Item B2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 19,2001 DIVISION: MANAGEMENT SERVICES BULK ITEM: NO DEPARTMENT: TECHNICAL SERVICES AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Presentation of Employee of the Month award for July, 2001 to Sheri Carpenter, Technical Services Systems Analyst dedicated to the Monroe County Public Libraries, Technical Services Department, Management Services Division. ITEM BACKGROUND: See attached. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACVAGREEMENTCHANGES: NM STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Present Award. TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: N/A COST TO COUNTY: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: N/A AMOUNT PER MONTH /YEAR: N/A APPROVED BY: County Attorney N/A OMB/Purchasing N/A Risk Management N/A DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL ~7~~ JAMES L. ROBERTS, COUN ADMINISTRATOR DOCUMENTATION: Included XXX To Follow Not Required AGENDAITEM#~ DISPOSITION: EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR JULY, 2001 Sheri Carpenter has served as Technical Services Systems - Analyst. dedicated to the Public Ubraries. since February. In the short time that Sheri has been with Monroe County she has become a very valuable team member of the technical services department. Sheri never hesitates to "jump in" and carry out any task that may be asked of her. or to help any of her peers with anything she can. Sheri never hesitates to go the preverbal "extra mile" with her time and dedication. "Dedicated" defines Sheri's enthusiasm. perseverance and commitment to her responsibilities. She is extraordinarily conscious of the needs of library staff and the hundreds of patrons who utilize library technology daily. Sheri has immersed herself in the Ubrary's automation system and nurtures it with great care. She worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the library's Technology Training grant. Sheri exhibits great flair and adaptability when communicating between librarians. technical services staff and vendors. Then. several times a year. she dons military gear to serve in the National Guard. Sheri's vision for the library's technology future and her dedication to serving library patrons of the present inspire her colleagues. She richly deserves to be "Employee of the Month".