Item L1
IIi!J 11/5/00 C0 6:42 PM
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From the Desk of Joe Harris
Phone: 305-852-7200, 852-6914 - Fax: 852-4629
E-Mail: visit us at
November 2, 2000
TO: Jim Roberts, County Administrator
SUBJECT: Sounding Board - November Key Largo BOCC Meeting
via Fax 305-292-4544
Dear Jim:
I am requesting a Sounding Board position at the upcoming Key
Largo Board of County Commissioners meeting.
My subject will be Watel Quality . You have heard some of my
remarks on this subject at the last few BOCC meetings. I would like
this opportunity to address the entire board at length about water
conservation, reuse, environmental affects, etc. This issue has not
been discussed at length at a Board meeting and is one of major
significance for all members of the commision, both new and old.
I am available either day of the meeting and only request that, if
possible, the time be set aside early in the day so the Commissioners
have not been burdened with much of the day's business.
Please advise where you have scheduled me. I can be reached at the
numbers above.
Joe Harris
Joe Harris
November 21, 2000
To: The Board of County Commissioners
Hello and welcome new commissioners, mayor and vice mayor. I wish you
well as you more forward in representing the citizens of Monroe county. For
this opportunity to address you and the citizens of Monroe County on the
subject of Water Quality, I thank you and I thank county staff.
My name is Joe Harris. I am Chairperson of the AEFFI<, a small
environmental organization that has chosen to focus on issues relating to the
very broad subject of Florida Keys water quality.
As you convene as our new County Commission you already realize the host
of major issues confronting you: - tourism, hurricane evacuation, highway
widening, stormwater, wastewater, downstairs enclosures, restructuring
government, affordable housing, and a few I am sure I have overlooked.
Because each of you have focused on these subjects individually, you perhaps
already realize that - Every good idea starts with a majority of one!
Today I am here to inspire you to consider a good idea that could help address
every one of those issues while also uniting Monroe county under one
comprehensive issue. I am here to suggest you address these issues and
simultaneously unite this county under the umbrella of WATER QUALITY.
Taken individually, the big issues facing us today obscure any dear vision of
the future. It is no surprise that citizens and government are mixed up, mis-
informed and often misunderstood. Clearly divided on some issues, less
dearly so on others, the county and it's citizens are in terminal deadlock.
Commissioners, your most important charge is to resolve that deadlock.
Working side by side with your electorate, you must set a straightforward,
clear vision for our county, then implement it and stick with it.
Needless to say, we all know how difficult reaching that vision will be. We
have been trying - albeit not with much success -- for some years now.
My purpose in speaking today is to inspire us all toward a singular vision.
What it seems we have not yet found is the common starting point. So, I'm
here to offer one: Water Oualitr.
Lefs make Monroe County The. Water Quality Capital of the World - and lets
enlist every citizen as a Water Quality ambassador!
Water is the essence of all life on our planet and here in Monroe county,
we're daily becoming more keenly aware that what is of the utmost
importance to all life here in the Keys, is the quality of that water. But, it isn't
Comments made before Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
by Joe C. Harris., Jr. As Chairman of the Artists Environmental Foundation of the Florida Keys
page #1
l-. \
that simple because water quality that is good for one, might not be good for
Water Quality for many of our trees and plants, means salt free, nutrient rich
water. For our unique coral reefs, salt free, nutrient rich, water will bring
almost certain death.
Our shoreline mangroves, need some nutrients and a wee-bit of salinity. But
just off-shore too many nutrients and not enough salinity spell trouble for
our marine life and our sea-grasses.
Rainwater, once a friend to all, now more often becomes an enemy to all as it
turns from rainwater to stormwater.
And, water-water everywhere, is no longer a chorus in Florida, as water
quantity becomes a significant part of the water quality equation.
For us in the Florida Keys, is it not realistic to claim that Water Quality is the
foundation of our lives? And is it not possible, therefore, that Water Quality
is the singular unifying point of a vision for Monroe County in the 21st
Because we've come to understand that the quality of every drop of every
kind of water that comes near our Florida Keys has a significant impact on
something else we cherish, are we not ready to realize that almost everything
we do affects some aspect of our water quality?
Build another house and we significantly affect the quality of almost all of our
water types in numerous ways. Add another tourist and we do the same.
