Item C34 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 20.21. 2001 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes -L No Department: Facilities Maintenance AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Renewal Agreement with Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys, Inc. for office space located at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon, and the Department of Health Clinic in Tavernier. ITEM BACKGROUND: On July 31, 2001, the Lease Agreement with Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys, Inc. will expire. In accordance with Monroe County Policy (Requests for Office Space by Non-profit Organizations), and paragraph 2 of the amended lease agreement dated October 18, 2000, Lessee would like to exercise the first of two one-year options to renew. I. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: On June 14,2000, BOCC granted approval to enter into a lease agreement with Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys, Inc., for office space at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon, and the Department of Health Clinic in Tavernier, for $100.00 per month each. On October 18, 2000, BOCC approved an Amendment to the existing lease establishing two one year lease renewal options, and abating the $100.00 August rent for utility consumption at the Tavernier Department of Health Clinic to apply towards the fist month they actually occupy the space. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Renewal option to commence August 1, 2001, and terminate July 31,2002. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes N/ A No COST TO COUNTY: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes~ No AMOUNT PER MONTH $200.00 Year $2.400.00 APPROVED BY: OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ ITEM PREPARED BY: . King, Acting Sr. ~we~s Op~ons DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: f>L/ ~ Dent Pierce, Director of Public Works ~ /~! t/ J . DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required AGENDA ITEM#~ DISPOSITION: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Planned Parenthood Contract # Effective Date: August 1, 2001 Expiration Date: July 31,2002 Contract Purpose/Description: Renew lease for office space located at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon, and the Denartment of Health in Tavernier. Contract Manager: Ann Mytnik 4431 Facilities Maint/Stop 4 (Name) (Ext.) (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting on 06/20/01 Agenda Deadline: 06/06/01 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 2,400 Income Budgeted? YesD No ~ Account Codes: Grant: $ N/A County Match: $ N/ A Current Year Portion: $ 400.00 - - - ---- - - - ---- - - - ---- - - - ---- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $N/ Nyr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (el!;. maintenance, utilities, ianitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes . Date In Needed,...,...,.{ Rev~wer Division Director q I Ii 0\ YesO NoL:J 1>. Q~ IY- Risk Manage1l"iIS~1o -6- U I YesO No0' W. . 