Item C24 Revised 2/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Julv 26-27.2000 Bulk Item: Yes C8J No 0 Division: Manaoement Services Department: Information Systems AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Aooroval of Resolution Acceotino The Terms and Conditions of the Remedial Plan for the Uoarade of the Cable System Ooerated by TCI Cablevision of South Florida in Monroe County and execution of Statement of Terms of Settlement ITEM BACKGROUND: Resolution Number 074-1999 oassed February 10.1999 was oassed reoardino issues of comoliance. This aoreement resolves those issues. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Aooroval of BOCC recommended by Monroe County Telecommuncation Authority at their meetino on June 19. 2000. TOTAL COST: None COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes 0 No 0 AMOUNT PER MONTH !;1?) YEAR APPROVED BY: COUNTY ATTY ~MB/PURCHASING 0 RISK MANAGEMENT ~VISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL-' h--: ~ 4 _ ~s l. Roberts BUDGETED: Yes 0 No 0 DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED: X TO FOLLOW: 0 NOT REQUIRED: 0 DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #: / - C 2 Lj MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with:TCI Cablevision of Florida Effective Date:Execution Expiration Date: Contract Purpose/Description:AcceDtance of Remedial Plan for the Uoszrade of the Cable System Contract Manager:Sheila Barker (Name) 4462 (Ext. ) Information Systems (Department) for BOCC meeting on Julv 26-27.2000 Agenda Deadline: Julv 12 2000 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $None Current Year Portion: $ Budgeted? YesD No D Account Codes: Grant: $ County Match: $ ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ /yr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (e2. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date In Needed ~ Division Director ?},;... YesDNoG:r ~o...;: O.M.B./Purchasing YeSDNO~~ tfI CountyAttomey ":;l"r.aJYesDNoS--~~ Comments: Date Out 'J/n( 6IJ 1 \rl\ou 7-/1 "7 ,I jZ ...(Jt7 OMB Form Revised 9/11/95 MCP #2 . ',~ RESOLUTION MONROE COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 00- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE REMEDIAL PLAN FOR THE UPGRADE OF THE CABLE SYSTEM OPERATED BY TCI CABLEVISION OF SOUTH FLORIDA IN MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, on September 8, 1998, Monroe County received notification of the proposed change of control of the TCI Cablevision of Florida, Inc. ("TCI-FL") cable television franchise and TCI to AT&T; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 009-1989 of Monroe County, and the franchise agreement, no such change of control may occur without prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the County granted its conditional consent to the change of control on February 10, 1999, by adoption of Resolution No. 99-074 (attached hereto as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the consent therein granted was conditioned, in part, upon Franchisee providing to Monroe County, within thirty (30) days of the effective date of Resolution No. 99-074, a Remedial Plan acceptable to the County, which would include (1) liquidated damages for failure to comply with Section 10.1 and 21.1 of the Franchise, to specifically address Franchisee's provision of same or better features as it offers to any other county or municipality, pursuant to Section 10.1, and a state-of-the-art system pursuant to Section 21.1 of the Franchise, to the subscribers of Monroe County; (2) measures for increasing the number of channels available in Monroe County to that level \\225\data\2000\Monroe County\A TIlRemediaIPlan.Resolution.0222. ~ offered to subscribers in the Key West franchise within a reasonable time pursuant to Franchisee's best efforts; and (3) measures to be undertaken to complete the system upgrade of the entire franchise area to 750 MHZ, and to provide an additional educational channel, equipment, connections and access services as further described in TCI-FL's Affidavit attached thereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, by adoption of Resolution No. 99-074, the County placed Franchisee on notice of its violation, effective as of the date of the Resolution, for failure to timely comply with Sections 10.1 and 21.1 of the Franchise, and further imposed penalties, to accrue at the rate of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) per day until Franchisee's completion of the system upgrade referenced above: and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 99-074, the County and Franchisee agreed that in the event the Franchisee met its obligations of providing the Remedial Plan to the County within the prescribed time period, and was negotiating in good faith with the County to adhere to Sections 10.1 and 21.1 of the Franchise Agreement, any liquidated damages assessed or accruing in relation to these obligations will be held in abeyance; and further, that any failure by Franchisee to fulfill the obligations to timely provide the Remedial Plan and to negotiate in good faith will result in the re- institution of said liquidated damages effective as of the notice of violation set forth in Resolution No. 99-074; and WHEREAS, Franchisee initially provided the Remedial Plan on April 15, 1999; and WHEREAS, County and Franchisee have negotiated in good faith on the terms of the Remedial Plan; \\225\data\2000\Monroe County\A 1T\RemedialPlan.Resolution.0222. w;?d NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, THAT: 1. To the extent required, Monroe County accepts the terms of the Remedial Plan for TCI-FL's Monroe County cable system, as set forth in the Statement of Terms attached hereto as Exhibit B. 2. That the consent granted herein does not constitute and should not be construed to constitute a waiver or release of any obligations ofTCI under Ordinance No.009-1989 of Monroe County and the cable television franchise. 3. That the consent granted herein does not and should not be construed to constitute a waiver of any right of the County under Ordinance No.009-1989 of Monroe County and the cable television franchise; and further, this consent shall not prejudice the County's rights with respect to the enforcement, renewal or transfer of the current cable television franchise and any amendments thereto. 4. That the County's acceptance of the Franchisee's Remedial Plan hereby shall not have the effect of waiving or releasing Franchisee from any penalties accrued pursuant to Resolution No. 99-074, which penalties shall continue to be held in abeyance pending Franchisee's compliance with all the terms of the Remedial Plan as set forth in the Statement of Terms attached hereto as Exhibit B. 5. That the County Commission hereby authorizes the County Administrator to execute an amendment to the Franchise as set forth in Exhibit C hereto. 6. That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption herein. \\225\data\2000\Monroe County\A Tf\RemedialPlan.Resolution.0222. ~ [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] \\225\data\2000\Monroe County\A TI\RemedialPlan.Resolution.0222. ~ . .' PASSED AND ADOPTED AFTER READING BY TITLE ONLY THIS ,2000. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MAYOR ATTEST: COUNTY CLERK (SEAL) \22SIMonroe County\CablelAgreements\Transfer of Franch.Resolution. 12. 