Item B07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 7-19-01 Division: Growth Maruuzement Bulk Item:YES...L NO_ Departmcnt:Marine Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of the Contract Agreement between Monroe County and Amoldts Towing for the emergency removal ofDV3A3481 located off of Stock Island. ITEM BACKGROUND: The P.W.C.C. requested immcd.ia.te removal of this vessel due to it posing a threat to navigation and human health and welfare. Arnold's Towing was working in the vicinity and agreed to remove and dispose of immediately for $1.275.00. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New Contract STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: $1.275.00 BUDGETED: Yes COST TO COUNTY: Staff Time Only BIF REVENUEPRODUCING: YES_NOl AMT.PERMO._YEAR_ APPROVED BY:COAITY X.OMBIPUR~ AGEMENTNlA DOCUMENT AnON: INCLUDED:-X- TO FOLLOW:_ NO QUlRED:_ DISPOSITION: AGF:NDAITIiM,#~ I I MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONtRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Aruol.d' S towiYlGo Ccmtrad N EtfeetM: Dale: Expiration Date: Contract PurposelDescription: ..r.anc.... rl!DDV'al of Dv~81. ConttaCI Manager: ':1. MI"!~ 4511 - (Name) (Ext.) (nepartmentlStop #) I Marine Projects Section fot' BOCC meetinK on 7-19-01 Asleuda Oe8dlille: 6-29-01 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value ofContl1M:t: S 11'275.00 Budgeted? Yes~ No 0 Account Codes: Gnu1t: $ HIP CoUDty Match: S KIA Current Yesr Portion: $ 1.275 .00 157 _ 62600- 530. 340- ..-. - ----.-- - - - - '-----""--- .. - - - - --------- - - - - ---- ADDmONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: Sltl A Iyr Por: (Not meluded in dolllit' value above) CfIIL maiftrenanc&. ~Iitiel.' . . saiaries. etC-) CONTRACT REVIEW CJan&eS Date In Needed./ Division Director t,l1JL- {o I yes[] Noef _ ' ~~ 1o\~I\O\ y..o~ ' O~ (,:~\~\YesON ~ a~ CouIIly ~ !,jtf/P( vesO N~ Commems: Dale Out ~ ->>-0 ,. b-tt?()-O OMS Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP 112 ~.. '- ---- ARNOLD'S AUTO &: MARINE REPAIR, lNC. SS40 3"' Avenue, Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 (305) 296..3832 FAX 292-9882 May 10,2001 Dear Kim, We are available to remove DV3A348 1 located off of Safe Harbor in Stock Island immediately for $1,275.00. This price includes immediate removal and legal disposal. Jj:;5 w: rL4 Richard W. Arnold Owner " I' CONTRACT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT. MADE THiS day of 2001, by and between,. Arnold's Auto Md Man. Repair, IDe. ("Contractor">. and the BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSiONERS OF MONROE COUNlY. FLORIDA. of the County of Monroe. State of Florida ("Boerd"). The Contractor and the Board, for 1hc c:onsidcratiou DaJIII:Id agree as follows: 1- The Contractor shall furnish all tbc materials and pedonn aU the work as required by me Specifications for the emerpncy removal ofDV3A3481 fur which a Florida Fish aDd Wildlife Conservation Conanission Derelict Vessel Report is auacbed as Exhibit A. 2. The work to be performed uDder this contJ'ad must be completed by July 30. ~ 3. The Contractor uncMntaDds the rules of the Florida Department of Environmental Pl'Qtection and shall comply with those rules, along with the roles and procedures instituted by the Board to ensure an orderly progress to the project. Both the intent and the requirements of the SpeciflClltions, attached as Exhibit B. are understood by the ContractOr. 4. The Board shall pay the Contractor S 1.275.00 for the removal and legal disposal of DV3A3481. Payment Wl1. be upon completion of work by the ContraCtOr and review and approval by the Marine ProjeW CoordiDatot. S. The auached Derelict Vessel Reports, Specifications. and the Monroe County Insurance R.cquirc:ml:m:s togcthc:r with this ~en~ form the Cantract. 'Ibey are tully a part of this Connct as if repeated herein vwbatim. 6. The ContraCtOr covenants aftd agrees to indImnify aDd hold harmle$s the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners fi'oJn any and aD claims for bodily injury (including death), per8<lOal injury and property damage (including property OWDCCI by the County) and other losses, 1 :. . damages. 8Dd. expeases (includiDg attorney's iWs) wbic:h arise out of, in connection with, or by reasoa of'services provided by the CaattaCfOl' or any of its Subcoatnlctor (5) in any tier, their employees or .pots. The purchase of the insuranc:e required in paragraph 11 does not vitiIlte this iademnificatim provisioo. 7. The COI'ltr8ctar apees to supply the County with a set of photographs of each. vessel in all phases of tbe removal and disposal process. The COlltlactOr will be mipODSible for the camera.. ftllnt and drNelopmeDt costs. S. The Contractor must inform the COWIt>' and the Florida Marine Patrol prior to initiation of work. 9. The parties agree that a timely performance of this a~ is essential due to possible ~ge to the natural resources, hazlrds to navigalion. or threats to human health and welfare. Thele.be. the parties agree that the Contractor shaD be liable to the Board for S 100 per day of tiquidaUld damages for each day after 7-30-01 that the Contractor's obligations under this aamment remain unpc:rfmmed. The panics ap that such attlOUDt is by the way of compa1IItory cI8maps aDd does not constitute a peaa1ty. 10. Due to the use of heavy equipment aDd, at times. dangerous work environment. the Con1rIctOr understands and agrees to maiDtain an alooboJ an drua tree work environment. 11. The Contraetor will be respoosible for alllleClll8l'Y iDsurance coverase as indicated by an "X" OIl tbe attached forms identified as: INSCKLST 1-4. as further dai1cd on forms VL I, we1, WCJA. GLI. WLl, & POLl attachat as Exhibit C. AU policies must list Moaroe County as additklnaI iDs1nd wiIb the exapMn of the Wcrictr's Compensation policy. 12. The Contractor warrants tbu it ... not employed. rIIainId 01' otherwise had let on its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the prohibition of SoctioD 2 of Ordinauce No. 010-1990 or any County offiCCt' or employee in vioIatioIl of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 020- 1990. For breach or violation of chis provision. the oww. may, in its discmion, terminate this 2 . . contract without liability and may also. in its discretion, deduct from the contract or purc:base price, or otherwise recover the fi.lD amount of allY fee. commission. peteenta~ gift. or consideration paid to the former C~ officer or e.nployce. 13. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convktcd vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a c:ontract with a public entity for the oonstroction or repair of a public building 01' public ~ may not submit bids on leases of real property to public llIltity. may not pedonn work as a c:mtract.or~ supplier, subcontractor. or consultant under a contract with any public entity, end may not traasact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 of the Florida Statutes, for CA TE(iORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted veodorlist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF each party benito have executed this Agreement the day and year first written above. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLBRK BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSI0Nt::RS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORJDA By; Deputy Clerk By; Mayor/Chairman 1l~ Wttness: . Witness;' . Jk. r ~ Business Name: 1<.A'J (...j).$ r; w' V By~4/~~ ~ Title: (JUJ JU ell.- . 3