Item B15 11/14/00 13:07 FAX 2892536 PLANNING DEPT. 3-08-1996 5: 47Pr.1 FROt.1 MAR lNE PROJECTS 295 .d.3 T 7 i102 P.3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 11-22-00 Division: Growth MAna.a:emcnt Bulk ltem:YES X NO - - Department:Marine Resourc~s AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of the Contract Agreement between Monroe County and American Undenvater Contractors for the Matecumbe Harbor Aids to Navigation Project. ITEM: MQmoe County was awarded funding in the amount of$52,500 trom the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. A portion oftbis funding was allocated fur aids to navigation projects. Three quotes received. Spirit Marine Towing & Assistance-$15,989, AS.A.P.. Inc.-$11.8S0, and AroeJ:tcan Underwater Contra.ctofs-$11.800. PREVIOUS RELEV ANi BOCC ACTION: Grant Apploved 9/99. STAFF RECOMMENDA TtON: Approval TOTAL COST:$11.800 COST TO COUNTY: Staff Time Onh- BUDGETED: Yes 100% Grant Funding REVEl'-.1UE PRODUCING; YES_ NO..x.. AMT. PER MO__YEAR._ APPROVED BY:COATTYX OMBIP -G ' RlSKMA.}.,J'AGEMEl\TTX W.f2. DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROV At: George DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Timothy J_ McOarry-DivisiD emmt DOCUMENT A nON: lNCLUDED:-X- TO FOLLOW:_ NOT REQUJRjf:-n ",.... DISPOSITION; AOENDAITEM#~ 11/14/00 13:07 FAX 2892536 PLANNING DEPT. 3-1218-1 996 5: 4 WI.' i=ROt.j '.'AP. I NE PROJECTS 295 .:1.31 7 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTy COMMISSIONERS iii 03 P.2 CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract II . :If', ,',. Contract wit.""': Americ.an Underwatey ~nntr;u~tiDrs: Effective Date: / I Expira.tion Oate:-' I ~. Contract Purpose/Description: Mat~rnMbe Rarnft~ A;d~ .n U~u4g~~4A~ V~~j.~~ Contt'3C! Manager: Kbt MeGee (Name) 4511_ May-lot!! "Proj~"~. (Ext.) (Department) for HOCC meeting on II ./22 I 00 --- Agenda Deadline: .Jl../-L......../ 00 {QI) Total DoU~(' Value of Contract: $ Budgeted'? Yes x No Grant: $ 11.8~ - County Match: $ N/A CONTRACT COSTS 11 .800 Current Year Portion: $ Account Codes:-llL- 5300'! -no 11.800 - la.Qn - rst\nn I -""064<l - ADDITIONAL COSTS NJ A Iyr For: (eg. m.;~lt:tWlCe. uli1iti~S. j~itori.al. u.laries. tote.) - - Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ (Not included in dol1,at value above) Division Director CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date In Needed Yes No / JJj.H1 c.o ( ) (,,;r _ l.LJ.i1d /)0 ( ) (v( iLllJJg] ( ) 1L! 1.3./ -'l) ( ) ( ~nagenut o.~.IPtJ{~mg County Attorney Comments: .-...-.---.' OMn Funn R(,,';~cd. 81:l\lf')~ Mel' 112 Date Out 1Li ili t/1) I.LJlll E-D 11,13/ or; --~ IJ-,~ , AME C UNDERWATER CONTRACTORS, INC. TECHNICAL MOORING SYSTEMS .. 182 StJllf I'ISB LANE. Ju..u~ n. 3M1'1 I'll: !l1-57s.e050 ,AX: 561-575-4651 KoV' "3 , Zcxx> A MUrC/J..l\ all~ p~ ~, ~t e.fj O~ ~.ln~ Ctu\. ~ ~ ~ lY1~he. ofe.a- A T.O.N.~ ~ Su.m prt~ 0( ;'(1) 8'CO.lD (~ kf huttdud ~) FROM ASAP PHONE 1'1:1. 852 45S4 Oct. 31 2000 03:46PM P1 lS.lP ....., a....,,1I11 P.O. Baa '01 Ta__. Fl. 33010 U.s.A .. ....... Fu 305""'2"'~ 10.25-1000 Kim Mce.. Maria Projects Caordiutor. 5100 CaIIep Rd. hbIic Serric:e BaiJdiq W"IDIIV-Roca 410 Key West, PI. 33040 AI bid request as otOet 15, 2000: Price tor r-n.-lllddlCioulllllaDow water IIIUken ill SaBey Harbor ill Low..- MateclllDbe ad C....Del Marken iD Mateeuaaber Harbor. Total Price: 511,8S0.oo :Z;~ JayFriu ~.. wWlaUana are to improve na~ilation lAd addras pIO~sell'rin1 iIllhc c:hannel ladin. ; IIJro ~umbe ~ (lee "'6 of che ChInn" Madcin. MulCT Plan). Please Me cbe lUaC!led \jl:i map for die p~llion of &be recommaded Jlllttcn filled below: CtuaIlMI Mal'ker DB~1 DBN2 DBN3 DBN4 DBN6 DBN7 It-''- of Jaaan...... :&4- '1' 2O.CTN "44' 42.1"W 24-'I'19.8"N W44'43.0"W 24- 'I' 16.9"N so- 44' 4O.9'''W 24' '1' 16.4~ W 44' 41.6'"W 24'~1' 13JrN 1O'~'40.1"W 24' 51' U.8"N so- 44' 31.3"W .. I '-I theM will be ~\ nm