Item M07
Revised 3/99
Meeting Date: Wednesday, Jan, 17
Division: BOCC
Bulk Item: Yes 0 No X
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion, additions, and approval of shared goals for our
2001 governing season
ITEM BACKGROUND: In November of every year, the'Board of Monroe County
Commissioners convenes, makes appointments, schedules meetings and sets off on a
new year. This year, I am suggesting that we formulate a list of goals upon which we
have mutual consensus (that no one disagrees with!), and examine our progress as the
year proceeds and next November, when we reformulate our list of goals, Attached is a
list of items upon which I'm hopeful we will have that consensus. I know I haven't covered
everything, so I look forward to hearing what you think,
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: At the November BOCC meeting, the
Commission considered the presented list of goals and provided comment concerning
them, both at the meeting and, after, in written form. In December, the Commission
added additional items, and added/changed/deleted various words and phrases of the
original document. Commission Neugent added additional comments between
December and January's meetings and those comments are reflected herein,
BUDGETED: Yes 0 No 0
APPROVAL nOM (J!il/PittriJ- !~
NAME: Nora A. Williams, BOCC, District IV
List of 200 I Goals for the Board of Monroe County Commissioners:
A) Restructure County Government for a leaner, more efficient operation, reducing
top-heavy management positions and saving tax payer dollars, Using good
business practices, create a county government that is both efficient AND
. responsive. :',
B) Hold "town meetings" throughout the Keys communities with minimal staff
present at locations requested by constituents, These meetings may be evenings or
Saturday mornings for greatest accessibility.
C) Make community and highway beautification a priority, starting in Big Pille Key,
alld create a Commission position responsible for progress on this issue, and
consider setting redevelopment standards that reflect local community character
D) Wrap up CommuniKeys/HCP project in Big Pine and begin CommuniKeys
programs elsewhere. Follow community directions provided in the
CommuniKeys program for creation of community greenspace, conservation
areas and recreation needs,
(For those of you who are not yet familiar with the Communi Keys program, this
is a series of public forums that take place in each area of the Keys, which will
present to us the community's consensus, to the extent that there is one, for future
direction for their community. We've thus far had a great turn-out for the
beginning of this process in the Big Pine Key area, and are starting up the next
area in Tavernier.)
E) Set up a budget workshop in March for us to get together and discuss our goals
for the year. Traditionally, we have met individually with the County
Administrator in the spring, at the start of the budget season, to discuss our issues.
With the budget being such a concern for so many of us, it seems wiser for us to
get together.
F) Work to streamline the building permit process without spitting on the Comp
Plan: offer more consistent, faster and more reliable service. Set up a means for
measurement of progress. Set up an extensive post card system that will provide
homeowners and contractors with a reasonable way to complete small projects in
an efficient manner.
G) Find ways to make ROGO points more accessible to the less wealthy so that new
construction is more possible for the working people of the county:
While we have made some progress on this is in the past two years, there are a
host of additional steps we could consider this year, including points or portions
of points for xeriscaped native landscaping (and perhaps for not lining yards with
plastic, or not using exotics), for clearing less of a property than allowed, etc.
H) Get a grant program in place to keep wastewater projects from driving out any of
our citizens, Use all of the power of the County Commission, State and Federal
Representatives, Senators, and the President of the United States to find matching
funds for our wastewater projects,
I) Relocate the provisiQfl of municipal services into areas actually served, with
particular emphasis on Public Works and Growth Management. Provide a central
service area for Key Largo, Decisions upon how extensively to implement this
goal should be influenced by cost/benefit analysis,
J) Move the offices of County Commissioners into the district served (with approval
of the impacted County Commissioner)
K) Continue our work to address the affordable housing crisis, including
consideration of tieing affordable housing to future commercial development,
avoiding gentrification of the existing affordable housing stock, redeveloping
existing properties for affordable housing, etc. Make sure we break ground on our
Key Largo affordable housing project this year. Use mechanisms such as land
trusts, private investment, the Monroe County Land Authority and Habitat for
Humanity to provide housing for our teachers, police, firefighters, tourist industry
workers, and our children graduating from high school who are entering the work
L) Address the issue of the commercial moratorium to provide some support and
relief to our existing businesses, including expansion to meet code requirements
and handicap access.
