Item G2 SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: December 13, 2000 BULK ITEM: NO DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISIRA TOR DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion of Airport Master Plan Update. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Florida Keys Marathon Airport has not had a Master Plan Update Study done since at least 1992. the FAA recommends a study every 5 years. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: BOCC directed Airport Master Plan Update at November 3. 2000 special meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. TOTAL COST: None COST TO COUNTY: None REVENUE PRODUCING: Va _ No.A.. BUDGETED: Yel...x.. No_ AMOUNT PER MONTH: _ YEAR: _ APPROVED BY: County Attomey L OMBlPurehaslng ..!.. Risk Management..! DivisIon DIrector Approva,J_ L?~ James Roberts DOCUMENTAnON: Included X To Follow - Not Required AGENDA IrEM # /",Ci- DISPOSITION: Airport Master Plan Update Planning Process Under the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Improvement Program (AlP), grants can be issued for purposes of airport planning, airport development, or noise compatibility programs. Currently URS Greiner (Monroe County Airports Consultant), is developing the scope of work to complete an Airport Master Plan Update Study for the Florida Keys Marathon Airport. This study is eligible for Federal funding. The purpose of the study is to provide local officials with information they can use to make decisions about airport development. The general process is described as follows: IDENTIFY GOALS The primary goal of the Airport Master Plan Update Study is to provide guidance for the future development of the Florida Keys Marathon Airport that will satisfy the aviation demand in a financially feasible and responsible manner, while addressing the aviation, environmental, and socioeconomic issues of the community. In support of these goals, the following objectives ofthe Master Plan Update Study will be considered. DEVELOP OBJECTIVES 1. The future of the airport is a public issue and as such, great emphasis is put into this first objective; to incorporate the interests ofthe public and local government agencies into the planning process. 2. It is essential that the planning objectives are sensitive to the overall environmental characteristics and needs of the community. 3. Identify airside, landside, and airspace improvements or options to optimize the economic aspects of the airport while enhancing the safety and operational capability. 4. Establish an implementation schedule for short, intermediate and long-term improvements. 5. Identify short-term requirements and recommend actions to optimize near-term funding opportunities. 6. Ensure that short-term actions and recommendations do not preclude long-range planning options. 7. Reflect current and comprehensive land use (on and off airport) including surface access and make recommendations as to compatible land uses and minimum noise impacts around the airport. 8. Incorporate a Stormwater Master Plan into the planning process. IDENTIFY KEY ISSUES Key issues to be considered, emphasized, and incorporated in the Master Plan Study include future issues that will be identified through public and government hearings and the following: Physical Geographical Environment This should include aerial photography, elevation surveys, and main survey markers. The airport and critical environs should be flown so that development of surface features and improvements can be developed with exact dimensions. Elevation Surveys to create accurate topographical maps for future planning and development. Survey of current leased and unencumbered areas to portray accurate land usage. Facility Inventory A visual facility inventory report should be performed to determine existing condition, estimated expected life, and an estimated cost to repair or replace pavements and infrastructure. Capital Improvement Plan A detailed capital improvement plan for short-term recommended development program should be prepared based on the FAA fiscal year, but with the flexibility to correlate to other fiscal planning periods. Land Use Identify current and future use of airport property. Addressing the need for increased utilization by corporate and small general aviation owners and operators. Off-airport land use will require coordination with the City of Marathon. For example: Development in runway approach vicinity that is in Marathon jurisdiction. Airport zoning may not be considered in the cities planning and permitting process. Extension of the runway for future Regional Jet (RJ) service. 2 Future Airside development and NA V AIDS Noise Impacts Noise abatement procedures. Future Revenue Potential Public Information/Input Program Commercial Air Service Marketing Strategy Evaluation Time lines and bench marks Special Aviation Events and Operations Utilization of airport land and facilities for events such as the Seafood FestivaVEAA Fly-in, Renaissance Faire and Terminal usage. 3 Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Step 7. Step 8. Step 9. Note: SUMMARY OF THE AIRPORT MASTER PLAN UPDATE PROCESS Organize and implement a formal discussion for public input and transfer of information. Coordination of information. Consultants will collect airport information and include public and economic issues and concerns. Inventory and Operational Forecast. Consultants will develop operational forecasts and correlate that information with current assets and future needs. Listing of Alternatives. Consultants will develop a list of alternate objectives that the County and airport users can resource in their evaluation and input. Formal Public Workshops will be scheduled by the County and conducted by the consultant to review draft airport planning alternatives with the public. Draft development of Master Plan Update and Airport Layout Plan Public Workshop conducted to present the draft Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan. Presentation of Draft Master Plan Update to BOCC for further consideration or approval. Submittal of Final Master Plan Update to F AA's Airport District Office. It is difficult to identify a time frame for the initiation of the study due to the FAA funding process and local policies and procedures. Once the study is initiated it is estimated to take approximately twelve months to develop the final draft Airport Master Plan Update. 4