Take another sponge from our bay waters and again - we affect our water
quality. Add another delivery truck or car to our traffic and we affect our
water quality. Put another diver or snorkeler on our reef and again we affect
our water quality. Build another injection well and we affect our water
quality. Put another boat or jetski on our waters and we affect the water
quality of our bay or ocean, both on the surface and on the seafloor. Take out
another mangrove and we affect our water quality. Restore another gallon of
Everglades sheet flow and we affect our water quality. Find a way to reuse a
few gallons of greywater or wastewater and we affect our water quality. Catch
and release another fish and we affect our water quality. Aerate another canal
and we affect our water quality. Plant some bushes along a piece of canalfront
and we affect our water quality. Widen another bridge or roadway and we
affect our water quality. Pave another parking lot and we affect our water
quality. Use another bag of fertilizer and we affect our water quality. Build an
airport and we affect our water quality. Put in a treatment plant and we affect
our water quality. Add reuse to that plant and we again affect our water
quality. Increase our allotment of aquifer water and we affect our water
quality .
Comments made before Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
by Joe C. Harris., Jr. As Chairman of the Artists Environmental Foundation of the Florida Keys
page #2
This list could go on and on. Everything we do in and around our precious
islands affects our quality-of-water and thus our quality-of-life.
Today in a new century and with a new County Commission, terms like
"water quality" and "secondary impacts" are already part of our everyday
conversation. Isn't it time we made them part of our everyday actions? Isn't
this exactly is why you need to make Water Quality Job One in Monroe
We should look to all citizens of Monroe County and to all citizens of the
world to help us. We must look far beyond isolated mandates that might
positively impact one aspect of our water quality job while negatively
impacting another. We must be creative and we must be brilliant. Together,
with everyone's co-operation, knowledge, experience and help we can become
The Water Quality Capital of the World. But it is you who must lead us in
that direction.
So, exactly what am I asking of you? I am asking you to make Water Quality
the unifying vision of Monroe County. I am asking you to reunite the
citizens of our incredible county under the flag of The Water Ouality Capital
of the World.
The task will not be easy and it will require huge commitments of time and
money. But the result will be a worldwide example of a new community of
islands where man and nature live in perpetual harmony.
At previous County Commission meetings, I offered a proposal for a
resolution that could have been the foundation for a fully funded and staffed
Water Quality Action Group. I've offered a similar resolution to the board of
the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority. So far, both have been ignored. Today,
to a new county commission, I am offering a similar resolution.
The resolution recognizes the many faces of Water Quality and calls for the
establishment of a full time, fully funded, Water Quality Action Group,
charged with specific goals and objectives.
I am suggesting an organization that would become the leader in raising
public awareness so that all of Monroe county understands the complexity of
water quality and rallies behind the admirable job of making Monroe County,
The Water Quality Capital of the World.
I am suggesting this group initially be spearheaded by our designated county
government leader, the County Administrator, under the direction of this
BOCC, so that from the beginning every level of government is involved.
I am suggesting that major funding be provided by those who come here to
temporarily enjoy our beautiful environment through the establishment of a
new one-half penny bed-tax.
Comments made before Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Tuesday, November 21,2000
by Joe c. Harris., Jr. As Chairman of the Artists Environmental Foundation of the Florida Keys
page #3
I am suggesting a Water Quality Action Office be set up and that eventually
an Executive Director experienced in public relations and lobbying be selected
to spearhead our entire Water Quality job.
I am suggesting that director be surrounded with world-class experts and staff
that will draw knowledge from all of our already existing volunteer Water
Quality groups, as well as from experts from all corners of the world.
I am suggesting we continue to meet the requirements set forth in our
current five year work plan; the monitoring requirements of our
Comprehensive Plan and the analysis begun under the September 1999 Water
Quality Concerns Report.
Making Water Quality Job One in Monroe county could be the most
significant thing Monroe County does this century and it certainly would be
the most significant thing any Monroe, Board of County Commissioners, has
ever done.
Making Water Quality Job One in Monroe County would be the impetus to
help preserve for generations to come everything we and our visitors cherish
so much.
Making Water Quality Job One would serve as the best example of tourism's
positive environmental impact, something now being studied by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
And more than fishing, diving, or tourism, making Water Quality Job One
would provide a unified reason for all of us to take pride in our islands.
I ask that you carefully consider this idea; make it your own by drawing upon
your own knowledge and imagination to expand and enhance it. I am asking
that you actively strive to find the means to make Water Quality Job One for
every person who sets foot upon our islands, be they here for a minute, an
hour, or a lifetime.
I thank you for your time and consideration and offer you a copy of the words
I have shared with you today along with a suggested resolution calling for
establishment of a Water Quality Action Group and a vision for Water
Quality as Job One in Monroe County. H time allow~ I will be happy to
answer any questions you might have.