M) Renew our commitment to the expenditure of Infrastructure Sales Tax funds to
benefit unincorporated Monroe County.
N) Create a County Commission liaison with our State Representative to maximize
grants and state actions.
0) Board of County Commissioners to initiate discussion with FEMA for the
purpose of reviewing the FEMA inspection program and to postpone the
implementation of the program for 90 days.
P) Promote the Florida Keys Marathon Airport and expand its services,
Q) Update and simplify, to the extent possible, County Codes.
R) Work to submit agenda items and back-up materials as computer documents, in
hopes of eventually presenting such materials on the web in a timely fashion prior
to meetings.
S) Make water reuse a priority, even if only for limited park and median use, where
cost-effective or where costs are not excessively burdensome for local citizens,
T) Get BOCC meeting minutes posted online immediately after their approval at the
following BOCC meeting..(Catch up on Year 2000 immediately!)
"With language and an additional item that hopefully
reflects comments submitted by Mayor Neugent"
List of2001 Goals for the Board of Monroe County Commissioners:
A) Restructure County Government for a leaner, more efficient operation, reducing
top-heavy management positions and saving tax payer dollars, amlfinalizing
restructuring of the current Public Safety Division, Using good business
practices, create a cO:l;lnty government that is both efficient AND responsive.
B) Hold "town meetings" throughout the Keys communities with minimal staff
present at locations requested by constituents, These meetings may be evenings or
Saturday mornings for greatest accessibility.
C) Make community and highway beautification a priority, starting in Big Pine Key,
and create a Commission position responsible for progress on this issue, and
consider setting redevelopment standards that reflect local community character
D) Wrap up CommuniKeys/HCP project in Big Pine and begin CommuniKeys
programs elsewhere, Follow community directions provided in the
Communi Keys program for creation of community greenspace, conservation
areas and recreation needs,
(For those of you who are not yet familiar with the CommuniKeys program, this
is a series of public forums that take place in each area of the Keys, which will
present to us the community's consensus, to the extent that there is one, for future
direction for their community. We've thus far had a great turn-out for the
beginning of this process in the Big Pine Key area, and are starting up the next
area in Tavernier.)
E) Set up a budget workshop in March for us to get together and discuss our goals
for the year. Traditionally, we have met individually with the County
Administrator in the spring, at the start of the budget season, to discuss our issues.
With the budget being such a concern for so many of us, it seems wiser for us to
get together,
F) Work to streamline the building permit process without spitting on the Comp
Plan: offer more consistent, faster and more reliable service. Set up a means for
measurement of progress. Set up an extensive post card system that will provide
homeowners and contractors with a reasonable way to complete small projects in
an efficient manner.
G) Find ways to make ROGO points more accessible to the less wealthy so that new
construction is more possible for the working people of the county:
While we have made some progress on this is in the past two years, there are a
host of additional steps we could consider this year, including points or portions
of points for xeriscaped native landscaping (and perhaps for not lining yards with
plastic, or not using exotics), for clearing less of a property than allowed, etc.
H) Continue making progress on wastewater treatment and other Comp Plan Work
Plan issues, putting Get a grant program in place to keep wastewater projects
from driving out any of our citizens. Use all of the power of the County
Commission, State and Federal Representatives, Senators, and the President of the
United States to find matching funds for our wastewater projects,
I) Relocate the provision of municipal services into areas actually served, with
particular emphasis on Public Works and Growth Management. Provide a central
service area for Key Largo, Decisions upon how extensively to implement this
goal should be influenced by cost/benefit analysis. To the extent possible,
County-wide government/unction should be centrally located in the Keys,
J) Move the offices of County Commissioners into the district served (with approval
of the impacted County Commissioner)
K) Continue our work to address the affordable housing crisis, including
consideration of tieing affordable housing to future commercial development,
avoiding gentrification of the existing affordable housing stock, redeveloping
existing properties for affordable housing, etc. Make sure we break ground on our
Key Largo affordable housing project this year, Use mechanisms such as land
trusts, private investment, the Monroe County Land Authority and Habitat for
Humanity to provide housing for our teachers, police, firefighters, tourist industry
workers, and our children graduating from high school who are entering the work
L) Address the issue of the commercial moratorium to provide some support and
relief to our existing businesses, including expansion to meet code requirements
and handicap access.
