Item F2
BOCC; E'TI Henrlritk; Tim McGarry: Jim Robert!:
Karen K. Cabanas
March 21
V iCltian R~nt=h
NeulDonl (Fcdtnl1 Ciai:i Attii>il',' - fede-ml das5 -ad:lon Cl'l<:e al1elrir!l! vacation rental ord:na.l"ce
. ~ -
was pre..rnllT1.Jl'ely enfor~ed <uul is au \.wcoHstitutional t:ll-' of plcintiff~' properties The
&: 11..... ' t' II h h td - . -', "~'" ""' .'.-- ___L:,'.~~ J!'.~- ~..~-^_. ...i'!......... ..
.0 iv\l\tmg mo.!ons \111__ _e . elil on APlh 1-' . \-h..~:Y'illVUVi.lo3 4V. ;;........,.......j l"'''''t;..,'_!L en
L .~~ __ ~.&'. ....... . vI ' t'ffi" t- . '..'. . ..' ,- - ,-.,~!:,-! ,--~",~,._~~~,..! ;~ ",......i
prenICl.~UH:; .:;,.. .il!n.!......s monoo .or SlJIDmary juugIIleAll UU u..".......u .....;"'.............,. ~.a..i.. ""'"
Monroe County's motion for mrra"D(U"'{ judgment on var!ous countS based on lipeile~ (mu;s.i ;;;~~k
tal'.ing dmms l!l state court oefi'lf€: federa.l). res judicata (based on 3,J DCA's denial of motion IQf
st~y in R.ath.l(amp) and abstention (ferk!"a! courts should abstain from exercising jurisdiction over
consutui.iuuiil claim, ba~d purely en ~Heged. state l~w viohrtiom) ($30,741.75 as ofFcbru:....y 28,
_ , '.' . Lit - - ...... Ln' - loA
lunate _ Ve\;lcliiiWJ, iJ,\;Uvii c...< vscat!on rental reC'-H!!nOm; 8!!egi"e tHat r etitionef red...w
on eyj!;t!ng zopjng and that vaciltluf1 rental U~ ofthdr prcp.:rt'j should ~..!!.Ye been grandfatb~ed
based on occupationalticenses Monroe county hits filcJ a motiou to;; because F!orida h~XJ
holds lhi:ll there is no. right to rely on existing z.onine and ()ccupiltiomilli~ii5es do ..ot ccri':.:r :my
pn~perty right~; th~y ~Ie lTIeiely a tax. (5468.00 as ofFebfl.1&y .z~, )001).
Takin2S Claim!
New ru.'i Li.gv - State "physicr:..t occupatkrn" tair-Jngs d!!im that had been remanded back to state
W1,lt1 when federal d4WU5 wer~ disn!i;;scd C~~e been bifurc2I~ to <:enar1!.telv decide issues of
. 10 ... --
I" '_'j' .' , ,'~ . -' .11'" ~ .. _,Ie
.13.0'~:ty ana (iam8ee~ Lross-mOU(,in~ ,i\;i 5liui.il1a1j Ju..grn.cnt .......-.... be h~ard ~~prH Y-' lV!onroe
County's motion is based on statute oflimitarions (federal wuil digilsiss~d thi~ d...irn. "v!t...icut reT.zL'!d
!!nd QVe! fc:Hif years have passed, barring filing oftj\js ciaimj ($9,862,00 as (,irF(;hIU~IY 2&,20(1).
Sh.,:"k 0 T(l},l;"'lgs dci.!!1 for -;70 acres ofNllrth Key Largo property based on the 1980"s MaJIJr
Dt:yduflr(i.~ut !vluratcriul'!i" Tria! wa~ held Febrm~ry 2L 22 and March 13, Post-trial briets and
.... .. .
proposea [mdings lit;,; i.U b;; fil",d by Milich 26'" 3nd Judge Garcia wi!! then make his ruling as to
!iabilitvJ. IfMol!l'"e County is fOUA-ID uliolt;, the ~v"d ubase cftrial '.vin b~ set to t:QrrdUN a hlrV trial
" r . .,l ",'
on dw-na~es - potenn:illy reachi.11g $5 to 6 million. ($133,469.74 a.s vfF";;biLi~i 28,2(01).
j ropic ~un~ 'Ri;\:ic.uGii T~.kinr:s c!mffis reQ:ard!!'~ ~ronertv,.- on U!1!Jer Matec-umbc in which
_ -...... ......... ~~
plaintiffs claim they were deuied buildi.,g p~rm~t~ fer n~w construction Piaintiffg h1!.vi: filed suit
agal..'lst Isla.!'Oorada and Monroe County;e peuuitti..& requests ncga."'l prior to !!1{:orpor~tion
Monree County "vill1ikely file motion for sununary judgmeni. :;iiiC~ the m.ajuri~i cfPl:lintiff'~. dcims
occurr<:J Subsequent to incorporation. ($2663.0U 8$ of Fehruw""Y 2&,20(1).