Comments made before Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
by Joe C. Harris., Jr. As Chairman of the Artists Environmental Foundation of the Florida Keys
page #4
Be it resolved that:
Whereas, water quality is the most pressing issue facing us... being inextricably
linked to our environment, our economy and our quality-of-life;
Whereas, individually solving our water quality problems could ha,ve numerous
unintended results that in and of themselves might be even more detrimental to
our environment;
Whereas, a wastewater master plan has only recently been completed, a stormwater
masterplan is underway, a 1999 Water Quality concerns in the Florida Keys and
other water quality related reports have been authorized and deliverd or
undertaken, and the SFWMD, with state and federal government have begun to
address related Everglades water quality issues;
Whereas, proposals for wastewater treatment, stormwater management, water reuse
and conservation systems for our unique islands need extensive, independent,
highly qualified technical and environmental study, before, during, and after
Whereas, co-ordination and planning with all Florida Keys water quality activities
must be done so there is the most possible effectiveness and the least possible
disturbance to the environment, the economy and the citizens;
Whereas, mitigation for "quality-of-life" improvements should be considered as
water quality solutions are implemented;
Whereas, care must be taken to assure that water quality improvements do not
dramatically change current and future "keys culture or lifestyles" nor alter
environmentally intelligent carrying capacities of our islands which could
potentially cause even further degradation to our water quality;
Whereas, solving water quality issues will likely have serious impact on our major
industry - tourism;
Whereas, we must plan in advance and actively seek all federal and state and other
funding opportunities which would reduce the burden on our citizens;
Whereas, costs of water quality protection and improvement, estimated at 5.5% of
the long term asset value of our natural resources, are a relatively small proportion
of the non-market economic user value of our natural rescouses.
Whereas, visitors are as culpable as residents;
Whereas, water quality should become a rallying cry for government, citizens and
visitors as well as the overall focus of the county;
We hereby establish and fund an independent Water Quality Action Group
(WQAG) that shall exist through December 2010, or later if renewed. Funding shall
be through the addition of one-half penny to the bed tax or other available taxes.
Staff is hereby directed to determine our funding options and prepare the necessary
ordnance to establish and authorize funding and formation of a WQAG.
This WQAG shall have three distinct actionable objectives:
I. Oversee implementation of a major and continuing water quality public
awareness program and oversee implementation of all water quality
projects in unincorporated Monroe
ll. Co-ordinate all water quality reports and issues within the county,
providing concise summarized information to county commissioners,
county staff and all other interested parties.
ID. Provide scientific , environmental and economic direction for
implementing water quality management programs throughout
unincorporated Monroe.
This Water Quality Action Group shall, as it's main mission,
. Encourage development and understanding of inter-related water quality
· Encourage best water quality practices by citizens and visitors;
. Encourage development of new technologies that will meet our various
water quality needs;
.Collaborate worldwide with scientific and recognized environmental bodies
to study water quality throughout the Keys; "<
· Encourage brilliant solutions to our water quality issues through new
technology solutions in favor of old technology
· Encourage water conservation and seek adoptable water conservation
methods for residents and businesses
· Encourage all water reuse options and develop water reuse guidelines, etc.
Additionally, the Florida Keys WQAG shall be charged with interpreting our water-
quality and growth masterplans to seek the most innovative, least intrusive, most
ecologically conscious means of coordinating and implementing water quality
controls that will resolve the majority of our locally induced water quality problems
with the most efficiency and effectiveness and without undue secondary impact or
harm to our existing environment or economy.
The Florida Keys WQAG shall establish a full-time staffed Water Quality Public
Information Office(s) that shall be open at hours convenient to county citizens, and
shall include suitable weekend and holiday hours.
The Florida Keys WQAG shall co-ordinate all activities and develop a
comprehensive water quality environmental advisory policy for Monroe county,
integrating water quality solutions with growth and carrying capacity concurrency
concepts and projections. Such policy shall be presented to the BOCC and the public
no later than [March 2002] and an approved policy shall be ready for presentation to
the DEP, DOH and Governor's office no later than [11/1/ 2002].
The Florida Keys WQAG shall establish a extensive internet site within the first
four months of it's existence that shall have available all documentation collected
and generated by the group; shall have an organized downloadable presentation of
it's work and progress current to 7 days and shall have both a monthly printed and
weekly e-mail newsletter along with a chat room and opinion room for interested
citizens and scientists. All documents shall remain available so long as the WQAG
shall exist.
The Florida Keys WQAG shall be established and operating by [April 2001], with
specific timetables for water quality actions and goals set by this BOCC no later than
[July 2001]. The FK-WQAG office shall be staffed by world-renowned salaried expert
consultants, as well as a full-time public relations management and administrative
staff selected by a search committee and approved by this BOCC. The WQAG shall
be empowered to draw upon the resources of county, state and federal
governments, universities, research labs, environmental organizations and
independent scientists and corporate research labs.
Approved this of .... by the Board of County Cmmissioners, County of
Monroe, Florida.
Resolution suggested by Joe Harris
Artists Environmental Foundation of the Florida Keys