Item J1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: August 15.2001 Division: Monroe County Sheriff s Department Bulk Item: Yes --L No Department: Monroe County Sheriff s Department AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Contract for Local Police Services between the Monroe County Sheriffs Department, the City of Layton, and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. ITEM BACKGROUND: This contract was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 28, 2000 and is now due for renewal. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Same as above. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: No changes. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Richard D. Roth, Sheriff DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow_ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #~ Revised 2/27/01 .. t"'"1\J.. {~;/~ Contract for Local Police Services Monroe County Sheriffs Office and the City of Layton I.J'urposc. The City of I.ayton, a Floridl municipality C'Layton"), .lIld tlw Monroe' C:mullY Shcriff\ Office CIMG"K>"), a subdivision of th~~ State of rIoliJa, havt' agn..(.d that Layton will pun..~hasc and Meso will provide local law ('nl()J'cc/lWlll scrvil.;<~s to r .<lyton in adclition to regional police scrvi<.:c:s provid<'d to rl.sjdcnl~ of Lht, u.nincorporated areas of Monroe COLUItY. This Colltmc( stint'S thl' l<.TIIII; of the agreemCnl bttwecn lh(~ p:uties. 2-Partics. The p.ll1'ies to this Contralt cu'e l.ayton and MeSo. Any n>rlllllUnicatioll n.'quircd to be provided by either party molY he directed to: City o( L<tyton TI)('llonorahle Carol Mac L:'Ul'U, Mavor " HI IX 778 (>RUJO OvCrSt'<ls l.-lighw<'Y l.l.>Ilh K(,y, Flori<.f.1 33001 Tl'lcphonc: (305) 664~4667 r ;;1r~illlil('; (305) 664-0105 Meso (~)Iond WilIimllR, McDonald, Undersheriff ')))'i (:olk-gc Road Key \x"C:-it) Florida 3J040 Telephonl': (305) 292.7001 I ;;1\:sil1lilt~: (30.1) 292-7070 .3~lcrm. The t(TIll of thi~ COJltrcKt begins O<..tol>c:"1, 2001 and ends Scpt('mlx'r JO, 2002, 4-Scope of purchased scrvkcs. MCSO will provide professionaJ local road pat 1'01 tnv l'nforccnwllt scrvirl'S throughout the City of Layton. "Loell roCld p;ltl'ol bw clllor('CJllc.~m s(~rVk.:e~" jndudt~ response to call~ for law cnf(m~Clll('1lt \l'rvj(:c and rq:;uhlrly sch<'duled patrol by ulufol111cd law enfon:enll'ut of[iccr~ in lllarkl'd patrol i.:ar:i whose fuJl~t.iI1lc duty ilssignnlCJlt involvl~s n.'_,>pondinh to (';111.... Page 1 or 6 .....uL:. ~ $..1'- ;~ J, v",,, I'" rKUW' W~"'U ~UMINJb~kA~JUN 10. for sCl"vil..\' ~U1d engilging in crime prl'Vcntion ilctivities, .'iCrg(~;Ulls who provide' first-hill' supervision to those officers, and general ('a'S(~ dek~liws 110t assiwwd to Itlvcsl.igatc nujor crilUt.'s or function as crime sc..;cne tcchnid,uls. The kvd of service provickd to Layton will be identical or Sup('rior to (he h.'vel of service providni to till' uninrorporatcd .U'('<ls of Monroe County, anti id<.~mical or lwtll'r 10 th.ll provided currently. SoOther sCt'vkcs. ApiUt from this O.ml.racl, 1\1CSO sh~u] aho provide the folldwing servin's to Layton on dll~ s.tmc wrms .uld at no addition.u dl,lrg<.' or expl'n'\(' ~lS tilt')' an.: pmviJ(xl to all rc,~id(.'llts of Monroe Coumy: . ^ vi,lt:ion .Ihiliffs :md otht'J' court personnel r:~()mb sCJuad -Civil process -(:. lUIlnuuity policing spel.itlisb <:rinw KelW services -C:l'illlinal .UlaIYM S('rvlccs I )jw team 1'.lJvil'oJlJ1l(~Ulal officers / ;ill.lIKl' / losl ;Igc 1J(\gOliation IlulllClH n.'sollrn..'s -/1l1ormmioJ) le<,'hno}ogy -/ nlcnul jnvl.