'b re./Pu~ lo- k-{) I YesO NOW~~ o.f2~ ounty Attorney (pI 7/&/ Y es~0'I Date Out ,. ,01 OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 RENEWAL AGREEMENT (Non-Profit Organization Lease of Office Space at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon, and the Department of Health Clinic in Tavernier.) THIS Renewal is made and entered into this ,20th day of June 2001, between the COUNTY OF MONROE and PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI AND THE FLORIDA KEYS, INC., in order to renew the agreement dated June 14,2000, and as amended on October 18, 2000 (copies of which are incorporated hereto by reference) as follows: I,. ~ . . , ': \" . . {", " \' ',\ . .. .r ~' , .; ; "/'. ". I .11, 1. In accordance with- Paragraph 2 of the Lease Amendment dated October 18, 2000, Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys, Inc. exercises its first additional one-year extension of the original lease dated June 14, 2000, commencing August 1,2001 and terminating July 31, 2002. 2. In all other respects, the original agreement between the parties dated June 14, 2000, and amended October 18, 2000, remains in full force and effect. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal, the day and year first written above. (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk Witness PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI AND THE FLORIDA KEYS, INC. ; .'! j p. f., -. By: Witness Title .: . ., of , . ~- AMENDMENT (Non-Prolil Org:lIIil.alion LcclSC of Officc Spacc at UlC Ruth Ivins Ccnter in Manhon, and UlC Dcpartmcnt of Hcallh Clinic in Titvcmicr.) THIS Amendment is made and entered into this 18th day of October 2000, between the COUNTY OF MONROE and PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI AND THE FLORIDA KEYS, INC., in order to amend the agreement dated June 14, 2000, (a copy which is incorporated hereto by reference) as follows: I, Rent paid of $100.00 for the mon'th of August for utility consumption at the Tavernier Department of Health Clinic, be applied towards. the first month Planned Parenthood actually occupies space. All other rents between September I, 2000 and actual occupancy date be abated. Rent due for partial month occupancy to be pro-rated, 2. Add to Alticle I, a paragraph B, to read as follows: Lessee has the option to renew this Lease Agreement after the first year for two (2) additional one-year extensions (in accordance with Monroe County policy, Requests for Office Space by Non-profit Organizations). 3. In all other respects, the original agreement between the parties dated June 14, 2000 remains in full force and effect. By:~~c.. U}u)g~ Dcputy Clcrk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~C' ,~'J' -::T~ By: ~/J~ ~..- ~ .' \VIIncss ~UM11AJ__ Witness PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI, INC. ~~~~ :. '-----..------ -.-......--...---..,- V~ r_CE.O Tille l t ,. TIns AGREEMENT, made tlti, Hlh day of Juno, 2000 by and belween tl,e noard of Counly Commissioners of Monroe Counll', Florida Q,ereinaJler referred 10 as nOCe) and Planned Parentl,ood of Orealer Miami and Ihe Florida Key" (herein.lller referred 10 a' Planned Parenti'OOd), i nOI-for-Pronl eOl]>omtion ineolJlOrOled inlhe SI.le of Fiorid.. AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Ihe DOCC ha, "pproYed for Ihe Admini'I",lor 10 make Iimiled, Icrnpomi)' omce space availah'e 10 nonpron I organi,,"ion, ""'ing Ihe Con",)' eonllnnnil)' on Ihe condilion Ihat Ihe or!