Item C16 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ~, Meeting Date: August 15.2001 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Department: Facilities Maintenance AGENDA ITEM WORDING: ApproV'dl of Amendment to Agreement with The Guidance Clinic of the Middle Keys, Inc., increasing the monthly routine maintenance charge for use of their wastewater treatment plant by the Marathon Detention Facility, from $300 per month to $500 per month, retroactive to March 7, 2001. ITEM BACKGROUND: The current agreement provides for reimbursement to Guidance Clinic of up to $300 per month for routine maintenance (plus 50% of those charges in excess of $300), and allows for re- negotiation of that amount when the routine maintenance costs consistently and significantly deviate from $300 per month. The routine monthly maintenance cost have increased to approximately $500 per month, see attached letter. The County will continue to reimburse the Clinic for 50% of those charges in excess of the new monthly rate of $500 for the routine maintenance. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: On March 7, 1990, the Hoec approved the original five- year Agreement with the Guidance Clinic for use of their wastewater treatment plant by the Marathon Detention Facility. On April 19, 1995, the BOCC approved an amended Agreement for an additional three years, with renewal options. On February II, 1998, the BQCC approved the second three-year term, and on February 21, 2001, the BOce approved the third three-year term. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Increase the monthly routine maintenance charge from no more than $300 per month to no more than $500 per month, retroactive to March 7, 2001, the first day of the latest renewal agrecftnent. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: Approx. $7.000 per year (Approx. $6,OOOIyr. for routine maintenance and approx. $1, OOO/yr for one-haU of excess charges) BUDGETED: Yes -X- No Account #101-20504-530340 COST TO COUNTY same REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty. _ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management _ ITEM PREPARED BY: rf# John W. King, Actiog s~~s Op",;,tions DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: t ~~ Dent Pierce DOCUMENTATION: Included ~ To Follow Not Required__ .t.; 1.1 f i1 \~:1: .\', ,. AGENDA ITEM # / -C/fo DISPOSITION: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with: Guidance Clinic of the Middle Keys. Inc. Effective Date: Expiration Date: 03 /07 /01 03 /06 /04 '.0" Contract Purpose/Description: Amendment to the Agreement for the use of the wastewater treatment facility by the Marathon Detention Facility. Contract Manager 4431 (Ext. ) Facilities Maintenance (Department) for BOCC meeting on 08/15/01 Agenda Deadline: 08/01/01 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 7.000 Approx. per yrCurrent Year Portion: $ 4.083.00 Approx Budgeted? Yes ~ No _ Account Codes: 101 - 20505 - 530 - 340 - Grant: $ N/ A County Match: $ N/ A Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ N/ A (Not included in dollar value above) ADDITIONAL COSTS For: (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) J :~I It' ;', I,; I ". i' c I i .; .'1 . ,. i,J Division Director Risk Management O.M.B.IPuf"ng --'--'- ( ) Date Out ~ /5/:21 w3// <:)( 0~!J ~ AUG-03-01 13,10 