Item C22
Meeting Date: 6/20/01
Bulk Item: Yes [8] No D
Division: Administrative Services
Department: Grants Administration
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Authorization for County Administrator or his designee to
complete and submit the online application for Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds
via Internet as required by U.S. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
ITEM BACKGROUND: Monroe County has accepted LLEBG grant awards since 1997.
The funds were used the first year to enhance courthouse security and the fOllowing
years for Juvenile Drug Court. Information regarding eligibHity, purpose areas, and
program requirements is attached. If funds are awarded, the Substance Abuse Policy
Advisory Board will make a recommendation to the BOCC concerning the use of these
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval of grant applications and SAPAB
recommendations in prior years.
TOTAL COST: to be announced BUDGETED: Yes D No D n/a at this point
(Federal FY2000 award is 96,827.00, with County match of 10,759.00)
COST TO COUNTY: to be announced
James L. Roberts
AGENDA ITEM #: 1-l~2
u.s. DepartDlentofJustice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Assistance
FY 2001 Local Law Enforcement
Block Grants Program
For fiscal year (FY) 2001, Congress has appropriated
$523 million for the continuation of the Local Law En-
forcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, to be ad-
ministered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA),
U.S. Department of Justice. The purpose of the LLEBG
Program is to provide funds to units of local govern-
ment to underwrite projects to reduce crime and im-
prove public safety.
Program Eligibility and Distribution
of Funds
To be considered eligible for the LLEBG Program, a
jurisdiction must be a general purpose unit of local gov-
ernment. I The unit of local government must report, via
its law enforcement agencies, to the Uniform Crime Re-
ports (UCR) Program of the Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation (FBI). .
The LLEBG Program is a formula program based on a
jurisdiction's number ofUCR Part I violent crimes re-
ported to the FBI. The formula is computed in two stages.
In the first stage, state allocations are proportionate to each
state's average annual amount ofUCR Part I violent
crimes compared with that for all other states for the 3
most recent calendar years of data from the FBI. Each
state, however, must receive a minimum award of 0.25 per-
cent of the total amount avflalfo ~ fo~ula distribution
under the LLEBG Prog:r.qt!:'JIl fb~!foRd stage, local
awards are proportionate to~ach"ocal j1frisdiction's aver-
age annual amount of UCR Part I violent crimes compared
with that for all other local jurisdictions in the state for the
3 most recent calendar years. Jurisdictions reporting crime
rates above the formula-based threshold of $10,000 are
eligible for direct awards.
The difference remaining between the state allocation
and the local allocation total is awarded to a state ad-
ministrative agency (SAA) designated by the Governor.
The SAA has the option of distributing award funds to
state police departments or units of local government
not meeting the formula-based threshold of $10,000.
Additional information about this portion of the funds
is available from each state's respective SAA.
Program Purpose Areas
LLEBG Program funds must be spent in accordance
with one or more of the following seven purpose areas:
a Supporting law enforcement:
. Hiring, training, arid employing on a continuing
basis new, additional law enforcement officers
and necessary support personnel.
. Paying overtime to currently employed law
enforcement officers and necessary support
personnel to increase the number of hours
worked by such personnel.
. Procuring equipment, technology, and other
material directly related to basic law enforce-
ment functions.
a Enhancing security measures in and around schools
and in and around other facilities or locations that
the unit of local government considers special risks
for incidents of crime.
a Establishing or supporting drug courts.
a Enhancing the adjudication of cases involving
violent offenders, including cases involving violent
juvenile offenders.
a Establishing a multijurisdictional task force,
particularly in rural areas, composed of law en-
forcement officials representing units of local
government. This task force must work with federal
law enforcement officials to prevent and control
a Establishing crime prevention programs involving
cooperation between community residents and law
enforcement personnel to control, detect, or investi-
gate crime or to prosecute criminals.
a Defraying the cost of indemnification insurance for
law enforcement officers.
Program Requirements
The following requirements must be met prior to the
obligation of LLEBG Program funds and prior to the
Request for Drawdown (RFD) of funds. The RFD must
be completed within 90 days of the posting of awards,
or the funds will be redistributed in the following
fiscal year.
a Advisory Board
Each jurisdiction must establish or designate an
advisory board to review the application. The
board must be designated to make nonbinding
recommendations for the proposed use of funds
received under this program. The advisory board
must include a member from each of the following
local organizations: law enforcement agency,
prosecutor's office, court system, school system,
and a nonprofit group (e.g., educational, religious,
community) active in crime prevention or drug-use
prevention or treatment.
a Public Hearing
Each jurisdiction must hold at least one public
hearing regarding the proposed use of funds prior to
the obligation of funds. Jurisdictions should encour-
age public attendance and participation.
