Item M11
Revised 3/99
Request for Time Specific
Meeting Date: Wednesday, Jan, 17
Bulk Item: Yes 0 No X
Division: SOCC
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: SFWMD representative Rhonda Haag will present Phase /I
water usage restrictions (if the County has not moved from Phase I to Phase /I
restrictions, then this item will be canceled),
ITEM BACKGROUND: Lake Okeechobee waters are well below normal and the South
Florida Water Management District deemed water restrictions necessary for the County
(Phase I) in December, 2000,
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: SFWMD's Rhonda Haag made a presentation
to the County Commission in December on Phase I restrictions,
BUDGETED: Yes 0 No 0
APPROVAL: ~(y?JJ UJf1JA-/i1J /1 ~
NAME: Nora A. Williams, BOCC, District IV
AGENDA ITEM #: -1:m1l
J, Robert Dean. Chairman
Key West
Thomas R. McDonald
Tavern ier
Florida Keys
Aqueduct Authority
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Fred Shaw
Secretary- Treasurer
Big Pine
Post Office Box 1239
1100 Kennedy Drive
Key West. Florida 33041,1239
Telephone (305) 296,2454
Albert 0, Appell
Duck Key
Linda B, Wheeler
Key West
Roger Braun
Executive Director
January 12,2001
James Roberts, County Administrator
Monroe County
Government Center-Wing II
5100 College Road
Key West, Florida 33040
(Hand Delivered)
RE: South Florida Water Management District
Water Restrictions/ Phase 2 Enforcement
Dear Mr. Roberts,
In December 2000, the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) issued a
Declaration of Water Shortage Emergency Order No, 2000-179 DAO- WS and imposed Phase 1
of their (4) phased mandatory water use restriction plan (attached) for the Lower East Coast
Region, One of the water sources subjected to this declaration is the Biscayne Aquifer, The
Biscayne Aquifer is the water source for the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) which is
the sole supply of potable water for Monroe County/Florida Keys.
Although the Biscayne Aquifer, has maintained normal levels, Lake Okeechobee which provides
back-up/secondary water supply to the Lower East Coast Region and assists in preventing salt
water encroachment into well fields, is currently at a near historic low water level. Water use
restrictions are required in order to preserve the back-up/secondary water supply during the
pending dry season. South/Central Florida is currently experiencing its worst drought since
Phase 2, mandatory water use restrictions have been implemented by SFWMD with an effective
date of January 17, 2001. A copy of the SFWMD Water Shortage Plan is enclosed. The Plan
includes the requirements in each phase for all water users. The Plan also addresses enforcement
of the mandatory water use restrictions in Chapter 40E-21.421 which references Florida Statute
373.609, duty of county and municipalities to assist SFWMD in the enforcement. Since
penalties for violation of the statute is considered a misdemeanor of the second degree, the
SFWMD encourages the county and municipalities to adopt ordinances which provide for local
enforcement of Chapter 40E-20 and allow one written warning during the initial phases of a
water shortage or water shortage emergency, SFWMD will be obtaining contact names and
numbers from the county and municipalities to direct calls reporting violations of Florida Statute
373 and Chapter 40E-20 in your area,
Enclosed you will find SFWMD's model ordinance for counties and municipalities to utilize in
the development of their local ordinance and a copy of the City of Key West Ordinance No.
77,00 Water and Water Management.
Also, more common in Monroe County/Florida Keys than on the mainland is the use of wells
and cisterns as an alternative water supplies for watering landscape and washing cars. SFWMD
requires residents who utilize cisterns and/or wells for those purposes to obtain a variance from
SFWMD, (Application enclosed), Forty-eight (48) hours after the application is received by
SFWMD, the resident will receive a notice of variance, so the resident may use the alternative
water supply without interruption during mandatory water use restrictions.
As the water supplier for Monroe County, the FKAA strongly urges immediate attention in
adopting SFWMD requirements and active enforcement by the County. FKAA will continue its
active public water conservation outreach and intensify th!s awareness to our visitors though our
commercial accounts and county-wide PSAs.
F or more detailed information or specific questions on water conservation and water use
restrictions, you may contact the SFWMD at 1-800-662-8876 or visit their website at
www.sfwmd,gov, If you have any questions or need additional information from the FKAA,
you can contact me at (305)296-2454, ext.203.
Thank you for your continued cooperation in this matter.
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Roger Braun
Executive Director
cc: Rhonda Haag, SFWMD
Jim Reynolds, FKAA
3301 Gun Club Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 33406
Order No. 2000-179 DAO-WS
Declaration of Water Shortage Emergency for the
South Dade Water Use Basin, Water Conservation
Area/Everglades National Park Water Use Basin, Water
Conservation Area 3 Water Use Basin, Water
Conservation Area 2 Water Use Basin, Water
Conservation Area 1 / C-51 Water Use Basin, M Canal
Water Use Basin, C-18 Water Use Basin, Loxahatchee
River Water Use Basin, North Palm Beach County
Water Use Basin, Interior Palm Beach County Water
Use Basin, (Phase I Water Shortage Restrictions)
The Executive Director of the of the South Florida Water Management District,
(hereinafter "District") after considering recommendations of District staff and being
otherwise fully apprised of the matter, issues the following Emergency Order pursuant
to Rule 40E-21 ,331 , Florida Administrative Code, based on the following Findings of
Fact and Ultimate Facts and Conclusions of Law,
1 . The water sources subject to this Order are groundwater of the Biscayne
Aquifer, Lake Okeechobee and the surface waters connected to Lake Okeechobee,
This Order applies to all use classes within the stated basins,
2, The boundaries of the area of concern encompass all water use basins of
the Lower East Coast Region as depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A
and particularly described as the South Dade Water Use Basin, Water Conservation
Area/Everglades Water Use Basin, Water Conservation Area 3 Water Use Basin, Water
Conservation Area 2 Water Use Basin, Water Conservation Area 1/C-51 Water Use
Basin, M Canal water Use Basin, C-18 Water Use Basin, Loxahatchee River Water Use
Basin, North Palm Beach County Water Use Basin, and the Interior Palm Beach County
Water Use Basin, These basins are within Monroe, Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach
3. During the "wet season" from June through October, Lake Okeechobee
normally receives significant recharge from direct rainfall and inflow through surface
water runoff from the watershed basins surrounding it. Under average rainfall
conditions, Lake Okeechobee and its tributaries receive about 27 inches of rain from
June through October, resulting in an average increase in water levels by about 1.9
4, During the months of June through September 2000, however, the normal
wet season_rainfall conditions to recharge the low levels in Lake Okeechobee never
materialized and, as a result, water levels in Lake Okeechobee are at a record low, In
2000, rainfall for the months of June through September in watershed basins recharging
Lake Okeechobee was up to 50% below average, Rainfall over Lake Okeechobee was
also well below normal for the June through September 2000 time period-at times up
to 50% below normal. This below average rainfall has continued through November
5, Levels in Lake Okeechobee did not rise during this critical two month
period, October and November 2000 rainfall was approximately 50-85% below normal,
As of December 6, 2000, the level of Lake Okeechobee was 11,54 feet NGVD, This
level is approximately 3,57 feet below the long-term December 6 average of 15,11 feet.
Significantly, the level of Lake Okeechobee is receding at a considerable pace,
approximately 0,02-0,04 feet per day, Total storage on December 6, 2000, in Lake
Okeechobee was approximately 0.68 million acre feet. Average available storage in
Lake Okeechobee for this time of year is approximately 2.0 million acre feet. It is
estimated that a large portion of this storage will be lost from the Lake due to
evapotranspiration alone over the dry season, at approximately 15 inches through
March 2000.
6, The Climate Prediction Center is projecting a high probability of below
average rainfall from December through March 2001 in both the Lake Okeechobee
Service Area and the Lower East Coast. This rainfall is not expected to significantly
raise water levels in Lake Okeechobee prior to the end of the dry season,
7. During drought periods, Lake Okeechobee is also relied upon to provide a
backup water supply for the Lower East Coast (primarily Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward
and Palm Beach Counties) and to recharge the Surficial Aquifer System within this area
to prevent saltwater intrusion, Historically, the estimated water demands for these
purposes from Lake Okeechobee during droughts have been over 300,000 acre feet.
S, To provide consumptive users in the Lower East Coast the opportunity to
reduce demands without incurring mandatory restrictions, the Governing Board imposed
voluntary restrictions on water users that directly and indirectly benefit from Lake
Okeechobee supplies, including those areas subject of this Order. These consumptive
users were also warned that more severe involuntary restrictions would be imposed if
resource conditions did not improve (Water Shortage Warning Order No, 00127-DAO-
9. The water shortage warning targeted a 10% reduction in use. However,
water use during October and November actually increased when compared with last
year's use for the same months and compared to September 2000 usage levels
(immediately prior to the water shortage warning becoming effective), The increase in
use within the Lower East Coast was generally between 1 to 10 %.
10, Current conditions indicate ground water levels in the Surficial Aquifer
System in the Lower East Coast are below normal in 20 of 21 real time monitor wells.
Three-fourths of these wells are in the lowest 30% of water levels for this time of year.
In addition, these water levels are declining at increased rates, This decline is
expected to continue at normal to above normal rates during the remainder of the dry
11, Water availability in the Water Conservation Areas, which are the primary
source of surface water supply and recharge for the Lower East Cost, is below average
to average for this time of year. As of December 7, 2000, Water Conservation Area 1
level is 16,61 feet NGVD, Water Conservation Area 2 level is at 11,99 feet NGVD, and
Water Conservation Area 3 level is 9,95 NGVD. This storage capability is expected to
meet Lower East Coast demands, without deliveries from Lake Okeechobee, only
through the middle of the current dry season.
12, In addition, demands of all agricultural water users from Lake Okeechobee
within the basins affected by this Order are typically at 600,000 acre feet during the
months of November through June, During dryer conditions, the demands of the
consumptive users can increase due to a greater rate of evapotranspiration and
supplemental water needs, Even with significant water use restrictions currently
imposed in the Lake Okeechobee service area, projected demands could reduce levels
in Lake Okeechobee by 2-3 feet, to as low as 8-9 feet NGVD, over the next several
13, Water Shortage Order Number 2000-172 DAO-WS, effective November
29, 2000, passed Phase III restrictions for agricultural users relying upon Lake
Okeechobee for water supplies, Implementation of this Order has resulted in
substantial reductions in water supply for agricultural users, Phase /I restrictions were
placed on the Lower West Coast, effective November 29, 2000, pursuant to Water
Shortage Order Number 2000-173 DAO-WS, Additionally, Water Shortage Order
Number 2000-171 DAO-WS, effective November 29, 2000 passed Phase I restrictions
on non-agricultural users withdrawing directly from Lake Okeechobee,
14. As a result of the above factors, conditions over the next dry season are
projected to rapidly decline to the extent that sufficient water will not be available to
meet the present and anticipated requirements of the water users within the subject
area, while protecting the water resources. The District will continue to monitor the
conditions of the water resources and the needs of the water users as required by the
Water Shortage Plan (Chapter 40E-21, F,A,C.)
15, Section 373.246, Florida Statutes, authorizes the Governing Board to
adopt a water shortage plan to regulate the withdrawal and use of water to protect the
water resources of the District. Chapter 40E-21, F,A,C" is the water shortage plan
adopted by the Governing Board,
16. Section 373,246(7), F.S" authorizes the Executive Director, with the
concurrence of the Governing Board, to issue emergency orders where the public
health, safety, or welfare; the health of animals, fish, or aquatic life; a public water
supply; or recreational, commercial, industrial, agricultural, or other reasonable uses are
not sufficiently protected by the water shortage plan, This emergency order shall recite
the existence of such an emergency and require that such action, including, but not
limited to, apportioning, rotating, limiting, or prohibiting the use of the water resources of
the District, be taken as necessary to protect the water resources of the District from
serious harm and to restore them to their previous condition,
17. Rule 40E-21,331(1)"F,A.C" authorizes the Governing Board to issue an
emergency water shortage order when necessary to immediately restrict water user
demands in response to rapidly declining water, as contemplated under Section
373,246(7), F.S. Rule 40E-21.401, F,A.C" and permit conditions authorize the.
Governing Beard to obtain data concerning monitoring of water usage.
18, The District has monitored the condition of the water resources and the
needs of the users as required by Rule 40E-21,331, F,A.C, Water use monitoring data
indicates that the voluntary restrictions on potable supplies during October and
November 2000 was not effective and in most areas of the Lower East Coast water use
has increased since September 2000,
19, Based on the cumulative assessment of water availability in Lake
Okeechobee, the Water Conservation Areas, and ground water levels in the Lower East
Coast, sufficient water is not available in the regional system to meet anticipated
demands, without involuntary restrictions on water usage in the Lower East Coast. The
rapid decline in surface and ground water levels in the regional system, and the
continuing level of water demands in the Lower East Coast, require immediate action to
impose water use restrictions,
20, Based on the above Findings of Fact, incl.uding the considerations in Rule
40E-21 ,331 (3), F,A.C" the estimated present and anticipated available water supplies
are insufficient to protect the public health and safety and welfare; the health of animals,
fish or aquatic life; a public water supply; or recreational, commercial, industrial, or
agricultural uses, Immediate action is necessary to equitably distribute Lake
Okeechobee supplies for the protection of water resources in the Lower East Coast.
This Order will be brought before the Governing Board for concurrence in December
21, The Executive Director of the District and all law enforcement authorities
and appropriate city and county officials may enforce the Governing Board's regulations
and orders adopted pursuant to its legal authority by administrative action, by suit for
injunction, by criminal proceedings, or other appropriate action as authorized by
Chapter 373, F,S" and by adoption and enforcement of local government ordinances for
such purposes,
Based upon the above Findings of Fact, Ultimate Facts and Conclusions of Law,
the Executive Director orders that:
1, An emergency water shortage is declared and Phase I Moderate Water
Shortage Restrictions on all use classes in the Lower East Coast as depicted in the
attached Exhibit A are imposed, A copy of the Phase I Moderate Water Shortage
restrictions in Rule 40E-21,521, F,A.C" is attached as Exhibit 8.
2. Information regarding this Emergency Order is posted on the District's
Internet Web Site at www,sfwmd,gov, and will be communicated on a water "user
hotline" for persons that do not have access to the internet or have additional questions
for District Staff, If these modes of communication are inadequate for any affected
water user, the District must be immediately notified,
3. Permitted water users are requested to continue submitting water usage
monitoring data in accordance with permit conditions, The Director of the Water Use
Department is authorized, to request, in writing, those permitted water users whose
permit conditions require submittal of water usage monitoring data to provide additional
data or data submittals at increased frequencies, as determined appropriate.
