Item C30 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 20, 2000 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes: ~ No: Department: Facilities Maintenance Agenda Item Wording: Approval to renew the lease agreement with Deputy Lee Ann Dalton to reside in the trailer located at Harry Harris Park, for an amount of rent and utilities totaling $400.00 per month, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the lease agreement for same. Item Background: On October 31,2000 the lease agreement with Deputy Lee Ann Dalton will expire. She is currently paying a total of $400.00 per month. ($204.06 for rent and $195.94 for water, sewer/septic, electricity and solid waste). Previous Relevant BOCC Action: On September 8, 1999, the Board authorized the Mayor to execute lease agreement with Deputy Lee Ann Dalton to reside in the trailer located at Harry Harris Park, for an amount of $400.00 per month, which included rent & utilities. Staff Recommendation: Approval as stated above. Total Cost: $0.00 Budgeted: Yes: N/A No: N/A Cost To:County: $0,00 Cost Center: Revenue Producing: Yes: XX No _ Amount per Month: $400.00 Year: $4800.00 Approved By: County Atty: XX OMB/Purchasing:XX Risk Mgmt: XX Division Director Approval: [;k/-CJ ~ c5 be/CD Dent Pierce, Director of Public Works Documentation: Included: XX Disposition: To Follow: Not Requir~~ Agenda Item #: 1-( ~ I'vlONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUrvli'vlAR Y ;e,n ... .. . Contract # v~ with:Dcputy Lce Ann Dalton Effective Date:November I. 2000 -itl.Q ..u. Expiration Date:October 3 I. 200 I Cellltlc'tGt Purpose/Description: Renew Lease Agreement with Deputy Lee Ann Dalton of the Monroe Count)' Sheri fT Department. to lease the trailer located at Harry Harris Park. ~TC' ;/-// ~ Contract Manager:Lisa Monsalvatgg (Name) . 4385 (Ext.) Uninc. Parks & Beachcs (Department) fex 110('( mcctin~ on S.cpJcmber 20,-2QQ.Q A~enda Deadline: ,Sertember 9..20QQ PH ...~II D Pf'rhLLl"Lna". CONTRACT COSTS Tvt,d Dvli:. y..d'I;re~r~t: $4.800.00 Current Year Portion: $ Budgeted? YesD No 0 Account Codes: _-_-_-_ Grallt: $ _-_-_-_ County Match: $ _-_-_-_ - - - ---- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimatcd Ongoing Costs: $_/yr For: (Not inclllded ill dollar "allle aho\'e) (eg, ll1aintenanee. IItililies. jallitorial. salaries. etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Risk Management ~B./purchaSing Changes Needed (WRl!YfJwer" YesDNoD V~ ~\'-\\OU YesD No~ Cl \ ~ ~--k; crv--- I I , g' 4f(,'D YesD Nog County Attorney C("- 7- -\60 YesD No~ . Date Out Date In Comlllcnts: 8/S61r]; '8\lf\\)() o\'-tloD Division Director c>- =z. r - () ~ r -/""'H ~. (,./ .. OMU Form Rc,'ised WIIf<J) MCP #2 RESIDENTIAL LEASE FOI~ LA W ENFORCEI\IENT OFFICER This kasl: agrl:ellll:1I1 is IIKl(,k this _ day of . 2000 by alltl bdmxn Monroe County, a political subdivision of thc Statc of Florida, hcrcaftcr County and Dl:puty Lcc Ann Dalton an officcr of thc Monroc County Shcriff s Dcpartmcnt. hercaftcr Tcnant. WIT N E SSE T H: " WHEREAS. thl: County belicves the prcsence of a law enforcement officer residillg at the prl:mises dl:scribcd in this agrl:emcnt would deter vandalism and thcft at the prcmiscs: WHEREAS. thl: County has decided that at prcscnt time it is in the County's best intercst to Ieasl: prl:mises to thl: Tl:nant to provide the deterrl:nce described: and WH EREAS. the T ellant dl:sires to rcsidc on the premiscs and provide such deterrcnt. no\\', thl:refore. that partil:s agrl:l: as follows: I. The County kases the trailer located in Harry Harris Park, hereaftcr premises, to the Tcnant for thc sole use as a residcncc by thc Tcnant and his/her immediatc family or roommate. The term of this lease commcnce on Novcmbcr I, 2000 and terminate on October 31, 200 I. 2. The County agrccs to providc Tcnant with \\'ater. scwcr/scptic. e1cctricity, and solid waste collection sl:rvicc. The Tcnant shall reimburse the County for said service at a rate of $195.94 per month payable in advance on the first business day of each month to thc Monroc County Clerk of thc Courts. Finance Department. 500 Whitehcad Strcet. Key Wcst. Florida 33040. The T en~nt agrl:CS to pay rent in the amount of $204.06 per month payable in advancc on thc first business day of each month to the Monroe County Clerk of the Courts. Financc Dcpartment, 500 Whitehcad Strect, Key West, Florida 33040. The Tcnant shall arrange for and providc rcsidcntial telephonc service at his o\\'n expcnsc. If thc Tcnant desires cable television service, hc shall arrange for and provide that servicc at his own expensc. 