IlDminal nIlp marKen _ Iho\l1cl be buill to the fol1owinc apeciflcllionl: Small ... mBkenl Pilinp should be appsoximately 9" in dilllle&er. An avPfOPriaw liED blKk cone-head piliRl cap ahouJd t>> instaJled atop the pilia.. Small size sip. should be ~ TbcIc liens will have a VI nm nominal tlftp. "The ,wndard fi_ for MKh JianI i~ 1 '" ~ 1 '4' pwn square. Z' x 2' red 1ft_pO. Sian' $bowel ~ I!lOQIIIeCl nal ApinSl 1M pilinl uainllwO 3" lone IWnleA I. KNVt'S wilh flll wuhen (includina plastic or nylon wuhm in belwecn). one II die lOp and one 111M boUom or the lip. The top of _ lisn should be appo,.imately 10' above Ibe waret . ,. I.....n.don awl piUGI' (2) Willl_pap . followa: JD~ NO WAD JlDMrrNQ. "., gg. OIID. -"- '. ;J Kim MeGee MariDe Projecll Nov.l,2000 ltSSt1MjHiRMAL SAPI! olILTlON JDMn'JIIO,,,... co caD. -..- '1'biJ illll-iadlllivc for poles. ear-,Ii....- f....... AI required. Relocas.lbaJlow Wiler marker no. 9 to 1WW poIiliaa IIIdlAarall new buoy tap wilb IIQIMP Oft both ... II folJowl: ID~ NO'wfu ....1IlQ. ".. eo. ~..... Our bid CD do the pol. acllIi... III me Im~~". DetIi1ed ell tbil pap is: $1S.9I9.00 "-. :~ -. '.... &k (l.;:t-. ~ ,,\ {Z. i\ lY'a. (" , yo) e. t>O \?)O-,{ a4 ~ t:>,~ p, ("\SZ.. \c.e':j , F"'- ..3 o~... 87.2 - 2.'7::' 2.. ~:3 0'-\ ~ CONTRACT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, MADE THIS day of 2000, by and between, American Underwater. (" Contractor "), and the BOARD OF COUNTY Contractors COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, of the County of Monroe, State of Florida (Board). The Contractor and the Board, for the consideration named, agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all the materials for the aids to navigation project to be known as Matecumbe/Safety Harbor Project, Monroe County as specified by the list/ map and specifications attached as exhibits A and B. 2. The work performed under the Contract shall commence immediately from the date the Liaison provides the Notice to Proceed and shall be completed by January 31, 2001. 3. The Contractor understands the rules of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and shall comply with said rules, along with the rules and procedures instituted by the Board to ensure an orderly progress to the project. Both the intent and the requirements of the Specifications attached as Exhibit B are understood by the Contractor. 4. The Board shall pay the Contractor the total sum of$ 11.800.00 for the work listed in Exhibit A and B of this Contract. Payment shall be upon completion by the Contractor and review and approval of the close out documentation by the Marine Projects Coordinator. No Change Orders will be allowed. 5. The attached List, Map, and Specifications together with this Agreement, form the Contract. They are fully a part of this Contract as ifrepeated herein verbatim. 6. The Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Monroe County Board of the County Commissioners from any and all claims for bodily injury (including death), personal injury, and the property damage (including property owned by Monroe County) and other losses, damages, and expenses (including attorney's fees) which arise out of, in connection with, or by reason of services provided by the Contractor or any ofits subcontractor(s) in any tier, their employees or agents. The purchase of the insurance required in the paragraph 11 does not vitiate this indemnification provision. 7. The Contractor acknowledges his! her intention to comply with the need to coordinate all work with the appropriate environmental agencies, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the County. 8. The Contractor agrees to supply the County with a set of photographs of the complete work along with a letter certifying completion of work. The Contractor will be responsible for the camera, film, and development costs. The Contractor also agrees to provide transportation for the Liaison to inspect the completed work. 9. The Contractor understands and agrees that no payment will be made for this project without required photographs and written certification of completion. 