4. A user may request relief from a Water shortage Order by filing an
application for variance in accordance with Rule 40E-21,275, F,A.C" but must conform
to the water use restrictions until the Executive Director grants a temporary variance or
the Board grants the variance,
5, The Governing Board requests that every city and county commission,
state and county attorney, sheriff, police officer and other appropriate local government
official assist in the implementation and enforcement of this Water Shortage Order. The
District staff will cooperate with the local governments in implementing such
enforcement measures,
6, In accordance with Rule 40E-21,391 (5), F,A.C., an order declaring a water
shortage emergency and any measures adopted pursuant thereto shall become
effective upon issuance, unless otherwise specified in the order, This Order shall
become effective in accordance with Rule 40E-21,391 (5), F,A,C., on Friday, December
8, 2000 at 12:01 a,m. This water shortage order shall remain in effect until further
modification by the Governing Board or the Executive Director,
7. This Order may be rescinded or modified by the Executive Director as
conditions warrant.
Section 120.569(1), F,S, (1997), requires that "each notice shall inform the recipient of
any administrative hearing or judicial review that is available under this section, s,
120,57, or s, 120,68; shall indicate the procedure which must be followed to obtain the
hearing or judicial review, and shall state the time limits which apply," Please note that
this Notice of Rights is not intended to provide legal advice, Not all the legal
proceedings detailed below may be an applicable or appropriate remedy, You may wish
to consult an attorney regarding your legal rights,
Petition for Administrative Proceedings
1, A person whose substantial interests are affected by the South Florida
, Water Management District's (SFWMD) action has the right to request an administrative
hearing on that action, The affected person may request either a formal or an informal
hearing, as set forth below. A point of entry into administrative proceedings is governed
by Rules 28-106,111 and 40E-1,511, F,A,C" (also published as an exception to the
Uniform Rules of Procedure as Rule 40E-O,109), as set forth below. Petitions are
deemed filed upon receipt of the original documents by the SFWMD Clerk,
a, Formal Administrative Hearing: If a genuine issue(s) of material
fact is in dispute, the affected person seeking a formal hearing on a SFWMD decision
which does or may determine their substantial interests shall file a petition for hearing
pursuant to Sections,120.569 and 120.57(1), F.S, or for mediation pursuant to Section
120,573, F.S, within 21 days, except as provided in subsections c, and d, below, of
either written notice through mail or posting or publication of notice that the SFWMD has
or intends to take final agency action, Petitions must substantially comply with the
requirements of Rule 28-106.201 (2), F,A.C., a copy of the which is attached to this
Notice of Rights,
b. Informal Administrative Hearing: If there are no issues of material
fact in dispute, the affected person seeking an informal hearing on a SFWMD decision
which does or may determine their substantial interests shall file a petition for hearing
pursuant to Sections 120,569 and 120,57(2), F,S, or for mediation pursuant to Section
120,573, F.S, within 21 days, except as provided in subsections c. and d. below, of
either written notice through mail or posting or publication of notice that the SFWMD has
or intends to take final agency action, Petitions must substantially comply with the
requirements of Rule 28-106,301(2), F,A.C" a copy of the which is attached to this
Notice of Rights.
c. Administrative Complaint and Order: If a Respondent objects to
a SFWMD Administrative Complaint and Order, pursuant to Section 373,119, F,S.
(1997), the person named in the Administrative Complaint and Order may file a petition
for a hearing no later than 14 days after the date such order is served. Petitions must
substantially comply with the requirements of either subsection a, or b, above.
d, State lands Environmental Resource Permit: Pursuant to Section
373.427, F.S" and Rule 40E-1,511(3), F,A,C, (also published as an exception to the
Uniform Rules of Procedure as Rule 40E-0.109(2)(c), a petition objecting to the
SFWMD's agency action regarding consolidated applications for Environmental
Resource Permits and Use of Sovereign Submerged lands (SlERPs), must be filed
within 14 days of the notice of consolidated intent to grant or deny the StERP. Petitions
must substantially comply with the requirements of either subsection a. or b. above.
e, Emergency Authorization and Order: A person whose substantial
interests are affected by a SFWMD Emergency Authorization and Order, has a right to
file a petition under Sections 120,569, 120,57(1), and 120,57(2), F,S" as provided in
subsections a. and b. above. However, the person, or the agent of the person
responsible for causing or contributing to the emergency conditions shall take whatever
action nec~ssary to cause immediate compliance with the terms of the Emergency
Authorization and Order,
f. Order for Emergency Action: A person whose substantial interests
are affected by a SFWMD Order for Emergency Action has a right to file a petition
pursuant to Rules 28-107,005 and 40E-1,611, F,A.C" copies of which are attached to
this Notice of Rights, and Section 373,119(3), F,S" for a hearing on the Order, Any
subsequent agency action or proposed agency action to initiate a formal revocation
proceeding shall be separately noticed pursuant to section g, below,
g. Permit Suspension, Revocation, Annulment, and Withdrawal: If the
SFWMD issues an administrative complaint to suspend, revoke, annul, or withdraw a
permit, the permittee may request a hearing to be conducted in accordance with
Sections 120.569 and 120,57, F,S" within 21 days of either written notice through mail
or posting or publication of notice that the SFWMD has or intends to take final agency
action. Petitions must substantially comply with the requirements of Rule 28-107.004(3),
F,A.C" a copy of the which is attached to this Notice of Rights,
2. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final
agency action, the tiling of a petition means that the SFWMD's final action may be
different from the position taken by it previously. Persons whose substantial interests
may be affected by any such final decision of the SFWMD shall have, pursuant to Rule
40E-1,511(2), F.A,C, (also published as an exception to the Uniform Rules of Procedure
as Rule 40E-0.109(2)(c), an additional 21 days from the date of receipt of notice of said
decision to request an administrative hearing, However, the scope of the administrative
hearing shall be limited to the substantial deviation,
3, Pursuant to Rule 40E-1.511 (4), F.A.C., substantially affected persons
entitled to a hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), F.S" may waive their right to such a
hearing and request an informal hearing before the Governing Board pursuant to
Section 120.57(2), F,S., which may be granted at the option of the Governing Board,
4. Pursuant to Rule 28-106.111 (3), F.A.C., persons may file with the SFWMD a
request for extension of time for filing a petition. The SFWMD, for good cause shown,
may grant the extension, The request for extension must contain a certificate that the
petitioner has consulted with all other parties, if any, concerning the extension and that
the SFWMD and all other parties agree to the extension.
5. Pursuant to Section 373,617, F,S" any substantially affected person who
claims that final agency action of the SFWMD relating to permit decisions constitutes an
unconstitutional taking of property without just compensation may seek judicial review of
the action in circuit court by filing a civil action in the circuit court in the judicial circuit in
which the affected property is located within 90 days of the rendering of the SFWMD's
final agency action,
6. Pursuant to Section 403.412, F,S., any citizen of Florida may bring an action
for injunctive relief against the SFWMD to compel the SFWMD to enforce the laws of
Chapter 373, F,S., and Title 40E, F,A.C, The complaining party must file with the
SFWMD Clerk a verified complaint setting forth the facts upon which the complaint is
based and the manner in which the complaining party is affected, If the SFWMD does not.
take appropriate action on the complaint within 30 days of receipt, the complaining party
may then file a civil suit for injunctive relief in the 15th Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach
County or circuit court in the county where the cause of action allegedly occurred.
7, Pursuant to Section 373.433, F,S" a private citizen of Florida may file suit in
circuit court to require the abatement of any stormwater management system, dam,
impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works that violate the provisions of Chapter
373, F.S,
8, Pursuant to Section 120,68, F,S" a party who is adversely affected by final
SFWMD action may seek judicial review of the SFWMD's final decision by filing a notice of
appeal pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.110 in the Fourth District Court
of Appeal or in the appellate district where a party resides and filing a second copy of the
notice with the SFWMD Clerk within 30 days of rendering of the final SFWMD action,
9, A party to a "proceeding below" may seek review by the Land and Water
Adjudicatory Commission (LAWAC) of SFWMD's final agency action to determine if
such action is consistent with the provisions and purposes of Chapter 373, F,S,
Pursuant to Section 373,114, F,S" and Rules 42-2,013 and 42-2,0132, F.A.C" a
request for review of (a) an order or rule of the SFWMD must be filed with LAWAC
within 20 days after rendition of the order or adoption of the rule sought to be reviewed;
(b) an order of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requiring amendment
or repeal of a SFWMD rule must be filed with LAWAC within 30 days of rendition of the
DEP's order, and (c) a SFWMD order entered pursuant to a formal administrative
hearing under Section 120.57(1), F,S., must be filed no later than 20 days after rendition
of the SFWMD's final order, Simultaneous with filing, a copy of the request for review
must be served on the DEP Secretary, any person named in the SFWMD or DEP final
order, and all parties to the proceeding below, A copy of Rule 42-2,013, F,A,C. is
attached to this Notice of Rights.
10, A property owner who alleges a specific action of the SFWMD has
inordinately burdened an existing use of the real property, or a vested right to a specific
use of the real property, may file a claim in the circuit court where the real property is
located within 1 year of the SFWMD action pursuant to the procedures set forth in
Subsection 70,001 (4)(a), F.S.
11, A property owner who alleges that a SFWMDdevelopment order (as that
term is defined in Section 70,51 (2)(a), F,S, to include permits) or SFWMD enforcement
action is unreasonable, or unfairly burdens the use of the real property, may file a
request for relief with the SFWMD within 30 days of receipt of the SFWMD's order or
notice of agency action pursuant to the procedures set forth in Subsections 70.51(4)
and (6), F,S,
12, A person whose substantial interests are, or may be, affected by the
SFWMD's action may choose mediation as an alternative remedy under Section
120.573, F.S, Pursuant to Rule 28-106,111(2), F.A.C., the petition for mediation shall
be filed within 21 days of either written notice through mail or posting or publication of
notice that the SFWMD has or intends to take final agency action, Choosing mediation
will not affect the right to an administrative hearing if mediation does not result in
Pursuant to Rule 28-106.402, F,A.C" the contents of the petition for mediation shall
contain the following infonnation:
(1) the name, address, and telephone number of the person requesting
mediation and that person's representative, if any;
(2) a statement of the preliminary agency action;
(3) an explanation of how the person's substantial interests will be affected by
the agency determination; and
(4) a statement of relief sought.
As provided in Section 120,573, F,S, (1997), the timely agreement of all the parties to
mediate will toll the time limitations imposed by Sections 120,569 and 120,57, F,S" for
requesting and holding an administrative hearing. Unless otherwise agreed by the
parties, the mediation must be concluded within 60 days of the execution of the
agreement. If mediation results in settlement of the dispute, the SFWMD must enter a
final order incorporating the agreement of the parties, Persons whose substantial
interest will be affected by such a modified agency decision have a right to petition for
hearing within 21 days of receipt of the final order in accordance with the requirements
of Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F,S" and SFWMD Rule 28-106,201(2), F,A,C, If
mediation terminates without settlement of the dispute, the SFWMD shall notify all
parties in writing that the administrative hearing process under Sections 120.569 and
120,57, F.S., remain available for disposition of the dispute, and the notice will specify
the deadlines that then will apply for challenging the agency action.
13. A person who is subject to regulation pursuant to a SFWMD rule and
believes the application of that rule will create a substantial hardship or will violate
principles of fairness (as those terms are defined in Subsection 120.542(2), F,S,) and
can demonstrate that the purpose of the underlying statute will be or has been achieved
by other means, may file a petition with the SFWMD Clerk requesting a variance from or
waiver of the SFWMO rule, Applying for a variance or waiver does not substitute or
extend the time for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or exercising any other
right that a person may have concerning the SFWMO's action, Pursuant to Rule 28-
104,002(2), F,A,C" the petition must include the following information:
(a) the caption shall read:
Petition for (Variance from) or (Waiver of) Rule (Citation)
of the petitioner;
(c) The name, address telephone number and any facsimile number of
the attorney or qualified representative of the petitioner, (if any);
The name, address, telephone number and any facsimile number
(d) the applicable rule or portion of the rule;
(e) the citation to the statue the rule is implementing;
(f) the type of action requested;
(g) the specific facts that demonstrate a substantial hardship or
violation of principals of fairness that would justify a waiver or variance for the petitioner;
(h) the reason why the variance or the waiver requested would serve
the purposes of the underlying statute; and
(i) a statement of whether the variance or waiver is permanent or
temporary, If the variance or waiver is temporary, the petition shall include the dates
indicating the duration of the requested variance or waiver.
A person requesting an emergency variance from or waiver of a SFWMD rule must clearly
so state in the caption of the petition, In addition to the requirements of Section
120,542(5), F.S, pursuant to Rule 28.;104.004(2), F.A.C., the petition must also include:
a) the specific facts that make the situation an emergency; and
b) . the specific facts to show that the petitioner will suffer immediate
adverse effect unless the variance or waiver is issued by the SFWMD more
expeditiously than the applicable timeframes set forth in Section 120,542, F,S,
14, Failure to observe the relevant time frames prescribed above will constitute
a waiver of such right.
INITIA liON OF PROCEEDINGS (involving disputed issues of material fact)
(28-106.201, F.A.C.)
(2) All petitions filed under these rules shall contain:
(a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's
file or identification number, if known;
(b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the
name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's
representative, if any, which shall be the address for service
purposes during the course of the proceeding, and an explanation
of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the
agency determination;
(c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the
agency decision;
(d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are,
none, the petition must so indicate;
(e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the
rules and statutes which entitle the petitioner to relief; and
(f) A demand for relief.
INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS (not involving disputed issues of material fact) (28-
106.301, F.AC.)
(2) All petitions filed under these rules shall contain:
(a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's
file or identification number, if known;
(b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the
name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's
representative, if any, which shall be the address for service
purposes during the course of the proceeding, and an explanation
of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the
agency determination;
(c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the
agency decision;
(d) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the
rules and statutes which entitle the petitioner to relief; and
(e) A demand for relief,
(3) Requests for hearing filed in accordance with this rule shall include:
(a) The name and address of the party making the request, for
purposes of service;
(b) A statement that the party is requesting a hearing involving
disputed issues of material fact, or a hearing not involving disputed
issues of material fact; and
(c) A reference to the notice, order to show cause, administrative
complaint, or other communication that the party has received from
the agency.
(1) In any proceeding arising under Chapter 373, F.S" review by the Florida
Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission may be initiated by the Department or a party
by filing a request for such review with the Secretary of the Commission and serving a
copy on any person named in the rule or order, and on all parties to the proceeding
which resulted in the order sought to be reviewed. A certificate of service showing
completion of service as required by this subsection shall be a requirement for a
determination of sufficiency under Rule 42-2,0132, Failure to file the request with the
Commission within the time period provided in Rule 42-2,0132 shall result in dismissal
of the request for review.
(2) The request for review shall identify the rule or order requested to be
reviewed, the proceeding in which the rule or order was entered and the nature of the
rule or order. A copy of the rule or order sought to be reviewed shall be attached. The
request for review shall state with particularity.