FROM.MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFrlCE ID'3052923516 PAGE p. 1 1/1 I . ~'" 0 '-..i....... ......... \oJ -"- . ... ..,.... AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT (Use of Wastewater Treatment Plant by the Marathon Detention Facility) This Ri:newal Agreement is made and entered into this 15'" day of August 2001, between MONROE COUNTY, flORIDA ("County") and THE GUIDANCE CLINIC Of THE MlDDLE KEYS, TNC. ("Clinic"), whose address is 3000 41" Strel:t Ocean, Marathon, FL 33050, in order to renew the Agreement between the panics dated March 7, 1990, amended April 19, 1995, and as renewed on February II, 1998, and febrLUU)' 21", 2001 (copies of which are incorporated hereto by reference); as follows: ~. ]. Paragraph 5(B) of the original Agreement "Monthly Maintenance and Operation" shall rcad as follows: It i!; understood that rout1Re mainlenancc: and opel1ltion shall be: perfonned on tho Treatment Plant, the total cost of which is estimated at no more than SSOO.OO per month. This monthly maintenance wiIJ be contracted, and paid by the Clinic. The County will reimburse the Clinic for 100% of these charges, up to $500.00 per month. The County will reimb\irse the Clinic for 50% of those charges in CKcess of S500.00, reimbursement to be made within 30 days of Coullly's receipt of invoice. If routine maintonancc costs consistently and significantly deviate from $500.00 per month. these percentages may be rc-negotiated. 2. Reimbursements to The Guidance Clinic of the Middle Keys, Inc. up to $SOO.OO per month including 50% ofthol>c charges in ex-cess of 550000 will be retroactive from the date of renewal, March 7, 200 I, approved on February 21. 200 I. 3. In all other respects, the original agreement belWcen the parties dated March 7. 1990. amended on April 19, 1995. and renewed on February 11,1998 and February 21",2001, remains in full force and effect. 4. Monroe County's ~rfonnance and obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon an annual appropriation by me BOCC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the panies bave her<:uDlo set their hands and seal, the day and yenr fj~t wril1en' above. (Seal) .. Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chainnan (Seal) Attest; GUIDANCE CLINIC OF THE MIDDLE KEYS, INC. By; By: . Chief Executive Officer President . '1'[: ii..II~.......'...~I.'1 t;r.' I.... I i~itj ililf !'r~f ill," :~II lit r. >t'; \:~ \.', r\~.~.,! ~.\:'fJ GUIDANCE CLINIC OF TfiE MIDDLE KEYS, INC. 3000 418T STREET, OCEAN MARATHON, FL 33050 (v) 3051269-6166/ (f) 305/269~170 ~., February 9, 2001 Ms. Ann Mitnlk Monroe County Facilities Maintenance . 3563 S. Roosevelt Blvd. Key West, FL 33040 Dear Ms. Mitnik: This is to confirm the monthly costs for maintaining the Wastewater Treatment Plant that the Marathon Jail shares with the Guidance ennic of the Middle Keys, Ine. We request that the maximum for rouline maintenance be increase to S500.QO. Current monthly costs are as follows: $300.25 181.80 $482.05 Maintenance Monthly Testing Total We have attached a copy of the most recent invoice from Synagro Technologies for your files. Since costs have a tendency to increase rather than decrease, we request that there be all escalation clause in the three-year contract. The clause Should allow for an annual review of the charges to keep the reimbursement in line with the costs. We would also request that any charges in excess of the monthly costs be shared equally as in the previous contract. ~ If you have any questions. please call me 'at 305-289-6166. