Item C21 C.21 �` County of Monroe �y,4 ' ?, "tr, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Michelle Coldiron,District 2 �1 nff `_ll Mayor Pro Tem David Rice,District 4 -Ile Florida.Keys Craig Cates,District 1 Eddie Martinez,District 3 w Mike Forster,District 5 County Commission Meeting April 21, 2021 Agenda Item Number: C.21 Agenda Item Summary #8 107 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Social Services TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Sheryl Graham (305) 292-4510 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Ratification of Federally Funded Subgrant Umbrella Agreement E2012 between the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services for the period of 10/01/2020 to 09/30/2023. This agreement encompasses the pre-existing Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) agreements. ITEM BACKGROUND: This cost reimbursement agreement encompasses the pre-existing Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) agreement and the existing Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) agreement under one subgrant umbrella agreement. The period of this agreement is three years effective 10/012020 - 09/30/2023. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: Umbrella Agreement E2012 LiheapI7EA Agreement Backup LIHEAPI7EAMod001 Backup LIHEAPI7EAMod002 Backup LIHEAPI7EAMod003 Backup LIHEAPI7EAMod004 Backup LIHEAPI7EAMod005 Backup LIHEAPI7EAMod006 Backup LIHEAPI7EAMod007 Backup WAP 17 WX Agreement Backup Packet Pg. 1187 C.21 WAP 17 WX Modification 001 Backup WAP 17 WX Modification 002 Backup WAP 17 WX Modification 003 Backup WAP 17 WX Modification 004 Backup WAP 17 WX Modification 005 Backup WAP 17 WX Modification 006 Backup FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: 10/01/2020 Expiration Date: 09/30/2023 Total Dollar Value of Contract: -0- Total Cost to County: -0- Current Year Portion: N/A Budgeted: N/A Source of Funds: Grant CPI: N/A Indirect Costs: -0- Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: -0- Revenue Producing: N/A If yes, amount: Grant: Yes County Match: No Insurance Required: No Additional Details: N/A REVIEWED BY: Sheryl Graham Completed 04/08/2021 10:13 AM Pedro Mercado Completed 04/08/2021 10:25 AM Purchasing Completed 04/08/2021 10:25 AM Budget and Finance Completed 04/08/2021 11:48 AM Maria Slavik Completed 04/08/2021 11:59 AM Liz Yongue Completed 04/08/2021 12:06 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/21/2021 9:00 AM Packet Pg. 1188 Kevin Madok, cpA n Clary,of the Circuit Court& Comptroller— Monro nty, Florida DATE. December 19, 201 TO: Sheryl Grahwn, Director cial M i entices Lx)ur=dcs Francis, Administra,tor FROM. ncla . 1 anc l*F . ..F, N L,'ndosed ar-e Iive duplicate on in ils of`Item C 13,Modification #I to Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Subgrant Agreement# 17 A. O -1 1-54-01-019 between Department W of Economic OpportunityO) and Monroe County Board of County Cornmissioners/Monroe � CountySocial Services for the contract period.of April 1, 2017 through.March 31, 2018 to increase funding by $22,004.00Dicta will increase the total contract amount from $189,988.00 to $211,992.00,executed on behalf of Monroe County for your handling. Please be sure to return two duplicate originals one signet by the state.. Should you have {uiy questions, pleRse feel ii°cc to comact inc at ext. 3130. 'Thank ylcyu. Finance File CL KEY WEST T ATHON PLAIVATII KEY PK/80TH BUILDING 600 Whited Stre6t 31,17 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 60 High Point Nad Key West,Rodda 33040 Marathon,Rvida MOWJaata' Key,Rarida=70 Plantaft Key,Florida 3307E 5-2 4-4641 3 • 9 Ck27 395`852414 3 -8 - 14 Packet Pg. 1189 C.21.c - I��a��u��P i,�:[���tr�t t�-�xo•a ��-aa��-�a�F�tka�e� Fully e Executed MODIFICATION N NU [I]OF AGREEMENT EEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FFY 2017 Lt;}W—IIVCt7ME HOM k ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM I;LIHEAP)AND MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA F1 A Number:93.568 Agreement Number-'VE. -OF-11- 4-t 1�01 ,13 FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT THIS MODIN ATI N Number [ ) Is entered into between the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity, with headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "DE ," and Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as'Subrsecipient"(ear-h individually a'Party'and collectively"the partle 7)., WHEREAS, Paragraph (4) of. the Agreement provides that modiflcaflion of the Agreement shall be in wrltie exer.uled by the Partles thereto;and' LIJ WHEREAS, DEG and S sbreciplent have entered Into Agreement Number 1 EA-CF-11-54-01-aig, in which DE � awarded Subrecipient One Hundred Eighty-Nine Thoustriad Nine i unfired - ty�El�l�t c�tfars ors Zero dents � ($189,989.001 In Low-,Income Home Energy: si a.nce P g'I' .(U,HEAP)funds I"thee Agreemerrtd"), and- WHEREAS, ill-IEAP Federal Fiscal Year 01 car _. rer funds Ware available to Inc lle.trnunt nif fundir _ _ granted try Sulbr�cipient,and .0 . .0 E R'HEREAS,additional fundsleave becomeavailable to Increase th e arnount of the funding granted toS breciplept. 0. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual Promises of the Parties contained herein,the Parties agree as fblla� s 1. Subparagraph 1 [a�, IJN I@I JC NSI ERATI N is hereby deleted in Its entirety a.nd replaced with the fell wing. 0 "(a) This Is a cost-reimbo rsement agreement. DE-O awards Subreciplent Two Hundred Eleven Thousand Nine LIJ Hundred Ninety-rwo DDIlar^s 4rno Zero Cents ] 1 1v, 9100), -subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, CL availability of funds and appropriate budget authority; however; Siubreciplent may Incur casts and submit for reimbursement only tip to the total(Revised) funds Released dollar amount listed in Subradplent"s most recently DE issued Notice of Fund Availability (N A)a Any,such NFA duly issued to Subrecipient by DEG,Includling, but not;limited to Its special trains,conditions,and instructions,is Incorporated Into the Agreement by referenced" � 2, Attachment J, Budget Summary and Workplan, is hereby deleted in its entirety and Is replaced by the revised Attachment J, Budget Sum rnary and Worikpian,vahich is attached her eto and Incorp€�rated h;e,reln by refere:n4c a 3. Except as specifically modified herein,all provisions of the Agreement,includlr�g any Attachments or Exhibits thereto,remain In frull force"an d effect. Page I Packet Pg. 1190 C.21.c DDc igm nwebpaibe fRC 1t1 ]. 7F--,0-4 76.,6 2E-76;7FEg 4BFJ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPMRTUNITY FEDERALLY NDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT SIGNATURE PAGE ifal WITNESS WHEREOF,WH'EREOF,1 by signature below,the Parties agree to atAde by the terms,conditions,and provisions of the Agreement,as modified,This Modification sha,11 be a fect a on the date last ex uteri by the Parties. SUB RECIPIENT STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 11�onrae�o� Elcsrida cV (LegaI Name of Subr clplent) cv By. -- Byer _.. t _ ;. �IeHered Debbie Smiley,Bureau Chief � (Prlrnt/Ty a Marne and Bureau of Econornic Self-Sufficiency � Date:®� 1 r-7 Date: 4. ca - 000749 � Approved as to form and legal n� I FederaII ldentiflcation No;tuber sufficiency,subject only to full and C-) proper execution by the Parties, rn 9M7,675-7 I IJ l+i rr b r - Off Ice of the General Coon 1 Department of Economic Opportunity t, of X v _ t iFbCLMK AisprDved Date. 1AS DEPUTY CLIERK COUNTY ED AS FECM J. AS Page 2 Packet Pg. 1191 DocuSign Envelope I0- FFY Z017 LIHEAPAGREEMENT BUDGET f IW+lf6olAR"t' DWORKPLAN As Mod'Ified by Modification 1]to Agreement VE - Fw11.54- 1-1)i UBRECIPIENT: Monroe ourilty, Florida AGREEIIENT, 17EA-DF-1.1-54-01-019. PoBUDGETSUMMARY _ B C D TOTAL LIHFAPFI��l:DSONLY Last Alz rred pgwadj vtrrt Budget AMENDED iTdr� Aro�ed B�d�t � a�asre�� d r� a gal Rlu '+ET AmountAMOUNT, - e+C 1 LIhtEA�llltA lf1 $1 ,9 f#, d $' 004,00211r�� .�6t cV 2 leriesincludln Frlrr e,.Uitili s,Travel,�xtlner $$16,14 .00 1, 1a5.1�� $18,f1]3,�iQ rxxT,rr um Outreach Exp�r56s r 9 .i#S E 3 Salaries intlud Ing Fringe,Utilities,1revel,othQr $26,C716..004 � 3,Elt�.00 ,t16.A� I MinIrTatrrt7llomeEre $73,500.Cal� $g,5�Q. 0 $82, .0tl � .® rgy. l Crisis Assistarme $70,464,10fo $,3��,[� $78,661,00 ++Bather H.ol tea Supply shortage DNast+er - I`C 3,800.00 $440,00 ,�4a14ll.gi} 7 Subtotal Direct Clierit A.s sistance(Lure 4+Line S+Lin ) $1471,7 .t $17,139.00 €�RAI [nTI TA ta'�ac 1> t�3+ n 7,n $18 cL11P 2 .13o $211,991,00 SECTION APWORKPLAN lest ,pro d Amend" � -type of Amistance Estlrnated Estimated Esdrrrated cost £�tirnrtt�Cl i stun d'odCIL Number of Ploy miter of Per idousahr3d Exp diturer Househcrlds l°toesehrnlds _ Sarrrrsmer Honteyrwr—gy - ry ISO 160a 0 00 00 Winter Home Enn 95 114 300,[] 34,200.00 Summer Crisis 178 200 - 21t} 6 42,110.0 � WInterCrUls 165 - 201q 36,381 0 Weather Related Supply Shorts 1� � 21 2 .00 +1,20D.00 TOTAE 607. $76 I6 „ + .$Eh 'If less than 9.5 of Line 1 is budgeted for Adminlstra tive Expenses,the maxim urn*I Igwed for,Ctitre n Expenses may be Increased,The tatal adminlatxatiue Expernses plus the toul Outreach Expenses may not exceed the sum, of the oridir%AJ m aximum ailed for Haase Items Total of t h-ke 7+Line 3 may not exceed $47,116,17 An n,d eted LtnF 2+Line 3 *E�tlrrtatdExpnditires twerrin#h4r i®nrxrut� �—ra,e+rl`h Chia e�rresp,�ndtrt w�lr�e��Un�s�a•7 Prior written approval farm DEO's Grant Manager is require4 for any change to anyof the above line item mmownts not eme i igten 10 ref the liini!item amount redured by said change.A change exceeding 10'x of an above lure item amount requires a formal witten aniendimentto this AEi'eem;ent,as des)cribed in paravapb{4lfb),MODIF CATrON C?F AGR EEMI�A!T.R ardless,DEO will not reimbi,irse costs of more than the teta l 5uloavvard amount of th is Agreelment ILine 3 J,,and In no event shall Subr eclplenV5 total Administrative Experrms:(Line 2)exceed E.5 of the,total subasvard irf this Agreement. Page 3 Packet Pg. 1192 C.21.d Kevin Madok, CPA f' Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller,-Monroe County, Hodd 1 i1] E-, April Via, 201 TO; hel-0 Graham, 1 it clot, social `~fit-vices A l".N 1.At'ttt-t s l"t antis. Adtttinisitra or FRO 1)rt11RA ri ;. 11ara«'o ° ; 1 .C.". cv l t1 EC 1'. N atrch 21" 13()C (-' Meet - N .At#ach d is an electronic copy of 1teni C19, l+t•odifiQati to 42 to 1.,ow Income Home � Energy Assistance Program Subgrant Agreement 17 . - 17-11-54-01-019 betwi yen the Department of Economic Opportunity and Monroe County BOCC/Monroe County Social, � s rvIce for the Contract period of April 1, `017 through September ber 0, 2020 to inclrea'w funding- by $63,825,00 which will increase tf c total, contract amount from $211,992,00 to 27 , 1 . , too' y ttr handling- should vo a ha'Ve atuiV t1ue'stion's, jri au e fc l froe to co'n(ad inn tat cx1.. ,;.i5 ll.. `1'lumtf: vou. t F Conlin- ,' norttrev cCD V FiWttHT 'bs 0 File � r�. CL KEY WET MARATHON PLANTAT] KEY PKIROTH BUILDING 500111 itebead Street 3117 GvQrseas Hi 1-tway 8BB20 Dverqeas Higbway 50High Pbint ROM Ivey Ot t;Flof ida 330140 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key ROM 33070 Plattfatlran Key,Plodder WX Packet Pg. 1193 T,--- VarmSo Envefope wc.$CA083F t=��[34�I&AD70-76877C6A9307 011111GINAL Contract No..17EA-OF-11-54-01-01 FLAIR 1D.,E1959. CFIDA Number.,93,568 MODIFICATION NUMBER 121 OF AGREEMIENT GEMEEN THIE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT Of ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY IFFY 2017 LOW-Ii COME HOdkfl:E ENImR Y ASSISTANCE PROGRAM l; HEAP)AND ONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA FEDERALLY FUNDED SLIS RANTAGREEMENT INS MODIFICATION Number[21 is entered Into between the State of Florida.Department of Economic Opportunity,with headquarters in Tallahassee, Ffurida,hereinafter referred to as"t o,'and Monroe County,Florida, cV hereinafiterreferred laas ' ubreciplent"(each indivlduallya'ParW and collect f� ly"the Partic ""), WHEREAS,Paragraph[4Hb[of the Agreement provIl %that "Im]odiRcMions to Ihl�Agreement roust be lrr, writi,n , €gin DEC-approved forms,as applicable,and duly signed by the Parties";and � WHEREAS,DEO and Subreciplent have entered Into Agreement Nuu ber 17EA,OF-1 -5A-01-019,.in which 9E awarded Subreclpfent Two Hundred Eleven Thousand Nine Hundred Nhiety-Two ft tiorsand a CEols'[ .11,992,.0 t In Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program WHEAP)funds rtheAgreement"),and WHEREAS, LlI-IF P Fecleml Fiscal Year 2D16 carryover and Federal,Fiscal year 2017. forums are available to Increase the amount of funding granted to Subrecipient,and WHEREAS,additional funds have.become available to Increase the amount of the funding granted to ca Subreciplent.. CD NOW,THEREFORE,In consideration of the mutual promises of the Parties contained herein.,.the Parties agree as iPt�tlors± ram. 1. Paragraph(3)PERIOD Of AG R Is hereby deleted;In.Its entfs ty and replaced ,with the foliDWing; 0- ls Agreement period begins on April 1,20171 and rinds on September 30,2020,unless;terminated earlier in accordance with the pirovisions oftltls Agreement,Including but not limited to,Paragraph�1 [of this Agreement. For avoldance,of a.11 doubt, notwithstandling anythIng else herein,including,but not limited to � EA Wit S-A,:FUNDIN0.SOURCES,the suba 'ard period of perfof'Mallice,starts April 1,2017 and ends September E 0, 020.- 2, Subparagraph (1R)(a[x FtlNDI'NGiCONSIDERA,TION Is hereby deleted In its entirety and replaced with the following; .0) This Is a cast-reimbursement agreement.DCO awards Subrecipliant Two Hundred Seventy-Five thousand Eight Hundred Seventeen Daflurs ond Zero Cents( 2 5S 81C77",Q0),subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,availability of funds and appropriate budget authority;fiet wever,Suabrecipient may Incur costs and submit for relimbursoment only up to the Totat{Revlsedj Funds Released dollar amount fisted in Subreciple:nt"s roast recently CEO-Issur,ed notice of Fund A,v�allabEfty(NFA).Each such NFA,and any attachments thereto,duly issued to Subreclplent Page Packet Pg. 1194 C.21.d dJnr� �r�En��lope��,��, ®�t�ra• at�4�'a- ��T� 7?� 3�� - -ORIGIML Contract No,, 17EA- F-11.54-01 1!9 FLAIR lea E1 59 CPOA Number-93.5458 by DE ,Includingo Nv t not Rmited W its special terms. conditions,and Instructions,Is I oorporat d Into the Agreement by refance;� ,. At.tach ent J,80,d qt Summary and Woikplan,is hereby deleted in its entirety, + To the extent there.Is any conflld between the provisions of thks Mbidificatlon,inclut#ing any attachments and 6xh bil:5 then to,and the provislons of the greem' ent,Including any attachments anal exhibits therattio,the prravWorrs of this Modificaition shall sapor�5ade and contr t N , All provisions of the Agreement,including pny attachments 6r e^xhibits thereto,not arn. end+ed by or in conflict wlth thlt Modlflcetlon,rernaJn In full f6rre and effect. LU IN ¢, E WITNE lil EI F ley signature below,the Varkles agree to 1* by the terrhs,conditions,slid provisions � of thtrAgreement,as modified.This.WWI lca on shall be effective on thu date 4st execato.by the Parties. SUSIRECIPIENT STATE.01FFLC11#IC7 a. Monroe o,pmy,Florida DEPARTMEWOf ECO OF'RORTUN17V (Signature c44 CD t-I r1 1t T Debble Sm Iley,Chlef (Frint/Ty€peIke and Title Flere) BOreau Eton orn[C.Self-Stifflcienty [?btu CL lJ CL ppi-rved as:to form end legal Federal Identification Nurnhar. sufficiency,su ❑,nly to full and � p op r e gtlon the F artl ... 07 7675.7 44M1sR a , DUNS Number Mice of the danerel Counsel Department of Economic Opportunity 17EA-QF-11-54&1-245k 4 Agreement Number r Approved date, SIGNED ME: David .. NROE _ U +ITT flNey RIVI TIT: MAYOR ,,� page A PMRO DATER r hSTT93 c Packet Pg. 1195 } " Kevin Wook, cpA Clergy,of the ctrcuit court,&comptroller-Monroe County, Florida DATE July 16, 2018 TO.. Shejyl Grabwn, Director oc m semces FROM: Pwnela G. Hanc�*C' StfflffECT: May 16'BOCC l eedn cv N Attached are four duplicate orWnals of It ern C32, M.0dification#3 to Ln v Income -loads icrg,y Assistance Program Sub grant Agreement#17EA-0,-11 4- 1-019 between t]re l ep rtr-aerat m of Economic Opportunity d, Monroe County) O M a r e County Sockd Services for the. CD coati Act period of April 1, 2017 d.,ir€ tW ti cptcrulrer , to increase,Funding her $185,54100 which will increase the total contract amount from $275, 17.00 to $461,360.00,executed o behalf of Monroe County for your handling, 2 Marie 1v errs to sew]] lly excreted duplicate orWnal tome for dw er s recut mwe _ r evr e virn the sWc. Should you have any questicrrrs, please fee].free to contact me at ext. ca Ica Comity AtLorney Finance do CL KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEG" PK/f#OTH BUILDING: :a Whitehead t 3117 Overms Highway Highway 50 Riga Point Road Key West, 4 MarAon,Flaida 33050 PUntabon K".Florida W070 fjanVdia-Xw-U-id-22a1-n Packet Pg. 1196 OR'IGINAL Fully Dowsign Ili, Executed MODIFICATION FIt4TWlBER,THREE OF AGREEMENT SETWEIIIN THE FILORIDAA IDEFARM19W OF ECONOMIC TUNITY FIF'f 2017 LOW4NCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM( )AND I ROE COW"*FLORIDA C DA Number:93.568 Agreement Number.,17EA-OF-111- -01-01, FEDIERAMY FUNDED SUBGRANIT AGREEMENT THIS MODWICATION Number 'three is entered Into between the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity,wlth headquarters to Tallahassee, Florida, hereinafter referred to as '"DEO," and Monme County,Florida, hereinafter referred to as"Subrec nt"{each Individually a"Party"and collectively'tEie Parties'"[. cV WKER, AS,Paragraph(4)jb)of the Agreement provides that'[mlodifications to this Agreement test be in writing,. on DEO-approved f rrras,as appilcable,and duty signed by the Parties',and WHEREAS, DED and Subreciplent have entered Int ment Wormer 17EA-t -11-54 ,019, In which DEO E awarded Sabre+ciplent TW,a Hundred SevevWivv Thousand Wit Hundred Seventeen Dafl= and Zero, cents ( 7 ,017M)in t.a -lncorne Home Energy, Assistance Program [LIH AP)fun ('the emeal-and WHEREAS, tIFIEA P Federal Fiscal Year 101g funds are avallable to Increase the amount of funding granted to � Subreciplent. NOW THEREFORE,inconsideration of the mutual pre es of the Parties coratalned herein,the Parties agree as follows,,, ca 1. Subparagraph ISN4, LQM LWQj4QLR&T1MIs hereby deleted in Its entirety and replaced with the M CD (of win ja)This is a cost-reimborsement agreement, INFO awards Sub recipient, err numilted,St sae thousand Three Hundred$bay,DWAws and Zem Cents (WL360.00), wbject t*the terms and conditions of this Agreement, � avallaebililty of funds and appropriate budget authority, however, Subrecipie t may Incur crests and submit For CL reimbursement only up to the Total(Revised)Funds Released dollar amount fisted In Subteciplent's,most recently DE - issued Notice of Fund Availability I FA),Earn such NFA,and any attacbments thereto,duly,issued to Subreciplent by DEC, Including but not [ tied to Its special terms, conditions, and Imtructi'ons, is incorporated Into the Agreement b � rel`erer`l 2. To the extent tyre is any conflict n the provisions of this Modification, Inrfudlog any attachments and exhibits thereto,and the provisions of the Agreement,In ding any attachments and exhlbits thereto,the provisions of this lei-odificaation shall supersede and control. 3. All provisions of the Affearnem as amended or modlfled, Including any attachments or exhibits thereto, not am,ended by or In corl wlth this Modiffcat %remain In full force a>nd effect Page]. Packet Pg. 1197 v. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT Of KONOMIC OPPORTUNMY FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBSKANT AGREEMENT SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS EREO ,by signature below,the,Parties agree to abide by the terms,Conditions,and provislons of the Agreement,as modifled.This Modification shall be effective on the date last:exocuted by the Parties, SUBRECIPIENT STATE OF FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY,R.ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY cv r By, � � Sly acre} m t Gebble Smiley,Chief -lPrintlType Nerve and°Fide Here Bureau of Ecnn�rn�Ir elf-U tioy Date; � 1 � Date- Approved as to form and legal ,C- ' ca Federal identification Nd s flct3ency su b)ect on y to hull and � CD proper execution hV the Parties. CD DUNS Number OfNca of t,Iae General Counsel Department of Economic OpportunityCL r� AEr-ement Number } Approved Date. 1 A I Al EY 00 MW Page 2 Packet Pg. 1198 C21.f ter# #®R Auvin Madok, cp Clerk of`the Circuit Court& Comptroller— Monroe County, Florid DATE- June 28, 2019 Slveryl Graham, Director Social Services ATTX Lourdes Francis FROM: Pamela G. 11anc , . cV E Fnclosed are six dul-,&ate originals of the folloviing itern, executed on lie]xallf of 141onroe County) for Your luuidling, ;11 Modification No. 4to Low Income Home Fzergy Assistance Prograin Subgrant e naent #1, FA:!.OF-I 1,54-04-019 between the artrne t of r xionnc Opportunity and -- Monroe County B /Mono County Social Services for the contract petlod of April 1, 2017 0. through September 30, 2020 to increase funding by$452,958.29 w1 iclr Fill increase.die total le contract nount from $461,360,00 Lo 14,315,29. Please be ware to ret-orn a hilly executed duplicate original to rne once signed by the state. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at,( f? ) 2 - 550. CL CC, County Attorney Finance File KEY WEST MAIRATHION PLANTATION KEY R0TH BUILUN 0 Wh ehead Street 3117 overseas Highway 20 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Flortla 33050 Plantation Key,Flodda,33079 Plaftft Key,RaWa,330) 0 2 -4 1 05-280 7 - 2-71,4 52-- 14 Packet Pg. 1199 C.21.f DjouSign Etvaiope Mz 7357c8 -43aF I A3-B0B4-F07EC5ZAZ49a 1=1 ORIGINAL, Fully MODIFICATION NUMBER UR OF AG`REEME i BETWEEN 0� REFLORIDA DEPARTMENT� F ECONOMIC P T TLINITY Px ute&Y 019 LOW-IN M M ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (Lil P)AND M+NROE COUNTY CIA Number 93,568 Agreement Number.17EA-OF-11-54-01-01 FLAIR Contract Number: E1959 FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT THIS MODIFICATION Number Fear Is entered into between the State of Florida,Department of Economic Opportunity,with headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida,hereinafter referred to as `Dt ,`and Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as"Subrecipient"each individually a "Party'and collectively"the Parties`) cV HERE ,Paragraph( )(b)of the Agreement provides that'"[rn)odifrcatioos to this Agreement must be in writing, on DEO-approved forms, as applicable, and duly signed by the Parties";and WHEREAS,DEC aril Sobreciplerrt have entered into Agreement Number 1 EA-0E-11-S+1-01.m019"in which CEO � awarded'Subr'ec plent Four Hundred Sley-One Thausand Three Hundrerf Sixty Dollars and Zero Cents($461,360.00)In Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program(LihiEAP)funds('the Agreement");and WHEREAS, LIHEAP Federal Fiscal Year 2019 funds are available to increase the amount of funding granted;to obre°ciplent,and NOW,THEREE RE, in con s Id eration of the nnutua1 prorni,ses of the Parties contained herein,the Parties agree as fo lllo rs; 10 Subparagraph(18)(a[, FUNDING CONSIDERATION,its hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following. "(a) This is a cost-reimbursement agreement. 0E 7 awards Subreciplent Nine Hundred Fourteen ThousandCIL r� Three Hundred Eighteen Dollars and rwenty-Nitre Cents($9'14 18.29), subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,availability of funds and appropriate budget authority; however,5ubreciplent may incur costs and submit for reimbursement only up to the Total(Revised) Funds Released dollar amount listed in Subreeipient's most recently DEO-issued Notice of Fund Availability(NFA[,.. Each such NFA,and any attachments thereto, duly issued to'Subfecipient. y DE ,including, but not lirri%ted to its special tens,conditions, and instructions, is incorporated into the Agreement by reference." _. To the extent there is any conflict between the provisions of this Modification,inc luding any attachments and exhibits thereto, and the provisions of the Agreement,including any attachments and exhibits thereto,the provisions of this Modification shall supersede and control. 3,1 All provisions of the Agreement,including any attlachments or exhibits thereto, not a mend'e by or In conflict with this Modification, remain in full force and effect. Page 1 Packet Pg. 1200 STATE Of FLORIDA DEPARTMENT O ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FEDERALLY FUNDED SUB RANT AGREEMENT $IGNATURE PAGE IN W"ESS WHERE F,,by signature below,the Parties agree to abide by the terms,conditions,and provIslons of the Aggeement,as modified ed.This Modification shall be effective on the date last executed by the Parties., SLIBRECIPIENT STATE Of FLORIDA MONROE,COUNTY DEPARTM ENT OF ECONOM IC OPPC}RTUNIT" cv cV + : By. Brian McManus �Pr nt/Type Marne and fitile Here) Chief of Staff Date,. Date, 59 6 0 74 _ Approved as to farm and legal ca Federal Identification Wimber sufficiency,subject only to full and Proper execution by the Parties:, 073876757 DUNS Number Office of the General Counsel Department taf Economic Opportunity �F 7EAm 711-54-017 19 r urriber By, Ak" 04 Approved late: m � R I, RK CLERK .,�,*7 �Pv E COUNT�WATNEY' P� J. E#C� ASSISTANT l I C3�NFV Page 2 Packet Pg. 1201 C.21.g al Kevin Mad* cpA Clerk of the Circuit Court&Comptroller— Monme County, Florida DATE ,duly 1 , 2020 F: Shcr l Gralim, Director Social er%*'" , Lourdes Francis T_ M Pamela f�. I lara June. 17' 13OCC Mectin ncincl is a duplicate urinal crl`tlre icllnwig ttm executed I *lrl1f onroe County, for your handlin ' 7 5111 Modification to Low irl tittle Bottle Lnergy Assistance h- Subgmnt, Agreenient #1 .w k-1 1,5"1-019 betw. een die Department ol"Loconornic Opportunity nd Monroe County BOCC/Monr+ Counq- Social Str"ices for t he contract rod of April 1, 201 �lu rJ10Sviptember 30, 2020,t itr ze fruxdvr by , .+ W clr Will increase flue total contract �iniou 3t I-Toni $914,318.29to S 1,184.57 54,29, LO CD CD Please return a fully°executed copy ofthe document to our office once simcd by DE 1, Should yuo, have viy questions please feed free to cr>ut ct me at ( 0 ) ' 50. CL UI Firlance F le KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTARON KEY PODTHBUILDING 500ftfteheadStreet 3117 Onmas HWmft !Ovemm Highway 50 High i tut Key w ,nodda 33040 Marathon.FWda 33050 Plantation Key Ilodds 33070 PI! "an Key,Fbtda 33O f, 2 4-4 1 i -6027 2-71 2-7145 Packet Pg. 1202 DQCUSiWfJ EMA4VG� :3a_ maE t1t9,. c was rya IM0011FWAVON MJMPER FIVE OF Jk UBM l'BETWEEN THE FLORIDAOF IECONOUK 0P"TUWTV LOW1NCtI E HONE ENERGY A NCE PROSINAM t,UNUP)AND MONROE COUNW,f'W111111110A, €A Numbev 93.568 raeernent Nlumt V'EA-Qf 1l-5 -019 FLAIR Contract Number,,61 59 FEDERALLY FU SUPGRANT AGMWNT T141S MODIFICAMIN Number Five I% entered Into between the State of Florida, ldapllrtrrnent of Ea nrsmlc Opportunity,with headquada s.In Tallahassee, Florian,hereinafter referred In as'DEEI,* and Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to,as.'Sub nt'leach individually a'Pa ram"and llac—t y'The Fa r),. � WHEF ,Pa ra F da1� )of the ee aernt pr +des that 0(ml iF# dons to this Agreement must be in wrldill, cV an,43FO- rove rms�as applicable,and duty sIgn0by the,hal o ;and � WHE *DEQ and Subredplent ham e t 1'rito Agreement NkWnber 17EA -S1 5+4-DIL E01 , In,which[)E0 � awarded Subreciplent T l lita tr and coots 014318491 In Low-income Hamm Enerp,Assistance Pr rare tN i !funds( the en )-and `HERF , UHEA'p Federal Fb€al Year 11110 funds are available to Increase the arnount of fursdlrrg granted to brociplent;and NA .THEREFORE, In conslderatiion of thae awtval promises of the Pert s contalned hereK the Rarfts agree as f1 : s. ns 1a Subparagraph (1E)daL E PJNgJW TI :_ is hereby deleted In Its erittrety and rep . d vwlth the fIaendr . LO CD *(ap This Is a agreement.DEO awards Subreciplent f TAowored Fhv fd S Wive Wim W TWeaW4JJneCents 11, 4,57S,291,subject to Ow terms and conditions r�. of this Agreement,availability of funds and appropriate budge authority, however, Subrecipienj may in r costs and CL CL submit,for reirribursement only rah to the Total(Revisedl Funds ReWased dollar arnwnt listed in, Stibrec laent's - _ . recently CEO-lssued Not ke of IFIind Avallabil4y (NI'FA), E such NIFA, and any 41achments thereto, duly Rued to Sulixeclipirnt by OFO,IncludlrII, but nGt limited to Its special terms,coodlitions,and Instrueli ts,Is incorporated Into the , reernent by r ren .� 1. 10 the extent there Is any conflict between the provisions of this MadM ation,Includift,any atta a mts and exhibits theretlt,,and the previsions of thr Agreement,including any Attachments and exhibits the ,the provisions of this MoOtation shall sauparsaede and control. ., All provisions of We ent,Including any attachments or exhibits thereto,not amended by or in conflict with this Modification,remain In full force,and effect, Pagae Packet Pg. 1203 C.21.g fin,E 117alr O 40 3454E9074D4ED4E424MCFAAWMDW,$ STATE OF FLOAM DEPARTMENT OF EC NO RTUNM' FEDERALLY FUMMO SUMANT AGRUMENT SIGNATURE PAGE IN W17NESS WHEREOF„by,Min re Welow,the Parties agree to abide,by the terns,cDnd Itlons,and provisions of the,+' rearnarrl as modified,This ModifiWlon shall be,fictive on the date lesLt ioxeculed by the Parties. SUBRECIPIENT STATE OF FUMIDA MGMWE CO4MTY,FLORIDA ]DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMC OPPO TUNM CD C44 b ; By: ( Rnat : M r Heather CarnLithem Ken Lawson,Encirtive Director jPd0tjTVW Name and Title Here) Department of ften rric oppoftiArajV tLL,: Dates �I,azl . Approvedeil ast form and legit � federal Idler ificetlon Number sufficiency,,swbj t only to M4 sod proper execution by the Parties. L CD 97AU n MI5 Number office of the General Cou nsel Department VfEconomic opponunit. CL 7�'iJ�pP�4IC ct`# AL APFYIoLI�Ifdite;__ W rT!' AMIST A7ANE'd°.. r rJ 711012 i I7 v., L; Page 2 Packet Pg. 1204 F, -vin MadoK CPA pjerk Of the Circuit Court&Connptroller-Monroe,CountY, FkAdO DATE eptrn-lber8"2020 TO hervl Graham, Director rwi� Services ATTN- l ourdes r'a icis, Administi:Ateat° .� cv FROM: aillch ". Blanc 1 . cV Attached is mi cle tronic copy c►1-t}ec.1l011c"i item for youx, rcc€mist El Ratification of t1w, Gib Modilic:ati(m, to the Low fist°o e Hoine biergy Assistaju'e Prowal CARES act gr eu ue` t o -OF-,11-544 19, 1 Contract o. V1 between glue Flomla Dc+pai- mm of anomic Oplxartunity aml C+rloiir se 'o unly Board eel-COUIIt}r Cojimn sic ncrs /Monrot C o unto,Social ervic s W increase leulclilig by $182,1377.00 wl6c h %vill increase tit teat= contract mulouni froin $1,184,575.29 to 1, 65.95,21 I-CW a c0sjttacj lactic�xl e�f � lm 1. 1, 2017 tlirou gli e p e.:.unl ;r 30, 2021.. lio ulel you Iuam Derry clue st on please feel l to to contact me at ( ) 9 -3501 CL Comity Attorrwy xu:uace lele KEY LIVES f MARATHON TATION KEY PIVROTH BUILDING aftehead Street 3117 Nerseas Highway WO DveMas Highway 50 Ngb ant ROW Key Wit,RorWf a 33040 Maraftn,MOM.a Plantatim Key,Flodda 33070 Plaft§W Key,Pori&331 :9-2 -4 1 30 9 27 852-714 -8 2-7"1 45 Packet Pg. 1205 C.21.h tea, Ertl � :oar� car �- �a MODIFICATIf1H IN'UMSEPI SIX OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN TH'E ORIGHAL FLU-10 DEiPAIItTIi IT OF f-CONOPAC OPPORTUHITY LOW-INCOME E.ENERGY AsslSTAN PROGRAM(LI EA P)AND, MoNlgo,E COURTY, LORtDA CFE)A Number 93,569 Agreement Number: 17EA-01`41-54.01.01 FLAIR Contract Number.E19 9 FEDE RAUY MIN DED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT THIS bs10010CA,TION plumber Sim Is entered into between tyre 'State of Floridia, Departawnt of Eronorink Opportunity w ith headquarters in,lallaha�ssee, Florida,herenafter re€erred tam as,"DIE0,° and I" cmrtr Clarity" Florida, hereinafter referred to as"Subrecioient"(each indi iduaRyr a,'Partyr,"and colliectkely o'the a les').. car WHEREAS,,Paragraph 114I i of the Agreement prc+�ides that',"ImlodifaRailYont to this a re rr nt rrtu t lr�u�ridin�, cCD ar on f1EO-ap roved fo as applicalAe,and duly signed by the Partied°;and WHEREAS, DEO and submcipient have entered into Agreement Number 17EA- -d •S -01-019, in which EEI � 0) awrorded Sub r eciptlent Oat MWOO one HundredEighty-Fours Thairsand F ay tiondred ScvenWiFhv falters and t Njine Cents , ,575,29)in Low.income Home Energy iwssistancc Program(MHEAP)(unIs(*the A ;reemerit"'j,and WHEREAS,LIHEAP CARES A,tt funds ire avliflzble to increase the amourit of funding,granted to subreeipl ntf and NOW, -THEREFORE, Ire coo sideration of the mutual promises of the Partiess Contained' herein,the Parties agree as E 4ollosa 1, Subparagraph (1811a), ,frfDllV &Q--NSlQL5 TJ,,0t, is hereby deleted In its ertitirety and repiaced with the le ca f'oll +ln ,(a) This is a cost-relmhu(sernent agreement,0 awards Subrecipiept one W00a Three Flvrtsd 0d5UtY`$Zr CD Thousand',fh,ne Hundred Fft-'rwo Claftals and Twenty-Nine Cents 11,36 99 .1"9). subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, availabillty of funds and apprropAale budget autfioriity, however. Subrecipient may incur costs and r�. submit for reimbursement only up to the Total (Rewlsecd) Funds Released dollar aitnourrt listed in Subredpient's mostCL recently DEO-issued Notice of Fund Awailabiility (NFA,)- Each such: NFA, Arid any attachomnts thereto, duly issued to 5srbred pie nt by DF , Irjctudlaag,but not limited to Its special ter rns,conditions,and instructions,Is Incofporated into the Agreement by mfetence." . To the extent there Is any eonfiiet between the provisions of this,Modificalydon, including any attaclrrnents and � exhibits thereto,and the provisions of the Agreement,inc:iv,ding an-V attach ants and exhibits thereto, the proviOlons,of this odlfica00n shall Superserlie and co ntr'ot. 7. All provision-,of the Agreement,inciudlng any attacfi.ments or exhibits thereto,not amended 6y,or In conflict with this Mio ificauton,remain in full force and effect. Pap 1 Packet Pg. 1206 000 �rdn I k;Wl J04ZA442r ' " 4~Wb STATE Of FLORIDA IN ORIGINAL DEPARTMENr OF MONOM I C:OPPORTUNM FED . y FUNDED SURGRARO AGREEMENT SIGNAkTURE IP'AGE IN WITNESS MEIREW,by eiEmatiure below.the Parties agree to obide by the to im corsditions,and'provWorrs of Agreement,,as modirled.This Ifkation slv:i be,effective an the mate 4sl exetuttd by the Parties. UBREOPI NT STAlt OF fl$ItI€A 0100E COUNTY,FLORIDA DEPARTMEW OF EODNOWOPPORTUNITY cv CD C" LU ..........j Aer l C4&Wr AAWWiN Ken La son,E uth+e Otr trsr (Print/Type Name'and Tie here) Department of Emnornk+Gpportrun,it:y 20 Crate: Date. �I�AI��r 51 7A Approved as to fora and legal w � Federal Idemtliricativo Number sul"iciency,subost only to full and Proper executiloo by the Parties. ca - r to Ct7I#76T` 7 .. UN N"Urnber Offke of the General Counsel M Department of ftonarnic Opportunity j7E&gf-t;® -019 Agreement Number CL Approved Dal. 6/23/ 0 .. U Monroe Aaunt Board of County Conunissionen, hI q layor :eel aer Page 2: ate I y. f . Ash Deputy Clork Packet Pg. 1207 � A FXV Fi , cpA Clerk of the Circuit Court&COMOVIer—Monroe County,flodda DATE- v b r 24, 2020 : Sileryl Grall'il11, Director Social Services f o r es Francis,Administrator *C S November 1 ' ROCC Meeting E 2 Enclowd.arc: two duplicate or male of tlx following iterri,executed on 1 1 1f f Monroe Cowaq,, for your bandlinw 7tla Modification to t1ie Low Income 1-lome Fmcrgy Assistance Progmn Agreement No. 17 17-11 4- 1 1 , FLAI R Contract No. E1 between die FIoiida Department of Ft,onornic OpIx3rtunity and Monroe Comity Board,of Cottrity ConunissionersCounty. Social ser&es to ex(end d-It areetnent for a ont ct.pexiod of April 1, 017 to Marc],31, 2021. � Plea, be sum to once sigmed by tile stag. Sliould you liave r any questions please: feel free to contact me at (305) 292-&550, CL Cc. County Attorney IFinance File KEY WE ST MAMTHON PLANTATION KEY PK/ROTH BUILDING 50owbRehead SIMI 3117 Overwas Huhway U820 Oversm fthmy 50 High ftat POW Key Wftl,Pkdda 33040, MwAm FWda 33050, NmWn Key,FkWa 33070 PlantabwF 305-2 - 1 5-28 7 5-a 24145 5-852-714 Packet Pg. 1208 C.21. MWIFICATION hill MNA Ili CW AGREaffilIT BETWM THE FW410A DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OppagMlTy LOW-INCOME HOAU fWjWyp" I MONROE , FtOgtl CFDA fl umber.93, 9 MeAt Number. 17 -21- -+R1-11 FLAIR Cordract Nuntrar.E1+05 FWEAAUV FU Stf al it THIS MODIFICATION Numbv Stern Is entered into between the State of Florida, Department of car Economic l ptror unity,mullh faeadquartem Ira TallshasSea,Florida.hereinafter referred to as,"DfD m and ors a cCD ar County, Florida, hereinafter reknred 10 as 'SVbreclplertt" (each IndIviklually a Var " and r llect #tle Partiolo). 0) WH E REAS,Iaara graph(4)(h)of the,i reernarrt provides that m1mlodtficatiim,s to this A,grea:rrrarrt must t � In wrltln& on I] -approved forms,as applicable,and duly signed by the parties-F a tl aJ H E RUG,the Parties agree to amend t he Agreement as set forth herein. NOW,THEREFORE,In consideratiom of the mutual promises of the Parties Contained herein,the Parties L Paragraph( )EIPLIOD REEMfANT is hereby d lexed In Its entirety and replaced with the foliowlnS: � fhb Agreement period begins on April 1,2017, and ar4s On MMIrch 34 Z021, unless termirratarl ear ler In h accordance with the Pmvilloos of this agreement,Including but Ir t llrrrfted to,Paragraph(1 )of this Agreement, CD For av+oldance of all doubt, notwlthstisndlipg anything else herein, IricludIn b�rt rrrrt limited Exh 1,-�, UNDIhll* l Ss the subaward period of performance starts Aprill it 2017 ario ands Marrc-h 11.20 1,0 ram. 7. To the extent there is any conflI43 IbetweeFt the provisions Of this Modification, Including any CL CL attachments and a €frlblats thereto,anti the provisions of the AgneemeaL including any tsttackrrnents and exhlblis Cher o,the Provisions of this Modific art shall supersede and conimL _ AtIWchrneftt A Scope,Of Work,Subparagraph E.. , Is hereby deleted fn Its entirety sod replaced with the � fhllo iqg: " b lent shag determine the omact arri in of each Crisis Assistance benefit based on the rnlralrnurn n e&$RrY to resOlVa the crisis,but notr more than the maximurn set by DEO,DIED Will Infofrn the Subreclplant of the maxinnurn crisis benefit Prior to the beginning,of each prograin year.- 4. All provision s of the Agreement, InctudIM9 any arttaachrnertls Of exWbIts thereto, not Amendac#by of I rnflkt w th this l4t94lfte8tlDn,remain In full forte a;ad,affect, Ttw roma4mlar of tNe pVq}s' "loot C o f of 2. Packet Pg. 1209 DOOJS�an M- � F c2 DmMum Fj"MPe Mr., STATE Of FLORMA DEPARTMFNT OF EC is RT11ItlIry FEDERALLY FUNDID sUsGRAMTIt(j11Egm,ENT SIGNATURE PE IN WITNESS ERE F, by$1900tu►e b$IOW,the Partin agr a to abI&by the terms, tWjtiqn$,and PrQvb lung of the AgrftmeK as mod ,This Modification shall be effective on September A 020. ry SUSALCIPIIENT SATE OF FLORIDA, MONMX NTMa FUMDA MPARTMENT Of ECONO#AIC OPPQVVNM byl IWIp �old IlaruaW 1`aEt'a, Executive fi]l 01ni/TYpe Marne and Title Hare) 06PRrtMelit of EconomkOpportiainhy Data �_�, � Cat 12/ / 02 r�. Approved as to form and lept Feral identifkation Number suffidepq.subjec%on N to full and Proper executlarn by the Partl 07317675 LU L. DUDS Num4er 0MC9 Of the General Counsel OL 00paru nt of Ec nomIr OpportLinfty rnervt Number y9 Approved Date.11/30/ 020 FOF P a - i4I51T :• ],1 10 FIN MAE Packet Pg. 1210 C.21.j KEVIN MADOK, CPA MONROE COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT&COMPTROLLER DATE: August 8, 2017 TO: Sheryl Graham, Director Social Services ATI'N: Lourdes Francis,Administrator FROM: Pamela G. Hanc 4ck, . . N SUBJECT: July 19th BOCC Meeting N Enclosed are the following documents: E C 13 Amendment #002 of Alzheimer's Disease Initiative Program (ADI) Contract KZ-1697 between the Alliance for Aging, Inc., and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services/In Home Services for the contract year 2016- 2 2017 (ending June 30, 2017) in order to increase the total grant funding by $7,050.00 from $164,647.80 to $171,697.80. These additional funds are non-recurring. Enclosed are three fully -- executed duplicate originals for your handling. C14 Alzheimer's Disease Initiative Program (ADI) Contract KZ-1797 between the T Alliance for Aging, Inc., and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe W County Social Services In-Home Services for the contract year 2017-2018 (07/01/2017- E 06/30/2018)in the amount of$164,647.80. Enclosed are three fully executed duplicate originals 2 for your handling. C19 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Federally Funded Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Subgrant Agreement #17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 between the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and County of Monroe, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Monroe County Social Services) for the period of 04/01/2017 through 03/31/2018 in the amount of$125,572.00. Enclosed are E five duplicate originals, executed on behalf of Monroe County,for your handling. Please be sure to return two fully executed duplicate originals to my office once signed by the state. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ext. 3130. Thank you. cc: County Attorney w/o document Fin �jFe File✓ Packet Pg. 1211 A Fully ORIGINAL Executed STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY CFDA Number(s): 81.042,93.568 Agreement Number: 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE FOR LOW-INCOME PERSONS THIS SUBGRANT AWARD AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into between the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity, with headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida, (DEO) and Monroe County, (Subrecipient) (each individually a "Party" and collectively"the Parties"). cv cv THIS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO BASED ON THE FOLLOWING REPRESENTATIONS: A. