Item B09BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: Planning AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for the Planning Department to solicit a Request for Qualifications from qualified economic and professional planning consulting firms to prepare economic and land use analyses for the Livable CommuniKeys Program. ITEM BACKGROUND: A significant element of the Livable CommuniKeys Program is to address issues related to commercial development in terms of its management; quantity; types of development needed and desired; its intensity and location; and standards for its development. These analyses will result in specific findings and recommendations for incorporation into the community master plans, land development regulations, and implementation programs for each master plan. The results of the consultant's efforts will provide a comprehensive management and regulatory strategy that is fully integrated and consistent with the vision for the County and each of the island communities in terms of economic development, quality of life, and protection of the fragile ecosystem. The Planning Department will solicit a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from qualified firms. A County consultant selection team consisting of the executive Director of the Land Authority, Director of Growth Management, Director of Planning, and one senior level planner will review the responses, interview the top firms, and recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that the Planning Department enter into contract negotiations with the top -ranked firm. ricLvivuN KLLhVA_NT B0AKD ACTION: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval for staff to solicit an RFQ and recommend top -ranked firm to the BOCC. TOTAL COST: $50,000 to $100,000 BUDGETED: Yes X No COST TO COUNTY: $50,000 to $100,000 APPROVED BY: County Attorney N/A OMB/Purchasing N/A Risk Management N/A DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: IA DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included DISPOSITION: Conaway`, of Growth Management To follow Not required X Agenda Item #: i Environmental 8s Land Use Law Center, Inc. Shepard. Broad. Law Center -Nova Southeastern Un-iversity - 3305 College Avenrae Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - 33314 (95A) 262- 6140 • FAX (954) 262-3992 A too extmpt. Florida not for profit corporatim pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) rf the Larerral Revenue Codc. i Dedicated tv re -.presenting the public it tamest in environmental and land use mattm-s- i Poard bf B!re re Thotn�p T. Ankemen, President Joe, A. Alma Laurie Ann, Macdonald Executive Dttector 1 General Counsel Richarh J. Grosso yf1 •�_�i To: Members of the. Board of County Commissioners Re: Text Amendment tD 2010 Plan for Livable Communi-Key s Dated August 16, 2000 cc: Marlene Conaway Members, Monroe County Plat~.ning Commission Richard Hamann, T rcaetuer David %1litt 1~i atian f:cnintSel Brian Placl<welder On b0alf of the Florida Keys Citizens Coalition and the Florida bays lzaak Walton League, I offer, for the B!)CC's consideration, the following comments or., this proposed tart amendment to the c.omorehensive plan. I The project as described could be a smart planning process that seeks to civate a residential and coumercial development pattern and character that truly NAd upon the Keys' special qualities - if it is *ended as we sugge.s . in the attached version of the proposal. The concept of making pro- activie decisions aboutwhere developmentcan not go (which decisions would ks aggressively linked to lafld acquisition programs) is an excellent and indeed overdue idea for the Keys. Overall, the effort to engage in site -specific planning with an emphasis on unique circumstances and character is souricl. Please see our recommended changes below, i We �o however need to express a very fundamental and critical cautionary note. We are greatly eon4erned that this planning effort could be used by some to weaken the existing environmental protection offered by the cu =nt comprehensive place. Even more basic is the great fear that this progess could create constituencies and momenturn for additional growth before we know whe?her thatis appropriate. Before the Carrying Capacity Study is even dare, and while even, potential, exists that it will confirm that there should be less overall new development in the Keys, the Communi-Keys process could result in the creation of plans for each island to de-velop in the future bas�d largely on the desires of the landovmers. if that occurred, the b=c premise of the project is coi, ter to the caring capacity study. Thus, it should be clear from policies, describing the study, that it is envisioned as a way to make the comprehensive plan more consistent, and not less con�istznt, with the inherent ecological limits to continued growth in the f fys. Thus, we strongly urge the Commission, if it chooses to go for%vard with this project at this time, to ensure that it is completely consistent Uith the premise and content of the Ca:,zying Capacity Study. SUGGESTED CHANGES Our suggested amendments are in skilEethfevg4 and bold (for additions) format. Section III. • Proposed Amendment to the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Objective 101.20 Monroe County shall address local community needs while W4Wing the needs of all Monroe County communities. These efforts shalt focus on the human crafted environment and shall be undertaken thromgh the Livable CommuniKeys Planning Program. Policy 101.20.1 Monroe County shall develop a series of Community Master Plans Master Plans will be AevelopW in accordance with the following rim' es: Each Community Master Plan will contain a framework for figure deveWM= and redevekpmqM including the des' 'on of growth boundaries and future acquisition areas for public syaces and environment conservation: which shall incorporate and be based upon the science which underlies the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study, andwhich shall be amended, from time to time to ensure that the amount and location of development on each island in the Keys does not exceed the ecological thresholds for degradation of the Florida Keys' ecosystem. 2. Each Community Master Plan will include an Implementation Strategy of action items an implementation schedule and a monitoring mechanism to wide accountability to communities: 3. the -goals, objectives, policies and overall intent consistency with deals -of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan is paramount the 2010 Plan will be undated and amended where appropriate to increase the level of ecological and community protection: 4. Each Community Master Plan will be closely coordinated with other community ylans and other jurisdictions to ensure development or redevelopment activities will not adversely impact those areas: 5. Each Community Master Plan will include npropriate mechanisms allowing citizens continued oversight and involvement in the implementation of their plans Through the Community Master Plans. proe ms for ongoing public involvement, outreach, and du &lion mM be devpkW: b. Each Couwrty Master Plan will include a CQita1 jr=ve. own -is program to provide certainty that the provision of the public facilities willbe concurrent with future development. However, Public facilities shall not be sited in • F • ei! 171-: - ! % e �— • e pie : e e • e ee ' e ; ► • e_ • e - ee.: e e r• - 1 jI • e u' r • • e 1 1 i JS2!. n.. 8. Each Come Mister Plan will inch& a coM,n___ly character *MCM address the protection and enl�cement of exiaing residential areas and the Preservation of community character through site and hgWjpguidelines,,Design g twelines for public macm haimm,, tce, gmMI , b wm mdm lots, and other areas will bp de—v*UW tmigh collaborative efforts of ci mens. the Planning department, and design profession reinforcing the character of the (WI-Ir. 9. Each Community Master Plan will inchide an economic development element addressing current audMmAW diversifiedgco_nomic developmett strategies including tourism management.Ibe pig ion and retention of vahW kcal businesses existing; economics, and the dmTWpMgA of economic alternatives which do not conflict with, and are consistent with the eeol,!„_M and character of the Keys, ►s, will be encourned through the process; 9,74 • ._i__7�• • e e�� ' %�► y► 'Z!1�!!i2 a ,� u � li • e :I�,e • e �' e e �eee :e• • •• e e: ► e e ZTTV�Mff oil • e;�! e • • e, • ernes e e • e e e a '% M. ►� �► • e e• • T r e y e► eye e • e •ee._ e • men a.• e ! �► •— — 12. Each Community Master Plan will simplify the planning process p1oviding clarity and certainty for citizem de—vApm. and local officials by pro3ift a truce finywork for a Contiming gM dialogue different Mips involved mplannii des.