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ~~/;:~ Marianne K. Benvenuti . Chief Fiscal Officer Cc David p. Rice, PhD. Chief Executive Officer Debra Barsell, Director of Operations .. . " ~'(HiLt;ni'~ ~ """" ,"....' .' 1", ""'" Q.""",,,, " """"'" & "m,.., ;;: ;;~ ,; . """ .'t... .. i ,(I ':. '..:l~";, ',~l:~~ III lINi'J' J . q. IfG 'JYj:t) ~l:~:; RENEWAL AGREEMENT \:U~i~ (Use of Wastewater Treatment Plant by the Marathon Detention Facility) ,,:#';;, .;;\~:L\')>: .:", This Renewal Agreement is made and entered into this 21st day of February, 2001, between MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ("County") and THE GUIDANCE CLINIC OF THE MIDDLE KEYS, INC. ("Clinic"), whose address is 3000 41st Street Ocean, Marathbn, FL 33050, in order to renew the Agreement between the parties dated March 7, 1990, amended April 19, 1995, and as renewed on February 11, 1998 (copies of which are incorporated hereto by reference); as follows: 1. In accordance with Article 1 of the original Agreement dated March 7, 1990, the COUNTY exercises its third option to renew for three (3) years with seven (7) successive three (3) year terms remaining. 2. The term of this Renewal Agreement will commence on March 7, 2001, and wiIJ terminate March 6, 2004. 3. In all other respects, the original agreement between the parties dated March 7, 1990, amended on April 19, 1995, and renewed on February II, 1998, remains in full force and effect. BG~~, ~puty Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ '. /) ~.-e-- A.. _ . 0 By: Mayor/Chairman 1~0:d (Seal) Attest: GUIDANCE CLINIC OF THE MIDDLE KEYS, INC. By A"J ~ A(2 ~,,--!-z7 I'~< / Chief Executi Olcer By: ~'?~d&- President , . . . "~~"~~" -.. .........IoWUU~ '~~~~f}\l' ,. . ':'~.'''~(\\'i';, fi''{' ,',:" ;:'''':'" '..:"";' . 'iC.,;; " 'tHIS Renewal AQro'....nt 10 made ~ d entered lnto this 11th <I" " I'ebruary · 199 e. between the MONROE COUNTL" FLORIDA ( "County" I and 'tHE 6u ft,:;;g~..t,;,i:",t' CLINIC OF THE HIDDLE kEYS, INC. ("Clinic" I. who.e addre.. i. 3000 41st Street" , Ocean, Marathon, FL 330~O. !iITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the clinic has a Waste Water Treatment Plant (" Trea tmen t PIan t" Ic on its property, and ~., WHEREAS, the County paid for an upgrade to the Treatment Plant to service their jail facility adjacent to the Clinic, _. ," NOW. THEREFORE, in Consideration of the terms and con~iderations herein, the County and the Cl inic- hereby aql-e(' as follows: 1. ~ Th is ag .eement sha 11 rema in in e f f ect for a period of three year., e'fective Mareh ',199B. Upon concurr.nce by both partie., this agreement may be renewed with any and all terms hJrein being renegotiable, for eight .ucCes.ive three (3) year terms, in accordance with the initial five (5) year agreement effective March " 1990, as amended on April 19, 1995. The County may terminate the agreement at any time by providing the Clinic written notice at least 180 days in advance. 2. ~NERSHIP OF TREATMENT PLANT, The Clinic will maintain full pwnership of the Treatment Plant, as expanded under the prior agreement. 