Item F07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 21.2000 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes IZI No 0 Department: Fleet Manaaement AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to advertise for bids for seven (7) new mobile generators and one (1) new load bank. ITEM BACKGROUND: Hurricane Georges identified the need for more portable emergency generators, especially ones smaller than the 100 to 250KW portable generators we currently have. The county requested and received unmet needs funding from FEMA and the State to cover 87.5% of the cost of seven (7) mobile generators and a load bank which will permit testing and maintenance of the generators without connection to a building electrical circuit. Some of the new generators are earmarked for hurricane shelters and other locations where needed. All this new equipment can be towed by a standard full-size pickup truck. These generators are also used as backup power where needed throughout the year. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: Approx. $181.000.00 for the aenerators and load bank and approx. $600 for advertising BUDGETED: Yes IZI No 0 COST TO COUNTY: Approx. $22.625.00 for generators and load bank and approx. $600 for advertising REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes 0 No IZI AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY COUNTY A TTY 0 OMBI~)CH~SING 0 RI~K MANAGEMENTD DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~(/J~ /d /7,-") /0 6 DIVISION DIRECTOR NAME: Dent Pierce DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED: (] TO FOLLOW: 0 NOT REQUIRED: M DISPOSITION: AGENDAITEM#_I- F7