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) administers the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) at the Federal level, and distributes WAP grant funds to states. The State of Florida's Department of Economic Opportunity has received such grant funds from DOE, as well as funds from the U.S. Department of Health and , Human Services (HHS) for the State of Florida Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which are administered in conjunction and blended with WAP funds. B. DEO is the WAP grantee recipient agency for the State of Florida,designated by DOE to receive funds annually for program purposes. DEO is authorized to distribute WAP funds to Subrecipient to provide energy efficiency improvements to eligible households. C. Subrecipient is eligible to receive these grant funds in order to provide the services identified herein. THEREFORE, DEO and Subrecipient agree to the following: r. (1) SCOPE OF WORK CL Subrecipient shall perform the work in accordance with Attachment A, Scope of Work, to this Agreement. (2) INCORPORATION OF LAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND POLICIES Subrecipient and DEO shall be governed by all applicable State and Federal laws, rules,and regulations, including, but not limited to,those identified in Attachment B, Program Statutes and Regulations. (3) PERIOD OF AGREEMENT This Agreement period will begin on April 1, 2017, and will end on March 31, 2018, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to Paragraph (15), Termination, of this Agreement. Page 1 Packet Pg. 1212 C.21.j (4) FUNDING/CONSIDERATION (a) This is a cost-reimbursement agreement. DEO awards Subrecipient one hundred twenty-five thousand,five hundred seventy-two dollars and zero cents($125,572.00),subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,availability of funds and appropriate budget authority;however,Subrecipient may incur costs and submit for reimbursement in an amount not to exceed forty-one thousand, eight hundred fifty-seven dollars and zero cents($41,857.00),until notified in writing by DEO to Subrecipient's contact person identified in Attachment J,Subrecipient Information. Upon receipt of such notification,Subrecipient may incur costs and submit for reimbursement up to the amount set forth in the notification,subject to the terms of this Agreement. These notices may contain more specific instructions regarding the expenditure of funds and additional terms cv and conditions tied to the specific award. (b) Any advance payment under this Agreement is subject to section 216.181(16), Florida Statutes (F.S.). The amount of advanced funds may not exceed the expected cash needs of Subrecipient within the first three months of the term of this Agreement. If an advance payment is requested for more than 60 days of funding,the budget data on which the request is based and a justification statement shall be included with this Agreement as indicated in Attachment D, Justification of Advance Payment. Attachment D must specify the amount of advance disbursement requested; and if an advance amount for more than 60 days of funding is requested,Subrecipient must provide an explanation of the necessity for and proposed use of these funds. (c)Subrecipient shall expend an amount equal to or greater than the amount of the initial advance within the first three months of the term of this Agreement. If Subrecipient has not expended an amount at m least equal to the initial advance by the end of the first three months of the term of this Agreement,Subrecipient shall submit a written explanation to DEO. (d)After any initial advance, payments will be made on a cost-reimbursement basis. r" CL (e)if the necessary funds are not available to fund this Agreement as a result of action by the United States Congress, the Federal Office of Management and Budget, the State Chief Financial Officer, or under Subparagraph (18)(f)of this Agreement,all obligations on the part of DEC)to make any further payment of funds 0 terminate, and Subrecipient shall submit its closeout report within 30 calendar days of receiving notice from DEC. (f)Subrecipient and its contractors may only expend funding under this Agreement for allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during the Agreement period.To be eligible for reimbursement,costs must be in compliance with laws, rules, and regulations applicable to expenditures of State funds, including, but not limited to,the Reference Guide for State Expenditures which can be found at: http://www.myfloridacfo.com/aadir/reference guide/. Page 2 Packet Pg. 1213 C.21.j (g)Subrecipient shall refund to DEO any funds obligated to Subrecipient, including, but not limited to,any advance payments,and which remain unobligated by Subrecipient at the end of this Agreement. (h)Subrecipient shall refund to DEO all funds paid in excess of the amount to which Subrecipient or its contractors are entitled under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (i) Subrecipient shall (1) maintain all funds provided under this Agreement in a separate bank account or (2) Subrecipient's accounting system shall have sufficient internal controls to separately track the expenditure of all funds from this Agreement. There shall be no commingling of funds provided under this Agreement, with any other funds, projects, or programs; "commingling" of funds is distinguishable from "blending"of funds specifically allowed by law. (j) If Subrecipient commingles Agreement funds, DEO may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement for cause and demand an immediate refund, either in whole or in part, of all funds provided to Subrecipient under this Agreement. Subrecipient, upon such written notification from DEO shall refund, and shall pay to DEO,the amount of money demanded by DEO in accordance with Paragraph (17), Repayments, of this Agreement. (k) If DEO, in its sole discretion, determines that Subrecipient has expended funds under this Agreement not in accordance with applicable federal or state law, regulations, polices, or guidance, including, but not limited to, disallowed costs, Subrecipient is liable for and will repay all such funds to DEO. Such repayment shall be from funds other than those received under this Agreement or other federal awards, subawards,allotments,or funds(i.e. non-federal funds)and in accordance with Paragraph(17), Repayments,of this Agreement. CD C (5) REPORTS Subrecipient shall provide DEO with all required reports as set forth in Attachment C, Reports, to CL this Agreement. (a) If all required reports and copies are not sent to DEO, or are not completed in a manner acceptable to DEO, DEO may withhold further payments until such reports are completed or DEO may take other action, including, but not limited, to those described in Paragraph (14), Remedies, of this Agreement. "Acceptable to DEO," means that the reports were completed, in DEO's sole determination, in accordance with this Agreement. (b) Subrecipient shall provide additional program updates, reports, and information as requested by DEO. Page 3 Packet Pg. 1214 C.21.j (6) MONITORING (a) Subrecipient is responsible for and shall monitor its performance under this Agreement. Subrecipient shall monitor the performance of its contractors,consultants,agents, subcontractors and the like, who are paid from funds provided under this Agreement or acting in furtherance of this Agreement. (b) In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with Paragraph (9) below, monitoring procedures may include, but are not limited to, on-site visits by DEO staff, limited scope audits, and other procedures. (c) Subrecipient and its contractors shall comply with the most recent WAP Monitoring Protocol, provided to Subrecipient and available upon request from DEO, and cooperate with any monitoring by DEO. If cv T_ CD DEO determines that a limited scope review of Subrecipient is appropriate, Subrecipient shall comply with all additional instructions provided by DEO regarding such review. (d)Subrecipient shall comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations,audits,or CD hearings deemed necessary by DEO, the State of Florida Chief Financial Officer, the State of Florida Auditor General, in accordance with section 20.055(5), F.S., any authorized representative of the awarding Federal 0) agencies, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, or any authorized representative of those Federal agencies' respective Federal Offices of the Inspector General. (e) Subrecipient shall cooperate with DEO and the Federal awarding agencies to assist facilitating ca any monitoring visits conducted by DEO or the Federal awarding agencies. DEO may conduct monitoring visits at its determination and in its sole discretion, but not less than once per program year. 1. Subrecipient shall cooperate with authorized representatives of DEO or the Federal awarding agencies with the inspection of any dwelling unit that has received weatherization assistance. Subrecipient shall use materials which are cost effective, safe, and of good quality and appearance in performing under this r" CL Agreement.Discoveries of violations of WAP or DEO policies and procedures may result in findings,as that term is defined in the WAP Monitoring Protocol, resulting in remedial work requirements, corrective action plans, and/or disallowed costs. 2. Subrecipient shall have a qualified member of Subrecipient's staff, or an appropriately licensed third party building inspector engaged by Subrecipient, inspect all work performed pursuant to this Agreement. 3. Subrecipient shall require a provision in all contracts and subcontracts in furtherance of this Agreement that any work performed by a contractor which does not meet quality expectations and that requires correction shall be done at the contractor's expense. (7) CONTRACTS Page 4 Packet Pg. 1215 C.21.j (a)Subrecipient shall not contract in furtherance of this Agreement prior to receiving DEO's written confirmation that the proposed contract includes the following requirements: 1.Contractor is bound by the terms of this Agreement, and each contract and subcontract shall specifically include the requirements set forth in Paragraph (9), Audits and Records, and Paragraph (10), Information Release and Public Records Requirements, of this Agreement. 2. Contractor is bound by all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations; 3. Contractor shall indemnify and hold DEO and Subrecipient harmless against all claims of whatever nature arising out of or related to the contractor's performance of work under this Agreement,to the extent allowed by law; and 4. Contractor shall disclose to Subrecipient and DEO if it is on the Convicted Vendor List identified in section 287.133(2), F.S.,or the Discriminatory Vendor List identified in section 287.134(2), F.S. (b) For each contract, Subrecipient shall provide a written statement to DEO as to whether that contractor is a certified minority business, as defined in section 287.0943, F.S. (c) Prior to entering into a contract with any contractor to be paid from funds from this Agreement, Subrecipient shall submit to DEO a completed Attachment H, Certification Regarding Debarment Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary. Exclusion,to this Agreement. (8) MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Either Party may request modification of the provisions of'this Agreement. Modifications to this Agreement are valid only when reduced to writing and duly signed by the Parties, except changes between E budget line items not exceeding 10%of the line item amount reduced by said change,which require DEO's grant manager's prior written approval, as detailed in Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocations. CL (9) AUDITS AND RECORDS (a) Subrecipient's performance under this Agreement is subject to the applicable requirements published in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards,title 2 of the U.S.Code of Federal Regulations(C.F.R.) part 200, hereinafter referred to as the"Uniform Guidance." If this Agreement is made with a commercial(for-profit)organization on a cost-reimbursement basis, Subrecipient will be subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations System, particularly 48 C.F.R. § 31.2. (b) Subrecipient shall retain all records pertaining to this Agreement, regardless of the form of the record (e.g., paper, film, recording, electronic), including, but not limited to, financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents (hereinafter referred to as"Records") for a period of five State fiscal years after all reporting requirements are satisfied and final payments have been received,or if an audit has been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of this five-year period, the Page 5 Packet Pg. 1216 C.21.j Records must be retained until resolution of the audit findings through litigation or otherwise.Subrecipient shall cooperate with DEO to facilitate the duplication and transfer of such Records upon request of DEO. The five- year period may also be extended for the following reasons: i. If any litigation or claim is started before the five-year period expires, and extends beyond the five-year period,the records must be retained until all litigation and claims involving the records have been resolved. ii. Records for the disposition of non-expendable personal property valued at one thousand dollars and zero cents ($1,000.00) or more at the time it is acquired must be retained for five years after final disposition of the non-expendable personal property. iii. Records relating to real property acquired must be retained for five years after the closing on the transfer of title or in accordance with the Florida General Records Schedules maintained by the Florida Department of State,whichever is longer. CD iv. Any additional Federal requirements identified in Attachment A, Scope of Work, of this Agreement. (c) Subrecipient shall maintain all records for all contractors to be paid from funds provided under this Agreement, including documentation of all program costs, in a form sufficient to determine compliance with the requirements and objectives of Attachment A, Scope of Work, to this Agreement, as well as all other applicable laws and regulations. (d) Subrecipient shall give access to any of Subrecipient's records to representatives of DEO, the m Chief Financial Officer of the State of Florida, the Auditor General of the State of Florida,the Florida Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability or representatives of the Federal government and their duly authorized representatives for the purposes of conducting audits,examinations, investigations, or making CL excerpts or transcriptions. (e) Subrecipient may, per Rule 1B-24.003(9)(a), Florida Administrative Code, allow its public records to be stored through electronic recordkeeping systems as substitutes for the original or paper copy. (f) Subrecipient shall maintain books, records, and documents in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all expenditures of funds provided by DEO under this Agreement. (g) Records pertaining to this Agreement must be available at reasonable times for inspection, review,or audit by State personnel and other persons authorized by DEO."Reasonable" means normal business hours of 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m., local time, Monday through Friday. (h) If Subrecipient's expenditures of State financial assistance and Federal awards during its applicable fiscal year(s) require it to conduct an audit in accordance with section 215.97, F.S. and the threshold Page 6 Packet Pg. 1217 C.21.j amount identified therein,such audit will comply with all applicable requirements of Exhibit 1 to this Agreement, section 215.97, F.S.,and the Uniform Guidance as applicable,and Subrecipient shall ensure that all related party transactions are disclosed to the auditor. (i) Subrecipient shall include the aforementioned audit and record-keeping requirements in all subcontracts and assignments. (j) Subrecipient shall have each required audit completed by an independent certified public accountant (IPA), either a certified public accountant or a public accountant licensed under chapter 473, F.S., and ensure that all related party transactions are disclosed to the auditor. For the IPA's audit to be sufficient, it must state that the Subrecipient complied with the applicable provisions noted in Exhibit 1 to this Agreement. cv (k) The reporting packages for required audits must be timely submitted in accordance with the requirements of Exhibit-1, Audit Requirements, of this Agreement and the applicable laws, rules, and regulations referenced therein. The requirements of 2 C.F.R. § 200.512, Report Submission, are applicable to audits of Federal awards conducted in accordance with Subparagraph (9)(h)above. (1) If an audit, monitoring visit, or other documentation or verifiable information shows that all or any portion of the funds disbursed were not spent in accordance with the conditions of this Agreement or applicable regulations, Subrecipient shall be held liable for reimbursement to DEO. Such reimbursement shall be sent to DEO, by Subrecipient, within 30 calendar days after DEO has notified Subrecipient of such non- compliance. (m) Within 60 calendar days of the close of Subrecipient's fiscal year, on an annual basis, m Subrecipient shall electronically submit a completed Audit Compliance Certification, attached hereto as Exhibit 2, to audit@deo.mvflorida.com. Subrecipient's timely submittal of one completed Audit Compliance Certification for each applicable fiscal year will fulfill this requirement within all agreements (e.g., contracts, CL grants, memorandums of understanding, memoranda of agreement, economic incentive award agreements, and the like) between DEO and Subrecipient. (10) INFORMATION RELEASE AND PUBLIC RECORDS REQUIREMENTS (a) In addition to Subrecipient's responsibility to directly respond to each request it receives for records made or received by Subrecipient in conjunction with this Agreement and to provide the applicable public records in response to such request, Subrecipient shall notify DEO of the receipt and content of such request by sending an e-mail to PRRequest@deo.myflorida.com within one(1)business day from receipt of such request. (b) Subrecipient shall keep and maintain public records required by DEO to perform Subrecipient's responsibilities hereunder. Subrecipient shall, upon request from DEO's custodian of public records, provide DEO with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable Page 7 Packet Pg. 1218 C.21.j time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided by chapter 119, F.S., or as otherwise provided by law. Subrecipient shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters,or other materials made or received by Subrecipient in conjunction with this Agreement, unless the records are exempt from section 24(a) of Article I of the State Constitution and section 119.07(1), F.S. For records made or received by Subrecipient in conjunction with this Agreement,Subrecipient shall respond to requests to inspect or copy such records in accordance with chapter 119,F.S. For all such requests for records that are public records,as public records are defined in section 119.011, F.S.,Subrecipient shall be responsible for providing such public records per the cost structure provided in chapter 119, F.S.,and in accordance with all other requirements of chapter 119, F.S.,or as otherwise provided by law. N (c) This Agreement may be terminated by DEO for refusal by Subrecipient to comply with Florida's public records laws or to allow public access to any public record made or received by Subrecipient in conjunction with this Agreement. (d) If, for purposes of this Agreement, Subrecipient is a "contractor' as defined in section 119.0701(1)(a), F.S. ("Subrecipient-contractor"), Subrecipient-contractor shall transfer to DEC, at no cost to DEO,all public records upon completion including termination,of this Agreement, or keep and maintain public records required by DEO to perform the service. If Subrecipient-contractor transfers all public records to the public agency upon completion of the contract, the contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If Subrecipient-contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the contract, Subrecipient-contractor shall meet all m applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to DEO, CD C upon request from DEO's custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of DEO. CL (e) If DEO does not possess a record requested through a public records request, DEO shall notify Subrecipient-contractor of the request as soon as practicable, and Subrecipient-contractor must provide the records to DEO or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time. If Subrecipient- contractor does not comply with DEO's request for records, DEO shall enforce the provisions set forth in this Agreement. A Subrecipient-contractor who fails to provide public records to DEO within a reasonable time may be subject to penalties under section 119.10, F.S. (f) Subrecipient shall notify DEO verbally within 24 chronological hours and in writing within 72 chronological hours if any data in Subrecipient's possession related to this Agreement is subpoenaed or improperly used,copied,or removed (except in the ordinary course of business)by anyone except an authorized representative of DEO. Subrecipient shall cooperate with DEC, in taking all steps as DEO deems advisable, to prevent misuse, regain possession, or otherwise protect the State's rights and the data subject's privacy. Page 8 Packet Pg. 1219 C.21.j (g)Subrecipient acknowledges that DEO is subject to the provisions of chapter 119, F.S., relating to public records and that reports, invoices, and other documents Subrecipient submits to DEO under this Agreement constitute public records under Florida Statutes. Subrecipient shall cooperate with DEO regarding DEO's efforts to comply with the requirements of chapter 119, F.S. (h) If Subrecipient submits records to DEO that are confidential and exempt from public disclosure as trade secrets or proprietary confidential business information, such records should be identified as such by Subrecipient prior to submittal to DEO. Failure to identify the legal basis for each exemption from the requirements of chapter 119, F.S., prior to submittal of the record to DEO serves as Subrecipient's waiver of a claim of exemption. Subrecipient shall ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt cv T- from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the Agreement term and following completion of the Agreement if Subrecipient does not transfer the records to DEO upon completion, including termination,of the Agreement. CD 2 CD (i) IF SUBRECIPIENT-CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO SUBRECIPIENT- CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, �-- 0. CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS by telephone at 850-245-7140, via e- mail at PRRequest@deo.myflorida.com, or by mail at Department of Economic Opportunity, Public Records Coordinator, 107 East Madison Street, Caldwell Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4128. (j) To the extent allowable by law, Subrecipient shall be fully liable for the actions of its agents, CL employees,partners,subrecipients,contractors,and subcontractors and shall fully indemnify,defend,and hold harmless the State and DEO, and their officers, agents, and employees,from suits, actions, damages,and costs of every name and description, including attorneys' fees, arising from or relating to public record requests or m public record law violation(s), alleged to be caused in whole or in part by Subrecipient, its agents, employees, partners, subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors. DEO, in its sole discretion, has the right, but not the obligation,to enforce this indemnification provision. (k) DEO does not endorse any Subrecipient, commodity, or service. No public disclosure or news release pertaining to this Agreement shall be made without the prior written approval of DEO. Subrecipient is prohibited from using Agreement information or DEO customers in sales brochures or other promotions, including press releases, unless prior written approval is obtained from DEO. (11) EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBLITY VERIFICATION Page 9 Packet Pg. 1220 C.21.j (a) Executive Order 11-116, signed May 27, 2011, by the Governor of Florida, requires DEO's subgrant agreements in excess of nominal value, if applicable,to expressly require Subrecipient to: i. Utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by Subrecipient during this Agreement term;and ii. Include in all contracts under this Agreement, the requirement that contractors performing work or providing services pursuant to this Agreement utilize the E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the contractor during the term of the contract. (b) If Subrecipient does not have an E-Verify MOU in effect, Subrecipient shall enroll in the E-Verify system prior to hiring any new employee after the effective date of this Agreement. CN (12) INDEMNIFICATION: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS (a) Unless Subrecipient is a State agency or subdivision, as defined in section 768.28(2), F.S., Subrecipient is fully liable for the actions of its agents, employees, partners, contractors,or subcontractors and shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State and DEO, and their officers, agents, and employees, from suits,actions,damages, and costs of every name and description, including attorneys'fees,arising from or relating to personal injury and damage to real or personal tangible property alleged to be caused in whole or in part by Subrecipient, its agents, employees, partners, contractors, or subcontractors, provided, however, that Subrecipient has no affirmative duty to indemnify for that portion of any loss or damages proximately caused by the negligent act or omission of the State or DEO. Any Subrecipient which is a State agency or subdivision, as defined in section 768.28(2), F.S., shall be fully responsible for its negligent or tortious acts or omissions which result in claims or suits against DEO and shall be liable for any damages proximately caused by its acts or omissions to the extent set forth in section 768.28, F.S. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any Subrecipient to which r" CL sovereign immunity applies. Nothing herein may be construed as consent by a State agency or subdivision of the State of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of any contract. (b) For purposes of this Agreement, Subrecipient is an independent contractor and is not an employee or agent of DEO. DEO shall neither have nor exercise any control or direction over the methods by which Subrecipient shall perform its work and functions other than as provided herein. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to or may be deemed to constitute a partnership or joint venture between the Parties. Subrecipient shall not represent to others that Subrecipient has the authority to bind DEO unless specifically authorized to do so. Subrecipient shall act as necessary to ensure that each of Subrecipient's contractors is deemed to be an independent contractor and will not be considered or permitted to be an agent, servant,joint venturer, or partner of DEO or the State of Florida. DEO has no duty to withhold taxes with respect to Subrecipient's compensation hereunder. Subrecipient shall have no claim against DEO for vacation pay, sick Page 10 Packet Pg. 1221 C.21.j leave, retirement benefits, social security, workers' compensation, health or disability benefits, reemployment assistance benefits,or employee benefits of any kind. Subrecipient shall ensure that its employees,contractors, subcontractors, and other agents receive benefits and necessary insurance (health, workers' compensation, reemployment assistance benefits)from an employer other than the State of Florida. Subrecipient, at all times during the Agreement, shall comply with the reporting and Reemployment Assistance contribution payment requirements of chapter 443, F.S. (13) DEFAULT If any of the following events occur ("Events of Default"), DEO shall have the right to terminate further payment of funds under this Agreement,and DEO may exercise any of its remedies set forth in Paragraph CN (14),Remedies,of this Agreement. However, DEO may make payments or partial payments after any Events of Default without waiving the right to exercise such remedies and without becoming liable to make any further payment: (a) If any warranty or representation made by Subrecipient in this Agreement, or any previous agreement with DEO is,or becomes,false or misleading in any respect,or if Subrecipient fails to keep or perform any of the obligations,terms,or covenants in this Agreement or any previous agreement with DEO and has not cured them timely, according to the terms of this Agreement, and in DEO's sole discretion, or is unable or 0. unwilling to meet its obligations under this Agreement; (b) If a material adverse change occurs in the financial condition of Subrecipient at any time during the term of this Agreement,and Subrecipient fails to cure this adverse change within 30 calendar days from the m date written notice is sent by DEO; (c) If Subrecipient fails to submit any reports required by this Agreement,or if Subrecipient submits a report to DEO with incorrect, incomplete, or insufficient information; CL (d) If Subrecipient fails to perform, or timely complete, in DEO's sole, reasonable determination, any of its obligations under this Agreement; (e)If Subrecipient misuses funds,commits fraud,or does not comply with any applicable rules,laws, or regulations; or (f) If Subrecipient refuses to permit public access to any document, paper, letter, or other material subject to disclosure under chapter 119, F.S., as amended. (14) REMEDIES If an Event of Default occurs, DEO shall exercise any or all of the following remedies, either concurrently or consecutively: (a) Terminate this Agreement if Subrecipient has not cured the default within 30 calendar days of receipt of written notice of an Event of Default; Page 11 Packet Pg. 1222 C.21.j (b) Begin an appropriate legal or equitable action to enforce performance of this Agreement; (c) Withhold or suspend payment of all, or any part of, a request for payment; (d) Exercise any corrective or remedial actions,to include but not be limited to: 1. Request additional information from Subrecipient to determine the reasons for or the extent of non-compliance or lack of performance, 2. Issue a written warning to advise that more serious measures may be taken if the situation is not corrected, 3. Advise Subrecipient to suspend, discontinue, or refrain from incurring costs for any activities in question,or 4. Require Subrecipient to reimburse DEO for the amount of costs incurred for any items determined to be ineligible or unallowable; (e) Exercise any other rights or remedies which may be otherwise available under law or in equity. Pursuing any of the above remedies will not limit any of DEO's other remedies, and all rights and remedies set forth in this Agreement are cumulative to any other rights or remedies available to DEO, in law or in equity. If DEO waives any right or remedy in this Agreement, or fails to insist on strict performance by Subrecipient, it will not affect,extend,or waive any other right or remedy of DEO,or affect the later exercise of 0. the same right or remedy by DEO for any other default by Subrecipient. (15) TERMINATION (a) DEO may terminate this Agreement for cause upon 48 hours written notice.Cause includes, but m is not limited to:an Event of Default as set forth in Paragraph (13),Default,of this Agreement or Subrecipient's CD C failure to cure an Event of Default within 30 calendar days from receipt of notice.The Subrecipient shall not be entitled to recover any cancellation charges or lost profits. CL (b) DEO may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for convenience by providing Subrecipient no less than 48 hours written notice setting forth the reasons for such termination, the effective date, and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. However, if in the case of partial termination,DEO determines that the remaining portion of the award will not accomplish the purpose for which the award was made, DEO may terminate the award in its entirety. Subrecipient shall continue to perform any work not terminated. Subecipient shall not be entitled to recover any cancellation charges or lost profits. (c) The Parties may terminate this Agreement for their mutual convenience through a written amendment to this Agreement. The amendment shall state the effective date of the termination and the procedures for proper closeout of this Agreement. (d) If DEO issues a notice of Event of Default, Subrecipient shall immediately stop incurring new obligations upon receipt of the notice.If DEO determines that Subrecipient has cured the Event of Default within Page 12 Packet Pg. 1223 C.21.j the 30-day cure period, DEO will provide notice to Subrecipient of such and when Subrecipient may resume incurring new obligations. Costs incurred for new obligations after receipt of a notice of Event of Default and until receipt of notice that it may resume incurring new obligations will be disallowed. If this Agreement is terminated by DEO because of Subrecipient's breach,such termination shall not relieve Subrecipient of liability under this Agreement. DEO may, to the extent authorized by law, withhold payments to Subrecipient for the purpose of set-off until the exact amount of damages due DEO from Subrecipient is determined. (e)Termination of this Agreement by DEO immediately releases DEO from any further performance obligations set forth herein. (16) NOTICE AND CONTACT (a) All notices provided by Subrecipient under or pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing to DEO's Grant Manager, and delivered by standard or electronic mail using the contact information provided in Subparagraph 16(b) below. (b) The name and address of DEO's Grant Manager for this Agreement is: Jamela Reeves,Grant Manager Department of Economic Opportunity Division of Community Development Bureau of Economic Self-Sufficiency 107 East Madison Street, MSC 400 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4120 Email: jamela.reeves@de o.myflorida.com Phone:850-717-8462 (c) The name and address of Subrecipient's Representative responsible for the administration of CL this Agreement is stated in Attachment J,Subrecipient Information,of this Agreement. (d) If a different representative or address is designated by either Party after execution of this Agreement, notice of the name, title and address of the new representative will be provided as stated in Subparagraph (16)(a), above. (17) REPAYMENTS (a) All remittances, refunds, or repayments to be made to DEO under this Agreement are to be made payable to the order of "Department of Economic Opportunity' and mailed directly to DEO at the following address: Department of Economic Opportunity Division of Community Development Bureau of Economic Self-Sufficiency Page 13 Packet Pg. 1224 C.21.j 107 East Madison Street, MSC 400 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4120 In accordance with section 215.34(2), F.S., if a check, or other draft, is returned to DEO for collection, Subrecipient shall pay to DEO a service fee of fifteen dollars and zero cents ($15.00) or 5% of the face amount of the returned check or draft, whichever is greater. (b) If Subrecipient's non-compliance with any provision of this Agreement results in additional cost or monetary loss to DEO,the State of Florida, or a Federal awarding agency, DEO may recoup that cost or loss from monies owed to Subrecipient under this Agreement or any other Agreement between Subrecipient and any State entity. If the discovery of this cost or loss arises when no monies are available under this Agreement or any other Agreement between Subrecipient and any State entity, Subrecipient will repay such cost or loss in full to DEO within 30 days of the date of notice of the amount owed, unless DEO agrees, in writing, to an alternative timeframe. (18) MANDATED CONDITIONS AND OTHER LAWS (a) The validity of this Agreement is subject to the truth and accuracy of all information, representations, and materials provided by Subrecipient in entering into this Agreement, in response to any W DEO request,or to fulfill the requirements of this Agreement. If Subrecipient provides any materially inaccurate information to DEO,then DEO may terminate this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph (15), Termination, above. T (b) This Agreement is executed and entered into in the State of Florida, and shall be construed, performed, and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Florida. Each Party shall perform its obligations herein in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Without limiting the provisions of Paragraph (13), Default, the exclusive venue of any legal or r. equitable action that arises out of or relates to this Agreement shall be the appropriate State court in Leon CL County, Florida;in any such action,the Parties waive any right to jury trial. Unless authorized by law and agreed to in writing by DEC, DEO shall not be liable to pay attorney fees, interest, expenses or cost of collection in conjunction with this Agreement. (c) Any power of approval or disapproval granted to DEO under the terms of this Agreement shall survive the termination, including expiration,of this Agreement.The provisions of Attachments A,C, E, F,G,and H, Exhibits 1 and 2, and Paragraphs (4), (5), (6), (7), (9), (10), (12), (13), (14), (17), (20), (24), (25), and this Paragraph (18), survive the termination, including expiration, of this Agreement; provided, however, that the record-keeping and audit-related obligations set forth in Paragraph (10,)Audits and Records,of this Agreement shall terminate in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph (10). (d) This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Page 14 Packet Pg. 1225 C.21' (e)Subrecipient shall comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act(Public Law 101-336,42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seg.), and the Florida Civil Rights and Fair Housing Acts (sections 760.01 — 760.37, F.S.), which prohibit discrimination by public and private entities on the basis of disability in employment, public accommodations,transportation,State and local government services,and telecommunications. (f) The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. DEO shall be the final authority as to the availability of funds for this Agreement and as to what constitutes an "annual appropriation" of funds to complete this Agreement. If such funds are not appropriated or available for the Agreement purpose, such event will not constitute a default on DEO or the State. (g)Subrecipient shall submit all bills forfees or other compensation for services or expenses in detail sufficient for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof. (h)Subrecipient shall submit any bills for travel expenses in accordance with section 112.061, F.S. (i) Subrecipient must place advances of funds under this Agreement, if any, in an interest-bearing account and shall remit all interest income to DEO in accordance with Paragraph (17), Repayments, of this Agreement. (j) Subrecipient is subject to, and shall comply with, Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law, section 286.011, F.S., with respect to the meetings of Subrecipient's governing board to discuss, receive ca recommendations, or take action required pursuant to this Agreement, or the meetings of any subcommittee making recommendations to the governing board regarding matters pursuant to this Agreement. All of these meetings shall be publicly noticed, open to the public, and the minutes of all the meetings shall be public records,available to the public in accordance with chapter 119, F.S. (k) Subrecipient warrants that all unmanufactured and manufactured articles, materials, and r" CL supplies which are acquired for public use under this Agreement have been produced in the United States as required under 41 U.S.C. §8302, unless it would not be in the public interest or unreasonable in cost. (1) Subrecipient is subject to and shall comply with sections 11.062 and 216.347, F.S. The use of funds under this Agreement for the purpose of lobbying the Florida Legislature,the judicial branch,or any State agency is prohibited pursuant to section 216.347, F.S.Subrecipient shall not,in connection with this or any other agreement with the State, directly or indirectly: (1) offer, confer, or agree to confer any pecuniary benefit on anyone as consideration for any State officer or employee's decision, opinion, recommendation, vote, other exercise of discretion,or violation of a known legal duty;or(2)offer,give,or agree to give to anyone any gratuity for the benefit of, or at the direction or request of, any State officer or employee. For purposes of clause (2), "gratuity" means any payment of more than nominal monetary value in the form of cash,travel,entertainment, gifts, meals, lodging, loans, subscriptions, advances, deposits of money, services, employment, or contracts of Page 15 Packet Pg. 1226 C.21.j any kind. Upon request of DEO's Inspector General,or other authorized State official,Subrecipient shall provide any type of information the Inspector General deems relevant to Subrecipient's integrity or responsibility.Such information may include, but is not limited to, Subrecipient's business or financial records, documents, or files of any type or form that refer to or relate to this Agreement. Unless extended in writing by DEO, Subrecipient shall retain such records for the longer of: (1) five years after the final closeout of the grant(s) funding this Agreement or(2)the period required by the General Records Schedules maintained by the Florida Department of State. Additionally, if any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started prior to the expiration of the controlling period as identified above,the records shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it,or until the end of the controlling period as identified above, whichever is longer. (m)Subrecipient shall reimburse the State for the reasonable costs of investigation incurred by the Inspector General or other authorized State or Federal official for investigations of Subrecipient's compliance with the terms of this or any other agreement between Subrecipient and the State which results in the termination, suspension, or debarment of Subrecipient. Such costs shall include, but shall not be limited to: salaries of investigators, including overtime;travel and lodging expenses;and expert witness and documentary fees. Subrecipient will not be responsible for any costs of investigations that do not result in Subrecipient's 0. termination, suspension, or debarment. (n) Pursuant to section 287.133(2)(a), F.S., a person or affiliate who has been placed on the Convicted Vendor List following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply m on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a CD contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as CL a contractor,supplier, subcontractor or consultant under a contract with any public entity and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in section 287.017, F.S.,for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.Subrecipient affirms that it is aware of the provisions of section 287.133(2)(a), F.S., and that at no time has Subrecipient been convicted of a Public Entity Crime.Subrecipient shall not violate such law and any conviction during the term of this Agreement may result in the termination of this Agreement in accordance with section 287.133(4), F.S. (o) Subject to chapter 119, F.S., Subrecipient shall not publicly disseminate any information concerning this Agreement without prior written approval from DEO, including, but not limited to, mentioning this Agreement in a press release or other promotional material, identifying DEO or the State as a reference,or otherwise linking Subrecipient's name and either a description of this Agreement or the name of DEO or the Page 16 Packet Pg. 1227 C.21.j State in any material published, either in print or electronically, to any entity that is not a Party to this Agreement, except potential or actual authorized distributors,dealers, resellers,or service representatives. (p) As required by section 286.25, F.S., if Subrecipient is a nongovernmental organization which sponsors a program financed wholly or in part by State funds, including any funds obtained through this Agreement, it shall,in publicizing,advertising, or describing the sponsorship of the program, state: "Sponsored by [Subrecipient's name] and the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity." If the sponsorship reference is in written material,the words"State of Florida,Department of Economic Opportunity"must appear in the same size letters or type as the name of the organization. (q) Mandatory Disclosure Requirements: 1. Conflict of Interest:Subrecipient is subject to chapter 112, F.S. Subrecipient shall disclose the name of any officer,director,employee,or other agent who is also an employee of the State. Subrecipient shall also disclose the name of any State employee who owns,directly or indirectly,more than a five percent interest in Subrecipient or its affiliates. 2. Convicted Vendors: Subrecipient is subject to section 287.133, F.S., and shall disclose to DEO if Subrecipient or any of its affiliates,as defined by section 287.133(1)(a), F.S., is on the Convicted Vendor List. A person or affiliate placed on the Convicted Vendor List following a conviction for a Public Entity Crime is prohibited from doing any of the activities listed in Subparagraph (18)(n)above for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the Convicted Vendor List. 3. Vendors on Scrutinized Companies Lists: If this Agreement is in the amount of one million m dollars and zero cents($1,000,000.00)or more,in executing this Agreement, Subrecipient certifies that it is not listed on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, created pursuant to section 215.473, F.S., or the Scrutinized r" CL Companies that Boycott Israel List, created pursuant to 215,4725, F.S., or engaged in a boycott of Israel, or engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. a. Pursuant to section 287.135, F.S., DEC) may immediately terminate this Agreement for cause if Subrecipient is found to have submitted a false certification or if Subrecipient is placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, is engaged in a boycott of Israel, or has been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, during the term of this Agreement. b. If DEO determines that Subrecipient has submitted a false certification, DEO shall provide written notice to Subrecipient. Unless Subrecipient demonstrates in writing, within 90 days of receipt of the notice, that DEO's determination of false certification was made in error, DEO shall bring a civil action against Subrecipient. If DEO's determination is upheld,Subrecipient will be liable for a civil penalty equal to the greater Page 17 Packet Pg. 1228 C.21.j of two million dollars and zero cents($2,000,000.00)or twice the amount of this Agreement,and Subrecipient will be ineligible to bid on any contract with an agency or local governmental entity for three years after the date of DEO's determination of false certification by Subrecipient. c. If Federal law ceases to authorize the states to adopt and enforce the contracting prohibition identified herein,this provision shall be null and void. 4. Discriminatory Vendors: Subrecipient is subject to section 287.134, F.S. and affirms that it is aware of the provisions of section 287.134(2)(a), F.S., and that at no time has Subrecipient been placed on the Discriminatory Vendor List. Subrecipient shall not violate such law during the term of this Agreement. Subrecipient shall disclose to DEO if Subrecipient or any of its affiliates,as defined by section 287.134(1)(a),F.S., appears on the Discriminatory Vendor List. An entity or affiliate placed on the Discriminatory Vendor List pursuant to section 287.134, F.S., may not: a. Submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; b. Submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; ' c.Submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity; or d.Be awarded or perform work as a contractor,supplier,sub-contractor,or consultant under a contract with any public entity; or e.Transact business with any public entity. (r) Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Incident Reporting: In compliance with sections 39.201 and m 415.1034, F.S., an employee of Subrecipient who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child, aged CD C person, or disabled adult is or has been abused, neglected, or exploited shall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the Florida Abuse Hotline by calling 1-800-96ABUSE, or via the web reporting option CL at http://www.dcf.state.fl.us/abuse/report/, or via fax at 1-800-914-0004. (19) FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO LOBBYING (a) Federal grant funds provided under this Agreement may not be used by Subrecipient or any contractor to support lobbying activities to influence proposed or pending Federal legislation or appropriations. This prohibition is related to the use of Federal grant funds and not intended to affect an individual's right or that of any organization, to petition Congress, or any other level of Government, through the use of other resources. (b) Subrecipient certifies, by the authorized representative's signature to this Agreement, that to the best of its knowledge and belief, no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of Subrecipient, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Page 18 Packet Pg. 1229 Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract,the making of any Federal grant,the making of any Federal loan,the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension,continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any Federal contract,grant, loan or cooperative agreement. (c) Subrecipient shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying" if any funds other than Federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency,a member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. (d)Subrecipient shall comply with the requirements of 31 U.S.C. § 1352,and require all contractors of subawards (including contracts, subcontracts, subgrants, grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) to comply with 31 U.S.C. § 1352. In addition,Subrecipient shall ensure that all subawards contain the certification set forth in Subparagraph (19)(b) above and the content of Subparagraph (19)(c) above. Subrecipient shall require that all contractors provide such certifications and, when applicable, submit the completed Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into.Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction. Any person who makes an expenditure prohibited by Subparagraph (19)(b) or 0. le fails to file or amend the declaration required by Subparagraph (19)(c) shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than ten thousand dollars and zero cents ($10,000.00) and not more than one hundred thousand dollars and zero cents($100,000.00)for each such expenditure and such failure. m (20) COPYRIGHT. PATENT AND TRADEMARK Any and all patent rights accruing under or in connection with the performance of this Agreement are hereby reserved to the State of Florida. Any and all copyrights accruing under or in connection with theCL r� performance of this Agreement are hereby transferred by Subrecipient to the State of Florida. (a) If Subrecipient has a pre-existing patent or copyright, Subrecipient shall retain all rights and entitlements to that pre-existing patent or copyright unless this Agreement provides otherwise. m (b) If any discovery or invention is developed in the course of or as a result of work or services performed under this Agreement, or in any way connected with it, Subrecipient shall refer the discovery or invention to DEO for a determination whether the State of Florida will seek patent protection in its name. Any patent rights accruing under or in connection with the performance of this Agreement are reserved to the State of Florida. If any books, manuals,films, or other copyrightable material are produced, Subrecipient shall notify DEO. Any copyrights accruing under or in connection with the performance under this Agreement are transferred by Subrecipient to the State of Florida. Page 19 Packet Pg. 1230 C.21.j (c) Within 30 days of execution of this Agreement, Subrecipient shall disclose all intellectual properties relating to the performance of this Agreement which he or she knows or should know could give rise to a patent or copyright. Subrecipient shall retain all rights and entitlements to any pre-existing intellectual property which is so disclosed. Failure to disclose will indicate that no such property exists. DEO shall then, under Subparagraph(b)above have the right to all patents and copyrights which accrue during the performance of this Agreement. (21) LEGAL AUTHORIZATION (a) Subrecipient certifies that it has the legal authority to receive the funds under this Agreement and that its governing body has authorized the execution and acceptance of this Agreement. The undersigned cv person certifies that he or she has the authority to legally execute and bind Subrecipient to the terms of this Agreement. m (b) Prior to execution of this Agreement, Subrecipient shall disclose all prior or on-going civil or CD criminal litigation,investigations,arbitration or administrative proceedings(Proceedings)involving Subrecipient (and each of Subrecipient's contractors) in a written statement to DEO's Grant Manager. Thereafter, Subrecipient has a continuing duty to promptly disclose all Proceedings upon occurrence.This duty of disclosure applies to Subrecipient and Subrecipient's contractor's officers and directors when any Proceeding relates to the officer's or director's business or financial activities. Details of settlements that are prevented from disclosure by the terms of the settlement may be annotated as such. (22) ASSURANCES m Subrecipient shall comply with any Statement of Assurances incorporated as Attachment F. (23) PURCHASING (a) Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE): In accordance with r" CL section 946.515(6), F.S., if a product or service required for the performance of this Agreement is certified by or is available from PRIDE and has been approved in accordance with section 946.515(2), F.S., the following statement applies: 0 IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT ANY ARTICLES WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF, OR REQUIRED TO CARRY OUT, THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE PURCHASED FROM THE CORPORATION IDENTIFIED UNDER CHAPTER 946, F.S., IN THE SAME MANNER AND UNDER THE SAME PROCEDURES SET FORTH IN SECTION 946.515(2)AND(4),F.S.;AND FOR PURPOSES OF THIS CONTRACT THE PERSON, FIRM, OR OTHER BUSINESS ENTITY CARRYING OUT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THIS AGENCY INSOFAR AS DEALINGS WITH SUCH CORPORATION ARE CONCERNED. Page 20 Packet Pg. 1231 C.21.j The above clause is not applicable to contractors unless otherwise required bylaw.Additional information about PRIDE and the products it offers is available at http://www.pride-enterprises.org. (b) Products Available from the Blind or Other Handicapped (RESPECT): In accordance with section 413.036(3), F.S., if a product or service required for the performance of this Agreement is on the procurement list established pursuant to section 413.035(2), F.S.,the following statement applies: IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT ANY ARTICLES THAT ARE THE SUBJECT OF, OR REQUIRED TO CARRY OUT, THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE PURCHASED FROM A NONPROFIT AGENCY FOR THE BLIND OR FOR THE SEVERELY HANDICAPPED THAT IS QUALIFIED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 413, FLORIDA STATUTES, IN THE SAME MANNER AND UNDER THE SAME cV PROCEDURES SET FORTH IN SECTION 413.036(1) AND (2), FLORIDA STATUTES; AND FOR PURPOSES OF THIS CONTRACT THE PERSON, FIRM, OR OTHER BUSINESS ENTITY CARRYING OUT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE STATE AGENCY INSOFAR AS DEALINGS WITH SUCH QUALIFIED NONPROFIT AGENCY ARE CONCERNED. Additional information about the designated nonprofit agency and the products it offers is available at http://www.respectofflorida.org. (c) Subrecipient shall procure any recycled products or materials which are the subject of or are required to carry out this Agreement in accordance with section 403.7065, F.S. (24) SEVERABILITY m If any provision, in whole or in part, of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction,that provision shall be enforced only to the extent that it is not in violation of law or is not otherwise unenforceable,and all other provisions remain in full force and effect. CL (25) PROGRAMMATIC DOCUMENTS Subrecipient represents and warrants that it has notice of, and agrees to be bound by and provide its services and perform this Agreement in accordance with, the following Programmatic Documents, and any revisions thereto,which are incorporated herein by reference,and which are available upon request from DEO's Grant Manager for this Agreement,as set forth in Paragraph (16), Notice and Contact, above: (a) The Florida Weatherization Assistance Program Health and Safety Plan (WAP Safety Plan); (b) The 2017 Florida Weatherization Assistance Program Procedures and Guidelines Manual (WAP Procedures Manual); (c) The Florida Weatherization Assistance Program Single Family Priority Lists Site Built and Manufactured Homes(WAP Priority List); Page 21 Packet Pg. 1232 C.21.j (d) The Florida Weatherization Assistance Program Monitoring Protocol (WAP Monitoring Protocol); and (e) The Florida Standard Work Specifications Field Guide for Single-Family Homes and the Florida Standard Work Specifications Field Guide for Manufactured Housing (Field Guides). (26) ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS (a)All attachments and exhibits to this Agreement are incorporated as if set out fully herein. (b) In the event of any inconsistencies or conflict between the language of this Agreement and the attachments, the language of the attachments shall control but only to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency. N (c)This Agreement has the following attachments and exhibits: Exhibit 1—Audit Requirements Exhibit 1-A—Funding Sources Exhibit 2—Audit Compliance Certification Attachment A—Scope of Work Exhibit 1 to Attachment A—Budget Directions Exhibit 2 to Attachment A—Budget Summary and County Allocations Attachment B—Program Statutes and Regulations Attachment C—Reports Attachment D—Justification of Advance Payment Attachment E—Property Management and Procurement Attachment F—Statement of Assurances Attachment G—Warranties and Representations CL Attachment H—Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Attachment I—Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 Attachment J—Subrecipient Information (27) TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties. Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 22 Packet Pg. 1233 C.21.j STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties have duly executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date set forth below. cv cv SUBRECIPIENT STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY Monroe Count (Type Leg am of Subrecipient) By: Mayor George R. Neugent Julie Den ector (Type Name and Title Here) Division of Community Development T Date: July 19, 2017 Date: (Y)A 6 E 59-6000749 Approved as to form and legal Federal Identification Number sufficiency,subject only to full and proper execution by the Parties. CL 073876757 DUNS Number Office of the General Counsel 3 0 -n Department of Economic Opportu�y r r 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 C-) Agreement Number B AdJJA� C%�/ `�= I, p y: Appved Date: !;jz r�o ter; Z M gp , t' U`J�fa c D CD v - - DOK,CLERK DEPUTY CLERK Page 23 Packet Pg. 1234 C.21.j EXHIBIT 1 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS The administration of resources awarded by DEO to Subrecipient (hereinafter on this Exhibit 1 referred to as "Recipient") may be subject to audits and/or monitoring by DEO as described in this section. MONITORING In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 and Section 215.97, F.S., as revised (see "AUDITS" below), monitoring procedures may include, but not be limited to, on-site visits by DEO staff, limited scope audits as defined by OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and/or other procedures. By entering cv into this agreement, Recipient agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring procedures/processes deemed appropriate by DEO. In the event DEO determines that a limited scope audit of Recipient is appropriate, Recipient agrees to comply with any additional instructions provided by DEO staff to Recipient regarding such audit. Recipient further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations,or audits deemed necessary by the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) or Auditor General. AUDITS W PART I: FEDERALLY FUNDED This part is applicable if Recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in OMB T Circular A-133, as revised. m 1. In the event that Recipient expends$300,000($500,000 for fiscal years ending after December 31,2003)or more in Federal awards in its fiscal year, Recipient must have a single or program-specific audit conducted r. in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133,as revised. EXHIBIT 1-Ato this agreement indicatesCL Federal resources awarded through DEO by this agreement. In determining the Federal awards expended in its fiscal year, Recipient shall consider all sources of Federal awards, including Federal resources received from DEO. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by OMB Circular A-133, as revised. An audit of Recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised,will meet the requirements of this part. 2. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, Recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C of OMB Circular A-133,as revised. Page 24 Packet Pg. 1235 C.21.j 3. If Recipient expends less than $300,000 ($500,000 for fiscal years ending after December 31, 2003) in Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A- 133,as revised,is not required. In the event that Recipient expends less than $300,000($500,000 for fiscal years ending after December 31, 2003) in Federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, the cost of the audit must be paid from non-Federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from Recipient resources obtained from other than Federal entities). 4. Title 2 C.F.R. part 200 supersedes and consolidates the requirements of OMB Circulars A-21,A-87,A-110,A- cv T_ 122, A-89, A-102 and A-133 and is effective for Federal awards or increments of awards issued on or after CD Lu December 26, 2014. Please refer to 2 C.F.R. part 200 for revised definitions, reporting requirements and auditing thresholds referenced in this Attachment and Agreement accordingly. PART 11: STATE FUNDED This part is applicable if Recipient is a non-state entity as defined by Section 215.97(2), F.S. 1. In the event that Recipient expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to or in excess of $500,000 in any fiscal year of such recipient (for fiscal years ending September 30, 2004 or thereafter), Recipient must have a State single or project-specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with Section T r_ 215.97, F.S.; applicable rules of the Department of Financial Services; and Chapters 10.550 (local m m governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. 2 CD EXHIBIT 1-A to this agreement indicates state financial assistance awarded through DEO by this agreement. In determining the state financial assistance expended in its fiscal year, Recipient shall consider all sources of state financial assistance, including state financial assistance received from DEO, other state agencies, CL and other non-state entities. State financial assistance does not include Federal direct or pass-through awards and resources received by a non-state entity for Federal program matching requirements. 2. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part II, paragraph 1, Recipient shall ensure that the audit complies with the requirements of section 215.97(8), F.S. This includes submission of a financial reporting package as defined by section 215.97(2), F.S., and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. 3. If Recipient expends less than $500,000 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year(for fiscal years ending September 30,2004 or thereafter),an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of section 215.97, F.S., is not required. In the event that Recipient expends less than $500,000 in state financial assistance in Page 25 Packet Pg. 1236 C.21.j its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of section 215.97, F.S.,the cost of the audit must be paid from the non-state entity's resources(i.e.,the cost of such an audit must be paid from Recipient's resources obtained from other than State entities). 4. Additional information regarding the Florida Single Audit Act can be found at: http://www.myflorida.com/audgen/pages/flsaa.htm PART III: OTHER AUDIT REQUIREMENTS N/A PART IV: REPORT SUBMISSION 1. Copies of reporting packages for audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and m 0) required by Part I of this Exhibit shall be submitted,when required by Section .320(d),OMB Circular A-133, as revised, by or on behalf of Recipient directly to each of the following at the address indicated: A. DEO at each of the following addresses: Electronic copies(preferred): Audit@deo.myflorida.com or Paper(hard copy): Department Economic Opportunity MSC#130,Caldwell Building r. 107 East Madison Street CL Tallahassee, FL 32399-4126 B. The Federal Audit Clearinghouse designated in OMB Circular A-133, as revised (the number of copies required by Sections .320 (d)(1) and (2), OMB Circular A-133, as revised, should be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse) at the following address: Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau of the Census 1201 East 10th Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132 Page 26 Packet Pg. 1237 C.21.j C. Other Federal agencies and pass-through entities in accordance with Sections .320 (e) and (f), OMB Circular A-133, as revised. 2. Pursuant to Section .320 (f), OMB Circular A-133, as revised, Recipient shall submit a copy of the reporting package described in Section .320(c), OMB Circular A-133,as revised and any management letter issued by the auditor,to DEO at each of the following addresses: Electronic copies(preferred): Audit@deo.myflorida.com or cv Paper(hard copy): Department Economic Opportunity MSC#130, Caldwell Building 107 East Madison Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-4126 3. Copies of financial reporting packages required by PART II of this Exhibit shall be submitted by or on behalf of Recipient directly to each of the following: T A. DEO at each of the following addresses: Electronic copies(preferred): Audit@deo.myflorida.com r. or CL Paper(hard copy): Department Economic Opportunity MSC#130, Caldwell Building < 107 East Madison Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-4126 B. The Auditor General's Office at the following address: Auditor General Local Government Audits/342 Claude Pepper Building, Room 401 Page 27 Packet Pg. 1238 C.21.j 111 West Madison Street .Tallahassee, FL32399-1450 Email Address: flaudgen_localgovt@aud.state.fl.us 4. Copies of reports or the management letter required by Part III of this Exhibit shall be submitted by or on behalf of Recipient directly to: A. DEO at each of the following addresses: N/A 5. Any reports, management letter, or other information required to be submitted to DEO pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted timely in accordance with OMB Circular A-133,Florida Statutes,and Chapters m 0) 10.550(local governmental entities)or 10.650(nonprofit and for-profit organizations),Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable. 6. Recipients, when submitting financial reporting packages to DEO for audits done in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 or Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (non-profit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to Recipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package. PART V: RECORD RETENTION 1. Recipient shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this Exhibit for a r. period of five(5)years from the date the audit report is issued,or five(5)state fiscal years after all reportingCL requirements are satisfied and final payments have been received, whichever period is longer, and shall allow DEO, or its designee, CFO, or Auditor General access to such records upon request. Recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to DEO,or its designee, CFO,or Auditor General upon request for a period of five (5)years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing by DEO. In addition, if any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started prior to the expiration of the controlling period as identified above, the records shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the controlling period as identified above, whichever is longer. Page 28 Packet Pg. 1239 C.21.j EXHIBIT 1-A FUNDING SOURCES FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED AND RELEASED TO RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: Recipient's DUNS Registered Name: County of Monroe Recipient's DUNS Number: 073876757 Federal Award Identification Number: G-1701FLLIEA;subsequent releases-TBD Federal Award Date: October 25,2016;subsequent releases-TBD Subaward Period of Performance Start and End Date: April 1,2017 through March 31,2018 Federal award project description,as required to be responsive to the Energy savings home improvements to T_ CD Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act(FFATA): eligible low income households. cv LLJ Federal Awarding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Pass-Through Entity: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Contact Information for Awarding Official of pass-through entity: Contact: Debbie Smiley,850-717-8433 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.568 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program W Research and Development: No Indirect Cost Rate(if not applicable,please write"N/A"): N/A Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 81.042 T r_ Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: Weatherization Assistance Program m Research and Development: No Indirect Cost Rate(if not applicable,please write"N/A"): N/A COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO THE FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: CL Federal Program: 1. Recipient shall use the WAP funds to perform energy saving repairs and installation of energy saving measures on qualified single family dwellings in accordance with all attachments to this Agreement, applicable Uniform Guidance, WAP Procedures Manual, Field Guides and the FFY 2017 WAP State Plan. 2. Recipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Guidance, DEO's WAP requirements, and eligibility requirements as set forth in the U.S. Department of Energy regulations codified in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 440 — Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-Income Persons. STATE RESOURCES AWARDED TO RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: N/A Page 29 Packet Pg. 1240 C.21.j MATCHING RESOURCES FOR FEDERAL PROGRAMS: Federal Program: N/A SUBJECT TO SECTION 215.97, FLORIDA STATUTES: State Project: N/A COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO STATE RESOURCES AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT AREAS FOLLOWS: N/A NOTE:Title 2 C.F.R.§200.331 and section 215.97(5),Florida Statutes,require that the information about Federal Programs and State Projects included in Exhibit 1 be provided to Recipient. cv T Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. r. CL Page 30 Packet Pg. 1241 C.21.j EXHIBIT 2 Audit Compliance Certification Email a copy of this form within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year in which this grant was open to audit@deo.myflorida.com. Subrecipient: FEIN: Subrecipient's Fiscal Year: Contact's Name: Contact's Phone: Contact's Email: 1. Did Subrecipient expend State financial assistance, during its fiscal year, that it received under any agreement (e.g., contract, grant, memorandum of agreement, memorandum of understanding, economic incentive award agreement, etc.) between Subrecipient and the Department of Economic E Opportunity(DEO)? ❑Yes ❑No If the above answer is yes,answer the following before proceeding to item 2. Did Subrecipient expend $750,000 or more of State financial assistance (from DEO and all other sources of State financial assistance combined)during its fiscal year? ❑Yes []No If yes, Subrecipient certifies that it will timely comply with all applicable State single or project- specific audit requirements of section 215.97, Florida Statutes, and the applicable rules of the Department of Financial Services and the Auditor General. 2. Did Subrecipient expend Federal awards during its fiscal year that it received under any agreement rant memorandum of agreement, memorandum of understanding, economic contract, g g incentive award agreement,etc.) between Subrecipient and DEO? ❑Yes ❑ No If the above answer is yes, also answer the following before proceeding to execution of this certification: Did Subrecipient expend $750,000 or more in Federal awards (from DEO and all other sources of CL Federal awards combined)during its fiscal year? ❑Yes ❑ No If yes,Subrecipient certifies that it will timely comply with all applicable single or program-specific audit requirements of title 2 C.F.R. part 200,subpart F,as adopted and supplemented by DOE at 2 C.F.R.part 910. By signing below,I certify,on behalf of Subrecipient,that the above representations for items 1 and 2 are true and correct. Signature of Authorized Representative Date Printed Name of Authorized Representative Title of Authorized Representative Page 31 Packet Pg. 1242 C.21.j ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK I. GENERAL POLICY Subrecipient shall comply with the following requirements, and if applicable, ensure all contracts require compliance with the following requirements. In carrying out this Agreement,Subrecipient shall provide all necessary personnel, materials, services and facilities, except as otherwise provided herein, to carry out the program. Subrecipient shall designate an individual, referred to by DEO as the WAP Coordinator,who will be responsible for ensuring that the following activities are adhered to: A. Identify and solicit eligible low-income residents within Subrecipient's identified service area who have the need and desire for energy conservation assistance. Subrecipient shall make the services T CD provided for under this Agreement available to all eligible clients in the counties it serves, subject to the availability of funds. B. Subrecipient shall provide weatherization services at an annual average expenditure limit of$7,212 per unit for labor,weatherization materials and related matters. This per dwelling amount does not CD C include the Health and Safety annual average expenditure limit of$2,164 per dwelling that may also be expended. DEO will audit the rates prior to closeout to ensure the Grantee does not exceed the , annual average expenditure limit. C. Subrecipient shall weatherize dwellings in such a manner that will provide continuous service from 0. the commencement date to the termination date of the Agreement. All counties must be served with the allocated dollar amounts listed in Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocation, of this Agreement. All funds must be spent timely, in proportion to the progression of months throughout the term of this Agreement (i.e. proper expenditure rate) according to the Budget Summary in Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocation, of this W Agreement. If, in DEO's sole determination,funds are not being spent at a proper expenditure rate, or a county is being underserved according to Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocation, of this Agreement, DEO has the right, but not the obligation, upon 30 calendar days written notice to Subrecipient, to reduce Subrecipeint's subaward and reallocate any or all of the subawarded funds to one or more alternative weatherization providers. DEO's exercise of this CL remedy will not limit any of DEO's other available remedies as detailed in Paragraph(14),Remedies, of this Agreement,or at law or in equity. D. Subrecipient shall provide DEO with documentation and reports as required by this Agreement, including, but not limited to, budget balances, as well as any other information related to this project, or as may otherwise be specified by DEO. E. Subrecipient shall complete work on all dwellings in accordance with the Field Guides, the WAP Procedures Manual,the WAP Priority List,any Supporting Weatherization Program Notices,and any supplemental DEO and DOE guidelines, unless Subrecipient secures written permission from DEO otherwise. F. The health and safety of the clients, Subrecipient's staff, contractors, and the integrity of the building structure shall not be compromised by any work completed with weatherization funds. Page 32 Packet Pg. 1243 C.21.j G. Subrecipient shall ensure that all installed weatherization materials meet the materials standards taken from Appendix A to 10 C.F.R. part 440, be of good quality, and be installed in a safe, cost effective manner. H. Work and materials not meeting quality expectations, as determined by DEO with reference to 10 C.F.R. part 440 and the WAP Procedures Manual, may subject Subrecipient to written findings. Subrecipient may be required by DEO to perform re-inspections or "go-backs' on any work performed by Subrecipient or its contractors which does not meet quality expectations, in DEO's sole discretion, and for which DEO has issued a finding,the costs incurred for any work performed by Subrecipient or its contractors which does not meet quality expectations, in DEO's sole discretion, and for which DEO has issued a finding may be disallowed by DEO. II. SUBRECIPIENT RESPONSIBILITIES cv A. File Documentation Responsibilities Each client file shall contain the following documentation: • Client intake form • Building Work Report • Client income documentation (for • Copy of bid package(s), invoices, past twelve months) receipts, payment vouchers • Pre 1978 dwellings — Certified • Documentation of ownership or Renovator Documentation or signed Landlord Agreement Form Clearance Testing • Social SecurityDocumentation if 0. ( • Copies of any approved waivers applicable) • Copy of client photo ID • Copies of applicable Pre and Final ca Permits • Copy of client utility bill • Client File Checklist • Client Selection (Priority) Criteria • RED Calculator printouts Form • Copy of Complaint Appeal Procedures Form signed and • Refrigerator Metering record dated by client CL • Inspection/Audit Data and Results • QCI Inspector Sheet • Pre-Work Order Agreement • Infrared pictures B. Recordkeeping In addition to any recordkeeping requirements set forth in the Agreement, including any attachments or exhibits thereto and this Scope of Work, Subrecipient agrees to be bound by the recordkeeping provisions at 10 C.F.R. part 440 and 42 U.S.C. part A, as applicable to Subrecipient. Subrecipient shall keep such records as DOE requires, including, but not limited to, records which fully disclose the amount and disposition of the funds received by Subrecipient, the total cost of each weatherization project, the average costs incurred in weatherization of individual dwelling units, the average size of the dwelling being weatherized, the average income of households receiving assistance,and any other records as deemed necessary by DOE or by DEO in order to fulfill its recordkeeping requirements under 10 C.F.R. part 440.Subrecipient agrees to keep its records in accordance with the 2 C.F.R. part 200,as adopted and supplemented by 2 C.F.R. part 910. C. Determining Priority Service Page 33 Packet Pg. 1244 C.21.j Subrecipient shall give priority to identifying and providing weatherization assistance to elderly persons, persons with disabilities,families with children under 12 years old,households with a high energy burden and high residential energy users in their "priority of services" point system. Subrecipient will coordinate with its local Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provider to develop a referral process and targeted number of clients to serve. A minimum of 10% of the clients receiving weatherization services through the WAP are to be LIHEAP referrals. D. Monitoring Visits The DEO staff and/or its representative shall conduct monitoring visits of Subrecipient at least once a year but as frequently as DEO may desire throughout the program year. These visits are for the purposes of quality assurance inspections, administrative and fiscal monitoring, Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA), and other meetings as the need arises. The monitoring report shall include inspection and/or T&TA information. cv LU 1. The monitoring staff regularly inspects units completed by Subrecipient. All installed materials shall be cost effective, safe, and of good quality and appearance. Discoveries of violations of policies and procedures are called findings. 2. Work not meeting quality expectations may be subject to findings, required remedial work and/or disallowed costs. 3. All contractor work shall pass an inspection by qualified Subrecipient staff or approved third- party contractor inspector prior to payment. �-- 4. Contractor work not meeting quality expectations that requires correction shall be done at the contractor's expense. T E. Findings Any non-compliance with the WAP Priority List, the WAP Procedures Manual, or any Field Guides a constitutes a finding, as that term is defined in the WAP Procedures Manual. Major findings are those which are either severe in nature as determined by the monitoring inspector or repeated. Minor findings are less severe or not repetitive in nature. r. CL Major Findings: Examples of major findings include, but are not limited to,the following: 1. The health and safety of clients,Subrecipient staff or contractors,or the integrity of the building structure is threatened by work completed with the weatherization funds. m 2. A weatherization-related health or safety problem is created by, exacerbated by, or not corrected by the delivery of weatherization services. 3. The omission, without appropriate authorization, of a required cost-effective measure, a necessary repair, or a required health and safety repair. 4. Poor-quality work, materials, or equipment that results in significantly degraded performance or appearance of measures or repairs. 5. Major expenditure of funds on measures that are not included on the National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT) or are not required in the WAP Priority List, WAP Procedures Manual, or the Field Guides. Page 34 Packet Pg. 1245 C.21.j 6. Costs incurred for materials that do not meet the standards for conformance listed in Appendix A of 10 C.F.R. part 440. 7. Any action or lack of action that may result in a liability that threatens the Florida Weatherization Grant funds. 8. Gross fiscal mismanagement, including any unallowable costs or any wrongful billing to the grant. Minor Findings: Examples of minor findings include, but are not limited to,the following: 1. A single occurrence of poor-quality of work, materials, or equipment that results in minor degradation of performance or appearance of measures or repairs. cv 2. Work site clean-up that does not meet the satisfaction of the client or the State monitor. 3. Required energy conservation measures that are not installed but would not contribute a large energy savings. 4. Required health and safety measures that are not addressed but are not threatening the health or safety of the client. F. Training&Technical Assistance Visits(T&TA) T&TA visits conducted by DEO staff and its representatives are intended for training purposes. Recommendations for Subrecipient actions may be issued by DEO based on circumstances observed and guidance will be offered on the visit report provided to Subrecipient. G. DEO Field Procedures Waivers Subrecipient may request waivers which exempt Subrecipient from performing a required measure, or which allow a restricted measure, if one or more of the following requirements are met: r. 1. If it is technically not possible to install the measures. CL 2. If conditions exist, and cannot be overcome, that would make the installation of the measure unsafe. 3. The installation of the measure would threaten the health or safety of either the client or the worker. State waivers shall be granted by DEO on a case-by-case basis and shall be in writing. Subrecipients who are unable to provide services according to the WAP Priority List,the WAP Procedures Manual, or the Field Guides because of local building codes shall supply written documentation to DEO staff and request a State waiver.Work shall proceed only after approval of a waiver request in writing by DEO staff. The State waivers permit the following policy exceptions: 1. Fuel conversions. 2. Installation of doors and/or windows exceeding allowable amount. 3. Other work normally considered beyond the scope of weatherization. Page 35 Packet Pg. 1246 C.21.j III. PROJECT SELECTION,ENERGY AUDITS AND FINAL INSPECTIONS A. Subrecipient shall use properly trained and qualified energy auditors and inspectors. B. An Energy Audit is required on every building prior to performing any work other than emergency response related work.Contractors shall strictly adhere to the work order developed by the auditor. No deviations from this work order shall be performed, unless authorized by the energy auditor or weatherization coordinator. C. Subrecipient's Quality Control Inspector shall ensure that all measures required by the WAP Priority List, the Field Guides, and the WAP Procedures Manual have been installed, and that the work quality meets the standards required by the WAP Field Guides. cv D. Each completed project shall be inspected and the inspection shall be documented in the client file. No project shall be reported as completed until all weatherization materials have been installed and Subrecipient has performed a final quality control inspection, including any mechanical or subcontractor work performed. E. All installed weatherization materials shall meet the materials standards as detailed in Appendix A of 10 C.F.R. part 440,shall be of good quality,and shall be installed in a safe and effective manner. F. Project Selection 1. Projects should be prioritized in accordance with DOE Policy. Additionally,Subrecipient should prioritize projects based on: i. owner participation; ii. potential energy savings based on utility bill analysis; iii. assurance that benefits will be direct to unit occupants; and iv. service to all areas of the service area. 2. Subrecipient shall receive a signed landlord-tenant agreement before work begins on any individual dwelling unit. This document must be retained as part of the project file. G. Energy Audit Prior to performing an energy audit,Subrecipient's auditor shall conduct a walk-through of the unit CL to confirm the potential for the installation of energy conservation measures and to ensure that there are no major barriers to working in the building. The primary objectives of the energy audit is to survey the home for the potential to install energy conservation measures, to analyze the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) of potential measures,to check for safety hazards and building durability issues,to provide client education,to document the < audit,and to write a work order detailing work to be done and situations that need to be addressed. Understanding energy use is key to performing an exemplary audit. The energy audit shall include the following information: 1. An assessment of health and safety hazards. 2. Documentation, including, but not limited to,the type of energy audit tool used,the results of the audit analysis, and the DOE-promulgated priority list used to complete the energy audit. 3. An assessment and record of the existing conditions of the building and its mechanical systems. 4. An evaluation of the existing conditions for energy conservation opportunities and energy- related health and safety problems. Page 36 Packet Pg. 1247 C.21.j 5. A strategy for improved energy efficiency and for correcting energy-related health and safety problems. The energy audit shall also include evaluations of all of the following, per the WAP Procedures Manual and the WAP Field Guides: 1. Combustion safety testing. 2. Air leakage analysis. 3. Combustion efficiency determination. 4. Thermal performance analysis. 5. Electrical safety testing. 6. Electric base-load testing. 7. Indoor air quality and moisture inspection. N Subrecipient shall provide all clients with information regarding all of the following: 1. The weatherization process. 2. Reducing heating and cooling costs. 3. Water conservation and water heating. 4. Staying cool during hot weather. 5. Lead-based paint notification. 6. Mold and mildew notification. 7. Other energy-saving suggestions. H. Final/Quality Control Inspection Responsibilities Subrecipient shall be responsible for the following quality control inspection responsibilities: 1. Energy and Conservation Inspection i. Review the original energy audit form. T ii. Ensure all required procedures were performed. iii. Verify the accuracy of the audit, including measures that may have been omitted. m iv. Inspect all work to ensure that standards of work quality and materials are met and ensure that the job site is cleaned up. V. Call for corrective actions where initial work does not meet standards. 2. Health and Safety Inspection r� i. Verify that all work was completed to address related health and safety issues. CL ii. Call for corrective actions where initial work does not meet standards. 3. File Review and Completion i. Review all required forms for accuracy and completion. ii. Document required go-backs or follow-up work. iii. Sign and date a quality control inspection form assuring that all requirements have been verified. iv. A job is complete only after all work installed by Subrecipient or its authorized representative has been completed and has passed the quality control inspection. IV. INSTALLATION OF MEASURES Weatherization measures serve all of the four following purposes: 1. Conserve energy. 2. Reduce energy bills. 3. Protect residents from energy-related hazards. 4. Protect building from damage caused by fire or moisture. Page 37 Packet Pg. 1248 C.21.j Subrecipient shall be responsible for installing weatherization measures per the WAP Priority List,WAP Procedures Manual,the Field Guides and applicable local,State, and Federal code. V. HEALTH AND SAFETY Weatherization services shall be provided in a manner that minimizes risks to workers, clients, and clients' homes. Weatherization services shall not begin until health and safety problems are removed. Subrecipient shall comply with and enforce the WAP Safety Plan. VI. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA DEO shall evaluate this project through review of Subrecipient submitted reports. To receive a reimbursement for a production period(a production period spans the first day of a month through the last day of the month),Subrecipient shall submit an electronic copy of each Building Work Report(BWR) Package along with the Financial Status Report (FSR) to DEO through the electronic financial management system (eGrants) by the 21st day of the following month. In addition, Subrecipient shall LU submit a signed copy of the FSR via facsimile or email to DEO by the same due date (Reference Attachment C, Reports). The monthly FSR shall include on-schedule completion of production goals. 