(a) How the order or rule conflicts with the requirements, provisions
and purposes of Chapter 373, F,S" or rules duly adopted
(b) How the rule or order sought to be reviewed affects the interests of
the party seeking review;
(c) The oral or written statement, sworn or unsworn, which was
submitted to the agency concerning the matter to be reviewed and
the date and location of the statement, if the individual or entity
requesting the review has not participated in a proceeding
previously instituted pursuant to Chapter 120, F,S" on the order for
which review is sought;
(d) , If review of an order is being sought, whether and how the activity
authorized by the order would substantially affect natural resources
of statewide or regional significance, or whether the order raises
issues of policy, statutory interpretation, or rule interpretation that
have regional or statewide significance from a standpoint of agency
precedent, and all the factual bases in the record which the
petitioner claims support such determination(s); and
(e) The action requested to be taken by the Commission as a result of
the review, whether to rescind or modify the order, or remand the
proceeding to the water management district for further action, or to
require the water management district to initiate rulemaking to
adopt, amend or repeal a rule.
EMERGENCY ACTION (28-107.005, F.A.C.)
(1) If the agency finds that immediate serious danger to the public health,
safety, or welfare requires emergency action, the agency shalf summarily suspend, limit,
or restrict a license,
(2) The 14-day notice requirement of Section 120.569(2)(b), F. S., does not
apply and shalf not be construed to prevent a hearing at the earliest time practicable
upon request of an aggrieved party,
(3) Unless otherwise provided by law, within 20 days after emergency action
taken pursuant to paragraph (1) of this rule, the agency shalf initiate a formal
suspension or revocation proceeding in compliance with Sections 120,569, 120,57, and
120,60, F,S,
(1) An emergency exists when immediate action is necessary to protect public
health, safety or welfare; the health of animals, fish or aquatic life; the works of the
District; a public water supply, or recreational, commercial, industrial, agricultural or
other reasonable uses of land and water resources.
(2) The Executive Director may employ the resources of the District to take
whatever remedial action necessary to alleviate the emergency condition without the
issuance of an emergency order, or in the event an emergency order has been issued,
after the expiration of the requisite time for compliance with that order.
day of December, 2000, at West Palm
Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, at the SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT
Executive Director
C:\My Documents\Dala\Cede Ross\Waler Shonage\Declaralion of Waler Shortage Emergency FinallEC.doclro
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40E-21.521 Phase I Moderate Water Shortage.
The following restrictions shall apply when a phase I water shortage is declared by the
(1) EssentiallDomestic/Utility/Commercial,
(a) Essential Use
1, The use of water for firefighting, safety, sanitation, health and medical purposes and
other essential uses shall not be restricted.
2, Fire hydrant flushing shall be undertaken only on an emergency basis,
3. Sanitary sewer line nushing and testing shall not be restricted except on a voluntary
(b) Domestic Type Use
1. Residential type domestic use shall be voluntarily reduced to achieve a per capita
consumption of 60 gallons per person per day,
2. Domestic type use in industrial and commercial establishments shall be voluntarily
(c) Water Utility Use
1. Initial pressure at the point of Use (meter) shall be voluntarily reduced to levels no
greater than 45 pounds per square inch. Upon reduction of pressure, the utility shall
notify the appropriate fire-fighting agencies and make arrangements for direct
communication when additional pressure is required.
2. New water line flushing and disinfection shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 P,M,
to 7:00 A.M, seven days per week.
3. As may be appropriate the utility shall institute additional voluntary conservation
measures such as reclaiming of backWash water, improving and accelerating leak
detection surveys and repair programs, installing and calibrating meters, and stabilizing
and equalizing system pressures,
(d) Power Production Use
Water used for power production shall be voluntarily reduced,
(e) Commercial and Industrial Process Use
1. Commercial car washes shall be restricted as follows:
a. for washes servicing passenger vehicles and mobile equipment weighing less than
10,000 pounds,
i, use in excess of 75 gallons per wash shall be prohibited and
ii. use equal to or less than 75 gallons per wash shall be voluntarily reduced;
b, for washes servicing mobile equipment weighing 10,000 pounds or more,
i, Use in excess of 150 gallons per wash shall be prohibited and
ii, use equal to or less than 150 gallons per wash shall be voluntarily reduced,
2, Water used for commercial and industrial processes shall be voluntarily reduced.
3. Water use for cleaning, adjusting and repair of irrigation systems by a licensed
person or entity shall be restricted as follows:
a, projects one irrigated acre or greater in size shall be limited to one hour per acre per
b. projects less than one irrigated acre in size shall be limited to 10 minutes per zone
per week,
4, Water use for pesticide application under the supervision of a licensed pest control
operator shall be voluntarily reduced, Under the provisions of this sUbparagraph, the
applicator must be on the premises when water is applied outside of the hours allowed
for irrigation.
5, Water use for well development under the supervision of a licensed well contractor
shall be voluntarily reduced,
6. Water use for mobile equipment washing by a licensed person or entity shall be
voluntarily reduced.
(t) Diversion and Impoundment into Non-District Facilities
Water used for diversion and impoundment into non-District facilities shall be voluntarily
(2) Agriculture
(a) Agricultural Use
1, Overhead irrigation shall be restricted to the hours of 2:00 P,M, to 10:00 AM,
2. Low volume irrigation hours shall not be restricted.
3, All irrigation systems shall be operated in a manner that will maximize the percentage
of water withdrawn and held which is placed in the root zone of the crop and will
minimize the amount of water which is withdrawn and released or lost to the user but is
not immediately available for other users.
4, Users having access to more than one source class shall maximize the use of the
lesser or least restricted source class.
5. Overhead irrigation for field grown citrus nursery stock moisture stress reduction shall
be allowed daily for 10 minutes per irrigation zone from 11 :30 AM, to 12:00 P,M. and
from 1 :30 P.M. to 2:00 P.M.
(b) Livestock Use
Livestock water use shall be voluntarily reduced.
(c) Aquacultural Use
Aquacultural water use shall be voluntarily reduced.
(d) Soil Flooding
1, Soil flooding for vegetable seed planting, rice planting, burning of sugarcane prior to
harvest and to permit harvesting of sod shall be voluntarily reduced.
2. Soil flooding for all other purposes shall be prohibited.
(e) Freeze Protection
Water use for freeze protection shall be restricted to situations in which official weather
forecasting services predict temperatures likely to cause permanent damage to crops,
(3) Nursery/Urban Irrigation/Recreation
(a) Nursery Use
1. Low volume irrigation uses and low volume hand watering shall be voluntarily
2. Overhead irrigation uses shall be restricted as follows:
a. inside - 8:00 AM, to 8:00 P,M" seven days per week,
b, outside - 7:00 P.M, to 7:00 AM., seven days per week,
c. Overhead irrigation for containerized nursery stock moisture stress reduction on stock
grown in containers up to and including 1 gallon in size shall be allowed daily for 10
minutes per irrigation zone from 11 :30 AM, to 12:00 P,M" 1 :30 P,M, to 2:00 P,M, and
3:30 P.M, to 4:00 P,M.
3, Flood irrigation systems shall be restricted to 8 days per month,
(b) landscape Irrigation - New Installation
1, For installations which have been in place for less than 30 days and
a. less than 5 irrigated acres in size, water use for irrigation shall be restricted to the
hours of 2:00 AM, to 8:00 AM" Monday through Friday,
b, 5 irrigated acres or greater in size, water use for irrigation shall be restricted to the
hours of 12:01 AM, to 8:00 AM" Monday through Friday,
2. low volume irrigation and low volume hand watering of new landscaping shall be
voluntarily reduced,
3. Cleaning and adjusting of new irrigation systems shall be restricted to 10 minutes per
zone on a one time basis,
(c) landscape Irrigation - Existing Installation
1, For existing installations less than 5 irrigated acres in size, water use for irrigation
shall be restricted to the hours from 4:00 AM, to 8:00 A,M, for all types of irrigation,
except low volume irrigation, and 5:00 P,M. to 7:00 P.M. for low volume hand watering
only, three days per week.
a, Installations with odd addresses shall be permitted to irrigate on Monday, Wednesday
and Saturday.
b, Installations with even addresses or no address shall be permitted to irrigate on
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
2, For existing installations 5 irrigated acres or greater in size, water use for irrigation
shall be restricted to the hours from 12:01 A.M, to 8:00 A.M" three days per week,
a. Installations with odd addresses shall be permitted to irrigate on Monday, Wednesday
and Saturday.
b. Installations with even addresses or no address shall be permitted to irrigate on
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
3. Water use for cleaning, adjusting and repair of existing irrigation systems shall be
limited to ten minutes per zone per week,
4, low volume irrigation uses shall be voluntarily reduced,
(d) Recreation Area Use
1, landscape irrigation for new and existing recreation areas shall be restricted to the
hours prescribed for new and existing landscape irrigation in paragraphs (b) and (c)
2, Irrigation of seeded and/or sprigged recreation areas that have been in place for less
than thirty days shall be allowed daily for 10 minutes per irrigation zone from 11:30 A.M,
to 12:00 P.M., 1:30 P.M, to 2:00 P.M, and 3:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
3. Watering of pervious non-vegetated recreational/sporting surfaces shall be restricted
to ten minutes of application prior to each recreational/sporting event. low volume
watering shall be used.
(e) Golf Course Use
1, Irrigation .of greens and tees shall be voluntarily reduced and shall be accomplished
during non-daylight hours,
2, Irrigation of fairways, roughs and nonplaying areas on the first nine holes of the
course shall be restricted to the hours of 12:01 AM. to 8:00 AM. on Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday,
3. Irrigation of fairways, roughs and nonplaying areas on the last nine holes of the
course shall be restricted to the hours of 12:01 AM, to 8:00 AM., Tuesday, Thursday
and Sunday,
4, Irrigation of seeded and/or sprigged areas that have been in place for less than thirty
days shall be allowed daily for 10 minutes per irrigation zone from 11 :30 A.M, to 12:00
P,M" 1 :30 P,M. to 2:00 P,M. and 3:30 P,M, to 4:00 P,M.
(f) Water Based Recreation Use
1, Water based recreation water use shall be voluntarily reduced,
2. Draining of facilities into sewers or onto impervious surfaces shall be prohibited,
(4) Miscellaneous
(a) Cooling and Air Conditioning Use
The use of water for cooling and air conditioning shall be restricted to that amount of
water necessary to maintain a minimum temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit.
(b) Dewatering Use
Discharge of fresh water to tide from dewatering shall be prohibited,
(c) Navigation Use
1, The District shall request the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict its lockages to
maintain acceptable chloride concentrations upstream of the locks and to conserve
2, In the case of the Franklin Lock and Dam, the District shall request the U, S. Army
Corps of Engineers to restrict lockages to once every four hours if:
a. chloride levels upstream of S-79 are 180 parts per million or higher and
b. a rainfall in excess of one inch in 24 hours is not predicted in the surface water use
basin within the next 48 hours.
3, If the restrictions imposed in subparagraph 2, are insufficient to stop the rising
chloride levels, the District shall request the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to further
restrict lockages to once every four hours, twice per week.
4, If the restrictions imposed in subparagraphs 2, and 3, are still insufficient to stop the
rising chloride levels, the District shall request the U, S. Army Corps of Engineers to
prohibit lockages.
(d) Other Outside Uses
1. Washing or cleaning streets, driveways, sidewalks, or other impervious areas with
water shall be prohibited.
2. Outside pressure cleaning shall be restricted to only low volume pressure cleaning,
seven days a week.
3. Mobile equipment washing with water shall be restricted to the hours and days
prescribed for existing landscape irrigation in paragraph (3)(c)1" using only low volume
mobile eqLiipment washing methods and shall be conducted over a pervious surface or
in an area that immediately drains to a pervious surface. Rinsing and flushing of boats
after saltwater use shall be limited to 15 minutes once a day for each boat.
4. Washing boats that serve as a primary residence shall be restricted to the hours and
days prescribed for existing landscape irrigation in paragraph (3)(c) 1 , Boats with an odd
slip number shall be permitted to be washed on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Boats with an even slip number or no slip number shall be permitted to be washed on
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
(e) Aesthetic Use
1, Non-recirculating outside aesthetic uses of water shall be prohibited,
2. Water use for outside aesthetic purposes by facilities that recirculate water shall be
voluntarily reduced and must meet the following criteria:
a, Draining of water from outside aesthetic facilities into sewers or onto impervious
surfaces is prohibited,
b. Outside aesthetic facilities shall not be operated when wind conditions cause water to
be lost from the recirculating capacity of the facility.
c. Outside aesthetic facilities that leak water shall not be operated,
d. Outside aesthetic facilities that lose water due to an overflow shall not be operated,
3. Inside aesthetic uses of water shall be voluntarily reduced,
Specific Authority 373.044,373.113 FS. Law Implemented 373.175,373.246 FS.
History-New 5-31-82, Amended 1-26-86, 2-14-91.
"" r~..
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Restrictions - Phase II
NOVEMBER 30, 2000
Water Shortages
. Water-use restrictions DO NOT apply to the
use of treated wastewater (reuse water),
desalinated water or water from aquifer stor-
age and reco~ry wells.
. Water-use restrictions DO NOT apply to
low-volume Irrigation using equipment or
devIces that apply water directly to the root
area of a plant
. Water-use restrictions DO apply to water
from private vvells and all surface waters such
as canals, lakes, ponds and rivers.
. Any exemptions from the restrictions must
be through a formal process, that Is, by
obtainIng a variance from the District.
Water shortages and water conservation fall
under the DIstrict's mission for water supply.
South Florida depends upon rainfall for Its
water supply. V\lhlle South Rorida gets 55-60
inches of rain a year, the rainfall Is seasonal,
faIlIng mostly In the summer and fall, The
raInfall Is also cydlcal, meaning there are typi-
cally 1 Q-year cydes of drought and flood.
To manage water shortages In an organized
and effIdent manner, the District has adopted
a Plan and a Rule to restrict water use when
supplies fall short. (Sec. 373.246, F.S.; 01.
40E-21, FAc.). The goal Is to protect the
remaining supply by conserving water, pre-
venting saltwater Intrusion and assuring a fair
distribution of available supplies. Before
declaring a water shortage and Imposing
mandatory water-use restrictions, the District
typically alerts the public by issuing a -warn-
Ing:' Under a water shortage warning, resi-
dents are asked to conse"!E! water voluntarily.
Water Users
Water users are grouped Into categories
according to use - residential, agriwltural,
industrial, recreational, etc. - and, according
to the soum! from whIch the water comes.
Residential users are the largest user-group
affected by water restrictIons.
This document represents a
summary of phase II
Water-Use Restrictions as
they apply to t1!Sidential
use. For more details, or for
a copy of the Water
Shortage Rule, contact the
South Florida Water
Management District at
1-800-662-8876 or visit our
web site at
Residential. Water-Use
Restridions - Phase II
Landscape Irrigation & Maintenance for Homes With
Less Than Five Acres of land
. Watering is permitted on WD1esdays and Saturdays from 4-8 am.
for homes with addresses that end with an odd number (1,3,5,7,9).
. Watering is permitted on lhursdays and Sundays from 4-8 a.m.
for homes with addresses that end with an even number
(0,2,4,6,8) or with no address.
. Watering by hand with one hose and an automatic shut-off
nozzle Is allowed from 5-7 p.m. on the same days.
