Item B14 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9-20-01 Division: Growth M~ement Bulk Item:YESl NO Department:Marine Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of the Contract Agreement between Monroe County and Arnold's Towing for the emergency removal ofDV3A3433 and DV3A3517 located off of Key West and No Name Key, Monroe County. ITEM BACKGROUND: The F.W.C.C. requested immediate removal of these two vessels due to them posing a threat to navigation and human health and welfare. Arnold's Towing was available to remove and dispose of both immediately for $2,805.00, PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: $2.805.00 BUDGTED: Yes COST TO COUNTY: Staff Time Only BIF NOl AMT.PERMO. YEAR REVENUE PRODUCING: YES DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Timothy J. McGarry, AICP AGEMENT X APPROVED BY:COATTY X OMB/PURCHASING x... DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED:-1L TO FOLLOW:_ NOT REQUIRED:_ DISPOSITION: AGENDAITEM#~ August 22, 2001 Dear Kim, ARNOLD'S AUTO & MARINE REPAIR. INe. SS40 3rd Avenue, Stock Island Key West, IlL 33040 (305) 296-3832 FAX 291-9882 We can remove and legally dispose ofDV3A3433, a 30' vessel located of Key West, and DV3A3517, 25' fishing vessel located off of No Name Key, Big Pine for $2,805.00. Please advise that we are available immediately. Thank you. ~. cerely, , lJ/ - \ Richard W. Arnold Owner M CONTRACT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, MADE TIllS day of between. Arnold's Towing ("Contractor"), and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ofthe County of 2001, by and Monroe, State of Florida ("Board"). The Contractor and the Board, for the consideration named agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all the materials and perform all the work as required by the Specifications for the emergency removal of DV3A3433 and DV3A3527 located off of Key West and Big Pine Key for which Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Derelict Vessel Reports are attached as Exhibit A. 2. The work to be performed under this contract must be completed by October 31, 2001. 3. The Contractor understands the rules of the Boating Improvement Fund and shall comply with those rules, along with the rules and procedures instituted by the Board to ensure an orderly progress to the project. Monroe County's performance and obligation under this Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the BOCC. The Contractor understands both the intent and the requirements ofthe Specifications, attached as Exhibit B. 4. The Board shall pay the Contractor $ 2,805.00 for the removal and legal disposal of DV3A3433 and DV3A3517. Payment will be upon completion of work by the Contractor and review and approval by the Marine Projects Coordinator. 