~. ~
-.--'-- ,.---.-
. , .......J ,,~. 1\' , r. '1' - -' h' t. lo.. 1..1 1...
reqwft:lI1Cii1.:i dUu .Lr.uangcrr:... ..~ct), ~'1y o!a!:lu,ty cre~ten --'1 tnese reg-illatiOnS suOu.......e
borne by the agencies clUil5Cd with enforcing those r:;g-Jlations, Crc<;<;-mO!i(ln~ for SIII!LmaIY
judgment are scheduled to be ne.aTrl May 1 lih. ($5,267.00 as ofFcbrufu"Y 22. 2001)
Giineuli n.y -l\:tition fer Cerhcrari rev!e'w of"RQCC' c; decision to deny vested rights application.
Monroe Coun~y moo it~ res~vnoi-.c ple~ding. No hca.";..'lg hl!s been S1"'; c~s~ has been iniiisferroo to
lower kc-iS di....ision. ($2,480.00 as (If FehliiAi)' 28. 2C(1)(do~;; include prior Galleon Bav
AmorUlit: _ D~;;~,"a.~vrJ' actlcn ~~ai.Ti1~g vest~d rigms unlit'!" ~38005(18) based on fili."1~ of
sub4!v!sioJ1 rialS. Judge PaYll~ i~~uoo vide. gr~"lting S'.liT.m::l.., judgm~nt in f~vor of Plaintiffs
Mor..roe County, DCA..., and Islilmorada appealed thai. wile[ to th~ Third Di:;t..-ict C()urt ()fAppe~!s.
The appellate court granted Plaintiffs' MotIon to I)jsrru:;s for Lack of julisdi~tiun ba&~ on the
a~c;e"ion that it js a non-final oide. and not appealable at t}1js stage of proceeclings. i ne par~~ wt:ic
crd~rd by Judge P~yne TO come up with a permitting and purchase plan, A proposed St!ltemellt of
Cvrr.p1i~"lCC wa:; :;ubn-lttd to the GaR'" by the defendants (including MOi"U'oe COU."tt"f), p~ntiffs have
not yet n"sV'J'i.ded tu th~ Dcfcndunt's proposed pbn ($36,6787< lt~ ofFebrmny 28, 200n
PeilH;ilaI W~ten:raft I~d~~try- A!!!H::, - Compiaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief
alleging wal.t;;.If...laf~ f~i)trictioll zones Ordin:mce are \!ncansti.tu!:ion~i noder com..tnefce clause and
supremac.y ('.l:m~e. The Honda. h:E,I:.iatufe i/;j,>>;;;d a... amendment to the Fbrida Stannes which
prohIbits all'} loc!.! governmept from discriminating a!;liiii~i pef3vnal watcrcr"-ft. l..cccrding!y, th!:
(}fdinances passed by Mor.roe County are rendered invalid a.nd uneni:or"l;;Qvlt; by thi~ Icgi&Iiition
wh.ich became effl2ll~tive July 1, 2000, Mor..roe County was granted a stay to repeal the cliallengtlu
c:romarlces. :L'1d did ~o MQflIoe COlJnTY ha.'i now filed a Sugge~.ion of Mootness based on the
urdi;:;ance rcpcriling ths ch.2!!enged ardinan("es ($22,35800"s ofFebn.ia.-y 28, 200 I).
YuJiiuit - Complcint for dt'chratmy and i.nj!J~cfi\JB relief 1I1lr;:~ilig commercial ROGO ....iolates
due process. l..'1u.i.llvc Cm.iii.ij has fll~d ;m a.n~".v~r denying $3id all~e~r.ion'! SeH!eI1t~lii
negotiations are !n process b~..w (JJi new cuUli.ii~i cial ROGO pmvi:>icns in ena~tmen! process
Ph...,"" fH !!lY"rlin _ C'i~;m hrm ulht in federal Gourt fiJI' dne nrocess ai1d inverse condem.."1ation based en
;;j;";'i~~~';~~r.t ~;;;~~di,~g';iliat re~u!ted in a lien on Pll\inlirrs' property, Momoe CflUilLY has filed
a motion to ui~lJu::;s, bli~ed Oil r~ain1.iffu.) failure tc prcpe.rly app~j cede e!'ib!cem~nt ord~rs ~.nd
because Plaintiffs; SltI' ciai.rns are stiH P~!!Yll!~ i.... Slate Cuurt. ($859.00 as vfFcbr-uii4-J~ 28.20(1).
