, and authorization for Mayor to execute lease agreement for same.
Item Background:
On June 14, 2000, the lease agreement with Deputy Taylor will expire. He is currently
paying a total of $400.00 per month. ($204.06 for rent and $195.94 for water,
sewer/septic, electricity and solid waste.)
Previous Relevant BOCC Action:
On April 14th, 1999, the Board authorized the Mayor to execute lease agreement with
Deputy Taylor to reside in the Stiglitz House located at Watson Field for an amount of
$400.00 per month which included rent & utilities.
Staff Recommendation:
Approval as stated above.
Total Cost: $0.00
Budgeted: Yes: N/A No: N/A
Cost To County: $0.00
Cost Center:
Revenue Producing: Yes: XX No _ Amount per Month: $400.00 Year: $4,800,00
Approved By: County Atty:
Risk Mgmt:
Item Prepared By:
~~ If()
r/os Zarate, Director of Facilities Maintenance
()ivision Director Approval:
Dent Pierce, Director of Public Works
Documentation: Included: L
To Follow: _ Not Required:
Agenda Item #: E~
Contract #
Contract with:Deputy Mark Taylor Effective Date:6/15/00
Expiration Date:6/14/01
Contract Purpose/Description: Lease Agreement with Deputy Mark Taylor of the Monroe
County Sheriff DeRartm~JlL to lease the Stiglitz House located at Watson Field in Big Pine Key,
Contract Manager:1 ,isa MonsalvaJ~
Parks & Reaches Uni,
for BOCC meeting on 6(14/00
Agenda Deadline: 51} IJOQ
Total Dt)lhu y,dul,.; vI' CUllthrcr: $4,800,00 Current Year Portion: $
Budgeted? YesD No D Account Codes: _-_
Gratlt: $ _-_-_-_
County Match: $ _-_-_-_
- - -
Estimated Ongoing Costs: $_/yr For:
(Nol included in dollar v,Jlue abO\'e) (eg, maintenance. ulililies. janitorial. salaries. elc.)
. Changes
, Date In Needed .-/- /d ~er .
Division Director to IS/DO YesD No~ ~~ C~ /' ~ c../ s-kd
R~nage"Dn 5\:!>\\OOYCSONO~'W~~ ,s-1~I\o<>
O,M.B./Pur~ sl 011 o~esD NO~ ~/!,^- CYL/"(;tL\.~ S(3//t9~
County Atturncy IL /t / (J-b Y csO NO~~ ~
Date Out
6 -7--(')0
OMB Form Revised 1)/11/1)5 Mep #2
This lease agreement is made this 14th day of June. 2000 by and between Monroe County. a
political subdivision of the State of Florida. hen:alier County. and Deputy Mark Taylor. an olTicer
of the Monroe Count~ SherifTs Department. herealier Tenant.
WIIEREAS. the County believes the presence of a Ia\\ enforcement officer residing at the
premises described in this agreement would deter vandalism and theH at the premises:
WHEREAS. the Count~' has decided thaI at present time it is in the County's best IIlterest to
lease the premises to the Tenant to provide the dclerrence described: and
WHEREAS. the Tenant desires to reside on the premises and provide such deterrent. nO\\.
therefore. that parties agree as follows:
I, The County leases the second floor of the Big Pine Operations Building. more
commonly knO\\n as the Stiglitz I-louse located on Lot I C Pine Key Acres. and
unrecorded subdivision located on Big Pine Key. Monroe County. Florida.
hereafter premises. to the Tenant for the sole use as a residence by the Tenant and
his/her immediate familY or roommate, The term of this lease shall commence on
June 15.2000 and terminate on June 14.2001,
2, The County agrees to provide Tenant with water. se\\er/septic. clectricit~,. and
solid waste collection service, The Tenant shall reimburse the County t()r said
service at a rate of $195.94 per month payable in advance on the first business day
of each month to the Monroe COllnty Clerk of the Courts. Finance Department.