Q Matching Funds
. In each jurisdiction, LLEBG funds may not exceed
90 percent of total program costs. Program partici-
pation requires a cash match that will not be
waived. All recipients must maintain records clearly
showing the source, amount, and timing of all
matching contributions.
a Trust Fund
Each jurisdiction must establish a trust fund that
may accrue interest in which to deposit program
a Expenditure Period
All federal funds, including interest, revenue, divi-
dend. and match, must be spent within the 2-year
expenditure period. Unspent funds must be returned to
BJA within 90 days of program termination.
a Public Safety Officers' Health Benefits Provision
Section 615 of the FY 1998 Appropriations Act
requires a unit of local government to afford a
public safety officer who retires or is separated
fro~ duty due to a personalline-of-duty injury,
suffered as a direct and proximate result of re-
sponding to a hot pursuit or an emergency situa-
tion, health benefits at the time of separation that
are the same as or better than those he or she
received while on duty.
To be eligible to receive the entire amount of award
under the LLEBG Program, a unit of local govern-
ment must be in compliance with this provision. If
not in compliance, the unit will forfeit 10 percent of
the eligible amount. Further information about this
provision is provided on the LLEBG Internet-based
application system, which may be accessed at
Prohibition on Use of Funds
LLEBG funds are not to be used to purchase, lease,
rent, or acquire tanks or armored vehicles, fixed-wing
aircraft, limousines, real estate, yachts, or any vehicle
not used primarily for law enforcement. Nor are funds
to be used to retain individual consultants or construct
new facilities. Likewise, federal funds are not to be
used to supplant state or local funds. Rather, they are to
be used to increase the amount of funds that would oth-
erwise be available from state and local sources.
Resolution of Funding Disparities
The LLEBG Program provides resolution to potential
funding disparities within jurisdictions. A state attorney
general may certify that a disparity exists between or
among jurisdictions. Those jurisdictions are then re-
quired by statute to develop and submit joint applica-
tions. BJA's role is limited to accepting state attorney
general certifications and reviewing jointly submitted
applications. If the state attorney general chooses not to
become involved in the disparate allocation certification
process, there is no mechanism for BJA to intervene.
All certifications must be submitted within given dead-
lines, prior to BJA determination of annual award
The LLEBG Program employs two criteria for deter-
mining eligibility for disparity certification. First, an
associated municipality's eligible funding amount must
be greater (by set percentages) than the funding amount
of the county. Second, the county must bear more than
50 percent of prosecution or incarceration costs arising
from Part I violent crimes reported by an associated
municipality. If there are multiple associated munici-
palities, the county must also show that the funding al-
locations to those municipalities is likely to threaten the
efficient administration of justice.
FY 2001 Application Process
The FY 200 I application and award processes will be
administered via the Internet-based Grants Management
System. Application deadlines and other LLEBG Pro-
gram dates will be established in accordance with sys-
tem development efforts and will be posted on the BJA
Web site. The application process will consist of the
following steps:
1. BJA will notify units of government of their
eligibility and provide information on the Internet-
based application system for the FY 2001 LLEBG
2. State attorneys general will submit disparity
certifications to BJA, if applicable.
3. As required by statute, chief executive officers
(CEOs) will submit a copy of the application to the
Governor or designated representative.
4. CEOs will submit FY 2001 LLEBG applications
via the Internet. Visit the BJA Web site for addi-
tional guidance regarding the online submission of
5. BJA will make awards on a rolling basis, with all
FY 2001 awards completed by September 28,2001.
Technical Assistance
For a complete listing of technical assistance available
under the LLEBG Program, visit
For Further Information
To find out more about the Local Law Enforcement
Block Grants Program or BJA's technical assistance ini-
tiatives, contact the following offices:
Bureau of Justice Assistance
State and Local Assistance Division
810 Seventh Street NW.
Washington, DC 20531
Fax: 202-514-5956
World Wide Web: www.ojp.usdoj.govIBJA
Bureau of Justice Assistance Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849-6000
World Wide Web:
Clearinghouse staff are available Monday through Fri-
day, 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. eastern time. Ask to be placed
on the BJA mailing list.
U.S. Department of Justice Response Center
1-800-421-6770 or 202-307-1480
Response Center staff are available Monday through
Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern time.
1. Units of local government are counties, towns and
townships, villages, cities, parishes, Indian tribes,
Alaska Native villages, and parish sheriffs (in the state
of Louisiana) that carry out substantial governmental
FS 000268
May 200 I