}1ni"" ion, are re'pon,ihle for [heir OWn clern'ing. Ielephone and ,imi"" eo'l, and provide . rea'0n.1hle paY"lCnl 10 Ihe COnnly for the eo't of ciCCI ricity: altd II' 'lI 'n "A S. Ihe PI.nned Parem hood prov,des aIT ordahle "prod lOet ive her, lIherllc [0 IhlOlO~lO"" of men ,n,d WOlllall, WliEnFAS. Ihe 1I0CC h" de.lellnlllCd l/,a[ it " [n Ihe Oc" illtcoeslS of Moo"" e",nH\' 10 eo,c, ""0 [hi, ;tglccIllClll: "''' II'. TIi I 'J{ 1'1'0'<1'. "" a, ,,' '" """" [,' "" '0" of l/i<' "0" "" I Cow '''a"" ,'no" ," ",." I" . H''', [I i<' '''''' ,,', 'W' n' ," fo /I 0 1\'\ , . ""!" ",.cLT eO"""!d.!i"'l!. 'n,i, "grcemco" i, for Ihe period COnome"ci" n f}VbU' J I , ) u.' LJ aod l/lIoneh J uf~)i .)00/ ,uoless ear'ier lcm,inalcd pursuaot '0 par.'gr.'ph, " ur 2J helol\'. Plalmed Parco'thood ("'reliyagrees 10 pa)' U" DOCC U" sum of $IUO.OO per monU, for space al Ihe Rnth 'VIl1' Centeiln M:Ir.lUlon, and ti" sum 0($100.00 per month for 'pace allhe Department of !leallh Clinic in Tavernier, for ti" utility consumplion and upkccp cosls (Iolal of$200.00 per monlh). 2. ,~,cgp., of :t,n'iCC'~Planned Parenthood 'hall provide aITordahle reprodoelive herl'l/'c.1I~ provide h ""'", pelvic aod leSlienlar '-"'n,,; Pap smears; dia!,",osi, aod trer"me", of STD, (SC,oall" I"n',"oined ;nrcclion,); hi"h CO"trol method, 01 !,~erll/y redoced 11I;ees; 1''''''''0'')' Icsti"" "'d reprod",,; vc 10"" II, cd"er" '0" ''''d co""sc, i" n PI'''''',d "..reu! hOod ,10..11 i,,,,.. II ;IS OW" Ie 1<-",,,,,,,,. ~lIppJy il~ Own office fllmillllc ;JlI(I cC]lIipfllCII1, ;fIld pro\'ide for il~ OWII j:lIlilori;1I ~er'\'ic('. 1 1'OC(: ""po',,,"i" ['i, '110, IJOCC ",..II di ICCI ilS Ad",i", ""'''''', n""" I' "',,[ """,,. 1'",,,,,,, A""""." ii' ", ".. 11 10 I" ov,de WI..'" h"i hli" ''',d "'1'1'0>1 10 PI,,,, "cd """"Ih"oil a, CI" he I" ovided wi "'0"[ r,,'I "'r; "': "" i "ceer", ;" ''''''''''''cJ '" ''')' I""ch'"e 0' 'me of ,,,,, I" "''''')' The IJnc'C ",..II p'Ol',dc [0 PI.. n",d "a"" [100'''', w" hi" 'he" foremell' io"cd 10 ",i Ii" ;0", ;" wcll a,..l/ '" I" ..""h"..hl, [0 CO"",)', wilholll :lIly Cost (0 lite COllnl)', Ihe following: ;1) 1{1I1 h]vl w; Cenlcl - 70 sqll:lre feCI of dedicllcd ~p;ICC (molll "'.IlI). ;lIld III iJ 1/;1110n of CXislinl.: 1-1('.;11111 DCP;II1111cnl clinic Sp:ICC ' h) J)Cp;JllnIClIl of 11c;s1lh Clillic in Ta\'cmier - 11:1 sqll;lIe IccI 01 dcdlcllcd sp;U.A:, :llId 1I1ali/~lllon of CXiSlilll.: Ilc:IIlh J)CP;1I1111enl clinic sp:lce ( " "n 'w d" ^ OX," .. '" I A...Ii" "10"" "'d ['a, "" II" ,od ,Ii.. 11 "'"'' '"'' .,do I' "",' ." ,d '''''' ", "". ",",,', Ii.. ;1 )Il:"od oflo'n YLII ~ ;dll'J cOJnpklJon of ;IIIY' C\'Cnl 01 Plol:r:llll Tile nor 'I' '.11;111 11;1\'1: ;ICCCSS 10 tire Ii"",,,,. """"IS. "'" [ d",,,,, """ I ,,' [' "" "",d' [',,, '''' 100'''' H, ;""" '0 ;"" I '" '""",,,,,, 0 [ ""'Ii ho"t" Ic'UlJd, ;Jnd doulnll'lIl" hy the B()CC slulJ ocellI at ;IlIY JC1~01l:lhk tnlle -' I"',..,,,,, "'''1' <if /'.. "w, ",,"no 'CoI ['a H,,,[ Ii 0..1 iI, ""d ,'" 11 I.... '" II". '"'' [""";,, "" 0' ;d I wool". ',CO v,,,,, ,",,' ;"""" "., ,,,,,I<-, ",,' ^ """''''''''. ,no """'''' "fe.., ,,"', "'''no .....1 '"'' .." ,,,,,,Ill,''''; ""'" OJ ',cr <':1111 of Ilrc Ij()('C I'l:illned 1':lIelll!tood sh:1I1 exerCI\C COIlIIO) dirl'ctlon ;lIld '.1")('I\'I~IOII ()\'l'J III<" 111<':111',. rn;lIl1lCr pn,onll,'1 :\nd Volllnleers Ill/ollJ:h lI'ill1 II Pl'l!