Item K09 . . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: October 17 - 18, 2001 Division: District 1 Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Resolution of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners objecting to any state budgetary bills or other proposed state legislation which would result in Medicaid, Juvenile Justice and other costs being shifted from the state to the counties ITEM BACKGROUND: Florida Association of Counties put out an alert to all counties of the adverse impact of these cost shifts and funding reductions and the need for each county to voice their opposition. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Ljt~ >no ~d-tJ Commissioner Di ie M. Spehar) DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # /-7( /' Revised 2/27/01 OCT-03-01 14,08 FROM,MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE 10,3052823518 PAGE 1/2 Commissioner I)lxfa spehar RESOLUTION NO. ..2001 A RESOUITION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of MONROE COUNTY. FLOJUDA. OBJECT1N& TO ANY STATE BVDBE'rAAY an.L5 OR OTHER PROPOSED STATE LEGISLAnON WHICH WOUlJ) IlESULT IN MEI>UAID, JUVENILE JU5TtCE. ANt> OTHER COSTS 8EtN& SHlFT'!D FROM THE STATE TO THE ~s WHEReAS, the State of Florida elected to participate in th~ Ft'.deral Medicaid Program requiring matching fundS from the State; and WHEREAS. the State has passed on a portion of the matching fund requirements to the counties pursuant to Fla. Stat. i 409.915; and WHEREAS. the Agency for Health Care Administration has been designated by the State of Florida as the single state agency to make payments for medical ~istance and related services under Title XIX of the Social Security Act (Medicclid);and WHEREAS. the Agency for Health Care Administration has proposed increasing the coun1y contribution for Medicaid nursing home costs sixfold; and WHERE.4S, for YetJl' 2002-2003, the Agency for Health CGre Administration proposes an $169.1 million to be contributed by the counties; and WHEREAS. said proposal would increase Monroe Cowaty's share $764.037; and WHEREAS, the Department of Juvenile Justice is propoSing to shift $15.8 million in predisposition detention costs to counties, of which Monroe County's additional costs are estimated at $29,318; and WHEREAS, additional cuts have been proposed by other State agencies. including Q $1.6 million reduction for in-home C4re for the elderly, proposed by the Department of Elder A ffairs; and WHEREAS, the in-home services program of Monroe County is olready in crisis with the Medicaid waiver l'eimbursement ranging from about 30% to over 50% less than the actual costs to the County; and OCT-03-01 14,08 FROM,MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE 10,3052823518 PAGE 2/2 WHEREM, the shifting of nursing home costs to the County through legislation revising the formula of the computation for the County's share of nur~ing home and hec:llth care costs would require ad VCllorem taxation in Monroe County to be increased by almost 2%; and WHEREAS. other proposed reduction (It'\d termination of program funding would exacerbate the burden on Monroe County to the extent that the County might not legally be able to increase its ad valorem taxe5 to sufficiently to cover these increased costs resulting from State reduction, eliminations of programs, and shifting of burdens from State to County; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: ~on 1~ Any and all proposed State legislation and budget requests which would shift the burden of nursing home costs, hospitalization costs and other health care costs under the Medicaid program as well as in-home care, juvenile justice predisposition detention costs and any other government services essential to the well being of the citizens of Monroe County be opposed strenuously by our lobbyists and legislative representa.tives and thclt the Florida Association of Counties be encoLlraged to make every effort to inform and promote opposition of such legislation throughout the counties. 5cction 2. The Clerk is direct&d to send copies of this Resolution to the Governor, the eo....ty's legislative representatives and lobbyists and to the Executive Director of the Florida Association of Counties. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at Q regular mating of said BoGrd held Oft the __ doy of October, 2001. Mrqor &eot-te Neugent Moyoro Pro Tem Noro WIIlIcm\S Commintoner Murrey Nelson Con.missioMr Dbde Spehar CommissioMt' Charles 1kCf1y (SEAl.) Attaf; DANNY L.kOUMSE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI55IONEAS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORl:I)A By 8y Deputy CJwk M4yorlChoirperson Jdru$cuts