16.98 5 DAY OF Ju 1 11 00 01, 43p Dann~ L, Kolhage 305 295 3S15 p.l fy:htb, i II ~ C' o ,:. :.:. -. ::n~"'. 0:-" : rn~'" ~. ~... C_'~ C -~-- ~~(..:: ..... 1- -<.~:r. . . ~ ~ C;:") ~ ~ . ~ \Q ~ ;aJ N (...1 ~ 6 .. ("oS CD ~ r rt'1 o -" o :::0 ." l"'" C') o :D C RESOLUTION MONROE COUNTY RESOLlITJON NO. '014-1999 A RF,S01.1JT10N OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE CHANGE OF CO~TROL OF THE Tel CABLEVlSlON OF FLORIDA, INC. CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE FROM Tel TO AT&T CORP. WHEREAS, on September 8, 1998, Monroe County received IluLifi~uLioll Qfthc propo:scd change of control of the Tel Cablevision of Florida, Inc. r.TC1-FL") cable television franchise and Try In AT&T; WHEREAS, pUI~uallt to Ordinance No. 009-1989 of Monro~ County, IUld the fr.J.J1chisc agreement, no such change of control may uccur willluut priQI' approval of the Dourd of County Conunissioners; WHEREAS, the County has required that the applicant fulfill the obligations of Section 14 of the County Cable Communications Cude:: l:Uld S~tions 16 of the cable television franchise and provide information on the proposed lransiictiUI1 iucluding details on the legal, financial, tcchnicnl and other qualifications of the transferee and on the potential impact of the transfer on subscriber ro.l.t.e$ and service; WHEREAS, under fee Rules. 47 CFR Section 76.502, Monroe Cuunty h~ t 20 days fro111 the date of submi~siun uf a c.:uU1pl~tl:d FCC Form 394, togc:ther with all Exhibit:;. and nny ndditioru.U information required by the franchise agreement or applicable state or local law, to act upon an . applica.tion to sell. nssi~ or otherwise transfer controllinG ownership of a ca.ble system~ WHEREAS, it is the county's position that the 120 days time period to act upon the application ufTCI h~ not commenced due to the tact that TCI has not S\lbmittcd n complewd FCC Form 394 together with all exhibits and all information required by the franchise agreement; WHEREAS. the County shall act upon Tel's application on February 10, 1999 pursuant to Tel's express consent that the County waives no rights under Federell, state and local law and the Ordinan~c: und franchise by 5chcd\lling consideration of the transfor on February 10, 1999, and pursuant to Tel's express consent that the date February 10. 1999 is not after expiration of the 120 day review period provided for in Fcdcru.l1nw; -~- 1(~1999\l\.1onmc:\TCI Tl'lIII5fenRellOlulion.l'illll] CJ210.wpd Ju.1 11 00 01~43p Dann~ L. Kolhace 305 295 3615 p.2 WHEREAS, the County has required written acceptance fTom TCI-FL IlIld A T&.T Corp. of the terms and conditions of this Resolution by atndavit as a condition precedent to the Adoption of this Resolution (affidavit attached hereto as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, in the event the proposc:u I.nwl:iliCLiul1 bc:LwC:C:11 TCI and AT&T Corp. is not CUI~WU1m&Lc:I.l ur uuc:s not I'each final closUl~ for allY I'CA:50n, or in the event such closure izs rcuohcd on terms substantially or materially different to the terms described in the FCC Fonn 394 and exhibits thereto, this Resolution, together with the affidavits of acceptance submitted by the proposed transferor and transferee, shall be null and void. NOW, '1'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, THAT: 1. To the eKtent required, Monroe County hereby conditionally consents to the change ofcunlrol QfMonroe COWlty Cable TelevilSion franchise from Tel to AT&T Corp. 2. That the consent ~anted herein does not constitute and should not be construed to constitute a waiver or release of any obligations of Tel under Ordinance No.009-1989 of Monroe County IlIld the cable television franchise. J. That the consent granted herein does not and should not be constrUed 10 constitute a waiver of any right of the County under Ordinance No.OO9-1989 of Monroe County and the cable television franchise; and further, this consent shall not prejudice the County's rights with respect to the enforcement, renewnl or transfer of the current co.ble television franchise and any amendments thereto. 4. That the consent herein granted applies exclusively to the following communities, as identified in the Form 394 which Tel submitted to the County: CUIN FL 0366 (Little Torch Key) CUIN FL 0469 (Monroe-VC, KW) C:l JTN FI, 0617 (K.ey wao) CUIN FI.. 0991 (Ocean Reef) CUIN FL 1182 (ManIOC County, Marathon (KC)) CUIN FL 1191 (Monroe County (Martha SW)) 5. That the consent herein grontp.ct ~J"CCifical1y excludes CUIN FL 0973 (Islamorada). 6. Trus.L the cur~I1t h~rcill gI'Qlll.t:U i:s \XIuditiolled upon (a) TCI-PL':; ~:surances set forth in its affidavit submitted to the County ~nrl attached hereto &CIi Exhibit A; (b) TCI-FL's Remedial Plan to be submitted to the County as pursuant to paragraph 7 herein; and (c) TCI-FL's submission to the County of cost recovery for all cos1s inr.llrreci hy the County related to the transfer process as required by Section 20 ofOrdinancc No. 009-1989 no later than thirty (30) days after the effective E:\I999\Monroe\TCI TransrcrlRC:iOlu~on-l; ",..l,011 O. w]ld 2 Ju.l 11 00 01 t 44p Dann~ L. Ko1haC. 305 295 3S15 p.3 cUltc of this Resolution. The costs are estimated at Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00). 7. . l'hat the consent granted herein is conditioned upon Franchisee providing to Monroe County, within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Resolution., a Remedial Plan acceptable Lv Lbo;: County, which shall include liquidated damages for failure to comply with Section 10.1 and 21.1 of the Franchise. to specifically address Franchisee's provision of same or better features as it offers to any other county or municipality, pursuant to Section 10.1, and a state-of.the-art system pursuant to Section 21.1 of the Franchisc~ to the subscribers of Monroe County. The Remedial Plan ~h~lI include mea.c;ure~ for increasine the number of channels available in Monroe County to that level offered to :subscribers in the Key West fnmchise within !l reasonable time PUl'SU3J\t to Franchisee's bt:~l c::1To1\s. The Plan shall also describe. the measures to be undertaken to complete the system upgrade of the entire franchise area to 750 MHZ, and to provide an additional educational cha1U1el, equipment, connections and access services as further described in TCI-FL's Affidavit attached hereto as Exhibit A. 8. Thal \he CUUllly ht:n::l1y reserves all of its dghts to c:nforce: Lhe provisions of the Franchise, with specific respect to the Franchisee's failure to comply with Section 10.1 of the Franchise. The County hereby authorizes the COWlty Administrator to issue a notice of violation, effective ail of the date of this Resolution, for failure to timely comply with Section~ 10.1 and 21.1 of the Franchise. Penalties shall acerue at the rate of Two Thousand Dollars ($2.000.00) per day tmtil Franchisee's completion of the system upgrdde ref~ncecl abuvt: ill p~r~laIJh 7. 9. In the event the Franchisee meets its obligations of providing the Remedial Plan to the County within the prescribed time period and is negotiating in good faith with the County to adhere to Sections 1 0.1 and 21.1., the County agrees that any liquidated damRee~ :l~~e~~ed or accruing in relation to these obligations will be held in abeyance. Any failure by Fnmchisl::C tu fulfill the obligations to timely provide the Remedial Plan and to negotiate in good faith will result in the re-institution of said liquidated damages el1ective as of tbe notice of violation set forth in this Resolution. 