<lJllIS /11(" \\'011. 1111111111)',11 III,., ^1:1(""lIll'lIl '~,;\ (Oope':III\'C :1}',J"('lIlcrll. ~JIIIII;II 111111;111\' ICSJX'US (hill 1101 ;111) IlI;\ p.IIII1('I\11/1' 1'1:11111('" ,.' (j Pa""'.lhOOd shall have no audlOrily whatsoever 10 act on behalC and/or as agent Cor lho Dace In promIse. Dgrtomon, or "'presonlation od'er d",n spcctlically Provided Cor in dd, a_ment n~~ DOCC ,1",11 a' no time be legally I'CSpon,ible Cor an)' neglige",:e on dIe part of PlaMod ParcndlOOd H' emplo)~CS, agenls or volun,oors resulting in oilhor bodily or POrsonallnjn~' Or propo~J' d""'gO I~ an}' IIldtVldual, property or corporation, MOOinc;.]ion. Addilion, (0, mOOincUion '0. or detelion, from Ihe pmvi,ion 01 Ilu, eOlnmcl u'''\' be u"',de ouly iu wliling and execuled by Ihe 'lOCC. No mOOinc"lioll ,1,,111 become erreclive wi,i,ou' \\'rillclI approval of bolh parties. 7 n '.~"~Iu!>QJ'g!"h ie, 11" P"" 'os "'" cc ,,, lu II pcof '" ma"ee 01 'he COVCO"UII, CO'"am<<( i u H" cou'",,1. Oo'h ",'"ie, re""'e 'he ""III. '" Ihe dimeliou "I e"ch. 10 lcomiu,"C H" ""'ice< iu 11,,, C"U'ro", 1m ",)' "'i,le",,,uce. u""II",,,mcc 0' ,u"'pe,Io"u,,,,cc or Ihe co,,,,,,"', Ie"u, or uc"li",.u' p"f onuauce 01 Ihe cou'mc' 'enll' by Ihe 01 hcr paf1l' All)' waiv" 01 au)' b,e"h 01 cove""" IS helei" co" 'a""d ,1"11 "0' bc dceo"," '0 hc a cou, u '" m" "',m n ''',d ,hall "01 ol"'a Ie ,,, ,,," ei, h" 1""1)' rm,,, dce ""i"" a I o,r co ""e r", a,,)' 'ucc,,,,, m" u,,',u h ,., [h" "r 'h,' ,"uuc en"" i ""'" 0' C"""'a" [, '" 01 hen\'1 se ~ I """a",,, II "I" u"He,U'. J> ""U""" 1',,, c "" u",,1 ,,,,, II cu 'Y. d u" u,: [I". ,,,'" ul H", a ",,'c""'u I. p" hi", h a I", u)' i" '''' au". i ud"d",,, lxx1")' i U] u,)' ,,"d p"'I""y 10'" dama"c 10 coo." all cbi "". deu",,,,,], m a" io", h)' >I,)' pcroou 0' emi Iy in "uy "'a)' ,,,i 'm" hom 'he Ol>cr.lliou 01 I he ^", "U"ul. S"eh I iabi Ii I)' i'''u'au" ,h,,1I mecl Ihe reqoiremeu" ollhe 'usumuce Requiremenl AI""hmco,1s h"clo. Mmuoc Coouly ,hall be named "s;rn addiliona' insored onde"he inso,,,nce policy and 'ueh insomncc 'hall be plin",')' and non-<:on'liunting wi'h any insumucc carried bJ' Ihe DOCC. Planned Parenthood ,h"I1 furnish Ihe Coonty wi'h a cc~ifIc.,'c evidcnciug Ihe insomucc required by O,i, pamgmph atlhe lillle of execuline lhis ^ereemenL 9. Indelllnific.1(ion and Hold I [:Irmless, Planlled Parcn(hood sha/l indelllni(y and hold harlllless (he iJ(JCC:-'I;;;;~ d~P;;;;;;;CUlS. a,;eue,;:;;- omci" Is. em pl,,)~es. ""ellls. ""'''nlS "ud eo," ""IOIS "J;" i "" ",",' c1;lilllS, li:lbililies and expenses (including rC;lsoll:lhlc allonJey's fees) ;lrisjnl~ as :1 resllll of ally dilecl ;1I1d/or indilect aClion of Planlled P:llenlhood. ils employees. ;Igenls, serv:lJlts. VOllllllccrs alld/or CO!III;IC1o/s in Ihe perform;lJlcc of Ihe (crllls of this ;lgreelllelll or olhe/wise rebled 10 aCli\'it)' COlldllCled in the fUc1herallcc of this ;lg/cemcIII excepl (0 the exlelll Ih:II, ill the c.:lse of ;111)' ;lcl of 1lC];llgellCC. PI;lJlned Parelllhood rClson:lolc relied IIpOIl maler;:II or