. New landscaping, planted for less than thirty days, may be waterro
Mondays, Wednesdays, lhursdays and Fridays from 2-8 am.
. New landscaping may be watered at any time by hand with one
hose and an automatic shut-off nozzle.
. Pestldde applications are allowed during hours and days of the
watering schedule.
. PestJdde application is permitted by a licensed professional at
any time. lhe applicator mllSt be present during application.
. When deanlng, adjusting or repairing existing Irrigation systems,
ten minutes of operating the irrigation system per zone/per week Is
permitted. And, ten minutes of system operation is permitted on a
one-tlme basis for new Irrigation systems.
Landscape Irrigation a Maintenance for Homes With
More Than Five Acres of Land
. Watering Is permitted on Wednesdays and Satun::lays from
12:01- 8 a.m. for homes wIth addresses that end with an odd
mmber (1,3,5,7,9).
. WaterIng Is permitted on lhursdays and Sundays from 12:01- 8
a.m. for homes wIth addresses that end with an even number
(0,2,4,6,8) or with no address.
. Watering by hand with one hose and an automatic shut-off
nozzle Is allowed from 5-7 p.m. on the same days.
. New landscaping, planted for less than thirty days, may be waterro
Mondays, ~days, lhursdays and FrIdays from 12:01- 8 a.m.
. New landscaping may be watered at any time by hand with one
hose and an automatic shut-off nozzle.
· PestJdde applications are allowed during the hours/days of the
watering schedule.
. PestIcide application Is permitted by a licensed professional at
any time. lhe applicator mllSt be present durIng application.
. When deanlng, adjusting or repairing existing Irrigation systems,
ten mInutes of operating the Irrigation system per zone/per week Is
permitted. And, ten mInutes of system operation is permitted on a
one-time basis for new Irrigation systems.
Car, Boat & Equipment Washing
. Residential washIng of cars, boats
and other equipment Is permitted
4-8 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. on the
landscape watering days. Washing
mllSt be done on, or mllSt drain to,
a non-paved surface that permits
water to soak Into the ground. And,
It must be done using a hose with
an automatic shut-off nozzle.
. Washing and detailing of cars is
aIlowed anytime If done by a I1censed Individual or company using
an automatic shut-off nozzle and low water-use techniques.
. RInsing and flushing of boats after saltwater use Is aIlowed once
a day for up to 15 minutes per boat.
Other Outdoor Water Uses
. Washing or rinsing of sidewalks,
driveways, streets or other paved
surfaces Is NOT AllOWED at any
time unless done with low-volume
pressure deanIng equipment 1hat
Is, the equipment mllSt be designed
to reduce the volume of water used.
. low-volume pressure deanlng of
any surface and .stn.Jcture Is permitted.
. Uve-aboan::l boats that se~ as a
primary residence may be washed or rInsed during the landscape
watering day/tlme schedule based on the number of the boat slip
or the address of the location of the dock.
. F1l/1ng or refilling of swimming pools Is allowed. If a pool Is emp-
tied, It mllSt drain onto a non-paved surface such as a lawn.
. Re-drculatlng fountains and ornamental water features may be
operated If the water use Is effldent, meaning that there Is no wInd
draft, leaking or over1/owlng of water.
Further Water Supply Shortages
lhe District may declare more stringent restrictions as set forlh In
Phases 11/ and IV. For the average person, the major difference In
the phases Is the number of days and hours that water may be
used outside the home. Residential Irrigation hours: Phase III, one
day for three hours; Phase IV, one day for one hour; and, In more
severe conditions, the District may resbict all outside watering.
Contact the SFWMD at 1-800-662-8876.
lhls publication is also available on our Water Shortage web site at
South Florida Water Management DIstrict
3301 Gun Oub Road. West Palm Beam, Horida 33406
561-686-8800 . FL WAYS 801H32-2045 .
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 24680 . West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680
40E-21.531 Phase II Severe Water Shortage.
The following restrictions shall apply when a Phase II water shortage is declared by the District.
(1) EssentialJDomestidUtility/Commercial
(a) Essential Use
1. The use of water for fIfefighting, safety, sanitation, health and medical purposes and other
essential uses shall not be restricted.
2. Fire hydrant flushing shall be undertaken only on an emergency basis,
3. Sanitary sewer line flushing and testing shall not be restricted except on a voluntary basis.
(b) Domestic Type Use
1. Residential type domestic use shall be voluntarily reduced to 50 gallons per person per day.
2. Domestic type use in industrial and commercial establishments shall be voluntarily reduced.
(c) Water Utility Use ,
1. Initial pressure at the point of use (meter) shall be reduced to levels no greater than 45 pounds
per square inch. Upon reduction of pressure, the utility shall notify the appropriate fIfe-fighting
agencies and make arrangements for direct communication when additional pressure is required.
2. New water line flushing and disinfection shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 P.M. to 7:00
A.M. seven days per week.
3. As may be appropriate the utility shall institute additional voluntary conservation measures
such as reclaiming of backwash water, improving and accelerating leak detection surveys and
repair programs, installing and calibrating meters, and stabilizing and equalizing system
(d) Power Production Use
Water used for power production shall be voluntarily reduced.
(e) Commercial and Industrial Process Use
1. Commercial car washes shall be restricted as follows:
a. for washes servicing passenger vehicles and mobile equipment weighing less than 10,000
i. use in excess of 75 gallons per wash shall be prohibited and
ii. use equal to or less than 75 gallons per wash shall be voluntarily reduced;
b. for washes servicing mobile equipment weighing 10,000 pounds or more,
i. use in excess of 150 gallons per wash shall be prohibited and
ii. use equal to or less than 150 gallons per wash shall be voluntarily reduced.
2. Water used for commercial and industrial processes shall be voluntarily reduced.
3. Water use for cleaning, adjusting and repair of irrigation systems by a licensed person or entity
shall be restricted as follows:
a. projects one irrigated acre or greater in size shall be limited to one hour per acre per week,
b. projects less than one irrigated acre in size shall be limited to 10 minutes per zone per week.
4, Water use for pesticide application under the supervision of a licensed pest control operator
shall be voluntarily reduced.
Under the provisions of this subparagraph, the applicator must be on the premises when water is
applied outside of the hours allowed for irrigation.
5. Water use for well development under the supervision of a licensed well contractor shall be
voluntarily reduced.
6. Water use for mobile equipment washing by a licensed person or entity shall be voluntarily
(f) Diversion and Impoundment into Non-District Facilities
1. Water used for diversion and impoundment into non-District facilities shall be voluntarily
(2) Agriculture
(a) Agricultural Use
1. Overhead irrigation shall be restricted to the hours of 2:00 P.M. to 10:00 A.M.
2. Low volume irrigation hours shall not be restricted.
3. AIl irrigation systems shall be operated in a manner that will maximize the percentage of
water withdrawn and held which is placed in the root zone of the crop and will minimize the
amount of water which is withdrawn and released or lost to the user but is
not immediately available for other users.
4. Users having access to more than one source class shall maximize the use of the lesser or least
restricted source class.
5. Overhead irrigation for field grown citrus nursery stock moisture stress reduction shall be
allowed daily for 10 minutes per irrigation zone from 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and from 1:30
P.M. to 2:00 P.M.
(b) Livestock Use
Livestock water use shall be voluntarily reduced.
(c) AquacuItural Use
Aquacultural water use shall be voluntarily reduced.
(d) Soil F100ding
1. Soil flooding for vegetable seed planting, rice planting, burning of sugarcane prior to harvest
and to permit harvesting of sod shall be voluntarily reduced.
2. Soil flooding for all other purposes shall be prohibited,
(e) Freeze Protection
Water use for freeze protection shall be restricted to situations in which official weather
forecasting services predict temperatures likely to cause permanent damage to crops.
(3) Nursery/Urban Irrigation/Recreation
(a) Nursery Use
1. Low volume irrigation uses and low volume hand watering shall be voluntarily reduced.
2, Overhead irrigation uses shall be restricted as follows:
a. inside - 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., seven days per week.
b. outside - 7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M., on odd numbered days.
c. Outside overhead irrigation for containerized nursery stock moisture stress reduction on stock
grown in containers up to and including one gallon in size shall be allowed daily for 10 minutes
per irrigation zone from 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M., 1:30 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. to 4:00
3. F100d irrigation systems shall be restricted to 6 days per month.
(b) Landscape Irrigation - New Installation
1. For installations which have been in place for less than 30 days and
a. less than 5 irrigated acres in size, water use for irrigation shall be restricted to the hours of
2:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
b, 5 irrigated acres or greater in size, water use for irrigation shall be restricted to the hours of
12:01 A.M. to 8:00 A,M. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
2. Low volume irrigation and low volume hand watering of new landscaping shall be voluntarily
3. Cleaning and adjusting of new irrigation systems shall be restricted to 10 minutes per zone on
a one time basis.
(c) Landscape Irrigation - Existing Installation
1, For existing installations less than 5 irrigated acres in size, water use for irrigation shall be
restricted to the hours from 4:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. for all types of irrigation, except low volume
irrigation, and 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. for low volume hand watering, two days per week.
a. Installations with odd addresses shall be permitted to irrigate on Wednesday and Saturday.
b. Installations with even addresses or no address shall be permitted to irrigate on Thursday and
2. For existing installations 5 irrigated acres or greater in size, water use for irrigation shall be
restricted to the hours from 12:01 A.M. to 8:00 A.M" two days per week.
a. Installations with odd addresses shall be permitted to irrigate on Wednesday and Saturday.
b. Installations with even addresses or no address shall be permitted to irrigate on Thursday and
3. Water use for cleaning, adjusting and repair of existing irrigation systems shall be limited to
ten minutes per zone per week.
4. Low volume irrigation uses shall be voluntarily reduced.
(d) Recreation Area Use
1. Landscape irrigation for new and existing recreation areas shall be restricted to the hours
prescribed for new and existing landscape irrigation in paragraphs (b) and (c) respectively,
2. Irrigation of seeded and/or sprigged recreation areas that have been in place for less than thirty
days shall be allowed daily for 5 minutes per irrigation zone from 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M"
1:30 P,M. to 2:00 P.M. and 3:30 P,M. to 4:00 P.M.
3. Watering of pervious non-vegetated recreational/sporting surfaces shall be restricted to ten
minutes of application prior to each recreational/sporting event. Low volume watering shall be
(e) Golf Course Use
1. Irrigation of greens and tees shall be voluntarily reduced and shall be accomplished during
non-daylight hours.
2. Irrigation of fairways, roughs and nonplaying areas on the fIrst nine holes of the course shall
be restricted to the hours of 12:01 A.M. to 8:00 A,M. on Wednesday and Saturday.
3. Irrigation of fairways, roughs and nonplaying areas on the last nine holes of the course shall be
restricted to the hours of 12:01 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. on Thursday and Sunday.
4. Irrigation of seeded and/or sprigged areas that have been in place for less than thirty days shall
be allowed daily for 5 minutes per irrigation zone from 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M., 1:30 P.M, to
2:00 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
(f) Water Based Recreation Use
1. Water based recreation water use shall be voluntarily reduced.
2. Draining of facilities into sewers or onto impervious surfaces shall be prohibited.
3. Existing facilities shall not be refilled except for makeup water, unless the facility is leaking
more than one inch of water a day. If a facility is leaking more than one inch of water a day and
is in need of repair, it may be drained onto a pervious surface for repairs and subsequently
(4) Miscellaneous
(a) Cooling and Air Conditioning Use
The use of water for cooling and air conditioning shall be restricted to that amount of water
necessary to maintain a minimum temperature of 18 degrees Fahrenheit.
(b) Dewatering Use
Discharge of fresh water to tide from dewatering shall be prohibited.
(c) Navigation Use
1. The District shall request the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict its lockages to
maintain acceptable chloride concentrations upstream of the locks and to conserve water,
2, In the case of the Franklin Lock and Dam, the District shall request the U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers to restrict lockages to once every four hours if:
a. chloride levels upstream of S-19 are 180 parts per million or higher and
b. a rainfall in excess of one inch in 24 hours is not predicted in the surface water use basin
within the next 48 hours.
3. IT the restrictions imposed in subparagraph 2. are insufficient to stop the rising chloride levels,
the District shall request the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to further restrict lockages to once
every four hours, twice per week.
4, IT the restrictions imposed in subparagraphs 2. and 3. are still insufficient to stop the rising
chloride levels, the District shall request the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to prohibit lockages.
(d) Other Outside Uses
1. Washing or cleaning streets, driveways, sidewalks, or other impervious areas with water shall
be prohibited.
2. Outside pressure cleaning shall be restricted to only low volume pressure cleaning, seven days
a week.
3. Mobile equipment washing with water shall be restricted to the hours and days prescribed for
existing landscape irrigation in paragraph (3)(c) 1., using only low volume mobile equipment
washing methods and shall be conducted over a pervious surface or in an area that immediately
drains to a pervious surface. Rinsing and flushing of boats after saltwater use shall be limited to
15 minutes once a day for each boat.
4. Washing boats that serve as a primary residence shall be restricted to the hours and days
prescribed for existing landscape irrigation in paragraph (3)(c) 1. Boats with an odd slip number
shall be permitted to be washed on Wednesday and Saturday. Boats with an even slip number or
no slip number shall be permitted to be washed on Thursday and Sunday.
(e) Aesthetic Use
1. Non-recirculating outside aesthetic uses of water shall be prohibited.
2. Water use for outside aesthetic purposes by facilities that recirculate water shall be voluntarily
reduced and must meet the following criteria:
a. Draining of water from outside aesthetic facilities into sewers or onto impervious surfaces is
b. Outside aesthetic facilities shall not be operated when wind conditions cause water to be lost
from the recirculating capacity of the facility.
c. Outside aesthetic facilities that leak water shall not be operated.
d. Outside aesthetic facilities that lose water due to an overflow shall not be operated.
3. Inside ae~thetic uses of water shall be voluntarily reduced.
Specific Authority 373.044,373.113 FS. Law Implemented 373.175,373.246 FS. History-New 5-
31-82, Amended 1-26-86,2-14-91.
, Rules of the South Florida Water M;1nagement D.istrict
;. , ,
February; 1991
Rules of the South Florida Water Management District
40E-21.011 Policy and Purpose
40E-21.031 Elements of the Plan
40E-21.051 Definitions
40E-21.132 Water Use Restrictions
40E-21.221 Evaluating Water Conditions
40E-21-231 Declaring a Water Shortage
40E-21.251 Water Shortage Phases
40E-21.271 General Water Use Restrictions
40E-21.275 Variances
40E-21.291 Implementing a Water Shortage
40E-21.331 Declaring a Water Shortage
40E-21.371 Water Use Restrictions in a Water
Shortage Emergency
40E-21.391 Implementing a Water Shortage
Emergency Declaration
40E-21-401 Monitoring
40E-21.421 Enforcement
40E-21.S01 Specific Restrictions
4OE-21.S21 Phase I Moderate Water Shortage
4OE-21.S31 . Phase II Severe Water Shorta,ge
40E-21.541 Phase III Extreme Water Shortage
40E-21.SS1 Phase IV Critical Water Shortage
40E-21.611 Classification System
40E-21.631 Source Classes
4OE-21.651 Use Classes
4OE-21.671 Method of Withdrawal Classes,.,
4OE-21.011 Policy and Purpose.