0) If work is behind schedule,Subrecipient shall immediately begin implementation of a plan to bring work up to schedule. VII. PAYMENT AND DELIVERABLES Subrecipient will be reimbursed monthly for expenditures reported in its Monthly Financial Status Report as described in Attachment C,Reports. Reimbursement will be made by DEO,upon DEO's finding 0. that the Deliverable has been successfully completed. Deliverable 1 Minimum Level Performance Certification that Subrecipient operated during At a minimum, Subrecipient shall have its office its regular business hours as identified in open for business,with the entrance door open Attachment G, Warranties and Representations, to the public, and at least one employee on-site to include expenses for Administration Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 [Administration costs not to exceed $6,278.60 p.m. (5%of total award amount)], Program Support, Technical and Training Assistance,Single Audit, CL and Liability Insurance. Deliverable 2 Minimum Level Performance Complete weatherization of dwellings with At a minimum, Subrecipient shall complete one energy saving repairs and installation of energy (1)weatherized dwelling supported by a Building saving measures to qualified low-income persons Work Report (BWR) as identified in Attachment and to administer the program. C, Reports. a) The Deliverables shall be reported monthly on Subrecipient's Monthly Financial Status Report as described in Attachment C, Reports. b) Successful completion of the Deliverables shall be determined by receipt by DEO of Subrecipient's Monthly Financial Status Report containing the certification required in Attachment G, Warranties and Representations. Page 38 Packet Pg. 1249 C.21.j VIII. FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES A. If Subrecipient provides services to any client more than 180 days after the client's household income has been verified without recertification of the client's income eligibility,Subrecipient shall be assessed a financial consequence in the amount of 1% of the total amount of weatherization services provided to the ineligible client's dwelling unit. B. DEO shall not reimburse any expenditures associated with Deliverables not accepted by DEO as successfully completed; however, this does not preclude Subrecipient from receiving payment for such expenditures upon successful completion of the Deliverable. C. If Subrecipient fails to be open,and available,for services according to its regular business hours as identified in Attachment G,Warranties and Representations, outside weekends and State holidays, Subrecipient shall pay to DEO financial consequences in the amount of $10.00 per day that Subrecipient failed to operate according to its regular business hours, up to a maximum of$100.00, for such failure, unless DEO in its sole discretion waives such failure in writing based upon its cv determination that the failure was due to factors beyond the control of Subrecipient. D. Any amounts due under this Financial Consequence section shall be paid by Subrecipient out of non- Federal funds. IX. EQUIPMENT INVENTORY Subrecipient shall submit quarterly a written inventory of all equipment acquired in whole or in part with weatherization funds to DEO's Grant Manager for this Agreement. Subrecipient shall maintain an equipment inventory in a manner that will provide an audit trail, traceable from purchase to present usage. "Equipment" means tangible personal property (including information technology systems) having a useful life of more than one (1) year and a per-unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds $500. X. REFERRALS T Subrecipient shall partner with non-profit organizations or municipalities that provide rehabilitation, emergency home repair, administer a Neighborhood Stabilization Program, or are participating in a m Green and Healthy Home Initiative to facilitate the receipt of active referrals of qualified units in order 2 to achieve goals of serving the low income population. r. CL Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 39 Packet Pg. 1250 C.21.j EXHIBIT 1 TO ATTACHMENT A BUDGET DIRECTIONS The following generally outlines budget categories and offers guidance for preparing the Budget Summary and County Allocation, Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, of this Agreement and Subrecipient's detailed line-item budget. In the event of any conflict between any portion of this Exhibit 1 to Attachment A, Budget Directions, and any other part of this Agreement or Federal or State regulations or guidance, the terms of any other part of this Agreement or Federal or State regulations or guidance shall prevail. I. Project Budget: Subrecipient shall perform the Weatherization Services in accordance with this Agreement and the project budget, Budget Summary and County Allocation, attached hereto as Exhibit 2 to Attachment A. Weatherization budget categories are defined as follows: cv A. Administrative Cost (Admin): Administrative costs include, but are not limited to, all indirect costs, telephone costs, a portion of professional staff salaries (to cover staff time when not carrying out the functions allowable under program costs), salaries and fringe benefits of clerical staff,travel related to administrative functions, and miscellaneous costs such as copying, office space, equipment and supplies. Total administrative budget must not exceed 5%of the overall grant budget. Pursuant to DOE program guidance, administrative costs over the allocated maximum may be included as program support. B. Liability Insurance: All allowable costs incurred by Subrecipient for Liability, Pollution Occurrence, and 0. Workers Compensation insurance for weatherization projects for personal injury and for property 0 damage. T C. Financial Audit: Unless financial audit costs are included in the indirect cost pool of a negotiated and m approved, indirect Federal cost rate, Subrecipient shall budget this expense in the "Financial Audit" budget category. D. Training and Technical Assistance: All allowable costs associated with approved inter- and intra-state travel for training and technical assistance. CL E. Materials: All allowable costs incurred by Subrecipient and Subrecipient's contractors for materials installed in completed dwelling units, including materials for Heating and Ventilation Air Conditioning Systems(HVAC). m 0 F. Labor: All allowable crew and contractor labor, to include benefits, for the purpose of auditing, inspecting,transporting or installing weatherization materials,making eligible repairs on weatherization units and replacing heating systems; cost incurred by contractors to install materials, repair or replace HVAC systems, or for contract labor to provide electrical or plumbing services. G. Program Support (PS): All allowable costs incurred for Program Operations that are generally defined as the direct costs necessary to effect the weatherization of an eligible dwelling unit (cost of doing business), but not included in the material or labor costs.All program support charges are factored as a part of the average cost per unit. For purposes of this Agreement, Program Support includes "related matters," as that term is used in 10 C.F.R. part 440. Page 40 Packet Pg. 1251 C.21.j H. Health and Safety: Health and Safety is for materials and labor costs and will not be calculated into the per unit average like regular materials and labor. Costs incurred for materials and labor for Health and Safety purposes must be reported under the Health and Safety budget line item. The Health and Safety average per unit expenditure limit is set at 45% of the per unit average. Subrecipient may exceed the 45% expenditure limit up to $5,000 per unit, only with prior, written approval by DEC. DEO will circulate a Health and Safety survey to Subrecipient on an annual basis to establish the costs and frequency of measures installed. Upon circulation of the survey, Subrecipient may request reallocation of excess Health and Safety funds to Materials, Labor or Program Support. II. Cost Limits: N The DOE established, national average expenditure limit per dwelling unit is$7,212.This adjusted average includes materials, labor, and program support costs amortized over completed production units. The Average Cost Per Unit (ACPU) will be calculated and tracked during the FSR review process, based on the following formula: (Material Cost+ Labor Cost+ Program Support Cost) = Total Monthly ACPU* #of Units weatherized — Note: The annual adjusted average cost per unit of$7,212 cannot be exceeded at the closeout of the Agreement. ~� III. In submitting the monthly Financial Status Reports(FSR), Subrecipient may exceed the prescribed ACPU or Admin percentage. However: A. DEO will perform monthly desk audits and a mid-agreement period review of Subrecipient's adjusted average cost per unit to-date and the admin percentage to date. B. If Subrecipient exceeds either percentage on a FSR anytime during the Agreement period, it will be notified and required to make adjustments in charging for activities in subsequent FSRs to ensure compliance to adjusted averages and percentage limits at the end of the Agreement period. C. Subrecipient is required to track all expenditures to ensure that only actual costs for allowable expenditures are reported on the monthly FSR. D. Subrecipients receiving an advance must make up the expenditure deficit in the following FSR. CL IV. Subrecipient must complete and submit a Monthly Expenditure Tracking Sheet (METS) by the 21s'day of every month during the period of this Agreement. METS reporting requirements and corrective actions are outlined in the Attachment C, Reports, of this Agreement. V. To determine the allowable activities that may be charged to the PS and Admin category, refer to the applicable (Non-Profit or Local Government) Guidance for Documentation and Support of Program Support and Administrative Expenditures publication. VI. If additional funding is provided to Subrecipient during this Agreement period, submission to DEO of a revised Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocations, is required. Page 41 Packet Pg. 1252 C.21.j EXHIBIT 2 TO ATTACHMENT A BUDGET SUMMARY AND COUNTY ALLOCATIONS SUBRECIPIENT: COUNTY OF MONROE AGREEMENT#: 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 1. ADMINISTRATION $ 5,027.35 $ 1,251.25 $ 6,278.60 2. HEALTH &SAFETY $ 9,969.60 $ 15,993.60 $ 25,963.20 3. TRAINING&TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE $ 4,190.00 $ 846.80 $ 5,036.80 4. FINANCIAL AUDIT $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 5. LIABILITY INSURANCE $ 1,750.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,750.00 T- CD 6. MATERIALS/LABOR/PROGRAM SUPPORT $ 79,610.05 $ 6,933.35 $ 86,543.40 E Prior written approval from DEO's Grant Manager is required for any change between the above line item amounts not exceeding 10% of the line item amount reduced by said change. Any change in the overall award amount ("TOTALS" above) or a change exceeding 10% between the above line item amounts requires a formal written modification to this Agreement, as described in Paragraph (8), MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. Regardless, DEO will not reimburse costs of more than the total subaward amount of this Agreement,and in no event shall Subrecipient's total Administrative Expenses exceed 5%of the total subaward to Subrecipient. T WEATHERIZATION SERVICE AREA m COUNTY ALLOCATION The financial allocation specified for each county by program is designated to be spent in that county. For Subrecipients of funds designated for more than one county, in the event that circumstances will not allow the full expenditure of any program funds allocated to a particular county, a request to expend any part of those funds in another county must be submitted in writing to DEO and approved in writing by DEO prior to CL expenditure.This request must specifically justify the lack of need of program services in that county. Monroe $ 86,543.00 12 Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 42 Packet Pg. 1253 C.21.j ATTACHMENT B PROGRAM STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Subrecipient shall be governed by applicable laws and rules, including but not limited to: A. Pub. L. 94-385, Part A,Title IV("Energy Conservation and Production Act of 1976");the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981,Title XXVI of Pub. L. 97-35 (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981);Title II, Part 2,of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act of 1978 (Pub. L.96-619); Title V,Subtitle E,of the Energy Security Act of 1981(Pub. L.96-294); and chapter 409, F.S.; Florida Chief Financial Officer Memorandum No. 04-05; Federal Central Contractor Registration (http://www.ccr.gov/);Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (http://www.mvfloridaacfo.com/aadir/statewide financial reporting/financing.htm) N B. All Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination including but not limited to: 1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(Pub. L. 88-352)which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; 2. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 3. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; 4. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. 6101- 6107), which prohibits 0 discrimination on the basis of age; 5. The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (Pub. L. 92- 255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; 6. The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention,Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; 7. Subsections 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1913 (42 U.S.C. 290 dd-3 and 290 ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; 8. Title Vill of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to non CD - discrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing;and 9. The requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s)which may apply to the Weatherization Assistance Program. 10. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336 (42 U.S.C. Sections 13101 through CL 13213). C. Executive Order 11346, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity", as amended by Executive Order 11375, and as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations(41 C.F.R. part 60). m D. All applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act as amended (42 U.S.C. 1857 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1351 et seq.). E. Subrecipient will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4081 et seq.) which prohibits the use of lead-based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence structures. F. Subrecipient will assist in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966,as amended(16 U.S.C.470), EO 11593(identification and protection of historic properties),and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974(16 U.S.C.469a-1 et seq.) G. Subrecipient shall screen applicants for program eligibility under 1986 Immigration and Nationality Act, as currently amended. H. Subrecipients which procure $10,000 or more of insulation products annually are required to put into effect an affirmative procurement program to insure the purchase of insulation products composed of the highest percentage of recoverable materials practicable, taking into consideration competition, availability,technical performance and cost in accordance with Section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Page 43 Packet Pg. 1254 C.21.j Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, and guidelines promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency. I. All applicable Federal rules,regulations and guidelines as they relate to the application,acceptance,and use of Federal funds under this Agreement. J. Other applicable Federal and State laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. K. Subrecipient certifies that neither its organization nor any member of the staff is debarred or suspended or is otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in Federal assistance programs under 2 C.F.R. § 901.10, "Debarment and Suspension." Subrecipient may not make any contract to a debarred or suspended party. A current listing of such parties is maintained by DEO for review. L. PROJECTS OR PROGRAMS FUNDED IN WHOLE OR PART WITH FEDERAL MONEY: As required by Section 508 of Public Law 103-333,when issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole _ or in part with Federal money,all grantees receiving Federal funds, including but not limited to State and local governments and Subrecipients of Federal research grants,shall clearly state: cv 1. the percentage of the total costs of the program or project which will be financed with Federal money, 2. the dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program,and 3. percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the project or program that will be financed by nongovernmental sources. M. INTEREST FROM CASH ADVANCES: Subrecipients shall invest cash advances in compliance 2 C.F.R. § 200.305(b)(8). Subrecipients shall maintain advances of Federal funds in interest-bearing accounts unless one of the following conditions applies: NON-PROFITS ONLY: 1. Subrecipient or contractor receives less than $120,000 in total Federal awards per year. 2. The best reasonably available interest bearing account would not be expected to earn interest in excess of$500 per year on all Federal cash balances. T 3. The depository would require an average or minimum balance so high that it would not be feasible within the expected Federal and non-Federal cash resource. Interest earned off cash advances shall be reflected on the monthly financial status report and the close-out report. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ONLY: Except for interest earned on advance of funds exempt under the inter-governmental Cooperation Action (31 U.S.0 6501 et. seq.) and the Indian Self-Determination Act (23 U.S.C. 450), Subrecipients r� shall promptly, but at least quarterly, remit interest earned on advances to DEO. Subrecipient may CL keep interest amounts up to$500 per year for administrative expenses. Except as provided for advance payments, Subrecipient may temporarily invest grant funds, but any interest income shall either be returned to DEO or be applied against DEO's obligation to pay the Agreement amount. Any interest income earned by the temporary investment of these grant funds that is not applied against DEC's obligation to pay shall be returned to DEO at the time of submission of the final close-out report. N. PROGRAM INCOME: Pursuant to 2 C.F.R. § 200.307, Subrecipient may apply net program income, after costs incident to the generation of gross program income are deducted,excluding interest income,to meet matching requirements,or may reprogram it for eligible program activities. The amount of program income and its disposition must be reported to DEO at the time of submission of the final close-out report. Expenditure of program income balances at Agreement end must be approved by DEO. 0. APPEALS SYSTEM: All complaints received by DEO will be referred to Subrecipient. Subrecipient must have a written appeals system that is: 1. adopted by the Board of Directors; 2. formatted as a Subrecipient handout; Page 44 Packet Pg. 1255 C.21.j 3. posted in the client intake area of Subrecipient's agency;and 4. provided to those applying for weatherization services. Sample format: Subrecipient Appeals System In the event of a complaint/appeal,the complaint/appeal shall first be heard by the: n 5 'QCav C12SN (Title of Position) Should the first designated party be unable to resolve the difficulty,the second complaint/appeal will be heard by: Q _ n • 1 P Ct p )6 z r �X � ISPr\ L CIPS (Title of Position). cv Should the second level complaint/appeal be unable to resolve the difficulty,the final hearing will be held by: 0 n ch 1 nhi IDCC (Committee or Full Board). m P. LIABILITY INSURANCE: Pursuant to 2 C.F.R. § 440.18, Subrecipient and Subrecipient's contractors are required to have sufficient liability insurance coverage for performing weatherization-funded activities. In addition, Subrecipients must have Pollution Occurrence Insurance (POI), whether included, added to, or a separate general liability insurance policy. Costs may be charged as a separate line item on the Financial Status Report. Subrecipients must ensure that each contractor is adequately covered by Subrecipient's policy. Documentation to substantiate all insurance coverage will be reviewed during monitoring visits. Failure to have adequate insurance coverage may result in all reimbursement requests being withheld until m compliance is met. Only those contractors who have been trained on Lead Safe Weatherization techniques and have POI (or are under Subrecipient's policy) may work on pre-1978 dwellings that Subrecipient has confirmed have lead paint that will be disturbed through weatherization activities. PROGRAMMATIC CHANGES: Subrecipient will follow the procedures and guidelines provided in the latest version of the WAP Procedures Manual. Programmatic and guideline changes during an agreement period CL may be provided to Subrecipient through a State Weatherization Program Notice and are to be considered as updates and become effective upon the date indicated on the Program Notice. The State Program Notice will be sent to Subrecipient's Agreement Manager to the email address stated in Attachment J,Subrecipient m Information, of this Agreement. Subrecipient agrees to be bound by all currently effective State Weatherization Program Notices previously issued by DEO. Q. MONITORING: 1. DEO shall conduct a full onsite review of Subrecipient at least once during the Agreement period. Subrecipient shall allow DEO to carry out monitoring, evaluation and technical assistance, and shall ensure the cooperation of its employees, and of any contractors with whom Subrecipient contracts to carry out program activities. 2. DEO shall provide training and technical assistance,within the limits of staff time and budget availability, upon request by Subrecipient or determination by DEO of Subrecipient need. 3. DEO shall conduct follow-up reviews including prompt return visits to Subrecipients that fail to meet the goals,standards,and requirements established by the State and Federal funding agency. Page 45 Packet Pg. 1256 ' C.21.j R. OTHER PROVISIONS: 1. In addition to all other record keeping, public records, and audit requirements set forth in this Agreement, Subrecipient shall make available all books, records, and documents required to be maintained under this Agreement available for copying and mechanical reproduction on or off Subrecipient's premises. 2. If the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or DOE initiates a hearing regarding the expenditure of funds provided under this Agreement,Subrecipient shall cooperate with,and upon DEO's written request, participate with DEO in the hearing. N cv Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. W T r. CL Page 46 Packet Pg. 1257 C.21.j ATTACHMENT C REPORTS A. Annual reports: (1) Close-out Report: The WAP Close-Out Report is due 30 calendar days after termination of the Agreement or 30 calendar days after completion of the activities contained in the Agreement, whichever occurs first. If the thirtieth calendar day falls on a weekend day or holiday,the Close-Out Report shall be due on the next business day.Subrecipient shall submit original signed documents to DEO that include, at a minimum, the WAP Close-out Financial Status Report (FSR), the Close-out Summary form, the Close-out Equipment Inventory form, a refund check for any unspent funds, if applicable, and a refund check for any interest earned on advances, if applicable. (2) IRS Form 990:Subrecipient verifies that if Subrecipient is below the$750,000 threshold for all Federal cv awards in its fiscal year, is a non-profit entity, and is exempt from the Federal single audit act requirements, then Subrecipient has submitted a copy of its most recent IRS form 990 with its Agreement proposal. B. Monthly reports: The WAP monthly FSR must be provided to DEO no later than the twenty-first day of each month following the end of the reporting month in which funds were expended. Subrecipient shall submit the report regardless of whether funds were expended. Reimbursement of expenditures shall be based on this report. Only with prior approval by DEO will more than one reimbursement be processed for any calendar month. Subrecipient must submit the FSR in DEO's current eGrants, as well as a signed copy submitted via facsimile or electronic mail by the due date. In the event the twenty-first day of the month falls on a weekend day or holiday, the FSR shall be due on the next business day. The FSR must be signed and dated. (1) Each FSR shall contain the following information: m a. All expenditures that occurred during the reporting month; b. The amount of reimbursement requested; c. The number of dwellings weatherized; d. An attestation,signed by an authorized signatory,that Subrecipient was open and operating during its reported business hours;and CL e. An attestation,signed by an authorized signatory,that payment claimed were for actual costs expended by the Subrecipient and its subcontractors,and properly applied to services provided under this agreement. (2) Each completed dwelling reported will have a Building Work Report package consisting of a completed: a. Building Work Report (BWR); b. Client Intake Form; and c. Quality Control Inspection (QCI) Report. (3) DEO shall review each FSR for compliance with the requirements as stated in Attachment A, Scope of Work,of this Agreement. C. Monthly Expenditure Tracking System (METS) Reports: A monthly METS is due to DEO by the 215i day of every month of this Agreement. If the twenty-first day of the month falls on a weekend day or holiday,the report shall be due no later than the next business day. Subrecipient will submit: Page 47 Packet Pg. 1258 C.21.j (1) A completed METS to include all Program Support and Admin line item actual costs incurred by Subrecipient during the previous month and submitted for reimbursement as part of the monthly FSR. (2) A Revenue and Expenditure spreadsheet(or applicable fiscal supporting document)that will provide the actual expenditure amounts per month to date that support the METS totals. Upon DEC's receipt of these documents,DEO staff will compare the FSR PS and Admin amounts with the METS PS and Admin amounts and supporting spreadsheets. Subrecipient will be notified if any other supporting documentation is needed based upon the results of this review. Based on the information contained in the reports, DEO may, in its sole discretion, schedule an on-site monitoring review. D. Cost Limits for Materials/Labor/Program Support, and Admin: (1) During the program year,if DEO determines that the average cost per unit will exceed the maximum CD CD allowable annual average cost per unit, additional cost restrictions may be imposed. Implementation of these limits will be based on data gathered by the State regarding actual cost averages and may be imposed on one or all Subrecipients,as needed. The DEO Grant Manager will notify Subrecipient of the cost restrictions to be implemented and procedures for implementing the CD C restrictions. Upon receipt of such notification, Subrecipient will be required to implement this procedure for all dwelling units for which materials have not been ordered or for which a job order has not been issued to a contractor. (2) Failure by Subrecipient to expend all program funding by the end of the Agreement period may result in it being placed in a probationary status for future WAP agreements. E. Close-out METS: ca Subrecipient shall submit a Close-out METS with the last FSR expending the remaining balance of funding in the Agreement to DEO. Subrecipient will provide a METS that includes the costs charged in m all budget cost categories along with the supporting spreadsheet. Subrecipient cannot exceed the percentage cap for Admin or the threshold ACPU at the end of the Agreement period. During the Agreement period, DEO staff will conduct an on-site monitoring visit to Subrecipient. This visit will include a review of the documentation that supports the Program Support and Administrative r� charges reported for a minimum of three FSRs. CL F. Semi Annual Success and Leverage Reports Semi Annual Success and Leverage Reports are due to DEO on or before October 21, 2017,and April 21, 2017. In the event that the twenty-first day of either month falls on a weekend day or holiday, the reports shall be due no later than the next business day. 1) On the Success Reports, Subrecipient shall provide: a) copies of thank-you correspondences from < clients who received weatherization services; b) information on any events Subrecipient participated in that promoted the WAP locally; and c) any milestone reached by Subrecipient that relates to the WAP. 2) On the Leverage Reports, Subrecipient shall provide: a)sources of leverage activities; b) amount of funding provided; and c) the types of leverage activities utilized on the dwellings during the six (6) month period. Utility rebate funds and donation of materials or volunteer labor should also be included in this report. G. Monitoring: At a minimum, DEO will conduct one (1) on-site monitoring visit to Subrecipient during the Agreement Page 48 Packet Pg. 1259 C.21.j period. This monitoring visit will address Subrecipient's fiscal and programmatic administration of the WAP. In addition, a minimum of five percent (5%) of the total number of dwellings projected to be weatherized during the Agreement period will be inspected.An additional five percent(5%)of dwellings will be inspected if Subrecipient has implemented the Level #2, Independent Auditor/Quality Control Inspection process. H. Monitoring Report: Within 35 days after the completion of the monitoring visit, DEO will issue a monitoring report outlining the results and any corrective actions required to be implemented by Subrecipient for any non- compliance issues discovered during this visit. Issues may be classified as a major or minor finding or an observation. A major finding is a noncompliance issue that is of significant concern.A minor finding is a noncompliance issue that is of secondary concern, such as a small file omission. Observations are to assist with compliance of program requirements, to enhance or improve service, or to share best cv practices. I. Monitoring Report Responses: Subrecipient shall provide a written response to DEO for all monitoring report findings or observations no later than 30 calendar days from the date of the original monitoring report. DEO shall notify CD C Subrecipient of the due date for any subsequent monitoring report responses as may be required. If the thirtieth day falls on a weekend day or holiday, the response to the original report shall be due on the next business day.Subrecipient may request an extension in writing for DEO's review and approval. J. Subrecipient is required to have written financial management systems procedures for determining the reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of costs in accordance with the provisions of the cost principles and terms and conditions of the award. Subrecipient may utilize one of the following options: (1) Cost Allocation Plan: Per 2 C.F.R. 200.405, to document this, Subrecipient must submit copies of its written Cost Allocation Plan to DEO with this Agreement. (2) Indirect Cost Rate Proposal: Per 2 C.F.R. 200.414,this is the amount charged through indirect cost 2 allocation plans approved by Subrecipient's cognizant Federal agency,the rate negotiated between DEO and Subrecipient (in compliance with 2 C.F.R. part 200), or the 10% de minimis rate as applied to Modified Total Direct Cost as allowed by the Uniform Guidance.If Subrecipient chooses to use the r� de minimis rate, Subrecipient shall make sure it is entitled to use that rate and include a statement CL to that effect. K. Other reports: Upon reasonable notice, Subrecipient shall provide such additional program updates, reports, and information as may be required b DEO, including supporting m p y q y g pporting or source documentation for any reports identified above in this Attachment. L. Report Submission: Unless otherwise noted, reports shall be submitted to DEO's Grant Manager as stated in Paragraph (16) of this Agreement. Failure to submit reports by the required due date, may result in the withholding of any pending or future payments until the reports are received. Page 49 Packet Pg. 1260 C.21.j ATTACHMENT D JUSTIFICATION OF ADVANCE PAYMENT Indicate by checking one of the items below if you are requesting an advance. Any advance payment under this Agreement is subject to section 216.181(16), Florida Statutes. If an advance payment is requested,the below budget data on which the request is based must be completed. NO ADVANCE PAYMENT REQUESTED Check here: X Payment will be solely on a reimbursement basis. No Additional information is required. 60 DAY ADVANCE REQUESTED Check here: Advance payment of $ is requested. Balance of payments will be made on a cv reimbursement basis. These funds are needed to pay staff, award benefits to clients, and purchase sup lies and equipment. Subrecipient would not be able to operate the program without this advance. ADVANCE CALCULATION A. Number of Units expected to be completed in 60 days: B. Line A times the maximum of $7,212 $ �-- C. Direct Charge Line Items for first 60 days: $ D. Subtotal of Lines B&C: $ Administrative expenses for first 60 days: E. $ (Cannot exceed 5%of Line D) F. Advance Requested (Total Lines D & E): $ r. ADVANCE REQUEST FOR MORE THAN 60 DAYS CL If Subrecipient determines that it requires an advance amount to cover more than 60 days, Subrecipient must, in addition to completing the above ADVANCE CALCULATION worksheet, include a written justification to support the exceptional circumstances, and include a line item budget detail of the projected expenditures for consideration. TRACKING OF ADVANCE EXPENDITURES Subrecipient is allowed to request an advance amount of Agreement funding to ensure timely payment of contractors along with covering the initial operational/overhead costs for providing weatherization services. However, any advance payment under this Agreement is subject to s. 216.181(16), Florida Statutes. To ensure compliance with this directive: a) DEC) will compare the advance amount received by Subrecipient with the total to date expended amount on Subrecipient's second FSR to determine if an amount equal to the advance amount received has been expended. Page 50 Packet Pg. 1261 C.21.j b) If Subrecipient has not expended an amount equal to the initial advance, DEO staff will contact Subrecipient to determine if there is a reasonable justification for not meeting this goal, That justification along with any supporting documentation shall be submitted in writing to DEO for review. c) If the justification is not approved, an adjustment may be made to Subrecipient's reimbursement request amount on Subrecipient's second FSR. The requested reimbursement amount may be reduced by the unexpended balance remaining on the advance. This reduction will reduce the cash advance amount Subrecipient will have on hand to meet expenditures. d) DEO will track the monthly expenditure amount of Subrecipient through the remainder of the Agreement period. If Subrecipient fails to demonstrate the need forthe advance amount provided over the course of two consecutive FSRs, an adjustment to the latest FSR reimbursement request may be made. cv e) Subrecipient's performance and compliance to the advance expenditure requirement during this cv Agreement will be taken into consideration for any advances requested in future agreements. JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT [Please insert or attach a justification statement as required by subparagraph(4)(b)of this Agreement if an advance payment for more than 60 days of funding is requested.] N/A T r. CL Page 51 Packet Pg. 1262 C.21.j ATTACHMENT E PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND PROCUREMENT Subrecipient shall comply, at a minimum, with the property management and procurement standards for property(as defined in 2 C.F.R. 200.81) in 2 C.F.R. part 200, and 10 C.F.R. part 600, as applicable. A. All property purchased,in whole or in part,with funds from this Agreement must be listed on the property records of Subrecipient. Said listing must include a description of the property, a serial number or other identification number, the funding source of the property,who holds title,the acquisition date, and cost of the property, percentage of Federal participation in the cost of the property, the location, use, and condition of the property, and any transfer, replacement or ultimate disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price of the property, if applicable. `V B. Subrecipient must take a physical inventory of the property acquired, in whole or in part,with funds from this Agreement, reconcile the results of the inventory with the property records, and submit to DEO, a written property inventory list and reconciliation report, at least once a program year. Additionally, such a list and report must be submitted to DEO upon DEO's request. This annual comprehensive property inventory list and reconciliation report is separate and apart from, and in addition to, the written, quarterly equipment inventory described in Attachment A,Scope of Work, IX. Equipment Inventory,of this 0. Agreement. C. Ownership of all property acquired, in whole or in part, with funds from this Agreement is vested in DEO upon completion, including termination,of the Agreement,and as such,any title to such property must be m vested in DEO by Subrecipient upon completion, including termination, of the Agreement. If Subrecipient CD comingles funds from this Agreement, all property purchased, in whole or in part, using funds from the account(s) in which any funds from this Agreement are placed, is considered "property acquired, in whole CL or in part, with funds from this Agreement" as described herein. D. Real property,equipment,and intangible property that are acquired or improved, in whole or in part,with funds from this Agreement must be held in trust with the State of Florida as the trustee for the beneficiaries of the WAP. The State of Florida is entitled to record liens or other appropriate notices of record to indicate that person or real property have been acquired or improved with Federal funds and that use and disposition conditions apply to the property. E. Subrecipient shall comply with Section 507 of Public Law 103-333. As stated in this section, it is the sense of Congress that, to the extent practicable, all equipment and products purchased with funds made available in this Act should be American made. Page 52 Packet Pg. 1263 C.21.j ATTACHMENT F STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES A. Interest of Certain Federal Officials No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States, and no Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share of part of this Agreement or to any benefit to arise from the same. B. Interest of Members Officers,or Employees of Subrecipient,Members of Local Governing Body,or Other Public Officials. No member,officer,or employee of Subrecipient,or its delegates or agents,no member of the governing body of the locality in which the program is situated, and no other public official of such locality or localities who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the program during his tenure or for one year thereafter, may have any interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or subcontract, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the program assisted under this Agreement. Subrecipient shall incorporate or cause to be incorporated in all such Agreements, a provision prohibiting such interest pursuant to the purposes of this subsection.No board member,officer or employee will be permitted to receive any remuneration or gift in any amount. Board members may receive travel expenses in accordance with section 112.061, F.S. C. Nepotism Subrecipient agrees to be bound by the provisions of section 112.3135, F.S., pertaining to nepotism in its performance under this Agreement D. Assurances Subrecipient hereby assures and certifies as a condition of receipt of Agreement funding,that it, and its contractors, will comply with the applicable requirements of Federal and State laws, rules, CL regulations, and guidelines. As part of its acceptance and use of Agreement funding, Subrecipient assures and certifies that: (1) Subrecipient possesses the legal authority to administer the program as approved by Subrecipient's governing body, including all assurances contained herein. (2) Subrecipient possesses the sound controls and fund accounting procedures necessary to adequately safeguard its assets, check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, promote operating efficiency and maintain compliance with DEO's prescribed management policies. (3) Subrecipient will permit and cooperate with Federal and State investigations designed to evaluate compliance with the law. Page 53 Packet Pg. 1264 C.21.j (4) Subrecipient will give DEO, the Auditor General, or any authorized representatives, complete access to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to all program operations of the Agreement, including those of any contractors. (5) Subrecipient will comply with all of the provisions and practices outlined in DEO's most current monitoring manual. (6) Subrecipient verifies that its application and all its attachments, including budget data, are true and correct. (7) Subrecipient agrees to comply with Public Law 103-227, Part C, Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994(Act).This Act requires that smoking not be permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted for by an entity and used `V routinely or regularly for the provision of health, day care, education, or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded by Federal programs either directly or through States or local governments. Federal programs include grants, cooperative agreements, loans or loan guarantees, and contracts.Subrecipient further agrees that the above language will be included in any subawards which contain provisions for children's services and that Subrecipient shall certify compliance accordingly.Failure to comply with the provisions of this law may result in the imposition of a civil monetary penalty of up to$1,000 per day. (8) Subrecipient certifies that it will or will continue to provide a drug-free workplace as set forth by the regulations implementing the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988: and 2 C.F.R. part 902. m E. Subrecipient's contractors must maintain valid licenses that comply with all State and local laws, ordinances, and regulations. Each contractor shall be appropriately licensed to cover each activity it is performing pursuant to this Agreement. Subrecipient shall maintain copies of all contractor licenses CL (current for the program year when the work is performed), as well as a copy of each contractor's liability insurance policy. F. To the maximum extent practicable, the use of services provided under this Agreement shall be coordinated with other Federal, State, local, or privately funded programs in order to improve energy efficiency and to conserve energy. G. Subrecipient will permit attendance by DEO's representatives at any meetings of Subrecipient's Board of Directors,executive committee,or legislative body. Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 54 Packet Pg. 1265 ATTACHMENT G WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS A. Financial Management Subrecipient warrants that its financial management system shall provide the following: (1) Accurate, current,and complete disclosure of the financial results of this project or program. (2) Records that identify the source and use of funds for all activities. These records shall contain information pertaining to grant awards, authorizations, obligations, un-obligated balances, assets,outlays, income, and interest. (3) Effective control over and accountability for all funds, property, and other assets. Subrecipient shall safeguard all assets and ensure that they are used solely for authorized purposes. (4) Comparison of expenditures with budget amounts for each Request for Payment. Whenever appropriate,financial information shall be related to performance and unit cost data. (5) Written procedures for determining whether costs are allowed and reasonable under the provisions of 2 C.F.R. part 200,as adopted and amended by DOE at 2 C.F.R. part 910. (6) Cost accounting records that are supported by backup documentation. B. Competition Subrecipient warrants the following: (1) All procurement transactions shall be done in a manner to provide open and free competition. (2) Subrecipient shall be alert to conflicts of interest as well as noncompetitive practices among m contractors that may restrict or eliminate competition or otherwise restrain trade. In order to CD C ensure excellent contractor performance and eliminate unfair competitive advantage, contractors that develop or draft specifications, requirements,statements of work, invitations CL for bids, and/or requests for proposals shall be excluded from competing for such procurements. (3) Awards shall be made to the bidder, or offeror, whose bid, or offer, is responsive to the solicitation and is most advantageous to Subrecipient,considering the price,quality,and other factors. (4) Solicitations shall clearly set forth all requirements that the bidder, or offeror, must fulfill in order for the bid, or offer, to be evaluated by Subrecipient. Any and all bids or offers may be rejected when it is in Subrecipient's interest to do so. C. Codes of Conduct Subrecipient warrants the following: Page 55 Packet Pg. 1266 C.21.j (1) Subrecipient shall maintain written standards of conduct governing the performance of its employees engaged in the award and administration of contracts. (2) No employee, officer, or agent shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by public grant funds if a real or apparent conflict of interest would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated, has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for an award. (3) The officers, employees, and agents of Subrecipient shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors,or anything of monetary value from contractors, or parties to contracts. `V (4) The standards of conduct shall provide for disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of the standards by officers, employees, or agents of Subrecipient. CD D. Business Hours Subrecipient warrants that it shall have its offices open for business,with the entrance door open to the public, and at least one employee on site, on (days) Monday through Friday, and from (times) 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. E. Licensing and Permitting Subrecipient warrants that all contractors or employees hired by Subrecipient shall have all current licenses and permits required for all of the particular work for which they are hired by Subrecipient. CD r• CL Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 56 Packet Pg. 1267 C.21.j ATTACHMENT H CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT,SUSPENSION,INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION NOTE:Prior to issuing subawards and contracts under this Agreement,Subrecipient shall consult the System for Award Management(SAM)to ensure that organizations under funding consideration are not ineligible.The list is available on the Web at https://www.sam.gov. A. If Subrecipient will not issue any subawards or contracts under this Agreement,Subrecipient shall mark here that this Attachment H is Not Applicable: N B. If Subrecipient will issue subawards or contracts under this Agreement, Subrecipient shall complete the following information for each contractor: `V 1. The prospective contractor of Subrecipient, certifies, by submission of this document, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. , 2. If Subrecipient's contractor is unable to certify to the above statement,the prospective contractor shall attach an explanation to this form. `. T CONTRACTOR: (Type Name) Subrecipient's Name r. By CL Signature Name&Title DEO Agreement Number Street Address City,State,Zip Date Page 57 Packet Pg. 1268 C.21.j ATTACHMENT I Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000,as amended(22 U.S.C. 7104(g)) (taken from 2 C.F.R. § 175.15) I.Trafficking in persons. a.The following provisions are applicable to a subrecipient that is a private entity: 1. You as Subrecipient,your employees,contractors under this subaward,and contractors'employees may not-- i. Engage in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of time that the award is in effect; ii. Procure a commercial sex act during the period of time that the award is in effect; or iii. Use forced labor in the performance of the subaward. 