services slIpplied by the 1.l0CC or :111\' cmployee of lhc BOCC. I'l:tlllled P:uelllhood sh:III illlluedi:llcly gi\'e nOllce 10 the 130CC of all\' SllIl, c1:11l11 or aClioll lll:lde' ag:lillSI it lIul is rel;lIed 10 allY aClivily tlllder Ihis Agreelllellt :l/1d will coopcr;lIc ",iUI the 130CC ill the 1I1vesllg:IIJolI :I/isillg :IS a Icstllt of allY suit. clail/1 01 aClioll lclaled 10 II1Is AL:ICel11cllt. 10 1\111111:;. I'l:tllned 1';l/cIIlhood skill secule all reqlllled permits alldlOl liccw;es lIeccss:lI)' 10 C:lIlY aliI ;111)' of the services rendered lIlIder this ^greelllell!. J J 1,:1 \I'~ a IldB9.;~1 L.'.li<!!~~. ;1) This AgreclIlclll sh;rll be COllsllllCd by :I/Id govcllled tinder lhe I:I\I'S of" Ihe S(;Ilt: of FllIIi(l:! lIJdc;s ill :In ;IICI of law prc--clllpfcd by lcdCl:II b\\' ]>1:llllled P:I/cllthoot! a/:I ccs lor \'('1111(' of :111)' dlsPUlc 10 II<: III MOIII(}(' COlJlIly.,1'loll(i;) II) l'LtllllC'd l';lJCllt!l()od ~.Ii.i11 LOIlIl'h' \1"1111 ,III I.I\\"~. IJlcJudlllJ', IUiI II()I 1IIIIIlcd to lho\c 11'.lnl III I.: \Jllhll (' <:) 1'I:II111Cd I':UClllhood ~h:dl cOlllply \l"llh :dl {nll'l:d. ~LtIC ;llld Joe;" I.I\I"~, :111<1 oldlll;IIIC(,~; ;1()P'"~:lhlc 10 IIle \\'(111.. or P:I\,III('1I1 101 \\'olk I!H:ICOf". ;111(1 sit:'" 1101 dlSCllJllill:llc Oil .he glOlllld'i OII:ICC. colnr. IcflJ',IOH. "('\. :I!'.(' 01 Jl:lf'''II:d OIlI',IIl IlIlh(' J!",fOIIILIII(T "I ,,'wl< 1111.1.., tlll~; ^ 1:1<'('111("11 ) r( ..- ~ Any ~'lol.lion of said statutes, ordinances, rules, .rcguJaUons and e~ecutive olde" sI II COn'tHule a material breaelt of dli, Agrccmenl arid ,1t.1l enlide tlte Dace to leOllin'te I~' Acrecmcn( immediately upon delivcry of wri((cn nolice (0 Planned ParcntJlood. ' liS 12. Taxcs. 11lc BOCC is cxemp( from Federal, Excise and SL1(e of Florida Sales Tax, I J. nnance CltarJ:CS. 'nlc DaCe will not be responsible for any finance charges. 14. Seve"'bl I i~'. If '111)' pro\'i,ion of Ihi, <<lnl"'cl ,hall bc held b\' a <<lurt of cOll1flCleut ju ri,dicliou I n be invalid 0' une"fooccahle. llie "'..alndco of Ihi, cO"''''ct. 0' Ih~ applic.,liou of 'ucli p'ovi,ion olhco ""111 Ihose a, 10 wl"ch " i, invalid or unenforce'hle, ,h,dl nOI he "rrectcd HIe<<h)'; and ""h I"O\'''IOn nl tills COllll;ICl sl1:lIl be valid and cnforce;lble to thc fullest cxtcnl penni((ed by Jaw. 1-' Fo~l'!.'!J,"'c. 1'''' nned P"'Cl''';ood ,liall nut he I iahle f 0' del a)' i" I'e,fo""'lI1ce (H roo i IlI1e 10 I'CO fn"" in wliole m in 1""'. Ihe se~'icc, due to llie Occ<nTcncc of '111)' <<l"lingenc)' he)'o"d ios CO'''ml no Ihe CO/llrol of ;111" or ilS sub-contr.1clors or suppliers. llldtldillg labor dispUlc, strike. I:rbm Sh()/1;11~c, \\';11 or ;1C! of \\';Ir. \\"hClhcl ;111 ;lc{U:ll dCcl:tr;llioJ1 lhC/cor IS 11l;ldc OJ not. inslJoccliolJ. S:1l!ot:tge, nol OJ ('1\'1/ conll1l01/01l. ;IU of JlllbllC cnCIllY. epidellllc. qU;II;lI1llnc reslllc!ioJ1. accidenl, fill', C"JlIO~IOIl. SlOIl11. flood. dlought OJ olhc! :tcl of God, ;ICI or. ;lJl)' ~O\'eJJ1llleJII;lI aUlhorilY, jllllSdiClIOIl;lI ;IClIOII, or insufTlc'CJll supply of fucl. clectricity, or 1ll;l\clials or supplies, or technicll failure \\'here J>1;ulIlcd Parcnlhood I!;IS C:\clcised rc.asomble care in thc prevcnlionlhereof, and any such delay or Elllulc sh;t!l not