M) Renew our commitment to the expenditure of Infrastructure Sales Tax funds to
benefit unincorporated Monroe County.
N) Create a County Commission liaison with our State Representative to maximize
grants and state actions.
0) Board of County Commissioners to initiate discussion with FEMA for the
purpose of reviewing the FEMA inspection program and to postpone the
implementation of the program for 90 days.
P) Promote the Florida Keys Marathon Airport and expand its services.
Q) Update and simplify, to the extent possible, County Codes,
R) Work to submit agenda items and back-up materials as computer documents, in
hopes of eventually presenting such materials on the web in a timely fashion prior
to meetings.
S) Make water reuse a priority, even if only for limited park and median use, where
cost-effective or where costs are not excessively burdensome for local citizens.
T) Get BOCC meeting minutes posted online immediately after their approval at the
following BOCC met:;ting, (Catch up on Year 2000 immediately!)
UJ Determine from local residents what they desire the future goal of Monroe
County to be: preserving what we have or continued growth?
To: Nora Williams
From: George R. Neugent
1. Waste water treatment/ Water reuse
Continue moving forward with in-place effort, with the addition of water
reuse as tantamount. History will find us morally remiss if we do not recognize
our responsibility to achieve this goal.
2, Restructuring, continued downsizing to reduce the cost of Monroe County
3, Completion of CommuniKeys Project/ HCP project in Big Pine Key,
4, Determine from voters/residents/property owners what the future of Monroe
County should be i.e" preserving what we presently have or continued growth?
If they show a overwhelming propensity for preservation of what we presently
have, a concerted effort should be made to slow, if not stop, growth,
5. Establish, based on present demographies, more logistically located service
centers. Key West should no longer be the epicenter of government. Recognition
must be given to the fact that we are 120 miles of linear county. I have to
believe that Key West would love to see us assist in reducing traffic, and demand
for office space.
6. Highway beautification, starting in Big Pine Key.
7, Finalize the structuring of Fire and EMS.
Revised 3/99
Meeting Date: December 13, 2000
Bulk Item: Yes No X
AGENDA ITEM WORDING Approval of the Board of County Commissioners to initiate
discussions with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the purpose of
reviewing the FEMA Inspection Program and for the County to postpone the
implementation of the program for ninety days, until the new County Commission can
have an opportunity to review the program with FEMA.
ITEM BACKGROUND: The County has entered into an agreement with FEMA which
has been promulgated through the Code of federal regulations for an insurance
inspection program, There is now a new County Commission that has not had the
opportunity to work with FEMA on this program and it is appropriate that they have such
an opportunity to represent the concerns of the citizens, This is significant because of
the five County Commissioners, three are newly elected, and'there has been a Florida
Circuit Court ruling which could impact the ability of the County to enforce the program,
BUDGETED: Yes 0 No 0
/' "
\.: ),/
Commissioner Murray Nelson
Plantation Key Govt. Center
88820 Overseas Highway
Tavernier FL 33070
PII (305) 852-7175
FAX (305) 852-7162
Reasons to Request a 90-Day Stay
I. Judge Payne has ruled that the County has no authority to mandate
removal of illegal downstairs enclosures that were built prior to ] 996.
2. That the CUITent Monroe County commissioners do not understand and
are not a party to the existing FEMA mandate.
3. Homes in flood zones should have the same right to flood proof their
downstairs enclosures as commercial owners do.
