Item H3
07/05/2001 10:31
PAGE 01/01
Big Plae Ke~
Civic Assoclatioa, IDC.
P.o. Box 430190
Big Pine Key, Florida 33043-0190
Phone: (305) 872-3509 Fax: (305.872-0954
RobeIt Sdtnelder, President D.ytoa CIosMr, Corresponding Seuewy
Larry SIIIlMn. Ant VIce President Bn!ndII Schneider. T rMsurer
hndy B_. s-td VIce President Pit! Diy. Director
Jon BolIon, Recording Secrelary c.rtelle Edwards. Director
v.m Potonti. DiIwcfor
Eugeae ShlnfuMch. DirKlDr
CUries S.... Director
lAigh Wifliuns. Dil'ldDr
July 5, 2001
Mr. Jim Roberts
Monroe County Administrator
Public Service Building - Room 212
5100 COllege Road
Key West, Florida 33040
Dear Mr. Roberts:
I request that I be allowed to make a "Sounding Board" presentation at the July Board of County Commissioners
meeting. The topic would be "F.E.M.A. Issues" with an emphasis on reasons Why the county should go forward
with the downstairs enclosures inspection program.
If allowed, and without requesting additional time, I ask that both Capt. Ed Davidson and I share the permissible
time to mutually address this Issue.
Thank you in advance for your guidance in this matter.
Robert E. Schneider
Copies: Capt. Ed Davidson