conslillllc a IJlc;lch of lhc AgrccmCJ1l Planncd Parcnlhood shaH nolify lhc BOCC of any delay or failurc 10 pcrfonn within five (5) days of such action. Up?n demand of !I.le OOCC, Planncd Parcnthood must fumish cvidence of (he causes of such dclay or failure. I G. Ass; "nnlenl. PI"nned P,"enlhood ,h<I11 nol .ssi go, ""n,fe" ,..hlease, pledge, h)'pothee.le. ,urrendcc, or othcrwisc cncumber or dispose or this contr.1ct or any esta(c crc.1(cd by this con\.r.1c( or :lny in(crcs( in any POrtion of (hc samc, or penni( any olllcr person or pcrsons, COlllp:llly or corpor.llion [0 perform scrvices undcr lhis conlraet Wilhou( firsl Ob(:linin~ fhe wrillcn conscn( or lhc DOCe. In lhc evcn! uf such Conselll. (his agreell1cn( shall be bindillg upon Plalll1ed P;lrcllthood's succcssors and ;Issil:ns 17. D ""0,""', 1''''00'" /'a'On'huo" ""III be <<qo i '0" '0 Ii" a OJ' or all po" '" 'a I coo II "", uf """"st. '" deflncd by Florid;1 Sl:J1111cs Ch;lplcr I J 2, Part III and the MOlll'oe Counl)' Ethics Ordin;IIlCt:. Planned P;lIcnll1ood shall disclosc [0 thc DOCC ;111 ;tclll;JI or Proposcd conflicts of inlerest. (inanei;l! or . oll1en\'lsc, dnCCI or indlrcel. involving ;lIly dien!'s inlelc;{ which 1Il;'Y consti(ute;1 connie! IlIlUcr said 1;I,,"s I:). (\ddiI15In_(~l.!ldil i()JIS 1>1;lIlIled Parcnthood :1J:rccs 10 accept ;Iddition;t! condilions go\'clIJin): lhe IISC of fllnds 01 perJ"ollll;IIICe of work as lI1;IY bc required by fcde 1';11 , sl.lIe or 10cII Sl:III1IC. ol<!ill;II1CC or rcglll;J1ion or by other policy adoplcd b)' the 130CC. SlIch addilional conditions shall not become effective until P/;tnncO Parenthood h;ls l>c.cn 1I0lified ill writinG and no such addiliollal concJiliolls sh;1I1 he inlposed relro:!c1ivcly. I ') IIHh'Jlell.d_c.nl.J'!of('~~i(l.!.1.i.ILII!~h:ll~~I!.!: Pl:lIIl1ed ]';lIel1lhood sh;11I at all lilJles exerCIsc IIldcpcndcllt IlJokssioll;11 jlldglllCIl! ;lIId shall ,L<;SIIIJIC full rcsponsihilily for lhe service 10 he provided ;lIlcJ \\'ork lu he compleled :w (';lIe or !'I.oPClly 1'1;lIllled I':IIClllhoocJ sh;t1i he resjloll~llllc 10 lhc 130('(' 101 1I1l' ~;tld:'Tflllll: ;llld P'Ofl"1 IJ~;C of the pIO)lCII" elllrllsled to FLlIlllcd I';JJclllllood'~ CIlC, :uld 10 )I'occ~~ ;111 dOLlIJllcllb II<'U'\',;I/V 10 COlllllll/c. \\'llhOUI illlclTIJjlliolls. :111" nl;,il1lcll:IIICC or sCI\.ice COlllr;lcls Icbllll/: 10 slIch l''lIJ 1)111 ICIII !OI ils SCI\',cc lill: Plallned P;IIClIllloud sll:1I1 provide services Mond;l)' (hloll):h hilI;,)', X (HI ;1 III . ',O() )1111 . ;lIId sh:1I1 enSlIre 111;11 theil )I:tlrolls do nOI IOller or COIl/;rcg;tle 011 llll' HIlIII "'111\ ("'Illn '.. jllOllCll\, III M;II;t1l1oll. or lhe l)ep;JJIIlICIlI olllc;IIr11 (,IIIlIe's plOpcrly in T;I\'clllicr 71 ':'"1<', ('!:ill',(' 1'l:IIIJw" 1';lIelltllood \\';IILIIIl\ 111:1' It 11:1\ 1101 l'IlIplo\'('d, "'1;1111.." ." ,.;11('1\".,. 11,1<1 ,I< 1 Oil ,I~, hl"\L111 :111\' fOlllln COllllly olficn 01 Clllfllo\'('c \lIhWU In IlIe 1"0111111111111 111' \("(;11011 :J of ., 0 I " 0nIiumce No. 010-1 m 0< any IlOCC QlIicer or ClIq1l0y0c In vlolatiOD of SectiOD 3 or 0lIlln0"", No o I 1l-1990. For hrcacl1 on1obtion or 1Iiis Jll'OVlsIon, ILC Coonl,y 1D>;y, i. it> diSCl'Clion, Ionnlnafc thi; CODlr.rcl withont liability. and IItIy alOl, iQ Its dlSCl'Clion, clc<lnct from Ihc 1XlDl1nct Dr P<DdDso Pfloe, Or oth"",,,, =vtr, n,e Cull an\Ount of any r.:e. ClOlZlIlIIs.lon, 'percentage, bill or IXlnsid.....ion !