4, It is an economical reality that it is cheaper to obtain alternate insurance
on an illegal enclosure that is rented for low cost housing, than to pay for
removal and lose the supplemental income,
5. The cost to Monroe County to implement the inspection program will be
an enormous disservice on taxpayers already burdened by additional taxes
for waste water, storm water and higher property values with little result in
the removal of downstairs enclosures.
Co III 111 , Murray Nelson
Reasolls to /{equcst a (1) Day Stay
6. Loss of "A" zone downstairs enclosures will severely impact housing for
our police, firemen, teachers, tourist industry workers and Our low income
minority workers and prevent them from finding appropriate living quarters.
This would cause an exodus of our working citizens, threatening our
economic vitality.~
7. The Florida Keys has very little land to build affordable housing to
replace removed downstairs enclosures, unlike Texas and Louisiana which
create 40% of all repeated flood loss claims.
8. That the counties in Florida that account for the majority of flood claims
are all located on the west coast of Florida and are not treated in the same
negative manner as the Florida Keys,
9, That only homes and businesses located in "V" zones should be subject
to inspection as they represent the only property that is subject to wave
f: fEMA90DA Y, 12/12/00
COll1missioner Murray Nelson
Plantation Key GovL Center
88820 Overseas Highway
Tavernier, FL 33070
PH (305) 852-7175
fAX (305) 852-7162
Recommended FEMA Advisory Board
]. Monroe County Commissioners Mun-ay Nelson & Dixie Spehar
2, State Representative Ken Sorenson
3. D,S. Representative Peter Deutsch
4. D,S, Senator Bob Graham
5. D,S, Senator Bill Nelson
6, Governor Jeb Bush
7. Islamorada Mayor Jim Mooney
8, Marathon Mayor Bob Miller
9. Key West Mayor Jimmy Weekley
IO.Key Colony Beach Mayor Ed Sheahan
II.Layton Mayor Carol MacLaren
12,Qcean Reef Club PAC David Ritz
I 3 ,Monroe County Administrator Jim Roberts
14.Monroe County Attorney Jim Hendrick
- - ~ ~.~~J-'=-.I.d~ AUGUST 13, 199B7he;t;;~~ PAGE 3
Of jaywalkers and bank robbers
I !ere's somc infJnnation that should gladden the
hear1s o{conspir;?Cy bufT<; in the Keys:
While the Fe(Ieral Emergency Management Agency
is threatening Keys' property owners with loss of
flood insurancc over illegal downstairs enclosures, it
is paying out billions of dolJars in i(isurance claims to
properties that flood Over and Over and over again,
This information comes from "Higher Ground," a
three-year study conducted by the National Wildlife
Federation based on FEMA data on,repeated flood
losses in the last 18 years.
o There is a single-family home in Houston that has
been flooded J 6 times in the last 18 years. The
National Flood Insurance Program has paid a total of
$806,590 in claims - for a house that's Worth
. Texas and Louisiana led the COUl1lry in total
repeated flood insurance claims - $1. I bi II ion. Those
two states alone represent 40 percent of all repeated
loss claims.
. Nationwide, the flood insurance program has
dished out more than $416 million in claims on homes
that are worth only $307 mil/ion. .
. Twenty percent of the propenies that flood over
and over again arc not even in lhe designated 100-
year floodplain,
. Less than 30 percent of the properties in designat_
ed floodplains even have flood insurance, mostly
because federal disaster aid picks up the bill anyway.
"Higher Ground" uncovered 300 communities with
propenies that have been flooded repeatedly _ defined
as sustaining two or more flood losses of at least
$ ] ,000 each in any 10-year period, A repetitive loss
community is one that has at least one repetitive loss.
Fourteen Florida locales that fall into that category,
making the Sunshine State No.6 in the amount of
repeated flood loss claims made nationwide. Except
for the Vi I/age of Key 13 iscayne, all of the areas arc in
the top hal f of the state, the majority of them on the
gulfcoast. They include Pinellas County and its towns
of St. Petersburg, Madeira Beach, Clearwater and
Dunedin; Belleair Beach in the Panhandle; Sarasota
County, including Treasure Island; Tampa; Pasco
County; Jacksonville; Citrus County; and Longboat
Key near Bradenton. '. '_.