2. We as the Federal pass-through entity may unilaterally terminate this subaward,without penalty, if N you or a contractor that is a private entity-- i. Is determined to have violated a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term;or m ii. Has an employee who is determined by the DEO official authorized to terminate the award to have violated a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term through conduct that is either, A. Associated with performance under this award; or B. Imputed to you or the contractor using the standards and due process for imputing the conduct of an individual to an organization that are provided in 2 C.F.R. part 180, "OMB W Guidelines to Agencies on Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non procurement)," as implemented by our agency at 2 C.F.R. part 901. b.The following provisions are applicable to a subrecipient that is not a private entity: ca T We, as the Federal pass-through entity, may unilaterally terminate this subaward,without penalty, if a contractor that is a private entity-- m 1. Is determined to have violated an applicable prohibition in paragraph a.1. of this subaward term; or 2. Has an employee who is determined by DEO official authorized to terminate the subaward to have violated an applicable prohibition in paragraph a.1. of this award term through conduct that is CL either: i. Associated with performance under this subaward; or ii. Imputed to the contractor using the standards and due process for imputing the conduct of an individual to an organization that are provided in 2 C.F.R. part 180, "OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement)," as implemented by our agency at 2 C.F.R. part 901. c.The following provisions are applicable to all subrecipients: 1. You must inform us immediately of any information you receive from any source alleging a violation of a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term. 2. Our right to terminate unilaterally that is described in paragraph a.2 or b of this section: i. Implements section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), as amended (22 U.S.C.7104(g)), and ii. Is in addition to all other remedies for noncompliance that are available to us under this subaward. Page 58 Packet Pg. 1269 ' C.21.j 3. You must include the requirements of paragraph a.1 of this award term in any subaward you make . to,or any contract with a private entity. d. Definitions. For purposes of this subaward term: 1. "Employee" means either: i. An individual employed by you or a contractor who is engaged in the performance of the project or program under this subaward;or ii. Another person engaged in the performance of the project or program under this subaward and not compensated by you including, but not limited to, a volunteer or individual whose services are contributed by a third party as an in-kind contribution toward cost sharing or matching requirements. 2. "Forced labor" means labor obtained by any of the following methods:the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, cv fraud,or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. 3. "Private entity": i. Means any entity other than a State, local government, Indian tribe, or foreign public entity, CD C as those terms are defined in 2 C.F.R. § 175.25. ii. Includes: A. A nonprofit organization, including any nonprofit institution of higher education, hospital, or tribal organization other than one included in the definition of Indian tribe at 2 C.F.R. § 175.25(b). B. A for-profit organization. 4. "Severe forms of trafficking in persons," "commercial sex act," and "coercion" have the meanings given at section 103 of the TVPA, as amended (22 U.S.C.7102). CL r. Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 59 Packet Pg. 1270 C.21.j ATTACHMENT J SUBRECIPIENT INFORMATION Please complete all information applicable to your organization. 1. Subrecipient's full legal name: COUNTY OF MONROE/MONROE, COUNTY OF 2. Subrecipient's mailing address(warrant will be mailed to this address): 50 WHITEHEAD STREET City: KEY WEST Zip Code: 33040 Telephone: 305-292-3560 Fax Number: cv T- CD 3. Street Address(if different from above): City: Zip Code: 4. Chief Elected Official: Name: GEORGE NEUGENT Title: COUNTY MAYOR Address: 25 SHIPS WAY City: BIG PINE KEY, , FL Zip Code: 33043 _ Telephone: 305-872-1678 Fax: 5. Executive Director: T r- Name: SHERYL GRAHAM Title: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR m Address: 25 SHIPS WAY City: BIG PINE KEY , FL Zip Code: 33043 Telephone: 305-872-1678 Fax: 305-295-4359 6. WAP Project Coordinator: r. CL Name: MARLENE STECKLEY Title: WAP COORDINATOR Address: 1100 SIMONTON STREET,SUITE 2-257 City: KEY WEST , FL Zip Code: 33040 Telephone: 305-292-4588 Fax: 305-292-4479 7. Finance Director: Name: KIM WILKES WEAN Title: FINANCE DIRECTOR Address: 1100 SIMONTON STREET, SUITE 1-190 City: KEY WEST FL Zip Code: 33040 Telephone: 305-292-4588 Fax: 305-292-4479 Page 60 Packet Pg. 1271 C.21.k KEVIN MADOK, CPA MONROE COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT&COMPTROLLER DATE: August 8, 2017 TO: Sheryl Graham, Director Social Services ATI'N: Lourdes Francis,Administrator FROM: Pamela G. Hanc 4ck, . N SUBJECT: July 19th BOCC Meeting Enclosed are the following documents: Q 2 C 13 Amendment #002 of Alzheimer's Disease Initiative Program (ADI) Contract KZ-1697 between the Alliance for Aging, Inc., and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services/In Home Services for the contract year 2016- 2017 (ending June 30, 2017) in order to increase the total grant funding by $7,050.00 from $164,647.80 to $171,697.80. These additional funds are non-recurring. Enclosed are three fully executed duplicate originals for your handling. C14 Alzheimer's Disease Initiative Program (ADI) Contract KZ-1797 between the Alliance for Aging, Inc., and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services In-Home Services for the contract year 2017-2018 (07/01/2017- 06/30/2018)in the amount of$164,647.80. Enclosed are three fully executed duplicate originals for your handling. C19 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Federally Funded Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Subgrant Agreement #17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 between the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and County of CL Monroe, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Monroe County Social Services) for the period of 04/01/2017 through 03/31/2018 in the amount of$125,572.00. Enclosed are five duplicate originals, executed on behalf of Monroe County,for your handling. Please be sure to return two fully executed duplicate originals to my office once signed by the state. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ext. 3130. Thank you. cc: County Attorney w/o document Fin �jFe File✓ Packet Pg. 1272 A Fully ORIGINAL Executed STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY CFDA Number(s): 81.042,93.568 Agreement Number: 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE FOR LOW-INCOME PERSONS THIS SUBGRANT AWARD AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into between the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity, with headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida, (DEO) and Monroe County, cv (Subrecipient) (each individually a "Party" and collectively"the Parties"). THIS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO BASED ON THE FOLLOWING REPRESENTATIONS: A. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) administers the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) at CD C the Federal level, and distributes WAP grant funds to states. The State of Florida's Department of Economic Opportunity has received such grant funds from DOE, as well as funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the State of Florida Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which �-- are administered in conjunction and blended with WAP funds. B. DEO is the WAP grantee recipient agency for the State of Florida,designated by DOE to receive funds annually for program purposes. DEO is authorized to distribute WAP funds to Subrecipient to provide energy efficiency improvements to eligible households. o C. Subrecipient is eligible to receive these grant funds in order to provide the services identified herein. �— THEREFORE, DEO and Subrecipient agree to the following: o (1) SCOPE OF WORK Subrecipient shall perform the work in accordance with Attachment A, Scope of Work, to this CL Agreement. (2) INCORPORATION OF LAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND POLICIES Subrecipient and DEO shall be governed by all applicable State and Federal laws, rules,and regulations, including, but not limited to,those identified in Attachment B, Program Statutes and Regulations. (3) PERIOD OF AGREEMENT This Agreement period will begin on April 1, 2017, and will end on March 31, 2018, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to Paragraph (15), Termination, of this Agreement. Page 1 Packet Pg. 1273 C.21.k (4) FUNDING/CONSIDERATION (a) This is a cost-reimbursement agreement. DEO awards Subrecipient one hundred twenty-five thousand,five hundred seventy-two dollars and zero cents($125,572.00),subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,availability of funds and appropriate budget authority;however,Subrecipient may incur costs and submit for reimbursement in an amount not to exceed forty-one thousand, eight hundred fifty-seven dollars and zero cents($41,857.00),until notified in writing by DEO to Subrecipient's contact person identified in Attachment J,Subrecipient Information. Upon receipt of such notification,Subrecipient may incur costs and submit for reimbursement up to the amount set forth in the notification,subject to the terms of this Agreement. cv These notices may contain more specific instructions regarding the expenditure of funds and additional terms and conditions tied to the specific award. (b) Any advance payment under this Agreement is subject to section 216.181(16), Florida Statutes E (F.S.). The amount of advanced funds may not exceed the expected cash needs of Subrecipient within the first three months of the term of this Agreement. If an advance payment is requested for more than 60 days of funding,the budget data on which the request is based and a justification statement shall be included with this Agreement as indicated in Attachment D, Justification of Advance Payment. Attachment D must specify the amount of advance disbursement requested; and if an advance amount for more than 60 days of funding is requested,Subrecipient must provide an explanation of the necessity for and proposed use of these funds. (c)Subrecipient shall expend an amount equal to or greater than the amount of the initial advance within the first three months of the term of this Agreement. If Subrecipient has not expended an amount at o 0 least equal to the initial advance by the end of the first three months of the term of this Agreement,Subrecipient 0 shall submit a written explanation to DEO. (d)After any initial advance, payments will be made on a cost-reimbursement basis. r. (e)if the necessary funds are not available to fund this Agreement as a result of action by the United CL States Congress, the Federal Office of Management and Budget, the State Chief Financial Officer, or under Subparagraph (18)(f)of this Agreement,all obligations on the part of DEC)to make any further payment of funds terminate, and Subrecipient shall submit its closeout report within 30 calendar days of receiving notice from o DEC. (f)Subrecipient and its contractors may only expend funding under this Agreement for allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during the Agreement period.To be eligible for reimbursement,costs must be in compliance with laws, rules, and regulations applicable to expenditures of State funds, including, but not limited to,the Reference Guide for State Expenditures which can be found at: http://www.myfloridacfo.com/aadir/reference guide/. Page 2 Packet Pg. 1274 C.21.k (g)Subrecipient shall refund to DEO any funds obligated to Subrecipient, including, but not limited to,any advance payments,and which remain unobligated by Subrecipient at the end of this Agreement. (h)Subrecipient shall refund to DEO all funds paid in excess of the amount to which Subrecipient or its contractors are entitled under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (i) Subrecipient shall (1) maintain all funds provided under this Agreement in a separate bank account or (2) Subrecipient's accounting system shall have sufficient internal controls to separately track the expenditure of all funds from this Agreement. There shall be no commingling of funds provided under this Agreement, with any other funds, projects, or programs; "commingling" of funds is distinguishable from N "blending"of funds specifically allowed by law. (j) If Subrecipient commingles Agreement funds, DEO may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement for cause and demand an immediate refund, either in whole or in part, of all funds provided to E Subrecipient under this Agreement. Subrecipient, upon such written notification from DEO shall refund, and CD C shall pay to DEO,the amount of money demanded by DEO in accordance with Paragraph (17), Repayments, of this Agreement. (k) If DEO, in its sole discretion, determines that Subrecipient has expended funds under this �- Agreement not in accordance with applicable federal or state law, regulations, polices, or guidance, including, but not limited to, disallowed costs, Subrecipient is liable for and will repay all such funds to DEO. Such repayment shall be from funds other than those received under this Agreement or other federal awards, subawards,allotments,or funds(i.e. non-federal funds)and in accordance with Paragraph(17), Repayments,of o this Agreement. 0 (5) REPORTS Subrecipient shall provide DEO with all required reports as set forth in Attachment C, Reports, to r. this Agreement. CL (a) If all required reports and copies are not sent to DEO, or are not completed in a manner acceptable to DEO, DEO may withhold further payments until such reports are completed or DEO may take other action, including, but not limited, to those described in Paragraph (14), Remedies, of this Agreement. "Acceptable to DEO," means that the reports were completed, in DEO's sole determination, in accordance with this Agreement. (b) Subrecipient shall provide additional program updates, reports, and information as requested by DEO. Page 3 Packet Pg. 1275 C.21.k (6) MONITORING (a) Subrecipient is responsible for and shall monitor its performance under this Agreement. Subrecipient shall monitor the performance of its contractors,consultants,agents, subcontractors and the like, who are paid from funds provided under this Agreement or acting in furtherance of this Agreement. (b) In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with Paragraph (9) below, monitoring procedures may include, but are not limited to, on-site visits by DEO staff, limited scope audits, and other procedures. (c) Subrecipient and its contractors shall comply with the most recent WAP Monitoring Protocol, T_ provided to Subrecipient and available upon request from DEO, and cooperate with any monitoring by DEO. If CD DEO determines that a limited scope review of Subrecipient is appropriate, Subrecipient shall comply with all additional instructions provided by DEO regarding such review. (d)Subrecipient shall comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations,audits,or CD hearings deemed necessary by DEO, the State of Florida Chief Financial Officer, the State of Florida Auditor General, in accordance with section 20.055(5), F.S., any authorized representative of the awarding Federal agencies, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, or any authorized representative of those Federal agencies' respective Federal Offices of the Inspector General. (e) Subrecipient shall cooperate with DEO and the Federal awarding agencies to assist facilitating any monitoring visits conducted by DEO or the Federal awarding agencies. DEO may conduct monitoring visits at its determination and in its sole discretion, but not less than once per program year. 1. Subrecipient shall cooperate with authorized representatives of DEO or the Federal awarding agencies with the inspection of any dwelling unit that has received weatherization assistance. Subrecipient shall o use materials which are cost effective, safe, and of good quality and appearance in performing under this r. Agreement.Discoveries of violations of WAP or DEO policies and procedures may result in findings,as that term CL is defined in the WAP Monitoring Protocol, resulting in remedial work requirements, corrective action plans, and/or disallowed costs. 2. Subrecipient shall have a qualified member of Subrecipient's staff, or an appropriately licensed third party building inspector engaged by Subrecipient, inspect all work performed pursuant to this Agreement. 3. Subrecipient shall require a provision in all contracts and subcontracts in furtherance of this Agreement that any work performed by a contractor which does not meet quality expectations and that requires correction shall be done at the contractor's expense. (7) CONTRACTS Page 4 Packet Pg. 1276 ' C.21.k (a)Subrecipient shall not contract in furtherance of this Agreement prior to receiving DEO's written confirmation that the proposed contract includes the following requirements: 1.Contractor is bound by the terms of this Agreement, and each contract and subcontract shall specifically include the requirements set forth in Paragraph (9), Audits and Records, and Paragraph (10), Information Release and Public Records Requirements, of this Agreement. 2. Contractor is bound by all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations; 3. Contractor shall indemnify and hold DEO and Subrecipient harmless against all claims of whatever nature arising out of or related to the contractor's performance of work under this Agreement,to the N extent allowed by law; and cv 4. Contractor shall disclose to Subrecipient and DEO if it is on the Convicted Vendor List identified in section 287.133(2), F.S.,or the Discriminatory Vendor List identified in section 287.134(2), F.S. E (b) For each contract, Subrecipient shall provide a written statement to DEO as to whether that contractor is a certified minority business, as defined in section 287.0943, F.S. (c) Prior to entering into a contract with any contractor to be paid from funds from this Agreement, Subrecipient shall submit to DEO a completed Attachment H, Certification Regarding Debarment Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary. Exclusion,to this Agreement. (8) MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Either Party may request modification of the provisions of'this Agreement. Modifications to this Agreement are valid only when reduced to writing and duly signed by the Parties, except changes between budget line items not exceeding 10%of the line item amount reduced by said change,which require DEO's grant manager's prior written approval, as detailed in Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County o Allocations. r. (9) AUDITS AND RECORDS CL (a) Subrecipient's performance under this Agreement is subject to the applicable requirements published in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards,title 2 of the U.S.Code of Federal Regulations(C.F.R.) part 200, hereinafter referred to as the"Uniform Guidance." If this Agreement is made with a commercial(for-profit)organization on a cost-reimbursement basis, Subrecipient will be subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations System, particularly 48 C.F.R. § 31.2. (b) Subrecipient shall retain all records pertaining to this Agreement, regardless of the form of the record (e.g., paper, film, recording, electronic), including, but not limited to, financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents (hereinafter referred to as"Records") for a period of five State fiscal years after all reporting requirements are satisfied and final payments have been received,or if an audit has been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of this five-year period, the Page 5 Packet Pg. 1277 C.21.k Records must be retained until resolution of the audit findings through litigation or otherwise.Subrecipient shall cooperate with DEO to facilitate the duplication and transfer of such Records upon request of DEO. The five- year period may also be extended for the following reasons: i. If any litigation or claim is started before the five-year period expires, and extends beyond the five-year period,the records must be retained until all litigation and claims involving the records have been resolved. ii. Records for the disposition of non-expendable personal property valued at one thousand dollars and zero cents ($1,000.00) or more at the time it is acquired must be retained for five years after final cv disposition of the non-expendable personal property. iii. Records relating to real property acquired must be retained for five years after the closing on the transfer of title or in accordance with the Florida General Records Schedules maintained by the Florida E Department of State,whichever is longer. CD iv. Any additional Federal requirements identified in Attachment A, Scope of Work, of this Agreement. (c) Subrecipient shall maintain all records for all contractors to be paid from funds provided under this Agreement, including documentation of all program costs, in a form sufficient to determine compliance with the requirements and objectives of Attachment A, Scope of Work, to this Agreement, as well as all other applicable laws and regulations. (d) Subrecipient shall give access to any of Subrecipient's records to representatives of DEO, the Chief Financial Officer of the State of Florida, the Auditor General of the State of Florida,the Florida Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability or representatives of the Federal government and their o duly authorized representatives for the purposes of conducting audits,examinations, investigations, or making r. excerpts or transcriptions. CL (e) Subrecipient may, per Rule 1B-24.003(9)(a), Florida Administrative Code, allow its public records to be stored through electronic recordkeeping systems as substitutes for the original or paper copy. (f) Subrecipient shall maintain books, records, and documents in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all expenditures of funds provided by DEO under this Agreement. (g) Records pertaining to this Agreement must be available at reasonable times for inspection, review,or audit by State personnel and other persons authorized by DEO."Reasonable" means normal business hours of 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m., local time, Monday through Friday. (h) If Subrecipient's expenditures of State financial assistance and Federal awards during its applicable fiscal year(s) require it to conduct an audit in accordance with section 215.97, F.S. and the threshold Page 6 Packet Pg. 1278 C.21.k amount identified therein,such audit will comply with all applicable requirements of Exhibit 1 to this Agreement, section 215.97, F.S.,and the Uniform Guidance as applicable,and Subrecipient shall ensure that all related party transactions are disclosed to the auditor. (i) Subrecipient shall include the aforementioned audit and record-keeping requirements in all subcontracts and assignments. (j) Subrecipient shall have each required audit completed by an independent certified public accountant (IPA), either a certified public accountant or a public accountant licensed under chapter 473, F.S., and ensure that all related party transactions are disclosed to the auditor. For the IPA's audit to be sufficient, it cv must state that the Subrecipient complied with the applicable provisions noted in Exhibit 1 to this Agreement. (k) The reporting packages for required audits must be timely submitted in accordance with the requirements of Exhibit-1, Audit Requirements, of this Agreement and the applicable laws, rules, and E regulations referenced therein. The requirements of 2 C.F.R. § 200.512, Report Submission, are applicable to audits of Federal awards conducted in accordance with Subparagraph (9)(h)above. (1) If an audit, monitoring visit, or other documentation or verifiable information shows that all or any portion of the funds disbursed were not spent in accordance with the conditions of this Agreement or applicable regulations, Subrecipient shall be held liable for reimbursement to DEO. Such reimbursement shall be sent to DEO, by Subrecipient, within 30 calendar days after DEO has notified Subrecipient of such non- compliance. (m) Within 60 calendar days of the close of Subrecipient's fiscal year, on an annual basis, Subrecipient shall electronically submit a completed Audit Compliance Certification, attached hereto as Exhibit 0 2, to audit@deo.mvflorida.com. Subrecipient's timely submittal of one completed Audit Compliance Certification for each applicable fiscal year will fulfill this requirement within all agreements (e.g., contracts, r. grants, memorandums of understanding, memoranda of agreement, economic incentive award agreements, CL and the like) between DEO and Subrecipient. (10) INFORMATION RELEASE AND PUBLIC RECORDS REQUIREMENTS (a) In addition to Subrecipient's responsibility to directly respond to each request it receives for records made or received by Subrecipient in conjunction with this Agreement and to provide the applicable public records in response to such request, Subrecipient shall notify DEO of the receipt and content of such request by sending an e-mail to PRRequest@deo.myflorida.com within one(1)business day from receipt of such request. (b) Subrecipient shall keep and maintain public records required by DEO to perform Subrecipient's responsibilities hereunder. Subrecipient shall, upon request from DEO's custodian of public records, provide DEO with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable Page 7 Packet Pg. 1279 C.21.k time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided by chapter 119, F.S., or as otherwise provided by law. Subrecipient shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters,or other materials made or received by Subrecipient in conjunction with this Agreement, unless the records are exempt from section 24(a) of Article I of the State Constitution and section 119.07(1), F.S. For records made or received by Subrecipient in conjunction with this Agreement,Subrecipient shall respond to requests to inspect or copy such records in accordance with chapter 119,F.S. For all such requests for records that are public records,as public records are defined in section 119.011, F.S.,Subrecipient shall be responsible for providing such public records per the cost structure provided in chapter 119, F.S.,and in accordance with all other requirements of chapter 119, F.S.,or as otherwise provided N by law. c� (c) This Agreement may be terminated by DEO for refusal by Subrecipient to comply with Florida's public records laws or to allow public access to any public record made or received by Subrecipient in E conjunction with this Agreement. (d) If, for purposes of this Agreement, Subrecipient is a "contractor' as defined in section 119.0701(1)(a), F.S. ("Subrecipient-contractor"), Subrecipient-contractor shall transfer to DEC, at no cost to DEO,all public records upon completion including termination,of this Agreement, or keep and maintain public records required by DEO to perform the service. If Subrecipient-contractor transfers all public records to the public agency upon completion of the contract, the contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If Subrecipient-contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the contract, Subrecipient-contractor shall meet all o applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to DEO, 0 upon request from DEO's custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of DEO. r. (e) If DEO does not possess a record requested through a public records request, DEO shall notifyCL Subrecipient-contractor of the request as soon as practicable, and Subrecipient-contractor must provide the records to DEO or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time. If Subrecipient- contractor does not comply with DEO's request for records, DEO shall enforce the provisions set forth in this Agreement. A Subrecipient-contractor who fails to provide public records to DEO within a reasonable time may be subject to penalties under section 119.10, F.S. (f) Subrecipient shall notify DEO verbally within 24 chronological hours and in writing within 72 chronological hours if any data in Subrecipient's possession related to this Agreement is subpoenaed or improperly used,copied,or removed (except in the ordinary course of business)by anyone except an authorized representative of DEO. Subrecipient shall cooperate with DEC, in taking all steps as DEO deems advisable, to prevent misuse, regain possession, or otherwise protect the State's rights and the data subject's privacy. Page 8 Packet Pg. 1280 C.21.k (g)Subrecipient acknowledges that DEO is subject to the provisions of chapter 119, F.S., relating to public records and that reports, invoices, and other documents Subrecipient submits to DEO under this Agreement constitute public records under Florida Statutes. Subrecipient shall cooperate with DEO regarding DEO's efforts to comply with the requirements of chapter 119, F.S. (h) If Subrecipient submits records to DEO that are confidential and exempt from public disclosure as trade secrets or proprietary confidential business information, such records should be identified as such by Subrecipient prior to submittal to DEO. Failure to identify the legal basis for each exemption from the requirements of chapter 119, F.S., prior to submittal of the record to DEO serves as Subrecipient's waiver of a cv claim of exemption. Subrecipient shall ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the Agreement term and following completion of the Agreement if Subrecipient does not transfer the records E to DEO upon completion, including termination,of the Agreement. CD (i) IF SUBRECIPIENT-CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE --�� APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO SUBRECIPIENT- CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, 0. CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS by telephone at 850-245-7140, via e- mail at PRRequest@deo.myflorida.com, or by mail at Department of Economic 0 Opportunity, Public Records Coordinator, 107 East Madison Street, Caldwell Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4128. (j) To the extent allowable by law, Subrecipient shall be fully liable for the actions of its agents, employees,partners,subrecipients,contractors,and subcontractors and shall fully indemnify,defend,and hold r. CL harmless the State and DEO, and their officers, agents, and employees,from suits, actions, damages,and costs of every name and description, including attorneys' fees, arising from or relating to public record requests or public record law violation(s), alleged to be caused in whole or in part by Subrecipient, its agents, employees, partners, subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors. DEO, in its sole discretion, has the right, but not the obligation,to enforce this indemnification provision. (k) DEO does not endorse any Subrecipient, commodity, or service. No public disclosure or news release pertaining to this Agreement shall be made without the prior written approval of DEO. Subrecipient is prohibited from using Agreement information or DEO customers in sales brochures or other promotions, including press releases, unless prior written approval is obtained from DEO. (11) EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBLITY VERIFICATION Page 9 Packet Pg. 1281 C.21.k (a) Executive Order 11-116, signed May 27, 2011, by the Governor of Florida, requires DEO's subgrant agreements in excess of nominal value, if applicable,to expressly require Subrecipient to: i. Utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by Subrecipient during this Agreement term;and ii. Include in all contracts under this Agreement, the requirement that contractors performing work or providing services pursuant to this Agreement utilize the E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the contractor during the term of the contract. (b) If Subrecipient does not have an E-Verify MOU in effect, Subrecipient shall enroll in the E-Verify N system prior to hiring any new employee after the effective date of this Agreement. (12) INDEMNIFICATION: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS (a) Unless Subrecipient is a State agency or subdivision, as defined in section 768.28(2), F.S., E Subrecipient is fully liable for the actions of its agents, employees, partners, contractors,or subcontractors and shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State and DEO, and their officers, agents, and employees, from suits,actions,damages, and costs of every name and description, including attorneys'fees,arising from or relating to personal injury and damage to real or personal tangible property alleged to be caused in whole or in part by Subrecipient, its agents, employees, partners, contractors, or subcontractors, provided, however, that le Subrecipient has no affirmative duty to indemnify for that portion of any loss or damages proximately caused by the negligent act or omission of the State or DEO. Any Subrecipient which is a State agency or subdivision, as defined in section 768.28(2), F.S., shall o be fully responsible for its negligent or tortious acts or omissions which result in claims or suits against DEO and shall be liable for any damages proximately caused by its acts or omissions to the extent set forth in section o 768.28, F.S. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any Subrecipient to which r. sovereign immunity applies. Nothing herein may be construed as consent by a State agency or subdivision ofCL the State of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of any contract. (b) For purposes of this Agreement, Subrecipient is an independent contractor and is not an employee or agent of DEO. DEO shall neither have nor exercise any control or direction over the methods by which Subrecipient shall perform its work and functions other than as provided herein. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to or may be deemed to constitute a partnership or joint venture between the Parties. Subrecipient shall not represent to others that Subrecipient has the authority to bind DEO unless specifically authorized to do so. Subrecipient shall act as necessary to ensure that each of Subrecipient's contractors is deemed to be an independent contractor and will not be considered or permitted to be an agent, servant,joint venturer, or partner of DEO or the State of Florida. DEO has no duty to withhold taxes with respect to Subrecipient's compensation hereunder. Subrecipient shall have no claim against DEO for vacation pay, sick Page 10 Packet Pg. 1282 C.21.k leave, retirement benefits, social security, workers' compensation, health or disability benefits, reemployment assistance benefits,or employee benefits of any kind. Subrecipient shall ensure that its employees,contractors, subcontractors, and other agents receive benefits and necessary insurance (health, workers' compensation, reemployment assistance benefits)from an employer other than the State of Florida. Subrecipient, at all times during the Agreement, shall comply with the reporting and Reemployment Assistance contribution payment requirements of chapter 443, F.S. (13) DEFAULT If any of the following events occur ("Events of Default"), DEO shall have the right to terminate N further payment of funds under this Agreement,and DEO may exercise any of its remedies set forth in ParagraphCN (14),Remedies,of this Agreement. However, DEO may make payments or partial payments after any Events of Default without waiving the right to exercise such remedies and without becoming liable to make any further payment: (a) If any warranty or representation made by Subrecipient in this Agreement, or any previous agreement with DEO is,or becomes,false or misleading in any respect,or if Subrecipient fails to keep or perform any of the obligations,terms,or covenants in this Agreement or any previous agreement with DEO and has not cured them timely, according to the terms of this Agreement, and in DEO's sole discretion, or is unable or unwilling to meet its obligations under this Agreement; (b) If a material adverse change occurs in the financial condition of Subrecipient at any time during the term of this Agreement,and Subrecipient fails to cure this adverse change within 30 calendar days from the date written notice is sent by DEO; 0 (c) If Subrecipient fails to submit any reports required by this Agreement,or if Subrecipient submits a report to DEO with incorrect, incomplete, or insufficient information; N- (d) If Subrecipient fails to perform, or timely complete, in DEO's sole, reasonable determination, CL CL any of its obligations under this Agreement; (e)If Subrecipient misuses funds,commits fraud,or does not comply with any applicable rules,laws, or regulations; or (f) If Subrecipient refuses to permit public access to any document, paper, letter, or other material subject to disclosure under chapter 119, F.S., as amended. (14) REMEDIES If an Event of Default occurs, DEO shall exercise any or all of the following remedies, either concurrently or consecutively: (a) Terminate this Agreement if Subrecipient has not cured the default within 30 calendar days of receipt of written notice of an Event of Default; Page 11 Packet Pg. 1283 C.21.k (b) Begin an appropriate legal or equitable action to enforce performance of this Agreement; (c) Withhold or suspend payment of all, or any part of, a request for payment; (d) Exercise any corrective or remedial actions,to include but not be limited to: 1. Request additional information from Subrecipient to determine the reasons for or the extent of non-compliance or lack of performance, 2. Issue a written warning to advise that more serious measures may be taken if the situation is not corrected, 3. Advise Subrecipient to suspend, discontinue, or refrain from incurring costs for any cv activities in question,or cv 4. Require Subrecipient to reimburse DEO for the amount of costs incurred for any items determined to be ineligible or unallowable; (e) Exercise any other rights or remedies which may be otherwise available under law or in equity. Pursuing any of the above remedies will not limit any of DEO's other remedies, and all rights and remedies set forth in this Agreement are cumulative to any other rights or remedies available to DEO, in law or in equity. If DEO waives any right or remedy in this Agreement, or fails to insist on strict performance by Subrecipient, it will not affect,extend,or waive any other right or remedy of DEO,or affect the later exercise of the same right or remedy by DEO for any other default by Subrecipient. (15) TERMINATION (a) DEO may terminate this Agreement for cause upon 48 hours written notice.Cause includes, but o is not limited to:an Event of Default as set forth in Paragraph (13),Default,of this Agreement or Subrecipient's 0 failure to cure an Event of Default within 30 calendar days from receipt of notice.The Subrecipient shall not be entitled to recover any cancellation charges or lost profits. r. (b) DEO may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for convenience by providing CL CL Subrecipient no less than 48 hours written notice setting forth the reasons for such termination, the effective date, and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. However, if in the case of partial termination,DEO determines that the remaining portion of the award will not accomplish the purpose forwhich the award was made, DEO may terminate the award in its entirety. Subrecipient shall continue to perform any work not terminated. Subecipient shall not be entitled to recover any cancellation charges or lost profits. (c) The Parties may terminate this Agreement for their mutual convenience through a written amendment to this Agreement. The amendment shall state the effective date of the termination and the procedures for proper closeout of this Agreement. (d) If DEO issues a notice of Event of Default, Subrecipient shall immediately stop incurring new obligations upon receipt of the notice.If DEO determines that Subrecipient has cured the Event of Default within Page 12 Packet Pg. 1284 C.21.k the 30-day cure period, DEO will provide notice to Subrecipient of such and when Subrecipient may resume incurring new obligations. Costs incurred for new obligations after receipt of a notice of Event of Default and until receipt of notice that it may resume incurring new obligations will be disallowed. If this Agreement is terminated by DEO because of Subrecipient's breach,such termination shall not relieve Subrecipient of liability under this Agreement. DEO may, to the extent authorized by law, withhold payments to Subrecipient for the purpose of set-off until the exact amount of damages due DEO from Subrecipient is determined. (e)Termination of this Agreement by DEO immediately releases DEO from any further performance obligations set forth herein. T_ (16) NOTICE AND CONTACT cV (a) All notices provided by Subrecipient under or pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing to DEC's Grant Manager, and delivered by standard or electronic mail using the contact information provided in E Subparagraph 16(b) below. (b) The name and address of DEC's Grant Manager for this Agreement is: Jamela Reeves,Grant Manager Department of Economic Opportunity Division of Community Development Bureau of Economic Self-Sufficiency 107 East Madison Street, MSC 400 0 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4120 Email: jamela.reeves@deo.myflorida.com 0 Phone:850-717-8462 (c) The name and address of Subrecipient's Representative responsible for the administration of r. this Agreement is stated in Attachment J,Subrecipient Information,of this Agreement. CL C (d) If a different representative or address is designated by either Party after execution of this Agreement, notice of the name, title and address of the new representative will be provided as stated in Subparagraph (16)(a), above. (17) REPAYMENTS (a) All remittances, refunds, or repayments to be made to DEO under this Agreement are to be made payable to the order of "Department of Economic Opportunity' and mailed directly to DEO at the following address: Department of Economic Opportunity Division of Community Development Bureau of Economic Self-Sufficiency Page 13 Packet Pg. 1285 C.21.k 107 East Madison Street, MSC 400 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4120 In accordance with section 215.34(2), F.S., if a check, or other draft, is returned to DEO for collection, Subrecipient shall pay to DEO a service fee of fifteen dollars and zero cents ($15.00) or 5% of the face amount of the returned check or draft, whichever is greater. (b) If Subrecipient's non-compliance with any provision of this Agreement results in additional cost or monetary loss to DEO,the State of Florida, or a Federal awarding agency, DEO may recoup that cost or loss from monies owed to Subrecipient under this Agreement or any other Agreement between Subrecipient and N any State entity. If the discovery of this cost or loss arises when no monies are available under this Agreement or any other Agreement between Subrecipient and any State entity, Subrecipient will repay such cost or loss in full to DEO within 30 days of the date of notice of the amount owed, unless DEO agrees, in writing, to an alternative timeframe. (18) MANDATED CONDITIONS AND OTHER LAWS (a) The validity of this Agreement is subject to the truth and accuracy of all information, representations, and materials provided by Subrecipient in entering into this Agreement, in response to any DEO request,or to fulfill the requirements of this Agreement. If Subrecipient provides any materially inaccurate CO information to DEO,then DEO may terminate this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph (15), Termination, above. T_ CD CD (b) This Agreement is executed and entered into in the State of Florida, and shall be construed, performed, and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Florida. Each Party shall perform its obligations herein in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Without limiting the provisions of Paragraph (13), Default, the exclusive venue of any legal or equitable action that arises out of or relates to this Agreement shall be the appropriate State court in Leon County, Florida;in any such action,the Parties waive any right to jury trial. Unless authorized by law and agreed CL to in writing by DEC, DEO shall not be liable to pay attorney fees, interest, expenses or cost of collection in conjunction with this Agreement. (c) Any power of approval or disapproval granted to DEO under the terms of this Agreement shall survive the termination, including expiration,of this Agreement.The provisions of Attachments A,C, E, F,G,and H, Exhibits 1 and 2, and Paragraphs (4), (5), (6), (7), (9), (10), (12), (13), (14), (17), (20), (24), (25), and this Paragraph (18), survive the termination, including expiration, of this Agreement; provided, however, that the record-keeping and audit-related obligations set forth in Paragraph (10,)Audits and Records,of this Agreement shall terminate in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph (10). (d) This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Page 14 Packet Pg. 1286 C.21.k (e)Subrecipient shall comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act(Public Law 101-336,42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seg.), and the Florida Civil Rights and Fair Housing Acts (sections 760.01 — 760.37, F.S.), which prohibit discrimination by public and private entities on the basis of disability in employment, public accommodations,transportation,State and local government services,and telecommunications. (f) The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. DEO shall be the final authority as to the availability of funds for this Agreement and as to what constitutes an "annual appropriation" of funds to complete this Agreement. If such funds are not appropriated or available for the Agreement purpose, such event will not constitute a cv default on DEO or the State. cv (g)Subrecipient shall submit all bills forfees or other compensation for services or expenses in detail sufficient for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof. (h)Subrecipient shall submit any bills for travel expenses in accordance with section 112.061, F.S. (i) Subrecipient must place advances of funds under this Agreement, if any, in an interest-bearing account and shall remit all interest income to DEO in accordance with Paragraph (17), Repayments, of this Agreement. (j) Subrecipient is subject to, and shall comply with, Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law, section 286.011, F.S., with respect to the meetings of Subrecipient's governing board to discuss, receive recommendations, or take action required pursuant to this Agreement, or the meetings of any subcommittee making recommendations to the governing board regarding matters pursuant to this Agreement. All of these meetings shall be publicly noticed, open to the public, and the minutes of all the meetings shall be public 0 records,available to the public in accordance with chapter 119, F.S. (k) Subrecipient warrants that all unmanufactured and manufactured articles, materials, and r. supplies which are acquired for public use under this Agreement have been produced in the United States asCL C" required under 41 U.S.C. §8302, unless it would not be in the public interest or unreasonable in cost. (1) Subrecipient is subject to and shall comply with sections 11.062 and 216.347, F.S. The use of funds under this Agreement for the purpose of lobbying the Florida Legislature,the judicial branch,or any State agency is prohibited pursuant to section 216.347, F.S.Subrecipient shall not,in connection with this or any other agreement with the State, directly or indirectly: (1) offer, confer, or agree to confer any pecuniary benefit on anyone as consideration for any State officer or employee's decision, opinion, recommendation, vote, other exercise of discretion,or violation of a known legal duty;or(2)offer,give,or agree to give to anyone any gratuity for the benefit of, or at the direction or request of, any State officer or employee. For purposes of clause (2), "gratuity" means any payment of more than nominal monetary value in the form of cash,travel,entertainment, gifts, meals, lodging, loans, subscriptions, advances, deposits of money, services, employment, or contracts of Page 15 Packet Pg. 1287 C.21.k any kind. Upon request of DEO's Inspector General,or other authorized State official,Subrecipient shall provide any type of information the Inspector General deems relevant to Subrecipient's integrity or responsibility.Such information may include, but is not limited to, Subrecipient's business or financial records, documents, or files of any type or form that refer to or relate to this Agreement. Unless extended in writing by DEO, Subrecipient shall retain such records for the longer of: (1) five years after the final closeout of the grant(s) funding this Agreement or(2)the period required by the General Records Schedules maintained by the Florida Department of State. Additionally, if any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started prior to the expiration of the controlling period as identified above,the records shall be retained until T completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it,or until the end of the controlling period as identified above, whichever is longer. (m)Subrecipient shall reimburse the State for the reasonable costs of investigation incurred by the E Inspector General or other authorized State or Federal official for investigations of Subrecipient's compliance with the terms of this or any other agreement between Subrecipient and the State which results in the termination, suspension, or debarment of Subrecipient. Such costs shall include, but shall not be limited to: salaries of investigators, including overtime;travel and lodging expenses;and expert witness and documentary fees. Subrecipient will not be responsible for any costs of investigations that do not result in Subrecipient's termination, suspension, or debarment. (n) Pursuant to section 287.133(2)(a), F.S., a person or affiliate who has been placed on the Convicted Vendor List following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply o on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a 0 contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as r. a contractor,supplier, subcontractor or consultant under a contract with any public entity and may not transactCL business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in section 287.017, F.S.,for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.Subrecipient affirms that it is aware of the provisions of section 287.133(2)(a), F.S., and that at no time has Subrecipient been convicted of a Public Entity Crime.Subrecipient shall not violate such law and any conviction during the term of this Agreement may result in the termination of this Agreement in accordance with section 287.133(4), F.S. (o) Subject to chapter 119, F.S., Subrecipient shall not publicly disseminate any information concerning this Agreement without prior written approval from DEO, including, but not limited to, mentioning this Agreement in a press release or other promotional material, identifying DEO or the State as a reference,or otherwise linking Subrecipient's name and either a description of this Agreement or the name of DEO or the Page 16 Packet Pg. 1288 C.21.k State in any material published, either in print or electronically, to any entity that is not a Party to this Agreement, except potential or actual authorized distributors,dealers, resellers,or service representatives. (p) As required by section 286.25, F.S., if Subrecipient is a nongovernmental organization which sponsors a program financed wholly or in part by State funds, including any funds obtained through this Agreement, it shall,in publicizing,advertising, or describing the sponsorship of the program, state: "Sponsored by [Subrecipient's name] and the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity." If the sponsorship reference is in written material,the words"State of Florida,Department of Economic Opportunity"must appear in the same size letters or type as the name of the organization. N (q) Mandatory Disclosure Requirements: 1. Conflict of Interest:Subrecipient is subject to chapter 112, F.S. Subrecipient shall disclose the name of any officer,director,employee,or other agent who is also an employee of the State. Subrecipient shall E also disclose the name of any State employee who owns,directly or indirectly,more than a five percent interest in Subrecipient or its affiliates. 