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Item C45
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 9/19/01 9/20/01 DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Federal Aviation Administration grant to fund various projects at the Florida Keys Marathon Airport, ITEM BACKGROUND: FAA will fund 90% of the costs for: construction and marking of T-Hangar Taxiways, construct and mark FBO Apron, construct expansion and mark FBO Apron, install PAPI's (lights), sweeper/vacuum purchase, and various preliminary costs, in the proposed grant amount of $1 ,163,594.00. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION. Approval of Passenger Facility Charge Application # 4 and #5. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: $1,292,882.00 BUDGETED: Yes COST TO AIRPORT: None COST TO PFC: 5% - 10% of total project costs COST TO COUNTY: None REVENUE PRODUCING: N/A AMOUNT PER MONTHIYEAR: APPROVED BY: County Attorney X OMB/Purchasing X Risk Management X MARATHONAIRPORTDIRECTORAPPROVAL TH..e,M~A. COo'./L 86,4/\- Theresa Cook DOCUMENTATION: Included To Follow X Not Required AGENDA ITEM # DISPOSITION: /bev APB S@p 17 01 09:178 p.3 FRQ1 : FAX 1-1). 5ep. 17 2001 09:S4llM PI fO GRANT AGREEMENT USO_t",."t .f T"'''pt;(tal/on fr4cnl Av;~it1n AdmilU(IIt;o. D~t8.1 Dfta.: 5""111100' 1'.2001 P"'j.., lIuml"" Contra.t lIIulllt.., Iltcip,...I, Airport: 312,OO".16Cl DTFA aUI.A,lDl&l MOD'o' Counly BD.~d 01 C.untl C.mllli.i.....IH..eill C111!d Spon.orl fiend. KtV' lIIa..,ho. OFfER lIlE FEO(RAl AVIATION ADMINISTRATION. FOR 1110 01\1 BEHAlf Of THE IINITED STAUS.HEREBY OFFERS AND AGREES to pay, as th, Uniltd Slalu' .hlt.. Nln"y pllml[ 90'1 of lhe allowollle costs UICU''" in IItCOmplislinv "'" p!lljed toIlSis1iIlIahlll t.u...u"r "CONSTRUCT T.HANGER TAXIWAYS; CONS1KUl;l AIRCRAfT APRON (l'ARADIS1~ EXPAND AIRCRAFT APRON {GRANT AIRI; INSTAll RlINWA\' 7125 VlSIJAl GlIlDANCE SYSTEM {PRltISlOlt APP\lOlCl\ PAlM IN\llClTDR1; ACnulRf EQUIPMENT (SWEEPERI" as ..... p.rti&:u1anv d_it..... lh, P,.j..,t AppIic.allllft Utili A"",,131, 200 I. TIlc m,simum .blig"''''" .1 lb. Uniltd Sa,.. .,yablc UIld., tbia Off.. ."aU '"' $1.284.194 lor airport developmOllI This .ft.. i. md itl IccMlhllCo wlfh 1114 101 lhe pur......1 corrvia9 out ilia prnvisiaAs .. Tille 49, UoitM StaIn Colk. herein oded Title 49 U.S,C. ActapllllCt and ..ecul.... 01 this offer sholl co1DP1l$I a 1i...I AgtetmMl I IlImed by tie 4S U s.!;" CDIISf~.tincJ thr ...."""IUlI oIIl...io.. .... ..",.. .11~O \Joit<ll SIllies and Ill. Sponsor - ~~, ullIlUD STATlSOF AMERiCA ~ FEDERAL AVIA nON ADMINISTRA llON Man ACCEPTAl\1Cf Th. SpOCllor av,... 10 accompltsh tile prejecl ill tOtIIIIhn.o willi '" ,..... .04 .onditions ....'aioocI herein ..... 'I the dotlllllet\l ..,.""" .nd &OIldhiDtls of Accepling Alrporllmp.........' p..,~.. llrallU"llal"" Soot........ I, 19i1fl. E.....ted Ibis _ d.V ,I 1$0,1) ,20 No....t Stums., All... SigIIll.,e '" Spa...... Desitoototl Off... R_tot... lillo Tillt tERTIFICA lE OF SPONSOR'S A nORREY I... . ICtUtlI i$ ArtDrae'{ lor 1M Spaosor do her9y ",'ily: nil 1\ mv .piniOI Ih. ~.. IS lIIIIJI........ '0 1111. ..,,\he lor.... G,..., Ag.ellllCll\ .odor tho laws of S"\I of florirll. FlUthor, I h... 1.lIIlined the f.,,~g Grall Agteettl!llt anc the llOIiota Ioltr:tI by $I. Spoo... .....iftt t_., ....liod "'"' tho otttplaroca thereolloy .... SponsOI ,.d $.......'s otfu:iol ,epmmtativt has been duly authorized JDd tIm tilt nl""'" Ihlll..f 11 ill oil ru,ects d.. ,n prop.. and in accotlla1tct witlIlht Iawl .f tI,. sul 8111t and Tille 49 U.S.!:. \~ .lI4itiol>. toc ,"".. inVllMnt ".10<10 \I ho nmM 0II1lll'l II..'II\Y lIDl ....,od by IlIt SpOtmlt, 11:.. ., "0 'Of. ........ts th.' will ~l hdl ,om.- by tile Speosor. furlhtr, it is lIlY ..... Iblt Ih, l.iI G,""I A~'eemeJIt cons\ltVles . leg. 01111 bmding obi.""'. of tho S..- ill OC<M4.... wi... lhe \Of... "_I, ionl"" 01 S,.....,. s Allo"'oy 0."