Item C23
Revised 2/95
Meeting Date: 4/18/01
Bulk Item: Yes Igj No 0
Division: Administrative Services
Department: Grants Administration
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Authorization for the Mayor to execute the fiscal year 2002
Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant
Certification of Participation with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
ITEM BACKGROUND: Federal funds are provided through the Florida Dept. of Law
Enforcement. BOCC receives funding recommendations from the Substance Abuse
Policy Advisory Board. Florida Administrative Code requires that units of government in
each county reach consensus concerning the expenditure of these funds, including the
projects to be implemented as well as the agencies responsible for such implementation.
This requires someone to exercise leadership and assume a coordinating role in the
development of applications for these funds. FDLE recommends that County
Commissioners in each county assume this responsibility.
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Participation in Byrne Grant Program since
approximately 1990. Current funding is used primarily for substance abuse treatment.
CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: No significant changes from preYious year;
Amount is slightly lower this year. Last year's federal funding was $229,459.00.
TOTAL COST: 276,033.33 (207,025.00 fed BUDGETED: Yes Igj No 0
plus 69,009.00 county; however, some
match may be provided by implementing
COST TO COUNTY: 69,009.00 (matching funds)
~ --?,----J\
James L. Roberts, County Administrator
Florida Department of
Law Enforcement
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Mailing Address:
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
1819 Miccosukee Commons
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(850) 410-8700
James T. "Tim" Moore
March 26, 2001
The Honorable Wilhelmina Harvey
Mayor, Monroe County
Board of Commissioners
500 Whitehead Street
Key West, Florida 33040
RE: Federal Fiscal Year 2001 Byrne State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance
Formula Grant -- Local Share
Dear Ms. Harvey:
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) anticipates the Federal Fiscal Year
2001 (State Fiscal Year 2002) award from the United States Department of Justice to
be $14,162,217 for Local Share Edward Byrne State and Local Law Enforcement.
Assistance Formula Grant funds. While this is a slight increase over the current year
funding, it still reflects approximately $300,000 reduction frorn the previous year. To
help offset this reduction, FDLE plans to allocate statewide $108,530 from residual
funds, which should minimize your county's reduction to no more than 10% from the
previous year.
In accordance with provisions of Chapter 9B-61, Florida Administrative Code, FDLE has
set aside $207,025 of these 'funds for use by all units of government within Monroe
County. The Federal Fiscal Year 2001 (State Fiscal Year 2002) Program
Announcement is enclosed for your use and provides guidance for submission of
applications for these funds. These funds rnay be used by local units of governrnent to
implement projects that offer a high probability of improving the functioning of the
criminal justice systern, aggressively and effectively responding to violent crime, or
reducing drug trafficking and abuse.
Chapter 9B-61.008, Florida Administrative Code, requires that as a condition of
participation in this prograrn, the units of government in each county reach consensus
concerning the expenditure of these funds, including the projects to be implemented
Commi tted to
Service' Integrity' Respect. Quality
FFY 2001 Local Share Byrne
Page Two
as well as the agency responsible for such implementation. Developing such
consensus will require someone to exercise leadership and assume a coordinating role
in the developrnent of applications for these funds. FDLE recornrnends that the Board
of County Cornrnissioners assume this responsibility. In the event the county declines
to serve in this capacity, the Department will request the governing body of each
rnunicipality in the county, in descending order of population, to serve as the
coordinating unit of government.
The enclosed Certification of Participation form requests the identification of an
individual coordinator. We will send this individual an application kit that will provide the
program details necessary for completion of the application. Please cornplete the
enclosed Certificate of Participation and return it within 30 days from the date of this
correspondence to:
Florida Department of Law Enforcernent
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
1819 Miccosukee Commons
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Attention: Beth Harnilton
Further, a Statewide Drug Intelligence Systern will soon be implemented by FDLE. In
the near future, we will have an~vailable web site that will provide additional inforrnation
on this new database and will begin providing training to law enforcernent agencies later
this spring. We encourage you to become more farniliar with this initiative. We
anticipate that reporting to this system rnay become part of the Byrne Program
requirements in future years. If you would like additional information on this initiative,
please contact Larry Shaw, Investigative Prograrns, at (850) 410-7073 or Jennifer Cook,
Office of Statewide Intelligence, at (850) 410-7072.
We look forward to working with you. If you have any questions or if we can provide
you with any assistance regarding the Byrne Prograrn, please contact rne or Beth
Hamilton, Planning Manager, at 850/410-8700.
Clayt H. Ilder
Com unity Prograrn Adrninistrator
Enclosures (2)
xc: Mayors in Monroe County
Law Enforcement Agencies in Monroe County
Project Directors in Monroe County
Committed to
Service' Integrity' Respect. Quality
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law
Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program
The State of Florida, Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), anticipates an
award from the United States Department of Justice for $14,162,217 in Local
Share Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance
Formula Grant funds. This announcement is to notify eligible applicants of
program requirements.
