Item I2
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,J1 8:48 AM
To: Murray Nelson
From: Etizabeth Doyle, (408) 266-0563
. Page: 1 (
79 N, Bay Harbor Dr,
Key Largo, FL 33037
Send to: Murray Nelson
From: Lucy Given
Date: 7/27/01
I Fax nurrtler: 305-852-7162
Phone number: 852-1992
Total pages, Including cover:
Residents of the Sunset Point subdivision would like to speak before the next Key Largo County
Corrvnission meeting in August. We went before the Parks Advisory Board in June to request leasing
from the county 2 properties in our neighborhood, Sunset Park and Bay Drive Beach Access. The
Advisory board agreed with our request and said we need to go before the next County Commission
meeting to get final approval.
The 2 small county properties I'm speaking of have always been open to the public and mainly used by
the neighborhood. In the last couple of years, they have seen heavy use by out of county people,
especially iet skiers. These people abuse they properties, leave trash, use the bushes and neighboring
properties as bathrooms, and speed through the neighborhood We hope that you VIlli agree to limit the
use of these properties and bring peace back to our neighborhood,
I am gathering signatures from the neighborhood and will drop them by your office as soon as I gerthem
together ...
Rease confirm we are on the agenda for August.
Thank you,
Lucy Given
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