(1) The rules 'in this chapter comprise the
District's water shortage plan required under
subsection 373.246(1), Florida Statutes. The
purposes of the plan are to protect the water
resources of the District from harm; to assure
equitable distribution of available water resources
among all water users during times of shortage,
consistent with the goals of minimizing adverse
economic, social and health related impacts; to
provide advance knowledge of the means by
which water apportionments and reductions will
be made during times of shortage, and to promote
greater security for water use permittees.
(2) These rules apply to all water users
including those exempt from permitting pursuant
to Rule 40E-2.051. However, these rules shall not
apply to users whose source of water is limited
solely to treated effluent or seawater. Thus, for
each regulated source and type of use it is the
policy of the District to restrict water users
uniformly, regardless of whether the user uses
water from a public or private utility system,
pursuant to a consumptive use permit issued
under Chapter 40E-2, or from a private well for
domestic or individual home use.
Specific Authority , 373.044, 373.113 F.S.
L.w Implemented 373,175,373.246 F.5.
History-New 5-31-82.
4OE-21.031 Elements of the Plan.
The water shortage plan consists of the
following elements:
(1) Part I. General - Part I provides the
general goals and objectives of the District in
. ..... ._developjng.and .adopting,the water shortage plan.
The various elements of. the plan are destribed,
and definitions for key terms used in the plan are
(2) Part II. Declaring and Implementing a
Water Shortage - Part II describes the procedures
the District will utilize in declaring a water
shortage. Provisions are made for comparing
estimated present and anticipated water supplies
with estimated present and anticipated user
user. Method of withdrawal classes within the (lB)WNursery stockW means all plants, trees,
District are specified in rule 4OE-21.671. shrubs, vines, bulbs, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds,
(B) wSurface water use basinw means the flowering annual plants, aquatic plants, seeds,
geographical area within which a user obtains corns; or tubers, grown or kept for propagation,
water from surface waters. Surface water use distribution or sale.
basins are a type of source class and are identified (19)WMobile equipmentW means any public,
in subsection 4OE-21.631(1). private or commercial automobile, truck, trailer,
(9) wGround water sourcew means a source railroad car, camper, boat, or any other type of
class within which users obtain water directly from,.- .similar' equipment:' The terin"shall not include
water table aquifers or from confined or semi mobile homes, boats that serve as a primary
confined aquifers. Ground water sources are a residence, sanitation or sludge vehicles or food
type of source class and are identified in vending or transporting vehicles.
subsection40E-21.631(2). (20)WEven numbered addressw means the
(10)WPercent reduction in overall demandw house address, box number or rural route ending
means the weighted average reduction in all in the numbers 0,2,4,6, B or the letters A-M. Post
water uses within a source class, regardless of the office box numbers are not included.
type of use or method of withdrawal, which is (21)WOdd numbered addressw 'means the
necessary to reduce estimated present and house address, box number or rural route ending
anticipated demand to estimated present and in the numbers, 1,3,5,7,9 or the letters N-Z. Post
anticipated available water supply. office box numbers are not included.
(11)wPlanw means the water shortage plan (22)WOdd numbered daysw means the days
authorized in section 373.246, Florida Statutes, whose dates end in the numbers 1,3,5,7, or 9. For
and contained in this chapter. purposes of this chapter the date shall be
(12)WLow-volume irrigationw means the use determined by the day during which a watering
of equipment and devices specifically designed to period ends.
allow the volume of water delivered to be limited (23)WLow-volume wateringW means the use
to a level consistent with the water requirement of of equipment, devices, materials and/or methods,
the plant being irrigated and to allow that water ' including low-volume hand watering, which limit
to be placed with a high degree of efficiency in the the amount of water applied to a surface to the
root zone of the plant. The term also includes minimum necessary for dus.t control or
water use in mist houses and similar evaporation suppression; use of equipment
establishments for plant propagation. Overhead specifically designed to reduce flow and increase
irrigation and flood irrigation are not included. saturation efficiency to a level accepted under
(13)WOverhead irrigationw means the use of industry standards.
equipment and devices which deliver water under (24)WLicensew means, but is not limi.ted to,
pressure, through the air, above the level of the the appropriate professional registration,
plant being irrigated. occupational license, contractor license or
(14)WFlood irrigationw means the delivery of applicator license for the jurisdiction in which
plant or crop irrigation water by the design and work is being performed.
practice of the flowing of water over the surface SpKificAuthority 373.044,373.113F.S.
to saturate the root zone or in specific applications LftV Implemented 373.175,373.246 F.S.
. . History-New 5-31~, Amended 1-26-86, 2.14-91.
the raising of the level of groundwater through
the root zone or to the soil surface.
(15)WLow volume hand wateringW means
watering by one hose attended by one person,
fitted with a self-canceling or automatic shutoff
, -Cf6J- Low-valu me "'m ob i1e -e q-u ipm'e nt'"
washingW means the washing of mobile
equipment with a wbucketW and .sponge. or a
hose with a self-canceling or automatic shutoff
nozzle or both.
(17)wLow-volume pressure c1eaningW means
pressure cleaning by means of equipment which is
specifically designed to reduce the inflow volume
as accepted by industry standards.
4OE-21.132 Water Use Restrictions.
(1) The Water Shortage Plan in this section
establishes the water use restrictions to be
followed when the Board declares a water
shortage within the Lake Istokpoga-Indian Prairie
'-area-; The .restrictions are ~ntended to insure that
established minimum flows and levels within the
area maintained and that the water resources
within the area do not suffer serious harm.
(2) If the Board declares a water shortage
pursuant to rule 40E-21.231 or the Executive
Director with the advice and concurrence of the
Board declares a water shortage emergency
pursuant to rule 40E-21.331 within the Lake
Istokpoga-Indian Prairie Area, then uses from the
voluntary reductions in demand within that
(4) If a water shortage is declared for a
source class, the District shall estimate the percent
reduction in overall demand required to reduce
demand to available water supply. The restricted
area may include for enforcement purposes, all or
part of a county, municipality, surface water basin
or utility service area which impacts a sour.ce.c1ass.,
for which a water shortage is declared.
Specific AuthOrity 373.044,373.113 F.S.
Law Implemented 373.175,373.246 F.5,
History-New 5-31-82, Amended 1-26-86.
40E-21.251 Water Shortage Phases.
(1) This rule establishes four phases of
water shortage as a function of the estimated
percent reduction in overall demand required to
reduce estimated present and anticipated demand
to estimated present and anticipated available
water supply. The water shortage phase
determines the type of water use restrictions
which will be ordered in a declared water
(2) The following water shortage phases
are established:
WaterShortaQe Phase
, Code
" Reduction in
I. Moderate W/S Yellow less than 15%
II. Severe W/S Orange less than 30%
III. Extreme W/S Red less than 45%
IV. Critical W/S Purple less than 60%
(3) Each source class for which a water
shortage has been declared shall be assigned a
specific water shortage phase. More than one
source class may be combined into a single class for
this purpose. The water shortage phase selected
for a source class may be based upon:
(a) the estimated percent reduction in
overall demand as determined in subsection 40E-
21.231(4), and
(b) for areas with multiple sources, the
extent to which users have the capability to obtain
water from a source or sources other than the
source class for which a water shortage has been
Sp<<if"1C Authority 373.044, 373.113 F.S.
Law/mp/emented- . -'313:115;;3'l3.246r.5.
History-New 5.31-82.
40E-21.271 General Water Use Restrictions.
(1) This rule specifies general water use
restrictions for all users for each water shortage
phase. Specific restrictions by user class are
presented in part V of this chapter. Users desiring
detailed information about the specific restrictions
applying to their use should refer to part V.
(2) The Board may order the water use
restrictions specified in part V for the appropriate
water shortage phase for each affected source
class. The restricted area may include for
enforcement purposes, all or part of a county,
municipality, surface water basin or utility service
,area- which impacts a source class for which a
water shortage is declared. Further, the Board
may order any combination in lieu of or in
addition to the restrictions specified in part V of
the restrictions described in subsection (3), by use
or method of withdrawal class, within each source
class, if necessary to achieve the percent reduction
in overall demand.
(3) Additional restrictions which may be
considered include:
(a) provisions that recognize the right of
water users in an area to make voluntary
agreements among themselves, with the
concurrence of the Board or the Executive
Director, providing for the mutual reduction,
sharing, or rotation of use,
(b) provisions for the distribution of water
to permittees in exchange for ceasing or reducing
ground or surface water withdrawals,
(c) provisions for the metering and
reporting of all water used, diverted, impounded,
extracted or withdrawn,
, (d) provisions designed to maintain
minimum flows and minimum levels,
(e) provisions which recognize the extent
to which users can satisfy water demands from
sources for which a water shortage has not been
(f) provisions for monitoring water levels
and determining chloride concentrations in order
to protect against salt water intrusion or other
d.eterioration of water quality including the
closing and plugging of wells,
(g) restrictions on the total amount of
water that may be used, diverted, impounded,
extracted, or withdrawn during any day, month,
or year,
(h) restrictions on the timing of use,
diversion, impoundment, extraction, or
.. ...-withdrawal.of ,water)- ,. _.. ,,'
(i) restrictions on pumping rates or
diversion rates, or
G> such other provisions or restrictions as
are necessary to protect the water resources from
serious harm.
Specific Authority
Law Implemented
373.044,373.113 F.S.
373.175, 373.246 F.S.
5-31-82, Amended 1-26-86
petition for informal proceedings in accordance
with section 4OE.1 ,571 (2),
(b) The Executive Director or his designee
shall review the application and the staff
recommendation. Applications which do not
require immediate action or which do not comply
with the provisions of subsections (2) through (4)
may be deferred for Board action. Applications
which require immediate action and which compLy.
with the provisions of subsections (2) through (4)
may be temporarily granted by the Executive
Director or his designee. Temporary variances
granted by the Executive Director or his designee
shall be presented to the Board for concurrence,
rejection or modification. .
(c) The Board shall consider all deferred
applications as well as'those temporarily granted
by the Executive Director or his designee, at its
next regularly scheduled meeting. The Board may
grant, or deny the deferred applications and may
concur in, reject or modify those variances
temporarily granted by the Executive Director or
his designee. All Board action denyi ng
applications for variances shall be by written order
and copies shall be furnished to the applicant and
the appropriate law enforcement officials. An
applicant whose variance has been granted shall
be furnished an appropriate notice of water
shortage variance and any attachments which
shall be prominently displayed at the applicant's
place of use.
(d) The Board may revoke or modify a
variance when it determines that the continued
utilization of the variance is inconsistent with the
objectives of the District.
Specific Authority 373.044, 373.113 F.5.
L.w Implement.cJ 373.175,373.246 F.S.
History-New 5.31-82, Amend.cJ 1.26-86,2-14.91,
40E.21.291 Implementing a Water Shortage
(1) When a water shortage is declared, or if
already declared if more severe restrictions are
imposed, the District will publish notice of the
declaration or restrictions at least once in
newspapers of general circulation in the areas
affected. In addition the District shall make every
effort to inform the general pubHc of the
restrictions-in- effe'ct"' and the-'-sources ~of -supply
which are affected. Particular attention shall be
given to presenting this information in a form
which is easily understood and applied by the
citizens of the affected areas.
(2) The District shall notify each affected
permittee within the affected source class of any
change in the condition of his permit, any
suspension of his permit, or any other restriction
on his use of water. Notice shall be by regular mail.
(3) The District shall notify local elected
officials of any water shortage declaration. Notice
shall be by the best practicable means under the
circumstances. In addition local law enforcement
officials shall be notified as soon as possible of any
water shortage declaration or change of
restrictions affecting their areas of responsibility,
Any special materials necessary for enforcement of
the..order shall ,be 'furnished' to local law
enforcement officials by the best practicable
means under the circumstances.
(4) A declaration of water shortage and
any provision or restriction adopted pursuant
thereto under the water shortage plan may be
modified or rescinded by the Board.
(5) A declaration of water shortage and
any provision or restriction adopted pursuant
thereto under the water shortage plan may be
modified or rescinded by the Executive Director if
all of the following circumstances are present:
(a) the Board previously issued a
declaration of water shortage which remains in
(b) the order rendering the Board's
declaration of water shortage specifically
delegates to the Executive Director the authority
to modify or rescind the existing water shortage
restrictions, and
(c) The District's monitoring of water
conditiens and plan implementation reasonably
demonstrates that a modification or recision of
the Board's declaration of water shortage is
warranted and necessary,
(6) All decisions of the Executive Director
made pursuant to this subsection shall be by order
and subject to ratification by the Board at the next
scheduled Board meeting.
(7) An order declaring a water shortage or
imposing more severe restrictions shall become
effective on the day after any notice required in
subsection (1) is published. An order declaring a
water shortage shall remain in effect until
modified or rescinded by the Board or the
Executive Director.
Specific Authority 373.044,373.113 F.S.
L.w Implement.cJ 373,119,373,175,373.246 F,S.
History--New 5-31-82, Amend.cJ 1-26-86.
4OE-21.331 Declaring a Water Shortage
(1) This rule sets forth the steps the District
will take to evaluate water conditions within the
District in order to determine whether a water
shortage emergency exists. .. A water shortage
4OE-21.391 Implementing a Water Shortage
Emergency Declaration.
(1) When a water shortage emergency is
declared, or if already declared if more severe
restrictions are imposed, the District will publish
notice of the declaration or restrictions at least
once in newspapers of general circulation in the
areas affected. In addition the District shall make
every effort to inform the general public of the,
restrictions in effect and the sources of supply
which are affected. Particular attention shall be
given to presenting this information in a form
which is easily understood and applied by the
citizens of the affected areas.
(2) The Executive Director shall notify each
affected user of any change in the condition of his
use, any suspension of his use, or any other
restriction on his use by' any means reasonable
under the circumstances. When the Board concurs
in and ratifies the Executive Director's action,
affected permittees shall be notified as provided
in subsection 4OE-21.291(2).
(3) The District shall notify local elected
officials of any water shortage emergency
declaration. Notice shall be by the best practicable
means under the circumstances. In addition local
law enforcement officials shall be notified as soon
as possible of any water shortage emergency
declaration or change of restrictions affecting
their areas of responsibility. Any special materials
necessary for enforcement of the order shall be
furnished to local law enforcement officials by the
best practicable means under the circumstances.
(4) The declaration of a water shortage
emergency and any measures adopted pursuant
thereto may be modified or rescinded by the
Executive Director with the advice and
concurrence of the Board or by order of the Board.
(5) An order declaring a water shortage
emergency and any measures adopted pursuant
thereto shall become effective upon issuance,
unless otherwise specified in the order. An order
declaring a water shortage emergency and any
measures adopted pursuant thereto shall remain
in effect until modified or rescinded pursuant to
subsection (4).
spttdfic Authority
uw Implemented
373.044, 373. 7 73 F.s.