3. Thc Tenant further agrees that, during the term of this lease, the Tenant is and will .. n.:malll: a) certified as a regular. full timc la\\' enforccmcnt officer by thc Florida Criminal J lIstice Standards and Training Commission: b) a deputy cmployed by the Monroe County SherifTs office and empowercd to make arrcsts under the laws of the State of Florida. 4. The Tcnant may not sublease thc premises nor assign any obligation. benefit or duty created under this agreement. without the written consent of the County. 5. The Temnt shall. at least once each night. conduct an inspection walk at Harry llan'is Park and check for any signs of theft or vandalism and question. and if necessary remove, an)' authorized or suspicious persons found on site. The Tenant shall also note any safety hazard(s) observed during his/her inspection and inform a supervisory employee of the County's Public Works Department of any such hazards as soon as possible. 6. This agreement may be terminated before the expiration of the one year term. with or without cause and in the sole discretion of the County, upon a) 60 days written noticc by thc County to the Tenant: b) 30 days written notice by the County to the Tenant when: i) the Tenant has left cmploy of the Monroe County SherifTs office: ii) the Tenant is no longer certified as required by Section 3: iii) the Tenant fails to timely pay the County the amount described If1 Section 2 or fails to obtain or keep telephone service as required by Section 2: iv) the Tenant fails to conduct the walk around inspections rcquired by Section 5 or fails to inform the County Public Works Departmcnt of any observed safety hazard(s) as required by Section 5: v) the Tenant subleases the premises or assigns any interest under this lease without the consent required by Section 4: c) 15 days notice by the County to the Tenant in an emergency situation. The waiver by the County of any act, event. occurrence or omission which would entitle the County to terminate this agreemcnt shall not affect the right of the County to demand strict performance of the terms of this agreement with respect to any subsequent act, event, occurrence or omission. constituting a breach. default or nonperformance by the Tenant. The Tenant may terminate this lease upon 30 days written notice to the County if he/she is transferred to a substation whose location would make it impracticable to continue to reside at the premises or if the Tenant leaves the employ of the Monroe County Sheriff s oflice. 7. TIll.: Tenant covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Monroe County Board of County Commissioners from any and all claims for bodily injury, and property damage (including properly owned by Monroe County) and any other losses. damages. and expenses (including allOnl\;Y.s fees) \\hich arise out of. in connection \\ith or by reason of the Tenant utilizing property govern~d by (his lease/rental agreemenl: except for such claims as may occur due to the Tenant.s performing duties pursuant to Section 5 of this lease agreement. 8. The parties agree that this written agreement scts forth thc cntirc agrecment betwecn thc parties and that there arc no terms or undcrstandings othcr than those stated hcrcin. None of these terms. provisions, and conditions contained in this agreement ma): be added to. modified superseded or otherwise altered, e\cept by a writtcn amendment executcd by the partics. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hcreto havc been cxecuted this agreemcnt as of thc datc first writtcn abovc. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOUIAGE. CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA B\': By: Deputy/Clerk Ma)'or/Chairman Witness Deputy Lee Ann Dalton Witness .' APPROVED AS TO FORM CS~~ RiOJ.ffR2 N. w9tJ;i.- . - DATE '() ~- _ " Monroe County From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: HolroydLA@aol.com Thursday, August 17, 2000 11 :29 PM lisa Iynn@mail.state.fl.us HolroydLA@aol.com (no subject) Sergeant Lee Ann Dalton Monroe County Sheriff's Office 88770 Overseas Highway> Tavernier, Florida 33070 Lisa Monsalvatge Facilities Maintenance Department Parks and Recreation Section 3583 South Roosevelt Boulevard Key West, Florida 33040 Lisa: Thank you for your letter and fax concerning my lease at Harry Harris Park. I would like this e-mail to serve as a request to renew my lease for another year. I understand that the lease expires on October 31, 2000 and would like to extend our agreement until October 31, 2001. Thank you for your assistance and continuing support with my residential agreement. You are always so helpful with any questions or issues that arise. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at my home, 852-4411. Sincerely, Lee Ann Dalton .'