f~~!~ti!'!~p~ _ rlA!m f~," rleclHr~torv relief and inverse COndeir'uiation based on code enforcement
:~::::~~:~!:' ~~~~~t!ff-..:~,~~ f.rn!~rl ~~ ,,!nlsninn nfv~rinu~ code ornvisiClH rUt failure to reconstruct or
~__~~~~~~u~:.-_: :<:_~~~~:~ "-_.~~::~-::~-~~~~~~~~.~~-~-~~~~ h'!! ~!~?*~!'~~~ l~J~der 50~/~ PJie; g~io ~t"Jcture could
U\ do iivue_v..uv~"u~,~~ .3uw.,p,..u.~ ~~b""'~ t..~J u~....~......_~..... . , ._ ~. .~
_ '. ~._ .~.._L____~_~_...:tI "!"'L__~__,.__:__!~_~_'";.!":~_--"1!'"}~~__~;~~!'"'!~~~'!"'~~!"!.-!-~'!"l!~!'~l~rI1 Pl~~nhtt~~
not De pernunea AS lL Pii;:Vll,iUlii.Y C;Ai.~."u. .. ilL: '>pl:Ni.iN ......a,.....i ;> ...............0'" n~' ~ ....... "'l't'~-~-= ~ .--.--- -
. _ ~ _ __ _' :: . ~ ~ _ '! ! ~ ~_ _~__ _ "'_~__.!._~L__.. ~,__~, _~_ -T.l.~_-_-fo~_-+""" to"",,-
apphcat!on tor bm!dmg peml.1t was l1eruea ana nOi appeaaeu. .iy'.iUiUUC ,:"v\1iil.,. ~ii;; AU";'; ....u:-'...~..:.v
dismiss for fhilure to exhaust adI1'.inistrat!ve remeches (could have appe!lled bw!ding pemut DenIal to
__ - ..' .t. " '. '. ".\'---- r~_.u.1'4:-dm' -sAI.....A..vm~..Ab..S.....r',,1
p.!ar'~~ing co!!tmlSS10rl) ~11Q res jUrltcata .,C3TU1(JI re-!!L~~..t; Ull;t <<1J WI J~ CLU ~a.u. J lQV."" _' ~"""".a....
~ _-!~=-;~'""'--O-- ~"...A ~~~ ~"""-on="!!t~A)
..I...J..o..3""'''' ItU.l.U .UVIo uJu't'............,-l.
SIEes &. Billboards
..... h-' "'''" 2' .- - - - ~. ,. '~-t'-ii ~'-'-fi1-dt..--b:lIboA...J~......-"~l.~n_~..<t
1"'.ep~.h~~!t. lV!.~Q!!!C_.t~!~oor ~Y5rt'ms - uecmHHory id: ,Jl I 1 UdlJU C Oil III eLl U V n """.3 .............~....
appli....b";l:~l_ ~~ ~~:~~:~=r:::~:~~~~::::!:~:=:~!:;~~~;~:n~~i7:,,~~~~~:~~:~~~:~~~~c~~~~~
pUI~UWU, LV \.fUU~ i_J&;l.u.""I;.iii,:) P.lV1.UUllo:,u6 ~~t'~ ~..;. .U.Lr.u. """\...J'.s.:...:.~...e.~Af) ~~':<,""o:'''''-'''-'''' --"-0--- .....-..1 --'-- -- - 0 := ..
+i."'r ,,"'lie "tin-ft.-no<> rnuniv is lIf>..itinl' ,i.s';uvi:lv lto.lmf:...tli retianli..." ~sting billbo;ord;; omd the..vcrk
1-,,\"-'. wa&1lA . l...._~ii..._,.".._ .....}.. ----~!.c ----,.- - -., J. ..,.... -
t. .. · -.}.. .~ - -rm~t- .I'll"'" 0'7"\ no -~ ...t'ticb.....",. ")8 "'U:v\ n
,nlln !'!!JC:; neen uon~ Wit Jl;JUL PCI Ill:>. '.IHJ,O'k.V .... V' -" .........r oW .... v~J.