2. Convicted Vendors: Subrecipient is subject to section 287.133, F.S., and shall disclose to DEO if Subrecipient or any of its affiliates,as defined by section 287.133(1)(a), F.S., is on the Convicted Vendor List. A person or affiliate placed on the Convicted Vendor List following a conviction for a Public Entity Crime is prohibited from doing any of the activities listed in Subparagraph (18)(n)above for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the Convicted Vendor List. 3. Vendors on Scrutinized Companies Lists: If this Agreement is in the amount of one million dollars and zero cents($1,000,000.00)or more,in executing this Agreement, Subrecipient certifies that it is not listed on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with o Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, created pursuant to section 215.473, F.S., or the Scrutinized r. Companies that Boycott Israel List, created pursuant to 215,4725, F.S., or engaged in a boycott of Israel, orCL engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. a. Pursuant to section 287.135, F.S., DEC) may immediately terminate this Agreement for cause if Subrecipient is found to have submitted a false certification or if Subrecipient is placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, is engaged in a boycott of Israel, or has been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, during the term of this Agreement. b. If DEO determines that Subrecipient has submitted a false certification, DEO shall provide written notice to Subrecipient. Unless Subrecipient demonstrates in writing, within 90 days of receipt of the notice, that DEO's determination of false certification was made in error, DEO shall bring a civil action against Subrecipient. If DEO's determination is upheld,Subrecipient will be liable for a civil penalty equal to the greater Page 17 Packet Pg. 1289 C.21.k of two million dollars and zero cents($2,000,000.00)or twice the amount of this Agreement,and Subrecipient will be ineligible to bid on any contract with an agency or local governmental entity for three years after the date of DEO's determination of false certification by Subrecipient. c. If Federal law ceases to authorize the states to adopt and enforce the contracting prohibition identified herein,this provision shall be null and void. 4. Discriminatory Vendors: Subrecipient is subject to section 287.134, F.S. and affirms that it is aware of the provisions of section 287.134(2)(a), F.S., and that at no time has Subrecipient been placed on the Discriminatory Vendor List. Subrecipient shall not violate such law during the term of this Agreement. N Subrecipient shall disclose to DEO if Subrecipient or any of its affiliates,as defined by section 287.134(1)(a),F.S., appears on the Discriminatory Vendor List. An entity or affiliate placed on the Discriminatory Vendor List pursuant to section 287.134, F.S., may not: a. Submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; b. Submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; c.Submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity; or d.Be awarded or perform work as a contractor,supplier,sub-contractor,or consultant under a contract with any public entity; or e.Transact business with any public entity. (r) Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Incident Reporting: In compliance with sections 39.201 and o 415.1034, F.S., an employee of Subrecipient who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child, aged 0 person, or disabled adult is or has been abused, neglected, or exploited shall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the Florida Abuse Hotline by calling 1-800-96ABUSE, or via the web reporting option r. at http://www.dcf.state.fl.us/abuse/report/, or via fax at 1-800-914-0004. CL (19) FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO LOBBYING (a) Federal grant funds provided under this Agreement may not be used by Subrecipient or any contractor to support lobbying activities to influence proposed or pending Federal legislation or appropriations. This prohibition is related to the use of Federal grant funds and not intended to affect an individual's right or that of any organization, to petition Congress, or any other level of Government, through the use of other resources. (b) Subrecipient certifies, by the authorized representative's signature to this Agreement, that to the best of its knowledge and belief, no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of Subrecipient, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Page 18 Packet Pg. 1290 C.21.k Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract,the making of any Federal grant,the making of any Federal loan,the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension,continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any Federal contract,grant, loan or cooperative agreement. (c) Subrecipient shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying" if any funds other than Federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency,a member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. cv (d)Subrecipient shall comply with the requirements of 31 U.S.C. § 1352,and require all contractors of subawards (including contracts, subcontracts, subgrants, grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) to comply with 31 U.S.C. § 1352. In addition,Subrecipient shall ensure that all subawards contain the certification E set forth in Subparagraph (19)(b) above and the content of Subparagraph (19)(c) above. Subrecipient shall require that all contractors provide such certifications and, when applicable, submit the completed Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into.Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction. Any person who makes an expenditure prohibited by Subparagraph (19)(b) or fails to file or amend the declaration required by Subparagraph (19)(c) shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than ten thousand dollars and zero cents ($10,000.00) and not more than one hundred thousand dollars 0 and zero cents($100,000.00)for each such expenditure and such failure. (20) COPYRIGHT. PATENT AND TRADEMARK Any and all patent rights accruing under or in connection with the performance of this Agreement o are hereby reserved to the State of Florida. Any and all copyrights accruing under or in connection with the performance of this Agreement are hereby transferred by Subrecipient to the State of Florida. CL (a) If Subrecipient has a pre-existing patent or copyright, Subrecipient shall retain all rights and entitlements to that pre-existing patent or copyright unless this Agreement provides otherwise. (b) If any discovery or invention is developed in the course of or as a result of work or services performed under this Agreement, or in any way connected with it, Subrecipient shall refer the discovery or invention to DEO for a determination whether the State of Florida will seek patent protection in its name. Any patent rights accruing under or in connection with the performance of this Agreement are reserved to the State of Florida. If any books, manuals,films, or other copyrightable material are produced, Subrecipient shall notify DEC. Any copyrights accruing under or in connection with the performance under this Agreement are transferred by Subrecipient to the State of Florida. Page 19 Packet Pg. 1291 C.21.k (c) Within 30 days of execution of this Agreement, Subrecipient shall disclose all intellectual properties relating to the performance of this Agreement which he or she knows or should know could give rise to a patent or copyright. Subrecipient shall retain all rights and entitlements to any pre-existing intellectual property which is so disclosed. Failure to disclose will indicate that no such property exists. DEO shall then, under Subparagraph(b)above have the right to all patents and copyrights which accrue during the performance of this Agreement. (21) LEGAL AUTHORIZATION (a) Subrecipient certifies that it has the legal authority to receive the funds under this Agreement cv and that its governing body has authorized the execution and acceptance of this Agreement. The undersigned person certifies that he or she has the authority to legally execute and bind Subrecipient to the terms of this Agreement. (b) Prior to execution of this Agreement, Subrecipient shall disclose all prior or on-going civil or CD criminal litigation,investigations,arbitration or administrative proceedings(Proceedings)involving Subrecipient (and each of Subrecipient's contractors) in a written statement to DEO's Grant Manager. Thereafter, Subrecipient has a continuing duty to promptly disclose all Proceedings upon occurrence.This duty of disclosure applies to Subrecipient and Subrecipient's contractor's officers and directors when any Proceeding relates to the officer's or director's business or financial activities. Details of settlements that are prevented from disclosure by the terms of the settlement may be annotated as such. 0 (22) ASSURANCES 0 Subrecipient shall comply with any Statement of Assurances incorporated as Attachment F. 0 (23) PURCHASING (a) Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE): In accordance with r. section 946.515(6), F.S., if a product or service required for the performance of this Agreement is certified by or CL is available from PRIDE and has been approved in accordance with section 946.515(2), F.S., the following statement applies: IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT ANY ARTICLES WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT o OF, OR REQUIRED TO CARRY OUT, THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE PURCHASED FROM THE CORPORATION IDENTIFIED UNDER CHAPTER 946, F.S., IN THE SAME MANNER AND UNDER THE SAME PROCEDURES SET FORTH IN SECTION 946.515(2)AND(4),F.S.;AND FOR PURPOSES OF THIS CONTRACT THE PERSON, FIRM, OR OTHER BUSINESS ENTITY CARRYING OUT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THIS AGENCY INSOFAR AS DEALINGS WITH SUCH CORPORATION ARE CONCERNED. Page 20 Packet Pg. 1292 C.21.k The above clause is not applicable to contractors unless otherwise required bylaw.Additional information about PRIDE and the products it offers is available at http://www.pride-enterprises.org. (b) Products Available from the Blind or Other Handicapped (RESPECT): In accordance with section 413.036(3), F.S., if a product or service required for the performance of this Agreement is on the procurement list established pursuant to section 413.035(2), F.S.,the following statement applies: IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT ANY ARTICLES THAT ARE THE SUBJECT OF, OR REQUIRED TO CARRY OUT, THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE PURCHASED FROM A NONPROFIT AGENCY FOR THE BLIND OR FOR THE SEVERELY HANDICAPPED THAT IS QUALIFIED PURSUANT cv T TO CHAPTER 413, FLORIDA STATUTES, IN THE SAME MANNER AND UNDER THE SAME CD PROCEDURES SET FORTH IN SECTION 413.036(1) AND (2), FLORIDA STATUTES; AND FOR PURPOSES OF THIS CONTRACT THE PERSON, FIRM, OR OTHER BUSINESS ENTITY CARRYING E OUT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE STATE AGENCY INSOFAR AS DEALINGS WITH SUCH QUALIFIED NONPROFIT AGENCY ARE CONCERNED. Additional information about the designated nonprofit agency and the products it offers is available at W http://www.respectofflorida.org. (c) Subrecipient shall procure any recycled products or materials which are the subject of or are required to carry out this Agreement in accordance with section 403.7065, F.S. 0 (24) SEVERABILITY If any provision, in whole or in part, of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction,that provision shall be enforced only to the extent that it is not in violation of o law or is not otherwise unenforceable,and all other provisions remain in full force and effect. r. (25) PROGRAMMATIC DOCUMENTS CL Subrecipient represents and warrants that it has notice of, and agrees to be bound by and provide its services and perform this Agreement in accordance with, the following Programmatic Documents, and any revisions thereto,which are incorporated herein by reference,and which are available upon request from DEO's Grant Manager for this Agreement,as set forth in Paragraph (16), Notice and Contact, above: (a) The Florida Weatherization Assistance Program Health and Safety Plan (WAP Safety Plan); (b) The 2017 Florida Weatherization Assistance Program Procedures and Guidelines Manual (WAP Procedures Manual); (c) The Florida Weatherization Assistance Program Single Family Priority Lists Site Built and Manufactured Homes(WAP Priority List); Page 21 Packet Pg. 1293 C.21.k (d) The Florida Weatherization Assistance Program Monitoring Protocol (WAP Monitoring Protocol); and (e) The Florida Standard Work Specifications Field Guide for Single-Family Homes and the Florida Standard Work Specifications Field Guide for Manufactured Housing (Field Guides). (26) ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS (a)All attachments and exhibits to this Agreement are incorporated as if set out fully herein. (b) In the event of any inconsistencies or conflict between the language of this Agreement and the attachments, the language of the attachments shall control but only to the extent of the conflict or T_ CD inconsistency. N (c)This Agreement has the following attachments and exhibits: Exhibit 1—Audit Requirements Exhibit 1-A—Funding Sources Exhibit 2—Audit Compliance Certification Attachment A—Scope of Work Exhibit 1 to Attachment A—Budget Directions Exhibit 2 to Attachment A—Budget Summary and County Allocations Attachment B—Program Statutes and Regulations Attachment C—Reports Attachment D—Justification of Advance Payment o Attachment E—Property Management and Procurement +- 0 Attachment F—Statement of Assurances Attachment G—Warranties and Representations r. Attachment H—Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and VoluntaryCL C" Exclusion Attachment I—Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 Attachment J—Subrecipient Information (27) TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties. Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 22 Packet Pg. 1294 C.21.k STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties have duly executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date set forth below. cv SUBRECIPIENT STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY E Monroe Count (Type Leg am of Subrecipient) By: Mayor George R. Neugent Julie Den ector (Type Name and Title Here) Division of Community Development Date: July 19, 2017 Date: 59-6000749 Approved as to form and legal o Federal Identification Number sufficiency,subject only to full and proper execution by the Parties. 073876757 CL DUNS Number Office of the General Counsel 3 0 Department of Economic Opportu Oty r r= 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 oc-� C�j M Agreement Number B Lz� C%�/ `�� I, CDv: Approved Date: 6fl 0 �z r�o ter; Z M gp , t' U`J�fa c D CD v - - DOK,CLERK DEPUTY CLERK Page 23 Packet Pg. 1295 C.21.k EXHIBIT 1 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS The administration of resources awarded by DEO to Subrecipient (hereinafter on this Exhibit 1 referred to as "Recipient") may be subject to audits and/or monitoring by DEO as described in this section. MONITORING In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 and Section 215.97, F.S., as revised (see "AUDITS" below), monitoring procedures may include, but not be limited to, on-site visits by DEO cv staff, limited scope audits as defined by OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and/or other procedures. By entering into this agreement, Recipient agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring procedures/processes deemed appropriate by DEO. In the event DEO determines that a limited scope audit of Recipient is appropriate, E Recipient agrees to comply with any additional instructions provided by DEO staff to Recipient regarding such audit. Recipient further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations,or audits deemed necessary by the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) or Auditor General. AUDITS PART I: FEDERALLY FUNDED This part is applicable if Recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in OMB Circular A-133, as revised. o 1. In the event that Recipient expends$300,000($500,000 for fiscal years ending after December 31,2003)or more in Federal awards in its fiscal year, Recipient must have a single or program-specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133,as revised. EXHIBIT 1-Ato this agreement indicates Federal resources awarded through DEO by this agreement. In determining the Federal awards expended CL in its fiscal year, Recipient shall consider all sources of Federal awards, including Federal resources received from DEO. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended should be in accordance with the m guidelines established by OMB Circular A-133, as revised. An audit of Recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised,will meet the requirements of this part. 2. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, Recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C of OMB Circular A-133,as revised. Page 24 Packet Pg. 1296 ' C.21.k 3. If Recipient expends less than $300,000 ($500,000 for fiscal years ending after December 31, 2003) in Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A- 133,as revised,is not required. In the event that Recipient expends less than $300,000($500,000 for fiscal years ending after December 31, 2003) in Federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, the cost of the audit must be paid from non-Federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from Recipient resources obtained from other than Federal entities). cv 4. Title 2 C.F.R. part 200 supersedes and consolidates the requirements of OMB Circulars A-21,A-87,A-110,A- cv 122, A-89, A-102 and A-133 and is effective for Federal awards or increments of awards issued on or after December 26, 2014. Please refer to 2 C.F.R. part 200 for revised definitions, reporting requirements and m auditing thresholds referenced in this Attachment and Agreement accordingly. PART 11: STATE FUNDED This part is applicable if Recipient is a non-state entity as defined by Section 215.97(2), F.S. 1. In the event that Recipient expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to or in excess of $500,000 in any fiscal year of such recipient (for fiscal years ending September 30, 2004 or thereafter), Recipient must have a State single or project-specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with Section 215.97, F.S.; applicable rules of the Department of Financial Services; and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. o EXHIBIT 1-A to this agreement indicates state financial assistance awarded through DEO by this agreement. o In determining the state financial assistance expended in its fiscal year, Recipient shall consider all sources of state financial assistance, including state financial assistance received from DEO, other state agencies, CL and other non-state entities. State financial assistance does not include Federal direct or pass-through awards and resources received by a non-state entity for Federal program matching requirements. 2. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part II, paragraph 1, Recipient shall ensure that the audit complies with the requirements of section 215.97(8), F.S. This includes submission of a financial reporting package as defined by section 215.97(2), F.S., and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. 3. If Recipient expends less than $500,000 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year(for fiscal years ending September 30,2004 or thereafter),an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of section 215.97, F.S., is not required. In the event that Recipient expends less than $500,000 in state financial assistance in Page 25 Packet Pg. 1297 C.21.k its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of section 215.97, F.S.,the cost of the audit must be paid from the non-state entity's resources(i.e.,the cost of such an audit must be paid from Recipient's resources obtained from other than State entities). 4. Additional information regarding the Florida Single Audit Act can be found at: http://www.myflorida.com/audgen/pages/flsaa.htm PART III: OTHER AUDIT REQUIREMENTS N N/A cv PART IV: REPORT SUBMISSION 1. Copies of reporting packages for audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and required by Part I of this Exhibit shall be submitted,when required by Section .320(d),OMB Circular A-133, as revised, by or on behalf of Recipient directly to each of the following at the address indicated: A. DEO at each of the following addresses: '✓ Electronic copies(preferred): Audit@deo.myflorida.com or 0 Paper(hard copy): Department Economic Opportunity 0 MSC#130,Caldwell Building 107 East Madison Street r. Tallahassee, FL 32399-4126 CL B. The Federal Audit Clearinghouse designated in OMB Circular A-133, as revised (the number of copies required by Sections .320 (d)(1) and (2), OMB Circular A-133, as revised, should be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse) at the following address: Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau of the Census 1201 East 10th Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132 Page 26 Packet Pg. 1298 C. Other Federal agencies and pass-through entities in accordance with Sections .320 (e) and (f), OMB Circular A-133, as revised. 2. Pursuant to Section .320 (f), OMB Circular A-133, as revised, Recipient shall submit a copy of the reporting package described in Section .320(c), OMB Circular A-133,as revised and any management letter issued by the auditor,to DEO at each of the following addresses: Electronic copies(preferred): Audit@deo.myflorida.com cv or cv Paper(hard copy): Department Economic Opportunity MSC#130, Caldwell Building 107 East Madison Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-4126 `✓ 3. Copies of financial reporting packages required by PART II of this Exhibit shall be submitted by or on behalf of Recipient directly to each of the following: 0 A. DEO at each of the following addresses: Electronic copies(preferred): Audit@deo.myflorida.com o or r. CL Paper(hard copy): Department Economic Opportunity m MSC#130, Caldwell Building 107 East Madison Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-4126 B. The Auditor General's Office at the following address: Auditor General Local Government Audits/342 Claude Pepper Building, Room 401 Page 27 Packet Pg. 1299 C.21.k 111 West Madison Street .Tallahassee, FL32399-1450 Email Address: flaudgen_localgovt@aud.state.fl.us 4. Copies of reports or the management letter required by Part III of this Exhibit shall be submitted by or on behalf of Recipient directly to: A. DEO at each of the following addresses: cv N/A N 5. Any reports, management letter, or other information required to be submitted to DEO pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted timely in accordance with OMB Circular A-133,Florida Statutes,and Chapters 10.550(local governmental entities)or 10.650(nonprofit and for-profit organizations),Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable. 6. Recipients, when submitting financial reporting packages to DEO for audits done in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 or Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (non-profit and for-profit Ie organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to Recipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package. 0 PART V: RECORD RETENTION 0 1. Recipient shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this Exhibit for a period of five(5)years from the date the audit report is issued,or five(5)state fiscal years after all reporting requirements are satisfied and final payments have been received, whichever period is longer, and shall CL allow DEO, or its designee, CFO, or Auditor General access to such records upon request. Recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to DEO,or its designee, CFO,or Auditor General upon request for a period of five (5)years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing by DEO. In addition, if any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started prior to the expiration of the controlling period as identified above, the records shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the controlling period as identified above, whichever is longer. Page 28 Packet Pg. 1300 C.21.k EXHIBIT 1-A FUNDING SOURCES FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED AND RELEASED TO RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: Recipient's DUNS Registered Name: County of Monroe Recipient's DUNS Number: 073876757 Federal Award Identification Number: G-1701FLLIEA;subsequent releases-TBD Federal Award Date: October 25,2016;subsequent releases-TBD Subaward Period of Performance Start and End Date: April 1,2017 through March 31,2018 Federal award project description,as required to be responsive to the Energy savings home improvements to Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act(FFATA): eligible low income households. Federal Awarding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Pass-Through Entity: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Contact Information for Awarding Official of pass-through entity: Contact: Debbie Smiley,850-717-8433 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.568 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: Low Income Home Energy Assistance W Program Research and Development: No Indirect Cost Rate(if not applicable,please write"N/A"): N/A Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 81.042 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: Weatherization Assistance Program Research and Development: No Indirect Cost Rate(if not applicable,please write"N/A"): N/A 0 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO THE FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: CL Federal Program: 1. Recipient shall use the WAP funds to perform energy saving repairs and installation of energy saving measures on qualified single family dwellings in accordance with all attachments to this Agreement, m applicable Uniform Guidance, WAP Procedures Manual, Field Guides and the FFY 2017 WAP State Plan. 2. Recipient shall comply with applicable Uniform Guidance, DEO's WAP requirements, and eligibility requirements as set forth in the U.S. Department of Energy regulations codified in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 440 — Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-Income Persons. STATE RESOURCES AWARDED TO RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: N/A Page 29 Packet Pg. 1301 C.21.k MATCHING RESOURCES FOR FEDERAL PROGRAMS: Federal Program: N/A SUBJECT TO SECTION 215.97, FLORIDA STATUTES: State Project: N/A COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO STATE RESOURCES AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT AREAS FOLLOWS: N/A NOTE:Title 2 C.F.R.§200.331 and section 215.97(5),Florida Statutes,require that the information about Federal Programs and State Projects included in Exhibit 1 be provided to Recipient. cv Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. 0 r. CL Page 30 Packet Pg. 1302 C.21.k EXHIBIT 2 Audit Compliance Certification Email a copy of this form within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year in which this grant was open to audit@deo.myflorida.com. Subrecipient: FEIN: Subrecipient's Fiscal Year: Contact's Name: Contact's Phone: N Contact's Email: 1. Did Subrecipient expend State financial assistance, during its fiscal year, that it received under any agreement (e.g., contract, grant, memorandum of agreement, memorandum of understanding, economic incentive award agreement, etc.) between Subrecipient and the Department of Economic Opportunity(DEO)? ❑Yes ❑No If the above answer is yes,answer the following before proceeding to item 2. Did Subrecipient expend $750,000 or more of State financial assistance (from DEO and all other sources of State financial assistance combined)during its fiscal year? ❑Yes ❑No W If yes, Subrecipient certifies that it will timely comply with all applicable State single or project- specific audit requirements of section 215.97, Florida Statutes, and the applicable rules of the Department of Financial Services and the Auditor General. 2. Did Subrecipient expend Federal awards during its fiscal year that it received under any agreement (e.g., contract, grant, memorandum of agreement, memorandum of understanding, economic incentive award agreement,etc.) between Subrecipient and DEO? ❑Yes ❑ No If the above answer is yes, also answer the following before proceeding to execution of this 0 certification: Did Subrecipient expend $750,000 or more in Federal awards (from DEO and all other sources of Federal awards combined)during its fiscal year? ❑Yes ❑ No CL If yes,Subrecipient certifies that it will timely comply with all applicable single or program-specific audit requirements of title 2 C.F.R. part 200,subpart F,as adopted and supplemented by DOE at 2 C.F.R.part 910. By signing below,I certify,on behalf of Subrecipient,that the above representations for items 1 and 2 are true and correct. Signature of Authorized Representative Date Printed Name of Authorized Representative Title of Authorized Representative Page 31 Packet Pg. 1303 C.21.k ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK I. GENERAL POLICY Subrecipient shall comply with the following requirements, and if applicable, ensure all contracts require compliance with the following requirements. In carrying out this Agreement,Subrecipient shall provide all necessary personnel, materials, services and facilities, except as otherwise provided herein, to carry out the program. Subrecipient shall designate an individual, referred to by DEO as the WAP Coordinator,who will be responsible for ensuring that the following activities are adhered to: A. Identify and solicit eligible low-income residents within Subrecipient's identified service area who have the need and desire for energy conservation assistance. Subrecipient shall make the services provided for under this Agreement available to all eligible clients in the counties it serves, subject to the availability of funds. m B. Subrecipient shall provide weatherization services at an annual average expenditure limit of$7,212 CD C per unit for labor,weatherization materials and related matters. This per dwelling amount does not include the Health and Safety annual average expenditure limit of$2,164 per dwelling that may also be expended. DEO will audit the rates prior to closeout to ensure the Grantee does not exceed the annual average expenditure limit. W C. Subrecipient shall weatherize dwellings in such a manner that will provide continuous service from the commencement date to the termination date of the Agreement. All counties must be served with the allocated dollar amounts listed in Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocation, of this Agreement. All funds must be spent timely, in proportion to the progression of months throughout the term of this Agreement (i.e. proper expenditure rate) according to the Budget Summary in Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocation, of this Agreement. If, in DEO's sole determination,funds are not being spent at a proper expenditure rate, or a county is being underserved according to Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocation, of this Agreement, DEO has the right, but not the obligation, upon 30 calendar days written notice to Subrecipient, to reduce Subrecipeint's subaward and reallocate any or all of the subawarded funds to one or more alternative weatherization providers. DEO's exercise of this remedy will not limit any of DEO's other available remedies as detailed in Paragraph(14),Remedies, CL of this Agreement,or at law or in equity. D. Subrecipient shall provide DEO with documentation and reports as required by this Agreement, including, but not limited to, budget balances, as well as any other information related to this project, or as may otherwise be specified by DEO. E. Subrecipient shall complete work on all dwellings in accordance with the Field Guides, the WAP Procedures Manual,the WAP Priority List,any Supporting Weatherization Program Notices,and any supplemental DEO and DOE guidelines, unless Subrecipient secures written permission from DEO otherwise. F. The health and safety of the clients, Subrecipient's staff, contractors, and the integrity of the building structure shall not be compromised by any work completed with weatherization funds. Page 32 Packet Pg. 1304 C.21.k G. Subrecipient shall ensure that all installed weatherization materials meet the materials standards taken from Appendix A to 10 C.F.R. part 440, be of good quality, and be installed in a safe, cost effective manner. H. Work and materials not meeting quality expectations, as determined by DEO with reference to 10 C.F.R. part 440 and the WAP Procedures Manual, may subject Subrecipient to written findings. Subrecipient may be required by DEO to perform re-inspections or "go-backs' on any work performed by Subrecipient or its contractors which does not meet quality expectations, in DEO's sole discretion, and for which DEO has issued a finding,the costs incurred for any work performed by Subrecipient or its contractors which does not meet quality expectations, in DEO's sole discretion, and for which DEO has issued a finding may be disallowed by DEO. cv II. SUBRECIPIENT RESPONSIBILITIES cV LU A. File Documentation Responsibilities Each client file shall contain the following documentation: • Client intake form • Building Work Report • Client income documentation (for • Copy of bid package(s), invoices, past twelve months) receipts, payment vouchers • • Pre 1978 dwellings — Certified Documentation of ownership or Renovator Documentation or signed Landlord Agreement Form Clearance Testing • Social Security Documentation (if • Copies of any approved waivers applicable) • Copy of client photo ID • Copies of applicable Pre and Final Permits • Copy of client utility bill • Client File Checklist 0 • Client Selection (Priority) Criteria • RED Calculator printouts Form 0 • Copy of Complaint Appeal Procedures Form signed and • Refrigerator Metering record dated by client • Inspection/Audit Data and Results • QCI Inspector Sheet CL • Pre-Work Order Agreement • Infrared pictures B. Recordkeeping In addition to any recordkeeping requirements set forth in the Agreement, including any attachments or exhibits thereto and this Scope of Work, Subrecipient agrees to be bound by the recordkeeping provisions at 10 C.F.R. part 440 and 42 U.S.C. part A, as applicable to Subrecipient. Subrecipient shall keep such records as DOE requires, including, but not limited to, records which fully disclose the amount and disposition of the funds received by Subrecipient, the total cost of each weatherization project, the average costs incurred in weatherization of individual dwelling units, the average size of the dwelling being weatherized, the average income of households receiving assistance,and any other records as deemed necessary by DOE or by DEO in order to fulfill its recordkeeping requirements under 10 C.F.R. part 440.Subrecipient agrees to keep its records in accordance with the 2 C.F.R. part 200,as adopted and supplemented by 2 C.F.R. part 910. C. Determining Priority Service Page 33 Packet Pg. 1305 C.21.k Subrecipient shall give priority to identifying and providing weatherization assistance to elderly persons, persons with disabilities,families with children under 12 years old,households with a high energy burden and high residential energy users in their "priority of services" point system. Subrecipient will coordinate with its local Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provider to develop a referral process and targeted number of clients to serve. A minimum of 10% of the clients receiving weatherization services through the WAP are to be LIHEAP referrals. D. Monitoring Visits The DEO staff and/or its representative shall conduct monitoring visits of Subrecipient at least once a year but as frequently as DEO may desire throughout the program year. These visits are for the purposes of quality assurance inspections, administrative and fiscal monitoring, Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA), and other meetings as the need arises. The monitoring report shall include inspection and/or T&TA information. cv LU 1. The monitoring staff regularly inspects units completed by Subrecipient. All installed materials shall be cost effective, safe, and of good quality and appearance. Discoveries of violations of E policies and procedures are called findings. 2. Work not meeting quality expectations may be subject to findings, required remedial work and/or disallowed costs. 3. All contractor work shall pass an inspection by qualified Subrecipient staff or approved third- party contractor inspector prior to payment. 4. Contractor work not meeting quality expectations that requires correction shall be done at ca the contractor's expense. CD E. Findings o Any non-compliance with the WAP Priority List, the WAP Procedures Manual, or any Field Guides constitutes a finding, as that term is defined in the WAP Procedures Manual. Major findings are those which are either severe in nature as determined by the monitoring inspector or repeated. o Minor findings are less severe or not repetitive in nature. Major Findings: Examples of major findings include, but are not limited to,the following: CL 1. The health and safety of clients,Subrecipient staff or contractors,or the integrity of the building structure is threatened by work completed with the weatherization funds. 2. A weatherization-related health or safety problem is created by, exacerbated by, or not corrected by the delivery of weatherization services. 3. The omission, without appropriate authorization, of a required cost-effective measure, a necessary repair, or a required health and safety repair. 4. Poor-quality work, materials, or equipment that results in significantly degraded performance or appearance of measures or repairs. 5. Major expenditure of funds on measures that are not included on the National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT) or are not required in the WAP Priority List, WAP Procedures Manual, or the Field Guides. Page 34 Packet Pg. 1306 ' C.21.k 6. Costs incurred for materials that do not meet the standards for conformance listed in Appendix A of 10 C.F.R. part 440. 7. Any action or lack of action that may result in a liability that threatens the Florida Weatherization Grant funds. 8. Gross fiscal mismanagement, including any unallowable costs or any wrongful billing to the grant. Minor Findings: Examples of minor findings include, but are not limited to,the following: cv 1. A single occurrence of poor-quality of work, materials, or equipment that results in minor cv degradation of performance or appearance of measures or repairs. 2. Work site clean-up that does not meet the satisfaction of the client or the State monitor. 3. Required energy conservation measures that are not installed but would not contribute a large energy savings. 4. Required health and safety measures that are not addressed but are not threatening the health or safety of the client. '✓ F. Training&Technical Assistance Visits(T&TA) T&TA visits conducted by DEO staff and its representatives are intended for training purposes. Recommendations for Subrecipient actions may be issued by DEO based on circumstances observed and guidance will be offered on the visit report provided to Subrecipient. 