10. That the consent herein granted is limited to the right to provide cable services, and to the extent not otherwise prohibited by applicable law, TCI-FL shall be required to obtain any lawful authorization ti'om the County prior to its providing any other services within the County. 11. That thi~ Rc~nllltinn !\hall have the force and effect of continuing the a~rcement between TCT-FL and Monroe County, florida, the Franchise Authority. 12. That the COunty hereby reserves all of its rights pursuant to Federal, stale and 1ucal law il1t']u.ding, but not limited to the rights in (0.) the franchise rencwul proce$$ inc1udins, but not limited to. the rh;~ht to consider violations of the franchise by TC1-FL~ (b) the franchise tranSfer process including, but not limited to, the right to act upon any application to sell, assign or otherwise transfer controlling ownership of the cable system; and (c) the: enforcement of the current cable television ordinance No. 009-1989, liS liII1t:m.l~ ClUU du: cw'(ellt cable television franchise as E:\I999\Mol1lvo\TCl TnlNfVT'.Il~'>1I)luli()n.FinaJ.021 O. wpd 3 Ju.l 11 00 01 t 44p Dann~ L. Kolhac. 305 295 3615 p.4 amcndcd. 13. That the consent herein granted is an express non-waiver and reservation of Monroe c;nllnty'!\ right.<; and authority with respect to enforcement of TCI-FL 's compliance with applicable law including, bUl nUllimilc=d lU, Monroe COWlty'S Cablc Tclcvi:sion Ordinance No. 009-1989 and fnulchise agreemcllt. TeI-fL, and to the extent required by the fmnchise or allowed pursuont to applicable law its parent, affiliates and subsidiaries, shall be liable for any and all violations of said law and agreement notwithstanding whether any such violation arose prior to the effective date hereof. The County's approval of the tTRnAACtinn sha)l in no way be deemed a representation by the CounLy LhaL TCI-FL is in compJiancc with its obligations under Cable Tclcvi:sion Ordinance No. 009- 1989 or the cable lelevision frl1m:hil)!; a~n:eluent. 14. That the consent granted herein is subject to TCl-FL's compliance with all other applicable legal requirements and the County does not waive and p.xpre~sly fe!\erves the right to enforce full compliance with applicable ordinmlec and ft'anchise requirements, whether or not any non-compliance that may be determined arose before or after Lilt: ChWl~1; oCcontrol ofthc TCI-fL cable television franchise from Tel to AT&T Corp. 15. That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption herein. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTION ALL Y LBIT BLANK] 13:\ \ 9fl9\Mo"mt:\TCI Tralllfer\Rcsolution-FinII.02\ O. wpd 4 Ju 1 11 00 01, 44p Da""~ L, I(ol....ace 305 295 3S1S p.5 ::k..:::S~:;> AND ADOPTED AFTER READlNG BY TITLE ONL Y TIllS IIU, DAY OF . ~ -'1 ., 1999. MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA \_,~",(\~..aJ~~ u ~~ ...,.....~ ~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~c::\n.,y L. 'tV:,~ 'n~C}~ c , ~ K. ~""l1u. ~LUo-r ~q~g~~~.:P.t... (SEAL) 1215\Manrao CUUnly'C.blo\AljlH..nIlIT,1IIIfilr .rf,mdoAMluU.ln.l ~.11,.'lH 5 Ju~ 1100 01,44p Dann~ L. Kolhac~ 305 295 3S15 p.S 'BHS 5U 9U 7 LElt~WITZ &S)O~I!rES 02/10/99 1~;J5 P .on8/013 DRAn DATE O1IIOl9t EXHIBIT A UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS OF RESOLUfJON NO. "... 074 BEFORE ME, appeared the undersigned authnrity who tulving been duly SWOtD upon his oath deposcs IU1d. states that: 1. The d1iant is the Executive Vice President, Government Relations of Tel Cablevision ofFlori~ Inc., and is the penon authorized. to execute this docummt. on behalf' oftb.c Tel Cablevision of Florida, Inc. 2. The affiant is subm.ittin~ this affidavit as II condition prcccdcnt to the txansfer of control of Tel Cab~ision or FloriW1. Inc. ('lifer-SF') cable tclovi3icn ftancbisc from Tel to AT&T. 3. Affiant attests that it is the cuacnt fianchiscc in MoXll'Ot County. Florida - tbat1he Fnmchiscc :shall c:;omply witll the terms ofthis acceptance. 4. Franchisee and/or its successors in. interest shall IeimbUIsc the County for all costs 11'1eurren hy thp. Collnty related to the traasfcr pIWCA as required by Section 20 of OtdinaDoe No. 074- 009-1989 no tater than tbi.rty (30) days after the cffccti~ date oflUsolutiOll No. .1 ~y~_ or ResoJ.ut1on 01!J t:R'&(:'T'F'EJt/ No. --' .~~ shall be _od tmlllllld () eo..s "'" ostimJIccl at =.y lDO..-! lMl~. ~OOO.uu). t 1 ~ m rtf' - 5. Affiam shall submit 11 written log listing the date and description of each a.'ld every subscriber complaint. dhavicc Urte.rruptiOIlS. IcqUCKIs lhrrcpair lUlc1lhp. date and disposidol1 theft:of pursuant to Section 36.5 ofthc franchise agrc:cmcnt 110 late( thau dwLy (jO) days frotll tbc Et'{cdivc f:\1_ac\lt'll_~a:1Q_ 1 J u.1 1 1 00 0 1 1 44 P Dann~ L. Kolhac. 305 295 3S15 p.? .930~ 5H 9411 Uj~~~jil ASSOCI!HS 02/10/99 15:~~ p .~t~/OI3 DRAFI' DATE 0211019' Date of Rcsolution No. 99-0Z4 6. That Affiant sball provide to Monroe County, within thin;y em) da~ of the effective 99-074 date of Re.~lution No. _ a. R.ernc:tlial .Plan ~vcptablc to tbe; County, which shall iucludD liquidated damages for faiJUIC to comply with SClCtioaa 10.1 :u1d 21. 1 of the FranclDse, tn ~ccificaUy address Prancbj~'s provision ofsame or better f~ as it offers to any county or municipality, pwsuaot to Sc:ction 10.1, and a state-of-the-art system., under Section 21.1 of the Franchise. to the subseribcl'S of Monroe Coumy. The Remedial Plan mill include UJClSures by which Franchisee sballinc.teascthenamberofcharmcls availahlp.;n Monroe.countyto that le",el offaw;.d 111 ill~'ba:q in the Key West franchise within a lcuouablc limo pursuant to FI3DChisee's. The Plan shall also d.csctibc: the measures to be l.IIldcrf:aken to complctcthl'l system upgrade ofth8 entire Frmchise A1ea to 750 MHz inclw:1ing the provision of an additional educationa.1 channel al M expcnse to the County. and on. tenl1S and conditions similar to the: Lams and conditions proVided in Section 29.2 of tile Franchise .Agreement. 7. In the event the Pr.mchilSCC l't\Ciets its ubligations orprovidiog the Remedial Plan to thc COWlty within the prescribed time period and is negotiating in good faith with the County to adhorc to S~uons 10.1 and 21.1.) the County agrees that any liquidated damalCS assessed or accruing in relation to thesc obUgations will be hill" in abeyance. AAy fAilure by Francbiscz tu fulJi11 the obligations to timely provide the Remedial Plan and to negotiate in good mith will tc8u1t in the re-iDstitutiOl1 of said liquidated d~1IS effective as of the noti~c; ofviolulioo set forth in Resolution No. 99-Q74 ~. Affiant shall provide ~ COUZlty, in rc;liltion to A1I'ULOt.S provision of an educational -~ P:\i......etMao\lO ~Iidnir DlICl..... 2 Jul 11 00 01, 44p . e~o~ ~H ~n1 Dann~ L. Kolhaco 305 295 3S15 p.9 LflBOIITZ A~~OCIA!!S 02110/39 15:16 P,Ol~/OI3 DRAFI DATE 0111019' channel as described in Patagtaph 6 above. aU access scrvicQ. connections, and Progra,mmiul cquipmcm: in addition to, but consistent with, the provision of access services, CODJ1eetions mc1 programming equipment ror a ~vemm.mt chanMl p11t'SlUnl tQ S~OU 30 and ;, 1 o1"tho PraDCbise Agreement 9. Aftiam sba.lJ. at aU times. abide by and be in compliance with any am:[ aU ~ce(I customer $cmcc standards, as such stBndards may be promulgaIed, amended, or otbcnvise modified by the CcnlUty pUr.iuant to ~p1iwble law. 10. Upon request ortlle Counrv. Affiant shall.,mv;tfC'l.11 infor=.4t1oa req~ p\1r.m.w to Section 16 of the FTMr.hise.Agretaent. 