Resolution 191-1998 Environmental Resources BOCC RESOLUTION NO. 19L 1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. (LES) TO SUBCONTRACT THE REMAINING WORK UNDER THE EXISTING CONTRACT TO DEVELOP A REVISED HABITAT EVALUATION INDEX (HEI, SECTIONS 9.5-336 THROUGH 9.5-342, MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) TO JON GUERRY TAYLOR, P.E., INC. AND EXTENDING THE COMPLETION DATE FOR ALL REMAINING CONTRACT DELIVERABLES TO AUGUST 12, 1998. WHEREAS, Policy 205.2.1 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan requires that the HEI be revised to include a written methodology, and to better differentiate between high, medium and low quality habitats; and WHEREAS, Comprehensive Plan Policy 101,2,13, added by the Governor and Cabinet via Rule 28-20.100, requires that "substantial progress" in revising the HEI be made as part of the "five year work program", Failure to make such progress may result in a 20% reduction in the number of building permits issued each year; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved a contract with Lewis Environmental Services, Inc, (LES) to develop revisions to the HEI on August 20, 1997; and WHEREAS, LES was selected to perform this work based primarily on the qualifications of their Principal Ecologist, Ms, Pat McNeese; and WHEREAS, Ms. McNeese left the employ of LES in April of 1998 to begin working for Jon Guerry Taylor, P.E., Inc. (JGT) after completing 80% of the HEI revision tasks in the subject contract; and WHEREAS, Section 11 of the subject contract states that "The Consultant (LES) may not assign or subcontract its obligations under this contract without consent of the County;" and WHEREAS, LES has agreed to subcontract the subject contract to JGT, thereby allowing Ms. McNeese to complete the HEI revisions; and WHEREAS, County staff desires to extend the completion date of all remammg contract deliverables to August 12, 1998, in order to allow Ms. McNeese to revise the HEI in response to any comments received at the June and July Board of County Commissioners meetings. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS THA T: ~ ~ =.:!! Lewis Environmental Services, Inc. is hereby authorized to subcontract with Jon Guerry ~,~cS to complete the revisions to the Habitat Evaluation Index, as described in the subject C<W:~GLaPJ!l!ve<:h-r on August 20, 1997, and as allowed by section 11 of the contract, The completion date @Si!iemmf1in~ contract deliverables is hereby extended to August 12, 1998, ~;~ ;: ffl ..".':> COt) ('") r-C)..o )> I'll =. ::0 . -.. 10 env. resol 04128/98 7:52 AM , . Environmental Resources PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Monroe County, Florida at a meeting held on the 13th day of May , 1998, 40~, 8:~~:'-' _/1 ;\'(' ~,' /- :r.;')";'Ii:!~'~.'(,~" ..-:,~.." .....,.. ',',\ i<;o. ~''---~ "'.' , , ..... .... r;:::;-"-ij '-. "'T,..,~lO I~. f\ v.' '..~i:, '.~ I i~""?l:.." ',. ...".f--.--j .. \" ," ; " .,. .,._:.. L, ~ "l~ 1 --~::;~,: __-~_ }7:~.~ ~J..- . Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Harvey Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Reich yes ahsent yes yes yes fh- -~\ BY: BY~~~~ EPU CL (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK env, resol 04/28/987:52 AM