Item K08 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: March 21, 2001 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No XX Department: Comm. Nora Williams AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to appoint a citizen committee to create a list of "trouble spots" in the County Code, Section 9.5, that they feel need to be addressed as we pursue our goal to clarify and simplify County Code. This Committee would be formed often individuals, two appointments from each County Commissioner, and would not require staff guidance (one of the important elements of this to see what parts of our Code are incomprehensible to the layman). A staff member will need to sit in at the first meeting to clarify our purpose. (This idea emerged from discussions with the Key Largo Chamber of Commerce Board, but I think it serves a county-wide interest!) Those appointments would be made at the next Commission meeting. The job of this committee would be very specific and would have a sunset date specified herein. This "County Code Committee" would have six months from the date its members are approved by this commission to work their way through the Monroe County Code and subsequently make a presentation to this Board. That presentation would consist of: 1) a list of sections that the Committee felt were antiquated - with reason why stated, 2) a list of sections that the Committee felt needed to be deleted - with reason why stated~ 3) a list of sections that the Committee felt needed to be signifiicantly revised _ with cause for revision fully specified. Minutes, comments and updates will be submitted by the Citizen Committee to the Director of Growth Management and members of the BOCC. The Committee's full recommendations would be made at the September meeting of the BOCC. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: On the list of BOCC Goals for the year 2001 is the following: Q) Update and simplify, to the extent possible, County Codes. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No XX COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ (levltL ! j)~ffJ;/l~~~ (TYPE NAME HERE) DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included XX To Follow_ Not Required_ AGENDA ITEM #J -flr DISPOSITION: Revised 2/27/01 .' " Chapter 9.5 LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS* Art. I. Art. II. In General, ** 9.5-1-9.5-20 Decision-Making and Administrative Bodies, ** 9.5-21- 9.5-40 Development Review, ** 9.5-41-9.5-110 Div. ] Generally. ~~ 9.5-4] -9.5-54 Di\") Development as of Right, Ss 9.5-55---9.5-60 Div. 3. Conditional Uses, SS 9.5-6]--9.5-80 Div. 4. Plat Approval, SS 9.5-81~9.5-100 Art. III. *Editor's note-The count.y's land development regulations, volume III of the comprehensive plan, were adopted Feb. 28, 1986, and became effective Sept. ]5. 1986. The regulations were confirmed by Ord. No. 33-1986, and it is this ordinance cited in the history note accompanying each section. Included in the history note is the section number of t.he regulations which serves as the source of the Code section. The t.able immediately following this chapter contains the sections of the regulat.ions and their disposit.ion in this chapter. Amendatory provisions will also be included in this table. The basic order of the regulations has been retained. Chapters 1-3 of t.he regulations have been included as art.. I of this chapt.er, with chs. 4-15 being included as art.s. II~XIII. In those chapters cont.aining divisions, t.he division designat.ion has been retained in the parallel article of this chapt.er. The regulations were extensively modified by Ord. No. 40-1987. The county has provided annotations explaining the intent and effect of the amendments. These annotations have been included following the affected section. The regulations were also extensively amended by Ord. Nos. 19-1989 and 21-1989 as well as Rule 28-20.023 of the state department of community affairs, effective Oct.. 19, 1989. The history note will give the number of the amendment effected by Ord. Nos. 19-1989 and 21-1989, and an editor's note will give the necessary information regarding the DCA changes. Sections 1-3 of Ord. No. 13-1991 read as follows: "Section I. No application for an alteration of the Monroe County land use map designation (rezoning) shall be accepted by the Planning Depart.ment or scheduled for consideration by either the Planning Commission or Board of County Com- missioners until such time as the comprehensive land use plan transmitted to the state land planning agency on February 4, 1991 or a modified version thereof becomes effective." "Section 2. The ordinance shall supersede any contrary provision in Chapter 9..5, Monroe County Code, until such time as this ordinance shall no longer be of any force and effect." "Sectioll :J. This ordinance shall no longer be of any force and effect and shall staud repealed when the Monroe County comprehensive land use plan transmit- t.ed to the state land planning agency on February 4, 1991 becomes effective." Cross refel'ences-Land acquisition program, ch. 9.3; miscellaneolls land de"elo/lment regulations. ch. ] 9. Supp No. GR 771 o i\". 5. Development Agreement Authorization, ** 9.5-101, 9.5- 110 Building Permits, ~~ 9.5-111-9.5-140 Di,'. 1. Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy, ** 9.5- 111--9.5-124 Di\". 1.5. Rate of Growt.h Ordinance, ** fJ.5-120--9.5-140 Nonconformities, ~~ 9.5-141-9.5-160 Protection of Landowners' Rights, *~ 9.5-161-9.5-200 o i\". 1. GeneraJJy, ** 9.5-]6].~9.5-]70 Di\". 2. Beneficial Use, ** 9.5-17], 9.5-]80 Div. 3. Vested Rights, ** 9.5-]81--9.5-200 Land Use Districts, ~* 9.5-201-9.5-450 Div. 1. Generally, ** 9.5-201-9.5-230 Di\". 2. Permitted Uses, ** 9.5-23]-9.5-260 Di,'. 3. Land Use Intensities, ** 9.5-261-9.5-280 Di,'. 4. Bulk Regulations, ** 9.5-281-9.5-290 Di,'. 5. Development Standards, ** 9.5-291-9.5-314 Di,'. 6. Floodplain Management Standards, *s 9.5-315-9.5-324 Div. 7. Energy and Water Conservation Standards, *s 9.5-325- 9.5-334 Di\". 8. Environmental Standards, ** 9.5-335-9.5-350 Div. 9. Parking and Loading Standards, ** 9.5-351-9.5-360 Di,'. 10. Landscaping, ** 9.5-361-9.5-374 Di\". 11. Scenic Corridor and Buffer-yards, ** 9.5-375-9.5-390 Div. 12. Outdoor Lighting, ** 9.5-391-9.5-400 Div. 13. Signs, SS 9.5-401-9.5-420 Di\". 14. Access Standards, SS 9.5-421-9.5-430 Di\". 15. Resource Extraction, S* 9.5-431-9.5-434 Di\". 16. Wireless Communications Facilities, SS 9.5-434.1-9.5- 450 Archaeological, Historical or Cultural Landmarks, ~* 9.5- 451-9.5-470 Div. 1. Generally, S* 9.5-451-9.5-460 Di\". 2. Assessed Value Exemption for Improvements, SS 9.5-461- 9.5-470 Areas of Critical County Concern, *~ 9.5-471-9.5-489 Impact Fees, ** 9.5-490-9.5-510 Amendments, ~* 9.5-511-9.5-520 Appeals from Administrative Actions, ~* 9.5-521-9.5-530 Enforcement Proceedings and Penalties, ~* 9.5-531-9.5- 534 Art. XIV. Hearing Officer Appellate Article, ** 9.5-535-9.5-542 Appendix A. Impact Fee Subdistricts Art. IV. Art. V. Art. VI. Art. VII. Art. VIII. Art. IX. Art. X. Art. XI. Art. XII. Art. XIII. SlIpp. No GS .:5 " MONROE COUNTY CODE 772