11. A1thca~UQitoflheCity, Fnnc:hisccshalldemonstratecompJiautcwiththc~ica1 obligations set tortb m the Fracchise including, but aot limited to, SectiODS 10, 20, 21 aM Appendix A or in the altemative, Franchi~.ll sball provide the County with in ICCqJlable Plan Of COmpliaa.cc. 12. Fnmchiseesballcooperatc in any .fianehise fee compJianceinquily iaCOl1D8Ction with any possible .franehise fee arreal1llel tlW may haV8 arisco or t:Jw may cube: tbrollgb. tile exclusion of certain :revenue $trcaz:015 pwsuaot to Section :lO.3 of the Francbi~ AgrccmeQt. All rccotds necessary tot the County to pcrfomt a francbiae reo compliance audit shall be made available for inspection withio Monroe County. 13. Mfiant attests that Franchisee shall be bound and liable for any ~, lcnoWD or u.aknown, regardless of whether arrearages ~ewred. before or after the d&ctive dale of lhe llilUUirer in lhIncl1i.sc feet c1ue tho CoUlltr rc.mLtiug from a fhmchi.se fee complianc;c .udit,. rcgard1css ofwhcther sud1 audit is completed prior to the effective date hcrcot: Fla.w..oliliiec's Ailurc to timely F:\I~........r..waIlaoil.OZIIl..llltll 3 Jul 11 00 01 t 45p Dann~ L. Kolhac~ 305 295 3S15 p.g . 93] ~ 5 H 9 41 7 L HB 011 i Z H ~ n n AT ~ S 02110/99 jJ:36 P.OIJlUI3 DRAFr DATE 02110/99 cure any llodexpaymcn1S within tb.irty(30) days of the County's notice of violation to the PrJftt"ni~ sbaIl result in lts liability for liquidated cJamqes in the amount of$50,OOO.OO. pluRal! ".osts inc:uttecl by CoUl1ty in. scclcing appropri:1te tellc:r. Compli.nccl: herewith ~a11 be a condition uribe approval santee! in Resolution No. ......2!::D 74. 14. In the event Franchisee offers cable Intcmct services over its cable system in Moawe County, it shall, taking into accoUllt technical feasibility, provide ac:c:css to its cubic modmn. platfonn to providers ofl\lt"'l1c:LilCCCSS and online serYJces on compr<lblctem1S andconditi.ons to thosr. terms and conditiom on which access is provided hyJ;r.alll."~ in :ulyotherCOft':!.........Iy. r.fau..1';~:d1aIl comply with aU lawful requircm.ents with rc:spw:t to access to Franchlscc's cable modem platfonn CUI pl"uviders of Intemet access and online services. IS. Franchisee shall comply with all other applicable legal ceq.uircmenrs, in<lluding caoiarc ofbzoadca.u di&ital2nd high definition Lc1evUicm signahi, wu1 inten;onncctiqn 01' the cable I I i 1 system with potential CompetitoB for purposes. amoD2 other thin&',. or sharing cable PEG enanncls upon request ofthp. County as reqn.ircd by the Fnnchi5c: Agn=UCIlt or applicable law. 16. To tbt: ~tent not prohibited by applicable law, the Frmchisee agn,cs that cable Intcm.ct ~, ;II\Oluding, but not limited. to @ Home, Roadrunner aDd Media Express Or similar &eMus. providt.d by the Fnml"JUsee. its parent. affiliatN; or subsidiariSl. 0'1" the cab1:c $Y*:m sba11 be dccmcd "cable services" as provided under Title VI of the (".nl1UDlJuieatioas Act of 1934, as amended. Revenues receiVAd by p~ and to the extent COWii5tcnt with the }'l'8Il.Chise Apeem.uat and Dot spcQ.fi~y prohibited by a.pplicable law, its p~ afIiliatcs. ur subsidiaries, I from ~h senicl:$ provided nvl';l' the Faacbisc:c's cabl.: ~)'sta.u, i.uIilu41Dg, bw: not li",ited to, cable ':\1~1'O''l'lIura,^a:~llI.u.M 4 -=1 Ju 1 11 00 0 1 ~ 45p Dann~ L. Kolhac. 305 295 3615 p.10 9H5 5~a YU 1 LEIEHITZ ASSO~IA1~S 0211~/99 1~:H P.OI"013 DRAFT DATE 02110199 modem equi.pmeo~ ~sing and sales rcveoues. shall be jnt'.hltt~ wi1hin the definition of gross revenues for the purposes of the ftanchise fee calculation to ~e maximwn extent required. by the Franc.h.ige A~:utd cousistent with npplir.ablc law. It is tl\., iDteat of the pQft~ that 1I1is paragraph appli~ DO more broadly tWw.lhc existing cable television tranchisc with respect to other cable services. 17. Franahisec acknowledges that the Legisl:mvc fJistmy of the 1992 Cable Ad , contmupJatcs tllal. the Coumy may address any deliciencia in ~ includ~ nr-compliaucc, at the time of ~y transfer or cbane.c of contml n'thft ~T,\('.hise. ~ ~hiGe.1IFj to CIlI~ thAt it assumes respoasibilif)' for =1 md all Don-cowplimce UDder tho current ftanchiso tbat may now I exist or may Jaw be discovered to have existed during the tezm oftht: .franchise cvcut if prior to the closing oftl1e transfer of contIOl. 18. Franchisee UACOnditioaally at.cep1s .u tearuI am conditiolLll uCRaolurioI1 No. 99-07.4 19. This exhibit A may be si~ed in countcIparts. ~ER OF PAGE.lNTENTIONALLY If'FTai I . I r.\I~"""""'lJiobojtll1I0 ..... I 5 J u.1 1 1 00 0 1 t 46 P Dann~ L. Kolhac~ 305 295 3615 p. 11 .' IS ~ ~ J 3 0 9 417 LfiBDVITZ AS)OtIATES 02/lUU 15;:7 P.uI3/01~ DRAFT DATE 02110/99 FURTHER AFFIANT SAYBTHNAUGlIT. 8y: AT&T CORP. hereby accepts the t8mlS and conditioll5 of this affidavit a&ad l,Qulutlou No. 074-1999 md ilSICCS to do everything necessary to enSlJle compliance therewith STATE OF -- ) ) !I~~ ) ~)- K. ~+eV(A.~v'IS Vl~ rreJ\'OC(.J- COUNTY OF BU01ilE Ml!, Ihc UD.lSc5igned audlorlt)', pcnoDIIUy ~ . wbo is known to me persomJl}' (or pzovided. PlOOf or ickm!ifiC4lion) anclllpOll being first duly sworn aetnowlcc1gCd. that b..sbe execurr.d the foregoing doenMI!'!ftt fMlyand volmtlrily aod for tile pU(pOK Ihc:rau. apn:ucd. WITNESS my hmc1 and offIcial seal in tbc County and ~ last aforaaid this _ day of _u._ . 1599. NOTAllY PUBLIC, Slate of , ; My Commiqion expin;s: I F;\l""'*--\'I'C ~~"",~cqlo.wpIl 6 . .-' ~'J.hlbrf B. STATEMENT OF TERMS OF SETTLEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this _day of , 2000 between the Monroe County, Florida, ("County"), and TCI CABLEVISION OF FLORIDA, ("Franchisee"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, under the terms of Resolution No. 99-074, adopted February 11, 1999, the County conditioned its consent to the change of control of the Monroe County cable franchise from TCI to AT&T, in part, upon Franchisee providing to Monroe County, within thirty (30) days of the effective date of Resolution No. 99-074, a Remedial Plan acceptable to the County; and WHEREAS, said Remedial Plan was required to include (1) liquidated damages for failure to comply with Section 10.1 and 21.1 of the Franchise; (2) measures for increasing the number of channels available in Monroe County to that level offered to subscribers in the Key West franchise within a reasonable time pursuant to Franchisee's best efforts; and (3) measures to be undertaken to complete the system upgrade of the entire franchise area to 750 MHZ, and to provide an additional educational channel, equipment, connections and access services as further described in Franchisee's Affidavit dated February, 1999 and submitted to the County in support of Resolution No. 99-074; and 1 Final SettlementDoc012100.doc . . WHEREAS, the County and the Franchisee wish to memorialize their agreement in settlement of all issues known and outstanding concerning the Monroe County cable franchise, and Franchisee's cable system. NOW, THEREFORE, the County and Franchisee agree as follows: 1. Franchisee shall implement long term measures to upgrade the Monroe County system as set forth in the Revised Remedial Plan dated June 30, 1999, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by reference. Such upgrade shall be completed no later than July 1, 2001, provided that reasonable extensions may be agreed upon by Franchisee and the County. 