3. LOCA TION OF TREATMENT PLANT, The T rea tment P I ant, i nc I ud i ng the ,expansion, is IOCOlect enti,'ely on t1w prop"rty owned by the Cl inic in Marathon, Flor id", ami, wi"",. phys; q lad" ""S. is 3000 41.t Street, Ocean, Marathon, FL nOSO. 4 ' "",,--OF TIl""TI1ENT PLN'T, The County i. author i ,ed, on exchange 'or t1'e consid"btion spec if ied in parag.aph 5 of this agreement and past consideration of installing the expansion o. the Treatment Plant, to use the Clinic's Treatment Plant on t1H> operation o. its jail 'acility located in Marathon, Florida. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES: A. Utilities - Utilities will be billed and paid lOOt by the Clinic. B - 110.':1_~2:!..a i.ntena~~_?!ld O~e_l~at i....on - It is understood that I:"out ine ma; ntena nee and "1'" 'co,; on sha 1 1 be p'>, formed on 'he he,,' ""'n' .. L,,,', th,> t.",,] "0'" of wh i, h "" e,"' "'''00 c'd a, "0 mo,,,, than $300.00 pe,' month. This mo"thly ma j ," en,,,,,,,. w,,, ,,,, ,.,,,,,,' 'w'."" , "nd I"" d by Uoo, C 1 ; n ,< Th,.' Coo n t ,. w,,, ,,' i ""."" ",' 'h.. l'1, n.. , .., 1111\'0. n' 'h,' '" ,h", 'J"" , 0 P '0 ""]11. ,") P'" ""'nUL ']'he "on",,. w, 1 I., """'"'' ,n 'h., C",,;, '0' ,,0'0, 0' 'hose. charge s ;" c "'" "" 0 f nOO. 00, 'e ""bu r "em"", '" ,,,' """". n i U.; nlll d" y" '" Coon t y '" reco.; P' ,., i nvo ie,. . 11 '''''' "',' ma i .., .. "a "".. '''''''. '''n"",,,...., I y ,",,' ,,; " n , f ,..".., 1,. d, v "" " I """ "lIiO. 00 P"l. 1111)1)\ 11, 11l(.~;(. 1-"')(('1)\ '\(J('~; lI\ay be- r('lIegO\ ial~ed_ c. ~J.11~_~)_,: (! ~;('-~> I) J.~(~P:!J._I:_:; T h(> COlJ I) 1: Y wi] ] re i mbu ,. ~;(> I hv CJ i I) i C f: 0 I:" 50t ,,' " " '"'' "". ''''''n '" ,'",.., g" n, y '" pa ..., '0 . h" " re." "". n' 0'1., n, " f, C r U,e ""pi "" io.. 0' 'he """""'" p,', '"'' Suo h ""p,,; ",. wi 11 'w '0'" ,.'W, e,] fa, and ,,,'.., by "", l'1,,,.., n" h dol'O""'''" 00 "'" '0 I", 1"'0.. ; ded to Coo ," Y '0 'n ppo., ih . ......~'\,;e . (i;~~ "'~';(~;~\~,l,U~tI. .. . IJ. !,onnectlg'Y;. - the c.;~1('~~hl1niC ';1l~~~t~t;%~:::':~i~1~~or payment of aU CharQe. 'lnvo1vinQ the CO~~ct1on. of theirJ::e~pect1ve facil1tl.~'ll ". . . to the treatment Plant. '> .,' " ....;. " \\o'!,<ii~': ,- E. !"and.capl~ - It .hau be both partie.' intent to provide a vi.ual barrier between the Clinic'a facilities ~nd the County'. J.il FaCility. 6. OTHER COSTS. Other than those expressly specified agreement, there shall be no other Costs payable by either party. ~.. in this 7. INSURANCEILIABILITY. The Clinic will hold the COunty harmless for any and all incidents. that occur arising from the operatio6 o!., the Treatment Plant. 8. ~NTIRE AGREEMENT. Thi. document contain. the entire agreement between the County and the Clinic and supe.sedes and merge. herein any and all pd or Or can tempor aneou s correspondence. cO"'''u n ic a t ions and ag .eemen ts re la ted. to the use of the Subject Treatment Plant. This. agreement cannot be amended except by a written instrument signed by the County and the Clinic stating that it is an amendment to this agreement. ~".""!.":.::-.,,:-.......~ d:';; ~.:~~'~':!;NESS WHEREOF the parties ~~~n~~Y.eat~irst above written. '0 ~l;).\ /J\.'~\~? ~ mi I .-\:1). !!~1' , .;;;;8 \:~\ "'~~.:.. .{.V ~ '"-:::-r-;:.:.:.:.'i ':A t:..... ~i' ~:~ .:::.... -'j~ l: :.:: :_i:: .' 