500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Florida 33040, Thc Tenant agrees to pay rent
in the amount 01'$204,06 per month payable in advance on the first business day
of each month to the Monroe County Clerk of the Courts. Finance Department.
. ~
500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Florida 33040, The Tenant shall arrange for
and provide residential telephone service at his OWI1 e:\pense. I I' the Tenant desires
cable teleVision service. he shall arrange for and provide that service at his own
), The Tenant further agrees that. durin!,\ the term of this lease. the Ten:lnt is. and
\\i II remain:
a) certified as a regular. full time la\\ enforcement officcr by the Florida
Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission:
b) a lkput~, employed by thc Monroe Count~ Sheriffs office and empo\\\~red
to make arrests under the Ia\\S of the State of Florida,
4 The Tenant may not sublease the premises nor assign an~ obligation, bencfit or
duty created under this agreement. \\ithoutthe \Hillen consent of the County
5, The Tenant shall. at least once each night. conduct an inspection walk at Watson
Field and the Operation Center area and check for any signs of theft or vandalism
and qucstion. and if necessar~'. remove an~' unauthorized or suspicious persons
!{)und on slle Thc Tenant shall also note any safety hazards observed during
his/her InSIKction and inform a supervisory employec of the County's Public
Works Department of any such hazards as soon as possible,
6, This agreement may be terminated before the expiration of the one year term. \\ith
or \\ ithout cause and in the sole discretion of the County. upon
a) 60 days \\rittennotice by the County to the Tenant:
b) ~o days written notice by the County to the Tenant when:
i) the Tenant has left employ of the Monroe County Sheriffs office:
ii) the Tenant is no longer certified as required by Section J:
ili) the Tenant f..ils to timely pay the County the amount described in
Section 2 or fails to obtain or keep telephone service as required
b~' Section 2:
iv) the Tenant fails to conduct the \\alk around inspections required
by Section 5 or fails to inform the County Public Works
Department of any observed safety hazard(s) as required by
Section 5:
v) the Tenant subleases the premises or assigns an~' interest under
this lease \\ithout the c6nsent requircd b~' Section 4:
, c) I:' d;I~'s notice by the COllnty to the Tenant in an emergency situatIon,
The waiver by the County of an~' act. event. occurrence or omission which would cntitle
the County to lerminate this agreement shall not affect the right of the County to demand strict
perform:lI1ce of the terms of thiS agreement with n;speet to any subsequen( act. event. occurrence or
omission. constituting a bn:ach. dct~lUlt or nonperformance by Ihe Tenant.
The Tenant may terminate this lease upon JO days writtcn noticc to thc County is he/she is
transferrcd to a substation whosc location would makc it impracticable 10 conlinuc to rcsidc at the
pn:mlses or ifthc Tcnant leaves the emplo~ of the Monroc Count~' Shcrifrs Office,
7 The Tcnant covcnants and agrees to indemnif~' and hold harmless Monroe County
Board of County CommiSSioners from any and all claims for bodily injury. and
properly damage (including properly owned b~ Monroe ('ounl~') and a 11\' other
losses. damagcs. and c:\pcnses (including attorne~"s fces) which arise out of. in
eonncction with or by reason ofthc Tcnant utilizing properly govcrncd by this
leasclrcntal agrecment: e:\eept for such claims as may occur due 10 the Tenant's
performing duties pursuant to Section 5 of Ihis lease agreemcnt.
X Thc parties agree that Ihis \\ rillcn agrccment sets f()I"lh the entire agrcemcnt
bclween the parties and thaI thcre arc no tcrms or understandings other than those
statcd hcrein, Nonc of the terms. provisions, and conditions containcd in this
agrccment may bc added 10. modificd. supcrsedcd or othcrwisc altcred. c:\ccpt by a
writtcn amcndmcnt cxccutcd by thc partics,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc partics hcreto havc bccn c:\ccutcd this agrccmcnt as ofthc datc
first writtcn abovc,
(SEAL) ;
Dcputy C1crk
Dcputy Mark Taylor