2. Franchisee and County hereby agree that in lieu of short term measures to upgrade the system as described in the Revised Remedial Plan dated June 30, 1999, Franchisee shall upgrade the system with an improved architecture featuring typical RF coaxial bus design for cascades of five (5) amplifiers and a node. 3. Franchisee hereby agrees to provide on the system, at no cost to the County, an additional access channel for educational use, no later than January 16, 2000, unless directed otherwise by the County. 2 4. Franchisee shall pay to the County an amount equal to Three Dollars ($3.00) per Subscriber (not including any subscribers being served pursuant to a franchise agreement with a municipality within the County as of October 31, 1999), calculated effective the date of Franchisee's financial close for the month of October 1999. The payment set forth herein shall be remitted prior to the County's adoption of the Resolution approving this Agreement, and shall represent payment in satisfaction of all penalties accruing pursuant to Resolution No. 99-074, subject to Franchisee's completion of the upgrade as set forth in Paragraph 1 above. Franchisee hereby agrees that its failure to complete the upgrade as set forth in Paragraph 1 shall result in the reinstitution of such penalties imposed pursuant to Section 10.1 and 21.1 of the Franchise Agreement, and as set forth in and as of the effective date of Resolution No. 99-074. 5. County and Franchisee hereby agree to amend Section 10 of the Franchise Agreement to condition the implementation of any changes required under said Section upon review and a public hearing conducted by the County of the desired changes and their legal, technical and economic impact on the system and its Subscribers. 6. The terms hereof shall be in settlement of all known outstanding issues concerning the improvements to the Monroe County cable system up to and including the date of this Agreement; provided that Franchisee shall remain legally bound to comply with all other applicable legal requirements, and the County does not waive and expressly reserves the right to enforce full compliance with applicable ordinance and franchise requirements, whether or not 3 "' . .' .-' any non-compliance that may be determined arose before or after the date of this Agreement. WHEREFORE, the Franchisee and County have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Agreement on the date first written above. TCl CABLEVlSlON OF FLORIDA, INC. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By:a2C<9 /Ld!1l Charles J. Bartolotta Mayor Senior Vice President Date: ~;;o!o () ATTEST: COUNTY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: COUNTY ATTORNEY 4 E'!h,b,' C Section 10 Comparable Franchise Terms 10.1 Same or Better Features. The Franchisee shall provide the same or better features in the County System as it offers to any other county or municipality in which the Franchisee, its parent corporation or any subsidiary or affiliated entity owns and operates a cable or television system that is not participating in the County franchise. Such features shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: expansion, extension or commitments to serve geographic areas; per capita, per subscriber, or per revenue support for community programming; rates for home and institutional subscribers, consumer servicing programs, policies, discounts and/or rebates, etc. provided, however, that the terms of their provisions shall not be applicable upon a showing by Franchisee, as set forth below. 10.1.1 Showing by Franchisee. No features or services may be required on the County System except after a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners. The availability of specific features and services in another community served by the Franchisee, its parent corporation or any subsidiary or affiliated entity shall presume commercial, economic and technical feasibility; provided, however, that the Franchisee may make a showing that such features and services are not commercially, economically, or technically feasible in Monroe County, at which time the Board of County Commissioners may issue a resolution requiring Franchisee to offer such features and services, or waive the obligations herein as to the specific features and services under consideration. c:\ WINDOWSIPROFILESIFREDERICK-DEBBIE\DESKTOPlSECTIONIOLANGUAGE.REVISED.0 I 13. WPD 10.1.2 Compliance. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, no later than twelve (12) months from a resolution of the County requiring Franchisee to provide features in the County system pursuant to this Section, the Franchisee shall make available such features and services for all Subscribers within the County. The County may grant extensions of the time within which the Franchisee must comply with the obligations of this Section, for good cause shown. 10.2 System Franchise Renewals Elsewhere. Within thirty (30) days upon written request of the County, the Franchisee shall provide a copy of the issuance or renewal of any franchise agreement, which issuance or renewal is subsequent to the date of execution of this Agreement, and is granted to the Franchisee, its parent corporation or any subsidiary or affiliated entity for the operation of a cable television system within any county or municipality in the State of Florida. ~ C:\ WINDOWSIPROFILES\FREDERICK-DEBBIE\DESKTOPlSECTIONI OLANGUAGE.REVISED.O I 13.WPD , ..' . f. Ex'h,iJ/t / REMEDIAL PLAN MONROE COUNTY Joint Proposal by Tel Cablevision of Florida, Inc., and MediaOne of Northern Illinois, Ine. Revised June 30, 1999 '. . .........; ........ :.., .;..' :': ~:. .... - (' REMEDIAL PLAN MONROE COUNTY REMEDIAL PLAN TCI Cablevision of Florida, Inc. (TCI") submitted an "FCC 394 APPLICATION FOR FRANCmSE AUTHORITY CONSENT ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCmSE" to Monroe County, Florida ("County") on November 23, 1998 requesting transfer of its franchise to MediaOne of Illinois, Inc. As part of its negotiations to obtain approval for transfer, TCI has agreed to submit a "Remedial Plan" to the County proposing steps to establish services and pricing for Monroe County equivalent to those offered in Key West, FL. MONROE COUNTY DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT SERVICES Capacity Monroe County is served by TCI Cablevision of Florida, Inc., ("TCI") which operates a 450 MHz cable plant to provide cable television services to Monroe County subscribers. Broadcast retransmission and cable satellite services provided on the Monroe County system include twenty-two (22) basic channels, thirty-one (31) expanded basic channels, and twenty (20) digital basic channels. In addition to basic services, the system also offers fourteen (14) premium channels and access to ten (10) pay-per-view channels for a total of ninety-seven (97) video channels. In addition to video channels the system also provides thirty digitally transmitted DMX music channels bringing the total number of programmed channels to one hundred twenty-seven (127). By way of comparison, the City of Key West is served by plant recently upgraded to 750 MHz as part of TCl's efforts to increase overall all capacity in its plant throughout the entire company. Key West was among the first Tel systems in Florida to be completely rebuilt to 750 MHz. Some of TCl's other Florida systems have undergone upgrades to varying degrees but several6fthose remain incomplete as of this writing. Broadcast retransmission and cable satellite services offered in Key West include twenty-one (21) basic channels, thirty-eight(38) expanded basic channels and eighteen (18) digital basic channels. In addition to basic services the system also offers fourteen 2 . .