~_"lig;1tions Pagl..~ 2 n[ () PAGE 2 -.Juvenile officers -Ma.ior crim('$ dC:lt'Clivc .md inwstigativc seryiCt,~, induJing homil.'iJ~" .1r~()I1: scxualcrilllt,s, child ..busl' ~u.ld ucglet.t, narcotics ;md roordin.llioll of n:gionaI, statewide, .md ll,llional investigation - Neighhol"hood and bu....iness Crime W..uchcs .Polict' (",mint' - Pol ice disp;1t\.'h, including 911 .':i(~rvi(;Cs Police Iq;.l! advisor - Prisolwl' detention and l)",U1SP011 - Property ;l11d l,\,jdl~ncc - PlI hlie i 11 ((mn,uioll officer -Rc(ord'i -R('gional ;}thl1inistration Sdl< )01 en IS$ing gu<u'ds -Sdl{)O] r(~S()llr(<: officers and DAREinstructor~ .SWAT It..un .Tr.dfic unit -'I 'raining 6-(:olllplainls rcg.lrding officers. Me'$O i~ committed to l11aint.ainill~ a high Sl.11hLu-d of professionalism for all of its officers. Complaints rtgarding officl'rs shaH be promptly and thoroughly inve~')tigatcd by MeSO. Elcocd (Jffici.l/' ;uHll'mploycts of 1.ay1on ~h<1.11 not undertake illvcstigatJOWi of any P.lgC J of 6 l ,....,~L ("nl'el, Any (olnplaims or concerns n,~gar<.ling the MeSo officers should he: dil'l'dcd to the District Commander in Marath0l1 or the Office of Jlller!lal Affai,.,,;, 7-RcsponsibiJity for ullimate control. Layton wldcrstands, ;lcli..nowlt...dgt~.. ,uJd agrn':-; thl.' MeSO must, at all times, have and maintain th{1 sole fc,spo!lsihility for and COllI rol of all serviccs hcn'LUKlct., including without limit..ltiou, tht. l'.'ilahlishlll(,1ll of st.mdards of pcrform.U1ce ~tnd ccmdw..t, hiring, promotion, discipliuL' ;\Ild tel'mination, labor relat.ions) as well as aU other maller.'i Ilt'CCSS<llY or incident to the }.wrformancc of such services. No dect(~d official or (:mployee of Layton maydirCf..'t th(' :Ktj(}n~ of M( :S< ) (,!Ti\:l'rs. 8-AUellliuu lo needs of Layton. MC..-SO will work tu~(:tll<.'r with Layton It) direct polin.' sCl'vi<.:c:s to the !lwet the t'xpresscd needs of the residents of La)'toll. MeSO .senior police .'ldtllinistr;;ltors willl1leet with till' \l1<\)'or frequently I () Il'.m I uf community con(:{'f11S aud shall work closely wilh tht, M;lyor l() d('vis(. plan.; ;ullf Ulcthods best suited to n.'spond to those c()nc<:~rns. C)-Officers not employees or agents of L'lyton. All deputi<.'s .1rH.J otlwr pef'\OI1S (Implo}'ed by MesO to pcr1'()rrn services under this Contract arc .1111 f ~h;\lIlun;ljl1 ill th(,~ sole employment of MCSO and no .\llCh ~wrson sha1l1w COII.'iidl'/"('( I in t ht employ of I.ayton fof' the purpose of any pension, inSlJl~Uln:.~, ('ivil scrvil..'(", workcr'~ compensation payor other benefits. MeSO offi(:crs ;lft' not ;tgl'nls or employees of Layton, .mc1 will not have the authority to enter into ;lgn'('I1}('Jlls OJ' make polil.)' on b<,'half of Layton. lC-Enfon.:cmcnt of municipal ordinances. MCSOdeputic.>i will be .11.11 hori/l\.l under Flori<b law to cnfon::e th<.~ Plorid4 stale law ilnd app]iclbk nHuHy ;md lllullicipal ordin;m(:<.'S. Llyton agrees to provide MCSO'\ix copies illld {'wry flll'lllbtr of its [)istritt om- <.;opy of SUdl ordin~llll'e.'\. Further, 1.;1)'1.on Jgn'cs I.IJ provide MeSO with the text of proposed ordinances iutilUc .~lI[fjci('m lor l'<.'vi<.'w and di.....:ussion with City officials and uwir .ldvisot'S. MesO will provide C:ity offi<..-i.lls ;1dvin~ from a practical Ltw enforcement pl'l'spl'ctiw L'onnTlling .my propoS('~d C1iminal ol'd.inal1rc. II-Legal d.lims, notices of suit, and lawsuits. Tht, p;:Uli(~.'