Item J1
Meeting Date: August 15.2001
Division: Monroe County Sheriff s Department
Bulk Item: Yes --L No
Department: Monroe County Sheriff s Department
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Contract for Local Police Services between the Monroe
County Sheriffs Department, the City of Layton, and Monroe County Board of County
This contract was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 28, 2000 and is now due
for renewal.
Same as above.
No changes.
APPROVED BY: County Atty _
Richard D. Roth, Sheriff
Included X
To Follow_
Not Required_
Revised 2/27/01
.. t"'"1\J..
Contract for Local Police Services
Monroe County Sheriffs Office and the City of Layton
I.J'urposc. The City of I.ayton, a Floridl municipality C'Layton"), .lIld tlw
Monroe' C:mullY Shcriff\ Office CIMG"K>"), a subdivision of th~~ State of rIoliJa,
havt' agn..(.d that Layton will pun..~hasc and Meso will provide local law
('nl()J'cc/lWlll scrvil.;<~s to r .<lyton in adclition to regional police scrvi<.:c:s provid<'d to
rl.sjdcnl~ of Lht, u.nincorporated areas of Monroe COLUItY. This Colltmc( stint'S
thl' l<.TIIII; of the agreemCnl bttwecn lh(~ p:uties.
2-Partics. The p.ll1'ies to this Contralt cu'e l.ayton and MeSo. Any
n>rlllllUnicatioll n.'quircd to be provided by either party molY he directed to:
City o( L<tyton
TI)('llonorahle Carol Mac L:'Ul'U, Mavor
HI IX 778
(>RUJO OvCrSt'<ls l.-lighw<'Y
l.l.>Ilh K(,y, Flori<.f.1 33001
Tl'lcphonc: (305) 664~4667
r ;;1r~illlil('; (305) 664-0105
(~)Iond WilIimllR, McDonald, Undersheriff
')))'i (:olk-gc Road
Key \x"C:-it) Florida 3J040
Telephonl': (305) 292.7001
I ;;1\:sil1lilt~: (30.1) 292-7070
.3~lcrm. The t(TIll of thi~ COJltrcKt begins O<..tol>c:"1, 2001 and ends
Scpt('mlx'r JO, 2002,
4-Scope of purchased scrvkcs. MCSO will provide professionaJ local
road pat 1'01 tnv l'nforccnwllt scrvirl'S throughout the City of Layton. "Loell roCld
p;ltl'ol bw clllor('CJllc.~m s(~rVk.:e~" jndudt~ response to call~ for law cnf(m~Clll('1lt
\l'rvj(:c and rq:;uhlrly sch<'duled patrol by ulufol111cd law enfon:enll'ut of[iccr~ in
lllarkl'd patrol i.:ar:i whose fuJl~t.iI1lc duty ilssignnlCJlt involvl~s n.'_,>pondinh to (';111....
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~ $..1'- ;~ J,
v",,, I'"
for sCl"vil..\' ~U1d engilging in crime prl'Vcntion ilctivities, .'iCrg(~;Ulls who provide'
first-hill' supervision to those officers, and general ('a'S(~ dek~liws 110t assiwwd to
Itlvcsl.igatc nujor crilUt.'s or function as crime sc..;cne tcchnid,uls. The kvd of
service provickd to Layton will be identical or Sup('rior to (he h.'vel of service
providni to till' uninrorporatcd .U'('<ls of Monroe County, anti id<.~mical or lwtll'r
10 th.ll provided currently.