~: ( ( (14) premium channels and access to ten (10) pay-per-view channels for a total of one hundred one (101) video channels. In addition to video channels the system also provides thirty (30) digitally transmitted DMX music channels bring the total number of programmed channels to one hundred thirty-one (131). Comparability Although the Monroe County and Key West plants differ with respect to spectrum capacity, both systems presently offer approximately the same number and type of video and music services. The combination of analog and digital basic services vary no more than 5% between the two systems. There are some variations in specific programming services and their channel assignments. Specifically the Key West system offers seven (7) additional expanded basic channels while the Monroe County system offers one (1) more basic service channel and two (2) more digital basic services than Key West for a net difference of four (4) services overall. In all other respects the content of both systems is virtually identical irrespective of transmission technology. Each system utilizes both analog and state-of-the-art digital transmission techniques, and both receive their services via TCl's digital, state-of-the-art Headend In The Sky (HITS). Expansion, Extensions, Geographic Area Service Commitments Plants in both Monroe County and Key West are essentially "built out" meaning that each plant passes virtually all homes which are accessible by cable plant, and that both systems meet or exceed the minimum extension requirements of their respective franchises. In fact those few places which do not have access to plant typically include locales where there are no electric services. TCI operations in both Monroe County and Key West remain committed to making service universally available to all residents. Community Programming Monroe County operates its own Government Access channel which includes coverage of County Commission meeting~. In addition, TCI Media Services operates a local origination channel (ch.5) seen throughout Monroe County which offers live and videotaped programs as well as coverage of the City of Key West Commission meetings. Channel 5 also provides substantial public service time to local and national organizations. TCI has received a request from the Florida Keys Community College to add an Educational Access channel to the system in both Key West and throughout Monroe County. That addition can be readily accomplished in Key West and may be accomplished in Monroe County with the activation of one remaining additional analog channel. ~ 3 .:.' o. .". _' r (" ..... Subscriber Rates Residential rates for cable services across the County and in Key West are identical for the combination of basic services and expanded services, Le., the combination of services selected by more than 90% of the county's subscribers. Although entitled to higher rates in the County under the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) rate regime, TCI presently charges a lower operator selected service rate (OSR) rather than the maximum permitted service rate (MPR). Optional services are also similarly priced in Key West and the County as are rates and charges for installation and equipment. Consumer Service Policies With respect to consumer service policies, the Monroe County and Key West systems adhere to all FCC customer service standards including those which specify business office requirements, telephone operating standards, installation intervals and appointment windows, and technical service response. TCl's policies are clearly identified in written materials providcd all new customers, including identification of the products and services offered, prices and options for programming services, conditions of subscription, billing and complaint procedures including the address and telephone number of the local franchising authority. Information regarding TCl's policies are also provided to all existing subscribers on an annual basis. All customers are notified of any changes in programming services, services rates, and changes in the channel position of services no less than thirty days in advance of such changes. Any discounts associated with programming or service promotions are clearly explained to all prospective and existing subscribers, and are provided on a uniform, non- discriminatory basis under the terms imposed by each offer. Credits for service are provided in conformance with the requirements of the FCC and local franchise agreements. New Technology TCI has been an industry pacesetter in the development and integration of new technology into its cable system operations. TCI championed the introduction of digital compression in programming delivery, developed set top equipment that outstripped the capability of present day television receivers to decode digital information, and added control features, special displays and program information services available only to TCI cable subscribers. TCI developed a programming services distribution system called "Headend In The Sky" ("HITS") that feeds analog and digital signals to all of its domestic cable systems while offering that capability to unaffiliated operators. 4 (' ( TCI is committed to offering its subscribers the services and technologies they demand. While we do not believe TCI has operated the Monroe County system in a manner that requires remediation, we have agreed to work with Monroe County to expand system services and capacity. IMPROVEMENT OF SERVICES Any future improvements to services in the Monroe County system in the future will largely be guided by the use of evolving technology and consumer demand. UtiliZation of digital transmission techniques bring significantly increased efficiency to the utilization of bandwidth by providing the ability today to transmit six to twelve time more channels in the same spectrum space as previously required by analog technology. Over time increased spectrum will likely' be used less for analog applications and increasingly allocated to digital services. Digital transmission in the long term will be far more economical and make possible the combination of content now available only over separate services and technologies. Such changes over time will result in a certain amount of channel reallocation necessitating changes to current line-ups and use of receiving equipment Because it is impossible to predict with any accuracy when such changes will actually occur, the best information that can be provided at present is a recognition of trends already at work with in the entire communications industry including broadcast, cable, satellite and Internet. Programming decisions will also occur as a function of consumer demand for specific types of programming as well as consumer resistance to increased programming costs resulting from the expansion of services. It is very likely future programming will be offered on an a la carte or separately tiered basis to give consumers more choice in how they purchases services. Again, it is difficult to predict with precision how decisions to increase programming will occur, but there's no doubt that demand exists for more choices in both services and packaging. Nevertheless, in an effort to bring greater equivalency to services and pricing between the Key West and County systems, Tel and its potential successor MediaOne are willing to implement a remedial plan which envisions immediate steps to improve comparability in programming services, add an educational channel to be transmitted throughout the service area, and in a relatively short period of time expand County system capacity. This "Remedial Plan " will be effected in phases and completed by the end of2001. 