5. The attached Derelict Vessel Reports, Specifications, and the Monroe County Insurance Requirements together with this Agreement, form the Contract. They are fully a part of this Contract as if repeated herein verbatim. 6. The Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners from any and all claims for bodily injury (including death), 1 1990. For breach or violation of this provision, the owner may, in its discretion, terminate this contract without liability and may also, in its discretion, deduct from the contract or purchase price, or otherwise recover the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee. 13. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 of the Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. IN WITNESS WHEREOF each party hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year fIrst written above. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk By: Mayor/Chairman By: Witness: ~ 7l1~BusmessName'~JW0 j~~ By:fi~ OJ~ a~A{- Title: ~ (~ Witness: 3 EXHIBIT A ZONE: 3 -- INCIDENT REl'ORT NARRATIVE CONTINUATION " "1:4a-~7 VESSEL 3A- ..3~.3.:3 INCIDENT NO. 00-3A- ..:31'3" .. 1. REGIDOC##: tlNlbJO~ J LENGTII7".30 FT. MAKE: vNK,}d.,J,) TYPE: d,JII~,J,J Jl{JLLMATEIUAL: WOOD~ F/G~ METAI..(SPECFY) RUBBEll_ OTHER(SPECIFY) COLOR: t/llr#' MOTORATI'ACBED: YES_ NOL TYPE_ B.LN.: ,J,."~" NAME ON VESSEL: Ne.JII' OTHER mENTD'lERS: ",,.I" ALlEN:_ 1. VESSEL OWNER/CUSTODIAN: t.I;IJIJ,1,.I,J ADDRESS: D.O.B. , , ClTY/STATE/ZlP: 3. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF DV: 1.IU- d~ mt.l J(~r t'W,/AlrL. ~.It1'I,,.: lI'e/ "J~ (""'14'4'" .8"'~ If,,./) LAnTUDElLON GITU DE (DEGREES. MINUTES. SECONDS) ,Jt9'1' ~...3W w fi"/tI -7'1'. ?f1.:s 4. CONDmON: 'WRECKED.-!..- iuNKED.-l:.. DISMANTLED...L- ABANDONED~ AGROUND~ BROKENUP_ BURNED_ CAPSIZED_ USTING~ SCUTTLED .,- 5. SUBMERGED: 7-,j Of. DEPTH: 5 FT. ANCHORED DOCKED AFLOAT ADRIFT - - - - IN WETLANDsL TIED TO oBmcr(SPEClFY) MARKED WITH BUOY WASHED ASHORE _ BELOW M.H.W.L...:l!- ABOVE M.H. W.L. ~ OTHER_ 6. CAUSE: UNKi NATURAL DISASTER _ OTHBR_ (EXPLAIN) 7. PROPERTY OWNER: STATE SUBMERGED LAND_FEDERAL PROPERTY_ OTHER (SPECIFY) OWNER' ADDRESS fI,./;( "~v.J a. TBREATTON.