1,'- ... '?.,... .f , ",' }\'tt'e1(t: 'D~NNY L. KOLliAGE, CLERK -:-'., hereto have executed this Agreement the i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:~~~Y1h+_ ~ Depu~~~ :t 11a yor leha it-man (SEAL) Attest: GUIDANCE CLINIC OF THE /lIDOLE KEYS, INC. BY:~/)~-& . ~ C l.e[ Execut i v'e Of: f i.c(>1: By:~~/RAf-- President Arl'l~O~~(l) /,., TO fORM . AND lJ:9^1 iYHIC/[f\l(1 ~ . C/AJ/./ -77~:V~.2-/ oy.~~ ROBHI) I.~. W~-{:.{.: ~ DAIf -L~"2;::~ ~'i#::\~'. ,. . '~""I'" " #.':).;.;4,"';'. '. l'.l~.r.' ' '\". ...~~~;...;. ~r!~'U'" 'X' ., ',..\1 ~ . . .' ."'1;.' 1lf~f' ~~If \ AGREE~~~5. ~y :~d~e~~~: ~~:~~ ~~~n~,~~ori~~~m~1Y a~~\{'~i')' the GUidance Clinic 01 the Middle Keys. Inc. ("Clinic"). whose address Is 3000 ~1sf Street Ocean. Marathon, Fl33050. WITNESSETft ~, WHEREAS. lhe Clinic has a Waste Wafer Treatment Plant ("Treatment Plant") on its property, and WHEREAS, the County paid for an upgrade to the Treatment Plant to service lheir jail tacility adjacent to the Clinic, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and considerations herein, the County and the Clinic hereby agree as follows: 1. TERM: This ogreement shall remain in effect lor a periOd 01 three {31 yea". eftective March 7. 1995. Upon concurrence by both parties. this agreement may be renewed with any and all lerms herein being renegotiable. lor. nine (91 successive three (3) year terms in accordance with lhe initial five (5) year agreement ' . effective March 7. 1990. The Counfy may terminate the agreement at any lime by providing the Clinic wriflen notice at least 180 days in advance. 2. OWNERSHIP OF TREATMENT PLANT: The Clinic will maintain full ovvnership of the Treatmenl Planl, as expanded under lhe prior agreement. 3. .LOCATION or TREATMENT PLANT: The Treatment Plant, including the expansio~. is located entirely on the properly owned by the Clinic in Marathon. Florida, and whose physical address is 3000 41 sl Street. Ocean, Maralhon, FL 33050 4. USE OF TREATMEI~T PLANT: The County is authorized, in exchange for lhe considerotion specified in porograph 5 of fhis agreement and past consideralion or inslalling the expansion or Ihe Treafmenf Plant. to use fhe Clinic's Treafment Ptanl in the operation of its jail facility to be located in Marathon. Florida. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES QF PARTIES: 1\ Ulililie~ - Ulililies will be billed 10 and paid 100% by Ihe Clinic. B 1:.19J..l!!.l[yJ~Ql!)J..<.~_noiJ~_~_Q!ld O[:::>-9.1alion - II i~ uflderslood iha! rouline 111Ulnll:'1l011ce and operolion sholl be performed on the Treo1rrlenl Plant. the 10101 co"t or whrch " estimated ot no more thon 1,300 per monlll lhis rnonthly mOIII1(~nonc:e will be conlrac!ed. and paid by the Clinic. 1 he Counly will reimburs(; the Clinic lor 100% of lhese charges. up 10 $300 per monlh. lhe Counly will reimburse lhe Clinic 10/ 50% 01 those charges in excess of $300, reimbur~emenl to be made within 30 doys or County's receipt of invoice. II routine maintenance costs ~lll '.11: i.'.I.~ 1.,\ fl.' ::1',' r Iii; :1" . . '~~~..Nl<\~~.,~i'.':<.(;!, . "ft~ ,. '" , ,.'-t':l".':iif~ IOl . 'r~f!M~.