5 . -t. (' (0.' Phase 1: Short Term Measures To Upgrade The System In order to establish equivalency in services, three short-term steps must occur: 1. Reduce six (6) amplifier cascades in the County that will permit the system to operate additional spectrum on those cascades within acceptable operating and technical limits. This process will require a minimum of 120 days to purchase and install the necessary equipment to reduce cascades. Estimated Completion: October 31, 1999 2. Add three (3) programming services to the cable programming services tier ("CPST') in the County bringing the total number of services to thirty-four (34) for a total of one hundred (100) basic service tier ("BST'), CPST, premium and PPV channels as compared to one hundred-one (101) in Key West. 3. Add one (1) channel in both the County and Key West to be used for Education Access channel to be programmed by the Florida Keys Community College. Estimated Completion: November 30, 1999 Phase 2: Long Term Measures to Upgrade the System The fmal phase will entail an upgrade of the entire Monroe County system. The two primary measures for achieving a system upgrade will be the schedule by which construction of upgraded facilities is completed, that is, the entire system is capable of providing services over those facilities, and the capability of those facilities to assure Monroe County that the system will be technically adequate to provide additional servIces. Timing of any upgrade in Monroe County is inextricably linked to the availability of a variety of resources. Those resources include adequately trained in-house and contract technicians, construction and project management personnel, allocation of available capital to fund various projects, and line production of fiber cable and equipment to meet project scheduling demands which compete with projects undenvay within a number of cable television companies and a growing number of wireline competitors including local exchange carriers and electric utilities. In general terms the upgrade will result in significant expansion of capacity of bandwidth within which additional video and information services may be offered. Based on currently available technology, the design of the system will incorporate hybrid tiber/coaxial (HFC) facilities in an architecture that allows for two-way transmission 6 ( (" ." from the subscriber to the system headend. The design will also incorporate broad use of digital transmission technology, including compression techniques and advanced television capabilities. Advances in cable system architecture are occurring at a rapid pace. MediaOne currently utilizes fiber-to-the-node technology, with nodes serving between five hundred and one thousand homes. This architecture is scalable, which means that bandwidth can be expanded as needs require. Advancements will be incorporated into the system design prior to construction. Upgrade Schedule 1. Engineering Analysis (EA): 30 days 4. Compilation of Scope Document: 15 days Issue RFPs for Contractor: 15 days 5. Scope Review: 30 days 6. Prepare Capital Request: 10 days 7. Issue RPO to Materials Service Center (MSC): 15 days 8. Delivery of Equipment: 60-90 days 9. Field Work: 18 months Estimated Completion Time: Time required to complete an upgrade of the Monroe County system will be approximately two (2) years. If the field work can commence January 2000, then expected completion would occur by July 2001. 7 (- r' 1. Network Overview for Monroe County The rebuilt network design for Monroe County, Florida can be described as a scaleable architecture incorporated into the physical network serving all TCI systems in South Florida. All design and construction will support long-term architecture objectives. For example, the fiber counts in any constructed run will accommodate all the requirements of the fmal architecture (backup fiber will be included in the sheath). However, some elements of the network may not be installed initially. The timing to close route diverse rings and to install targeted service lasers and other advanced network elements will depend upon the timing of the launch of the advanced services and their penetration levels (rate of success). 1.1. Design It is contemplated that Monroe County will have four basic elements or layers: I. A primary hub ring serving South Florida systems (a.k.a. digital hub ring), 2. A secondary hub fed by the primary ring (a.k.a. om, distribution hub), 3. Optical nodes (a.k.a. FSAs), and 4. Coaxial RF distribution plantl. Figure 1-1: Network Architecture Overview a) Physical topology Miami Headend South Florida Ring Monroe Co. Hub Monroe Co. Network A B C o 50,000 - 300,000 Homes Passed 50,000 Homes Passed lE Headend IE] Primary Hub .. Secondary Hub iii Node A B C D Primary Ring Secondary Ring Fiber Distribution Coax Network MOU design rules may require direct feeds from primary or secondary hubs with optical links. Q Tele-Communications. Inc. All rightrn:rerved. Technical Standard TS-NE11J'-9810006 t ~ , b) Logical Topology A D 50,000 - 300,000 Homes Passed Virtual Home-Run IE Headend [f[] Primary Hub .. Secondary Hub III Node A Primary Ring B Secondary Ring C Fiber Distribution D Coax Network 1.2. Primary Hub Ring In large metropolitan areas, independent stand-alone headends originally served individual communities. Primary hub rings consolidate headends in large markets thus providing efficiencies of scale. This design allows for providing higher quality of services at a lower cost per subscriber. More importantly, it also allows for fast introduction of new services. Consolidated headends and Primary hub rings also provide processing centers and reliable transport hubs for basic and advanced services to adjacent or suburban locations including headends or secondary h~bs that can feed all subscribers with a local fiber and coaxial network. 1.3. Secondary Hub Rings. Secondary hub rings have the following objectives: 1. to provide intermediate (between primary hub or headend and nodes) limited processing or amplification facilities in markets with primary hub rings or in markets with excessive distances between headends and nodes (both paths: forward and reverse must be considered); 2. to increase network reliability and availability by providing redundancy and by limiting failure groups. Secondary hub rings are deployed where home runs from headends to nodes cannot meet the objectives for the end-of-line performance and/or network availability. In smaller systems, in C Tele-C_ications. Inc. All rights l'eSerw!d. Technical Standard TS-NETW-9810006 2 . ,:~. f f which these objectives can be met with home runs between the headend and the nodes, secondary hub rings may not be required. 