Here arc some of the solutions posed by the National
Wildlife Federation that should be acted on immediately.
. Areas that arc-repeatedly-flooded should be bought
at fair-market, pre-disast~rprices: Buying these prop-
erties, or getting the buildings -.on them .elevat~d,' ,
would cost 35 percent of the total amount-,ofclaims: .
paid outonthem in thelastl8years. Thatwp~L~h.~,Y~',
savednear/y $1.7 biHion'during thattime fran'le, '-c., :;::
That number is significant, considering:the,.'NfIP" '
has had .toborrow $81 Om illion from theLTreasury';;
since 1995 to cover, th~,claims,madein 'exce's~of,t~~';:
premiums paid. ' . ." "<:, ,',....'" ..j~;~':~::f;.:~:>:
Repeatedly flooded./ands.:- most of which ),s.C?US~(r
by river and storm water flooding ::-wo~Jd reyert,ba~k,
to, the i r natural states, i:e.:':\yetlands, 'ThJs' c~uJd,~cf~ Y',
": aquifer recharge "~reaSa'n(i,npro:ye\the:'.oV~r.a/J:~'n:\~b
! , ronment. ,..,.', , '.">';;::~(:;::...~;.'::..{:i(f::~;".Wi~~'~;,~t~::,,!t
:. -.\~:, Ifpr.o'pe.rty .o~~er~ d idn'.t ;\\Iiulbo)~II;: tlj~~i:fl.6~Q;;~
,,; irisur:anc'e,prem i ums''-.shou/d ':,reflect /,th~. :n,~''P.~~r,~:qt;,
'.' ~Iaim,s;j ~st like ,:~:ith a~t9;'::i~s.y:r~~ce/Rig~t ,~5>,,~;';p~e<;
:miums are the same whether apropertyhasneyer,.been.
flooded or has been flooded 16 times in 18 years. This
is an issue for Congress to address. '
, . Fix the flood maps. Something is seriouslywrong
when fully 20 percent of flood insu~ance claims come
from areas where the federal government says' flood-
ing virtually does not exist. ,;,!, '.' """". '
Given the Scope of the problems WIth flood insur-
ance nationwide, whyisFEMA investing so much
energy (in termsof threats) w,ith our downstairs encIo-
sures?lt'slike being ticketed for jaywalking while the
bank across the street is being robbed. We're the 98-
pound weakling to FEMA's sand-kicking bully,
Without help from Scns,-Bob Graham and Connie
Mack, and Rcp. Pctcr Dcutsch in Washington, it's
clear \ve'll be punished while larger transgressions arc
~ 1_:] cg ['= OW I~
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IN ~u
December 12, 2000
FAX TO: Commissioner Murray Nelsen
FAX #: 852 -7162
John Crowell
Lloyds Flood QUotation
Dear Commissioner Nelsen:
AS a follow-up to your telephone conversations Bob Regan has
been able to secure a flood quotation for you through the
alternate flood market of Lloyds.
Based on the same $250,000 on building coverage that you
currently carry with $52,500 in contents, the alternate
quotation through L10yds is $413.83. The rating on this policy
is such that if you have no losses in the last three years and
are coming ott a prior policy, there is a 20\ discount on the
base premiums plus factored in the fees and taxes, there can be
a small reduction in your flood Cost. However, if there have
been prior losses of any kind, the rate would go up considerably
to $.55 per hundred for the first level, $.70 for the excess,
which would bring the premium to $1,918.00. As you can see, it
is not a bad deal on a loss free account but for those people
have had a flood loss, it can become brutal. One must only
assume that if a policy such as this is in force and a loss
takes place, that the following renewal will go up accordingly,
Please contact us upon receipt,
TAVERNIER (305) 852-3234 - MARATHON (305) 743-3414 _ FAX: (305) 852-3703