~~':~b;):'1\'''",~:";,,,,,,,,,,, '.' ~':t :~'., '/T.' l' ~'{'If: , 'I,. "',' '~'i.t.;...,..,. ...II'~':;\';:/":t ':." ~ '/.' "" ....) . ." , .' COrlSbtenlly. and slgnl!,8~;\l; 'devl~~~I;;;~;$300 per rn~riitN~~i~'percentag~s(\lnQ be renegoftafed. : ...., " ". :-':'. ."1,:, C. L!nfqreseen lIep.QJcr - The County wlll relniburse the Clinic for SOx. of all unforeseen or emergency repairs to the Treatment Plant after the expiration of the warranty period. Such repairs will be contracted for and paid by the Clinic" with documentation to be provided to County to support requests for reimbursement of County's share. These percentages may be renegotiated from time to time as revisions to. or new repair and maintenance contracts are required. D. Connections ~ The County and Clinic will each be responsible for payment of all charges involving the connections of their respective facilifies to the Treatment Plant. . E. Landscaping - It shall be bolh parlies' intent to provide a visual barrier between the Clinic's facility and the County's Jail Facility. 6. OTHER COSTS: Other than those expressly specified in this agreement, there shall be no other costs payable by either party. 7. INSURANCE/LIABILITY: The Clinic will hold fhe County harmless for any and all incidents that occur arisin'g from fhe operation of the Treatment Plant. 8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This document contains the entire agreement between the County and the Clinic and supersedes and merges herein any and all prior or .contemporaneous correspondence, communications and agreements related to fhe use of the subject Treatment Plant. This agreement cannot be amended except by a wrillen instrument signed by the County and the Clinic stating lhal i1 is an amendment to this a,greemenl. .' IN WlTt'-lESS WHEREOF the parlies hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above wrif1en. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA cS~-::f~ By ._ ___.._ .____. _ "______'_ ..-.-.-----.---- Mayor/Chair an BY~/iJ~. - 4-/12421f..._" ~~~/.U <) (SFAl.) Allest: GUIDANCE CLINIC OllHl. MIDDLE KEYS, INC. ~/i0 By Chief ExeCUliv~()ffice~--- BY_~~_______ President jconwaste A."PIlOVCD II~ TO U-:,r.'.1 III";.:' U:GIIL SUFn 'Y ---- ljii' :,.; t;y;;, . \.,.~~,. , :It;~"..t\ ' ~ ,.,~'5:.~.;~ ~~\C>\ ."W.)il~..'~. \ ; .,.'.......": '''4 \' AGREEMEN-! This Agreement 11 made And entered into this day of ~N"J, L A.D. 1990, by ond botw..n tho COUNTY MONROE, S ta t. 0 f Florida ( "COUNTY" J And tho QUI DANCE CLINI C '!'HE MIDDLE KEYS, INC. ("QUIDANCE CLINI COO ), Whoa. addr. a a 11 OVer5eas Highway, Marathon, FL 33050 WITNESSF.THI WHERE~S, the GUIDANCE CLINIC i&currently in tho procQS! of ,n.tructing · now fACility in MArAthon, Monroo couoty, FloridA, WHERE~S, the GUIDANCE CLINIC hag a Contract to purchaso, an6 s obtained all necessary permits and authorization tor accmcnt. of, a 7500 gallon-per-day Waste Water Treatment Plant Treatment Plant") on its property, and ~1ER~AS, the COUN~ will be constructi~Q a jail facility on e property immediately adjacent to the GUIDANCE CLINIC'S new cility, and '. WHER~^S, the COm~TY will be in need of a Waste Water eatment Plant ~or their new jail faCility, NOW, THEHJ~FORE , 1n consideration of terms .s1derllt1ons herein, the COllNTY <11:<1 GUIDANCE CLINIC hereby the lInd 'ee as tallows: 1. TEm.,: This agreement shall remain in effect fOI: II dad of five (5) yearo, effective on the execution date of the reement. Upon co~curl:ence .by both parties, this agreement may . , renewed w1th any and nll terms herein being renegotiable, for ". .... 'I ~"k'h;(;" ' '., '."\\~!,'Qr,:~l'. R~"h '. ".'\",};.. ',I,li~:;'\'."J,f~-,.ti'\:" '~''';i.'-;....~.\l.:, . ~.!,:~" ":',', f'~~l' ,!:r: ~:'-\l.