1.4. Optical Nodes The main goal of the optical nodes is to improve network availability (shorter cascades and lower failure groups) and network performance (CNR and increased network stability). This element of the HFC network will also reduce maintenance costs; more stable networks require less preventive maintenance. Network troubleshooting will also be faster due to the easier failure isolation. All new node designs shall target 1,200 homes (maximum) per node2 and accommodate easy segmentation for target services into 600 home passed pockets with an optimal design at 300 home3 bus segmentation. The pockets will be further reduced as necessary to accommodate service penetration growth and the launch of additional services such as telephony. The segmentation of the forward and reverse paths may be asymmetrical and may happen independently of each other. However, both the design and the equipment selection will allow for segmentation into four buses in forward and reverse directions. 1.5. RF Coaxial Distribution The RF coaxial bus design will be compatible with the node design for the number of homes per bus and for the ease of segmentation. The buses will be designed for cascades of 5 amplifiers plus the node except as allowed by a system waiver. . The frequency bandwidth for Monroe County will be 750 MHz. . . . 2 The node size design should account for the 5-year residential growth in the node area. The 300 home passed bus design will be implemented as obligatory based on a separate directive from Corporate Engineering or if defmed in an approved engineering scope for the particular system. o Tele-Communications. Inc. All righJs reserwd Technical Standard TS-NETW-9810006 3 e. . ...:.;~ f 2. Network Performance Network performance requirements are influenced by many factors. They include: . Analog requirements to meet subscriber demands, . Digital performance for high order modulation schemes, . Future services including telephony and high-speed data communications, and . Economics. 2.1. Total Fonvard System End-of-Line (EOL) Performance 2.1.1. Distortions All designs must target the required EOL performance within :to.5 dB of their nominal values. Only these cascades where achieving this performance would incur an excessive cost per home passed could be allowed lower EOL performance (no lower than the minimum in Table 5- 1). However, no more than 5% of the cascades in the system will be designed for performance lower than required. Examples of such exceptions are: . a distant pocket of subscribers with lower op~icallink performance, or . a pocket with low density of population resulting in longer cascades (an alternative to this is a placement of a node for very low number of homes). Table 2-1: Distortion Performnnce4 Network Section Required Performance- MinimumS Allowed - Cumulative Cumulative CNR CI'B CSO CNR CI'B CSO dB dBc dBc dB dBc dBc End-of-line 49 -53 -53 46 -SO -52 The levels of performance specified in the table will be maintained above the spectrum occupied by the analog camen. In this case, an equivalent analog canier level (the level of the analog canier interpolated from the design slope at the test point and the level of the highest frequency analog carrier) should be used to calculate the ratios. 2.1.2. Subscriber Outlet Levels The levels of the analog NTSC earners at the subscriber outlets should be not lower than 0 dBm V at all frequencies. For the frequencies -not occupied by analog carriers, an equivalent level will be used. The design should account for all the loss between the tap and the outlet, including insertion loss of the NIU for telephony, noise mitigation filters, traps and RF splitters and couplers. 4 The level of performance for backup configuration can have 3 dB lower CNR performance than the number listed as objective. S Not allowed as design target numbers. o Tele-Colllmallications. fne. All rights resenled. Technical Standard TS-NE1W-9810006 4 t t f~ 2.2. Reliability and Availability 2.2.1. Total Network Availability The availability of the network, estimated after accounting for all network elements between primary hub/headend and the subscriber outlet (including drop installation but excluding terminal equipment), should be higher than 99.99%. This number does not include power outages as it is assumed that the powering system will not contribute (contribution will be negligible) to the total downtime in systems with services requiring high availability. 2.2.2. Equipment MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) Requirement for high availability (low downtime) of the network requires selection of network elements with high MTBF. Hence, only the approved elements will be used in the newly designed networks. 2.2.3. Redundancy and Backup To lower the impact of some network elements on network availability, the network is designed with redundancy to the secondary hub level and with a backup for crucial elements of the network. 2.2.4. MITR (Mean Time to Repair) and Processes In addition to MTBF, MlTR also has a significant impact on network availability. Hence, the network design will allow for short MITR. This is achieved by lowering the number of fibers in a single cable sheath, increasing simplicity of the network (shorter cascades) for faster troubleshooting and maintaining up-ta-date network documentation. 2.2.5. Powering Powering is designed to fit the requirements of the services provided. Powering architecture can range from a fully backed-up system in centralized configuration to a distributed system that backs up power to the nodes only. A decision for the City of Miami has not yet been determined. 2.3. Reverse System Performance 2.3.1. The reverse design will not be neglected during the network design. The major emphasis will be on several parameters: 1. achievable unity gain for all RF coaxial reverse (the gain of the reverse amplifier module from its input to the station reverse output/forward input should be equal to or higher than the highest-frequency reverse loss in the upstream span between the station reverse output and the input to the next upstream reverse amplifier module); 2. loss between the last amplifier and the node should not exceed the gain of the reverse amplifier module in the last upstream amplifier before the node less the required input to the node; 3. all minibridgers/minitrunks in the reverse must not have more than 7 dB loss between the station forward output/reverse input and the main reverse amplifier module (preamplifiers in the feedermaker areas of the trunk amplifiers may be adequate to meet this requirement), all o Tele-Communications, inc. All rights reserved Technical Standard TS-NE7W-98/0006 5 j c~ line extenders must not have more than 2 dB loss between the amplifier forward output/reverse input and the main reverse amplifier module; 4. no more than 80 amplifiers should be fed from one node and be funneled into one reverse transmitter. The foregoing information is provided to give the Monroe County an undentanding of the design of the rebuilt cable system. The Company reserves the right to alter or change the technological design and infrastructure in its discretion. C Tele-Communications. Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Standard TS-NETW-9810006 6