10. Due to the use of heavy equipment and, at times, dangerous work environment, the Contractor understands and agrees to maintain an alcohol and drug free work environment. 11. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for all necessary insurance coverage as indicated by the an "X" on the attached forms of Exhibit C identified as General Insurance Requirements and INSKLST 1-4, as further detailed on forms WC1, WCJA, GL1, VL1, & WLl. All policies must list Monroe County as additional insured with the exception or the Workers Compensation policy. 12. The Contractor warrants that it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the prohibition of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 020-1990. For breach or violation of this provision, the owner may, in its discretion, terminate this contract without liability and may also, in its direction, terminate this contract without liability and may also, in its discretion, deduct from the contract or purchase price, or otherwise recover the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee. 13. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO ($10,000.00) for a period of36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 14. The Board may terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time upon giving the Contractor up to 10 days notice in writing. The Contractor, upon receipt of the notice, shall immediately cease work. The Board must pay the Contractor the percentage of the contract price which is satisfactory to the Board up to date the contractor received the notice of termination. 14. This Contract is governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any litigation arising under this contract must be in Monroe County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties here to have executed this agreement by the day and year first written above. (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Deputy Clerk BY: Mayor/Chainnan Wilness~~lo BUSines,~e:trct-W~~lk Wltnes~ ,^nJd By: l0levJ Title: ~ (?(l~~lD/t.~ B Site Safety Harbor (at Lower Matecumbe) Problem Replace terminal shallow water markers (1, 9) with standard size regulatory markers. Re-install pile from no. 9 in between no. 7 and 8 Katecumbe Harbor Channel Marker DBNl DBN2 DBN3 DBN4 DBN6 DBN7 . ElJlIBrr A InstaBadon Install pilings (2) with signage as follows: lD~HIl NO WAKE JII!RMlT NO. 97~ en ORD. 062-1996 .., . RESUMJN~RMAL SAFEOMAnON Pl!RMn'No. 970059 en OJU). 062-1996 Relocate shallow water marker no. 9 to new position and install new buoy top with language on both sides as follows: lD~ N~k JII!RMlTNo. 97~ en ORD. 062-1996 ~don of InstaUadon 240 5r 20.0"N 80044' 42.1"W 240 51' 19.8"N BOO 44' 43.0''W 24051' 16.9''N 80044' 4O.9"W 240 51' 16.4"N BOO 44' 41.6"W 24051' 13.0''N BOo 44' 4O.1"W 240 51' 1l.8"N BOO 44' 37.3"W These will be ~ nm nominal range markers and should be built to the following specifications: SmaIl size markers: Pilings should be approximately 9" in diameter. An appropriate size black cone-head piling cap should be installed atop the piling. Small size signs should be used. These signs will have a ~ nm nominal range. The standard size for such signs is- 1 ~' x 1 ~' green square, 2' x 2' red triangle. Signs should be mounted flat against the piling using two 3" long stainless lag screws with flat washers (including plastic or nylon washers in between), one at the top and one at the bottom of the sign. The top of the sign should be appro,:hnately 10' above the water. :2 ~... :2" t:. ;!.. ~. ~ :!... "- . ~ ::. .. .... . .. N ('t) . .. ~ .. (0 N" "C :ll! OCD a.~ e CU a..::E .. .. ~ 1<<0 ICD 1