\lid 10 the [Ortner Phnncd Parenthood or BOCC o.mea- or empIoyoc. 22. Noti",. Any noti", "'JUired or P<=i Ued undtt lhis I\grocmart shan be on writine and hand.<fctivorod or mailed, IJOStace prepaid. by certified mail, return rc<::cipt requested, to the other party as fOUOWli: To Pl~tU1cO Pa~.'!h~ Joan Sampierc 1699 SW 2? AvellllC Mmru,I'L 33)45 10 J'::::<nll1(j' Moruoc County Facilities Mnimcn:tnr.c )583 S. Hooscvdt Boulevard K<..'Y W<..~l. 11., 33040 0' 2'1 I",,!,i<gI'OE Tcrm;"'tioo uf "", ^'>ocmcrrt shau 0=, 3111,,, N""", endine ''-''e, or emi" ""old ,il"", P'"y ."'nnine 1I~11""c I", ncconed any malcriaJ tin.ad, 01 '"y CO""",n,, herein "'''bin"" Of either pall)' otherwise del'IllS II 111 Iheir best interest to IcrmiruJlc T l:nnilullion InaJ' lx: wllh 01 Wilhml\ c..ause. and skill rcqlljH~ wrillcn notice to be l.,rlVCll to the olhl.1 p:my :t.~ follows: a) In tlte event citltcr paJty t.cnnin<ltcs for ~ch of contrnct. lcnninnlioD :Ju.I1 be cITCCtivc at SUCh Lime a~ lilt: Ic:rmirul.line pa.r1y sl14l.I dccIarc iri its a<..1 to tcnnin<ltc for cause, with a minimum of fourtcen days notice in writinS required prior to effective te~tion. b) In !he event ci!her p.lrty terminal", wi~t cause, the Icnni03lion sIlO!! Dot lalce effect nnti! at least sixty days subsoqucnt to wnUcn notice to the other p:uty, <!Jld (hc. c1Tcct.i\'c date or I.crm.i.ruuion sh.ill be spcciGcd in said notice. 21. Pull ^l'J>;<:m<ont 11>1< ^=en' "'","Im<os !he eutire and lull u""",,",ndine belwocn the Jnrti<os hcrtto and neither part)' $1\111\ be bOund by anyrepicscntatiOll'i, statemeIlts. plI:muscs or aerccmc.n(s not ~~ly set fOrtll herein :md UI duly cxccut.cd amendments under fl<'lrnCf:lpll G hc:roo[ . BOARD OF COUN'IY C0M1v11SSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA ~LkJ -:F~~ BY_~~~~~~i~Il;;;1 (SEAL) Allc..\l: PLANNED PAIU-NIlIO()!) OF (;RE^TlJ~ MIAMI AND TIIE FI.OlUtM J{l'YS ----'-/- ?// D)"-)~ld.L-", <f"-,,,qcn,1-C. ./ '.-/ - / 'J'. I /-r-/.,-<-<-->_.. ') ?-z:../'....~ L--~ .1 1 (~'.r:(y..- , .-:; [ . _;- _. _____,_ ..-....... )1'.1.~~,^-" r /~ -...<....t._"-P" l.J ' .).' (, '')/f('YL. ',I'I'I!OYIl> I,:. 10 l~R-"~' '<.--<:0.--.<.--.. l) 1,~~().tr<';AI \\JUI [7 '~// /. ~- (fl- . I . ~__ (-}'!'j:t-,7A:-J-.I.J.I.. 1~1. !Ol-J ('\/"1 t ('11/"./)-, ~}?-,,~=:-\~~ ::V~"':\,-~d- ( Cr:~_ '1 .~ " . \..;'" . ~ . t . \ ~...~,~'l " ,','-.,', .; 1,,\ MOlfl'fJe ~ policy fal' N-equests for Office Spaee by Non-Profit Ol'gttnlzatlolfJ5 The purpose or this policy is to establish a procedure for processing requests from non-profrt organizations desiring dffice space in County facilities. The Board of County Commissioners adopted thi5t policy on November. 9, 1aa9. GENERAU.INFORMATION: 1. Orgamizations shall complete the attached form and submit it to the Facii:ties MaIntenance Department at 3583: South Roosevelt Boulevard. Key West, Florida 33040: telephone number 305/292-4431 _ fax numtier 305/295-3672. 