~, \ ~': . ":~ ,'i".~?;~ , . . .' ,'.'~'\'~:...t~~I_~"~"?I~'\"~._'~' .,..,.....~t,;.c~ ''f~.: ~i:t~: v, i.,l:. .. 'fr,'> '.', l' , ."."""~ ,',"".' ' "l'< . '~'<..>".'. .;.. ...~~~\<!"::';jt~tt. ..' ," , o' ~ . ilL 'i\lJ.i~t.:.,.. . . t,' ',' ,,' . '. :'t!:"'T'!f. ~. ,I:.',.. ... . ." :t"'''' . ' ,::_;.~.,. ~: ,.~...i,\" .'F~:T~\i~.':: 'If'. .,..n. .10 ',u~e...1v, thraa (I) yur terllla a(tar th~ ':':itithl Uva U I tear term. ~e COUNty may terminat, the aqree~ent at any time by proViding the GUIDANCE CLINIC written notice at l...t' 180 ...1ft.'....~.\(..,~~' ", . 'r\'.'~~.I'''I..'''''I\WA;.~.:.,4''.';>ll'~ .. ..,.'......:..l.l ".~.. . . "'.' 1.-/.. ,:e'I~lJ.~...,:,.", ',' ~7) ...., .i.'!: b,..~.,~..'J.. '.. ..'. .1 .....<<\ ::. '..<,~~\\;\:;, ',:}::..I.'" days in advance. ~., 2. OWNERSHIP OF TR~^TMENT PL'-NTI The GUIDANCE CLINIC has contracted with Monarch Precast Company for installation of a 7500 Qallon-per-day Treatment Plant, fu~ther described as Exhibit' 1\ of this agreement. The GUIDANCE CLINIC will maintain full ownership of the Treatment Plant, including the expansion detailed in paragraph 5 of this agreement. 3. .I;..OC.l.TION OF TRE~TMENT PL'-NTI The Treatment Plant, includinQ the 'expanSion detailed in p~raQraph' S of this agreement, will be located entirely on the property Owned by the GUIDANCE CLINIC in Marathon, Florida, and whose Physic~l address 1s 3000~~18t St. Ocean, Marathon, Florida 33050. 4. USE OF. TREATl<lENT PLANT: Upon installation, inspection, and operation of the GUIDANCE CLINIC I S 7500 Qallon-por-day Treatment Plant, the COUNTY is authorized, at no ~ cost to the COUNTY oeyond that Contained in paragraph 6 of this 3.Qreernent, to Use tho Treatment Plant in the operation of itli jail faCility to be located in Marathon, Florida. s. the ClUID1\NCE CLINIC if necessary, a) 1 necc!isary pcnlits and A<;1rcernent, the COUNTY will obtain, at ita expense, and through EXPANSION OF TREATMENT PLANT: Upon execution of this Qft11on-por-doy capacity to 15,000 gallon-per-day capacity for ll.uthorization fOT expansion of the Trell.tment P)/lI1t from a 7500 tho Uso or both tho COUNTY and GUIDl\NCr:: CLINIC. After said perrnitG and authorizations are obtained, the GUID~~CE eLI~IC will contract for the expannion of the Treatment l'lant, tho cost or ''':'hJch shall be initially paid by tho GUID~~CE I Tho COUNTY will reimburse the GUIDANCE CLINIC for 100'1-. CLllne. ""'.fl',',' ~\.KN;:":' '\" (/ '~';'~:'i:;;' :!'X)~':' J, \ ~~.\,...1,'," "".,,";,:.. ~)'.~}, . '.~.';"":;"'..:':\.l'\'..:"?'" ' ..\ ,,~..~, tt~,/(. ,}~ ~.~ " . . " '" '\. ." l,~);.....,I'" . .' ".,:. { . ".. ~f tho4e COltl Ln excels of C(2,400 (al detl11ed In'Exh1b1t ~ of . . th1c a.qreoment:.) within 30 days of recC!ipt o~ the contractor'. lnvoico detailing the work porformed. 6. RESPONSIBILITIES or l'~RTIES I Upon lnstdl&tion of the ~irst 7500 oallon-per-day Troatment Plant, the parties' :esponc1bi11t1es will be as follows I UtiHties- Upon installation of tho Treatment Plant, ltil1t1es w111 .bo billed to and paid 100\ by the GUIDANCE :LINIC;. and will be 100\ reimbursed by the COUNTY withi'n 30 days )f the COUNTY I S receipt of the bill, until such time as the . ;UIDANCE CLINIC begins Utilizing the Treatment Plant. With that \XCeption, payment of all ut.ilities will be the sole :espons1bility of the GUIDANCE CLINIC. Monthly 'Maintenance and Operation- It