Item L10 Meeting Date: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGRNDA T~RM Rl~ARY ~]g. lS/16. 200] Division: BOCC Bulk Item: No x Department: DiAtrjct Fiv~ AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of appointment of the District Five Commissioner to be the liaison to the Monroe County BOCC in all matters regarding the Key Largo wastewater project. ITEM BACKGROUND: As Monroe County is committed to achieving wastewater improvements in all of our communities by 2010, the workload of dealing with all the RFPs, contracts, finance and implementation is too big of a burden on anyone commissioner. Since Key Largo has a history with wastewater and the highest level of trust is in their own district commissioner, it would stand to reason that the Key Largo wastewater project will proceed at a quicker pace with a single commissioner working on the day-to-day problems and reporting back to the BOCC for their approval. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: County Attorney OMB/Purchasing ~~ Risk Mgt. €::. -7't/~ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: MURRAY E. NRLRON. r.ommiARion~r DOCUMENTATION: Included: To Follow: Not Required: ~ DISPOSITION: AGRNDA T~RM :/:l: / -LIt)