SoOther sCt'vkcs. ApiUt from this, 1\1CSO sh~u] aho provide the
folldwing servin's to Layton on dll~ s.tmc wrms .uld at no addition.u dl,lrg<.' or
expl'n'\(' ~lS tilt')' an.: pmviJ(xl to all rc,~id(.'llts of Monroe Coumy:
. ^ vi,lt:ion
.Ihiliffs :md otht'J' court personnel
r:~()mb sCJuad
-Civil process
-(:. lUIlnuuity policing spel.itlisb
<:rinw KelW services
-C:l'illlinal .UlaIYM S('rvlccs
I )jw team
1'.lJvil'oJlJ1l(~Ulal officers
/ ;ill.lIKl'
/ losl ;Igc 1J(\gOliation
IlulllClH n.'sollrn..'s
-/1l1ormmioJ) le<,'hno}ogy
-/ nlcnul jnvl.~_"lig;1tions
Pagl..~ 2 n[ ()
-.Juvenile officers
-Ma.ior crim('$ dC:lt'Clivc .md inwstigativc seryiCt,~, induJing homil.'iJ~"
.1r~()I1: scxualcrilllt,s, child ..busl' ~u.ld ucglet.t, narcotics ;md roordin.llioll of
n:gionaI, statewide, .md ll,llional investigation
- Neighhol"hood and bu....iness Crime W..uchcs
.Polict' (",mint'
- Pol ice disp;1t\.'h, including 911 .':i(~rvi(;Cs
Police Iq;.l! advisor
- Prisolwl' detention and l)",U1SP011
- Property ;l11d l,\,jdl~ncc
- PlI hlie i 11 ((mn,uioll officer
-R('gional ;}thl1inistration
Sdl< )01 en IS$ing gu<u'ds
-Sdl{)O] r(~S()llr(<: officers and DAREinstructor~
.SWAT It..un
.Tr.dfic unit
-'I 'raining
6-(:olllplainls rcg.lrding officers. Me'$O i~ committed to l11aint.ainill~ a
high Sl.11hLu-d of professionalism for all of its officers. Complaints rtgarding
officl'rs shaH be promptly and thoroughly inve~')tigatcd by MeSO. Elcocd
(Jffici.l/' ;uHll'mploycts of 1.ay1on ~h<1.11 not undertake illvcstigatJOWi of any
P.lgC J of 6
l ,....,~L
("nl'el, Any (olnplaims or concerns n,~gar<.ling the MeSo officers should he:
dil'l'dcd to the District Commander in Marath0l1 or the Office of Jlller!lal
7-RcsponsibiJity for ullimate control. Layton wldcrstands, ;lcli..nowlt...dgt~.. ,uJd
agrn':-; thl.' MeSO must, at all times, have and maintain th{1 sole fc,spo!lsihility for
and COllI rol of all serviccs hcn'LUKlct., including without limit..ltiou, tht.
l'.'ilahlishlll(,1ll of st.mdards of pcrform.U1ce ~tnd ccmdw..t, hiring, promotion,
discipliuL' ;\Ild tel'mination, labor relat.ions) as well as aU other
maller.'i Ilt'CCSS<llY or incident to the }.wrformancc of such services.
No dect(~d official or (:mployee of Layton maydirCf..'t th(' :Ktj(}n~ of
M( :S< ) (,!Ti\:l'rs.
8-AUellliuu lo needs of Layton. MC..-SO will work tu~(:tll<.'r with Layton
It) direct polin.' sCl'vi<.:c:s to the !lwet the t'xpresscd needs of the residents of
La)'toll. MeSO .senior police .'ldtllinistr;;ltors willl1leet with till' \l1<\)'or frequently
I () Il'.m I uf community con(:{'f11S aud shall work closely wilh tht, M;lyor l() d('vis(.
plan.; ;ullf Ulcthods best suited to n.'spond to those c()nc<:~rns.
C)-Officers not employees or agents of L'lyton. All deputi<.'s .1rH.J otlwr
pef'\OI1S (Implo}'ed by MesO to pcr1'()rrn services under this Contract arc .1111 f
~h;\lIlun;ljl1 ill th(,~ sole employment of MCSO and no .\llCh ~wrson sha1l1w
COII.'iidl'/"('( I in t ht employ of I.ayton fof' the purpose of any pension, inSlJl~Uln:.~,
('ivil scrvil..'(", workcr'~ compensation payor other benefits. MeSO offi(:crs ;lft'
not ;tgl'nls or employees of Layton, .mc1 will not have the authority to enter into
;lgn'('I1}('Jlls OJ' make polil.)' on b<,'half of Layton.
lC-Enfon.:cmcnt of municipal ordinances. MCSOdeputic.>i will be
.11.11 hori/l\.l under Flori<b law to cnfon::e th<.~ Plorid4 stale law ilnd app]iclbk
nHuHy ;md lllullicipal ordin;m(:<.'S. Llyton agrees to provide MCSO'\ix copies
illld {'wry flll'lllbtr of its [)istritt om- <.;opy of SUdl ordin~llll'e.'\. Further, 1.;1)'1.on
Jgn'cs I.IJ provide MeSO with the text of proposed ordinances iutilUc .~lI[fjci('m
lor l'<.'vi<.'w and di.....:ussion with City officials and uwir .ldvisot'S. MesO will
provide C:ity offi<..-i.lls ;1dvin~ from a practical Ltw enforcement pl'l'spl'ctiw
L'onnTlling .my propoS('~d C1iminal ol'd.inal1rc.
II-Legal d.lims, notices of suit, and lawsuits. Tht, p;:Uli(~.'\ slIJ.11 pro\oidl'
t';l<.h O1"l'l. with cOlnpl(~te .md prompt norific,ltion of any k~gal daim, nOlin' 0/
suit. C)l' lawsuit that involves thc provision ()f scrvj<:cs hC.'rt\Ull(k'r, and shall
Page 4 of 6
't"l'J4.. ;...
(:OOpCI',lle in tlw mutual dd'ensc of ilny such claims. This SCdion JOl'S nOl
n.'quin: cilhc;r pany to aSSlUllC tile finaucial obligations of tlwother.