\ slIJ.11 pro\oidl' t';l<.h O1"l'l. with cOlnpl(~te .md prompt norific,ltion of any k~gal daim, nOlin' 0/ suit. C)l' lawsuit that involves thc provision ()f scrvj<:cs hC.'rt\Ull(k'r, and shall , Page 4 of 6 't"l'J4.. ;... (:OOpCI',lle in tlw mutual dd'ensc of ilny such claims. This SCdion JOl'S nOl n.'quin: cilhc;r pany to aSSlUllC tile finaucial obligations of tlwother. 12~Pa}'l1lcnl for services. Layton agrees to pay for law mL<m..'l'lnmt s<.'rvin~s ddiv,'fl'd under this GmrraL"t. Thl.' amount of payment will he dl~l<:nllilwd by ;u.I valul'em Illilkg(~ lcvi(.d upon Layton rc:.ll property. The milla~(: lIst.~d to d('l(~nllj,ll' Ill(' prict' IMi~1 by l.ayton shall b<.~ the lesser of 1.0 mills or th(~ lUilbg<.~ set by MO/1J'l){: C~)Ul1ty for local polirt' service." in the LUlincorpof"&\ttx! :lrca." or the ~'\ IUllly. [.;lYlon sh~dlll'vy il millage Upon its laxpaY<'Ts for the purpose of funding this C:olltral1 ,Uld pay the rcwnues as they .lre collet"'tcd to the Ck~rk of (~)lIlt. . J 'he (:Ink will pay them to MeSO as provided by law. J3.Fincs and forfeitures. The p,uti<.'s acknowledge Layton's cntitlcnwlll to finl~S ;lnd I<Hfdtllrt:S pUrSU<lntlO s318.21, FI.l. Slat. (2000). J4.1.;1w enforcement education assessments. l.clytnn agn~es to pnlfllptly remit to MeSO ~1l1 mOl1i(~ currently received by it from the Clerk of Coun .IHribllt:lhll, to ,1SSCSSlllellts of COlut mSls intended for criminal jmliu: lrail1in~ pul'po:o;c....MCSO will U.'>i;~ these funds solely for law (..l1fOR~ClllCnt l.dul.~ation a.'i l'cqllirt\1 hy 1a'W: Any nl~ ..lsseSSl1lent~ enacted by Layton for law cn[on,x.'nlcnt ttaining pllrpml~~ will be sh.lred between MeSO Md Layron for the ptllVOS(.'S i IIIt'lIded hy law. IS-Mutual aid. 'l'he p:utics rexogniz{' their obligatioIllO provide assi.~tanct' 10 (II Iwl' jllrj~djclions (induding without limitation Lhc Cities of Key We...l, rvlar.ll hOll, Key G>lony BC,ldl, IsJ.ullor;tda, the Occau Reef Public S,lfcty Di.'iuiCl ,lJ1d any IlIlUlicipillitics incorporated in Monroe C..olUlty aft(~r t/w dfcctivc dalc uJ I hi.. (:< ll'\ r,Kt) pursuant to the Florida Mutual Aid ACl and in tht, event of l';Itilslroph~.. MeSO m~ty Jinxt its o[fic(.'rs to render aid in either case in ,1 1ll.\JUI('l' L'ollsis\.ml with lh<' deploymclll by MeSO of other MCSO officers wit hom fit l;l 11 ciJ s(~t-off or ucdm;tion oy Ll}'ton, The M,\mtger will h~~ giwn all p()s.'~ihk notice of SIKh deploymt'.m and written reports of the :lct:Ons or ofl'iu'rs so dcpbynl. I('-Par..l~raph headings not dispositive. TIle parrit's agre(,that the Itl'adings ~iwll the p;'lr.\~raphs and other subdivisions of this COm!~lll arc.~ [(l!" ~w;" ..,1 rdc/'<.'nl"C only .ulc1 are llot di!>positivt in the intelpretatioll of Gmtrill'l langll.lgc. Pagl~ ) of 6 ~,",yl:. b 17-Nu presumption against draft!lpcrson: The parties agn.'(.t.hat thi.Ii (~lJltralll1a:; heeD. [r(~ly ncg()t~llcd by boll, p<uties, and that., in allY Jisput(, OWl' I h~.' Ill(.'~llling, interp,'cl.lt:i(ltJ, validity, or enforceability of this Comracl or :Uly or its It,'I'IllS orprovisious, th(.'J"(~ sh"ul be no pn>~umpLi()11 whal~oevcr ;\~.ljnst. (~itl1('r party hy vinllt of their h.willg drc1Itt.-d this Conu'a<.1. or any poltion t:hcreoL Uy: Agreed to on IL,2001. Shc.:..if"(i~idlMlb~'RotJi--'.- (S F. A I.) . ~ '1', -, ;',"",:Jl ~~~ /<;---: F"h:) ; :,..' ~,.Jhl ~t l'.P,'. if "';".!,~_S.";'~U'T. IC. 'iENC 1\,.>;1.-< ~'_v/-U/;~ aY~ ' ./ SHERIC:F'S ATTORNEY --- <. :ity of l.ayton By: A l'TEST: ~J~ . .& ~_., "-",_.. .- ".- City Clerk (S EAI.) ,\"TFST: D;tllny L Kolh~ge. Clerk Board of County Commissioner's Monroe C()unly: rJoJ-id" Uy 15cP\Jty-Cla-k- , '.--"'.-, By ___. ._.. .,_'_._ __ Maynr lehan'person P.lgc 6 of (,