373.779,373.775,373.246 F.S.
5-37-82. .
40E-21.401 Monitoring.
(1) This rule generally describes the data
collection and analysis the District may undertake
in anticipation of and during a declared water
shortage or water shortage emergency.
Monitoring data may be used to determine:
{a) whether a water shortage or water
shortage emergency should be declared,
(b) whether the restrictions in effect are
sufficient to protect the water resources and users
within the affected area, in light of existing and
. anticipated climatological conditions, arid
(c) whether the restrictions in effect are
being adequately enforced.
(2) Data may be obtained from any source
available, including but not limited to:
(a) the District,
(b) other water management districts,
(c) permittees who are required to submit
data as a condition oftheir permit,
(d) any local, state or federal agency, and
(e) any other source available.
(3) Resource Monitoring When
appropriate the District shall collect and analyze
data concerning any aspect of the water resource.
Data which may be collected include but are not
limited to:
(a) levels in suriace and ground waters,
including potentiometric heads, in confined and
semiconfined aquifers,
(b) water quality in suriace and ground
(c) flows in surface waters,
(d) transfers of water from one source class
to another,
(e) demand of natural systems, including
but not limited to losses due to evapotranspiration
and seepage,
(f) rainfall,
(g) impacts on fish and wildlife, and
(h) other data required to evaluate the
status of the water resources of the District.
, (4) Demand Monitoring When
appropriate the District shall collect and analyze
data concerning any aspect of user demand upon
the water resources. Data which may be collected
include but are not limited to:
(a) demands of permitted users,
(b) demands of users exempt from
permitting, but subject to the provisions of the
. ".water-shortage plan,
(e) demands of users whose supply of
water is established by federal law, and
(d) other data required to evaluate
demands on the water resources of the District.
(5) When appropriate, the District may
prepare a drought management report
summarizing the data gathered pursuant to this
2. Fire hydrant flushing shall be
undertaken only on an emergency basis,
3. Sanitary sewer line flushing and testing
shall not be restricted except on a voluntary basis.
(b) Domestic Type Use
1. Residential type domestic use shall be
voluntarily reduced to achieve a per capita
consumption of 60 gallons per person per day.
2. Domestic type use in industr,ial and
commercial establishments shall be voluntarily
(c) Water Utility Use
1. Initial pressure at the point of use
(meter) shall be voluntarily reduced to levels no
greater than 45 pounds per square inch. Upon
reduction of pressure, the utility shall notify the
appropriate fire-fighting agencies and make
arrangements for direct communication when
additional pressure is required,
2. New water line flushing and
disinfection shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00
P.M. to 7:00A.M. seven days per week.
3, As may be appropriate the utility shall
'institute additional voluntary conservation
measures such as reclaiming of backwash water,
improving and accelerating leak detection surveys
and repair programs, installing and calibrating
meters, and stabilizing and equalizing system
(d) Power Production Use
Water used for power production shall be
voluntarily reduced.
(e) Commercial and Industrial Process Use
1. Commercial car washes shall be
restricted as follows:
a. for washes servicing passenger vehicles
and mobile equipment weighing less than 10,000
i. use in excess of 75 gallons per wash shall
be prohibited and
ii. use equal to or less than 75 gallons per
wash shall be voluntarily reduced;
b. for washes servicing mobile equipment
weighing 10,000 pounds or more,
i. use in excess of 150 gallons per wash
shall be prohibited and
ii. use equal to or less than 150 gallons per
2. Water used for commercial and
industrial processes shall be voluntarily reduced.
3. Water use for cleaning, adjusting and
repair of irrigation systems by a licensed person or
entity shall be restricted as follows:
a. projects one irrigated acre or greater in
size shall be limited to one hour per acre per week,
b. projects less than one irrigated acre in
size shall be limited to 10 minutes per zone per
4, Water use for pesticide application
under the supervision of a licensed pest control
operator shall be voluntarily reduced. Under the
provisions of this subparagraph, the applicator
must be on the premises when water is applied
, outside of the hours allowed-forirri'gation.
5. Water use for well development under
the supervision of a licensed well contractor shall
be voluntarily reduced.
6. Water use for mobile equipment
washing by a licensed person or entity shall be
voluntarily reduced.
(f) Diversion and Impoundment into Non-
District Facilities
Water used for diversion and impoundment
into non-District facilities shall be voluntarily
(2) Ag ricu Itu re
(a) Agricultural Use
1. Overhead irrigation shall be restricted
to the hours of 2:00 P.M. to 10:00 A.M.
2. Low volume irrigation hours shall not
be restricted.
3. All irrigation systems shall be operated
in a manner that will maximize the percentage of
water withdrawn and held which is placed in the
root zone of the crop and will minimize the
amount of water which is withdrawn and released
or lost to the user but is not immediately available
for other users.
4. Users having access to more than one
source class shall maximize the use of the lesser or
least restricted source class.
5. Overhead irrigation for field grown
citrus nursery stock moisture stress reduction shall
be allowed daily for 10 minutes per irrigation zone
from 11 :30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and from 1 :30 P.M.
to 2:00 P.M,
(b) Livestock Use
Livestock water use shall be voluntarily
(c) Aquacultural Use
Aquacultural water use shall be voluntarily
.- .., -(d), .soil flooding
1, "Soil flooding for vegetable seed
planting, rice planting, burning of sugarcane prior
to harvest and to permit harvesting of sod shall be
voluntarily reduced.
2. Soil flooding for all other purposes shall
be prohibited.
(e) Freeze Protection
Water use for freeze protection shall be
restricted to situations in which official weather
1. The District shall request the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers to restrict its lockages to
maintain acceptable chloride concentrations
upstream of the locks and to conserve water.
2. In the case of the Franklin Lock and
Dam, the District shall request the U. S. Army Corps
of Engineers to restrict lockages to once every four
hours if:
a, chloride levels upstream,o.f 5-79 are 180
parts per million or higher and
b. a rainfall in excess of one inch in 24
hours is not predicted in the surface water use
basin within the next 48 hours.
3. If the restrictions imposed in
subparagraph 2. are insufficient to stop the rising'
chloride levels, the District shall. request the U. S. .
Army Corps of Engineers to further restrict
lockages to once every four hours, twice per week.
4. If the restrictions imposed in
subparagraphs 2. and 3. are still insufficient to
stop the rising chloride levels, the District shall
request the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to
prohibit lockages.
(d) Other Outside Uses
1. Washing or cleaning streets, driveways,
sidewalks, or other impervious areas with water
shall be prohibited.
2. Outside pressure cleaning shall be
restricted to only low volume pressure cleaning,
seven days a week.
3. Mobile equipment washing with -water
shall be restricted to the hours and days prescribed
for existing landscape irrigation in paragraph
(3)(c)1, using only low volume mobile equipment
washing methods and shall be conducted over a
pervious surface or in an area that immediately
drains to a pervious surface. Rinsing and flushing
of boats after saltwater use shall be limited to 15
minutes once a day for each boat.
4. Washing boats that serve as a primary
residence shall be restricted to the hours and days
prescribed for existing landscape irrigation in
paragraph (3)(c)1. Boats with an odd slip number
shall be permitted to be washed on Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday. Boats with an even slip
number or no slip number shall be permitted to be
washed on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
, (e)'-A1!sthetic Use
1. Non-recirculating outside aesthetic uses
of watet shall be prohibited.
2. Water use for outside aesthetic
purposes by facilities that recirculate water shall
be voluntarily reduced and must meet the
following criteria:
a. Draining of water from outside
aesthetic facilities into sewers or onto impervious
surfaces is prohibited.
b. Outside aesthetic facilities shall not be
operated when wind conditions cause water to be
lost from the recirculating capacity of the facility,
c. Outside aesthetic facilities that leak
water shall not be operated.
d. Outside aesthetic facilities that lose
water due to an overflow shall not be operated.
3. Inside aesthetic uses of water shall be
voluntarily reduced., ,
Specific Authority 373.044, 373.113 F.S.
Law Implemented 373.175, 373.246 F.S.
History-New 5-31-82, Amended 1.26-86, 2-14-91.
4OE-21.531 Phase II Severe Water Shortage.
The following restrictions shall apply when
a Phase II water shortage is declared by the
(1) Essential/Domestic/Utility/Commercial
(a) Essential Use
1. The use of water forfirefighting, safety,
sanitation, health and medical purposes and other
essential uses shall not be restricted,
2. Fire hydrant flushing shall be
undertaken only on an emergency basis.
3. Sanitary sewer line flushing and testing
shall not be restricted except on a voluntary basis. '
(b) Domestic Type Use
1. Residential type domestic use shall be
voluntarily reduced to 50 gallons per person per
2. Domestic type use in industrial and
commercial establishments shall be voluntarily
(c) Water Utility Use
1. Initial pressure at the point of use
(meter) shall be reduced to levels no greater than
45 pounds per square inch. Upon reduction of
pressure, the utility shall notify the' appropriate'
fire-fighting agencies and make arrangements for
direct communication when additional pressure is
2. New water line flushing and
disinfection shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00
P.M. to 7: 00 A.M. seven days per week.
3. As may be appropriate the utility shall
institute additional voluntary conservation
measures such as reclaiming of backwash water,
-~mproviRg..and .accelerating leak detection surveys
and repair programs, installing and calibrating
meters, and stabilizing and equalizing system
(d) Power Production Use
Water used for power production shall be
voluntarily reduced.
(e) Commercial and Industrial Process Use
1. Commercial car washes shall be
restricted as follows:
3. Cleaning and adjusting of new
irrigation systems shall be restricted to 10 minutes
per zone on a one time basis.
(c) Landscape Irrigation - Existing
1. For existing installations less than 5
irrigated acres in size, water use for irrigation shall
be restricted to the hours from 4:00 A.M. to 8:00
A.M. for alltypes of irrigation, except low volume
irrigation, and 5:00 P,M. to 7:00 P.M. for low
volume hand watering, two days per week.
a. Installations with odd addresses shall be
permitted to irrigate on Wednesday and Saturday.
b. Installations with even addresses or no
address shall be permitted to irrigate on Thursday
and Sunday.
2. For existing installations 5 irrigated
acres or greater in size, water use for irrigation
shall be restricted to the hours from 12:01 A.M. to
8:00 A.M., two days per week.
a. Installations with odd addresses shall be
permitted to irrigate on Wednesday and Saturday.
b. Installations with even addresses or no
address shall be permitted to irrigate on Thursday
and Sunday.
3. Water use for cleaning, adjusting and
repair of existing irrigation systems shall be limited
to ten minutes per zone per week.
4. Low volume irrigation uses shall be
voluntarily reduced.
(d) Recreation Area Use
1. Landscape irrigation for new and
existing recreation areas shall be restricted to the
hours prescribed for new and existing landscape
irrigation in paragraphs (b) and (c) respectively.
2. Irrigation of seeded and/or sprigged
recreation areas that have been in place for less
than thirty days shall be allowed daily for 5
minutes per irrigation zone from 11:30 A.M. to
12:00 P.M., 1:30 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. to
4:00 P.M.
3. Watering of pervious non-vegetated
recreational/sporting surfaces shall be restricted to
ten minutes of application prior to each
recreational/sporting event. Low volume watering
shall be used.
(e) Golf Cou rse Use
".- -Irrigation-of- greens-and-,teesshall,be
voluntarily reduced and shall be accomplished
during non-daylight hours,
2. Irrigation of roughs and nonplaying
areas on the first nine holes of the course shall be
restricted to the hours of 12:01 A. M. to 8:00 A.M.
on Wednesday and Saturday.
3. Irrigation of fairways, roughs and
non playing areas on the last nine holes of the
course shall be restricted to the hours of 12:01
A.M, to 8:00 A.M. on Thursday and Sunday.
4. Irrigation of seeded and/or sprigged
areas that have been in place for less than thirty
days shall be allowed daily for 5 minutes per
irrigation zone from 11 :30 A.M. to 12:00 P,M.,
1 :30 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
(1) Water Based Recreation Use
.,1. Water based recreation water use shall
be voluntarily reduced.
2. Draining of facilities into sewers or onto
impervious surfaces shall be prohibited,
3, Existing facilities shall not be refilled
except for makeup water, unless the facility is
leaking more than one inch of water a day. If a
facility is leaking more than one inch of water a
day and is in need of repair, it may be drained
onto a pervious surface for repairs and
subsequently refilled.
(4) Miscellaneous
(a) Cooling and Air Conditioning Use
The use of water for cooling and air
conditioning shall be restricted to that amount of
water necessary to maintain a minimum
temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit.
(b) Dewatering Use
Discharge of fresh water to tide from
dewatering shall be prohibited.
(c) Navigation Use'
1. The District shall request the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers to restrict its lockages to
maintain acceptable chloride concentrations
upstream of the locks and to conserve water.
2. In the case of the Franklin Lock and
Dam, the District shall request the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers to restrict lockages to once
every four hours if:
a. chloride levels upstream of 5-79 are 180
parts per million or higher and
, b. a rainfall in excess of one inch in 24
hours is not predicted in the surface water use
basin within the next 48 hours.
,'3. If the res~rictions imposed in
subparagraph 2. are insufficient to stop the rising
chloride levels, the District shall request the U. S.
Army Corps of Engineers to further restrict
lockages to once every four hours, twice per week.
., .. 4.....If-...the"restric.tjons. imposed in
subparagraphs 2. and 3, are still insufficient to
stop the rising chloride levels, the District shall
request the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to
prohibit lockages.
(d) Other Outside Uses
1. Washing or cleaning streets; driveways,
sidewalks, or other impervious areas with water
shall be prohibited.
a, projects one irrigated acre or greater in 6. Overhead irrigation for field grown
size shall be limited to one hour per acre per week, citrus nursery stock moisture stress reduction shall
b, projects less than one irrigated acre in be allowed daily for 10 minutes per irrigation zone
size shall be limited to 10 minutes per zone per from 11 :30 A.M, to 12:00 P.M., 1 :30 P.M. to 2:00
week. P,M. and 3:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
4. Water use for pesticide application (b) Livestock Use
under the supervision of a licensed pest control Livestock water use shall be voluntarily
operator shall be voluntarily reduced. Under the reduced,
provisions of this subparagraph, the applicatoL, --, ,-_.(c) Aquacultural Use -
must be on the premises when water is applied Aquacultural water use shall be voluntarily
outside of the hours allowed for irrigation. reduced.
5. Water use for well development under (d) Soil Flooding
the supervision of a licensed well contractor shall 1. Soil flooding for vegetable seed
be voluntarily reduced. planting, rice planting, burning of sugarcane prior
6. Water use for mobile equipment to harvest and to permit harvesting ohod shall be
washing by a licensed person or entity shall be voluntarily reduced.
voluntarily reduced. 2. Soil flooding"for all other purposes shall
(f) Diversion and Impoundment into Non- be prohibited.
District Facilities (e) Freeze Protection
1. Water used for diversi on and Water use for freeze protection shall be
impoundment into non-District facilities shall be restricted to situations in which official weather
voluntarily reduced. forecasting services predict temperatures likely to
(2) Agriculture cause permanent damage to crops.