0 G. DEO Field Procedures Waivers Subrecipient may request waivers which exempt Subrecipient from performing a required measure, or which allow a restricted measure, if one or more of the following requirements are met: 1. If it is technically not possible to install the measures. r. 2. If conditions exist, and cannot be overcome, that would make the installation of the measure CL unsafe. 3. The installation of the measure would threaten the health or safety of either the client or the worker. State waivers shall be granted by DEO on a case-by-case basis and shall be in writing. Subrecipients who are unable to provide services according to the WAP Priority List,the WAP Procedures Manual, or the Field Guides because of local building codes shall supply written documentation to DEO staff and request a State waiver.Work shall proceed only after approval of a waiver request in writing by DEO staff. The State waivers permit the following policy exceptions: 1. Fuel conversions. 2. Installation of doors and/or windows exceeding allowable amount. 3. Other work normally considered beyond the scope of weatherization. Page 35 Packet Pg. 1307 C.21.k III. PROJECT SELECTION,ENERGY AUDITS AND FINAL INSPECTIONS A. Subrecipient shall use properly trained and qualified energy auditors and inspectors. B. An Energy Audit is required on every building prior to performing any work other than emergency response related work.Contractors shall strictly adhere to the work order developed by the auditor. No deviations from this work order shall be performed, unless authorized by the energy auditor or weatherization coordinator. C. Subrecipient's Quality Control Inspector shall ensure that all measures required by the WAP Priority List, the Field Guides, and the WAP Procedures Manual have been installed, and that the work quality meets the standards required by the WAP Field Guides. D. Each completed project shall be inspected and the inspection shall be documented in the client file. No project shall be reported as completed until all weatherization materials have been installed and Subrecipient has performed a final quality control inspection, including any mechanical or subcontractor work performed. E. All installed weatherization materials shall meet the materials standards as detailed in Appendix A of 10 C.F.R. part 440,shall be of good quality,and shall be installed in a safe and effective manner. F. Project Selection '✓ 1. Projects should be prioritized in accordance with DOE Policy. Additionally,Subrecipient should prioritize projects based on: i. owner participation; ii. potential energy savings based on utility bill analysis; iii. assurance that benefits will be direct to unit occupants; and 0 iv. service to all areas of the service area. 2. Subrecipient shall receive a signed landlord-tenant agreement before work begins on any �— individual dwelling unit. This document must be retained as part of the project file. 0 G. Energy Audit Prior to performing an energy audit,Subrecipient's auditor shall conduct a walk-through of the unit r� to confirm the potential for the installation of energy conservation measures and to ensure that CL there are no major barriers to working in the building. The primary objectives of the energy audit is to survey the home for the potential to install energy conservation measures, to analyze the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) of potential measures,to check for safety hazards and building durability issues,to provide client education,to document the audit,and to write a work order detailing work to be done and situations that need to be addressed. < Understanding energy use is key to performing an exemplary audit. The energy audit shall include the following information: 1. An assessment of health and safety hazards. 2. Documentation, including, but not limited to,the type of energy audit tool used,the results of the audit analysis, and the DOE-promulgated priority list used to complete the energy audit. 3. An assessment and record of the existing conditions of the building and its mechanical systems. 4. An evaluation of the existing conditions for energy conservation opportunities and energy- related health and safety problems. Page 36 Packet Pg. 1308 C.21.k 5. A strategy for improved energy efficiency and for correcting energy-related health and safety problems. The energy audit shall also include evaluations of all of the following, per the WAP Procedures Manual and the WAP Field Guides: 1. Combustion safety testing. 2. Air leakage analysis. 3. Combustion efficiency determination. 4. Thermal performance analysis. 5. Electrical safety testing. 6. Electric base-load testing. 7. Indoor air quality and moisture inspection. cv Subrecipient shall provide all clients with information regarding all of the following: 1. The weatherization process. 2. Reducing heating and cooling costs. o 3. Water conservation and water heating. 4. Staying cool during hot weather. 5. Lead-based paint notification. 6. Mold and mildew notification. 7. Other energy-saving suggestions. H. Final/Quality Control Inspection Responsibilities Subrecipient shall be responsible for the following quality control inspection responsibilities: 1. Energy and Conservation Inspection ca i. Review the original energy audit form. ii. Ensure all required procedures were performed. iii. Verify the accuracy of the audit, including measures that may have been omitted. iv. Inspect all work to ensure that standards of work quality and materials are met and ensure that the job site is cleaned up. 0 V. Call for corrective actions where initial work does not meet standards. 2. Health and Safety Inspection i. Verify that all work was completed to address related health and safety issues. ii. Call for corrective actions where initial work does not meet standards. CL C 3. File Review and Completion i. Review all required forms for accuracy and completion. ii. Document required go-backs or follow-up work. iii. Sign and date a quality control inspection form assuring that all requirements have been verified. iv. A job is complete only after all work installed by Subrecipient or its authorized representative has been completed and has passed the quality control inspection. IV. INSTALLATION OF MEASURES Weatherization measures serve all of the four following purposes: 1. Conserve energy. 2. Reduce energy bills. 3. Protect residents from energy-related hazards. 4. Protect building from damage caused by fire or moisture. Page 37 Packet Pg. 1309 C.21.k Subrecipient shall be responsible for installing weatherization measures per the WAP Priority List,WAP Procedures Manual,the Field Guides and applicable local,State, and Federal code. V. HEALTH AND SAFETY Weatherization services shall be provided in a manner that minimizes risks to workers, clients, and clients' homes. Weatherization services shall not begin until health and safety problems are removed. Subrecipient shall comply with and enforce the WAP Safety Plan. VI. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA DEO shall evaluate this project through review of Subrecipient submitted reports. To receive a reimbursement for a production period(a production period spans the first day of a month through the last day of the month),Subrecipient shall submit an electronic copy of each Building Work Report(BWR) Package along with the Financial Status Report (FSR) to DEO through the electronic financial LU management system (eGrants) by the 21st day of the following month. In addition, Subrecipient shall submit a signed copy of the FSR via facsimile or email to DEO by the same due date (Reference Attachment C, Reports). The monthly FSR shall include on-schedule completion of production goals. If work is behind schedule,Subrecipient shall immediately begin implementation of a plan to bring work up to schedule. VII. PAYMENT AND DELIVERABLES Subrecipient will be reimbursed monthly for expenditures reported in its Monthly Financial Status Report as described in Attachment C,Reports. Reimbursement will be made by DEO,upon DEO's finding that the Deliverable has been successfully completed. Deliverable 1 Minimum Level Performance Certification that Subrecipient operated during At a minimum, Subrecipient shall have its office 0 its regular business hours as identified in open for business,with the entrance door open Attachment G, Warranties and Representations, to the public, and at least one employee on-site to include expenses for Administration Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 [Administration costs not to exceed $6,278.60 p.m. (5%of total award amount)], Program Support, Technical and Training Assistance,Single Audit, and Liability Insurance. CL Deliverable 2 Minimum Level Performance Complete weatherization of dwellings with At a minimum, Subrecipient shall complete one energy saving repairs and installation of energy (1)weatherized dwelling supported by a Building saving measures to qualified low-income persons Work Report (BWR) as identified in Attachment and to administer the program. C, Reports. a) The Deliverables shall be reported monthly on Subrecipient's Monthly Financial Status Report as described in Attachment C, Reports. b) Successful completion of the Deliverables shall be determined by receipt by DEO of Subrecipient's Monthly Financial Status Report containing the certification required in Attachment G, Warranties and Representations. Page 38 Packet Pg. 1310 C.21.k VIII. FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES A. If Subrecipient provides services to any client more than 180 days after the client's household income has been verified without recertification of the client's income eligibility,Subrecipient shall be assessed a financial consequence in the amount of 1% of the total amount of weatherization services provided to the ineligible client's dwelling unit. B. DEO shall not reimburse any expenditures associated with Deliverables not accepted by DEO as successfully completed; however, this does not preclude Subrecipient from receiving payment for such expenditures upon successful completion of the Deliverable. C. If Subrecipient fails to be open,and available,for services according to its regular business hours as identified in Attachment G,Warranties and Representations, outside weekends and State holidays, Subrecipient shall pay to DEO financial consequences in the amount of $10.00 per day that Subrecipient failed to operate according to its regular business hours, up to a maximum of$100.00, for such failure, unless DEO in its sole discretion waives such failure in writing based upon its determination that the failure was due to factors beyond the control of Subrecipient. D. Any amounts due under this Financial Consequence section shall be paid by Subrecipient out of non- Federal funds. IX. EQUIPMENT INVENTORY Subrecipient shall submit quarterly a written inventory of all equipment acquired in whole or in part with weatherization funds to DEO's Grant Manager for this Agreement. Subrecipient shall maintain an equipment inventory in a manner that will provide an audit trail, traceable from purchase to present usage. "Equipment" means tangible personal property (including information technology systems) having a useful life of more than one (1) year and a per-unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds $500. X. REFERRALS Subrecipient shall partner with non-profit organizations or municipalities that provide rehabilitation, emergency home repair, administer a Neighborhood Stabilization Program, or are participating in a Green and Healthy Home Initiative to facilitate the receipt of active referrals of qualified units in order to achieve goals of serving the low income population. r. CL Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 39 Packet Pg. 1311 C.21.k EXHIBIT 1 TO ATTACHMENT A BUDGET DIRECTIONS The following generally outlines budget categories and offers guidance for preparing the Budget Summary and County Allocation, Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, of this Agreement and Subrecipient's detailed line-item budget. In the event of any conflict between any portion of this Exhibit 1 to Attachment A, Budget Directions, and any other part of this Agreement or Federal or State regulations or guidance, the terms of any other part of this Agreement or Federal or State regulations or guidance shall prevail. I. Project Budget: Subrecipient shall perform the Weatherization Services in accordance with this Agreement and the project N budget, Budget Summary and County Allocation, attached hereto as Exhibit 2 to Attachment A. Weatherization budget categories are defined as follows: A. Administrative Cost (Admin): Administrative costs include, but are not limited to, all indirect costs, m telephone costs, a portion of professional staff salaries (to cover staff time when not carrying out the functions allowable under program costs), salaries and fringe benefits of clerical staff,travel related to administrative functions, and miscellaneous costs such as copying, office space, equipment and cu supplies. Total administrative budget must not exceed 5%of the overall grant budget. Pursuant to DOE program guidance, administrative costs over the allocated maximum may be included as program support. 0. B. Liability Insurance: All allowable costs incurred by Subrecipient for Liability, Pollution Occurrence, and 0 Workers Compensation insurance for weatherization projects for personal injury and for property damage. C. Financial Audit: Unless financial audit costs are included in the indirect cost pool of a negotiated and approved, indirect Federal cost rate, Subrecipient shall budget this expense in the "Financial Audit" budget category. *� 0 D. Training and Technical Assistance: All allowable costs associated with approved inter- and intra-state travel for training and technical assistance. r. E. Materials: All allowable costs incurred by Subrecipient and Subrecipient's contractors for materials CL installed in completed dwelling units, including materials for Heating and Ventilation Air Conditioning Systems(HVAC). F. Labor: All allowable crew and contractor labor, to include benefits, for the purpose of auditing, o inspecting,transporting or installing weatherization materials,making eligible repairs on weatherization units and replacing heating systems; cost incurred by contractors to install materials, repair or replace HVAC systems, or for contract labor to provide electrical or plumbing services. G. Program Support (PS): All allowable costs incurred for Program Operations that are generally defined as the direct costs necessary to effect the weatherization of an eligible dwelling unit (cost of doing business), but not included in the material or labor costs.All program support charges are factored as a part of the average cost per unit. For purposes of this Agreement, Program Support includes "related matters," as that term is used in 10 C.F.R. part 440. Page 40 Packet Pg. 1312 C.21.k H. Health and Safety: Health and Safety is for materials and labor costs and will not be calculated into the per unit average like regular materials and labor. Costs incurred for materials and labor for Health and Safety purposes must be reported under the Health and Safety budget line item. The Health and Safety average per unit expenditure limit is set at 45% of the per unit average. Subrecipient may exceed the 45% expenditure limit up to $5,000 per unit, only with prior, written approval by DEC. DEO will circulate a Health and Safety survey to Subrecipient on an annual basis to establish the costs and frequency of measures installed. Upon circulation of the survey, Subrecipient may request reallocation of excess Health and Safety funds to Materials, Labor or Program Support. N II. Cost Limits: cv The DOE established, national average expenditure limit per dwelling unit is$7,212.This adjusted average includes materials, labor, and program support costs amortized over completed production units. The Average Cost Per Unit (ACPU) will be calculated and tracked during the FSR review process, based on the following formula: (Material Cost+ Labor Cost+ Program Support Cost) = Total Monthly ACPU* � #of Units weatherized Note: The annual adjusted average cost per unit of$7,212 cannot be exceeded at the closeout of the �-- Agreement. III. In submitting the monthly Financial Status Reports(FSR), Subrecipient may exceed the prescribed ACPU or ca Admin percentage. However: A. DEO will perform monthly desk audits and a mid-agreement period review of Subrecipient's adjusted average cost per unit to-date and the admin percentage to date. o B. If Subrecipient exceeds either percentage on a FSR anytime during the Agreement period, it will be notified and required to make adjustments in charging for activities in subsequent FSRs to ensure compliance to adjusted averages and percentage limits at the end of the Agreement period. o C. Subrecipient is required to track all expenditures to ensure that only actual costs for allowable expenditures are reported on the monthly FSR. r. D. Subrecipients receiving an advance must make up the expenditure deficit in the following FSR. CL IV. Subrecipient must complete and submit a Monthly Expenditure Tracking Sheet (METS) by the 21s'day of every month during the period of this Agreement. METS reporting requirements and corrective actions are outlined in the Attachment C, Reports, of this Agreement. V. To determine the allowable activities that may be charged to the PS and Admin category, refer to the applicable (Non-Profit or Local Government) Guidance for Documentation and Support of Program Support and Administrative Expenditures publication. VI. If additional funding is provided to Subrecipient during this Agreement period, submission to DEO of a revised Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocations, is required. Page 41 Packet Pg. 1313 C.21.k EXHIBIT 2 TO ATTACHMENT A BUDGET SUMMARY AND COUNTY ALLOCATIONS SUBRECIPIENT: COUNTY OF MONROE AGREEMENT#: 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 1. ADMINISTRATION $ 5,027.35 $ 1,251.25 $ 6,278.60 2. HEALTH &SAFETY $ 9,969.60 $ 15,993.60 $ 25,963.20 3. TRAINING&TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE $ 4,190.00 $ 846.80 $ 5,036.80 4. FINANCIAL AUDIT $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 T- 5. LIABILITY INSURANCE $ 1,750.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,750.00 6. MATERIALS/LABOR/PROGRAM SUPPORT $ 79,610.05 $ 6,933.35 $ 86,543.40 wi- a� Prior written approval from DEO's Grant Manager is required for any change between the above line item amounts not exceeding 10% of the line item amount reduced by said change. Any change in the overall award amount ("TOTALS" above) or a change exceeding 10% between the above line item amounts requires a formal written modification to this Agreement, as described in Paragraph (8), MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. Regardless, DEO will not reimburse costs of more than the total subaward amount of this Agreement,and in no event shall Subrecipient's total Administrative Expenses exceed 5%of the total subaward to Subrecipient. WEATHERIZATION SERVICE AREA COUNTY ALLOCATION The financial allocation specified for each county by program is designated to be spent in that county. For Subrecipients of funds designated for more than one county, in the event that circumstances will not allow the o full expenditure of any program funds allocated to a particular county, a request to expend any part of those funds in another county must be submitted in writing to DEO and approved in writing by DEO prior to expenditure.This request must specifically justify the lack of need of program services in that county. CL Monroe $ 86,543.00 12 Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 42 Packet Pg. 1314 C.21.k ATTACHMENT B PROGRAM STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Subrecipient shall be governed by applicable laws and rules, including but not limited to: A. Pub. L. 94-385, Part A,Title IV("Energy Conservation and Production Act of 1976");the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981,Title XXVI of Pub. L. 97-35 (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981);Title II, Part 2,of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act of 1978 (Pub. L.96-619); Title V,Subtitle E,of the Energy Security Act of 1981(Pub. L.96-294); and chapter 409, F.S.; Florida Chief Financial Officer Memorandum No. 04-05; Federal Central Contractor Registration (http://www.ccr.gov/);Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (http://www.mvfloridaacfo.com/aadir/statewide financial reporting/financing.htm) T_ B. All Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination including but not limited to: `V 1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(Pub. L. 88-352)which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; 2. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 3. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; 4. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. 6101- 6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; 5. The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (Pub. L. 92- 255), as amended, relating to 0. nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; 6. The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention,Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; 7. Subsections 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1913 (42 U.S.C. 290 dd-3 and 290 ee-3), o as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; 8. Title Vill of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to non- discrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing;and o 9. The requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s)which may apply to the Weatherization Assistance Program. 10. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336 (42 U.S.C. Sections 13101 through CL 13213). C. Executive Order 11346, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity", as amended by Executive Order 11375, and as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations(41 C.F.R. part 60). D. All applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act as amended (42 U.S.C. 1857 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1351 et seq.). E. Subrecipient will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4081 et seq.) which prohibits the use of lead-based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence structures. F. Subrecipient will assist in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966,as amended(16 U.S.C.470), EO 11593(identification and protection of historic properties),and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974(16 U.S.C.469a-1 et seq.) G. Subrecipient shall screen applicants for program eligibility under 1986 Immigration and Nationality Act, as currently amended. H. Subrecipients which procure $10,000 or more of insulation products annually are required to put into effect an affirmative procurement program to insure the purchase of insulation products composed of the highest percentage of recoverable materials practicable, taking into consideration competition, availability,technical performance and cost in accordance with Section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Page 43 Packet Pg. 1315 C.21.k Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, and guidelines promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency. I. All applicable Federal rules,regulations and guidelines as they relate to the application,acceptance,and use of Federal funds under this Agreement. J. Other applicable Federal and State laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. K. Subrecipient certifies that neither its organization nor any member of the staff is debarred or suspended or is otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in Federal assistance programs under 2 C.F.R. § 901.10, "Debarment and Suspension." Subrecipient may not make any contract to a debarred or suspended party. A current listing of such parties is maintained by DEO for review. L. PROJECTS OR PROGRAMS FUNDED IN WHOLE OR PART WITH FEDERAL MONEY: As required by Section 508 of Public Law 103-333,when issuing statements, press releases, requests _ for proposals, bid solicitations and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money,all grantees receiving Federal funds, including but not limited to State cv and local governments and Subrecipients of Federal research grants,shall clearly state: 1. the percentage of the total costs of the program or project which will be financed with Federal money, 2. the dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program,and 3. percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the project or program that will be financed by nongovernmental sources. M. INTEREST FROM CASH ADVANCES: Subrecipients shall invest cash advances in compliance 2 C.F.R. § 200.305(b)(8). Subrecipients shall maintain advances of Federal funds in interest-bearing accounts unless one of the following conditions applies: NON-PROFITS ONLY: 1. Subrecipient or contractor receives less than $120,000 in total Federal awards per year. 2. The best reasonably available interest bearing account would not be expected to earn interest in excess of$500 per year on all Federal cash balances. 3. The depository would require an average or minimum balance so high that it would not be feasible 0 within the expected Federal and non-Federal cash resource. Interest earned off cash advances shall be reflected on the monthly financial status report and the close-out report. _ LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ONLY: 0 Except for interest earned on advance of funds exempt under the inter-governmental Cooperation Action (31 U.S.0 6501 et. seq.) and the Indian Self-Determination Act (23 U.S.C. 450), Subrecipients shall promptly, but at least quarterly, remit interest earned on advances to DEO. Subrecipient may r� keep interest amounts up to$500 per year for administrative expenses. CL Except as provided for advance payments, Subrecipient may temporarily invest grant funds, but any interest income shall either be returned to DEO or be applied against DEO's obligation to pay the Agreement amount. Any interest income earned by the temporary investment of these grant funds that is not applied against DEC's obligation to pay shall be returned to DEO at the time of submission of the final close-out report. N. PROGRAM INCOME: Pursuant to 2 C.F.R. § 200.307, Subrecipient may apply net program income, < after costs incident to the generation of gross program income are deducted,excluding interest income,to meet matching requirements,or may reprogram it for eligible program activities. The amount of program income and its disposition must be reported to DEO at the time of submission of the final close-out report. Expenditure of program income balances at Agreement end must be approved by DEO. 0. APPEALS SYSTEM: All complaints received by DEO will be referred to Subrecipient. Subrecipient must have a written appeals system that is: 1. adopted by the Board of Directors; 2. formatted as a Subrecipient handout; Page 44 Packet Pg. 1316 C.21.k 3. posted in the client intake area of Subrecipient's agency;and 4. provided to those applying for weatherization services. Sample format: Subrecipient Appeals System In the event of a complaint/appeal,the complaint/appeal shall first be heard by the: n 5 'QC a v C12SN (Title of Position) Should the first designated party be unable to resolve the difficulty,the second complaint/appeal will be heard by: • 1 QP Ctz r S06 al4 ISPr\ L CIPS (Title of Position). `V Should the second level complaint/appeal be unable to resolve the difficulty,the final hearing will be held by: Mon row r-n l 1 n CL (Committee or Full Board). CD P. LIABILITY INSURANCE: Pursuant to 2 C.F.R. § 440.18, Subrecipient and Subrecipient's contractors are required to have sufficient liability insurance coverage for performing weatherization-funded activities. In addition, Subrecipients must have Pollution Occurrence Insurance (POI), whether included, added to, or a separate general liability insurance policy. Costs may be charged as a separate line item on the Financial Status Report. Subrecipients must ensure that each contractor is adequately covered by Subrecipient's policy. C~ Documentation to substantiate all insurance coverage will be reviewed during monitoring visits. Failure to have adequate insurance coverage may result in all reimbursement requests being withheld until o compliance is met. Only those contractors who have been trained on Lead Safe Weatherization techniques and have POI (or are under Subrecipient's policy) may work on pre-1978 dwellings that Subrecipient has confirmed have lead paint that will be disturbed through weatherization activities. o PROGRAMMATIC CHANGES: Subrecipient will follow the procedures and guidelines provided in the latest version of the WAP Procedures Manual. Programmatic and guideline changes during an agreement period may be provided to Subrecipient through a State Weatherization Program Notice and are to be considered CL as updates and become effective upon the date indicated on the Program Notice. The State Program Notice will be sent to Subrecipient's Agreement Manager to the email address stated in Attachment J,Subrecipient Information, of this Agreement. Subrecipient agrees to be bound by all currently effective State m Weatherization Program Notices previously issued by DEO. Q. MONITORING: 1. DEO shall conduct a full onsite review of Subrecipient at least once during the Agreement period. Subrecipient shall allow DEO to carry out monitoring, evaluation and technical assistance, and shall ensure the cooperation of its employees, and of any contractors with whom Subrecipient contracts to carry out program activities. 2. DEO shall provide training and technical assistance,within the limits of staff time and budget availability, upon request by Subrecipient or determination by DEO of Subrecipient need. 3. DEO shall conduct follow-up reviews including prompt return visits to Subrecipients that fail to meet the goals,standards,and requirements established by the State and Federal funding agency. Page 45 Packet Pg. 1317 C.21.k R. OTHER PROVISIONS: 1. In addition to all other record keeping, public records, and audit requirements set forth in this Agreement, Subrecipient shall make available all books, records, and documents required to be maintained under this Agreement available for copying and mechanical reproduction on or off Subrecipient's premises. 2. If the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or DOE initiates a hearing regarding the expenditure of funds provided under this Agreement,Subrecipient shall cooperate with,and upon DEO's written request, participate with DEO in the hearing. N cv Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. 0 0 r. CL Page 46 Packet Pg. 1318 C.21.k ATTACHMENT C REPORTS A. Annual reports: (1) Close-out Report: The WAP Close-Out Report is due 30 calendar days after termination of the Agreement or 30 calendar days after completion of the activities contained in the Agreement, whichever occurs first. If the thirtieth calendar day falls on a weekend day or holiday,the Close-Out Report shall be due on the next business day.Subrecipient shall submit original signed documents to DEO that include, at a minimum, the WAP Close-out Financial Status Report (FSR), the Close-out Summary form, the Close-out Equipment Inventory form, a refund check for any unspent funds, if applicable, and a refund check for any interest earned on advances, if applicable. cv (2) IRS Form 990:Subrecipient verifies that if Subrecipient is below the$750,000 threshold for all Federal awards in its fiscal year, is a non-profit entity, and is exempt from the Federal single audit act requirements, then Subrecipient has submitted a copy of its most recent IRS form 990 with its Agreement proposal. CD C B. Monthly reports: The WAP monthly FSR must be provided to DEO no later than the twenty-first day of each month following the end of the reporting month in which funds were expended. Subrecipient shall submit the report regardless of whether funds were expended. Reimbursement of expenditures shall be based on this report. Only with prior approval by DEO will more than one reimbursement be processed for any calendar month. Subrecipient must submit the FSR in DEO's current eGrants, as well as a signed copy submitted via facsimile or electronic mail by the due date. In the event the twenty-first day of the month falls on a weekend day or holiday, the FSR shall be due on the next business day. The FSR must CD be signed and dated. (1) Each FSR shall contain the following information: o a. All expenditures that occurred during the reporting month; b. The amount of reimbursement requested; c. The number of dwellings weatherized; d. An attestation,signed by an authorized signatory,that Subrecipient was open and operating during its reported business hours;and e. An attestation,signed by an authorized signatory,that payment claimed were for actual costs CL expended by the Subrecipient and its subcontractors,and properly applied to services provided under this agreement. (2) Each completed dwelling reported will have a Building Work Report package consisting of a completed: a. Building Work Report (BWR); b. Client Intake Form; and c. Quality Control Inspection (QCI) Report. (3) DEO shall review each FSR for compliance with the requirements as stated in Attachment A, Scope of Work,of this Agreement. C. Monthly Expenditure Tracking System (METS) Reports: A monthly METS is due to DEO by the 215i day of every month of this Agreement. If the twenty-first day of the month falls on a weekend day or holiday,the report shall be due no later than the next business day. Subrecipient will submit: Page 47 Packet Pg. 1319 C.21.k (1) A completed METS to include all Program Support and Admin line item actual costs incurred by Subrecipient during the previous month and submitted for reimbursement as part of the monthly FSR. (2) A Revenue and Expenditure spreadsheet(or applicable fiscal supporting document)that will provide the actual expenditure amounts per month to date that support the METS totals. Upon DEC's receipt of these documents,DEO staff will compare the FSR PS and Admin amounts with the METS PS and Admin amounts and supporting spreadsheets. Subrecipient will be notified if any other supporting documentation is needed based upon the results of this review. Based on the information contained in the reports, DEO may, in its sole discretion, schedule an on-site monitoring review. N D. Cost Limits for Materials/Labor/Program Support, and Admin: cv (1) During the program year,if DEO determines that the average cost per unit will exceed the maximum allowable annual average cost per unit, additional cost restrictions may be imposed. Implementation of these limits will be based on data gathered by the State regarding actual cost averages and may be imposed on one or all Subrecipients,as needed. The DEO Grant Manager will notify Subrecipient of the cost restrictions to be implemented and procedures for implementing the restrictions. Upon receipt of such notification, Subrecipient will be required to implement this procedure for all dwelling units for which materials have not been ordered or for which a job order has not been issued to a contractor. 0. (2) Failure by Subrecipient to expend all program funding by the end of the Agreement period may result in it being placed in a probationary status for future WAP agreements. ca E. Close-out METS: Subrecipient shall submit a Close-out METS with the last FSR expending the remaining balance of funding in the Agreement to DEO. Subrecipient will provide a METS that includes the costs charged in o all budget cost categories along with the supporting spreadsheet. Subrecipient cannot exceed the percentage cap for Admin or the threshold ACPU at the end of the Agreement period. During the Agreement period, DEO staff will conduct an on-site monitoring visit to Subrecipient. This visit will include a review of the documentation that supports the Program Support and Administrative charges reported for a minimum of three FSRs. F. Semi Annual Success and Leverage Reports CL Semi Annual Success and Leverage Reports are due to DEO on or before October 21, 2017,and April 21, 2017. In the event that the twenty-first day of either month falls on a weekend day or holiday, the reports shall be due no later than the next business day. 1) On the Success Reports, Subrecipient shall provide: a) copies of thank-you correspondences from clients who received weatherization services; b) information on any events Subrecipient participated in that promoted the WAP locally; and c) any milestone reached by Subrecipient that relates to the WAP. 2) On the Leverage Reports, Subrecipient shall provide: a)sources of leverage activities; b) amount of funding provided; and c) the types of leverage activities utilized on the dwellings during the six (6) month period. Utility rebate funds and donation of materials or volunteer labor should also be included in this report. G. Monitoring: At a minimum, DEO will conduct one (1) on-site monitoring visit to Subrecipient during the Agreement Page 48 Packet Pg. 1320 C.21.k period. This monitoring visit will address Subrecipient's fiscal and programmatic administration of the WAP. In addition, a minimum of five percent (5%) of the total number of dwellings projected to be weatherized during the Agreement period will be inspected.An additional five percent(5%)of dwellings will be inspected if Subrecipient has implemented the Level #2, Independent Auditor/Quality Control Inspection process. H. Monitoring Report: Within 35 days after the completion of the monitoring visit, DEO will issue a monitoring report outlining the results and any corrective actions required to be implemented by Subrecipient for any non- compliance issues discovered during this visit. Issues may be classified as a major or minor finding or an observation. A major finding is a noncompliance issue that is of significant concern.A minor finding is a cv noncompliance issue that is of secondary concern, such as a small file omission. Observations are to cv assist with compliance of program requirements, to enhance or improve service, or to share best practices. I. Monitoring Report Responses: E Subrecipient shall provide a written response to DEO for all monitoring report findings or observations no later than 30 calendar days from the date of the original monitoring report. DEO shall notify Subrecipient of the due date for any subsequent monitoring report responses as may be required. If the thirtieth day falls on a weekend day or holiday, the response to the original report shall be due on the next business day.Subrecipient may request an extension in writing for DEO's review and approval.J. Subrecipient is required to have written financial management systems procedures for determining the reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of costs in accordance with the provisions of the cost principles and terms and conditions of the award. Subrecipient may utilize one of the following options: (1) Cost Allocation Plan: Per 2 C.F.R. 200.405, to document this, Subrecipient must submit copies of its written Cost Allocation Plan to DEO with this Agreement. (2) Indirect Cost Rate Proposal: Per 2 C.F.R. 200.414,this is the amount charged through indirect cost allocation plans approved by Subrecipient's cognizant Federal agency,the rate negotiated between 0 DEO and Subrecipient (in compliance with 2 C.F.R. part 200), or the 10% de minimis rate as applied to Modified Total Direct Cost as allowed by the Uniform Guidance.If Subrecipient chooses to use the de minimis rate, Subrecipient shall make sure it is entitled to use that rate and include a statement to that effect. CL K. Other reports: Upon reasonable notice, Subrecipient shall provide such additional program updates, reports, and information as may be required by DEO, including supporting or source documentation for any reports identified above in this Attachment. L. Report Submission: Unless otherwise noted, reports shall be submitted to DEO's Grant Manager as stated in Paragraph (16) of this Agreement. Failure to submit reports by the required due date, may result in the withholding of any pending or future payments until the reports are received. Page 49 Packet Pg. 1321 C.21.k ATTACHMENT D JUSTIFICATION OF ADVANCE PAYMENT Indicate by checking one of the items below if you are requesting an advance. Any advance payment under this Agreement is subject to section 216.181(16), Florida Statutes. If an advance payment is requested,the below budget data on which the request is based must be completed. NO ADVANCE PAYMENT REQUESTED Check here: X Payment will be solely on a reimbursement basis. No Additional information is required. cv 60 DAY ADVANCE REQUESTED Check here: cV Advance payment of $ is requested. Balance of payments will be made on a reimbursement basis. These funds are needed to pay staff, award benefits to clients, and purchase sup lies and equipment. Subrecipient would not be able to operate the program without this advance. ADVANCE CALCULATION 2 A. Number of Units expected to be completed in 60 days: W B. Line A times the maximum of $7,212 $ C. Direct Charge Line Items for first 60 days: $ D. Subtotal of Lines B&C: $ Administrative expenses for first 60 days: E. $ (Cannot exceed 5%of Line D) o F. Advance Requested (Total Lines D & E): $ 0 ADVANCE REQUEST FOR MORE THAN 60 DAYS r. CL If Subrecipient determines that it requires an advance amount to cover more than 60 days, Subrecipient must, in addition to completing the above ADVANCE CALCULATION worksheet, include a written justification to support the exceptional circumstances, and include a line item budget detail of the projected expenditures for consideration. TRACKING OF ADVANCE EXPENDITURES Subrecipient is allowed to request an advance amount of Agreement funding to ensure timely payment of contractors along with covering the initial operational/overhead costs for providing weatherization services. However, any advance payment under this Agreement is subject to s. 216.181(16), Florida Statutes. To ensure compliance with this directive: a) DEC) will compare the advance amount received by Subrecipient with the total to date expended amount on Subrecipient's second FSR to determine if an amount equal to the advance amount received has been expended. Page 50 Packet Pg. 1322 C.21.k b) If Subrecipient has not expended an amount equal to the initial advance, DEO staff will contact Subrecipient to determine if there is a reasonable justification for not meeting this goal, That justification along with any supporting documentation shall be submitted in writing to DEO for review. c) If the justification is not approved, an adjustment may be made to Subrecipient's reimbursement request amount on Subrecipient's second FSR. The requested reimbursement amount may be reduced by the unexpended balance remaining on the advance. This reduction will reduce the cash advance amount Subrecipient will have on hand to meet expenditures. d) DEO will track the monthly expenditure amount of Subrecipient through the remainder of the Agreement period. If Subrecipient fails to demonstrate the need forthe advance amount provided over the course of two consecutive FSRs, an adjustment to the latest FSR reimbursement request may be cv made. CD e) Subrecipient's performance and compliance to the advance expenditure requirement during this Agreement will be taken into consideration for any advances requested in future agreements. JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT Please insert or attach ajustification statement as required b subparagraph 4 b o this Agreement i an � q Y ( )( � f 9 f advance payment for more than 60 days of funding is requested.] N/A 0 0 r. CL Page 51 Packet Pg. 1323 C.21.k ATTACHMENT E PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND PROCUREMENT Subrecipient shall comply, at a minimum, with the property management and procurement standards for property(as defined in 2 C.F.R. 200.81) in 2 C.F.R. part 200, and 10 C.F.R. part 600, as applicable. A. All property purchased,in whole or in part,with funds from this Agreement must be listed on the property records of Subrecipient. Said listing must include a description of the property, a serial number or other identification number, the funding source of the property,who holds title,the acquisition date, and cost of the property, percentage of Federal participation in the cost of the property, the location, use, and cv condition of the property, and any transfer, replacement or ultimate disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price of the property, if applicable. B. Subrecipient must take a physical inventory of the property acquired, in whole or in part,with funds from this Agreement, reconcile the results of the inventory with the property records, and submit to DEO, a written property inventory list and reconciliation report, at least once a program year. Additionally, such a list and report must be submitted to DEO upon DEO's request. This annual comprehensive property inventory list and reconciliation report is separate and apart from, and in addition to, the written, quarterly equipment inventory described in Attachment A,Scope of Work, IX. Equipment Inventory,of this Agreement. C. Ownership of all property acquired, in whole or in part, with funds from this Agreement is vested in DEO upon completion, including termination,of the Agreement,and as such,any title to such property must be vested in DEO by Subrecipient upon completion, including termination, of the Agreement. If Subrecipient 0 comingles funds from this Agreement, all property purchased, in whole or in part, using funds from the account(s) in which any funds from this Agreement are placed, is considered "property acquired, in whole r. or in part, with funds from this Agreement" as described herein. CL D. Real property,equipment,and intangible property that are acquired or improved, in whole or in part,with funds from this Agreement must be held in trust with the State of Florida as the trustee for the beneficiaries of the WAP. The State of Florida is entitled to record liens or other appropriate notices of record to indicate that person or real property have been acquired or improved with Federal funds and that use and disposition conditions apply to the property. E. Subrecipient shall comply with Section 507 of Public Law 103-333. As stated in this section, it is the sense of Congress that, to the extent practicable, all equipment and products purchased with funds made available in this Act should be American made. Page 52 Packet Pg. 1324 C.21.k ATTACHMENT F STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES A. Interest of Certain Federal Officials No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States, and no Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share of part of this Agreement or to any benefit to arise from the same. B. Interest of Members Officers,or Employees of Subrecipient,Members of Local Governing Body,or Other Public Officials. No member,officer,or employee of Subrecipient,or its delegates or agents,no member of the governing T- CD body of the locality in which the program is situated, and no other public official of such locality or localities who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the program during his tenure or for one year thereafter, may have any interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or subcontract, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the program assisted under this Agreement. Subrecipient shall incorporate or cause to be incorporated in all such Agreements, a provision prohibiting such interest pursuant to the purposes of this subsection.No board member,officer or employee will be permitted to receive any remuneration or gift in any amount. Board members may receive travel expenses in accordance with section 112.061, F.S. C. Nepotism Subrecipient agrees to be bound by the provisions of section 112.3135, F.S., pertaining to nepotism in its 0 performance under this Agreement D. Assurances 0 Subrecipient hereby assures and certifies as a condition of receipt of Agreement funding,that it, and its contractors, will comply with the applicable requirements of Federal and State laws, rules, r. regulations, and guidelines. As part of its acceptance and use of Agreement funding, Subrecipient CL CL assures and certifies that: (1) Subrecipient possesses the legal authority to administer the program as approved by Subrecipient's governing body, including all assurances contained herein. (2) Subrecipient possesses the sound controls and fund accounting procedures necessary to < adequately safeguard its assets, check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, promote operating efficiency and maintain compliance with DEO's prescribed management policies. (3) Subrecipient will permit and cooperate with Federal and State investigations designed to evaluate compliance with the law. Page 53 Packet Pg. 1325 C.21.k (4) Subrecipient will give DEO, the Auditor General, or any authorized representatives, complete access to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to all program operations of the Agreement, including those of any contractors. (5) Subrecipient will comply with all of the provisions and practices outlined in DEO's most current monitoring manual. (6) Subrecipient verifies that its application and all its attachments, including budget data, are true and correct. (7) Subrecipient agrees to comply with Public Law 103-227, Part C, Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994(Act).This Act requires that smoking not be permitted cv in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted for by an entity and used routinely or regularly for the provision of health, day care, education, or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded by Federal programs either directly or through States or local governments. Federal programs include grants, cooperative agreements, loans or loan guarantees, and contracts.Subrecipient further agrees that the above language will be included in any subawards which contain provisions for children's services and that Subrecipient shall certify compliance accordingly.Failure to comply with the provisions of this law may result in the imposition of a civil monetary penalty of up to$1,000 per day. (8) Subrecipient certifies that it will or will continue to provide a drug-free workplace as set forth by 0 the regulations implementing the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988: and 2 C.F.R. part 902. E. Subrecipient's contractors must maintain valid licenses that comply with all State and local laws, 0 ordinances, and regulations. Each contractor shall be appropriately licensed to cover each activity it is performing pursuant to this Agreement. Subrecipient shall maintain copies of all contractor licenses r. (current for the program year when the work is performed), as well as a copy of each contractor's CL CL liability insurance policy. F. To the maximum extent practicable, the use of services provided under this Agreement shall be coordinated with other Federal, State, local, or privately funded programs in order to improve energy efficiency and to conserve energy. G. Subrecipient will permit attendance by DEO's representatives at any meetings of Subrecipient's Board of Directors,executive committee,or legislative body. Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 54 Packet Pg. 1326 ' ATTACHMENT G WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS A. Financial Management Subrecipient warrants that its financial management system shall provide the following: (1) Accurate, current,and complete disclosure of the financial results of this project or program. (2) Records that identify the source and use of funds for all activities. These records shall contain information pertaining to grant awards, authorizations, obligations, un-obligated balances, assets,outlays, income, and interest. cv (3) Effective control over and accountability for all funds, property, and other assets. Subrecipient shall safeguard all assets and ensure that they are used solely for authorized purposes. (4) Comparison of expenditures with budget amounts for each Request for Payment. Whenever appropriate,financial information shall be related to performance and unit cost data. (5) Written procedures for determining whether costs are allowed and reasonable under the provisions of 2 C.F.R. part 200,as adopted and amended by DOE at 2 C.F.R. part 910. (6) Cost accounting records that are supported by backup documentation. B. Competition Subrecipient warrants the following: (1) All procurement transactions shall be done in a manner to provide open and free competition. 0 (2) Subrecipient shall be alert to conflicts of interest as well as noncompetitive practices among contractors that may restrict or eliminate competition or otherwise restrain trade. In order to 0 ensure excellent contractor performance and eliminate unfair competitive advantage, contractors that develop or draft specifications, requirements,statements of work, invitations r. for bids, and/or requests for proposals shall be excluded from competing for such CL C procurements. (3) Awards shall be made to the bidder, or offeror, whose bid, or offer, is responsive to the solicitation and is most advantageous to Subrecipient,considering the price,quality,and other factors. (4) Solicitations shall clearly set forth all requirements that the bidder, or offeror, must fulfill in order for the bid, or offer, to be evaluated by Subrecipient. Any and all bids or offers may be rejected when it is in Subrecipient's interest to do so. C. Codes of Conduct Subrecipient warrants the following: Page 55 Packet Pg. 1327 C.21.k (1) Subrecipient shall maintain written standards of conduct governing the performance of its employees engaged in the award and administration of contracts. (2) No employee, officer, or agent shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by public grant funds if a real or apparent conflict of interest would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated, has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for an award. N (3) The officers, employees, and agents of Subrecipient shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, cv favors,or anything of monetary value from contractors, or parties to contracts. (4) The standards of conduct shall provide for disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of the standards by officers, employees, or agents of Subrecipient. CD D. Business Hours Subrecipient warrants that it shall have its offices open for business,with the entrance door open to the public, and at least one employee on site, on (days) Monday through Friday and from (times) 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. E. Licensing and Permitting Subrecipient warrants that all contractors or employees hired by Subrecipient shall have all current 0 licenses and permits required for all of the particular work for which they are hired by Subrecipient. 0 CL Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 56 Packet Pg. 1328 C.21.k ATTACHMENT H CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT,SUSPENSION,INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION NOTE:Prior to issuing subawards and contracts under this Agreement,Subrecipient shall consult the System for Award Management(SAM)to ensure that organizations under funding consideration are not ineligible.The list is available on the Web at https://www.sam.gov. A. If Subrecipient will not issue any subawards or contracts under this Agreement,Subrecipient shall mark here that this Attachment H is Not Applicable: T- CD B. If Subrecipient will issue subawards or contracts under this Agreement, Subrecipient shall complete the following information for each contractor: 1. The prospective contractor of Subrecipient, certifies, by submission of this document, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. 2. If Subrecipient's contractor is unable to certify to the above statement,the prospective contractor 0. shall attach an explanation to this form. CONTRACTOR: 0 0 (Type Name) Subrecipient's Name By Signature CL Name&Title DEO Agreement Number Street Address City,State,Zip Date Page 57 Packet Pg. 1329 C.21.k ATTACHMENT I Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000,as amended(22 U.S.C. 7104(g)) (taken from 2 C.F.R. § 175.15) I.Trafficking in persons. a.The following provisions are applicable to a subrecipient that is a private entity: 1. You as Subrecipient,your employees,contractors under this subaward,and contractors'employees may not-- i. Engage in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of time that the award is in effect; ii. Procure a commercial sex act during the period of time that the award is in effect; or iii. Use forced labor in the performance of the subaward. cv 2. We as the Federal pass-through entity may unilaterally terminate this subaward,without penalty, if you or a contractor that is a private entity-- m i. Is determined to have violated a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term;or ii. Has an employee who is determined by the DEO official authorized to terminate the award to have violated a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term through conduct that is either, A. Associated with performance under this award; or B. Imputed to you or the contractor using the standards and due process for imputing the _ conduct of an individual to an organization that are provided in 2 C.F.R. part 180, "OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non procurement)," as implemented by our agency at 2 C.F.R. part 901. b.The following provisions are applicable to a subrecipient that is not a private entity: We, as the Federal pass-through entity, may unilaterally terminate this subaward,without penalty, if a contractor that is a private entity-- 1. Is determined to have violated an applicable prohibition in paragraph a.1. of this subaward term; �— or o 2. Has an employee who is determined by DEO official authorized to terminate the subaward to have violated an applicable prohibition in paragraph a.1. of this award term through conduct that is r. either: CL i. Associated with performance under this subaward; or ii. Imputed to the contractor using the standards and due process for imputing the conduct of an individual to an organization that are provided in 2 C.F.R. part 180, "OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement)," as implemented by our agency at 2 C.F.R. part 901. c.The following provisions are applicable to all subrecipients: 1. You must inform us immediately of any information you receive from any source alleging a violation of a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term. 2. Our right to terminate unilaterally that is described in paragraph a.2 or b of this section: i. Implements section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), as amended (22 U.S.C.7104(g)), and ii. Is in addition to all other remedies for noncompliance that are available to us under this subaward. Page 58 Packet Pg. 1330 C.21.k 3. You must include the requirements of paragraph a.1 of this award term in any subaward you make . to,or any contract with a private entity. d. Definitions. For purposes of this subaward term: 1. "Employee" means either: i. An individual employed by you or a contractor who is engaged in the performance of the project or program under this subaward;or ii. Another person engaged in the performance of the project or program under this subaward and not compensated by you including, but not limited to, a volunteer or individual whose services are contributed by a third party as an in-kind contribution toward cost sharing or matching requirements. N 2. "Forced labor" means labor obtained by any of the following methods:the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud,or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. 3. "Private entity": CD i. Means any entity other than a State, local government, Indian tribe, or foreign public entity, as those terms are defined in 2 C.F.R. § 175.25. ii. Includes: A. A nonprofit organization, including any nonprofit institution of higher education, hospital, or tribal organization other than one included in the definition of Indian tribe at 2 C.F.R. § 175.25(b). B. A for-profit organization. 4. "Severe forms of trafficking in persons," "commercial sex act," and "coercion" have the meanings given at section 103 of the TVPA, as amended (22 U.S.C.7102). o 0 r. CL Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. m Page 59 Packet Pg. 1331 C.21.k ATTACHMENT J SUBRECIPIENT INFORMATION Please complete all information applicable to your organization. 1. Subrecipient's full legal name: COUNTY OF MONROE/MONROE, COUNTY OF 2. Subrecipient's mailing address(warrant will be mailed to this address): 50 WHITEHEAD STREET City: KEY WEST Zip Code: 33040 Telephone: 305-292-3560 Fax Number: cv 3. Street Address(if different from above): City: Zip Code: 4. Chief Elected Official: Name: GEORGE NEUGENT Title: COUNTY MAYOR Address: 25 SHIPS WAY City: BIG PINE KEY, , FL Zip Code: 33043 Telephone: 305-872-1678 Fax: 5. Executive Director: Name: SHERYL GRAHAM Title: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Address: 25 SHIPS WAY City: BIG PINE KEY , FL Zip Code: 33043 Telephone: 305-872-1678 Fax: 305-295-4359 0 6. WAP Project Coordinator: r• Name: MARLENE STECKLEY Title: WAP COORDINATOR CL Address: 1100 SIMONTON STREET,SUITE 2-257 City: KEY WEST , FL Zip Code: 33040 Telephone: 305-292-4588 Fax: 305-292-4479 7. Finance Director: Name: KIM WILKES WEAN Title: FINANCE DIRECTOR Address: 1100 SIMONTON STREET, SUITE 1-190 City: KEY WEST FL Zip Code: 33040 Telephone: 305-292-4588 Fax: 305-292-4479 Page 60 Packet Pg. 1332 1 < C.21.1' DocuSign Envelope ID:3FF10142-4E75-4114-87B9-2F27F5314F1A GIN MODIFICATION NUMBER TWO TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Fully AND MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA Executed ,ted CFDA Number(s):81.042,93.568 Agreement Number:17WX-OG-i11-54•-01-039 THIS MODIFICATION Number Two is entered into by the State of Florida,Department of Economic Opportunity, with headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "DEO," and Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as"Subrecipient"(each individually a "Party"and collectively"the Parties"). N WHEREAS,DEO and Subrecipient have entered into Agreement Number 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039,as previously. N amended, in which DEO awarded Subrecipient One Hundred Fifty-Five Thousand Forty-Two Dollars and Ninety-One Cents($155,042.91);and WHEREAS,Paragraph(8)of the Agreement provides that modification of the Agreement shall be in writing,on DEO-approved forms,as applicable,and duly signed by the Parties thereto;and WHEREAS, additional funds have become available to increase the amount of the funding granted to Subrecipient. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the Parties contained herein,the Parties agree to the following: 1. Subparagraph(4)(a), FUNDING/CONSIDERATION, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: (a) This is a cost-reimbursement agreement. DEO awards Subrecipient Three Hundred Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred Two Dollars.and Nihe�One Cents ($316,302.91), subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,availability of funds and appropriate budget authority;however,Subrecipient may incur costs and submit for reimbursement only up to the Total(Revised) Funds Released dollar amount listed in Subrecipient's most CL recently DEO-issued Notice of Fund Availability(NFA). Each such NFA,and any attachments thereto,duly issued to Subrecipient by DEO,including, but not limited to its special terms,conditions,and instructions,is incorporated into the Agreement by reference." 2. Attachment A,Scope of Work,Section VII.,Deliverable 1,is hereby amended to read as follows: Deliverable 1 Minimum Level Performance Certification that Subrecipient operated during At a minimum,Subrecipient shall have its office j its regular business hours as identified in open for business,with the entrance door open Attachment G,Warranties and Representations, to the public,and at least one employee on-site to include expenses for Administration Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 [Administration costs not to exceed $15,815.15 p.m. (5%of Total Modified WAP Allocation award amount)],Program Support,Technical and t Page 1 Packet Pg. 1333 DocuSign Envelope ID:3FF101424E75-4114-87B9-2F27F5314F1A Training Assistance,Single Audit,and Liability Insurance. 3. Exhibit 2 to Attachment A,Budget Summary and County Allocations, is hereby deleted in its entirety. 4. To the extent there is any conflict between the provisions of this Modification, including any.attachments and. exhibits thereto, and the provisions of the Agreement, including any attachments and exhibits thereto,the provisions of this Modification shall supersede and control. 5. All provisions of the Agreement, including Modification One, and any attachments or exhibits thereto, not amended by or in conflict with this Modification, remain in full force and effect. cv The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank. cv CD 0 CL Page 2 Packet Pg. 1334 • . . C.21.f DOCUSign Envelope ID:3FE1C142-4E75-4114-37B9-2F27F5314FlA STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FEDERALLY FUNDED SU GRANT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by signature below,the Parties agree to abide by the terms,conditions and provisions of the Agreement, as modified, This Modification shall be effective on the date last executed by the Parties. SUBRECIPIENT STATE OF FLORIDA 1 NR .BOUNTY, FLO IDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY N UJI By, _,_. gr ure} _ E I<vrd J I ur � Debbie Smiley,Chief {Print/Type Marne ant- n Title Her ) Bureau of Economic Self-Sufficiency Division of Community Development tt'ZaIZoIy 0. Crate: _- __ � � � Date: :5 59-6000749 . — Approved as to form and legal c14 CD Federal Identification Number sufficiency,subject only to full and proper execution by the Parties. 0738,76757_ DUNS Number Office of the General Counsel Department of Economic Opportunity 17WX-OG-11-64 C11-039 Agreement Number CL Approved Date. A CNil E EC! a .PEDRC► , MERCADO r TJ ,�SSIS ANT .. J SMJ V-� p✓�.Vy £F' Page 3 Packet Pg. 1335 aCOunr� $ Kevin Mad®k, CPA �. •��'� Clerk f — q���. o the Circuit Court& Comptroller Monroe County, Florida DATE: February 28, 2019 TO: Sheryl Graham, Director Social Services ATTN: Lourdes Francis FROM: Pamela G. Han o D.C. 0) SUBJECT: February 20'BOCC Meetings P Enclosed are six duplicate originals of each of die following items, executed on behalf of Monroe County, for your handling: .0 C4 Amendment No. 001 to Contract No.AA-1929, Older Americans Act(OAA) between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services/In-Home Services and Nutrition Programs for die contract period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, to increase the Nutrition Services Incentive Program allocation with recurring funding by$8,250.43. This amendment changes the total OAA Contract funding of$687,364.98 to $695,615.41. c C5 Modification No. 3 to Federally Funded Subgrant Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) c gr Agreement 17WX-OG11-54-01-039 between the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services to increase funding by$21,659.00, bringing the total WAP allocation from $316,302.91 to $337,961.91. CL Please be sure to return a fully executed, duplicate original, of each of the above once signed by the state. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(305) 292- 3550. Thank you. cc: County Attorney Finance File KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY PK/ROTH BUILDING 560 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 Plan 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305- Pac�P91336 DocuSign Envelope ID:0016FF60-588E 4574 8D8D 3F6413FF36D6 6L Full ORIGINAL r ii� MODIFICATION NUMBER THREE TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE Execut FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY Vu WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA CFDA Number(s):81.042,93.568 Agreement Number:17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 THIS MODIFICATION Number Three is entered into by the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity,with headquarters in Tallahassee,Florida,hereinafter referred to as"DEO,"and Monroe,County, Florida, N hereinafter referred to as Subrecipient" (each individually a Party' "and collectively the Parties ). cv WHEREAS,DEO and Subrecipient have entered into Agreement Number 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039,as previously amended, in which DEO awarded Subrecipient Three Hundred Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred Two Dollars and Ninety-One Cents($316,302.91);and WHEREAS,Paragraph(8)of the Agreement provides that modification of the Agreement shall be in writing,on DEO-approved forms,as applicable,and duly signed by the Parties thereto; and WHEREAS, additional funds have become available to increase the amount of the funding granted to Subrecipient. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the Parties contained herein,the Parties agree ca to the following: M CD 1. Subparagraph(4)(a), FUNDING/CONSIDERATION, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the 0 following: (a) This is a cost-reimbursement agreement. DEO awards Subrecipient Three Hundred Thirty-Seven 0 Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-One Dollars and Ninety-One Cents($337,961.91), subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, availability of funds and appropriate budget authority; however, Subrecipient may incur costs and r® submit for reimbursement only up to the Total (Revised) Funds Released dollar amount listed in Subrecipient's most T_ CL recently DEO-issued Notice of Fund Availability (NFA). Each such NFA, and any attachments thereto, duly issued to Subrecipient by DEO, including, but not limited to its special terms, conditions, and instructions, is incorporated into the Agreement by reference." 2. Attachment A,Scope of Work,Section VII., Deliverable 1,is hereby amended to read as follows: _ Deliverable 1 Minimum Level Performance Certification that Subrecipient operated during At a minimum,Subrecipient shall have its office its regular business hours as identified in open for business,with the entrance door open Attachment G,Warranties and Representations, to the public,and at least one employee on-site 1 to include expenses for Administration Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 ! [Administration costs not to exceed$16,898.10 PM (5%of Total Modified WAP Allocation award j E amount)],Program Support,Technical and Page 1 Packet Pg. 1337 ' • � C.21.m DocuSign Envelope ID:001BFF60S88E-4574-8D8D-3F6413FF36D6 Training Assistance,Single Audit,and Liability I Insurance. 1 3. To the extent there is any conflict between the provisions of this Modification, including any attachments and exhibits thereto,and the provisions of the Agreement,including any attachments and exhibits thereto,the provisions of this Modification shall supersede and control. 4. All provisions of the Agreement,including Modification One and Two,and any attachments orexhibits thereto, not amended by or in conflict with this Modification,remain in full force and effect. N The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank. m m m E U r� 2 M U a m E U Page 2 Packet Pg. 1338 ' '• � C.21.m DocuSign Envelope ID:001BFF60588E-4574-BD6D-3F6413FF36D6 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by signature below,the Parties agree to abide by the terms,conditions and provisions of the Agreement,as modified.This Modification shall be effective on the date last executed by the Parties. SUBRECIPIENT STATE OF FLORIDA 4ae) NTY,FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY N 9;A' By: m n SriG r,S�Li�uf 6 f Pebblemiley, %hief (print/Type Name and Tit a Here) 01P D' t E 2 0 711 5 (l Q' Date: � 0 Date: s� 59-6000749 Approved as to form and legal Federal Identification Number sufficiency,subject only to full.and proper execution by the Parties. o 073876757 U DUNS Number Office of the General Counsel Department of is Opportunity 17,WX:,6'(171=-54.41-039 Agreement;Numb r Approve Date: 31N /9 . Ail i EL'!Id 09:,CLERK o, E DEP TY CLERK c)Irr, _ r r -'!D V n::X! u�e MO E COUNTY TTOIRN = r� P ED AS PEDRO J. RCA DO ASSISTANT C 2S Page 3 Packet Pg. 1339 �1����,{{{••`•a' ` C.21.n V:yyMCW046• Aevin Madok, cPA ' Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller—Monroe County, Florida DATE: July 26, 2019 TO: Sheryl Graham, Director Social Services ATPN: Lourdes Francis N FROM: Pamela G. Hanco*.C. SUBJECT: July 17'BOCC Meeting Enclosed are six duplicate originals of die following items, executed on belialf of Monroe County, for your liandling: C13 3rd Amendment to Contract No. AA-1929, Older Americans Act(OAA) between the Alliance for Aging, Inc., and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services/In-Home Services and Nutrition Programs for die contract period of January 1, 2019 dirougli December 31, 2019, to increase funding by $30,610.45. This amendment clianges the total OAA Contract funding of$695,615.38 to $726,225.83. 0 C16 4di Modification to Federally Funded Subgrant Weadierization Assistance Program (WAP) Agreement 17WX-0G-11-54-01-039 between the State of Florida, Department of °,t-_ Economic Opportunity and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services to increase funding by$113,830.00,bringing the total WAP allocation from $337,961.91 to $451,791.91. Please be sure to return a fully executed duplicate original to me once signed by die state. CL Sliould you liave any questions, please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550. cc: County Attorney Finance File KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY PK/ROTH BUILDING 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305- Packet Pg. 1340 DocuSign Envelope ID:7CB48B67-56EE-4F39-819F-85982DBDE593 O "INA1 'K MODIFICATION NUMBER FOUR TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ��l�� WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA Executed CFDA Number(s):81.042,93.568 Agreement Number: 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 FLAIR Contract Number: E1982 THIS MODIFICATION Number Four is entered into by the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity,with headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida, hereinafter referred to as"DEO,"and Monroe County,Florida, hereinafter referred to as "Subrecipient" (each individually a "Party"and collectively"the Parties"). WHEREAS,DEO and Subrecipient have entered into Agreement Number 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039,as previously amended, in which DEO awarded Subrecipient Three Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-One Dollars and Ninety-One Cents($337,961.91);and WHEREAS,Paragraph(8)of the Agreement provides that modification of the Agreement shall be in writing,on DEO-approved forms,as applicable,and duly signed by the Parties thereto;and 0 WHEREAS, additional funds have become available to increase the amount of the funding granted to Subrecipient. 0 NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the Parties contained herein,the Parties agree to the following: 1. Subparagraph(4)(a), FUNDING/CONSIDERATION, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the r� following: CL (a)This is a cost-reimbursement agreement. DEO awards Subrecipient Four Hundred Fifty-One Thousand C Seven Hundred Ninety-One Dollars and Ninety-One Cents($451,791.91),subject to the terms and conditions of this m Agreement,availability of funds and appropriate budget authority;however,Subrecipient may incur costs and submit o for reimbursement only up to the Total(Revised)Funds Released dollar amount listed in Subrecipient's most recently DEO-issued Notice of Fund Availability(NFA).Each such NFA,and any attachments thereto,duly issued to Subrecipient by DEO,including, but not limited to its special terms,conditions,and instructions,is incorporated into the Agreement by reference. Page 1 Packet Pg. 1341 C.21.n • DocuSign Envelope ID:7CB48667-56EE-4F39-819F-85982DBDE593 2. Attachment A,Scope of Work,Section VII.,Deliverable 1, is hereby amended to read as follows: Deliverable 1 Minimum Level Performance Certification that Subrecipient operated during At a minimum,Subrecipient shall have its office its regular business hours as identified in open for business,with the entrance door open Attachment G,Warranties and Representations, to the public, and at least one employee on-site to include expenses for Administration Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 [Administration costs not to exceed$22,589.60 PM (5%of Total Modified WAP Allocation award amount)],Program Support,Technical and Training Assistance,Single Audit,and Liability Insurance. cv cv 3. To the extent there is any conflict between the provisions of this Modification, including any attachments and exhibits thereto,and the provisions of the Agreement, including any attachments and exhibits thereto,the provisions of this Modification shall supersede and control. ns 4. All provisions of the Agreement,including Modification One,Two,and Three,and any attachments or exhibits thereto, not amended by or in conflict with this Modification, remain in full force and effect. ns The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank. ns 0 r. CL ns Page 2 Packet Pg. 1342 T DocuSign Envelope ID:7CB48B67-56EE-4F39-819F-85982DBDE593 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by signature below,the Parties agree to abide by the terms,conditions and provisions of the Agreement,as modified.This Modification shall be effective on the date last executed by the Parties. SUBRECIPIENT STATE OF FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY,FL DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY N By- By: (Sign re) i TO �pC_. Brian McManus,Chief of Staff (Pri tri /Type Name and file Here) Department of Economic Opportunity 2 Date:_<L7Z ,_.___� Date: ns 59-6000749 Approved as to form and legal Federal Identification Number sufficiency,subject only to full and proper execution by the Parties. 073876757 DUNS Number Office of the General Counsel Department of Economic Opportunity 17 W X-OG-11-54-01-039 ent Number ti t Approved Date: IN M Da ,CLlER6t CD .. ^ter �? EPUTY CLEPM C1 � G ~Q�NM(I�l GOU y 7 O C> ROE COU TTOHNEY P ED PEDROJ ERCADO N 9 ASSISTANT UNTY C✓ri D. _ 1 Page 3 Packet Pg. 1343 . Kevin Madok, cPA 21 a •�' Clerk f the Circuit Court& Comptroller—Monroe County, Florida Cle o e C cu p my, DATE; June 2, 2020 TO: Sheryl Graham, Director Social Services ATTN: Lourdes Francis N FROM: Pamela G. Hanc ck . SUBJFLT: April 15' BOCC Meeting Enclosed are six duplicate originals of die following item, executed on belialf of Monroe County, for your Dandling: D24 5tlr Modification to Federally Funded Subgrant Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Agreement No. 17WX-OG-11-54-01-039 between the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and Monroe County Board of County Comnnissioners/Monroe County Social Services to increase funding by $27,133.00, bringing die total WAP allocation from LO $451,791.91 to $478,924.91 for the period of April 1, 2017 through September 30,2020. CD Please be sure to return a fully executed duplicate original to our office once signed by the state. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550. 0 CL cc: County Attorney Finance File KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY PKIROTH BUILDING 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation trey,Florida 33070 Plantation Key,Florida 33utu 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305- Packet Pg. 1344 Docuftn Ema W ID:EF3Ac7AF-EBA1.47E8.8717-3D73FBE11127 DocuSlgn Envelope ID,B1A0B0F"518-44F5Q663-VBE181EC0W MODIFICATION NUMBER FIVE TO AGREEMENT SETt,I1fEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT Of ECDNOMiC dPPORTt1NfPl RO ORIGINAL WEATHERI%ATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA CFDA Number(s):91.042,93.568 Agreement Number;17WX-0G-11-54-01-039 FLAIR Contract Number:E1982 TH15 MODIFICATION Number Five is entered into by the State of Florida,Department of Economic 0p port unity, with headquarters In Tallahassee, Florida,hereinafter referred to as"DEO,"and Monroe County,Florida,hereinafter referred to as"5ubrecipient"(each individually a"Party'and collectively"the Parties"). N WHEREAS,DEO and Subrecipient have entered into Agreement Number 17WX-OG-11 54-01-039,as previously cv amended,in which DEO awarded 5ubreciplent Fora Hundred Fifty-One Thousand Seven Hundmd Ninety-One Dollars � and Ilfinety-One Cents($451,791.91);and WHEREAS,Paragraph(8)of the Agreement provides that modification of the Agreement shall be in writing,on DEO-approved forms,as applicable,and duty signed by the Parties thereto;and WHEREAS, additional funds have become available to increase the amount of the funding granted to 5ubrecipient. NOW,THEREFORE,In consideration of the mutual promises of the Parties contained herein,the Parties agree to the following: 1. Subparagraph(4)(a),IF I,INDINGiGONSIDERATiON,Is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the , following: (a) This is a cost-reimbursement agreement. DEO awards 5ubrecipient Four Hundred 5eventyril:lght Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-Four Oallars and Nfnety-One Cents ($478,924.91), subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,availability of funds and appropriate budget authority;however,5ubrecipient may incur costs and submit for reimbursement only up to the Total (Revised) Funds Released dollar amount listed in 5ubrecipient's most recently DEO-issued Notice of Fund Availability (NFA), Each such NFA, and any attachments thereto,duly Issued to 5ubrecipient by DEO,including,but net limited to its special terms,conditions,and instructions, CL is incorporated into the Agreement by reference. 2. Attachment A,Scope of Work,Section VI I.,Deliverable 1,Is hereby amended to read as follows: Deliverable) Minimum Level Performance ...... _........_.._ — . ... Certification that 5ubrecipient operated during ; At a minimum,5ubreciplent shall have Its office its regular business hours as Iderrtified in open for business,with the entrance door open Attachment G,Warranties and Representations, to the public,and at least one employee on-site to Include expenses for Administration Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5100 [Administration costs not to exceed$23.94 AS PM (S%of Total Modified WAP Allocation award amount)].Program Support,Technical and - -- Page 1 A Packet Pg. 1345 DoouSigIh Emrelope ID:EF3AC7AF-ESA1-47E8-8717-3D73FBE11127 0=:u pr►EmvOe ID:61ADSOFA-8S18-44F8-M3•DOE181 ECOM9 Training Assistance,Single Audit,and Liability I Insurance. 3. To the extent there is any conflict between the provisions of this Modification,including any attachments and exhibits thereto,and the provisions of the Agreement,Including any attachments and exhibits thereto,the provisions of this Modification shall supersede and control. 4. All provisions of the Agreement,including any attachments or exhibits thereto, not amended by or in conflict with this Modification,remaln in full force and effect. cv cv The remainder of this page is h7tentlonally left blank. LO CD r- CL Page 2 Packet Pg. 1346 DocuSipn Envaiopv ID:EFMC7AF-E8A1-47E&8717-3D73F6E11127 Dm*n Envelope IM aIADBOFA-a518-"F945a3-DBE1aIECOA69 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF,by signature below,the Parties agree to abide by the terms,conditions and provisions of the Agreement,as modified.This Modification shall be effective on the date last executed by the Parties. SUBRECIPIENT STATE OF FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY N daceefpMtd pr: r BY: _ By: {Slgnatur { d-��Gv LAvr.t a-V5 ���•" Brian McManus,Chief of Staff (PrintlType Name and Title Here) Department of Economic Opportunity r rr�yfl Date: Date: 7/6/2020 �..- 59—WOD749 Approved as to form and legal Federal Identification Number sufficiency,subject only to full and proper execution by the Parties. e CD t773876757 DUNS Number Off Ice of the General Counsel Department of Economic Opportunity 7 7WX-pG-11=W-0 :09 oanAbmd W. � Agreement NumberSBR.Y�I�. �S Approved Date.- 7/2/2D20 r. (SEAL) r ds I~F!'LTY CLERK �— r� E GO ATTOFINEY w CD A lm - ,) rn ATTt3 'AM CD {� CO L3 Dste Page 3 Packet Pg. 1347 Kevin Madok, cPA Clerk of the Circuit Court&Comptroller—Monroe County, Flonda DATE. December 14, 2020 TO: Slieryl Gtaliam, Director Social Services A'TTN: Lourdes Francis,Administrator cv FROM: Pamela G. Han c C. SUBJECT: October 21"SOCC Meeting Enclosed are two duplicate originals of die following item,executed on belialf of Monroe County,for your handling- C47 6di Modification to Federally Funded Subgrant Weadierization Assistance Program (WAP) Agreement No. 17NVX-OG11-54-01-039 between die State of Florida, Departnentof0. Economic Opportunity and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services to increase funding by$83,339.00; bringing the total WAP allocation from °'"78 924.91 to $562,263.91; and to extend the contract period by one year,for a contract period w� ❑, of April 1, 2017 dn-ougli September 30, 2021. Please be sure to return a fully executed original once signed by die state. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (305) 292-3550. E4. d110 2p21 CL ........... CC., County Attorney Finance File KEY WEST MMMATHCN PLANTATION KEY PKIROTH BUILDING 500Wh tebead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Rorida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key,Fiorida 33070 Plantation Key,Rarida 33070 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305_ Packet Pg. 1348 i C.21.p DocuSign Envelope ID:22B13D22-7830-44E5-B489-CA3D8F13FFD4 DOCu51gn Envelope ID:22B13D22-783 E5-B489-CA3D8f13FFD4 MODIFICATION NUMBER SIX TO AGREEMENTTHE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT F ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND NE COUNTY,FLORIDA CFDA Number(s):81.042,93.568 Agreement Number:17 X-OG-11- -01-039 FLAIR Contract Number:E192 THIS MODIFICATION Number Six is entered Into by the State of Florida,Department of Economic Opportunity, with headquarters in Tallahassee,Florida,hereinafter referred to as"DEO,"and Monroe County,Florida,hereinafter referred to as"Subrecipient"(each individually a "Party"and collectively"the Parties"). WHEREAS,DEO and Subreciplent have entered Into Agreement Number 17X-OG-11-54-01-039,as previously amended, in which DEO awarded Subreciplent Four Hundred Seventy Eight 1"housand Nine Hundred en Four Dollars and Ninety One Cents( ,9 .91);and WHEREAS,Paragraph(8)of the Agreement provides that modification of the Agreement shall be in writing,on 2 DEO-approved forms,as applicable,and duly signed by the Parties thereto;and WHEREAS, additional funds have become available to increase the amount of the funding granted to Subreciplent. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises of the Parties contained herein,the Parties agree to the following: cg 1. Paragraph(3)PERIOD OF AGREEMENT is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "The Agreement period begins on April 1,2017,and ends on March 31,2021,unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement,including,but not limited to, Paragraph(15),TERMINATION,of this Agreement.For avoidance of all doubt,notwithstanding anything else herein,Including,but not limited to Exhibit 1- A,FUNDING SOURCES the subaard period of performance starts April 1,2017 and ends March 31,2021." r. 2. Subparagraph(4)(a),FUDtNGtCO51DERATION is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the r- following: (a)This is a cost-reimbursement agreement. DEO awards Subreciplent Five HundredsixtyTwo Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Three Dollars and Ninety One Cents($562,26 . 1), subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,availability of funds and appropriate budget authority;however,Subreciplent may Incur costs and submit for reimbursement only up to the Total(Revised)Funds Released dollar amount listed in Subrecipient's most recently DEO-Issued Notice of Fund Availability( FA).Each such NFA,and any attachments thereto,duly issued to Subreciplent by DEO, including,but not limited to Its special terms,conditions,and instructions,is Incorporated Into the Agreement by reference." 4 Page 1 Packet Pg. 1349 C.21.p DocuSign Envelope ID:22B13D22-7830-44E5-B489-CA3D8F13FFD4 DocuSign Envelope ID:22B13D22-7830.44E5-B489-CA3DBF13FFD4 3. Attachment A, Scope of Work, Subparagraph I.B. is hereby deleted In its entirety and replaced with the following: "Subrecipient shall provide weatherization services at the annually approved Department of Energy Average Cost Per Unit(ACPU).The ACPU is a sum of labor cost,material cost,and program support cost.The ACPU and Health and Safety Cost limits may vary with funding received from U.S.Health and Human Services through LIHEAP grants in support of WAP.The Health and Safety Cost is a percentage of the ACPU as approved by DOE." DEO will inform the Subrecipient of the limits prior to the beginning of each program year,as set forth by DOE.This will ensure Subrecipient does not exceed the ACPU. cv 4. Attachment A,Scope of Work,Section VII.,Deliverable 1,is hereby amended to read as follows: Deliverable 1 _ Minimum Level Performance Certification that Subrecipient operated during At a minimum,Subrecipient shall have fts office its regular business hours as identified in open for business,with the entrance door open Attachment G,Warranties and Representations, to the public,and at least one employee on-site to Include expenses for Administration Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 (Administration costs not to exceed$28,113.20 PM (5%of Total Modred WAP Allocation award o amount)),Program Support,Technical and Training Assistance,Single Audit,and Liability Insurance. u0 CD 5. To the extent there is any conflict between the provisions of this Modification,including any attachments and exhibits thereto,and the provisions of the Agreement,including any attachments and exhibits thereto,the provisions of this Modification shall supersede and control. 6. All provisions of the Agreement,Including any attachments or exhibits thereto,not amended by or in conflict 0 with this Modification,remain in full force and effect. r�. CL The remainder of this page Is intentionally left blank. nz Page 2 Packet Pg. 1350 C.21.p DocuSign Envelope ID:22B13D22-7830-44E5-B489-CA3D8F13FFD4 DocuSign Envelope ID:22B13D22-783 E5-B489-CA3DBF13FFD4 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT F ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FEDERALLY FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF,by signature below,the Parties agree to abide by the terms,conditions and provisions of the Agreement,as modified.This Modification shall be effective on September 30,2020. SUBRECIPIENT STATE OF FLORIDA ONROE COUN FL DA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 000usigned by: tV By: ._ BY .w. � (Signature. a, Dane Eagle, Executive Director Mayor Heather Carruthers _ Brlarr�ifcMarrQs,Cht aff (Print/Type Name and Title Here) Department of Economic Opportunity W Date: � �{n e p �. ,. 2/9/2021 a. Date:.. �. _ :5 59-6000749 Approved as to form and legal Federal Identification Number sufficiency,subject only to full and proper execution by the Parties. 073876757 DUNS Number Office of the General Counsel Department of Economic Opportunity 17 WX-OG-11-54-01-039 Docusigned by: Agreement Number �I _ � S By Approved Date: 2/1/2021 NF1OE F OR N P O ASS10 De 20 O' p Y Y s ' f� �.«�� �i�� ?,�m,tP to Page 3 -. CoN�ii•. Packet Pg. 1351