Eligible Aoolicants
Units of local government are eligible to receive subgrants from FDLE. "Units of local
government" means any city, county, town, township, borough, parish, village, or other general-
purpose political subdivision of a State and includes Native American Tribes that perform law
enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior.
Proaram Strateav and Purooses
Units of local government applying for these federal funds must use them to implement projects
that offer a high probability of improving the functioning of the criminal justice system,
aggressively and effectively responding to violent crime, or reducing drug trafficking and abuse.
Projects must comply with the 28 federally authorized program areas and may provide
personnel, equipment, direct services, training, technical assistance, and public information.
They may include a range of activities including provision of prevention, intervention and
enforcement initiatives.
The Department strongly discourages local subgrant funding of projects of less than $25,000.
Economies of scale often play an important role in whether a project can achieve its targeted
Program Develooment
Each county is allocated a sum of money for use by all local governments within the county.
This amount is determined through a funding algorithm established in administrative rule.
Chapter 9B-61.008, Florida Administrative Code, requires that units of government In each
county reach consensus concerning the expenditure of these funds, including the projects to be
implemented and the agency responsible for such implementation.
Maximum coordination is required to meet this program requirement and the Department
requests the county board of commissioners to coordinate requests for all local governments
within the county. The Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, in each county so notified is
requested to return to the Department a statement of certification indicating the county's
willingness to serve as the coordinating unit of government for at least 51 percent of the units of
government which also represent at least 51 percent of the population located in said county.
Enclosure 1
SFY 2002 Byrne Program Announcement
Page 1
This certification must be returned within 30 days from the date of receipt of notification. In the
event the county declines to serve in this capacity, the Department will request the governing
body of each municipality in the county, in descending order of population, to serve as the
coordinating unit of govemment.
To accomplish these tasks, the Department encourages each county to appoint a Substance
Abuse Policy Advisory Board, the membership of which should include at a minimum the
following persons or their authorized designee: Chief Circuit Judge, State Attorney, Public
Defender, Sheriff, Chief of Police of each municipality within the county or a Chief of Police
designated by those Chiefs of Police as their representative, Jail Administrator, Clerk of the
Court, Superintendent of Education and a representative of local drug treatment programs.
Each county is also encouraged to designate an Office of Substance Abuse Policy to assist with
these tasks.
Match Reauirements
Applicants must supply no less than 25 percent of a project's cost in cash from non-federal
funds; however, Indian Tribes are exempt from this matching requirement. These matching
funds must be funds that would not have been available for reduction of drug trafficking and
abuse and violent crime and criminal justice system improvement efforts in the absence of
federal funds; that is, they must represent an additional local effort in addressing these
Application Reauirements and Deadlines
Chapter 9B-61 , Florida Administrative Code, govems program administration and funding.
Local governments should thoroughly review rule provisions before applying for subgrant funds.
Once the Certificate of Participation is returned to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG),
a copy of the application package will be provided to the ident.ified County Coordinator.
The Department must receive two (2) copies of each application for funding (both with original
signatures) must be received by the Department no later than 5:00 P.M.. Tuesdav. June 19.
2001. A separate application must be submitted for each proposed project. Applications
should be mailed or hand delivered to the following:
Mr. Clayton H. Wilder
Community Program Administrator
Department of Law Enforcement
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
1819 Miccosukee Commons Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Applications must be accompanied by letters of approyal representing agreement among at
least 51 percent of all units of local government representing at least 51 percent of the county
population as to the allocation of dollars to each project in the county.
Questions regarding this Program Announcement should be directed to Clayton
Wilder, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, at 850 /410-8700.
Enclosure 1
SFY 2002 Byrne Program Announcement
Page 2
APR-02-01 12,23 FROM,MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE 10,3052923518
PAGE 8/8
State Fiscal Year 2002
Date: April 18, 2001
Mr. Clayton H. Wilder
Community Program Administrator
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Florida Department of law Enforcement
1819 Miccosukee Commons Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Dear Mr. Wilder:
This is to inform you that the Board of County Commissioners Accepts_
Declines _ the invitation to serve as the coordinating unit of government in the
Florida Department of Law Enforcemenfs Edward Byrne Memorial State and
Local Law Enforcement Assistance Fonnura Grant Program.
For purposes of coordinating the preparation of our application(s) for grant funds
with the Office of Criminal Justice Grants, we have designated the following
Name: David P. OWens
TrUe: Grants Administrator
Agency: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Address: 5100 Colle~e Road. Room 211; Key Yest. FI. 33040
Telephone: 305-292-4482
Date: April 18, 2001
County: Monroe
4TTEST: DANNY L ~f. aar
Chair, Board of County Commissioners
George R. Neugent, Mayor
~Nc.. I,:~A.L SUFFIC
EncIoSum 2
Byrne Grant Program Announcement