2. Onc~ the request for office space has been reviewed by staff, and it has been determined that appropriate space is available, the Administration will prepare an agenda item for the next available meeting for the Board of County Commissioners to consider staff recommendations and make a (lI1al determination. 3, If appropriate office space is located, and approved by the Board of County Commissioners, the orga*Jzation will be required to: a. Exea.zte a one-year lease agre~ment with the County, with two (2) possible one-year extensions, l11ereafter the organization wiu not be eligible to reapply for space for a periOd of a minimum or three (3) years; b. Pay a fee of $100.00 per month to the Monroe County Clerk of Courts (Finance Depanmcnt) to cover electricity costs; c. ~rovide its own janitorial and telephone service. CRITERIA: TtlEl following aiteria are tile basis for determining the Oliocation of office space: 1. The organization must proVide a County-wide service. 2. paes the organization presently receive funding from Monroe County? Yes 0 Noma If so, is the agency willing to reduce funding commensurate with, cost saVings as a result of being located in a County facility? Yes 0 No 0 N / A 3. The organization must secure an in-kind match grant for the value of ~he space allocatf!d Please list ;~rant James Starr Moore Memorial FOllndi'li-; on f Lvdia. B. Stokes Fdtn. <. ~MII the office space requested be needed on a temporary basis or for an extended period of time? :remporary B12sis 0 Extended Basis K5l: ,How Long? 1 j'P r1 r c; .. , ", '.... . v . ;;~':~ c ;/,,}'><~~:'~" '.~. }Jon-Profit Organization ,Requ.est ~r OUke SpaCfi! Name of Organization: Contact Name: Joan Sampieri Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami, Inc. Non-Profit No: 59-1642041 Addrass: 1699 s. W. 27th Avenue I Miami, Phone Number: (305) 285-5532 Florida 33145 Square Footage Requested: negotiate with health dept Fax Number. (305) 285-5571 For How Long? 3 year s Location Rrquired: Lower Keys 0 Middle Keys g]: Upper Keysu Special R~uirements: We ar~ requestinq space a~ the Ruth Ivens Center ln Marathon and the DqTT space in Tavernier. In./H. .(. l\-~I..'T~ uoes this drganiz:ation ~ceive funding from Monroe County? Yes 0 N~ I If so, what;s the annual al~tion? Nj A , If a lease i~ granted, please identify the program for which the value of the space allocated will be used as an in-kind grar.1t match: Affordable reproductive health care. Describe the County-wide service your agency provides and the cost bQnefit to Monroe County taxpayers: .-Ela!1_!1.~~_Parenthood provides reproductive heal thcare (Pap test; breast exam; ,testicular exam; STD diaqnosis and treatment; contraceptive methods) at greatly reduced 'prices. Jor COunty Use Onl~ Approved by: Risk Management: Facilities Maint: Date: Fair Market Value for allocated Space) Da:e ($ PVI/ Director: County Administrdtor: Date !f approved, the o~aniz.ation be required to enter into 3 one-year lease with the County, with two (2) possible ene-year e~tensions, at which time the organization will not be eligible to reapply for space for a period of a minimum Qf three (3) yea~. All non-profit organizations who are provided office space will be required to ;-eimburse the County for utilities in the amount Of$100.00lmonth, and must provide their own janitorial and. telephone services, Date: 11J1I4L fJ,lj3