Item E4 SEP-14-00 THU 16:04 GR0WTH MGT. DIV. 305 289 2854 P.03 Growth Mfll1ugcmcnt BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGRN))AITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Sept. 21, 2000 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes No X AGF:NDA ITEM WOIIDING: Approval of a Letter of Engagement with the law firlll of Morgan and Hendrick renewing for an additional term of two years the Letter of Engagement aul.horizing the firm lO act as Genl'l'nl Civil Litigation Counsel to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County for fiscal years 2000-2001 and 2001-2002. ITEM BACKGROUND: On December 8, 1992 and each year thereafter, the Doald of County Commissioners approved and authorized execution of a Leiter of Engagement with the finn to provide legal representation in matters involving potential and pending general and civil litigation as may be assisgned by the County Attorney, excluding the areas of representation covered in the parties' engagcmcnt letter for Land Use-Growlh Management representation. Starting in 1998, the Leller of Engagement was for a two-year period. Compensation for fees under this agreement shall not exceed SSO,OOO per year. l'REVIOUS UELEV ANT BOARD ACTION: As above. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: __$160,000_. COST TO COUNTY: ~$160,OOO BUDGETED: Yes X No AMOUNT P)~R MONTH: N/A AMOUNT PER YEAR: $80,000 Risk Managcmenl_2L. Al)PROVED BY: County Attorney __.X_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Iii y cGa Director of Gro DOCUMENTATION: Included ~ To follow Not required _ ..- _I I Agenda Item #: 2v:_~~_ DISI'OSITION: [loce Agllnd~ Ilclldrick 08/29/00 8:48 AM MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACTSU~RY Contract # Contract with:MORGAN & HENDRICK Effective Date: 10/01/00 Expiration Date: 09/3 0/02 Contract Purpose/Description:LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT FOR GENERAL CIVIL LITIGATION COUNSEL TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Contract Manager:Mr. James Roberts (Name) 4741 (Ext. ) CAD (Department) for BOCC meeting on 9/21/00 Agenda Deadline: 8/31/00 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $160,000 Current Year Portion: $80,000 L F.J o/)61L Budgeted? Yesr8J No 0 Account Codes: 001-67501-530-310- Grant: $ County Match: $ Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ (Not included in dollar value above) ADDITIONAL COSTS /yr For: (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Date Out Division Director ~ q-/5~{)(~ LAW OFFICES HUGH J. MORGAN JAMES T. HENDRICK KAREN K. CABANAS JEDDE V. REGANTE ROBERT CINTRON, JR. MORGAN & HENDRICK W. CURRY HARRIS ( I 907- I 988) HILARY U. ALBURY ( 1920- I 999) 317 WHITEHEAD STREET, KEY WEST FL 33040 P.O. Box I I 17. KEY WEST FL 3304 I TELEPHONE 305.296.5676 FACSIMILE 305.296.4331 August 31, 2000 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Key West, Florida RE: General Civil Litigation - Letter of Engagement Dear Mayor & Commissioners: The law firm of Morgan & Hendrick ("Law Firm") hereby submits to the Board of County Commissioners this letter of engagement reciting the legal services the Law Firm will perform and the basis for compensation. The Law Firm agrees to serve as litigation counsel to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida ("BOCC") in accordance with the terms set forth herein. The Law Firm agrees to provide legal representation to Monroe County in matters involving potential and pending general civil litigation as may be assigned by the County Attorney, excluding the areas of representation covered by the parties' engagement letter for Land Use-Growth Management Division representation. The County Attorney shall be guided by the policy directive of the BOCC to refer to the Law Firm those matters involving significant exposure to, or substantial recovery by the County, including claims in which the complaintant