(a) Agricultural Use (3) Nursery/Urban Irrigation/Recreation
1. Overhead irrigation shall be restricted (a) Nursery Use
to the hours of 7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. 1. Low volume irrigation, uses and low
2. Low volume irrigation hours shall not volume hand watering shall be voluntarily
be restricted. reduced.
3. All irrigation systems shall be operated 2. Overhead irrigation uses shall be
in a manner that will maximize the percentage of restricted as follows:
water withdrawn and held which is placed in the a. inside - 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., on odd
root zone of the crop and will minimize the numbere~ days.
amount of water which is withdrawn and released b. outside - 12:01 A.M. to 7:00 A.M., on
or lost to the user but is not immediately available odd numbered days.
for other users. c. 'Outside overhead irrigation for
4. Users having access to more than one containerized nursery stock moisture stress
source class shall maximize the use of ' the lesser or reduction on stock grown in containers up to and
least restricted source class. including one gallon in size shall be allowed daily
5. Withdrawals by each user from each for 10 minutes per irrigation zone from 11 :30 A.M.
source class in each month shall be limited to an to 12:00 P.M., 1:30 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. and 3:30 P.M.
amount that represents each user's share of the to 4:00 P.M.
total allocation for agricultural irrigation made by 3. Flood irrigation systems shall be
the District from that source for that month and in restricted to 4 days per month.
that basin. The District's allocation for agricultural (b) Landscape Irrigation - New Installation
irrigation will be determined based on its 1. For installations which have been in
evaluation of the supply capabilities of the source place for less than 30 days and
class, the supply capabilities of other source classes a. less than 5 irrigated acres in size, water
available in the area;-the-ne-eds "Ofagriculture-'and -'-- use fOf.ifrigat~on-shaU. be.restricted to the hours of
all other users in the area and the District's overall 2:00 A,M. to 7:00 A.M., Monday, Wednesday and
management strategy for handling the Friday,
uncertainties of future climatological events. The b. 5 irrigated acres or greater in size. water
share of the total agricultural irrigation allocation use for irrigation shall be restricted to the hours of
available to each user will be based on any 12:01 A.M. to 7:00 A.M. Monday, Wednesday and
prioritization among crops the District establishes Friday.
based on economic loss and equity considerations 2. Low volume irrigation and low volume
and the acreage and quantity of withdrawals for hand watering of new landscaping shall be
which the user has been permitted. voluntarily reduced.
programs, installing and calibrating meters, and
stabilizing and equalizing system pressures.
(d) Power Production Use
Water used for power production shall be
voluntarily reduced.
(e) Commercial and Industrial Process Use
1. Commercial car washes shall be
restricted as follows:
.' a., for washes servicing passenger vehicles
and mobile equipment weighing less than 10,000
i. use in excess of 75 gallons per wash shall
be prohibited,
ii. use equal to or less than 75 gallons but
more than SO gallons per wash shall be restricted
to the hours of 8:00 A.M. through 3:00 P.M., and
iii. use equal to or less than SO gallons per
wash shall be voluntarily reduced;
b. for washes servicing mobile equipment
weighing 10,000 pounds or more,
i. use in excess of 1 SO gallons per wash
shall be prohibited,
ii. use equal to or less than 1 SO gallons but
more than 100 gallons per wash shall be restricted
to the hours of 8:00 A.M. through 3:00 P.M., and
iii. use equal to or less than 100 gallons per
wash shall be voluntarily reduced.
2. Water used for commercial and
industrial processes.shall be voluntarily reduced.
3. Water use for cleaning, adjusting and
repair of irrigation systems by a licensed person or
entity shall be restricted as follows: '
a. projects one irrigated acre or greater in
size shall be limited to one hour per acre per week,
b. projects less than one irrigated acre in
2. Domestic type use in industrial and size shall be limited to 10 minutes per zone per
commercial establishments shall be voluntarily week.
reduced to the minimum levels necessary to 4. Water use for pesticide application
preserve public health and safety. under the supervision of a licensed pest control
(c) Water Utility Use op.erator shall be voluntarily reduced. Under the
1. Initial pressure at the point of use provisions of this subparagraph, the applicator
(meter) shall be reduced to levels no greater than must be on the premises when water is applied
45 pounds per square inch. Voluntary initial outside ofthe hours allowed for irrigation.
pressure reductions below 45 psi shall be made 5, Water use for well development under
consistent with the utility's ability to maintain the supervision of a licensed well contractor shall
adequate service and fire flow pressures. Upon be voluntarily reduced.
reduction of pressure, the utility shall notify the' 6. Water use for mobile equipment
approp(,enc;ies...and .make .._..washing-by .a,liceosed_person.or entity shall be
arrangements for direct, communication when voluntarily reduced.
additional pressure is required. (f) Diversion and Impoundment into Non-
2. New water line flushing and District Facilities
disinfection shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 1. Water used for dive rsion and
P.M. to 7:00 A.M. seven days per week. impoundment into non-District facilities shall be
3. As may be appropriate the utility shall voluntarily reduced.
institute additional conservation measures such as (2) Agriculture
reclaiming of backwash water, improving and (a) Agricultural Use
accelerating leak detection surveys and repair
drains to a pervious surface. Rinsing and flushing
of boats after saltwater use shall be limited to 15
minutes once a day for each boat.
4. Washing boats that serve as a primary
residence shall be restricted to the hours and days
prescribed for existing landscape irrigation in
paragraph (3)(c)1. Boats with an odd slip number
shall be permitted to be washed on Saturday.
Boats with an even slip number or no slip number
shall be permitted to be washed on Sunday,
(e) Aesthetic Use
1. Outside aesthetic uses of water shall be
2. Inside aesthetic uses of water shall be
Specific Authority
Law Implemented
373.044,373.113 F.S.
373.175,373.246 F.S.
5-31-82, Amended 1-2U6, 2-14..91.
40E-21.551 Phase IV Critical Water Shortage.
The following restrictions shall apply when
a Phase IV shortage is declared by the District.
(1) EssentiallDomestic/UtilitylCommercial
(a) Essential Use
1, The use of water for firefighting, safety,
sanitation, health and medical purposes and other
,essential uses shall not be restricted.
2. Fire hydrant flushing shall be
undertaken only on an emergency basis,
3. Sanitary sewer line flushing and testing
shall be undertaken only on an emergency basis~
(b) Domestic Type Use
1. Residential type domestic use shall be
voluntarily reduced to 30 gallons per person per
"-..~. .....to_....__.
1. Landscape irrigation for new and
existing recreation areas shall be restricted to the
hours prescribed for new and existing landscape
irrigation in paragraphs (b) and (c) respectively.
2. Watering of pervious non-vegetated
recreational/sporting surfaces shall be restricted to
ten minutes of application prior to each
recreational/sporting event. Low volume watering
shall be used.
(e) Golf Course Use
1. Irrigation of greens shall be voluntarily
reduced ~nd shall be accomplished during non-
daylight hours,
2. Irrigation of tees shall be restricted to
non-daylight hours one day per week. The front
nine holes shall be restricted to Saturday and the
back nine holes shall be restricted to Sunday,
3. Irrigation of fairways, roughs and
nonplaying areas on the first nine holes of the
course shall be restricted to the hours of 4:00 A.M.
to 7:00 A.M. on Saturday.
4. Irrigation of fairways, roughs and
nonplaying areas on the last nine holes of the
course shall be restricted to the hours of 4:00 A.M.
to 7:00 A.M. on Sunday.
(f) Water Based Recreation Use
Water based recreation water use shall be
restricted, as follows:
1. Draining offacilities into sewers or onto
impervious surfaces shall be prohibited.
2. Filling of new or existing facilities shall
be prohibited,
3. Use of makeup water shall be
(4) Miscellaneous
(a) Cooling and Air Conditioning Use
1. The use of water for cooling and air
conditioning shall be restricted to that amount of
water necessary to maintain a minimum
temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Cooling and air conditioning systems
shall not discharge water to tide.
3. Reuse of water shall be required.
(b) Dewatering Use
Discharge of fresh water to tide from
dewatering shall be prohibited,
(c) Navigation Use
1. The District shall request the U. S. Army
Corps of.e-ngineers--to,.ri!strkt ,its lockages .to
maintain acceptable chloride concentrations
upstream of the locks and to conserve water.
2. In the case of the Franklin Lock and
Dam, the District shall request the U. S. Army Corps
of Engineers to restrict lockages to once every four
hours if:
a. chloride levels upstream of 5-79 are 180
parts per million or higher and
b. a rainfall, in excess of one inch in 24
hours is not predicted in the surface water use
basin within the next 48 hours.
3. If the restrictions imposed in
, subparagraph 2, are insufficient to stop the rising
chloride levels, the District shall request the U. S.
Army Corps of Engineers to further restrict
lockages to once every four hours, twice per week,
4. If the restrictions imposed in
subparagraphs ,2..and3. are still insufficient to
stop the rising chloride levels, the District shall
request the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to
prohibit lockages,
(d) Other Outside Uses
1. Washing or cleaning streets, driveways,
sidewalks, or other impervious areas with water
shall be prohibited.
2. Outside pressure cleaning shall be
restricted to only low volume pressure cleaning,
Monday and Wednesday.
3, Mobile equipment washing with water
shall be restricted to the hours and days prescribed
for existing landscape irrigation in paragraph
(3)(c)1, using only low volume mobile equipment
washing methods and shall be conducted over a
pervious surface or in an area that immediately
drains to a pervious surface. Rinsing and flushing
of boats after saltwater use shall be limited to 15
minutes once a day for each boat.
4. Washing boats that serve as a primary
residence shall be restricted to the hours and days
prescribed for existing landscape irrigation in
paragraph (3)(c) 1 , Boats with an odd slip number
shall be permitted to be washed on Saturday.
Boats with an even slip number or no slip number
shall be permitted to be washed on Sunday.
(e) Aesthetic Use
1. Outside aesthetic uses of water shall be
2. Inside aesthetic uses of water shall be
Specific Authority
Lilw Implemented
373.044, 373. J J 3 F.S.
373. J75, 373.246 F.S.
5-3J-82, Amend<<l J-26-86, 2- J4-9J.
4OE-21.611 Clas.sification System.
- , .'.,.. -Urness- the,emerger.lGy .provisions of part III
of this chapter are invoked, water users are
regulated by class under the provisions of this
water shortage plan. The rules in this part
establish the classification system which provides
the basis for distinguishing among different user
classes. Under the system, each water user is
classified according to source, use and method of
and industrial establishments, public medians and
rights of way.
(c) -Landscape irrigation - existing
installation- means the outside watering or
sprinkling of shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass,
ground covers, plants, vines, gardens and other
such flora which are planted and established and
are situated in such diverse locations as residential
landscapings, recreation areas, cemeteries, public,
commercial and industrial establishments, public
medians and rights of way.
(d) -Recreation area use. means the use of
water for the maintenance and support of
intensive recreational areas such as but not limited
to playgrounds, football, baseball, and soccer
fields, polo fields, tennis courts, race tracks and
school playgrounds.
(e) -Golf course use- means water used to
irrigate an establishment designed and used for
playing golf.
(f) .Water based recreation use- means
water used for public or private spas, swimming
pools and wading pools, including water slides.
This term does not include pools specifically
maintained to provide habitat for aquatic life.
(4) Miscellaneous
(a) -Cooling and air conditioning use-
means the use of water for industrial cooling or
for air conditioning.
(b) .Dewatering use- means the removal
of water from a specific area to facilitate mining or
, (c) -Navigation use- means water
discharged from ground or surface sources either
to tidewater or to downstream lakes or reaches of
rivers or canals for the purpose of permitting or
promoting boating activity.
(d) -Other outside uses. means the use of
water outdoors for the maintenance, cleaning and
washing of structures and mobile equipment
including automobiles and ,the washing ohtreets,-
driveways, sidewalks and similar areas.
(e) -Aesthetic use- means the use of water
for fountains, waterfalls, and landscape lakes and
ponds where such uses are entirely ornamental
and decorative and serve no other functional
(5) The Board may establish such additional
use classifications as it deems necessary.
Specific Authority 373.044, 373.113 F.S.
Law Implemented 373.175,373.246 F.S.
History-New 5-31-82, Amended 2-14-91.
4OE-21.671 Method of Withdrawal Classes.
Each water user may be identified by one or
more of the following method of withdrawal
(1) Surface waters:
(a) pump
(b) gravity flow
(2) Ground waters:
(a) 'artesian well
(b) pumped well
(c) infiltration gallery
SpedrlC Authority 373.044, 373.113 F.S.
Law Implemented 373.175,373.246 F.S.
History--New 5-31-82.
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Florida Environment Statutes
373.609 Enforcement; city and county officers to assist.
-It shall be the duty of every state and county attorney, sheriff, police officer, and other
appropriate city and county official, upon request, to assist the department, the governing board
of any water management district, or any local board, or any of their agents in the enforcement
of the provisions of this law and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder.
373.613 Penalties.
-Any person who violates any provision of this law or any rule, regulation or order adopted
or issued pursuant thereto is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as
provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
BNA's Environment Libra~ on CD
COPYright 1993-2000, The ureau of National Affairs, Inc.
c; \My Documents\Misc DocslFSB Model Water Shortage Ordinance
13 WHEREAS, a water shortage or water shortage emergency may be declared
14 from time to time by the South Florida Water Management District affecting
15 [County/City]; and
16 WHEREAS, during such water shortage condition the amount of surface and
17 groundwater supplies may become insufficient to meet current or anticipated demands;
18 and
19 WHEREAS, upon the existence of such conditions it becomes imperative to the
20 public well being that certain uses of water be restricted or curtailed and that available
21 water resources be allocated; and
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C; \My Documents\Misc Docs\FSB Model Water Shortage Ordinance
1 WHEREAS, the South Florida Water Management District has primary
2 responsibility under Chapter 373, Florida statutes, for regulating water use and
3 allocating available water supplies during periods of water shortage; and
4 WHEREAS, the South Florida Water Management District has adopted a "Water
5 Shortage Plan", codified as Chapter 40E-21, Florida Administrative Code, for the
6 purpose of allocating and conserving the water resource during periods of water
1 shortage and maintaining a uniform approach towards water use restrictions; and
8 WHEREAS, the South Florida Water Management District has requested the
9 assistance of [County/City] in the enforcement of the provisions of the "Water
10 Shortage Plan"; and
11 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the [governing body] of [County/City] to provide
12 the South Florida Water Management District with all possible assistance in the
13 enforcement of the provisions of the "Water Shortage Plan" during a water shortage or
14 water shortage emergency; and
15 WHEREAS, Section 373.609, Florida Statutes, provides that it shall be the duty
16 of county/municipal governmental and law enforcement officials to assist the South
11 Florida Water Management District in the enforcement of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes,
18 and any rules adopted thereunder, upon request by the South Florida Water
19 Management District; and
20 WHEREAS, the [governing body] of the [COUNTY/CITY] hereby finds and
21 declares that adoption of this ordinance is necessary, appropriate, and in the public
22 interest of citizens of this community; now therefore:
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C; \My Documents\Misc Docs\FSB Model Water Shortage Ordinance
SECTION 1. Sections
to read:
, Code of Ordinances are hereby created
It is the intent and purpose of this Article to protect the water resources of
[County/City] from the harmful effects of overutilization during periods of water
shortage and allocate available water supplies by assisting the South Florida Water
Management District in the implementation of its water Shortage Plan,
F or the purpose of this Article the following terms, phrases, words and their derivatives
shall have the meaning given herein, When not inconsistent with the context, words
used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural include the singular, and
words in the singular include the plural. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not
merely directory,
(a) "District" is the South Florida Water Management District.