.., .~. _.' .,... 'L ~l 1. , ' - -,_. - - .- - ,- ;:on} =-- I"--;"S;O..'" ri.........O.... ""'''mi.." ih""
~!QKY - "'!~tntH'!'! nave Thea tWO St;;}'''1 i'ite l1!'pcai:> 01 C ai11llu~ vVUuu,,, · II.., .............. ....~.. .....0. -
~<>...,;.:; ",f'.",.... "ft....._~h.., +;'M hll;Iri;rH1' rn>rrT"lit~ In for n~comtrnction oftU)ff:h iifHi deck structures and
0)f~f ;~:~~'i;~'~ti~; ~f;~ r~~~~~~~~~..~~~:i~-.,-~;i~:si:~~:::~d~~:i~~~ti~~~:::~~~:: t4:~e :~~=:~;
me l'UmnHi~ "'Oi11alll~~ll,ilJ ~ iwtv..u.m~u_ a;:;. ":' uu, "'~..~ ..:i'~f4.' m.":~',,w~ '-''-'~mJ ~.~. .~...'~.. Q'=..'---
extensIOn or tUJ11j If, liie lti\ an:;-wer briet on "the porch &. tic;,;i\, "V~eill, ($4.840.00 as ufFcbr...ary 28,
.,nn 1 \
... . 'T,- ~ 'n' t ... .~, - '" '''In- - -~ 'd=nt:,._1 .- --rnu1A:_. ~lt>ri b" t>...........I;.. ll"ed;" &
r!rry ~ t!"~~y L~rg(l) - _leCI!lT!! ory "cun.. n J lLJSL I "'. II,.;/:IJ LV ,",V 10 ~Q.&lll Ul..u 'f ~"'''p'''''''''''' in .u
1"\"..,",,,,,.. <;"'<*0""'''' ,..h"jjp."~!,\O p,,~t_Hm"ri!'~!'!p Fm@:rp'~!'!€:v Permhtim~ Poiicv and it's !i.(Jo!iciition to
~~~~~~~ _ta.l J ;"::::___~.:=~~~-:~:+~~__:-~:~~~~-~:-:~:~~-:~~~~~1-1~~~ A;~{!~!H~ti ri~',p tn rl;c:miftc~i "r;h~ HP7nJnlic
1.Jlljl)tJd! us, J. ~U.}lU" (U.., UJ.JW............\JA.I ,u,u-' u.........u. """'"..~&.u._f...A._............:J w........,'_... y- --- ..- _...~,,-,-...;~ <-- -- ---- ,..:; -.--,i:" ---
f"yfedia appeal. ($134500 as ofFebrumy 28,2001).
Oihrr Mattei'S
T~~""""f"~ (or FJ!'f"frifi!:'3i:ion of No Ni\m~ K~" - DeclaratorY", vested ri!%hts. a,"td &1983 claims
- -~~r"'--w -- -, - - - - ~ - - - - -.-
~1-.~1'",~,,;..,... lIu""''''''''''' {',..,,,',, ..."I;!"!! thM iT'!~,~mn!:J c..ommerciai eiectric service to No Nail1e Kev is
;::hibi~;jb;";h;201 ;~~~~r;h~~~~~~l;.;:i~~i;ti~~ is presently being scheduled ($6070 t;r, ~~ of
n~~ fR!!)' Pine MO!"lltorinm) - CI)r'iinliiiiit filed against Monroe Count'i a11e~n~ ....a..10u5 chums
--...........J'\.--..------. ." ::. -- - --
(...1,.;"".", ..~,,~,,~ r!..-ht" <>t!"') h!!~...rt "n tt!!'! tip fl!c.m r!!liirl1n~ moratorium illl Big Pine due to the tiaffiC
l;~cl.;i'i~;~i;, "~i;~.r;;c;~~ h~g-Sed- it;-~~.s~~e!" ~:1 ~y!ll likely ~~'V~ f')[ ~~!mmary judgment
~ ~ ~ "'!: . ~ . _ '.+ ...!~__ __ __L!--,- ......."'-_~~"-._... ~,... ^ ,...",...".-' T r~~1!!~\ ~~_.... ~"'^~+';-oI'\ n"'- _P'..1.ft~""r-A ",.il"\"t~"h
oasea on IallWC; LO iVHJ 1UUJ:lrjJ';.u;xu;.<v jlGi ..Iii" \v......-. .....u V;JA. .. iJ J ......... ""'''1'-''''- ~,. "'........~._'- =--'-'r=O~
Chantp.T io,; cnn~rrertCv reQuirements, Ail COi,il1i.V 11i:ji,wi-tiufij h4V~ b"" cornplkd with (ROGO
-- r--' --- ----- of . - -
aU(Jc-atic'1iis have been ~a."rtcd. however, penr.its ca.'lnOt he i!sued due w C!ll!I,J!t"~) 16; (.f,fa(.UITflfii;;y