seeks to recover substantial sums. In all matters involving personal injury liability in which the County may be found liable, as long as the County participates in the self-insurance program of the Florida League of Cities ("the League"), referral shall be governed by the provisions of the County's contractual arrangements with the League. As compensation for legal services, the County will pay to the Law Firm a fee which will be billed monthly on the following schedule: Attorneys Law Clerk (must have degree) Paralegal $195.00 per hour $125.00 per hour $ 75.00 per hour The Law Firm may, at its own discretion, select counsel to assist them; however, said counsel shall be compensated at the same rates set forth herein. Unless otherwise subsequently agreed, the compensation earned by the Law Firm as fees under this Contract shall not exceed $80,000.00 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, subject to the budget for that fiscal year, allocating sufficient funds. The Law Firm will not bill for any services performed by James T. Hendrick while he serves as County Attorney. lof2 MORGAN /5. HENORICK P.O. Box 1 1 17. KEY WEST FL 33041 Additionally, the County agrees to reimburse the Law Firm for all costs that are incurred in the course of representation. Normal costs include expert witness fees, copying charges, long distance telephone calls, travel and lodging expenses, mailing charges, fax charges, mileage, research charges, court reporters and other out-of-pocket expenses. A statement showing the amount of fees and expenses will be forwarded monthly. Each statement is payable upon receipt. Further, the County will reimburse the Law Firm for the acquisition of legal informational materials specifically related to the legal representation of the County, including the cost of seminar fees, travel and lodging not to exceed $2,500 per year. We believe that the above provisions outline in reasonable detail our agreement as to this representation and we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to represent Monroe County and look forward to continuing a pleasant and successful relationship. . Very truly yours, ACKNOWLEDGED, UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED this _ day of ,2000. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Monroe County (Seal) DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Attest: Deputy Clerk By: 20f2 MORGAN Ii. HENDRICK P.O. Box 1 1 17. KEY WEST FL 33041 ; i..-J i-.... :: .,==r ~?_~ -~Wt I . :l...l".UM" _ :""l~i"~t<:: .:.", - ' ''-' _'-'..:..~. _'-J ....- L ..W orr'CC8 MORGAN 6 H EN CRICK .1,,". oJ IItCltQrl.lll __os' ..r.._ :S,., W"ITCMCA'" ~ '''SET IU'.,. WEST, "1.0"'D... ,"" c.",.....'o....a ;.."'.~.. :1"""'00.. ...""T..... JlAf." os 0 _JIOOK:: ..~, U A\.MlIIf'f ~jIIllll ".'Ift r:-Ilr . .;e...,., ^" .-:'"........ Deceab.r 11, lii~ BOara Of COUft~V Co-=i..iona~~ Monroe Coun~y KAY Weft, I' .Loricia R.: Spacial L1tiqation Counsel Dear Coma1cGioner8: Asa part of our practice in opening' n." Jlt:cte::1IO :J'. 1:'\ ~,,'r.o";.':; exist i nCJ sn9&9ement oontra~., and AM a regul t, 0:: p..'\...it', ~~~I:". ~n'';l" , ~. ]a", fi~ ~f Mors~n . U~4r1~-, (I4v.,:.'virm), p'''O'''llj~a an enqaq_tant letter to pro3pective clienls. Th1~ '1...e't~l; 1Ie.\;~ forth, qcmerally, a recital ot 18qa1 'ervioa3 we will ~~~torm and ~e baRis for our compena~t1on. Accorc1inqly, this le1:1:~ contias 01: a.greement to continue tQ serve for tiscal year 1992-93 .. ~cia] litiqation counsel ~Q th~ .IIoara of County COlDmissioners o~ Konroe County, P'lo'r' ic1a, ( county) ^9 well ac spec1al counael to Munroe county tor legislative and State aqency matt~s. The seopR uf services \U\der thi. 8nQ4qlUll8nt lQ~.,=;i~' ~';'Q'..d'i. al~y inC1UQCO, bu't ~, ngt lim11'~" "n. leqal :1ci~.'i.('c. ~. t.4~' 4L~\'itn MiSnaqemant D1vi81on (nthe Division") anc1 t;ena'ra..:. ...nqr.l su'.riceo In connection witb lilnc1 uSle iC8ue.. 