(b) "Person" is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation,
company, or organization of any kind,
(c) "Water resource" means any and all water on or beneath the surface of
the ground, including natural or artificial water courses, lakes, ponds, or
diffused surface water, and water percolating, standing, or flowing beneath
the surface of the ground.
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c: \My Documents\Misc Docs\FSB Model Water Shortage Ordinance
1 (d) "Water shortage condition" is when sufficient water ii not available to
2 meet present or anticipated needs of persons using the water resource, or
3 when conditions are such as to require temporary reduction in total water
4 usage within a particular area to protect the water resource from serious
5 harm, A water shortage usually occurs due to drought.
6 (e) "Water shortage emergency" means that situation when the powers
7 which can be exercised under part II of chapter 40E-21, Florida
8 Administrative Code, are not sufficient to protect the public health, safety,
9 or welfare, or the health of animals, fish or aquatic life, or a public water
10 supply, or commercial, industrial, agricultural, recrE7ational or other
11 reasonable uses.
13 The provisions of this Article shall apply to all persons using the water resource within
14 the geographical areas subject to the "water shortage" or "water shortage emergency,"
15 as determined by the District, whether from public or privately owned Water utility
16 systems, private wells, or private connections with surface water bodies, This Article
17 shall not apply to persons using treated effluent or saltwater,
19 Chapter 40E-21, Florida Administrative Code, as it may be amended from time to time,
20 is incorporated herein by reference as a part of the [County/City] Code,
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C; \My Documents\Misc Docs\FSB Model Water Shortage Ordinance
1 The declaration of a water shortage or water shortage emergency within all or any part
2 of [County/City] by the Governing Board or the Executive Director of the District shall
3 invoke the provisions of this Article. Upon such declaration all water use restrictions or
4 other measures adopted by the District applicable to [County/City], or any portion
5 thereof, shall be subject to enforcement action pursuant to this Ordinance, Any violation
6 of the provisions of Chapter 40E-21, Florida Administrative Code, or any order issued
7 pursuant thereto, shall be a violation of this Article,
9 Every police officer or sheriff having jurisdiction in the area governed by this Article
10 shall, in connection with all other duties imposed by law, diligently enforce the
11 provisions of this Ordinance, In addition, the [County/City] [Administrator/Manager]
12 may also delegate enforcement responsibility for this Ordinance to agencies and
13 departments of [County/City] government, or cities in the service areas governed by
14 this Ordinance, in accordance with state and local law,
15 Section PENALTIES
16 Violation of any provision of this Article shall be subject to the following penalties:
17 First violation $25,00
18 Second and subsequent violations Fine not to exceed $500
19 and/or imprisonment in the
20 County jail not to exceed 60
21 days
22 Each day in violation of this Article shall constitute a separate offense, In the initial
23 stages of a Water shortage or water shortage emergency, law enforcement officials may
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c: \My Documents\Misc Docs\FSB Model Water Shortage Ordinance
1 provide violators with no more than one written warning, The [County/City], in addition
2 to the criminal sanctions contained herein, may take any other appropriate legal action,
3 including but not limited to emergency injunctive action, to enforce the provisions of this
4 Article,
5 Section
6 No water service shall be furnished to any person by a public or private utility unless
7 such person agrees to accept all the provisions of this Article, The acceptance of water
8 service shall be in itself the acceptance of the provisions thereof,
9 SECTION 2. Codification of this Ordinance is hereby directed and authorized,
10 SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same
11 are hereby repealed,
12 SECTION 4, If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be
13 invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall
14 in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance,
15 SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption
16 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the [governing body] of [County/City], Florida
17 this
day of
20 For information on this model ordinance. please contact:
21 Office of Counsel
22 South Florida Water Management District
23 3301 Gun Club Road
24 P.o. Box 24680
25 West Palm Beach. Florida 33416-4680
26 Tel: (305) 686-8800 or (800) 432-2045 (toll free)
Page 6 of 6
~ 77.05
to, shall be a violation of the water shortage plan
adQpted in this Code.
(Ord. No. 85.18, ~ 5,5-7-85)
Sec. 77.06 Enforcement.
Every police officer or sheriff having jurisdic-
tion in the area governed by this Code shall, in
connection with all other duties imposed by law,
diligently enforce the provisions of sections 77.01
through 77.08. In addition, the city manager may
also delegate such enforcement responsibility to
agencies and departments of city government, in
accordance with state and local law.
(Ord. No. 85-18, ~ 6,5-7-85)
See, 77,07 Penalties for violation.
Violation of any provision of sections 77.01
through 77.08 shall be subject to the following
(1) First violation: Twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(2) Second and subsequent violations: Fine not
to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00> and/or
imprisonment in the county jail not to ex-
ceed sixty (60) days.
Each day in violation shall constitute a separate
offense. In the initial stages of a water shortage
or water shortage emergency, law enforcement
officials may provide violators with no more than
one (1) written warning. The city, in addition to
the criminal sanctions contained herein, may take
any other appropriate legal action, including but
not limited to emergency injunctive action, to en-
force the provisions of sections 77.01 through 77.08.
(Ord. No. 85-18, ~ 7, 5-7-85)
Sec. 77.08 Acceptance of service constitutes
acceptance of plan.
No water service shall be furnished to any per-
son by a public or private utility unless such per-
son agrees to accept all the provisions of sections
77.01 through 77.08. The acceptance of water ser-
vice shall be in itself the acceptance of the provi-
sions thereof.
Supp. No, 11
See, 77.09 Definitions.
For purposes of section 77.10, the following words
shall have the following meanings:
Abandoned well or cistern: A well or cistern
which is in a state of disrepair such that it is
mechanically not capable of use for its intended
Aquifer: A geological formation, group of for-
mations, or part of a formation that is capable of
yielding water to a well.
Cistern: A structure or device the intended use
of which is the storage of rainwater for household
or commercial purposes.
Ground water: Water contained in or derived
from an aquifer.
Owner: The person, entity, or corporation with
legal title to the property on which a well exists.
WelL' Any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored,
washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed
which extends into or above an aquifer and the
intended use of which is the location, acquisition,
or development of ground water for household or
commercial purposes, but such term does not in-
clude temporary dewatering of subsurface forma.
tions for construction purposes.
(Ord. No. 89-5, ~ 1, 2-21-89)
Sec. 77.10 Registration required.
All owners of real property located within the
corporate limits of the City of Key West shall
register any welles) and cistern(s) located on their
property, excluding abandoned wells and cisterns,
with the city building department. Registration
of existing wells and cisterns shall be completed
within four (4) weeks of the effective date of Or.
dinance No. 89.5 [February 21, 1981]. Registra-
tion of new wells and cisterns shall be completed
prior to the start of excavation. Owners shall pro-
vide the city building department with informa-
tion regarding location on the property, diameter,
depth, height, extraction or storage capacity, cur-
rent status as active or inactive, and current ex-
traction or usage rate (if any).
(Ord. No. 89-5, ~ 2, 2-21-89)
IThe next page is 2911]
Pursuant to Rule 40E-21.275, Florida Administrative Code
Additional infonnation believed to be material may be attached and additional sheets may
be used if necessary, for any of the responses.
A. Name:
24 hour contact phone #: LJ
B. Location of property for which relief is being requested if different from above:
C. SFWMD Permit Number:
Project Name:
D. Specific rule, order, water shortage phase or restriction from which relief is requested:
E. Description of relief requested:
F. Facts supporting this request: (be as specific as possible)
G. Period of time for which variance is sought and the reasons and facts for such:
H. Damage or hann which may result from compliance with the Water Shortage Rule or order:
I. If restrictions cannot be met because of extent or cost, describe measures necessary to meet all
restrictions, restrictions which can be met, and the date of compliance:
J. If this request is for a golf course which is unable to meet the front nine-back nine
requirements, submit a map showing the proposed alternative division of the course in half and an
explanation of the proposed irrigation scheme.
....................................... ......... . ... For District Use Only...... ....................... .................. .....
Date Received: Date Application Complete:
Compliance Yes _No_
Control No:
Fonn Sent
. .
Instructions for filling out the Water Shortage Variance Forms
The following information is being provided to assist you in preparing an application for
a variance from mandatory water shortage restrictions, The variance form is to be used
only when an official water shortage order has been declared by the South Florida Water
Management District (District).
Please answer all questions on the variance form as fully as possible and upon
completion, mail it, hand deliver it or email it to Morris Rosen 4350, SFWMD, P.O. Box
24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, or by fax at (561) 682-6442, or via e-mail at
The Rule on Variances from Water Shortage Orders can be found at Rule 40E-21.215,
F,A.C. A copy of the entire rule on variances and water shortages can be found on our
web site under legal forms. The following information is needed by the District in order
to process and grant a request for a variance from Water Shortage Orders.
An application for variance will not be granted unless the applicant provides reasonable
assurances that the variance requested will not be harmful to the water resources of the
District and demonstrates that one or more of the following circumstances exists:
(a) The variance is essential to protect health or safety, or
(b) Compliance with a particular restriction in the Order will require measures which,
because of their extent or cost, cannot be accomplished within the anticipated duration of
the shortage, or
(c) Alternative restrictions which achieve the same level of demand reduction as the
restrictions from which a variance is sought are available and are binding and
enforceable, or
(d) The applicant is a public or private utility that demonstrates that special circumstances
exist which necessitate the issuance of a variance, or
(e) The applicant's source of water includes an approved aquifer storage and recovery
installation or a water reclamation project.
If an Applicant meets the above criteria and a variance is granted - the variance shall be
subject to the following conditions, unless waived or modified by the Board.
(a) The variance granted shall be the minimum necessary to alleviate the circumstances
for which the variance was requested.
4 ,~ ~.
(b) Duration of Variance: All variances shall expire upon a declaration by the Board that
a water shortage no longer exists or when a more restrictive water shortage declaration it
made, unless the Board specifies that the variance shall be in effect for a longer period of
time, provided however that variance conditions which require the applicant to modify
water use facilities shall remain in full force and effect until such modifications have
been completed. However, when a new application for variance is fIled within seven
working days of the effective date of a more restrictive water shortage declaration, the
existing variance shall remain in effect until fmal agency action on the application.
Variances may prescribe a timetable for compliance with the restrictions from which a
variance was sought.
Although not a specific requirement for obtaining a variance, it would be helpful if you
would provide an accurate location drawing for the requested variance site.
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Recent News Releases (November - January, 2001)
Posted Thursday, January 11,2001
AnEta Sewell (561) 682-6171
SFWMD Director of Communications
Continuing declines in regional water storage supplies - with no
rainfall relief in sight and minimal reductions in water use -- prompted
the South Florida Water Management District Governing Board to
impose more stringent restrictions on water use in Monroe, Miami-
Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. Today's Board action to
place the Lower East Coast on Phase 2 water use restrictions takes
effect at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, January 17,2001, for most of the
region. For the cities of Belle Glade, Pahokee and smaller western
cities surrounding the lake, the new restrictions will go into effect at
12:01 a.m. on January 19.
The Phase 2 restrictions limit lawn watering and car washing to two
days per week: Wednesdays and Saturdays from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. for
addresses that end in an odd number; Thursdays and Sundays, 4-8
a.m., for even-number addresses. The restrictions apply to water
supplied from utilities, as well as water taken from individual wells
and surface water sources such as canals, lakes, ponds and rivers.
Commercial establishments, such as car washes, that recycle water are
not subject to these restrictions. Low volume pressure cleaning is also
The District placed west coast counties -- Lee, Collier, Hendry,
Glades, and Charlotte - under Phase 2 restrictions on November 29.
That area remains under the same level of restrictions.
The District expects these and other conservation measures to produce
significant cutbacks in water use, with a 30 percent reduction as an
overall goal.
Reemphasizing predictions that -- without significant reductions in
normal water use demands -- the current water-supply crisis could
continue for at least the next five months, Executive Director Frank:
Finch explained the difficulties facing water managers as south Florida
enters the height of the dry season.
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The drought has become a statewide problem as every water district in
Florida is dealing with the dry conditions. This is the worst drought
condition we've seen since 1961 and is the second driest in our history.
The driest year being 1938.
"This is the time of year when rainfall is at it's lowest and population is
at it's highest. Also, below normal temperatures have prompted greater
agricultural water use for freeze protection purposes. Weare very
concerned that dry vegetation increases the potential for uncontrolled
wildfires," said Finch. "While some coastal areas have experienced
localized rains that have helped groundwater and storage areas
somewhat, we have not had any significant rains over Lake
Okeechobee. The lake is 3.75 feet below normal for this time of year,
and the conservation areas are rapidly falling. We must decrease our
water use or we will be hard-pressed to ensure that regional water will
be available to recharge south Florida's groundwater supplies when it
is most needed. "
Water use has remained generally consistent for the Lower East Coast
despite declarations of water shortage warnings and mandatory Phase 1
restrictions. "This is the time for individuals and communities to step
up to the plate and take a leadership role," said Finch. "The necessary
ordinances must be in place and law enforcement personnel should be
directed to actively enforce compliance with the water restrictions. "
South Florida's lower East Coast water utilities depend directly on the
aquifers for their primary supply and the water levels in these aquifers
are below normal. The Everglades water conservation areas are the
initial backup for the aquifers. Water levels in the conservation areas
are also below average.
Lake Okeechobee is the backup water supply for both the conservation
areas and the aquifers and a direct source for communities and
businesses located around the lake. Its level is precariously low for this
time of year, and past rains have been concentrated in coastal areas.
In late November, the District also imposed Phase 3 agricultural
restrictions on the water deliveries that growers receive directly from
the lake and Phase 1 restrictions for the towns surrounding Lake
Okeechobee and non-agricultural users in that area. The non-
agricultural users will now be included in the Phase 2 restrictions.
Based on significant rainfall deficits in the central part of the state and
coordination with the Southwest and St. Johns River Water
Management Districts, the Board also declared Phase 2 restrictions for
the portion of Orange County within SFWMD boundaries. For public
continuity and enforcement pUIposes, all Orange County residents and
businesses will be expected to comply with St. Johns River water
shortage cutbacks,
More information regarding the water shortage and Phase 2 restrictions
are available 24 hours a day on the District's web site at Citizens may also contact the SFWMD water
shortage hotline at 1-800-662-8876, The special phone line is
http://www, _ newsre1.html
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