12~Pa}'l1lcnl for services. Layton agrees to pay for law mL<m..'l'lnmt s<.'rvin~s
ddiv,'fl'd under this GmrraL"t. Thl.' amount of payment will he dl~l<:nllilwd by ;u.I
valul'em Illilkg(~ lcvi(.d upon Layton rc:.ll property. The milla~(: lIst.~d to d('l(~nllj,ll'
Ill(' prict' IMi~1 by l.ayton shall b<.~ the lesser of 1.0 mills or th(~ lUilbg<.~ set by
MO/1J'l){: C~)Ul1ty for local polirt' service." in the LUlincorpof"&\ttx! :lrca." or the
~'\ IUllly. [.;lYlon sh~dlll'vy il millage Upon its laxpaY<'Ts for the purpose of funding
this C:olltral1 ,Uld pay the rcwnues as they .lre collet"'tcd to the Ck~rk of (~)lIlt.
. J 'he (:Ink will pay them to MeSO as provided by law.
J3.Fincs and forfeitures. The p,uti<.'s acknowledge Layton's cntitlcnwlll to finl~S
;lnd I<Hfdtllrt:S pUrSU<lntlO s318.21, FI.l. Slat. (2000).
J4.1.;1w enforcement education assessments. l.clytnn agn~es to pnlfllptly
remit to MeSO ~1l1 mOl1i(~ currently received by it from the Clerk of Coun
.IHribllt:lhll, to ,1SSCSSlllellts of COlut mSls intended for criminal jmliu: lrail1in~
pul'po:o;c....MCSO will U.'>i;~ these funds solely for law (..l1fOR~ClllCnt l.dul.~ation a.'i
l'cqllirt\1 hy 1a'W: Any nl~ ..lsseSSl1lent~ enacted by Layton for law cn[on,x.'nlcnt
ttaining pllrpml~~ will be sh.lred between MeSO Md Layron for the ptllVOS(.'S
i IIIt'lIded hy law.
IS-Mutual aid. 'l'he p:utics rexogniz{' their obligatioIllO provide assi.~tanct'
10 (II Iwl' jllrj~djclions (induding without limitation Lhc Cities of Key We...l,
rvlar.ll hOll, Key G>lony BC,ldl, IsJ.ullor;tda, the Occau Reef Public S,lfcty Di.'iuiCl
,lJ1d any IlIlUlicipillitics incorporated in Monroe C..olUlty aft(~r t/w dfcctivc dalc uJ
I hi.. (:< ll'\ r,Kt) pursuant to the Florida Mutual Aid ACl and in tht, event of
l';Itilslroph~.. MeSO m~ty Jinxt its o[fic(.'rs to render aid in either case in ,1
1ll.\JUI('l' L'ollsis\.ml with lh<' deploymclll by MeSO of other MCSO officers
wit hom fit l;l 11 ciJ s(~t-off or ucdm;tion oy Ll}'ton, The M,\mtger will h~~ giwn all
p()s.'~ihk notice of SIKh deploymt'.m and written reports of the :lct:Ons or ofl'iu'rs
so dcpbynl.
I('-Par..l~raph headings not dispositive. TIle parrit's agre(,that the
Itl'adings ~iwll the p;'lr.\~raphs and other subdivisions of this COm!~lll arc.~ [(l!"
~w;" ..,1 rdc/'<.'nl"C only .ulc1 are llot di!>positivt in the intelpretatioll of Gmtrill'l
Pagl~ ) of 6
~,",yl:. b
17-Nu presumption against draft!lpcrson: The parties agn.'(.t.hat thi.Ii
(~lJltralll1a:; heeD. [r(~ly ncg()t~llcd by boll, p<uties, and that., in allY Jisput(, OWl'
I h~.' Ill(.'~llling, interp,', validity, or enforceability of this Comracl or :Uly or
its It,'I'IllS orprovisious, th(.'J"(~ sh"ul be no pn>~umpLi()11 whal~oevcr ;\~.ljnst. (~itl1('r
party hy vinllt of their h.willg drc1Itt.-d this Conu'a<.1. or any poltion t:hcreoL
Agreed to on IL,2001.
Shc.:..if"(i~idlMlb~'RotJi--'.- (S F. A I.)
. ~ '1', -, ;',"",:Jl ~~~
/<;---: F"h:) ; :,..' ~,.Jhl ~t
l'.P,'. if "';".!,~_S.";'~U'T. IC. 'iENC
1\,.>;1.-< ~'_v/-U/;~
aY~ '
<. :ity of l.ayton
. .& ~_., "-",_.. .- ".-
City Clerk
(S EAI.)
,\"TFST: D;tllny L Kolh~ge. Clerk
Board of County Commissioner's
Monroe C()unly: rJoJ-id"
15cP\Jty-Cla-k- ,
By ___. ._.. .,_'_._ __
Maynr lehan'person
P.lgc 6 of (,