'l'he Law Firm w':;'j, .Ace ~~tr.:t:.ant eo instruction ot the Director ot Crowth. He.nsQUlRnt , ltth& Director") . The Law ~trm will advico tha Director and oivis~on Qcatf on l^nd uee lllQtte!"~ as and when requaat.c:t, cU't cahall he.ve nu c.aponQ~b:i..Li.ty or i:luthor1t:y tc make policy decishms w1th re.c'Pcct tc spaciflc !and-uee permits oc ~pplicat1on., nor to render advisory op1nione tu ar.yon. oUWr than the Oi vision and the aucc. Except as IL1IY be customAry and necessary in tne cour.e of 1 iti'1_t.ion e~ wr4en specifically directed to do so by the oirector. th~ :e~ rlr~ shall refuse, and shall d1r.c~ to the Divisianls star%. al. th:r~-party (~, a lanaowner, Applicant, lDeJU:)er ot ~c gent':'.11 ~l-": 1.11i _ .:,,:; an inter~t qroup, or a r.pr...nt~tive thereof) t~_lz: i.1~~ reCl'oe:st.:J. and ot:hliilr co_unica.ticms which r.~late to il cpccifi: lAZ'.\I-U",@ permi.-e ",0 eOa "'7, I'\J:Y WE.,. H ']'304, · "C~E""O"';; ~";;'I &'e'~07~ . Ttlo~CC'''''''' I':>,:'!.) 2I;'li":S::l1 J_i4-U,-.==..,J .-'=-;-....J -r-.W' I ~.. .. . . ,1...I,......u,..,t . :-:c:.: 't.LJrt' . l.-r... , ..J -':"~-:_~ -.L.J.J noard of Coun~y Commi..ioners OQg~or 11, 1992 paqe 2 or Clpplication. Thts proviaion ilii in"Cand.Cd to l='~es':..L\,' ~ha attorney-clicant rela:t:iOJUlhip ~etween the Divis1C'11'1 ~nd th~ i..~W P1!::t1. to limit bill1nq foZ" led u.. 1_9'u ..rvicas oi:u '.:'1.Q9. ,"'iorv1o~. raqu..~.d bytbe Division, ana eo define th... app~r::,r..J.:l~e ~:nes :3t pOlicy deciaian-a&kinq. . The Law rirn ~qr.e. not to UndertAk. rep~.ccnt4tion ot ~ny peraon directly relatinq to any bus!n..., pe~itting, l~~iqation or othAr dealing. in whloh Usa Coun1:y or any of 1t:c Qqencies .is @1~.r ~ adver.. parey or the source tram WA1ch a p.r~lt, 4.ve!c~ment crdAr or ~ther b.n.ti~ is 80U9bt. As compensa'tion roZ' 1011&1 servic.., the county 'ffill p-"y to the IAy rirm a tee Which will be ~11~aca monthly on the fQllo\ano.; ~Chcdul~! . .. ~ " . Partner AS80c1a1:Q Pu-aleqal $150.0o/nour $12!i.Dn/hcar $ 50. DO/hour Tbe Law Fi rm, in ita own cUacretlon, may omploy ";CUllas;l to alEGist them; however said coun..l ~ll J:.e comp.nsatad I.t r~t.e:s 2lqre@d by the County Attorn.y. Ca... in WbicU1 tne 1.&w Firm :i!: P~.cluc:le.cl by conflict ot il'lterellt tr02l Z"epreaentinq the Count:., will be retained by the County Attorney or refe=.ct by the CQunty Attorney to "thAr oounsel Qu~id. ot this contrGct. Unless oth.rwi8a cW-equently BC]r.tad, the compens,,,,Ucr: Garne~ by Law Firm aa tee. UDder this COfttract ahall not e~cecc S20~,COO.oo for the fiscal Year 1992 - 1993. ~dcUt1onally, the CQunt.y aqree.to reimburse lhil .l..c.',: ~'i-r:', _=r c'l11 coata 'that we in=ur in the cour.. ot r.precont3ci~;1. ~or~~l costs i.ncluae cxpert witn... f..., copying charl1e., ior.q c!i a;t:.anca talephonp., travel and lod9in~ charg.., ~ailinq c~argQ$ anc other ou1:.0f-poc:Jcet expen..s. A ctatament Showing the aJt.ount of fees and expens~ will be fOrYArcled monthly. EacU1 8tat..ant. is paYable upgn reoeipt. we ~elieve th4t the &bov. proviaion. outline in ~eClsonable ~Qtail aur a.g'%'..IUUl~ a. to thiR rllpr.8enta.1:ion. If you find th~6. arra.ncrements aatts:%.~ozy, pl.... .iqn the enclosoe COlli 0: tt.l3 letl.r an4 return it: to u. i"'~1a"C.1Y. w. ~lnc.r.~y appreciate ~. OPPOZ"1:un1ty tg reprAspnt Mor~~t C~~~t ~Ui1""~' --.==,.., .... :- . . ..:.,:,;....- ,-"U'I "u("'l:.UMt1,-. ,-:~itDi':: 11..1'-. .u ~=~45~.,~ ~.~.. F-l ~ . - .. . - -+ .: _..~.;. .p:, - ,"# c.... - '. BOBrd of Ccun~y comaicsionera DaCemDOr 11, 1"2 PQqe J and looX torward ~o continu1nq' a pleasant and cue~Qssful relationship. v~ truly yours, ii~ HORGAN , H!1mRTa ACDOWLF.DG!:rJ, UHUJ:RSTOOD ln~. uf .?ecall.Dcr cuaur:1;:_~oneJ.'8 (S!A1.) ?\ A - r. EQISA.G!:, ClIrt ArrESt; .......y.n ~ ~~~C.lQv~ Dal'nry Cl.erK I . :rq~. ~'- ,.__..d~Y,,~,'* . ~., ..,~,-- ,. , --~.. -- -- _......'-". -=---':"::l> '" P ...... ;.:~". .... '.,. ,,,,-:-;;J,, . TOT..- . g>t .1J:.~.!..=-.;:&t,.~......