\VIGATION: YES)< NO_ UNK HOW . - ,. DANGER TO ENVIRONMENT: YES.2!. NO_ UNK_ HOW 10. TOWED WITHOUT RUAJR: YES_ NO...!!.. ~ 0'mER. 11. RECOMMENQfDDISPOSmON: LEAVEASIS_ TAKETOLANDFILL)O RECYCLEMETAL_ HAVE TIlE OWNER/CUSTODIAN REMOVE IT____ TURN OVER. TO ANOTHER AGENCY MARINE HABITAT/ARTIFICIAL REEf_ OTHER 11. NARRATIVE I DILIGENT SEARC1l: (1!XJ'LAIN) II' rD:W"-'I'~1l'.s AI~ ",Jt,J.I iJw,J~?t. v~Ser. ~./Jet?J I9l3r.NJ)o..JDf'7) &91! H ""71<; 1'"' I' Y~7'J1l 13. REPORTING AGENCY: F.W.C.C. ~ U.S.C.G. N.P.S. U.S.F.W.S. U.S.B.P. S.O. OTHER --- - - - -- 14. DV ## PAINTED ON VESSEL: ~ ,NOTICE DECAL P14CED ()N DV:~ 4.DV PHOTOS INCLUDED:~ Olliccr(s) RcponiDa (plcu: priDt) O~ ;fI/4, ~ ~ 0IJiccr's Siguatuaa ~ RaviI:Ma'a . L.-r I Siptura ,c..e..----'-- '-~-z..."..' - a.~, FWCC 20.04SA (1100) V.L. PlploC3 ~"""- 'ZONE; ~ 'l(ClDENT REPORT NARRATIVE CONTINUATION DEREUcr VESSEL #3A ...3y.,3:3 -.".... .'~-_.. ~ ......- ". ~ ...~_. ,.' ':~":i:~~~~ffL: ._ ..~oL-._~.~.~.~-;.."-:.t..._._.. -,"'~'-i,~'::;',i,/ ' , ,- : =::~ZE'-' .~iJi;~ .:, . . ......~- - .,. "'II' ....a...... -. --- - , ....1.;....:-..:. f': ~~-~~~~;:::,. .I:pUI1iDa OlJicl:r ( priD1) ~ & I(/~(' ~c.G Ollka's SiplunJ 6;#2. A ~ [)uk: Iy_;. ,0/ RC\ricwad By: Ravicwa's Sipbn Ollie FWCC 2G-045A (9199) VL Pap2oC3 \ \ ; \ ) [" j / ", " \ \ , \ \ \ T-Z f..10\\!' !D:--,~!-":Dt~~:- !,~i;l~g!~~.g' ~~~c;!-=:= ",_ua"" c::L.=: g":o = Mt:'!!..:;" n --a M-t:'M M_ _ - -':,.t ~ .., ~ , , ,/? I / ( 3: -- CD 3:~ mCD .,'< ~<, Front S, r-. <r . JNC~ENT ~~RT NARRA nVECONnNUAnON --...- ;c,ONt;: DERELICT VESSEL 3A- 343.3 INCIDENTNO:99-JA- "':s'l3 CD' ~ ~,. t>I II ,f~~ #4'~rU .:/Nt1f4't I~r ,Assrt. ;s ~;if?r'i) ,bJ .,.J. ~,./ ~,. N',f Soo/" i',1.$r or ~ #~N'T .,,""'t!" ~r ;//tor ~ t;"IJ~ ,~~ /NJ"'.s~" 8(;14-r , ~~6Q7S a,./ ,-#,p I/.-P ?"Rj) ,/dD .:r.s oAP.J:S ~~ . ;-r - $S '" 14dPB~"- "",-,,,,-,, IIJ ~.T",,,p.,.,. ~ Gy,,,,,,/,,,,~';;./r A5 ~ :r..5 J)AdI~/N~ ~ :rt>e>l""hl8V owol41t. $ 1/", RVQoI~~' 7#IIf7" ",Wf ~"""" I lIEr ,&.no~- Jls "" trM#~-"'~/ ~4"Uc-r ~ 1I'<If$Sn:. ~79 .,t'A.SS. lis ~It' .:T~ AIo \ ~ . , , ' II 0Ilic:a(1) Rcpor\iD& (p1caa print) ...~ B. ,~ -- ~t!S~ 0IIi='s SipIWnS ~ Ilc\-:an SipIdIIIa A/~ , ~t:t: DIIa ~ /,; ~ <:1/ DDlc Rc\in'llllDy: DV omccr'l SipalURl 0.. RcpaIt CIld'f'-ra OBTS Number Origiaal Supplc:mcDl DEP ~S^ (1199) V.L. PIp~or 3 . F " , DERELICT OR ABANDONED VESSEL REPORT DV- 3A- 3.5' =I OR A V- 3A- INCIDENT NO. 01 - 3A - lIS Z '=t 1. REG~oc#.EL 1~01- At LENGTIl2S-FT. MAKE~ TYPE ~IMtUtl'a.\ ./bsh lSVESSELCURRENTLYREGISTERED? YES_ NO.:b- LASTREGI~nONDATE:{,130/'1e STATE:J::..h. HULL MATERIAL: WOOD_ F/G.:i.. METALeSPEan, RUBBER_ OTHER ALIEN: COLOR: wH-\/e MOTORATIACHED: NO~ YES_ TYPEM/f' ILLN.: ~L IfP6 =fife NAME ON VESSEL: AI/J~ ornER IDENTIFIERS: C-q 24 z.. FLOATING STRUcruRE: VIA )(- VI.. I z.. / - 2. VESSEL OWNER/CUSTODIAN: Pr=ci1lD JOSe. Ql tlBt2.0 D.O.B.: ///6'1 54 BOAT REG. ADDRESS: P.O. 8rvx 432l=;.:? ClTYISTATEIZIP: g).5 ~,..,e..1::-J2."1 , p- /, DRIVER'S LICENSE NO.: U/p. OTHER ADDRESS: '!J:J440 Sa/S'ST,. Sw~cvq'i-Qtl.. , I-lO/l.