is understood :hat routine maintenancc'and operation shall be pcrformcd on the Creatmcnt Plant, the total cost of which is estimated at no more ~han $300.00 per month. This monthly maintenance will be :ontracted, and paid initially by the GUIDANCE CLINIC. The :OUNTY will reimburse the GUIDANCE CLINIC for 100% of these :harges, up to $360.'00 per month. The' COUNTY will reimburse the ;UIDANCE CLINIC for 50\ of those charge,s in excess of $300.00, ~ reimburaement to be made wi thin 30 days 'of COUNTY I S receipt of lnvoice. If and when the GUIDANCE CLINIC contracts with another ;:>arty (les) to allow connection to the Treatment Plant, these ~rccnt.~es m&y be rene9oti&tcd. Unforeseen repairs- The COUNTY will reimburse the :;UIDANCE CLINIC for 50\ of all unforeseen or emerQency repairs to t.he Treatment Plant after tho eXPiration of the WarI:"<'Inty Such rcpairn wl11 be contractc6 for and paid initially the aUIDi\l~CE CLINIC. If llnd when tho GUIDl\NCE CLINIC ':~:..'.nt:nlcts wit'h ll.noU;er party( ieG) to allow connection to the Ttontm~nt Plant, thaso percento~en may be renegotiated, Connections- 'rho COUNTY and GUIDANCE CLINIC will cach be )"(>sponaiblc for payment: of all Charge" inVOlVing the cunnections of their respective facilities to the Treatment l' 1/1nt . ~., :. \ " "~'. , I " ,.... I, '.ll~\t ;r:'.'lh~~lI~,.,i~'r. . \ .;.{ ,\.~i~&"',~'..~~J~~'-' ,; ", 11,\~~,. , r~~)I!\~.:t\\tk::" , .,'....(.),~''j;~~~,~'; '-i':~ . ,'. //~~,J~'.' . , ,\\.~ bo lJuth \1,^\.'l1(:~J.'l\t.1\1I1 I . th~ r,lItD~c~ tr.nitC' I (I t~~\lll t:l' .'GJi' ;,. ". '. ..... . . t{..... .. ~.. . I .! . .. ' '\\~; . ttln(tre~J)lnq. It '''hnl \ provldQ a v1cual burrlar botween ~".' &Ud the CmJN'I'VIS Jail ~'(1ot"t.YI ./ · o'rH~:,!LS9.ST~ Other l hc\ll tho~:~ expr~:J1-ai' r.rJt':t'l1C il..!u t n I hiu ~IJL'~('rMnt, thore s:haU bo 110 othello caotu $1,lYl1h1l'\ by ~j,th'.'r. L'any. 6. 1HSt~~~I.~~~IL1TYI Tho GUI1>MWP. CLINIC ,,'J 1 1. hol'J t:IO COUN'l.'Y hc'lrmlp.oG for uny and all il1<.:.lu~nt.fl l.h'H (,Ielllll" M:i:;lll'J (rom ti~' installation or operation of t.hp. '1'rco:ltll\~ot. Pl.~IH. 9. ~tIHE MREOm~:,t. 'l'hl~ <'IoclUlI~l1t: <:onL"i.!"I:.i the ~rIlJl'e a'\7tccml'lnt butwt?cm the COUNTY ...n6 till.' (ilJrrl.6,NCE <.'1,INlr. and JOUpe 1'f.:~c1os nod tnergc~ h(H'ttin 1-'1 I <'ll' any It n<1 AU U1' COn tempera neou a cor co sponde nee, COIlll\lU n 1 Ct\ l iOlllJ' 11 0<1 II~t'c.:I.\ll\(.' n t t: re 10. t~d. to the U!;f; of thc sllbj ec l '!' n~ll t.mt'lnl P hUl t . 'rhia -c;rrccment c<1nnot vc nmended except hy a. \-/l'ltt.~ln \\1~I.'t lUlie-lit. &lqn~d by the COUNTY llnd the GtJItH\NCI:: CL1NJr: r,l~d:lu~l t.h,1t: i I i~ Iln dlllCudmcnt to t hlu a(Jrc~rn~nL DATE!.) thi~ fli..~ duy u$~""~.---..!.\.1). 19~IO, in I:(~y \~~.:;c, 11onro('. COUllty, Florida. GUIIJJJ.l<.'~ CLINIC or TilE :a BOARD Of' ~:->UH'l'Y C:(JNMj'.S~.H()N 1,:I{~'i MIDDLE K~YS, INC. OP;;k~' By: '_ ..' _____. . '. (" ( ~~~)( ).(..--....~ Matjorio Mearns,precident " MtIY~".l /clltIj f'InJ1li Board of Dir~ctors (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK II)' : :Li:2ft~: yCJ ?14.uQ~- rfi'J~~-'i cp . ~ ---..../1 ,(2~.:::j~~ ) _. I),. ; ~,~1 [>. HJ.c<, , Phil. rhloJ EXccutlv~ OfCicor IlflPIlQVED AS fO .~ORI.: AVD (CG/l( surF/el[ NC'. ~. ., ,- ~\ - \ \\~. '~. ~ :\.h'v;' ""\\:i /~\'. n\' ~." . ..,-'-~"" J- \, I Au:",:",.'.<{ ).'"r,_ .. . . , ,. '. i~, :.. ~., :. ~