-\ dC1\.. . ~3t ~3 ' 3. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF VESSEL: 2/ 31 CO~f:,L wAv, . DIJ(;;;od.s t/J/Un... P->~G ~,Je- k:J2"11 J:-r. , .' .', I If . I LATITUDEfLONGITUDE(DEGREES,rvmruTES, SECONDS): IV ;~4.42. oJ 254 :iJ./CJ9r.'20, rP49 4. CONDITION OF DERELlcr VESSEL: WRECKED JUNKED SUBSTANIlALLY DISMANTLED SUNK AGROUNDx.. BROKEN UP_ BURNED_ CAPSlZP-n_ USTINGx.. FUU.OFWATER~OmER - - CONDITION OF ABANDONED VESSEL: ABANDONED~ INOPERATIVE.:A- PARnALL Y DISMANh..EL NO APPARENT INTRINSIC V ALUE_ PERSONAL ITEMS ONBOARD_ s. SUBMERGED: Z[L% DEPTH: z.. Fr. DAMAGING SUBMERGED LANDS: YES~ NO_ OTHER PROPERTY DAMAGE: NO.x YES_EXPLAIN . . AFLOAT_ ADRIFT_ INWEn.ANDS_ WASHED ASHOREX OmER TIED TO DOCK_ TIED TO OBJECT (SPECIFY) 11LfUL SECURED ANCHORED_PULLED TO SHORE_ BELOW MH.W.L ABOVE MH. W.L OTHER. 6. CAUSE: UNKNOWN_ NATIJRALDISASTER_ OTHER(E."CPl.AJN)~J.\f'\JJn/lJaJ bt..{ t1JuJ~n21!- 7. PROPERTY OWNER: STAlE SUBMERGED LAND FEDERAL PROPERTY OnmR esnerrril(' S""',A."'h!.. cVli'fee. OWNER/ADDRESS~ 2.HI cote.aL u/c::\&.t Ck:'foa..'s'A~ '~~5 ~~--;:, f:::J2.'j. 8. mREATTO~~VIGATION: YES_ NO,X UNK_ HOW 9. DANGER TO 'ENvIRONMENT: YESbNO_ UNK_ HOW l..ectk-~AJ~ ~J~c... ..}LviJ. a cfi4l.$C2..L.. 10. TOWED WITHOUT REPAIR: YES_ NO_ UNK_ OTHER 11. RECOMMENDED DlsPosmON: REMOVE FROMWATERLs., TAKE TO LANDFILL_ RECYCLE METAL_ HAVE -mE OWNER/CUSTODIAN REMOVE IT_ TURN OVER. TO ANOTHER AGENCY_ LEAVE AS IS CREATE MARINE HABITAT OR ARTIFICIAL REEF_OTHER 12. NARRATIVE! DILIGENT SEARCH: (EXPLAIN) ~ ~aJ,cuR h'1 ~ P'wc, dfc,p,A'r-cJ.. { ~'::1-/l.AC~, ln2fP1c~L -:;=;XIu~"NQ~ oMc.e I so.. (Lrzcod~ I LlJo.~C 't7LPot> '1,4'dc, ~e-R r:=;--fh ~ Milt; (! c:. (~IVA-u'JrV Pifv~..jIV~CA-S ou.~'itl, ~l'l J:'.I2-~ l' '1-5. ~-R A't'1-~ ~ rJ) .() f).,.tJ'1-D ~- D J Of , f'I"'l .a.-.. 'f.~ ".cvic\Ved By: ,. T /1 C;,/ DatJ: t:G!ft j11 DVO ..Si........O I' 9e; Lo o.lto\Mtc........ ~~ \..C)~ ~.I'1.o r f'to'C >>-l'ACOlOI) \1. J-.-r:' -:..r;; '~7/4. 14.7; rJJfZq; ;/ . /I ~I - . :/ ~:b (J( Dale t!Pf"//- eJ/' OBTS N...... Orip.l~ PAGE I OF.!I- I ~e>lQ..' \L1.tJ\ M.c..-<:iaer DEBEUCI/ABANDONED VESSEL II 3A- ~ 5 I-=t- .' -"--" , , - 4, "':-T~..:-: ..;. ..... . ~.;.;. '.y~ ..~.. . 'f'" ,. . :~~.::: :". ';:~'- ;- ~ .0.. .' ~"':._. .;,- : ':~~~!3.!)~< .. (YlO/~'ro Illj~ X Fu.JC .StJl Date - /'t-~( eponing om~ (prinl~ C~ltl,.o Reviewed By: Ql6ccr's . Date ()g /1111 ()/ -~ 9&J FWC 20-04SA (3~ I) VI. PAGEjoC+ DV-3A- 35'l ~ 9" 6"6 _ ~"~~.f: 4- ....:.~....j.:.t:.~ .::;'l.~:~~!-::.J~ ...~..,,;:.:,'..